This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
People with disabilities represent around one-sixth of the EU's overall working-age population. Meanwhile disabled people are almost twice as likely to be inactive as non-disabled people in EU. Yet with a little more help millions of disabled Europeans could enter or reenter the jobs market. Many of the disadvantages experienced by disabled people throughout their lives have their origin in a lack of access to opportunities in the mainstream vocational education and training (VET). In the Employment For Everyone (EFE) project an international partnership of organizations and experts exploits the full potential of the Europe 2020 Disabilities Strategy and its Agenda for new skills and jobs by providing partner countries with analysis, political guidance, information exchange and other support. Our focus is the labour market situation of people with disabilities, strategies for fighting those problems, active labour market policies to make workplaces more accessible, services for job placement, support structures and on-the-job training. The EFE project aims exploring good employment samples with capacity building of this specific vulnerable group. The current booklet is thus a very important project result as it comprises innovative employment practices, methods and a guideline which shows approaches for this disadvantaged group can access for motivating themselves, make them active in work of world. It is a result of visiting the different institutions in partner countries with good practices on vocational training and employment studies for disabled people that encourage the institutions to improve employment opportunities of disable people. Everyone of the partners deserves credit for their effort to prepare need analysis for each country. We would like to thank especially Mrs. Inci Zaim Gokbay who prepared the common summary and conclusion of our reports. EFE Project Management Team
Enhancing Employment Opportunities Of Disabled People in EU Through The Improvement of Their Capacities In VET (EFE – Employment for Everyone)
SUMMARY People living in different countries do not have equal access to health care, education, and employment opportunities, do not receive the disability-related services that they require, and experience exclusion from everyday life activities. In this EU project, EFE, perspective of Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Slovenia to disability will be analysed. An available paragon will be discussed at the end. When the historical background of disability term and disable person is analysed it can be sardonically seen that between 1200 and 1800 accepted belief about mentally ill people (lunacy and idiocy) was “they possessed by the devil or evil spirits”. As a result, they were routinely whipped, tortured, and burned at the stake. Disease or ill fortune was taken as a sign of having fallen from spiritual favour. Between 1400 and 1700 more than 100,000 women executed as witches. Many of these women had some form of mental illness or other age-related disability. From the years early 1800 biology and science are used to explain the world. People having disabilities from birth are seen as having genetic deficit. The terms independent living, civil rights and mainstreaming came into prominence in 1970’s. World Health Organization (WHO) published its first report about disability definitions and social rights in 1980 and renewed the report in 2011. All partner countries of this EU project defines disability according to WHO’s definitions in the 2011 report as Physical impairment and Different participation into the society. Compendiously, disabled person can be defined as; anyone who has difficulties in adapting to the social life and in meeting daily needs due to the loss of physical, mental, psychological, sensory and social capabilities at various levels by birth or by any reason thereafter, who therefore need protection, care, rehabilitation, consultancy and support services. Furthermore in Turkey disability is divided into two parts as well as Germany: severely and slightly disability with a difference of percentage value. Individual with 50 % disability is called as severely impaired person. In Turkish constitution disability is divided into seven categories such as: mentally disabled, hearing impaired, visual impaired, speech impaired, orthopedically impaired, psychologically and/or emotionally impaired, chronically diseased. Besides Italy recognizes the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), promoted by the World Health Organization that defines disability as an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions. People with disability make up the 12% of the total population of Turkey, 9.3% of the total population of Greece, 8 % of the total population of Slovenia. In Italy according to its law, both private and public employers are obliged to guarantee the job place to all people that have acquired, after the recruitment, eventual disabilities. Moreover private and public employers are obliged to hire the 7% of the total amount of workers if they have 50 or more employees, 2 workers if they have employees between 36 and 50, 1 worker if they have between 15 and 35 employees. In Greece the public sector, the law defines that persons with disabilities must be employed in the percentage of 5%, on condition that they have disability above 50% and are registered at Greek Manpower Organization (OAED). In private sector, this Law obligates employers employing 50 workers or more, to employ workers with disabilities placed by the Public Authority in the percentage of 2%. Moreover, persons who have a daughter or son, brother or sister, husband or wife with disability over 67%, are also protected by this law and can claim for a vacant in the public sector. In Slovenia, quota is obligatory part of employed disabled people with the total number of employees with particular employer. Quota differs but it cannot be lower than 2% and higher than 6% of the total num-
ber of employees. Legal or physical person subject to fulfilling quota is an employer registered in Slovenia and employing 20 employees at least. According to law of Italy there is not any specific labour market that cannot employ disabled persons. Besides in Turkey, Labour markets that includes underground and underwater works, handicapped person cannot be employed. In Greece all “heavy” industry labor markets cannot employ disabled persons. In Turkey, companies employing disabled persons with 75% and more are operating in the following five sectors: “human health and social services” (83%), “manufacturing” (79.5%), “training” (77%), “culture, arts, entertainment, etc.” (75.6%) “Information and communication” (74%). Similarly, it is possible to identify those sectors relatively closed to employment of disabled people based on the dissemination of enterprises employing disabled persons below the average (67%): “transportation and storage” (65%), “wholesale and retail trade” (62.6%), “administrative and support services” (55.6%), “real estate activities” (51%), “other services” (51%) and finally “construction” sector with 38.6%. In Italy, people with disabilities are mainly employed in the Services sector (61%). While sectors of Farming, Hunting and Fishing and Construction employ only 4,8% and 6,1% of workers with disabilities. Being that Greece has been extremely affected by the global financial crisis and is still in recession, the government has adopted austerity measures which include cutting government spending, reducing the size of the public sector, decreasing tax evasion and reforming health care and pensions. The erosion of public finances, inaccurate statistics, lack of adherence to reforms and public tax evasion has led to a major financial emergency. As a result, many companies are closing down as they cannot afford over-heads and employing staff, and are choosing to work from home as self-employed. It is recognized that people with disabilities are amongst the most disadvantaged groups in our society and still find themselves faced with considerable obstacles preventing them from participating in all areas of life. Targeted rehabilitation and the integration of disabled people into work and society are therefore important components of productive social policy: they prevent negative developments, minimize disadvantages and thereby contribute to the wealth of society. Disabled people want to be integrated and acknowledged. It is therefore important that they are not excluded from society but are at the centre of it. In Slovenia active disabled people with jobs are those being employed or self-employed (without farmers) and having recognition of their disability status by law. In September 2012 there were about 30.500 active disabled people, 16.500 of them male and 14.000 female. This represents 3,9% of all work active population. In Bulgaria, Resource centre for supporting the integrated education of children with special educational needs (SEN) are state service units - extracurricular institutions in the educational system. In Bulgaria there are 28 such centre established by the Minister of Education in September 2006. The resource centre carries out activities in accordance with the government policy on inclusive education by supporting the successful integration and socialization of children and pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream education. Children with SEN experience difficulties in achieving the state educational requirements for the respective class and level of education as the reason for this is one of the following conditions: sensory impairment (visual or hearing), physical disability, mental retardation, multiple disabilities as well as difficulties in the learning process (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia). The process of communication and education for them is hampered compared to most children of the same calendar age. That's why they need additional assistance that is provided by a team of specialists - resource teachers (special pedagogues), speech therapists and psychologists. Specialists in the Resource Centre support full integration of children and pupils with special educational needs in the educational and social environment by conducting correctional therapeutic activities with them, consulting with parents and teachers, with pedagogical consulting teams, performing activities supporting the full inclusion of these children and students in public life. In Turkey, Educational right for disabled people is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Turkish Republic. Besides, there are also laws and legislations concerning education of people with disabilities. Ministry of Education is main responsible body for the education and training of people with disabilities. There are Guiding and Research Centre responsible for the assessment procedure. This centre concludes whether individual needs special education or not. Ministry of finance, finances all educational costs even person do not have any social security. And in need Family and Social Policy Ministry and the Ministry of Education within a project scope covers accessibility of individual without charge since 2005. In placement tests, disabled teenagers are examined individually. According to
their disability condition, 30 minutes supplementary time can be given, Exam booklet written with braille alphabet can be delivered, convenient physical place, reader, encoder and accompany of an instructor can be provided. In Slovenia, Association of institutions for training of persons with special needs (Skupnost organizacij za usposabljanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami) together with partner organizations is organising central annual educational event for specialists in training institutions, regular schools and kindergartens working with persons with special needs. The above mentioned association was leading partner in the project for professional training of specialist in the field of training and education in the years 2008 – 2011. Project was co-financed European Social Found. It encompassed five programmes of professional training for specialists with 56 hours of training. For example, in 2009 there were 2440 participants. University rehabilitation institute of RS – Soča (Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut RS – Soča is organising a lot of workshops, lectures and seminars on annual base to bring awareness about newness in comprehensive rehabilitation. Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia - ZPIZ (Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije) ZPIZ is together with other institutions organizing Days of professional and employment rehabilitation (Days of REHA) on annual basis. Institution is taking part on seminars and workshops with topics covering cooperation with employers in the process of professional rehabilitation, financing of training and workplace adaptation programs for disabled. Italy has recognized full access to normal schools for students with disability in its Constitution. Law also guarantees educational right for disabled people. To the child is granted the attendance in school structure and the right to education at each level from kindergarten to university. School integration is granted through: coordinate program between school, health, social, cultural, entertainment and sport services; school and university equipment and educational materials; targeted university programs according to person needs; attribution of professional assignments to interpreter; at all school level is granted a support teacher. Modalities of the realization of integration: the Ministry of Public Education takes care of the professional updating of teachers knowledge on disabled students. Work group for school integration: in each school board there is a permanent work group made of experts; each school area has work and study group; groups has the duty to provide consultancy and proposal to the super intender and collaborate with schools, local entities and local health board. Evaluation and exams: disabled students shall be evaluating according to the learning pathway created in school. In compulsory education the exams are aligned to learned subjects, whereas for secondary school are conceived exams that gives more time. For the university a tutor follows up the learning pathway. Special incentives are also provided in order to simplify access to Education of people with disabilities, such as: Full or partial exemption from compulsory education, secondary school and university inscription fees, Free scholastic transportation to disabled persons attending compulsory education or professional training course financed by the State, Assistant teacher or personal assistant to disabled students to implement forms of integration and make individualized interventions; assisting students accessing schools and personal care.
CONCLUSION Being in dis-ability condition has been substantially accepted as a central problem in social science research. Perpetual conflicts about the preponderance of disability, the role of health in labor market outcomes, and the influence of federal disability policy on declining employment rates have all emphasized issues regarding the reliability of self-reported disability. All around the world, disabled individuals are entrepreneurs and self-employed workers, farmers and factory workers, doctors and teachers, shop assistants and bus drivers, artists, and computer technicians. Although, when the right environment is given, all jobs can be performed by disabled individuals most of them can be more productive than now. In this first report disability definition, legal rights, vocational educations of all partners are discussed and compared.
Engelli Bireylerin Mesleki Eğitimdeki Kapasitelerinin Arttırılmasıyla Avrupa’da İstihdam Olanaklarının Geliştirilmesi (EFE - Herkes İçin İstihdam) ÖZET Farklı ülkelerde yaşayan insanlar sağlık hizmetlerine, eğitime ve istihdam olanaklarına eşit erişime sahip değillerdir; talep ettikleri engellilikle ilgili hizmetlere eşit bir şekilde erişemezler ve günlük yaşam aktiviteleriyle ilgili dışlanmaya maruz kalırlar[1]. Bu AB projesi EFE’de, Türkiye, Bulgaristan, Yunanistan, İtalya ve Slovenya’nın perspektiflerinden engellilik analiz edilecektir. Sonunda kullanılabilir bir iyi örnek modeli tartışılacaktır. Engellilik ve engelli birey terimlerinin tarihsel geçmişleri analiz edildiğinde, zihinsel engelli bireyler (delilik ve zekâ geriliği) hakkında 1200’lü yıllardan 1800’lü yıllara kadar “şeytan ya da kötü ruhlar tarafından ele geçirilmiş” gibi kötü bir düşünce kabul görmüştü. Bunun bir sonucu olarak, bu kişiler rutin kırbaçlanmış, işkenceye maruz kalmış ve hatta direklere bağlanarak yakılmışlar. Hastalık ya da kötü şans ruhani iyilikten kopuş olarak anlamlandırılıyordu.1400 ve 1700 yılları arasında 1000’den fazla kadın cadılıkla suçlanarak idam edildi. Bu kadınların birçoğunun ya zihinsel bir rahatsızlığı ya da yaşa bağlı olan bir takım engellilik durumları vardı. 1800’lü yılların başlarında dünya bilim ve biyolojiyle tanımlanmaya başlandı. Doğuştan engelli olan bireyler genetiği bozuk olarak görülüyordu[2]. Bağımsız yaşam, sivil haklar ve eşitlik kavramları 1970’lerde anlam kazanmaya başladı[2]. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü engellilik tanımları ve sosyal haklar üzerine ilk raporunu 1980 yılında yayımladı ve bu rapor 2011 yılında yenilendi. [1]. Bu AB projesinin tüm ortak ülkeleri engelliliği; Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün 2011 yılındaki raporuna göre, fiziksel eksiklik ve topluma entegrasyondaki farklılık olarak tanımlıyorlar. Özet olarak engelli birey, doğuştan ya da sonrasında bir sebeple meydana gelmiş, farklı seviyelerde sosyal hayata katılmada ve fiziksel, zihinsel, psikolojik, algısal ve sosyal kapasitesinde yaşanılan kayıptan dolayı günlük ihtiyaçlarını karşılamada zorluk çeken, bu nedenle korunmaya, bakıma, rehabilitasyona, danışmanlığa ve destekleyici hizmetlere ihtiyaç duyan kişi olarak tanımlanır. Buna ek olarak engellilik Türkiye’de aynı Almanya’da olduğu gibi iki bölüme ayrılır: yüzdelik değerlerdeki farklılıklar ile hafif engellilik ve ağır engellilik. %50 ve üzeri engel durumu olan kişiler ağır engel grubuna girmektedir. Türkiye anayasasında engellilik 7 kategoriye ayrılmıştır: zihinsel engelli, işitme engelli, görme engelli, konuşma engelli, fiziksel engelli, psikolojik ve/veya duygusal problemleri olan ve son olarak da kronik rahatsızlıklar. Ayrıca İtalya Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından sağlanan ve engellilik terimine üst terim olarak kabul eden “İş Görebilme Becerisi, Engellilik ve Sağlık için Uluslararası Sınıflandırma Sistemi”ni kabul eder. Engelli bireylerin toplam nüfusa oranı Türkiye’de %12, Yunanistan’da %9,3 ve Slovenya’da %8’dir. İtalya’daki yasaya göre, hem özel sektör hem de kamu sektörü, işe alımlardan sonra ortaya çıkabilecek bir engellilik durumunda bireye iş yeri garantisi sunmak zorundadır. Hatta özel sektör ve kamu sektörü, 50 ve üstü sayıda kişi çalıştırdığı sürece, işçilerinin %7’sini, 36-50 kişi çalıştırıyorsa 2’sini, 15-35 kişi çalıştırıyorsa 1’ini engellilik seviyesi %50 üzerinde olan bireylerden oluşturmak zorundadır. Yunanistan’da, kamu sektöründe ilgili kanun gereği, işçilerin minimum %5’i engellilik seviyesi %50 ve üzeri olan ve ayrıca Yunan İşgücü Organizasyonu’nda (OAED) kayıtlı olan engelli bireylerden oluşmak zorundadır. Özel sektörde, bu kanun 50 ve üzeri işçisi olan şirketler için minimum %2 engelli birey istihdam etme zorunluluğu şeklinde düzenlenmiştir. Ayrıca kızı ya da oğlu, kız kardeşi ya da erkek kardeşi veya eşi %67 ve üzeri engellilik seviyesine sahip olan bireyler kamu sektöründe istihdam talep edebilirler. Slovenya’da engelli birey istihdamı konusunda kota sistemi zorunlu bir şekilde uygulanmaktadır. Kota miktarı farklılık gösterir; fakat toplam işçi sayısının %2’sinden az ve %6’sından fazla olamaz. Bu kota sistemini uygulamak zorunda olan iş veren Slovenya’da kayıtlı olmalı ve en az 20 çalışanı olmalıdır.
