Article Marketing Secrets

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Introduction to Article Marketing Admittedly, article marketing may sound like something complicated, but on a very basic level, it really isn’t. The one and only aim of article marketing is to get visitors to visit your website through the backlink of a submitted article. Of course, in order to successfully do that, it isn’t enough to just submit tons and tons of articles and then hope that people click the backlink. True, if you went by the quantity over quality approach then you’d probably end up getting a couple of visitors here and there, but it would be more time consuming, and less effective, than going about it the smart way. Really, the only reason that people tend to flop at article marketing is simply because they don’t think it through from the get go. So, in order to avoid going through the same tedious rigmarole, we’re going to look at article marketing from the ground up; from the theory right down to the practice. By doing so, you should end this eBook with a firm grasp of what you need to go out there and do, and how you can do it.

Basic Theory of Article Marketing “What do you think is involved in article marketing?” If you were to pose that question to a group of beginners who are just starting out, 9 out of 10 will probably say that it just involves submitting articles to article directories. While that isn’t wrong, it is only part true. Submitting an article to an article directory would get it on the internet. That part is what’s correct. But, it won’t mean that the article will actually get viewed, and it also won’t mean that people will click the backlink. Basically, you could end up with 1,000 articles that each get 1 view a day since no one can find the article, and getting a total of maybe only 10 clickthroughs. Which is why, the basic ‘dummies’ theory of article marketing is this: 1. Position your articles where they can be found 2. Write headlines that gain attention 3. Evoke interest in the article body

4. Call to action in the resource box 5. Get more visitors to visit your article Chances are, unless you’ve done article marketing before, you probably didn’t understand any of that. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Using Keywords to Position Your Articles In a nutshell, keywords are just words or phrases that people use to search for anything and everything online. Seeing as we’re getting the nomenclature out of the way, ‘keyword density’ is the amount of a certain keyword per 100 words. Keywords are important – that can’t be stressed enough. Considering that search engines are still the primary way in which people look for anything on the internet, it means that people who are looking for things in whatever niche you’re in, are going to be doing so on search engines. Thus, when talking about positioning your articles, it essentially means positioning them in the relevant searches, so that they’re more likely to be found by the right people. What happens if this isn’t done? Well, say you had an article about blogging for money, but it didn’t contain any keywords that are being searched for a decent amount of times per month. In this sort of case, there would be no way that anyone would find your article, and so it would go pretty much unread and unattended. Admittedly, for long articles there inadvertently ends up being a keyword used here or there, but for reliable results, you’re going to want at least a 1% keyword density (but not more than 3%). First though, you’re going to have to find the keywords that you intend to use. Keyword Research Basic keyword research is really pretty easy, and there isn’t too much about it that even a beginner can’t come to grips with. To start off with, the keyword research tool of choice is Google Adwords Keyword Tool.

Seeing as Google is the most popular search engine around, getting data from it seems to be a logical place to begin. When conducting keyword research, there are three considerations in particular that play an important role: 1. Number of Searches Quite literally, this is just the number of searches per month. If a term has a high number of searches, it means lots of people are looking for it, which definitely makes it a better choice. 2. Competition Once you have a keyword that has a decent amount of searches, plug it into Google and search for it. When you get the results, take note of how many there are. For instance, if there are 11,800,000 results, then that means a lot of people are competing for that keyword. On the other hand, if you end up with something like 1,800 results, then there are very few competing websites. Needless to say, with less competition, you stand a much better chance of appearing on the first page of the search results, which is really what you should be aiming for. Once you’re there, you will no doubt see a dramatic increase in your views. 3. Profitability Not all traffic is as profitable, and sometimes, for certain keywords, the traffic that is obtained just refuses to be converted. While there are a lot of factors that can affect this, it isn’t too relevant as far as keyword research is concerned. Instead, it is better to know just one simple test of the ‘profitability’ of a keyword. When you perform a search for the keyword to scope out the competition, take notice as to whether or not any adverts appear. If they do, then that means someone out there feels that it is worth spending money on that keyword. Admittedly, this isn’t a 100% accurate test, but it should suffice to give you a general idea.

