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Story time

Story time

While this can be intertwined in many of these other TikTok styles, it never gets old seeing someone transform in such a short span of time. When someone starts out with one hairstyle and then ends with a completely different look, it can be an exciting experience for those watching as well. Or when we see someone start off with no makeup and transform into a new character entirely, that is a chef’s kiss!

And while we live in a DIY age of many people trying to bleach their own hair, or give themselves a haircut, sometimes it can be incredibly refreshing to see a professional do their thing and really step it up a notch.


A great example has been of people attempting to give themselves the butterfly cut which is a method of creating a couple ponytails dividing the hair in the very front and back, cutting said ponytails. All this creates a stunning set of framing and feathery layers around the face.

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