İtalyan kanunlarına göre engelli istihdam edemeyecek bir iş kolu bulunmamaktadır. Fakat Türkiye’deki kanunlara göre yeraltı ve sualtı ortamlarında yürütülen işlerde engelli bireyler çalıştırılamaz. Yunanistan’da ise ağır sanayi sektörü içerisindeki tüm iş kolları engelli birey istihdam edememektedir. Türkiye’de engelli birey istihdam eden firmaların %75’i şu sektörlerde faaliyet göstermektedirler: “sağlık hizmetleri ve sosyal hizmetler” (%83), “imalat” (%79,5), “eğitim” (%77), “kültür, sanat, eğlence vb.” (%75,6), “bilgi ve iletişim” (%74). Aynı şekilde genel ortalamanın (%67) altında engelli istihdam eden firmaların sektörlere göre dağılımına bakarak engelli işgücü istihdamına görece kapalı olan sektörleri tanımlamak mümkündür. Bunlar sırasıyla; “ulaştırma ve depolama” (%65), “toptan ve perakende ticaret” (%62,6), “idari ve destek hizmet faaliyetleri” (%55,6), “gayrimenkul faaliyetleri” (%51), “diğer hizmet faaliyetleri” (%51) ve nihayet %38,6 gibi en düşük oranla “inşaat” sektörüdür. İtalya’da engelli bireyler çiftçilik, avcılık ve yapı sektörlerinde %4,8 ve %6,1 oranında istihdam edilirken,%61 gibi yüksek bir oranla genel olarak hizmet sektöründe istihdam edilmektedirler. Yunanistan küresel ekonomik krizden çok ciddi bir şekilde etkilenmiştir ve hala toparlanma aşamasındadır. Bu nedenden ötürü hükümet harcamaları üzerinde ciddi kesintiler yapıldı, kamu sektörünün hacmi düşürüldü, vergi kaçakçılığı ile ilgili yeni düzenlemeler yapıldı ve sosyal güvenlik ve sağlık hizmetleri konularında değişiklikler yapıldı. Kamu ekonomisindeki bu erozyon, yanlış istatistikler, vergi kaçakçılığı gibi konular önemli bir ekonomik krize sebep olmuştur. Sonuç olarak birçok firma faaliyetlerine devam edemiyor; çalışan istihdam edemiyor ve iflas ediyor. Birçok iş sahibi artık serbest meslek sahibi olarak kendi evlerinde çalışıyorlar. Engelli bireyler bu durumlar karşısında toplumun içerisindeki en dezavantajlı gruptur ve sosyal hayata katılma konusunda karşılarına ciddi engeller çıkmaktadır. Engelli bireylerin rehabilitasyonunun ve topluma-iş sektörüne entegrasyonunun hedeflenmesi bu nedenlerle sosyal politikanın önemli elementleridir: Olumsuz gelişmelerden korunurlar, dezavantajları minimize ederler ve bu şekilde toplumun refahına katkı sağlarlar. Engelli bireyler entegre olmak ve tanınmak istiyorlar. Bu nedenle toplumdan dışlanmamaları, aksine toplumun merkezinde yer almaları çok önemlidir. Bulgaristan’da özel eğitim ihtiyaçları olan çocukların eğitime entegre edilmesi için bulunan kaynak merkezi (SEN); eğitim sistemi içindeki kamu hizmeti bölümleridir-okul dışı kurumlardır. Bulgaristan’da 2006 yılının Eylül ayında kurulan 28 merkez bulunmaktadır. Kaynak merkezi, kapsayıcı eğitimdeki devlet politikaları uyarınca, kaynaştırma eğitiminde özel eğitim ihtiyaçları olan çocukların ve öğrencilerin başarıyla entegre edilmesi ve sosyalleşmesini destekleyerek, aktiviteler yürütüyor. Aşağıda belirtilen koşulların bir sebebi olarak, özel eğitim ihtiyaçları olan çocukların, devlet eğitimindeki değişik sınıf ve eğitim seviyelerinin gerekliliklerini karşılamada yaşadıkları zorluklar: duyu kaybı (görsel ya da işitsel), fiziksel engel, zeka geriliği, çoklu engeller yanı sıra okuma ve yazma zorluğu çekme (dyslexia, dysgraphia), ve matematik öğrenme bozukluğu (disleksi) ,öğrenme sürecindeki zorluklardır. Aynı takvim yaşındaki çocuklarla karşılaştırıldığında, bu kişilerin eğitim ve iletişim süreçleri engelleniyor. Bu sebepten dolayı bu kişiler uzmanlar, kaynak öğretmenler(özel pedagoglar) ,konuşma terapistleri ve psikologlardan oluşan bir takımın ek yardımına ihtiyaç duyuyorlar. Kaynak merkezindeki uzmanlar, özel eğitim ihtiyacı olan çocuklarla tedavi edici etkinlikler düzenleyerek, ebeveynlere ve öğretmenlere danışarak, pedagojik danışman ekipleriyle birlikte bu çocukların sosyal hayata tam entegrasyonunu destekleyen iyileştirici terapatik performans etkinlikleri yürüterek, bu çocukların sosyal çevreye ve eğitim çevresine tam entegrasyonunu destekliyor. Türkiye’de, engellilerin eğitim hakları Türkiye Cumhuriyeti anayasasıyla garanti altına alınmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, engelli kişilerin eğitimi ile ilgili kanun ve mevzuatlar da bulunmaktadır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı engelli kişilerin eğitimi ve öğretimi konusunda ana yetkili kurumdur. Değerlendirme prosedürleri için Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi bulunmaktadır. Bu merkez kişisel özel eğitim ihtiyacına bakmaksızın karar veriyor. Maliye Bakanlığı, hiçbir sosyal güvencesi olmayan kişilerin dahi tüm eğitim masraflarını karşılıyor. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı ile Milli Eğitim Bakanlığınca karşılanan ihtiyaçlar 2005’ten beri kişisel olarak erişimi kapsama projesi dâhilinde ücretsiz olarak kapsamaktadır. Yerleştirme testlerinde 13-19 yaş arasındaki gençler ayrıca değerlendirilmektedir. Engellilik durumlarına göre, 30 dakika ek zaman verilebilir, sınav kitapçıkları Braille alfabesine (görme engelli alfabesi) çevrilebilir, uygun fiziksel koşullar; okuyan, kodlayan ve eşlik eden eğitmenler sağlanabilir. Slovenya’da, özel ihtiyaçlı kişilerin eğitim kurumları birliği; (Skupnostorganizacijzausposabljanjeoseb s posebnimipotrebami) ortak kuruluşlarla birlikte, eğitim kurumlarındaki uzmanlar, özel ihtiyaçlı kişilerle çalışan okullar ve anaokulları için yıllık eğitim etkinlikleri düzenliyor. Yukarıda belirtilen Birlik, 2008-2011 yılları arasında eğitim ve öğretim alanındaki uzmanların profesyonel olarak eğitilmesi projesinde ana ortaktı. Projeye Avrupa Sosyal Fonu, ortak finansman sağladı. Proje; uzmanlar için 5 proje dâhilinde yürütülen 56 saatlik bir eğitimi kapsamaktadır. Örneğin, 2009 yılında 2440 katılımcı bulunmaktaydı.
RS Rehabilitasyon Enstitüsü Üniversitesi-Soča (Univerzitetnirehabilitacijskiinštitut RS- Soča ) kapsamlı rehabilitasyonda yenilikler konusunda farkındalık yaratmak için yıllık bazda birçok atölye çalışması, ders ve seminerler düzenliyor. Slovenya Emekli ve Engelli sigorta kuruluşu, diğer kuruluşlarla birlikte yıllık bazda profesyonel ve çalışan rehabilitasyonu günleri düzenliyor. Kuruluş, profesyonel rehabilitasyon sürecindeki çalışanlarla işbirliği yapılması, eğitim ve çalışma koşullarının engellere uygun hale getirilmesi programlarının finanse edilmesi konularını kapsayan seminer ve atölye çalışmalarında yer alıyor. İtalya, normal okulların engelli öğrenciler için tam erişilebilir olması yasasını onayladı. Yasa, engellilerin eğitim hakkını da garanti altına alıyor. Çocukların, okul binasına giriş ve anaokulundan üniversiteye kadar tüm eğitim kademelerinde eğitim hakları kabul edildi. Okul entegrasyonu şu şekilde kabul edildi: Okullar arası sağlık, sosyal, kültürel, eğlence ve spor hizmetleri koordine edilmesi, okul ve üniversite ekipmanları ile eğitim malzemeleri, üniversite programlarının kişisel ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda hedeflenmesi, çevirmenlerin profesyonel görevlere atanması, bütün okullar seviyesinde destek öğretmen kabulü. Entegrasyonun gerçekleşme usulleri: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığının engelli öğrenciler hakkında öğretmenlerin sahip oldukları bilgilerin profesyonel olarak güncellenmesinin dikkate alınmasıdır. Okulların entegrasyonu için çalışma grupları: Her okul yönetiminde uzmanlardan oluşan sürekli çalışma grupları, her okulda faaliyet ve çalışma grupları, grupların, idarecilere danışmanlık ve öneri sunma görevinin olması ve okullarla, yerel kuruluş ve yerel sağlık kuruluşları ile işbirliğidir. Değerlendirme ve sınavlar: Engelli öğrenciler okullarda oluşturulan öğrenme yöntemlerine göre değerlendirilmelidir. Zorunlu eğitimdeki sınavlar öğrenilen konularla uyumlu iken, ortaokul sınavları ise ek sure verilecek şekilde düşünülmüş. Üniversiteler de bir eğitmen öğrenme metodunu takip ediyor. Engellilerin eğitim erişiminin kolaylaştırılması amacıyla özel destekler sağlanıyor: Zorunlu eğitim, orta eğitim ve üniversitelerin kayıt masraflarından tam ya da kısmi muafiyet, zorunlu eğitim alan engellilere ücretsiz ulaşım ya da devlet tarafından finanse edilen profesyonel eğitim kursları, entegrasyonunu uygulama şekilleri için asistan öğretmen ya da kişisel asistan ve kişiye özel müdahale yapılması, öğrenciler okula giriş ve kişisel bakım konusunda yardımcı olunması. SONUÇ Sosyal bilim araştırmasında, engelli durumda olmak, büyük ölçüde merkezi bir problem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Engellilerin üstünlüğü ile ilgili kalıcı anlaşmazlıklar, iş gücü pazarındaki sağlık giderlerinin rolü ve federal engelli politikasının işe alma oranlarındaki azalım engelliler tarafından en çok vurgulanmış sorunlardır. Dünyanın her yerinde, engelli bireyler girişimci, serbest meslek sahibi, çiftçi, fabrika çalışanı, doktor, öğretmen, tezgâhtar, otobüs şoförü, sanatçı ve bilgisayar teknisyenliği yapmaktadır. Bütün işler engelli kişiler tarafından yapılabilmesine rağmen, uygun ortam sağlandığında engellilerin çoğu mevcut durumlarından daha üretken olabilirler. Bu ilk raporda, engelli tanımı, yasal haklar, tüm partnerlerin mesleki eğitimi tartışıldı ve karşılaştırıldı.
Повишаване възможностите за заетост на хората с увреждания в ЕС чрез подобряване на техния капацитет в областта на ПОО (EFE) Резюме Хората в различните страни нямат равен достъп до здравеопазване, образование и възможности за работа, не получават, свързани с уврежданията услуги, от които се нуждаят, и са изключвани от ежедневния живот. В този проект на ЕС, EFE, ще бъдат анализирани перспективите на Турция, България, Гърция, Италия и Словения към хората с увреждания. Единен подход ще бъде обсъден в края. Когато исторически фон на термините увреждане и инвалид се анализира, може да се види, че между 1200 и 1800 г. приетото убеждение за психично болни хора (безумие и глупост), че "те обладани от дявола или зли духове". В резултат на това те са били редовно бичувани, измъчван и изгаряни на клада. Заболяване или зла съдба е възприемана като знак, че е загубил от духовна подкрепа. Между 1400 и 1700 г. повече от 100 000 жени са екзекутирани като вещици. Много от тези жени имали някаква форма на психично заболяване или други свързани с възрастта увреждания. От началото на 1800 година биологията и науката се използват за обяснение на света. На уврежданията по рождение се гледа като на генетичен дефицит. Термините независим живот, граждански права и включване придобиха известност през 1970 г. Световната здравна организация (СЗО) публикува първия си доклад за инвалидност определения и социални права през 1980 г. и подновен на доклада през 2011 г. Всички страни партньори в този проект на ЕС определят уврежданията в зависимост определенията в доклада 2011 г. като физическо увреждане и различно участие в обществото. Като лице с увреждания може да се определи всеки, който има трудности да се адаптират към социалния живот и в изпълнението на ежедневните нужди поради загуба на физически, психически, психологически, сетивни и социални възможности на различни нива по рождение или по някаква причина след това, които следователно имат нужда от защита, грижа, рехабилитация, консултации и други подкрепящи услуги. Освен това в Турция уврежданията са е разделени на две части, както и в Германия: силно и леко увреждане с разлика на процентната стойност. Индивид с увреждания 50% се нарича тежко увредена лице. В турската конституция уврежданията са разделени на седем категории, като например: лица с умствени увреждания, хора с увреден слух, визуално увреждане, нарушения в говора, ортопедично увреждане, психологически и / или емоционално увредена, хронично болните. Освен Италия признава Международната класификация на функционирането, уврежданията и здравето (ICF), с подкрепата на Световната здравна организация, който определя увреждането като общ термин за увреждания, ограничения за дейността и участието в обществото. Хората с увреждания съставляват 12% от общото население на Турция, 9.3% от общото население на Гърция, 8% от общия брой на населението на Словения. В Италия в съответствие с нейното законодателство, както частни, така и публични работодателите са длъжни да гарантират работно място за всички хора, които са придобили увреждания след назначение. Освен това частните и публичните работодателите са задължени да наемат 7% инвалиди от общия размер на работниците, ако те имат 50 или повече служители, 2 работници, ако те имат 36-50 служители, един работник, ако те имат между 15 и 35 служители. В Гърция в публичния сектор, според закона е хората с увреждания трябва да бъдат поне 5% от наетите на работа в публичния сектор. В частния сектор, този закон задължава работодателите, използващи 50 или повече работници, да наемат 2% работници с увреждания, регистрирани в държавния орган. Освен това лица, които
имат дъщеря или син, брат или сестра, съпруг или съпруга с нетрудоспособност над 67%, са също защитени от този закон и могат да претендират за позиция в публичния сектор. В Словения, квотата е задължителна част от заетите хора с увреждания с общ брой служители с определен работодател. Квотата се различава, но тя не може да бъде по-ниска от 2% и по-висока от 6% от общия брой на работниците и служителите. Юридическо или физическо лице в Словения с над 20 служителя подлежи на изпълнение на квотата е работодатели. Според закона в Италия няма конкретен пазар на труда, които да не може да наема хора с увреждания. В Турция, затворените за инвалиди трудови пазари са подземни и подводни строителни работи, инвалид. В Гърция всички "тежки" индустрии са затворени за работа от хора с увреждания. В Турция, фирми, използващи хората с увреждания с 75% и повече инвалидност работят в следните пет сектора: "хуманно здравеопазване и социални услуги" (83%), "преработваща промишленост" (79.5%), "обучение" (77%), "култура, спорт и др"(75.6%), “ИКТ"(74%). По същия начин е възможно да се идентифицират онези сектори, относително затворени за заетост на хора с увреждания въз основа на разпространението на предприятия, използващи хората с увреждания под средното (67%): "Транспорт, складиране и пощи" (65%), "Търговия" ( 62.6%), "Административни и спомагателни услуги" (55.6%), "Операции с недвижими имоти" (51%), "Други услуги" (51%) и най-накрая "Строителство" с 38,6%. В Италия хората с увреждания работят основно в сектора на услугите (61%). Докато сектори на селското стопанство, лов и риболов и строителство наемат само съответно 4,8% и 6,1% от работниците с увреждания. Гърция е изключително засегната от световната финансова криза и все още е в рецесия, правителството прие мерки за строги икономии, които включват намаляване на държавните разходи, намаляване на размера на публичния сектор, намаляване на данъчните измами и реформиране на здравеопазването и пенсиите. Ерозията на публичните финанси, неточни статистически данни, липса на придържане към реформи и укриването на данъци е довело до сериозна финансова ситуация. В резултат на това, много компании са пред закриване, тъй като те не могат да си позволят повече персонал, и избират да работят от дома си като самостоятелно заети лица. Приема се, че хората с увреждания са сред най-необлагодетелстваните групи в обществото ни и все още са изправени пред значителни препятствия да участват във всички сфери на живота. Насочени рехабилитация и интеграция на хората с увреждания в работата и обществото са важни компоненти на продуктивна социална политика: те предотвратяват отрицателните тенденции и по този начин допринасят за богатството на обществото. Хората с увреждания искат да бъдат интегрирани и признати. Поради това е важно те да не са изключени от обществото. В Словения активни хора с увреждания с работни места са наети или самостоятелно заети лица (без земеделските производители). През септември 2012 година има около 30,500 активни хора с увреждания, 16,500 от тях мъже и 14.000 жени. Това представлява 3,9% от активното население. В България има Ресурсни центърове за подпомагане на интегрираното обучение на деца със специални образователни потребности (СОП), които са държавни обслужващи звена - извънучилищни институции в системата на образованието. В България има 28 такива центъра, определени от министъра на образованието през септември 2006 година. Ресурсният център осъществява дейности в съответствие с политиката на правителството за приобщаващо образование чрез подкрепа за успешна интеграция и социализация на децата и учениците със специални образователни потребности (СОП) в общообразователна среда. Децата със СОП изпитват трудности в постигането на държавните образователни изисквания за съответния клас и степен на образование, като причина за това е едно от следните условия: сензорно увреждане (зрителни или слухови), физически увреждания, умствена изостаналост, множество увреждания, както и затруднения в процеса на учене (дислексия, дисграфия, дискалкулия). Процесът на комуникация и образование за тях е затруднен в сравнение с повечето деца на същата възраст. Ето защо те се нуждаят от допълнителна помощ, която се предоставя от екип от специалисти - ресурсни учители (специални педагози), логопеди и психолози. Специалисти в Ресурсния център подкрепят пълната интеграция на децата и учениците със специални образователни потребности в образователната и социална среда чрез провеждане на възпитателни терапевтични дейности с тях, консултации с родители и учители, с педагогически консултантски екипи, които извършват дейности в подкрепа на пълното включване на тези деца и ученици в обществения живот. В Турция правото на образование на хората с увреждания е гарантирано от Конституцията на Република Турция.
Освен това има и закони и регламенти по отношение на образованието на хората с увреждания. Министерството на образованието е основният компетентен орган за образование и обучение на хора с увреждания. Има и Ръководен и изследователски център, отговорен за процедурата на оценка. Този център взима решение дали дадено лице се нуждае от специално образование или не. Министерството на финансите финансира всички образователни разходи дори човек да не разполагат със социално осигуряване. Един от проектите на Министерството на образованието обхваща достъпа на всяко севейство до образование от 2005 г. насам. Чрез тестове инвалиди тийнейджъри се оценяват и изпитват индивидуално. Те може да получат 30 минути допълнително време на изпит, може да се даде изпитна книжка с брайлова азбука, осигурява се удобно физическо място и др. В Словения асоциацията на институциите за обучение на лицата със специални нужди (Skupnost organizacij ZA usposabljanje oseb S posebnimi potrebami), съвместно с партньорските организации организира централно ежегодно събитие за образователни специалисти в учебните заведения, редовни училища и детски градини, работещи с хора със специални нужди. Тази асоциация е водещ партньор в проект за професионално обучение на специалисти в областта на обучението и образованието в годините 2008-2011. Проектът е съфинансиран от Европейския социален фонд. Тя обхваща пет програми за професионално обучение на специалисти в 56 часа обучение. Например, през 2009 г. имаше 2440 участници. Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski Institut RS - Soča организира много работни срещи, лекции и семинари, на годишна база, за да привлече вниманието за новост в цялостната рехабилитация. Zavod za pokojninsko в invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije ZPIZ заедно с други институции организира Дни на професионалната рехабилитация и заетостта ежегодно. Институцията участва в семинари и работни срещи по теми, засягащи сътрудничеството с работодателите в процеса на професионална рехабилитация, финансиране на обучението и програми за адаптиране на работното място за инвалиди. Италия призна пълен достъп до нормални училища за ученици с увреждания в своята конституция. Законът гарантира правото на образование на хората с увреждания. Правото на образование на всяко ниво от детската градина до университета се предоставя чрез: координира програмата между училището, здравни, социални, културни, развлекателни и спортни услуги; училищното и университетското оборудване и образователни материали; насочени университетски програми в съответствие с нуждите на човек; признание на професионалните задачи на преводач. Министерството на народната просвета се грижи за професионално актуализиране на знанията на студенти с увреждания в работна група за интеграцията в училище. Във всяко училище борда има постоянна работна група от експерти; всяко училище в района има работа и групово обучение; групите имат задължението да предоставят консултантски услуги и предложения и да си сътрудничат с училища, местни организации и местните здравни съвети на оценяване и изпити. В задължителното образование изпитите са приведени в съответствие с нуждите на хората с увреждания. Специални стимули също са предоставени, за да се опрости достъпа до образование на хората с увреждания, като: пълно или частично освобождаване от такси, безплатно транспортиране на лица с увреждания, посещаващи задължителното образование или професионален курс на обучение, финансирани от държавата, помощник-учител или личен асистент. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Инвалидите са любима тема на изследвания на социалните науки. Безкрайните конфликти за степените на увреждане, ролята на здравето в резултатите на пазара на труда, както и влиянието на политика в областта на намаляването на заетостта поставят въпроси по отношение на надеждността на самоопределянето като инвалид. Навсякъде по света, лица с увреждания са предприемачи и самостоятелно заети работници, фермери и фабрични работници, лекари и учители, продавачки и шофьори на автобуси, художници и компютърни техници. Въпреки че когато има подходяща среда всички работни места може да се запълнят от лица с увреждания, повечето от тях могат да бъдат по-продуктивни. В този първи доклад определяме уврежданията, разглеждаме и сравняваме законните права и професионалните обучения.