By looking at these three areas of keyword research, you should end up with a list of keywords which you can use to position your articles well. Remember: The idea is to get profitable keywords that have a decent number of searches per month, and low competition. Keyword Enriched Articles With the keywords that you’ve acquired, you need to enrich your articles with them. Mind you, there is a difference between enriching and stuffing, and search engines are smart enough to recognize when someone is trying to fool them. Insert keywords in such a way that they flow smoothly through the article, and follow the 1% to 3% keyword density rule closely. For each article, it is generally advisable to have one ‘short’ keyword of about 2 to 3 words, and two ‘long’ keywords of 4 or more words. If you do all of this, your articles should be showing up for the keywords that you’re targeting, and so, all that remains is to consider the other aspects of article marketing.

Grabbing Attention with Headlines When someone searches for your article and sees it in the listing, the very first thing that they’re going to see is the title of the article, or in other words: The Headline. For this reason, your headlines are of the utmost importance. Essentially, they’re going to ‘make or break’ your article as far as it getting views is concerned. Unfortunately, once you’ve submitted an article you don’t get to edit or tweak the headline, so you’re going to have to get it as right as possible on the very first try. Certainly, trying to sum up the entire eBooks that are dedicated to the subject of headlines, and how to write them well, in this small space, would be close to impossible. But, at least you can be pointed in the right direction. Since the whole purpose of the headline is to attract attention, think of what has grabbed your attention in the past. Certain words may tend to perform better than others, but since you can’t be sure without testing… it probably isn’t the right place to experiment.

Here are some types of headlines, with examples: Lists, such as, “Top 5 Ways to Groom a Dog for Competitions”. Questions, such as, “Do You Want To Learn How To Groom a Dog?” Commands, such as, “Start to Learn to Groom a Dog, Now!” Abstract, such as, “Coming Soon: Fluffed Tails and Trimmed Coats” (careful, it tough to pull these off) Remember, all that you need to do is attract attention in your headline. It is up to the rest of your article to build interest, and make clicking the backlink more likely.

Content of the Article Primarily, there are two parts of content in an article. These are both the article body, and the resource box, and each has their own set of rules. Knowing how to craft an article properly could let you get audiences interested in the article body, and then spur them on to action in the resource box. Article Body Seeing as the primary point of article marketing is to steer the reader through the article so that they get to the backlink, there are a number of things that the article body must accomplish. First and foremost, of course, it must create and maintain interest throughout, so that the reader doesn’t stop reading. Apart from that, a good article body can also act as a ‘pre-sell’ of the backlink. In other words, it could make the reader more open to the suggestions that you might make. Bearing all that in mind, here are a few points that you should consider: 1. Relevancy Seeing as your target traffic is mostly coming from search engines, when they type in a keyword, they probably have something specific in mind.

For long keywords, it is simple to know what they want, such as someone searching for ‘best place in Europe to fish’ is probably looking for just that. On the other hand, someone typing in ‘Europe fishing’ could be looking for places to fish, information about the fishing industry in Europe, or… well, anything at all. If your niche is something to do with fishing as a hobby rather than the fishing industry, then of course, you’re going to want your article to be about the former. While it is tough to get your article to be relevant for all the individual keywords that you’re targeting, you should definitely try to give your potential audience exactly what they want. 2. Creating Interest Of course, if your article is exactly what someone was searching for, then your problem is solved. However, if it isn’t, then it is going to have to create the sort of interest that is going to keep a reader reading from start to finish. Truth is, there are no hard and fast rules about creating interest, but basically, if you give a reader content that is appealing to them, they’re probably going to stick around. In short, the article body should provide something of value, whether in terms of advice, general information, or even ‘secrets’. Otherwise, it should at least hint at any other benefits that will be obtained by reading the article. Taking care of both these aspects as far as the article body is concerned will put you off to a great start. Still, there is one very important rule to the article body… Important Note: Never conclude the article in its body. The article proper is only actually done after the resource box, so do not attempt to put in any type of conclusion before that. Resource Box As was mentioned just above, the resource box is the conclusion of the article. More importantly, it is also the place where the backlink is contained, and for this reason, some people often describe it as the most important part of the article.