Ενίσχυση των ευκαιριών απασχόλησης των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες στην ΕΕ μέσω της βελτίωσης των ικανοτήτων τους στην Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση και Κατάρτιση– (Απασχόληση για όλους) ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Οι άνθρωποι που ζουν στις διαφορετικές χώρες δεν έχουν ίση πρόσβαση στην υγειονομική περίθαλψη, την εκπαίδευση, και τις ευκαιρίες απασχόλησης, δεν λαμβάνουν τις σχετικά με την αναπηρία υπηρεσίες που απαιτείται, και βιώνουν τον αποκλεισμό από τις καθημερινές δραστηριότητες της ζωής. Σε αυτό το έργο της ΕΕ, το «Απασχόληση για όλους», η προοπτική της Τουρκίας, της Βουλγαρίας, της Ελλάδας, της Ιταλίας και της Σλοβενίας σχετικά με την αναπηρία θα αναλυθεί. Στο τέλος, θα συζητηθεί ένας διαθέσιμος παράγοντας. Όταν αναλυθεί το ιστορικό υπόβαθρο του όρου αναπηρία και άτομο με αναπηρία μπορεί σαρδόνια να φανεί ότι μεταξύ 1200 και 1800 η αποδεκτή πεποίθηση για τα διανοητικά ανάπηρα άτομα (τρέλα και ηλιθιότητα) ήταν ότι "κατέχονταν από το διάβολο ή τα κακά πνεύματα. Κατά συνέπεια, κτυπήθηκαν συνήθως, βασανίστηκαν, και κάηκαν στον πάσσαλο. Η ασθένεια ή η ανεπαρκής τύχη λήφθηκε ως σημάδι της πτώσης από την πνευματική εύνοια. Μεταξύ 1400 και 1700 περισσότερες από 100.000 γυναίκες εκτελέσθηκαν ως μάγισσες. Πολλές από αυτές τις γυναίκες είχαν κάποια μορφή διανοητικής ασθένειας ή άλλης ηλικιακής αναπηρίας. Από τις αρχές του 1800 η βιολογία και η επιστήμη χρησιμοποιούνται για να εξηγήσουν τον κόσμο. Οι άνθρωποι που έχουν κάποια αναπηρία από τη γέννηση θεωρούνται ότι έχουν γενετικό έλλειμμα. Οι όροι για ανεξάρτητη διαβίωση, τα αστικά δικαιώματα και την ολοκλήρωση μπήκαν στο προσκήνιο στη δεκαετία του '70. Η Παγκόσμια Οργάνωση Υγείας (WHO) δημοσίευσε την πρώτη έκθεσή της για τους ορισμούς αναπηρίας και τα κοινωνικά δικαιώματα το 1980 και ανανέωσε την έκθεση το 2011. Όλες οι χώρες συνεργατών αυτού του έργου της ΕΕ καθορίζουν την αναπηρία σύμφωνα με τους ορισμούς του WHO στην έκθεση του 2011 ως Φυσική εξασθένιση και Διαφορετική συμμετοχή στην κοινωνία. Συνοπτικά, το άτομο με αναπηρία μπορεί να οριστεί ως ο καθένας που έχει δυσκολίες να προσαρμοστεί στην κοινωνική ζωή και να ικανοποιήσει τις καθημερινές ανάγκες λόγω της απώλειας φυσικών, διανοητικών, ψυχολογικών, αισθητήριων και κοινωνικών ικανοτήτων σε διάφορα επίπεδα εκ γενετής ή από οποιοδήποτε λόγο έκτοτε, και επομένως χρειάζεται τις υπηρεσίες προστασίας, προσοχής, αποκατάστασης, συμβουλευτικής και υποστήριξης. Επιπλέον στην Τουρκία η αναπηρία διαιρείται σε δύο μέρη όπως επίσης και στην Γερμανία: σοβαρή και ελαφριά αναπηρία με μια διαφορά της αξίας ποσοστού. Το άτομο με ειδικές ανάγκες 50% αποκαλείται με βαριά αναπηρία. Στο Τουρκικό σύνταγμα η αναπηρία διαιρείται σε επτά κατηγορίες όπως: διανοητική αναπηρία, κώφωση, οπτική εξασθένιση, προβλήματα λόγου, ορθοπεδική εξασθένιση, ψυχολογική ή/και συναισθηματική εξασθένιση, χρόνια ασθένεια. Εκτός από την Ιταλία αναγνωρίζεται η διεθνής ταξινόμηση της λειτουργικότητας, της αναπηρίας και της υγείας (ICF), που προάγεται από την Παγκόσμια Οργάνωση Υγείας που καθορίζει την αναπηρία ως όρο ομπρέλα για τις αναπηρίες, τους περιορισμούς δραστηριότητας και τους περιορισμούς συμμετοχής. Τα άτομα με αναπηρία αποτελούν το 12% του συνολικού πληθυσμού της Τουρκίας, 9,3% του συνολικού πληθυσμού της Ελλάδας, 8% του συνολικού πληθυσμού της Σλοβενίας. Στην Ιταλία σύμφωνα με το νόμο, και οι ιδιωτικοί και δημόσιοι εργοδότες είναι υποχρεωμένοι να εγγυηθούν τη θέση εργασίας σε όλα τα άτομα που έχουν αποκτήσει, μετά από πρόσληψη, ενδεχόμενες αναπηρίες. Επιπλέον οι ιδιωτικοί και δημόσιοι εργοδότες είναι υποχρεωμένοι να προσλάβουν το 7% του συνολικού ποσού εργαζομένων εάν έχουν 50 ή περισσότερους υπαλλήλους, 2 εργαζομένους εάν έχουν αριθμό υπαλλήλων μεταξύ 36 και 50, 1 εργαζόμενο εάν έχουν μεταξύ 15 και 35 υπαλλήλων. Στην Ελλάδα για τον δημόσιο τομέα, ο νόμος καθορίζει ότι τα πρόσωπα με αναπηρία πρέπει να απασχοληθούν σε ποσοστό 5%, με την προϋπόθεση ότι έχουν αναπηρία επάνω από 50% και έχουν καταχωρηθεί στον ΟΑΕΔ. Στον ιδιωτικό τομέα, αυτός ο νόμος υποχρεώνει τους εργοδότες που απασχολούν 50 εργαζομένους ή περισσότερους, να απασχολήσουν εργαζομένους με αναπηρία που τοποθετούνται από δημόσια αρχή σε ποσοστό 2%. Επιπλέον,
τα πρόσωπα που έχουν μια κόρη ή έναν γιο, τον αδελφό ή την αδελφή, το σύζυγο ή τη σύζυγο με αναπηρία άνω των 67%, προστατεύονται επίσης από αυτόν τον νόμο και μπορούν να απαιτήσουν μια θέση εργασίας στο δημόσιο τομέα. Στη Σλοβενία, η ποσόστωση είναι υποχρεωτικό μέρος των απασχολούμενων ατόμων με αναπηρία με το συνολικό αριθμό υπαλλήλων με συγκεκριμένο εργοδότη. Η ποσόστωση διαφέρει αλλά δεν μπορεί να είναι χαμηλότερη από 2% και υψηλότερη από 6% του συνολικού αριθμού υπαλλήλων. Το νομικό ή φυσικό πρόσωπο που υπόκειται στην πραγματοποίηση της ποσόστωσης είναι ένας εργοδότης που εγγράφεται στη Σλοβενία και απασχολεί 20 υπαλλήλους τουλάχιστον. Σύμφωνα με το νόμο της Ιταλίας δεν υπάρχει οποιαδήποτε συγκεκριμένη αγορά εργασίας που δεν μπορεί να απασχολήσει τα άτομα με αναπηρία. Εκτός από την Τουρκία, οι αγορές εργασίας που περιλαμβάνουν υπόγειες και υποβρύχιες εργασίες, δεν μπορούν να απασχολήσουν άτομα με αναπηρία. Στην Ελλάδα όλες οι "βαριές" αγορές εργασίας βιομηχανίας δεν μπορούν να απασχολήσουν τα άτομα με αναπηρία. Στην Τουρκία, οι επιχειρήσεις που απασχολούν άτομα αναπηρία με 75% και περισσότερο αναπτύσσουν δραστηριότητες στους ακόλουθους πέντε τομείς: "ανθρώπινη υγεία και κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες" (83%), "κατασκευές" (79,5%), "εκπαίδευση" (77%), "πολιτισμός, τέχνη, ψυχαγωγία, κ.λπ." (75,6%) "ενημέρωση και επικοινωνία" (74%). Ομοίως, είναι δυνατό να προσδιοριστούν εκείνοι οι τομείς σχετικά που είναι κοντά στην απασχόληση των ατόμων με αναπηρία βασισμένοι στη διάδοση των επιχειρήσεων που απασχολούν τα άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες κάτω του μέσου όρου (67%): "μεταφορά και αποθήκευση" (65%), "χονδρικό και λιανικό εμπόριο" (62,6%), "διοικητικές και υπηρεσίες υποστήριξης" (55,6%), "δραστηριότητες ακίνητων περιουσιών" (51%), "άλλες υπηρεσίες" (51%) και τελικά τομέας "κατασκευής" με 38,6%. Στην Ιταλία, τα άτομα με αναπηρία απασχολούνται κυρίως στον τομέα των υπηρεσιών (61%). Ενώ οι τομείς της καλλιέργειας, του κυνηγιού και της αλιείας και της κατασκευής απασχολούν μόνο το 4.8% και 6.1% των εργαζομένων με αναπηρία. Όντας εξαιρετικά επηρεασμένη η Ελλάδα από την παγκόσμια οικονομική κρίση και ακόμα σε ύφεση, η κυβέρνηση έχει εγκρίνει μέτρα αυστηρότητας που περιλαμβάνουν τα τέμνοντα κυβερνητικά έξοδα, τη μείωση του μεγέθους του δημόσιου τομέα, τη μείωση της φορολογικής διαφυγής και τη μεταρρύθμιση της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης και συντάξεων. Η διάβρωση των δημόσιων οικονομικών, των ανακριβών στατιστικών, της έλλειψης εμμονής στις μεταρρυθμίσεις και της δημόσιας φορολογικής διαφυγής έχει οδηγήσει σε μια σημαντική οικονομική έκτακτη ανάγκη. Κατά συνέπεια, πολλές επιχειρήσεις κλείνουν δεδομένου ότι δεν μπορούν να αντέξουν οικονομικά τα γενικά έξοδα και την απασχόληση του προσωπικού, και επιλέγουν να εργαστούν από το σπίτι ως αυτοαπασχολούμενοι. Αναγνωρίζεται ότι τα άτομα με αναπηρία είναι μεταξύ των πιο μειονεκτούντων ομάδων στην κοινωνία μας και βρίσκονται ακόμα αντιμέτωποι με τα ιδιαίτερα εμπόδια αποτρέποντας τα από τη συμμετοχή σε όλους τους τομείς της ζωής. Η στοχοθετημένη αποκατάσταση και η ενσωμάτωση των ατόμων με αναπηρία στην εργασία και την κοινωνία είναι επομένως σημαντικά συστατικά της παραγωγικής κοινωνικής πολιτικής: αποτρέπουν τις αρνητικές εξελίξεις, ελαχιστοποιούν τα μειονεκτήματα και με αυτόν τον τρόπο συμβάλλουν στον πλούτο της κοινωνίας. Τα άτομα με αναπηρία θέλουν να ενσωματωθούν και να αναγνωριστούν. Είναι επομένως σημαντικό ότι δεν αποκλείονται από την κοινωνία αλλά είναι στο κέντρο της. Στη Σλοβενία τα ενεργά άτομα με αναπηρία με τις εργασίες είναι εκείνα που απασχολούνται ή αυτό-απασχολούνται (χωρίς να περιλαμβάνονται οι αγρότες) και που έχουν την αναγνώριση της αναπηρίας τους από το νόμο. Τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2012 υπήρχαν περίπου 30.500 ενεργά άτομα με αναπηρία, 16.500 άνδρες και 14.000 γυναίκες. Αυτό αντιπροσωπεύει το 3.9% όλου του ενεργού πληθυσμού εργασίας. Στη Βουλγαρία, το κέντρο των πόρων για την υποστήριξη της ενσωματωμένης εκπαίδευσης των παιδιών με ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες (SEN) είναι μονάδες κρατικών υπηρεσιών - εκτός διδακτέας ύλης- ιδρύματα στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα. Στη Βουλγαρία υπάρχουν 28 τέτοια κέντρα που έχουν ιδρυθεί από τον υπουργό παιδείας το Σεπτέμβρη του 2006. Το κέντρο των πόρων πραγματοποιεί τις δραστηριότητες σύμφωνα με την κυβερνητική πολιτική για τη συμπεριλαμβάνουσα εκπαίδευση με την υποστήριξη της επιτυχούσας ολοκλήρωσης και της κοινωνικοποίησης των παιδιών και των μαθητών με ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες (SEN) μέσα στην επικρατούσα εκπαίδευση. Τα παιδιά με SEN αντιμετωπίζουν δυσκολίες στην επίτευξη των κρατικών εκπαιδευτικών απαιτήσεων για την αντίστοιχη κατηγορία και το επίπεδο εκπαίδευσης δεδομένου ότι ο λόγος για αυτό είναι ένας από τους ακόλουθους: αισθητήρια εξασθένιση (οπτική ή ακρόαση), φυσική αναπηρία, διανοητική καθυστέρηση, πολλαπλές αναπηρίες, καθώς επίσης και δυσκολίες στη διαδικασία εκμάθησης (δυσλεξία, δυσγραφία, δυσκολία στην αρίθμηση). Η διαδικασία της επικοινωνίας και της εκπαίδευσης για αυτά παρακωλύεται έναντι των περισσότερων παιδιών της ίδιας ηλικίας. Για αυτόν τον λόγο χρειάζονται την πρόσθετη βοήθεια που παρέχεται από μια ομάδα των ειδικών - δασκάλων (ειδικοί παιδαγωγοί), λογοθεραπευτών και ψυχολόγων. Οι ειδικοί στο κέντρο των πόρων υποστηρίζουν την πλήρη ενσω-
μάτωση των παιδιών και των μαθητών με ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες στο εκπαιδευτικό και κοινωνικό περιβάλλον με τη διοργάνωση θεραπευτικών δραστηριοτήτων σε συνεργασία με τους γονείς και τους δασκάλους, με τις παιδαγωγικές συμβουλευτικές ομάδες, που εκτελούν τις δραστηριότητες που υποστηρίζουν τον πλήρη συνυπολογισμό αυτών των παιδιών και σπουδαστών στη δημόσια ζωή. Στην Τουρκία, το εκπαιδευτικό δικαίωμα για τα άτομα με αναπηρία εγγυάται από το σύνταγμα της τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας. Εκτός αυτού, υπάρχουν επίσης νόμοι και νομοθεσίες σχετικά με την εκπαίδευση των ατόμων με αναπηρία. Το Υπουργείο Παιδείας είναι το κύριο αρμόδιο σώμα για την εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση των ατόμων με αναπηρία. Υπάρχει κέντρο καθοδήγησης και ερευνητικό αρμόδιο για τη διαδικασία αξιολόγησης. Αυτό το κέντρο συμπεραίνει εάν το άτομο με αναπηρία χρειάζεται ειδική εκπαίδευση είτε όχι. Το Υπουργείο οικονομικών, χρηματοδοτεί όλο το εκπαιδευτικό πρόσωπο δαπανών ακόμη και άτομα που δεν έχουν οποιαδήποτε κοινωνική ασφάλιση. Και στο Υπουργείο οικογένειας και κοινωνικής πολιτικής και το Υπουργείο Παιδείας μέσα στο έργο καλύπτουν τη δυνατότητα πρόσβασης του ατόμου χωρίς δαπάνη από το 2005. Στις δοκιμές τοποθέτησης, οι έφηβοι με αναπηρία εξετάζονται χωριστά. Σύμφωνα με την αναπηρία τους, συμπληρωματικός χρόνος 30 λεπτών μπορεί να δοθεί. Βιβλίο εξετάσεων που γράφεται με το αλφάβητο μπράιγ μπορεί να δοθεί, κατάλληλη φυσική θέση, αναγνώστης, encoder και η υποστήριξη ενός εκπαιδευτικού μπορούν να παρασχεθούν. Στη Σλοβενία, η ένωση των ιδρυμάτων για την κατάρτιση των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες (potrebami posebnimi Skupnost organizacij za usposabljanje osebωs) μαζί με τις οργανώσεις συνεργατών οργανώνει την κεντρική ετήσια εκπαιδευτική εκδήλωση για τους ειδικούς στην κατάρτιση των ιδρυμάτων, των κανονικών σχολείων και των παιδικών σταθμών που λειτουργούν με τα άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες. Η προαναφερθείσα ένωση οδηγούσε το συνεργάτη στο έργο για την επαγγελματική κατάρτιση του ειδικού στον τομέα της κατάρτισης και της εκπαίδευσης τις χρονιές 2008-2011. Το έργο ήταν συγχρηματοδοτούμενο από το ευρωπαϊκό κοινωνικό ίδρυμα. Κάλυψε πέντε προγράμματα της επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης για ειδικούς με 56 ώρες κατάρτισης. Παραδείγματος χάριν, το 2009 υπήρξαν 2440 συμμετέχοντες. Το University rehabilitation institute of RS – Soča (Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut RS – Soča is οργανώνει πολλά εργαστήρια, διαλέξεις και σεμινάρια σε ετήσια βάση για να φέρει τη συνειδητοποίηση για τη νεότητα στην περιεκτική αποκατάσταση. Το Ασφαλιστικό ίδρυμα σύνταξης και αναπηρίας της Σλοβενίας ZPIZ (za pokojninsko Zavod in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije) ZPIZ είναι μαζί με άλλα ιδρύματα που οργανώνουν τις ημέρες του επαγγελματία και της αποκατάστασης απασχόλησης (ημέρες REHA) σε ετήσια βάση. Το ίδρυμα συμμετέχει σε σεμινάρια και εργαστήρια με θέματα που καλύπτουν τη συνεργασία με τους εργοδότες στο στάδιο της επαγγελματικής αποκατάστασης, της χρηματοδότησης της κατάρτισης και των προγραμμάτων προσαρμογής εργασιακών χώρων για τα άτομα με αναπηρία. Η Ιταλία έχει αναγνωρίσει την πλήρη πρόσβαση στα κανονικά σχολεία για τους σπουδαστές με αναπηρία στο σύνταγμά της. Ο νόμος εγγυάται επίσης το εκπαιδευτικό δικαίωμα για τα άτομα με αναπηρία. Στο παιδί χορηγείται η συμμετοχή στη σχολική δομή και το δικαίωμα στην εκπαίδευση σε κάθε επίπεδο από τον παιδικό σταθμό ως το πανεπιστήμιο. Στη σχολική ολοκλήρωση χορηγείται το ισότιμο πρόγραμμα μεταξύ του σχολείου, της υγείας, των κοινωνικών, πολιτιστικών, υπηρεσιών ψυχαγωγίας και αθλητισμού σχολείο και πανεπιστημιακά υλικά εξοπλισμού και στοχοθετημένα πανεπιστημιακά προγράμματα σύμφωνα με ανάγκες προσώπων σε όλο το σχολείο σε επίπεδο χορηγείται ένας δάσκαλος υποστήριξης. Μορφές της πραγματοποίησης της ολοκλήρωσης: το Υπουργείο δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης φροντίζει την επαγγελματική ενημέρωση της γνώσης δασκάλων σχετικά με τα άτομα με αναπηρία. Η ομάδα εργασίας για τη σχολική ενσωμάτωση: σε κάθε σχολικό πίνακα υπάρχει μια μόνιμη ομάδα εργασίας φτιαγμένη από εμπειρογνώμονες και κάθε σχολική περιοχή έχει την ομάδα εργασίας και μελέτης. Οι ομάδες έχουν το καθήκον να υποβάλουν τη γνωμοδότηση και την πρόταση στο υπεύθυνο και να συνεργαστούν με τα σχολεία, τις τοπικές οντότητες και τον τοπικό πίνακα υγείας. Αξιολόγηση και διαγωνισμοί: οι μαθητές με ειδικές ανάγκες θα αξιολογούν σύμφωνα με τη διάβαση εκμάθησης που δημιουργείται στο σχολείο. Στην υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση οι διαγωνισμοί ευθυγραμμίζονται στα μαθημένα θέματα, ενώ για τη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση υπάρχουν διαγωνισμοί που δίνουν περισσότερο χρόνο. Για το πανεπιστήμιο ένας δάσκαλος ακολουθεί τη διάβαση εκμάθησης. Τα ειδικά κίνητρα παρέχονται επίσης προκειμένου να απλοποιήσουν την πρόσβαση στην εκπαίδευση των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες, όπως: Η πλήρης ή μερική απαλλαγή από την υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση, η δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση και τα πανεπιστημιακά δίδακτρα επιγραφής, ελεύθερη σχολική μεταφορά ατόμων με αναπηρία που ανταποκρίνονται στη σειρά μαθημάτων υποχρεωτικής εκπαίδευσης ή επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης που χρηματοδοτήθηκε από το κράτος, το βοηθητικό δάσκαλο ή τον προσωπικό βοηθό στους μαθητές με αναπηρία για να εφαρμόσει τις μορφές ολοκλήρωσης και να κάνει εξατομικευμένη την επέμβαση βοηθώντας σπουδαστές που έχουν πρόσβαση στα σχολεία και την προσωπική φροντίδα.
ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ Το να βρίσκεται κανείς σε κατάσταση αναπηρίας, έχει γίνει αποδεκτό ουσιαστικά ως κεντρικό πρόβλημα στην έρευνα των κοινωνικών επιστημών. Οι διαρκείς συγκρούσεις για την υπεροχή της αναπηρίας, το ρόλο της υγείας στις εκβάσεις αγοράς εργασίας, και την επιρροή της ομοσπονδιακής πολιτικής αναπηρίας για τα μειωμένα ποσοστά απασχόλησης έχουν όλα τα υπογραμμισμένα ζητήματα σχετικά με την αξιοπιστία της αυτό-αναφερόμενης αναπηρίας. Σε όλο τον κόσμο, τα άτομα με αναπηρία είναι επιχειρηματίες και αυτοαπασχολούμενοι εργαζόμενοι, αγρότες και εργαζόμενοι εργοστασίων, γιατροί και δάσκαλοι, βοηθοί καταστημάτων και οδηγοί λεωφορείων, καλλιτέχνες, και τεχνικοί υπολογιστών. Αν και, όταν δίνεται το σωστό περιβάλλον, όλες οι εργασίες μπορούν να εκτελεσθούν από τα άτομα με αναπηρία οι περισσότερες από αυτές μπορούν να είναι παραγωγικότερες από τώρα. Σε αυτόν τον πρώτο καθορισμό εκθέσεων αναπηρίας, τα νόμιμα δικαιώματα, οι επαγγελματικές εκπαιδεύσεις όλων των συνεργατών συζητούνται και συγκρίνονται.
Miglioramento delle opportunità di lavoro nell’UE per le persone disabili attraverso lo sviluppo delle loro competenze – Lavoro Per Tutti (EFE) RIASSUNTO Il livello di accesso ai servizi sanitari, educativi e le opportunità lavorative, è diverso da paese a paese, specialmente quando si parla delle persone diversamente abili, che ancora oggi non ricevono gli adeguati servizi facendo esperienza di esclusione dalle attività quotidiane. Questo progetto europeo ha lo scopo di analizzare prospettive relative alla Turchia, Bulgaria, Grecia, Italia e Slovenia riguardanti la disabilità. Volendo analizzare le radici e la storia del termine disabile possiamo notare che tra il 1200 e il 1800 le persone affette da disturbi mentali erano considerate “possedute dal diavolo o da spiriti maligni”, con il risultato che venivano continuamente torturate. Questo genere di malattie erano considerate come il segno di una sorte avversa. Tra il 1400 e il 1700 più di 100,000 donne vennero accusate di essere streghe. Molte di loro soffrivano di alcune forme di disturbi mentali o altri problemi causati dall’età. A partire dall’inizio del 19° secolo la biologia e la scienza cominciarono ad essere utilizzate allo scopo di analizzare i fenomeni. Le persone con disabilità dalla nascita cominciano ad essere considerate come soggetti con deficit genetici. Soltanto negli anni ’70 si comincia a riconoscere che essere disabile non poteva essere una discriminante. L’organizzazione mondiale della sanità ha pubblicato il suo primo report sulla definizione di disabilità e diritti sociali nel 1980 aggiornandolo nel 2011. Tutti i paesi del partenariato definiscono la disabilità secondo la definizione dell’ OMS come impedimento fisico e partecipazione differente nella società. Perciò una persona diversamente abile può definirsi: qualcuno che ha difficoltà di adattamento alla vita sociale e particolari bisogni dovuti alla mancanza fisica, mentale, psicologica, sensoriale e capacità sociali a vario livello per nascita o per altra ragione, che quindi ha necessità di protezione, cura, riabilitazione, consulenza e servizi di supporto. Nella costituzione turca la disabilità è divisa in sette categorie: mentale, uditiva, visiva, linguistica, ortopedica, psicologica e/o emotive, malattia cronica. In Italia la disabilità viene definita in accordo con la classificazione internazionale dell’OMS che identifica la disabilità come un termine generale per impedimento, limite all’attività e restrizione alla partecipazione. Le persone con disabilità rappresentano il 12% della popolazione in Turchia, il 9,3% di quella greca, 8% in Slovenia. In Italia secondo la legge sia il settore privato che quello pubblico devono garantire il posto di lavoro a coloro che dopo l’assunzione abbiano acquisito lo stato di disabilità. Inoltre entrambi i settori sono obbligati a rispettare il 7% di lavoratori disabili con un totale di 50 e oltre impiegati, 2 lavoratori disabili se gli impiegati sono tra i 36 e i 50 e 1 lavoratore se hanno tra i 15 e i 35 impiegati. In Grecia il settore pubblico viene regolato dalla legge che stabilisce una quota del 5% di impiegati con disabilità oltre il 50% e registrati all’Organizzazione Greca Manpower (OAED). La stessa legge stabilisce che il settore privato in caso di 50 o più dipendenti debba rispettare la quota del 2%. Inoltre anche i parenti del disabile possono richiedere di rientrare in questa percentuale se la disabilità supera il 67%. Anche la Slovenia è regolata dallo stesso sistema per quota, che pur essendo differente da settore a settore non può andare sotto il 2% o oltre il 6% del numero degli impiegati. Riguardo ai settori del mercato del lavoro che possono impiegare persone diversamente abili, in Italia non risulta esserci nessuna restrizione, mentre in Turchia vengono apposte delle limitazioni nei settori delle costruzioni sotterranee e sottomarine. In Grecia tutta l’industria pesante non può impiegare persone disabili. I settori in Turchia che per lo più assumono persone con bisogni speciali si dividono in 5 categorie: servizi sociali 83%, manifattura 79,5%, formazione 77%, arte cultura e intrattenimento 75,6%, informazione e comunicazione 74%. Allo stesso modo, è possibile individuare i settori più chiusi all'occupazione dei disabili: trasporti e stoccaggio 65%, commercio all’ingrosso e dettaglio 62,6%, servizi amministrativi e di supporto 55,6%, settore immobiliare 51%, altri servizi 51% e il settore delle costruzioni 38,6%. In Italia il settore predominante è quello dei servizi 61%, mentre i settori con
meno presenza di lavoratori disabili sono quello della caccia e pesca e delle costruzioni. In grecia la situazione è resa ancor più complicata dall’attuale crisi economica e le conseguenti politiche finanziarie che hanno portato alla riduzione della spesa pubblica. Le aziende stanno chiudendo e si predilige sempre di più il lavoro da casa come liberi professionisti. Pertanto i lavoratori disabili sono tra le categorie più svantaggiate e risentono molto di questa situazione, rischiando di essere sempre più emarginati dalla vita sociale. Per questo motivo è sempre più importante prevenire sviluppi negativi, attraverso misure di riabilitazione e implementare misure di integrazione. In Slovenia secondo dati rilevati lo scorso settembre 2012, erano in forza lavoro circa 30500, suddivisi tra 16500 maschi e 14000 femmine, ciò rappresenta circa il 3,9% della popolazione attiva. In Bulgaria l’integrazione viene gestita e supportata da centri particolarmente specializzati che si occupano dell’educazione delle persone con bisogni speciali sin dai bambini. Questi centri sono stati creati dal Ministero dell’Educazione a partire da settembre 2006. Le attività dei centri sono finalizzate all’integrazione e la socializzazione delle persone a prescindere dal tipo di disabilità e con l’aiuto specializzato a seconda dei loro bisogni. Infatti nei centri sono presenti insegnanti, terapisti, psicologi etc. In Turchia il diritto all’istruzione è garantito dalla Costituzione della Repubblica turca, arricchita da leggi e decreti a riguardo. Il Ministro dell’Educazione è responsabile per l’educazione e la formazione di persone disabili che in accordo con centri preposti stabilisce se una persona ha bisogno di un’educazione speciale o meno. Il Ministero delle Finanze invece si ccupa di coprire i costi dell’istruzione per il disabile e la famiglia laddove ci fosse bisogno. I programmi di istruzione sono uguale agli altri ma in occasione degli esami gli studenti disabili vengono esaminati singolarmente o gli viene concesso più tempo. In Slovenia l’Associazione (Skupnost organizacij za usposabljanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami) all’interno della progettazione cofinanziata dal Fondo Sociale Europeo tra gli anni 2008 – 2011 ha implementato cinque programmi formativi diversi per specialisti del settore dell’educazione con particolare attenzione al tema delle disabilità. La costituzione italiana riconosce il pieno accesso alla scuola per gli studenti con disabilità e la legge garantisce il diritto all’educazione e all’istruzione per tutte le persone disabile dalla scuola materna all’università. L’integrazione scolastica si realizza attraverso: un programma coordinato tra la scuola, i servizi della salute, sociali, culturali e sportivi; arredi scolastici e universitari speciali e materiale didattico adatto; programmi universitari specifici secondo i bisogni; attribuzione di incarichi professionali ad interpreti; assistenza scolastica nelle scuole. Per l’attuazione dell’integrazione, il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione prevede delle formazioni per aggiornare le conoscenze dei docenti. In ogni istituzione scolastica è previsto un Gruppo di Lavoro per l'Handicap di Istituto che ha il compito di collaborare con i genitori, l’ASL gli enti locali al fine di migliorare la qualità dell’integrazione formulando proposte di tipo organizzativo ed educativo. La valutazione scolastica degli allevi diversamente abili viene adattata al piano educativo individualizzato. Per la scuola dell'obbligo sono predisposte prove d'esame corrispondenti agli insegnamenti impartiti mentre nell'ambito della scuola secondaria sono consentite prove equipollenti, tempi più lunghi e la presenza di insegnanti di sostegno. Altri incentivi sono previsti dalle legge per semplificare l’integrazione nella scuola quale la possibilità di dispensa delle tasse scolastiche e il trasporto scolastico gratuito. CONCLUSIONI La condizione di disabilità è stata sostanzialmente analizzata come problema centrale nella ricerca sociale. Persistono i conflitti tra disabilità e mondo del lavoro, ma è stato rilevato in tutti i paesi analizzati un buon apparato di norme e leggi che se implementate esaustivamente porterebbero ad una completa integrazione delle persone disabili nel mercato del lavoro. In tutto il mondo, le persone disabili lavorano come imprenditore, libero professionista, contadino, dottore, insegnante, autista, commessa, artista, tecnico etc. Se l’ambiente di lavoro è giusto, le persone disabili possono occupare qualsiasi posto di lavoro ed essere molto produttive.