Since the focal point of the resource box is getting people to actually click the backlink, it is essentially a call to action. After the reader has been guided through the bulk of the article, and presold to as much an extent as is possible regarding what your backlink has to offer, he should find a clear course of action in the resource box. Commonly, a resource box might contain something like: “If you want more information, just visit” Although that is a call to action, it isn’t a very good one. Imagine how much better it would be if it was more like: “If you want to learn more, there is this great eBook that’ll make you practically an expert, and it is up for grabs FREE at” By adding the incentive, the call to action will appeal to the reader all the more. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a free eBook, any incentive would work fine. It could just as easily be discounts, special offers, or even just content that is of interest. At the end of the day, the important part is that the reader be given some reason, any reason, to want to click your backlink. That should be the conclusion to your article; the logical next step of continuing through the backlink. Following these few pointers should get you both and article body and resource box that is much more effective than the regular variety.

Further Promotion Once an article is written, submitted, and published, the journey is still not completely over. Assuming that you targeted some keywords as per your research, then it should be showing up somewhere on the search engine listings, but in order to get more traffic, you’re going to want to be higher up those listings. To accomplish this, the best way is to do it in much the same fashion as you would for any webpage: Build backlinks. Of course, you don’t want to spend too much time building backlinks to a third party website that is not your own, so it is probably a good idea to start off with the easiest method of all: Social bookmarking.

Just bookmarking your article on a couple of dozen social bookmarks alone could dramatically alter their search engine list position. As you get higher up, the traffic to your article will no doubt increase, and in tandem with that, so will the amount of visitors that you’ll be getting through your backlink. Simple and quick, yet it could be one of the most defining parts of your article marketing campaign. Another, lesser used technique, to build backlinks is to resubmit your published article to other article directories, with the backlink changed to point to your original article. Even on its own, this could be great, especially if you want to get even higher after you run out of websites on which to social bookmark your article. With a built-up supply of backlinks linking to your article, you should have no problem appearing even in the top couple of results for a low-competition keyword on Google.

Where to Start Submitting Articles Choosing the right place to submit your article depends on a number of factors, and there really is no substitute for actual trial and error. To start off with though, the most popular article directory to date is still, without a doubt, Tests have consistently shown that articles published there have a tendency to outperform those published elsewhere. Partly, this is due to the high Page Ranking of, but it is also due to the internal links that could really help your article out once it reaches the ‘most viewed’ link bar for a given niche. So, if you’re thinking about starting up, it would probably be best to try out first. Should that not work for you, then there are always other simple options that are.

Simple yet Sublime: Article Marketing

Really, there are few techniques as effective as a well conducted article marketing campaign. Furthermore, there are also few techniques that are as easy to execute, provided you know the logic behind it – which you now do. Put it to good use, and you’ll no doubt find that you get more and more traffic with each passing day.

Final Action Plan For Success This is what you should be doing every week. If you want to succeed, if you want to be the top article marketer you deserve to be, the kind of person we’ve been talking about all along… Follow this action plan every week and you will be well on your way to earning $100 - $200 a day within a month. Step 1 - Find 5 products to promote You will need to find 5 decent products to promote that fit the criteria we talked about in the above sections. is a good start to find products to promote. There are new products being added daily. Make sure they pay you enough for your time. Don't promote a product that pays you peanuts Another great idea for the bum marketing method, one not many bums are taking advantage of (apart from Travis) is promoting residual income affiliate programs. In short, affiliate programs that pay you every month, like web hosting. We love residual income affiliate programs. Here is how they work. You promote a product one time. A customer buys the product. Every time they come back to buy another, you make more money. Promote a product once and are paid for as long as that customer stays a customer. Step 2 - Find at least 30 keywords for each product This is, without a doubt, the most critical phase you’ll go through in your article marketing journey. So pay close attention to this step. Your success depends greatly on how well you perform this step.