Krepitev zaposlitvenih možnosti invalidov v EU s pomočjo izboljšanja njihove poklicne usposobljenosti POVZETEK Posamezniki v različnih državah nimajo enakih možnosti dostopa do zdravstvenih storitev, izobraževanja, zaposlitve in do storitev za invalide, ki jih potrebujejo, zato so mnogokrat izključeni iz vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. V projektu E4E želimo analizirati stanje na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja invalidov v Turčiji, Bolgariji, Grčiji, Italiji in Sloveniji. Ob koncu projekta bodo predstavljene zaključne ugotovitve. V preteklosti, v času od 1200 do 1800 so izraz invalidnost in invalidna oseba povezovali z umsko zaostalimi osebami (norost in idiotizem), ki so imele v sebi hudiča in zle duhove. Posledično so jih bičali, mučili in zažigali na grmadah. Bolezen ali nesreča sta pomenili odmik od zdravega duha. Med leti 1400 in 1700 so kot čarovnice usmrtili več kot 100.000 žensk. Mnoge od njih so trpele za katero od umskih ali starostno-pogojenih bolezni. V zgodnjih letih 19. stoletja pa se za razlago različnih pojavov že uporabljata biologija in znanost. Osebe s prirojeno napako so označevali za osebe z genetskim primanjkljajem. Izrazi samostojno življenje, družbene pravice in vključenost so se začeli uporabljati v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO – World Health Organization) je svoje prvo poročilo na temo invalidnosti in družbenih pravic objavila v letu 1980 in ga posodobila leta 2011. Vse države, vključene v projekt E4E, invalidnost definirajo v skladu z definicijo WHO. Kot invalidne osebe so tako definirane tiste osebe, ki imajo težave s prilagajanjem družbenemu življenju in zadovoljevanju dnevnih potreb zaradi zmanjšanih fizičnih, umskih, psiholoških, senzornih ali družbenih sposobnosti od rojstva dalje ali zaradi kasnejših poškodb. Zaradi tega potrebujejo zaščito, nego, rehabilitacijo, svetovanje in pomoč pri različnih opravilih. Tako v Turčiji, kot v Nemčiji pa se invalidnost deli še na dva dela: hujša in blažja invalidnost, ki se definira v odstotkih. Posameznik z več kot 50 % invalidnostjo je označen kot prizadet. Uradna definicija invalidnosti v Turčiji se deli na sedem različnih kategorij: invalidi so lahko tako umsko prizadeti, slušno prizadeti, slepi in slabovidni, govorno prizadeti, gibalno ovirani, psihološko in/ali čustveno prizadeti ter kronično bolni. V Italiji velja mednarodna klasifikacija delovanja, invalidnosti in zdravja (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Helalth - ICF), ki jo zagovarja WHO in invalidnost označuje kot krovni pojem za prizadetost, gibalne omejitve aktivnosti in participativne omejitve. V Turčiji invalidne osebe predstavljajo 12 % celotne populacije, v Grčiji 9,3 % in v Sloveniji 8 %. Po italijanski zakonodaji morajo delodajalci v zasebnem in javnem sektorju zagotoviti delovna mesta osebam, ki so usposobljena za delo, tudi če imajo status invalida. Še več, delodajalci v zasebnem in javnem sektorju morajo zaposliti vsaj 7 % invalidov, če zaposlujejo več kot 50 oseb, 2 invalida, če imajo med 36 in 50 zaposlenih in 1 invalida, če zaposlujejo med 15 in 35 oseb. Zakon v Grčiji določa, da mora javni sektor zaposliti vsaj 5 % invalidov, ki imajo več kot 50 % stopnjo invalidnosti in so prijavljeni na Zavodu za zaposlovanje (Greek Manpower Organization – OAED). Zakonodaja zasebnemu sektorju z več kot 50 zaposlenimi predpisuje zaposlitev vsaj 2 % invalidov, ki jih priporoči ustrezna javna agencija. Osebe, ki imajo v družini brata, sestro, moža, ženo, sina ali hči z več kot 67 % invalidnostjo so prav tako zaščitene s to zakonodajo, kar jim omogoča delovna mesta v javnem sektorju. Tudi v Sloveniji obstaja kvota zaposlovanja invalidov, ki je odvisna od velikosti podjetja (vsaj 20 zaposlenih) in je lahko med 2 in 6 %. Italijanska zakonodaja ne predpisuje posebnih področjih, na katerih ne bi mogli zaposlovati invalidov, medtem ko turška zakonodaja onemogoča zaposlovanje invalidov pri podzemeljskih in podvodnih delih, grška pa v težki industriji. Podjetja v Turčiji zaposlujejo osebe z več kot 75 % invalidnostjo na naslednjih petih področjih: zdravstvo in socialne storitve (83 %), proizvodnja (79,5 %), izobraževanje (77 %), kultura, umetnost in zabava (75,6 %), informatika in komunikacije (74 %). Prav tako je lahko identificirati področja, ki so relativno nedostopna invalidom. Ta so: prevoz in skladiščenje (65 %), prodaja (62,6 %), administrativne in podporne storitve (55,6 %), nepremičnine (51 %), druge storitve (51 %) in gradbeništvo (38,6 %). Invalidne osebe se v Italiji večinoma zaposlijo v sektorju storitev
(61 %), medtem ko se na področju kmetovanja, lova in ribolova in gradbeništva zaposluje le med 4,8 % in 6,1 % invalidov. Velika finančna kriza, ki je prizadela Grčijo in jo pahnila v recesijo, je vlado spodbudila k drastičnim ukrepom, ki med drugim zajemajo zmanjševanje vladnih stroškov, krčenje javnega sektorja, zmanjševanje davkov in reformo zdravstvenega in pokojninskega sistema. Kopnenje javnih sredstev, neustrezna statistika, neupoštevanje reform in manjši davki so krizo še bolj zaostrili. Posledica tega so propadla podjetja, ki niso bila več zmožna plačevanja obratovalnih stroškov in stroškov plač, zato so se nekateri odločili za samozaposlitev in delo od doma. Jasno je, da so invalidi med najbolj ranljivimi skupinami v takšni družbi, saj se neprestano soočajo z oviram, ki jim preprečujejo aktivno delovanje v družbi. Prav zato sta usmerjena rehabilitacija in integracija invalidov v družbo in delovno okolje pomembna elementa produktivne družbene politike: preprečujeta negativni razvoj, zmanjšujeta slabšanje položaja in tako prispevata k zdravi družbi. Zato je pomembno, da so invalidi vključeni in ne izključeni iz družbe. Invalidi si želijo priznavanja in vključenosti. V Sloveniji so aktivni invalidi zaposleni ali samozaposleni in imajo svojo invalidnost registrirano in priznano s strani ustrezne inštitucije. Septembra 2012 je bilo registriranih 30.500 aktivnih invalidov, od njih 16.500 moških in 14.500 žensk, kar predstavlja 3,9 % aktivne delovne populacije. V Bolgariji je znotraj Ministrstva za izobraževanje septembra 2006 delovalo 28 državnih institucij, ki skrbijo za izobraževanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami (SEN – special education needs). Te institucije izvajajo aktivnosti v skladu z vladno politiko, ki podpira vključevanje in socializacijo otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi izobraževalnimi potrebami v redno šolanje. Otroci s posebnimi izobraževalnimi potrebami imajo težave pri doseganju izobraževalnih standardov v rednem šolskem sistemu zaradi enega ali več naslednjih omejitev: slušna ali vidna zaznava, fizične omejitve, umska prizadetost in učne težave (disleksija, disgrafija, diskalkulija). Proces komunikacije in učenja je v primerjavi z njihovimi vrstniki otežen, zato potrebujejo posebno podporo, ki jim jo nudi ustrezna ekipa strokovnjakov, sestavljena iz specializiranih pedagogov, logopedov in psihologov. Strokovnjaki v teh institucijah podpirajo popolno integracijo otrok in dijakov s posebnimi izobraževalnimi potrebami v izobraževalno in družbeno okolje z izvajanjem ustreznih terapevtskih aktivnosti, posvetovanjem s starši, učitelji in specialnimi pedagogi in z drugimi aktivnostmi, ki omogočajo popolno vključitev teh otrok in dijakov v vsakodnevno življenje. Izobraževalna pravica invalidov je v Turčiji opredeljena v Ustavi, prav tako pa jo dopolnjujejo zakoni in zakonodaja. Glavni organ, ki med drugim skrbi tudi za izobraževanje invalidov, je Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, na izvedbeni ravni pa za to skrbi Guiding and Research Center, ki presodi, ali oseba potrebuje izobraževanje s posebnimi prilagoditvami, Ministrstvo za finance pa skupaj z Ministrstvom za družino in socialne zadeve ter Ministrstvom za izobraževanje od leta 2005 krije stroške takšnega izobraževanja. Vsakega mladostnika, za katerega predvidijo, da bi potreboval posebno obravnavo, individualno testirajo. Glede na njihove posebne potrebe, lahko zagotovijo dodatnih 30 minut pouka, pripomočke, napisane v Braillovi pisavi, ustrezno prilagojen prostor za učenje, dodatnega inštruktorja ipd. V Sloveniji Skupnost organizacij za usposabljanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami s partnerskimi organizacijami organizira letne izobraževalne dogodke za vse strokovnjake, ki delujejo na področju usposabljanja s posebnimi potrebami v vrtcih, šolah in drugih izobraževalnih inštitucijah. Omenjena skupnost je bila tudi glavni partner projekta (2008 – 2011) Usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev za uspešno vključevanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami v vzgojo in izobraževanje, financiranega s strani Evropskega socialnega sklada. Projekt je ponudil pet programov profesionalnega usposabljanja strokovnih delavcev v trajanju 56 ur. V letu 2009 se je tega usposabljanja udeležilo 2440 strokovnjakov. Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut RS Soča letno organizira veliko delavnic, predavanj in seminarjev, s katerimi osvešča strokovno javnost o možnostih rehabilitacije. Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije (ZPIZ) pa v sodelovanju z ostalimi inštitucijami organizira dneve profesionalne in zaposlitvene rehabilitacije. ZPIZ sodeluje pri pripravi seminarjev in delavnic na temo sodelovanja delodajalcev v procesu profesionalne rehabilitacije in financira izobraževanje in prilagoditve delovnih mest osebam s posebnimi potrebami. Italija z ustavo zagotavlja možnost vključevanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami v redno šolanje, prav tako pa zakonodaja invalidom omogoča pravico do izobraževanja. Invalidni otroci imajo pravico do šolanja od vrtca do univerze. Integracijo v šolski sistem omogočajo s pomočjo koordiniranih aktivnosti med šolami, zdravstvom, socialo, kulturo, zabavo in športom, prilagojeno opremo in študijskimi programi, profesionalnimi tolmači in dodatnimi učitelji. Prilagoditve za realizacijo integracije so: Ministrstvo za javno izobraževanje skrbi za redno usposabljanje učiteljev, ki delujejo s prizadetimi otroci. Na vseh šolah delujejo delovne skupine strokovnjakov, ki morajo zagotavljati sveto-
vanje in sodelovati s šolami ter lokalno skupnostjo in zdravstvenim odborom. Dijakom in študentom s posebnimi potrebami mora biti omogočeno preverjanje znanja v skladu z njim predpisanim programom. V osnovnem šolanju se znanje preverja po posameznih predmetih, v sekundarnem izobraževanju je tem dijakom na voljo več časa za pisanje testov. Na fakulteti imajo študenti na voljo tutorja, ki jim pomaga pri učenju. Na voljo so tudi ukrepi, s katerimi želijo poenostaviti proces izobraževanja za ljudi s posebnimi potrebami, kot na primer: popolna ali delna izključitev iz obveznega šolanja, olajšave pri šolninah za srednje šole in fakultete, brezplačni prevoz oseb s posebnimi potrebami do izobraževalne ustanove in nazaj, možnost koriščenja uslug osebnega asistenta za osebno nego ali izobraževalne potrebe. ZAKLJUČEK Invalidnost se v zadnjih letih pojavlja kot ključen problem v družbenih raziskavah. Nenehni konflikti o stopnji in kategorijah invalidnosti, vlogi zdravja na trgu delovne sile in vpliv politike o invalidnosti na zmanjševanje delovnih mest poudarjajo pomembno vloge invalidov. Povsod po svetu so invalidi podjetniki, samozaposleni, kmetovalci, proizvodni delavci, zdravniki, učitelji, prodajalci, šoferji avtobusa, umetniki in računalničarji. Ob zagotovitvi ustreznih delovnih pogojev, se lahko invalidi zaposlijo skoraj na vseh delovnih mestih in večina od njih je lahko bolj produktivnih od povprečja. V tem poročilu smo preverili definicije invalidnosti, zakonodajo in stanje na področju poklicnega izobraževanja.
Enhancing Employment Opportunities Of Disabled People in EU Through The Improvement of Their Capacities In VET (EFE) NEEDS ANALYSIS-1 In this project research team will focus on all obstacle group’s legal rights, employment opportunities, governmental incentives and employer behavior. Our first needs analysis report is designed part-by-part including discussions and suggestions to simplify study. A. DEFINING FOCUS OBSTACLE TYPES, LIMITATIONS, AND COMPARING LEGAL ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN COUNTRIES. 1.What are the basic disability definitions of your country with reference to legal arrangements? Definition of disability shows an alteration from nation to nation because of social values since last 20 years. For example in Germany according to social legislation part XI article 1, anyone who has difficulties in adapting to the social life and in meeting daily needs due to the loss of physical, mental, psychological conditions more than 6 months is called as disabled individual (C. TOMUSCHAT, 2011). Also like in Turkey disability is divided into two parts severely and slightly disability with a difference of percentage value. In Germany, an individual with 50 % disability is called as severely impaired person (DEGENER, 2004). In England legal system accepts a person who has difficulties in adapting to the social life and meeting daily needs more than 12 months as disable. Functional disorders, lasting less than 12 months are apart from this definition. In Turkey, disabled person is defined as; anyone who has difficulties in adapting to the social life and in meeting daily needs due to the loss of physical, mental, psychological, sensory and social capabilities at various levels by birth or by any reason thereafter, who therefore need protection, care, rehabilitation, consultancy and support services, and whose incapacity to work by 40% or less is certified by a medical board report (ÇAĞLAR, 2011). Like in Germany, in Turkey an individual with 50 % disability is called as severely impaired person also. 2.What are the categories and sub-categories (definitions) of your country with reference to legal arrangements? If we investigate by organization side WHO (WHO, 2011) defines disability groups in 5 categories as follows: 1. Orthopedically Impaired 2. Visually Impaired 3. Hearing Impaired 4. Mentally Disabled 5. Chronic Diseases National Dissemination Center For Children With Disabilities, NICHCY, (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities ) defines disability groups in 14 categories as follows: 1. Autism 2. Deaf-Blindness 3. Deafness 4. Development Delay
5. Emotional Disturbance 6. Hearing Impairment 7. Intellectual Disability 8. Multiple Disabilities 9. Orthopedic Impairment 10. Other Health Impairment 11. Specific Learning Disability 12. Speech or Language Impairment 13. Traumatic Brain Injury 14. Visual impairment, including blindness. As we can see from above two examples disability definitions and categories and definitions are changing partly between organizations and also between nations. In Turkish constitution disability is divided into 7 categories such as: 1. Mentally Disabled: Mentally disabled is the person who has mental incapability at various levels. Persons with mental retardation, Down Syndrome or Phenylketonuria (if leads to mental retardation) are included in this group. 2. Hearing Impaired: Hearing impaired is the person who has a loss of hearing in one or both ears. Persons who use hearing aid are also considered under this category. 3. Vision impaired: Vision impaired is the person who has a full or partial loss or defect of vision in one or both eyes. Persons with ocular prosthesis, color blindness, moon blindness (night blindness) are also considered under this category. 4. Orthopedically Impaired: Orthopedically impaired is the person who has a loss of function, deficiency and incapacity in musculoskeletal system. Brachydactylic persons and persons with deficiency, excess, loss, incapacity to move or malformation in arms, legs, fingers or spine as well as with muscle weakness, bone disease, paralysis, cerebral palsy, spasticity and spina bifida are also considered under this category. 5. Speech Impaired: Speech impaired is the person who cannot speak for some reason or experience a deficiency in the speed, fluency or expression of speech and who has voice disorder. Persons who cannot speak although can hear, who have had laryngectomy or who use instruments to speak, who have stuttering, aphasia or deficiency in the structure of tongue, lip, palate or chin are also considered under this category. 6. Psychologically and/or Emotionally Ill: Psychologically and/or emotionally ill is the person who has difficulty in completing his daily activities and continuing his interpersonal relationships due to unusual patterns in emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Any illness such as depression or schizophrenia is included under this category. 7. Chronic Disease: Chronic disease is the disease that obstructs a person’s capacity or functions to work, and which requires continuous treatment and care (e.g. blood diseases, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory system diseases, digestive system diseases, urogenital diseases, ermatological diseases, cancers, endocrine and metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, HIV). 3. What are the medical and social preconditions of a disabled individual should have to employ? There are no social preconditions actually. In 2011 Turkish government about this topic did a detailed study. In this study there are 535 enterprises that do not employ people with disabilities (32.8%), 185 of which (35%) are enterprises with 50 or more employees. Table 1 shows the reasons of employers why they do not prefer to employ disable individuals. As it can be clearly seen from table thirteen of these enterprises, having responded to this question, have stated that they have not received any “job application by a disabled person”, nine have claimed that they have “employees under quota”, and three have emphasized that the sector is not suitable for disability. 41 of these enterprises say that disabled individuals are unwilling to work, inconsistent and regular. 20
of them reported that they have communication problems, 19 of them informed that they are delicate, capricious and aggressive. This study strongly shows that employers have huge problems with the social behaving are of handicapped people (General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly People Project Team, 2011). Table 1. Employer's Reasons Why They Do Not Employ Disabled Individuals
And also in the study below graph is given showing, positive characteristics that are considered “sufficient” are about disabled employees’ individual work behaviors, while characteristics considered “insufficient” are about maladjustment to collective work life. Secondly, positive characteristics list includes features attributed to the personality of the disabled employee such as perseverance, insistence, obligation, self-sacrifice whereas insufficiency about knowledge, speed or adjustment emphasizes the capacity of the disabled employee (General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly People Project Team, 2011). Figure 1. Disabled Employees’ Characteristics Deemed Sufficient and Insufficient
Medical preconditions vary by disability type and sub-category. A medical release which reports disability percentage and the works cannot be done by him/her is given to individual. B. ANALYSIS OF LEGAL RIGHTS 1. Is there any below government policies that protect power to the rights of disable individual’s employments, any government incentives to both side? Methods used for the employment of people with disabilities can be listed as : I. Quota regime, II. Legislative works against discrimination, III. Selected jobs, IV. Vocational rehabilitation, V. Sheltered workplaces and VI. Governmental incentives for employment of disabled people (subsidised employment) In Turkey government is using all above methods. 2. Who is responsible for executing the disabled employee? According to government officer article 657, 3% of public employees should consist handicapped individuals. And also according to labor law article 4857, a company who has employers more than 50 is obligated to employ disabled person (The Presidency Of The Republic Of Turkey, 2011). 3. In your country are there any specific labor markets that cannot employ disabled individuals? Labor markets which includes underground and underwater works, handicapped person cannot be employed (General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly People Project Team, 2011). 4. Are there any government incentives to employers to employ disabled individual? The treasury covers the fifty percent of the employer shares of the insurance premium that is calculated according to the base limit of main income for each disabled person that the employers employ although they are not liable and the total of the employer shares of the insurance premium which is calculated according to the vase limit of main income that is mentioned in the 72rd and 73 article sand determined by the 78th article of the law with the date of 1/7/2005 and the number of 5378 which is concerned about the insurance of the disabled people working in the protected workplaces specified in the same Law and the insurance of the disabled people who got employed within this article by the employers of the private sector and who are subject to the social security Law of the date of 17/7/1964 and with the number 506. (General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly People Project Team, 2011). 5. Are there any government penalties to employers to employ disabled individual? Provincial Directorate of Labor and Employment Agency will apply administrative penalty of 1700 TL to employer or his representative who do not comply with the obligation for each month for each disabled employee that should be provided. Public institutions are also not exempt any way this penalty (iskanunu.com, 2012). 6. Are there any government special incentives to disabled individuals to building up their own businesses? From 04.12.12 handicapped individuals based on “Entrepreneurship Has No Obstacles” can move forward in establishing a new business and life. Scope of the project is based on entrepreneurship training, coaching, support, and 30,000 TL entrepreneurship capitals (Özürlü ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 2012). B. ANALYSIS OF WORKFORCE AND WORKING CONDITIONS WHICH WILL BE STUDIED IN THE PROJECT, DETERMINATION OF MINUMUM WORKING CONDITIONS, EXAMINING OF GOOD PRACTICES 1. Are there any specified professions for severe or slightly handicapped (-or any impaired category) individuals employed in your country?
In Turkey there are no sharp contrasts or work definitions for severe or slightly disabled individuals. But in recent years visually impaired individuals are mostly specialized in call center era. In cleaning services hearing impaired individuals, orthopedically impaired people are generally employed on computer programming, web programming, and textile fabrics (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011). 2. Mainly in which sectors disabled individuals are employed? Below table shows the percentage values of employment ratio of disabled people in enterprises as of sectors (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011). Figure 2. Employment Ratio of Disabled People in Enterprises as of Sectors
Above figure does not show sectorial dissemination of the employment of disabled persons, yet indicates the ratio of employing disabled persons of the enterprises in the relevant sectors. In other words, Graph 6 reveals the extent to which the companies are open for employing disabled persons as of sectors. As can be seen in the graphic, companies employing disabled persons with 75% and more are operating in the following five sectors: “human health and social services” (83%), “manufacturing” (79.5%), “training” (77%), “culture, arts, entertainment,…” (75.6%) “Information and communication” (74%). Similarly, it is possible to identify those sectors relatively closed to employment of disabled people based on the dissemination of enterprises employing disabled persons below the average (67%): “transportation and storage” (65%), “wholesale and retail trade” (62.6%), “administrative and support services” (55.6%), “real estate activities” (51%), “other services” (51%) and finally “construction” sector with 38.6% (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011). 3. Please Classify Job and Occupations of Employees with Disabilities Business segments as ‘unskilled jobs’ and ‘office and customer services’ have a larger share in the current employment of disabled labor force. There are four more business segments following these two shouldering 67% of the employment of disabled people with an interval of 5-8%. These occupations, which require a certain qualification and skill, are “professional occupations”, “artisans and relevant occupations”, “auxiliary professional occupation groups” and “plant and machinery operator”. These segments and occupational groups are the results of classifications developed on the basis of 10 main groups at level 1 of ISCO-88. It may be more useful to present the same data using a classification based on 20 occupations at level 2 of ISCO for clarifying areas of employment of disabled workers (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011).
Figure 3. Classification of Job and Occupations of Employees with Disabilities
4. Is there any dissemination of non-preferred disability types as of sectors? For all business segments, the main non-preferred disability type is mental disability with approximately 20%; this rate goes up to 26% for “information-communication”, “occupational-scientific” and “culture-arts-entertainment” sectors. Although general tendencies are mainly revealed about preferred and non-preferred types of disability, it will be complementary to look at the figures for “manufacturing”, “information-communication”, “finance”, “electricity-gas” and “human health-social policy” sectors where the employment of disabled peopled is mostly seen (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011). 5. Are the physical conditions of the enterprises suitable for disabling individual’s employment? It is well known that employment of disabled people generally necessitates arrangement of physical facilities at workplaces. Study done in 2011 shows that only 20% of the respondents responded positively to this question “Have you made physical arrangements for disabled employees at your workplace?” 28% of the respondents left this question unanswered. More than half of the enterprises (52.5%) stated that they did not make any physical arrangement for disabled employees (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011). Figure 4. Answers to “Are the Physical Conditions Suitable For The Disabled Employers?”
6. Are there any organization that supervises architectural analysis or technical aspects investigations? In our country TMMOB, Turkish Machinery Engineering Organization supervises technical aspects and reports to government unsuitable conditions (UCTEA). 7. Are There Any Opinions Of Employers’ for Increasing Employment Ratio for People with Disabilities In a study, employers have been asked to state which areas they priorities for employing disabled people, how they approach to quota and incentive practices, and what they expect from the state. To this aim, study has examined what the employers think about quota and incentive practices as well as about the use of penalties to encourage employment of disabled people, and the reasons for not employing disabled people. Again for the purposes of the study, the employers have been asked through 21 suggestions what measures can be taken to increase the employment ratio for disabled people. it is highly suggested to provide training activities for disabled workers as well as workplaces, and to provide guidance about various subjects such as placement and rehabilitation. It is observed that particularly the role of Turkish Employment Agency is emphasised in this regard. For example, 91% of the respondents agree with the suggestion that “Turkish Employment Agency should provide guidance to disabled persons with vocational and personal training”. Regarding the incentives, it is observed that employers especially expect tax deduction and incentive for the employment of disabled people. However, it is possible to say that there are reservations about several incentives to be provided over-the-quota employers. To serve as an example, it is possible to mention such suggestions as unsecured loans, State coverage of insurance premiums or State’s handling transportation problems (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011).
C. INVESTIGATION OF EDUCATION LEVEL OF DISABLED PEOPLE, SPECIAL INCENTIVITIES FOR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR EDUCATIONS DETERMINING GOOD EXAMPLES BY MAKING RESEARCH ON EMLOYMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS 1. Are there any government incentives for disabled individual for education? Educational right for disabled people is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Turkish Republic. Besides, there are also laws and legislations concerning education of people with disabilities (İSÖM, 2012). • Elementary Education Act • Act of Special Education numbered 573 • Regulation of Special Education Services Ministry of Education is main responsible body for the education and training of people with disabilities. There are Guiding and Research Centers responsible for the assessment procedure. This centers concludes whether individual needs special education or not. Ministry of finance, finances all educational costs even person do not have any social security. And in need Family and Social Policy Ministry and the Ministry of Education within a project scope covers accessibility of individual without charge since 2005. In placement tests, disabled teenagers are examined individually. According to their disability condition: 1. 30 minutes supplementary time can be given, 2. Exam booklet written with braille alphabet can be delivered, 3. Convenient physical place, 4. Reader, 5. Encoder and 6. Accompany of an instructor can be provided. 2. What are the educational levels of disabled individuals? In our country basic problem for employment of disabled person is their educational levels as can be seen from
figure 3 (T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, 2011).
Figure 5. Educational Backgrounds Of Disabled Individuals Bibliography İSÖM. (2012). Özürlüler Yerel Hizmet Rehberi İSÖM Modeli (Vol. 1). İstanbul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi. ÇAĞLAR, S. (2011). DISCRIMINATION BAN IN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND ADAPTATION PROBLEM OF TURKEY. Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi (96), 149-177. Özürlü ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. (2012, December 4). GİRİŞİMCİ ENGEL TANIMAZ KENDİ İŞİMİ KURMAK İSTİYORUM PROJESİ. Retrieved from http://ozurlu.oyhgm.gov.tr/kendi_isim/bilgi.aspx C. TOMUSCHAT, D. P. (2011, July 21). Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany in the revised version published in the Federal Law Gazette Part III. (D. P. C. TOMUSCHAT, Ed.) Retrieved from http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_gg/englisch_gg.html DEGENER, T. (2004). Definition of Disability. E.U. NETWORK OF EXPERTS ON DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION, University of Applied Sciences, Bochum (Germany). Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs. (2002, September). DEFINITIONS OF DISABILITY IN EUROPE, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS . General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly People Project Team. (2011). An Analysis Of The Labour Market Based On Disability. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Ankara: General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly People. iskanunu.com. (2012). Retrieved from Özürlü, eski hükümlü ve terör mağduru çalıştırma zorunluluğu, MADDE 30: http://www.iskanunu.com/images/dokuman/4857-sayili-is-kanunu-guncel-tam-metin-2012.pdf National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities . (n.d.). Retrieved 2012, from http://nichcy.org T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı. (2011). İşgücü Piyasasının Özürlüler Açısından Analizi Özet Rapor. T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, Özürlü ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı. T.C. Başbakanlık Özürlüler Dairesi Başkanlığı. How Society Perceives Persons Eith Disabilities. The Presidency Of The Republic Of Turkey. (2011, November 3). ÖZÜRLÜLERİN DEVLET MEMURLUĞUNA ALINMA ŞARTLARI İLE YAPILACAK MERKEZİ SINAV VE KURA USULÜ HAKKINDA YÖNETMELİK. Official Journal , 28073 . UCTEA. (n.d.). UNION OF CHAMBERS OF TURKISH ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS. Retrieved from http://www.tmmob.org.tr WHO. (2011). World Report on Disability. Retrieved from http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2011/9789240685215_eng.pdf
1. Main definitions used in the report 1.1. Disabled people, concepts and definitions The conceptual apparatus is a prominent problem for the sphere of disabilities. In Bulgaria there isn’t a unified conceptual system for this problem area. Disability: The term “disability” summarizes a big number of functional limitations which exist amongst the population of every country. People can have physical, intellectual or sensor disability, specific health conditions or mental disabilities. Such conditions, failures and diseases can have a temporary or permanent nature. Handicap: The term “handicap” means loss or limitation of the opportunities regarding involvement in the life of the community or society equally with everyone else. It describes the relations of the person with disabilities and his surrounding environment. The purpose of this concept is to emphasize on the inaccessibility of the environment (the vast number of activities in the community, for example information, communication and education.), which prevents people with disabilities to fully and equally participate in them. Benefits: All of those benefits ensured by the country (government), which guarantee the exercising of the basic human rights by the people with disabilities. These benefits compensate the problem which is in the way of normal exercise of the human rights. Full involvement: The realization of equal chances of an individual or a group of people with disabilities in different areas of social life (education, working environment, religious activity, free time, development and life of the community, politics, etc.), depending on their potential, desires and choices. Independent life: This concept means having freedom of choice, opportunity to make that choice, right of education, equal access to community resources, right of self-definition and involvement in the decision making in the life around you (within a certain community) and the whole society. Social integration: This concept is has two meanings – a process and a result. As a process, social integration means the dynamic whole of coexistence, education and labor of people with and without disabilities. Social integration as a result consists of the active inclusion of an individual or group of people with disabilities in every area of social life, equal start, and absence of any direct or indirect ways of discrimination. Accessible object: An object (institution, service) which can be accessed or used easily by people with disabilities. For example, shops without steps on the entrance, busses with raising platforms, toilets with wide doors and door handles on convenient places, books or texts written with large fonts or on an electronic carrier. Prevention: The concept “prevention” means activities, aimed at preventing the occurrence of physical, intellectual, mental or sensor disability (primary prevention), or avoidance of permanent functional limitations or disabilities (secondary prevention). The prevention can cover many different actions, such as basic health insurance, pre- and post-birth care, education on nutrition, vaccines against epidemic diseases, safety, programs in preventing casualties from accidents at work, including adapting work places for preventing professional illnesses, limitation of diseases caused by polluted environment or armed conflicts. Rehabilitation: This term concerns the process which enables people with disabilities to achieve and keep their optimal levels of physical, intellectual, psychological and/or social functions. Thus, the process of rehabilitation creates conditions in which they can change their life towards a higher degree of independence. Rehabilitation can consist of social, medical and/or professional elements. Prophylactic: This concept views the actions taken for preventing physical, intellectual, psychological or sensor disabilities (early prophylaxis), or prevention of disabilities caused by continuous dysfunction or disease (secondary prophylaxis). Prophylaxis includes adapting the environment as well. Disabled: A disabled person is every individual, disregarding his age, with physical, motion or mental disability, which makes difficult his social integration and involvement in social life, his opportunities for communication and education or his professional realization. People with disabilities have the same rights as the people without any disabilities – right of education, of labor, dignity, information, availability of public services and transport. Equality and equal opportunities: This concept regards a process in which the different systems of the environment and society – services, activities, information and documentation – become available for everyone including the disabled. The principle of equal rights means that the needs of every individual are equally substantial, that
these needs should become basis of planned social systems that all resources have to be invested in such a way that all individuals have a guaranteed and equal involvement. Disabled people are part of the society and have the right to live and function in their own communities. They have to receive the necessary help and support in the regular environment and in the mass structures of education, health insurance, labor and social services. Receiving equal rights, disabled people have to carry equal responsibilities as well. Guaranteeing these rights, societies have to express higher expectations regarding disabled people. The achievement of equality and equal opportunities is a process in which it is necessary to provide actions which aid the disabled to fulfill their duties as a part of the society. 1.2. Capacities in VET The following table displays the distribution of the students in special schools by type of school and by school year from 2000 to 2012.
Source: NSI Resource centers for supporting the integrated education of children with special educational needs (SEN) are state service units - extracurricular institutions in the educational system. In Bulgaria there are 28 such centers established by the Minister of Education in September 2006. The resource center carries out activities in accordance with the government policy on inclusive education by supporting the successful integration and socialization of children and pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream education. Children with SEN experience difficulties in achieving the state educational requirements for the respective class and level of education as the reason for this is one of the following conditions: sensory impairment (visual or hearing), physical disability, mental retardation, multiple disabilities as well as difficulties in the learning process (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia). The process of communication and education for them is hampered compared to most children of the same calendar age. That's why they need additional assistance that is provided by a team of specialists - resource teachers (special pedagogues), speech therapists and psychologists. Specialists in the Resource Centers support full integration of children and pupils with special educational needs in the educational and social environment by conducting correctional therapeutic activities with them, consulting with parents and teachers, with pedagogical consulting teams, performing activities supporting the full inclusion of these children and students in public life. 2. Sources of readily available data in the field 2.1. Official statistical data The most recent and relevant statistical research on the people with disabilities in Bulgaria is the 2011 Census of disability made by the National Statistics Institute (NSI). Information for people with disabilities has paramount national importance for the formation of policies on the integration of people with disabilities and their families in the economic and social life. The questions in the census, which were asked to ascertain the number of people with disabilities, were completely voluntary, in accordance with the Law on Protection of personal data. That way the survey complies with the law by collecting personal data concerning health only when the person has given his consent. From the general public which is 16 years of age and older, responses have stated 70.6% of the surveyed people and for the children is answered for 55.1% of them.
The following methodological definitions used in the census are important for understanding the division of the groups of people with disabilities: People who have a permanently reduced working capacity or a type and degree of disability are people of 16 years of age and older, who have received an expert decision by the Territorial Expert Medical Commission (TEMC) or the National Expert Medical Commission (NEMC) after carrying out a clinical examination. Children up to 16 years of age, who were given a type and extent of disability, are children who have received an expert decision by the Children's Medical Expert Commission (CMEC) or National Expert Medical Commission (NEMC) after carrying out a clinical examination. Permanent disability, respectively, the degree of disability is determined as a percentage of the abilities of a healthy person. According to the regulations of the country the degree of permanently reduced working capacity and the extent of disability of people of 16 years and older is grouped in the following intervals: • Up to 50 percent; • 50 to 70%; • from 71 to 90%; • Over 90%. For children, the extent of disability is grouped as follows: • Up to 50 percent; • 50 to 90%; • Over 90%. All distributions relate to the degree of permanently reduced working capacity and/or the degree of disability. Table 1: Persons with disabilities by level of disability towards 01.02.2011
Degree of disability At 16 years and older - total Up to 50% 50 to 70% 71 to 90% Over 90% Children – total Up to 50% 50 to 90% Over 90%
People 465 228 38 846 110 528 184 556 131 298 9 039 1 964 4 040 3 035
Percentage 100.0 8.3 23.8 39. 28.2 100.0 21.7 44.7 33.6
Source: NSI, Census of disability 2011 As of 1.02.2011, 474,267 people have a permanently reduced working capacity or a level of disability. Of these, 9,039 are children and 465,228 are people of 16 years and older. Table 2: People with disabilities and basic socio-demographic characteristics towards 01.02.2011
Socio-demographic characteristics Total Gender Men Women Age up to 16 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Location In cities In villages Economic activity Economically active population (16-64 years) employed unemployed Economically inactive population (16 and older)
474 267
Children up to 16 years old 9 039
People aged 16 and over 465 228
211 723 262 544
5 203 3 836
206 520 258 708
9 039 3 723 13 530 23 417 41 298 95 560 129 465 105 953 52 282
9 039 x x x x x x x x
x 3 723 13 530 23 417 41 298 95 560 129 465 105 953 52 282
339 202 135 065
6 607 2 432
332 595 132 633
67 549
67 549
56 150 11 399 393 451
x x x
56 150 11 399 393 451
Source: NSI, Census of disability 2011 Other information included in the census includes: review on the amount of people with disabilities, diversified by gender and location; data on the economic activity of people with disabilities; distribution by regions; distribution by type of household. At the end of the document there is an annex containing more detailed data on the study groups. 2.2. Private (independent, NGO) surveys and analysis There are several important NGOs which have conducted surveys on topics related to people’s disabilities: The Centre for Independent Living (CIL) is a disability NGO focusing on policy monitoring, advocacy and empowerment of disabled people. It is the key research setting for systematic analysis of disability policies from a social inclusion perspective. The Center works to change public policy on disability in Bulgaria, actively advocates the values of independent living and the application of the social model of disability. Recent reports regarding people with disabilities made by the organization are: • Deep study of the existing in our country special sheltered home. • Analysis of the National Council for the Integration of People with Disabilities 2005 - 2010 • Review of disability policies in Bulgaria in 2009 - 2010 • Assessment of the assistance services in Bulgaria • Critical assessment of the “Assistant for Independent Living” of Sofia Municipality • Analysis of "Notes on integration and Law on Integration of Persons with Disabilities" • Analysis on the subject: "Social model of disability" • Series of reviews on the rights of people with disabilities in Bulgaria. Annual Review of rights of people with disabilities in Bulgaria is a systematic and targeted study of the reality of this social group. The objectives that we strive to achieve with it are two: first, to promote a change in the understanding of disability and second - to give the public, the politicians, the people with disabilities and their organizations systematic and comprehensive information on the status of the whole social group. o Review 2003: Equality through access to social services o Review 2002: Disability - deficit or means of survival o Review 2001: From invalids to people with disabilities
The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee is engaged in monitoring mental health institutions. Recent reports regarding people with disabilities made by the organization are: • Situation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities • Human Rights in Bulgaria - 2011 • Human Rights in Bulgaria - 2010 The Institute for Market Economics is the first and oldest independent economic policy think tank in Bulgaria. Its mission is to elaborate and advocate market-based solutions to challenges citizens of Bulgaria and the region face in reforms. This mission has been pursued since early 1993 when the Institute was formally registered a non-profit legal entity. IME objectives are to provide: independent assessment and analysis of the government's economic policies and to be a focal point for an exchange of views on market economics and relevant policy issues. Recent reports regarding people with disabilities made by the organization are: • A new approach to the integration of people with disabilities in Bulgaria - Analysis on the reform of the support system and integration of people with disabilities. The Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) was created by the European Commission in December 2007. The aim is to establish and maintain a pan-European academic network in the disability field that will support policy development in collaboration with the Commission's Disability Unit. ANED builds upon the expertise of existing disability research centers, supported by national experts, thematic rapporteurs, and links to relevant networks in the disability policy field. Its philosophy and aims support the objectives of European disability policy towards the goal of full participation and equal opportunities for all disabled people. In this way, ANED provides a coordinating infrastructure of academic support for implementation of the European Disability Strategy and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Recent reports regarding people with disabilities made by the organization are: • Bulgaria – ANED Country profile, December 2011 • ANED country report on equality of educational and training opportunities for young disabled people. The information contained in this report was compiled by the Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) in May 2010. • Bulgaria - Report on the social inclusion and social protection of disabled people in European countries. Compiled by the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED) - state of affairs up to November 2009 • Report on the employment of disabled people in European countries - Bulgaria. Compiled by the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED) - state of affairs up to November 2009 • ANED country report on the implementation of policies supporting independent living for disabled people - Bulgaria. The information contained in this report was compiled by the Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) in May 2009. 3. Review of physical access to work and public spaces Equality is a process, through which the different spheres of the society and the living environment (like services, activities, information and documentation) become accessible to everyone, including the people with disabilities. The principle of the equal rights also means equal responsibilities. The equal participation consists of equal opportunities regarding access to the architectural environment, education and employment. This access, as criteria for equality, is a combination of cultural and architectural preconditions. 3.1. Architectural access Accessibility is a key concept in regards to the rights of people with disabilities, because the guaranteed equal access is a needed requirement for their equal chances in all aspects of life. The access has two major aspects – ac-
cess to architectural environment and means of transportation (physical access) and accessible information and communications. As a matter of fact, the architectural access underlies all access, due to the fact that it is a condition for the access to education, employment, etc. as well. When the architectural environment does not allow the entry in a given building (of whatever kind) this becomes a further obstacle to the realization of basic human rights. When compiling the “Review 2002” report on the rights of people with disabilities, the Centre for Independent Living (CIL) made a representative for the group empirical study. Primary data collection was conducted in April 2003 through structured interviews with 1,135 people. The summarized, by the research experts, view of people with disabilities is a result of both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the primary statistical data gathered. As a result, 19.8% of the survey respondents believe, that the public buildings in their location are accessible, whereas, the remaining 80.2% claim that they are not. The existence of positive responses does not necessarily mean that there are towns and villages, where the access has been improved. A factor that might explain these results is the nature of the disability. People with hearing or visual impairments interpret the access to a building in a different manner from the people with musculoskeletal disabilities. Another explanation might come from the buildings themselves – if the institution has located its offices on the ground floor that definitely makes it “more accessible” than that which has located them on upper floors. In the 2001 edition of the “Review” by the CIL a similar methodology was used. The primary data collection for the report was conducted by having a “face-to-face” interview with 1077 participants. The results of the survey are quite negative – 76% of the respondents assess the access to public buildings as close to impossible. According to the results, the constitutional right to education is suppressed by the authorities because of the completely inaccessible Bulgarian schools and the lack of supporting services. There are no ramps on the entrances of most schools; they lack elevators and accessible restrooms. It is difficult to make a comprehensive review of the state policy in this area. The providing of an accessible environment has not yet found a good solution. Like other aspects of the problems of people with disabilities, this one is targeted extensively by legislation, but the results of these policies are still scarce. For example, the Law on Spatial Planning establishes requirements for the building of accessible environments and the specific requirements are introduced with a number of regulations with technical design standards. There are legal requirements for the construction of an accessible environment in urban areas. It is clear, that there is good legislation designed to provide good physical access to the people with disabilities, but often as excuses to the failure to comply with them are displayed: lack of financial resources, public perception and lack of active control over the performance by the local authorities. Some measures that can be taken to overcome architectural barriers are: –Developing and introducing of a mechanism for realization of a policy for accessible environment at different levels; –Developing and introducing of a mechanism for control and sanctions in the event of non-compliance in the field of accessible environment; –Incentives for employers and institutions that create conditions for access; –Conducting trainings for people directly related to the provision of accessible environment for people with disabilities. 3.2. Public transport Accessible transportation is a very important element in the overall system of ensuring the conditions for an independent and dignified life for people with disabilities. Legally the matter is settled, but unfortunately in practice accessible transportation for people with disabilities is almost not present. Partial solutions are observed in cities in train transportation, etc., but it does not allow people with disabilities to feel free and independent. Even if a disabled person has a job, if he cannot proceed to the place, he cannot exercise his constitutional right to work. According to 85.7% of the people with disabilities, interviewed for “Review 2002”, the public transportation is not accessible.