The real goldmine is in your keyword list. So take time to correctly select the right keywords. Once you master this step, you’ll be way ahead of other bum marketers. If you want to find more keywords, even better, but start with 30 first to see if the product will be worth it. There is nothing worse then writing 50 to 100 articles to promote a product and then realize the product doesn't covert to sales. Sometimes, this is going to happen. It is not a big deal if you have not invested a lot of time or effort in your article writing. This is very frustrating and it is going to happen on occasion, that's life. Some products will convert better then others. But the very minimum articles we write for a specific product is 30. If we write 30 articles and we make very little sales, then we know not to keep going. The great thing about article marketing is it's a perfect way to test if products are winners for free while making money. If a product is a winner, there is nothing stopping you from advertising with Google Adwords and Ezine advertising. Step 3 - Write the articles for your keywords Now is the time to write your articles. You know you have a great product; you know it will convert, so there is nothing stopping you from making great money except your willingness to write a LOT of articles - Great articles. We've given you many tips above to make this easier and more profitable for you. If you wanted to outsource the article writing you could do that as well. There are places that write articles for as little as $5 or even lower. If you do decide to hire people to write articles for you, here is a tip. Never pay upfront. Pay after the articles are completed. Step 4 - Create your landing pages and submit your articles

Your landing page should be designed so that people can sign up to your free opt-in list or click straight over to the affiliate website. This is likely where you will make your most money, but getting people to opt-in to a list is equally important, because you can always market your product to them later through your own email promotions. To build a mailing list, you need an autoresponder account. And the only one we recommend is Aweber. It is the most reliable autoresponder service and ensures your emails gets delivered to your subscribers. When a reader can see that there is more content to read on the topic, they will read those articles as well and get even more excited about the product you are promoting. If you do a good job of writing articles, they will believe you have quality content to offer, and they are more likely to trust whatever products you have to recommend to them. This is pre-selling at its best. Many people really hate giving away their email address straight away just to get more information, so give it to them free repeatedly, and they will eventually WANT to give you their email address. There is already too much junk mail out there, so more and more people want something tangible immediately. They do not want you to bombard them with crap, so just don’t do it. Do as I say and make money the right way. Once you have created your landing page, submit your articles MANUALLY to and Those are the only article directories we use. Step 5 - Double up on your keywords By now you should have written 150 articles and submitted them to the relevant article directories. Now it’s time to track your results. It’s really important to track your results so you know which keywords or articles are working well for you so you can increase your efforts on those. You can login to your Clickbank account to check your tracking stats based on the different links you’ve set up in Step 3.

If after a few weeks, you find a certain product is doing really well, double up. Like we explained before, create a second account and write the same articles again under this different person’s account. Also go and look for other keywords you can write articles on. Milk it for all it's worth. Do all of this for 4 weeks straight and if you are not seeing $100 or more a day in your Clickbank account, we will be surprised. This system WILL work if you try it. It is not another “tactic”, it is THE magic key you have been looking for, a way to be lazy and make money. Who doesn’t want to live life like that? All the best! Thanks for reading! You may be interested in the following related offers: Boost You Email List Sign-Up by 1000% FOR FREE!!! Watch this free video and find out how you can EASILY boost your email sign up rates by 1000% Click here to watch the free video Publishing eBooks without Writing? How to publish ebooks online without any writing... and get paid. Click here to see how much money you can earn from a single ebook Do You Want to be a 5 Minute Writer? Discover how you can become a ‘5 minute writer’ to quickly gain experience, increase your exposure and get paid. Click here to find out more - It only takes 5 mins!

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