Some measures that can be taken to overcome public transportation barriers are: –Providing transportation services for people with disabilities who cannot use the standard transport services; –Providing of accessible public transportation for people with disabilities; –Advanced "door to door" transportation system for people with severe motor and other multiple disabilities; –Providing adapted train, sea and air transport for people with disabilities; –Better control over the implementation of the different projects related to public transport and people with disabilities. 3.3. Leisure, sport, tourism, culture In terms of access to recreational areas, sports and tourism and access to cultural buildings, the responses of the surveyed people in “Review 2002” are mostly negative (67.3% answer, that they do not have access to recreational areas; 77.0% have not visited cultural centers in the last six months). The funds provided for projects aiming improved accessibility for such activities are focused towards very few places which again show inefficient policy management. 4. Barriers to education and vocational training 4.1. Acceptance of disabled people by the general public Recent research about disabled people’s equality and social inclusion Research on disability is scarce and rarely conducted from a human rights or social inclusion perspective. Most studies treat disability as a factor explaining poverty or employment status, applying traditional indicators for monthly income and property ownership and using the legal definition of ‘disabled person’ and ‘permanently disabled person’, both defined in the Law on the Integration of Disabled People on the basis of ‘lost capacity to work’ assessed using health condition and medical diagnosis. Most government reports on different programs or inclusion mechanisms fail to consider disability as a social phenomenon of impaired communication between the individual and the environment or as a result of exclusion from mainstream public systems (education, transport, labor market, etc.). The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC) is active in research on human rights and the Centre for Independent Living (CIL) specializes in monitoring disability policies from a human rights perspective. Most independent reports conclude that public policies need to be changed. BHC reports deal primarily with mental health issues and have concluded – for years – that deinstitutionalization should be considered as a priority in public policies. They describe the conditions and treatment of people in residential facilities as appalling and recommend improvement of quality of life through closing down the worst institutions and hiring more professional staff. CIL reports highlight the medical approach to disability as the key problem and the need to replace this with a social model. In general, disability issues require more research and an entirely new approach. It is necessary to question the definition of disability in the first place. An eventual change in this definition – moving from a focus on individual characteristics to defining barriers in the environment – would require a new approach to data collection and policy design and practices, which would need monitoring and evaluation when designed and implemented. Secondly, evaluation of the existing disability programs from a human rights perspective would reveal the extent of their effectiveness and efficiency. Such research could be used by the disability movement to make a strong argument for policy change. And finally, the quality of inclusion – defined as participation in regular community-based activities and levels of control exercised by disabled individuals – should be studied urgently, and results should be used to design appropriate policy measures and instruments. (1) (1) Source: Report on the social inclusion and social protection of disabled people in European countries, p. 7 (http://www.disability-europe.net/content/aned/media/BG-ANED-Task%206%20SPSI%20report.pdf) Isolation, experienced as a lack of contacts and respect in dealing with others is one of the biggest issues of people with disabilities. The problems related to the unfriendly environment have two dimensions: firstly there is the architectural inaccessibility and secondly – the human relations environment, dominated by the failure to recognize the different as equal.
A question which was included in the “Review 2002: Disability - deficit or means of survival” report of the CIL, asked the respondents if the treatment to disabled people is the same as to normal people. The vast majority of answers are explicit: 75% have answered – “no, disabled people are not treated as equals to others”. A little over 1% are those people, who cannot decide, and 24% are those, according to which, with certain arrangements, it may be said that people with disabilities are treated as equals. It is clear that for a huge part of the respondents, disabled people are not equal to others. According to the research data, the ground for such statements definitely is not inability for expressing religious beliefs, or overwhelming problems in the family environment – raising kids, keeping intimate relationships, nor is any suffered (sexual) harassment. One of the explanations in this case can be sought in the direction of limited opportunities for expressing one’s own creativity – nearly two thirds of the representatives have stated that they don’t have such opportunities. The respondents of the survey in the subsequent review on the rights of people with disabilities in Bulgaria, made by the CIL – “Review 2003: Equality through access to social services”, define the architectural inaccessibility, the unemployment, the low incomes and the isolation as their most significant problems. Isolation, experienced as a lack of contacts and respect in dealing with others is one of the biggest issues of people with disabilities. The problems related to the unfriendly environment have two dimensions: firstly there is the architectural inaccessibility and secondly – the human relations environment, dominated by the failure to recognize the different as equal. 4.2. Approach of trainers, teachers and coaches Training of disabled people is provided as a part of Active Labor Market Policies in the framework of special programs, with the objective of raising disabled people’s competitiveness on the labor market. Programs are based on targeted projects for unemployed disabled people and usually cover computer skills, specific professional skills (for example, accounting), foreign languages, etc. Their duration is limited to 2 – 3 months. The effectiveness of these disability-targeted programs needs to be evaluated carefully. Mainstream training programs do not report on attendance of disabled participants. (2) 5. Review of labor market participation 5.1. Data on employment of disabled people According to the conducted by the NSI in February 2011 census, the number of economically active people with disabilities to the last week of January 2011 is 67,549, of who 56,150 were employed and 11,399 – unemployed. On the background of the identified during the census total number of people with disabilities in working age the economically active are just 27.1% and the employment rate is only 22.5%. For comparison, the economic activity rate for the total population for the same period is 65.2% and the employment rate is 57.3%. Table 3: Economic activity rates and employment of people with and without disabilities towards 1.02.2011 Economic activity rate - total men women Employment rate - total men women
People with disabilities, % 27.1 27.5 26.7 22.5 22.3 22.7
People without disabilities, % 69.3 72.2 66.3 59.1 60.7 57.6
Source: NSI, Census of disability 2011 As of 1.02.2011 393,451 people are economically inactive, or 84.6% of the disabled people aged 16 and older. Of these, 377,222 are retired (95.9%). Students are 3,361 (0.9%), 5,840 (1.5%) are involved with home and family responsibilities. 7,028 people with disabilities (1.8%) are other inactive people.
(2) Source: Bulgaria – ANED country profile, p. 5 (http://www.disability-europe.net/content/aned/media/Bulgaria%20%20ANED%20country%20profile.pdf)
5.2. Self-employment and entrepreneurship among disabled people This form of employment is applied in many EU countries. It should be encouraged, developed and funded by both the state and the local authorities. The latter has real leverage to promote micro enterprises of people with disabilities by relieving the sequence of permissions and registration regimes put in place. Social entrepreneurship is an economic activity entirely focused on creating and developing of privately owned businesses. Since 2006, the Agency for People with Disabilities (APD) applies a program for funding of projects for starting and development of independent economic activity by people with disabilities. Interest in the program is very large, but due to limited financial resources only 129 projects are funded for the period 2006 - 2009. APD monitored the implementation of the projects for a period of about three years and found that they are carried out successfully in 95% of the cases. Failure in the remaining 5% is due to objective reasons (drastic deterioration in the state of health or death of a financed beneficiary). This form of employment for people with disabilities is highly successful, stable, contributing to their self-esteem, self-expression and satisfaction from achieved results. The business development of these beneficiaries enables them to become entrepreneurs and employers of others. 6. Review of education / skills / competences of disables people People with disabilities have low professional qualifications. According to data from the Employment Agency (EA) for 2009, 52.2% of active seeking employment unemployed people with disabilities have primary or lower education and 57.9% of them do not have professional qualifications. This puts them in a particularly disadvantageous state on the labor market in times of high unemployment and falling employment, because they are forced to compete with the growing number of unemployed people without disabilities for increasingly fewer jobs. 7. Legal / institutional incentives and disincentives 7.1. Incentives for employers to hire disabled people The economic environment for employers employing persons with disabilities includes tax incentives, reliefs and programs. Programs are created to encourage employers to adapt the workplace and supporting education and training of employees with reduced working capacity: • Program under Article 25, § 2 of the Law on Integration of People with Disabilities (LIPD) “USUAL EMPLOYERS” – the employers must comply with the required specifications and only after that can they apply with a project, aiming to be selected for a free grant. The received grants must be used for providing access to the working spot, accommodating the workspace and providing equipment on the workspace people with permanent disabilities. • National program for employment and vocational training of people with disabilities – the people who sign a contract for financing under Article 25, § 2 of LIPD are prioritized. Employers who create jobs for a period not less than 24 months, and employ the people who are target of the program are provided from the state a budget for salary and all social and health insurance but for no more than 24 months. Funds are paid monthly for each person employed by the employer. There are tax breaks and incentives for employers and specialized enterprises and cooperations. • Relief from corporate tax for companies employing disabled people - corporate tax is assignable in the events of whole series of requirements, such as the number of people with disabilities to the total number of employees and way of spending tax allowance. • Law on Local Taxes and Fees (LLTF): Tax incentives in performing activities subject to patent tax (Article 61 m of LLTF) - Reduction of the patent tax by 50% in carrying out operations by private individuals incl. Sole Proprietors (SP) with a disability as defined by final decision of a competent authority.
There are several preferences for employers stated in the Employment Promotion Act. The employer must comply with certain criteria to be allowed to use these preferences. Some of them are: • Incentives for employers to hire young people up to age 29 with permanent disabilities (including military disabled) and youths from social institutions, educated and directed by the office of the employment agency (Article 36 of the EPA); • Incentives for employers to hire people with disabilities, including. disabled soldiers (Article 52 § 1 of the EPA); 7.2. Start-up incentives for disabled people Grant funding of projects is provided to stimulate independent business activity of people with disabilities - to open a company or to help develop existing business of people with over 50% reduced ability to work: • Program according to Art. 31 of the Law on Integration of People with Disabilities: Private individuals with permanent disabilities or physical or legal entities registered under the Commerce Act as "Sole Proprietors (SP)" or "Ltd.", whose owners are such persons may apply annually for starting or expanding their own business in the Agency for people with disabilities for granting free funds of up to 15,000 BGN. With the program of the Agency for People with Disabilities as well as through the Guarantee Fund for Micro finance, the state encourages the initiation and development of independent business activity of people with disabilities. • National Program “Credit with no interest for people with disabilities” The program reimburses (up to 10%) interest payments on loans of people with disabilities who have received credit for a business under the project the Micro crediting Guarantee Fund. In 2010, to the realization of this program are provided funds amounting to 308,657 BGN to cover the interest payments on 187 people with disabilities who received loans under the Micro crediting Guarantee Fund. In the first ten months of 2010, 159 disabled people were repaid the interest on the received loan obtained under the Micro crediting Guarantee Fund. The spent national budget resources amounted to 199,971 BGN. In 2011, the program is projected to provide 10% of the interest on the credits for private businesses of 300 persons. 7.3. Disincentives (social transfers when unemployed) There is no difference, whether a person is disabled or not, in the conditions for entitlement to unemployment benefits. Thus, there are no disincentives for the people with disabilities to become employed or to start a privately owned business. Moreover, people with disabilities that receive a disability pension and work at the same time, receive the full amount of their pension without any restrictions. Thus encouraging all people with disabilities, regardless of the percentage of preserved working capacity, to make efforts to find employment (whether full or part-time), which can increase the amount of the received incomes 8. Administrative barriers to make use of the incentives At the current stage of economic and legislation development, most employers see hiring a person with a permanent disability rather as something they try to avoid. The problems to successful integration of people with disabilities and their own participation in the market lie in the measures and requirements which supposedly seek their support. The high legal protection which people with disabilities benefit from on the labor market hinders their integration. This is especially true in times of economic decline, when people with disabilities are forced to compete with the growing number of unemployed for increasingly fewer jobs. In times of economic uncertainty, when businesses seek maximum flexibility and efficient resource allocation, the inability of the employer to dismiss a disabled person at will becomes a serious obstacle to the recruitment of such people. The extremely complicated and ponderous procedure for getting a grant for adjustment of the workplace to the needs of a person with disabilities in its recruitment discourages many employers and they simply do not apply for those grants.
NEED ANALYSIS-1 A. DEFINING FOCUS OBSTACLE TYPES, LIMITATIONS 1. What are the basic disability definitions of your country with reference to legal arrangements? According to the Italian law, that accepted World Health Organization’s definition, disability is classified as: - Physical impairment - Different participation into the society i.e. Physical impairment: are considered the limitation that a person undergoes of nature, duration and quality in their activities at any level of complexity, due to a structural or functional impairment. Based on this definition, every person is differently abled. Social participation: restrictions of nature, duration and quality that a person undergoes in all the areas and the aspects of its life, due to the interaction of the physical impairments, the activities and the contextual factors. 2. What are the categories and sub-categories (definitions) of your country with reference to legal arrangements? Italy recognizes the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), promoted by the World Health Organization, that defines disability as an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions. ICF has two parts, each with two components: Part 1. Functioning and Disability a) Body Functions (physiological functions of body systems) and Structures (anatomical parts of the body such as organs, limbs and their components), b) Activities (execution of a task or action by an individual) and Participation (involvement in a life situation). Part 2. Contextual Factors c) Environmental Factors (make up the physical, social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives), d) Personal Factors (particular background of an individual’s life and living, and comprise features of the individual that are not part of a health condition or health states). Components are classified as follows: Bodily Functions 1. Mental Functions 2. Pain and sensorial functions 3. Function of the voice and speaking 4. Functions of the cardio-vascular, ematologic, immunologic and respiratory systems 5. Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrinal systems 6. Genito-urinal and reproductive functions. Neuro-muscular- scheletal functions tied to movement, functions. 7. Functions of the skin and associated structures. Bodily Structures 1. Structures of the nervous system 2. Eye, Ear and connected structures 3. Structures of voice and speaking 4. Structures of cardio-vascular, immune and respiratory systems 5. Structures of the digestive, metabolic and endocrinal systems 6. Structures of the genito-urinary and reproductive systems 7. Structures connected to movement 8. Skin and associated structures.
Participation and activity 1. Learning of knowledge and its application 2. Homework and requests of general characte 3. Communication 4. Mobility 5. Care of one-self 6. Domestic life 7. Interactions and personal relationships 8. Life's main areas 9. Community, civic and social life Environmental factors 1. Technology and Products 2. Natural environment and man-made chances 3. Support and relationships 4. Attitudes 5. Services, systems and policies Disability is thus an interaction between individuals with a health condition and personal and environmental factors. B. ANALYSIS OF LEGAL RIGHTS 1. Is there any key measures adopted at national level to protect rights of disabled people? The International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2006 has led to an increased nation’s awareness and implication. Italy was one of the fifty countries to sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and in order to promote the Convention, the National Observatory on the Condition of People with Disability was created. It aims to provide technical and scientific advices and support for the development of national policies on disability. The Observatory has established a Scientific and Technical Committee composed of representatives of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health, Italian Regions and Local Authorities, the main National Associations and three experts. It was created in 2010 and it will remain active for three years. At the end of these three years a report will be elaborated in order to implement measures to face disability issues. 2. Is there any government policies that protect rights of disable individual’s employments? Italian legislation about disable and work is regulated by Law n. 68 23th March 1999. This law had the aim to promote the integration of disable people in the labor market through services focused on giving support. This law can be applied to: - all people affected by physical, mental or sensory impairments and Mentally handicapped people, resulting in a reduction of working capacity of more than 45 percent. This percentage has to be verify by the competent authority, - all people job’s invalid with a degree of disability of more than 33 percent, - all blind, deaf and dumb people, - all war invalid people. According to this Law, both private and public employers are obliged to guarantee the job place to all people that have acquired, after the recruitment, eventual disabilities. Moreover private and public employers are obliged to hire the above mentioned categories in the following modality:
- 7% of the total amount of workers if they have 50 or more employees, - 2 workers if they have employees between 36 and 50, - 1 worker if they have between 15 and 35 employees. 3. In your country are there any specific labor markets that cannot employ disabled individuals? According to the Law, in Italy there is not any specific labor market that cannot employ disabled persons. 4. Are there any government incentives to employers to employ disabled individual? The Law n. 247 of 29 December 2007 has changed the article 13 of Law n. 68/99 in order to simplify procedures. A new article entitled "Hiring Incentives" has been introduced and provides a contribution on salary and not on social security tax fees anymore, to employers who offer a permanent contract to disabled workers. A partial reimbursement of expenses for adapting the workplace and for the removal of architectural barriers is also provided to employers. These incentives are financed by the National Fund for the Right to Work of People with Disabilities, established by the Ministry of Labor. Every year the Ministry allocates the Fund's resources to the regions. 5. Are there any government penalties to employers to employ disabled individual? The Law n. 68/99 provides penalties to both private and public employers that do not meet the disability employment target. The employers will have to pay a compensation fee of 62,77 euro per day for every job place not provided to a disabled person. A penalty (635,11 euro) is also applied to employers in case of delay in delivering the annual disabled workers information statement, as determined by the Law. Penal, administrative and disciplinary penalties can also be taken against the Public Administration in the event of non-compliance with the above mentioned Law. The fees are allocated to the Regional Fund for the Right to Work of People with Disabilities. C. ANALYSIS OF WORKFORCE AND WORKING CONDITIONS WHICH WILL BE STUDIED IN THE PROJECT, DETERMINATION OF MINUMUM WORKING CONDITIONS, EXAMINING OF GOOD PRACTICES 1. Mainly in which sectors disabled individuals are employed? According a study conducted in 2008, the distribution in the territory of the population with disabilities in active age (700 000) is consistent with the Italian population in active age (32 million), as we can see in figure 1. The most obvious difference concern the gender composition. In fact women with disabilities are 39,8% of the total against 45.7%. Figure 1. Geographic rates of Italian Population in active age and people with disabilities
Below graph shows that people with disabilities, such as the Italian population, are mainly employed in the Services sector (61%). While sectors of Farming, Hunting and Fishing and Construction employ only 4,8% and 6,1% of workers with disabilities.
Figure 2. Employment ratio by sector of Italian and people with disabilities workers (2008)
2. Please classify occupations of employees with disabilities Figure 3 shows a smaller variance between employed people with disabilities (58%) and people with disabilities looking for a job (11,6%) compared with the national population (70,2% against 9,4%). The graph also reveals that 26,4% of people with disabilities are retired, against 8,4% in the Italian population. Figure 3. Employment rates of Italian Population in active age and people with disabilities
The graph below reveals a significant difference between employment rates of the Italian population and people with disabilities. In fact, we can see in figure 4 that workers with disabilities are employees in 81,2% of cases against 75,4% for the national population. Figure 4. Self-employed and employee classification of Italian workers and people with disabilities
3. Are the physical conditions of the enterprises suitable for disabling individual’s employment? In Italy with the term Architectonical barriers are identified all the obstacles that limit the mobility of people not fully able to move. According to recent statistics run by the European Union there are about 3 million Italians “detainees” due to the presence of architectonical barriers. That is the 20% of the UE population. Analyzing the data the people interested within this number are not only with permanent disability, but also old people, obese and mums with pushchairs. The law regarding architectonical barriers started in the 60’s, the most recent one is the Single Text on Construction n. 380/2001: Provisions to facilitate the overcoming and removal of architectural barriers in private buildings, public and private open to the public.
According to the Italian law art. 27 L. 118/71: public transport service and in particular tram, underground shell be accessible to disable and people with limited mobility. 4. Is there any organization that supervises architectural analysis or technical aspects investigations? Several associations have been created with the aim to promote disabled people rights and try to remove all architectural, cultural and psychological barriers. In the field of architecture, FIABA (Italian Fund for the Removal of Architectural Barriers) is one of the most active and its accomplishments are recognized by the Italian Government. FIABA was created in 2000. Its mission is to promote, to both public and private Institutions, and to the public opinion, a “Total Quality” society, and to achieve to an universal accessibility according to the principles of “Design for all” and “Universal Design”. The association conducts regularly field investigations to supervise the accessibility of disabled people to public places, and collaborates with a network of 320 public and private partners to spread a global accessibility culture. D. INVESTIGATION OF EDUCATION LEVEL OF DISABLED PEOPLE, SPECIAL INCENTIVITIES FOR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR EDUCATIONS DETERMINING GOOD EXAMPLES BY MAKING RESEARCH ON EMLOYMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS 1. Are there any government incentives for disabled individual for education? Italy has recognized full access to normal schools for students with disability in its Constitution. Educational right for disabled people is also guaranteed by Law n. 104/92: - Disabled people has the right to education starting from 0-3 years old. To the child is granted the attendance in school structure and the right to education at each level from kindergarten to university. - School integration is granted through: coordinate programmation between school, health, social, cultural, entertainment and sport services; school and university equipment and educational materials; targeted university programs according to person needs; attribution of professional assignments to interpreter; at all school level is granted a support teacher. - Modalities of the realization of integration: the Ministry of Public Education takes care of the professional updating of teachers knowledge on disabled students. - Work group for school integration: in each school board there is a permanent work group made of experts; each school area has work and study group; groups has the duty to provide consultancy and proposal to the superintender and collaborate with schools, local entities and local health board. - Evaluation and exams: disabled students shall be evaluate according to the learning pathway created in school. In compulsory education the exams are aligned to learned subjects, whereas for secondary school are conceived exams that gives more time. For the university the learning pathway is followed up by a tutor. Special incentives are also provided in order to simplify access to Education of people with disabilities, such as: - Full or partial exemption from compulsory education, secondary school and university inscription fees, - Free scholastic transportation to disabled persons attending compulsory education or professional training course financed by the State, - Assistant teacher or personal assistant to disabled students to implement forms of integration and make individualized interventions ; assisting students accessing schools and personal care. 2. What are the educational levels of disabled individuals? The study done in 2008 (figure 5) shows that 34,5% of people with disabilities in active age have a Secondary School degree, while 43,5% of the Italian population in active age have it. Only 5% of people with disabilities have a University Degree against 12,1% in the Italian population. Figure 5. Education level classification of Italian Population in active age and people with disabilities This study shows that the educational level is associated to the integration and staying in the labor market. The graph below shows that both people with disabilities and the Italian population preferred the informal channel when looking for a job such as friends, relatives and auto candidacy. It also reveals that people with disabilities resort to job centers in 25,9% of cases.
Figure 6. People looking for a job in Italy classified through the research of job channel used in the last month
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SITOGRAPHY Rapporto legge 68, norme per il diritto al lavoro dei disabili, Anni 2010-2011, (Law 68 report, regulation for the right of persons with disabilities to work) Senate of the Republic, 2012 Guidelines for the introduction of the disability issue within the policies and activities of the Italian Cooperation, Italian Development Cooperation and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010 Academic Network of European Disability experts http://www.disability-europe.net (5th March 2013) Anffas Onlus Association http://www.anffas.net/Page.asp/id=258 (12nd March 2013) Centro Internazionale Dell'Economia Sociale (Social Economy International Center) http://www.cidesbo.it/ITA/cides_sito/Legge_doc.asp?doc=4 (12nd March 2013) DisabilitĂ in cifre (Disability statistics) http://www.disabilitaincifre.it (4th March 2013) FIABA Onlus Association http://www.fiaba.org (5th March 2013)
Handylex.org http://www.handylex.org/schede/trasportoscolastico.shtml http://www.handylex.org/schede/tasse_scolastiche_disabili.shtml (7th March 2013) Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (Ministry of Labor and Social Policy) http://www.lavoro.gov.it/Lavoro/Istituzionale/Ministero/OrganiCollegiali/Osservatorio_Nazionale_disabilita.htm (7th March 2013) L'Istituto nazionale di statistica (National Statistic Intitute) http://www.istat.it/it/archivio/80640 (13rd March 2013) World Health Organization http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en (13rd March 2013)
1. Main definitions used in the report The last decade is marked by political, social and technological changes. Globalization, changes in work and employment, health and demographical movements, transition to market economy, capabilities of information and communication technology have also changed the policy and methods of implementation of persons with disabilities policy. Current view on invalidity is based on human rights, meaning ban on discrimination and assurance of equal opportunities and equal treatment of all. Disability shall be understood as a multifaceted condition resulting from the interaction between persons with impairments and their physical and social environment, which hinders their full and effective participation in society. Persons with disabilities as defined in the draft Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. In order to assure the persons with disabilities proper opportunities for a full and equal involvement in the society in addition to individual approach as in health care, upbringing, education, training and employment, etc. social action and responsibility are required as well. (3) Disability status (4) Disability status can be achieved by the legally binding order of competent authority based on appropriate law. Rights of disabled people depend on law according to which the rights have been acquired, amount of disability, age and similar. There is no final data on total number of disabled persons in Slovenia with accepted disability status; it is estimated that they reach approx. 8% of total population. Enterprises for training and employment of disabled persons There is a special form of social economy called company for disabled. By law there are to be 60% of disabled people of total employed to reach benefits out of this form. By the end of 2011 there were 145 companies for disabled (Enterprises for training and employment of disabled persons) employing nearly 18% of active disabled people. Active disabled people unemployed Active disabled people with jobs are those being unemployed (without farmers) and having recognition of their disability status by law. Disabled people represent 16% of all unemployed, their registered unemployment rate in september 2012 reached quite 35,8%. Active disabled people Active disabled people with jobs are those being employed or self-employed (without farmers) and having recognition of their disability status by law. In September 2012 there we about 30.500 active disabled people, 16.500 of them male and 14.000 female. This represents 3,9% of all work active population. Quota Quota is obligatory part of employed disabled people vis a vis the total number of employees with particular employer. Quota differs but it cannot be lower than 2% and higher than 6% of the total number of employees .(5) Legal or physical person subject to fulfilling quota is an employer registered in Slovenia and employing 20 employees at least. 1.1 Disabled people capacities in VET Every 12th Slovenian citizen is disabled person. Disabled people in Slovenia have approach to entire system of social and other rights enabling them to live like others. Trends in disability are in Slovenia similar to those in Europe. There is about 170.000 disabled persons (work disabled, children and adolescents with special needs, war disabled, light, middle and heavy mentally and physically impaired) (3) Action programme for persons with disabilities 2007-2013, http://www.mddsz.gov.si/fileadmin/mddsz.gov.si/pageuploads/dokumenti__pdf/api_07_13_en.pdf (4) www.stat.si/novica_prikazi.aspx?id=5180 (5) Law on employment rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons (Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov - ZZRZI) from July 29, 2004
Disabled in regular education system Primary and secondary education on the compulsory basis is being dealt with in this section. Secondary education is not compulsory by law, but it is generally understood and accepted, that youngsters below 18 years should not be participating the labour market. Table: Elementary and upper secondary schools with special curriculum Schools
Class units 486 534 … … … … … 269
Pupils, total 3963 3467 3113 3277 3185 3675 4450 1550
students men women 2482 1481 2142 1325 1973 1140 2092 1185 2032 1153 2362 1313 2808 1642 981 569
77 67 … … … … … 57 52 1 3 1 …
218 4 37 10 …
1294 17 192 47 2900
802 11 141 27 1827
492 6 51 20 1073
… … … …
… … … …
49 131 183 97
29 69 101 60
20 62 82 37
… … …
… … …
165 156 1622
99 121 1087
66 35 535
1995/96 2000/01 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Elementary schools and institutions with special curriculum 2009/10 for slightly mentally disabled children2) for blind and weak-sighted for deaf and partially deaf for children with physical disabilities Upper secondary schools for students with special educational needs, 2009/103) for blind and weak-sighted for deaf and partially deaf for youth with physical disabilities for youth with emotional and behavioural disorders for slightly mentally disabled youth for youth with speech disorders for youth with deficiencies in individual areas of learning long term ill children
Source: Statistical office of Republic of Slovenia, http://www.stat.si/letopis/LetopisVsebina.aspx?poglavje=6&lang=si&leto=2011 The number of disabled pupils is constantly rising. The shown figures represent the part of regular but specialized education system for disabled. Livinig and day care in public social day care institutions According to data from Ministry of labour, family and social affairs the adult disabled people who belong to the group of strongest physically and mentally handicapped, there were 1341 disabled in 2009. Institutional day care for them was organized in the form of protection work centeres and training institutions. (6) !n old pepole's homes, special day care institutions and protection work centeres and training institutions lived or was daycared some 23.000 nursing home occupant and inmates in the year 2011 or approx. every 90. citizen of Slovenia: (6) Report on Action programme for persons with disabilities 2007-2013 execution for year 2009
• Approx. 17.400 nursing home occupants in old people's homes • Approx. 2.300 nursing home occupants in special day care institutions • 950 inmates belonging to children and adolescents who belong to the group of strongest physically and mentally handicapped living in specialised work centeres and training institutions, a quarter of them was included only in day care, the rest lived in the institution 24/7. Data from two different years are not neatly overlapping. Disabled people, emoployed or unemployed Other target groups for vocational training and education, namely disabled people employed ar unemployed as well as trainers, teachers and coaches are being dealt with in the subsequent chapters of this National report for Slovenia. 2. Sources of readily available data in the field 2.1 Official statistical data Data on disabled people dynamics are readily available with Statistical Office of Slovenia In the folllowing categories: Statistical Cenzus of Slovenia 2009 • Chapter 6. Education • Chapter 9. Health care • Chapter 10. Social protection Source: http://www.stat.si/letopis/letopisprvastran.aspx Statistical data (collection): • Public social and protection institution, Slovenia, 2007;No. 1/January 20, 2009. http://www.stat.si/doc/statinf/12si-044-0901.pdf • Financial social aids, diasabled training and employment companies … Slovenia, 2007; No. 2/January 27, 2009. http://www.stat.si/doc/statinf/12-SI-041-0901.pdf • Institutions, halls of residence and other institutions for residence of youngsters with special needs, Slovenia, 2008; No. 28/July 8,2009. http://www.stat.si/doc/statinf/09-si-097-0901.pdf • Education in Slovenia, 2007 – 2008; No. 36/november 20, 2009. http://www.stat.si/doc/statinf/09-SI-271-0901.pdf Reports: • International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2012 • www.stat.si/PDF/eng/PrikaziPDF.aspx?ID=5180 • Disabled adults • www.stat.si/eng/vodic_oglej.asp?ID=190&PodrocjeID=11 • Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - Disabled persons, the ... • Dec 18, 2007 The booklet. www.stat.si/eng/novica_prikazi.aspx?id=1351 • Etc. 2.2 Private (independent, NGO) surveys and analysis There are some important institutions active in research, projects and analysis. Institute of Republic of Slovenia for social care (Inštitut RS za socialno varstvo) • Accessibilty of architectural and communication environment as prerequisite for social inclusion of disabled people – user viewpoint (Kobal et al, 2008); • Measures for realization of disabled people rights to access without obstacles (Sendi in ostali, 2008),
• SENDI, Richard, KERBLER, Boštjan Kefo. The realisation of the rights of the disabled to barrier-free access and equal opportunities in Slovenia. V: Changing housing markets: integration and segmentation. Prague: ENHR, 2009, 29 str. http://www.enhr2009.com/enhr/download/961/paper-Sendi_Kerbler_W15.pdf. For more info. please contact web page of the institution in question. Association of institutions for training of persons with special needs (Skupnost organizacij za usposabljanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami) • Two researches for Ministry of labour, family and social affairs within preparatory activities for changes in the legislation: o Day care for disabled people, Situation and trends abroad o The use of international classification of functioning, reduced abilities/disabilities and health for decision making about the rights of disabled For more info. please contact web page of the institution in question. University rehabilitation institute of RS – Soča (Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut RS – Soča. Its analytical and publication activity encompases among others, • Publishing of three publications: o Promotion of disabled employment, basic international and national legalislation and programmes; o Manual for managing projects about employment of disabled and other functionally impaired people o What should any employer know about disabled employment? From tax incentives for employers to guideliness from EU legislation • Realisation international Leonardo da Vinci project on mobility: improving competencies of mentors, policy makers and other stakeholders for better employability disabled and othe vulnerable gorups. • Institute has executed 11 international projects and researches in year 2009 alltogether For more info. please contact web page of the institution in question. 3. Review of physical access to work and public spaces 3.1 Constitutional, legal and governmental background The right on accesible architectural environment as well as to information and communication access in Republic of Slovenia has its foundation in the Constitution, being specified at least in five articles. It stipulates, that anyone has the right for • free movement and selection of home (Article 32), • gathering and free association with others (Article 42), • healthy living environment (Article 72) • and that state is creating possibility for citizens to acquire appropriate flat (Article 78), • while Article 14. specially stipulates, that the same human rights and basic citizen rights are granted to anyone, regardless the disabilities or any other personal circumstances. Development strategy for disabled people care in the Republic of Slovenia adopted by the Parliament of RS in 1991 pointed out the importance of accessibility of architectural environment and to information and communication access for independent life of disabled citizens, as well. It specially concentrates on settling living conditions, adapted transport and adaptation of communications to the needs of blinded and deaf persons. Goals of the strategy have their legal foundations in in a variety of legal acts, already adopted by the Republic of Slovenia. 3.2 Architectural access Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport stresses that in the case of all new buildings and reconstructions, they perform activities set for assurance of unimpeded access, enterance and use of buildings for the persons with limited movement abilities. Generally, the goal is
• to get rid of architectural and communication environment obstacles within exsisting public facilities and outdoor spaces • new built houses are to be able to adaptation for movement or sensory handicapped people Among measures we point out the following: • Consistent respect of all relevant legislation • In the case of exsisting objects, to prepare plans how to adapt accessibility and use of public facilities, especially in kindergartens, educational institutions and others • Strenghtening the work of inspection in controlling civil engineering companies, public health services and others • Establish common standard in ground marking in front of zebra crossing and use it 3.3 Public transport Generally, the goal is • To assure accessibility of public transport, especially in the cities • Adaptation of taxies for the needs of disabled people • To assure transfer in public transport for guide dog of blind passenger Among measures we point out the following: • Adaptation of city buses and intercity ones, as well as trains for movement and visual disabled (access and entrance in the vehicle, receiving information on the screen and oral information) • Adaptation of one taxi on each 50.000 inhabitants for transfer of movement disabled • Assure aid for undisturbed entrance and exit for all disabled (person for help, wheelchair ramp, lift for wheelchairs) 3.3 Leisure, sport, tourism, culture In the year 2009 the public broadcasting service RTV Slovenia has equipped its 3rd programme with translation into Slovenian sign language. They are broadcasting approx. 20 broadcasts of the Association of deaf and hearing-impaired »lets listen to the silence«. Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport launched in the area of cultural heritage in the frame of long life learning – Grundtvig project a virtual guide through some museum collections for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors. They published publication »Accesible museum – good practices guide«. There is a lot of guided museums tours for disabled people on annual base. Ministry of labour, family and social affairs is organising special olympic games for persons with mild and heavy mental disturbances on regional base. Slovenian sportsmen are regular participants on the Olympic Games and posess winning awards and medails. 4. Barriers to education and vocational training 4.1 Acceptance of disabled people by the general public It is the goal to increase public awareness about disabled, their contribution to the development of the society, rights, dignity and needs. Media are frequently reporting about disabled people while their approach in lots of cases is still based upon biases and stereotypes. In general disabled are satisfied with the level of public communication where they are contributing on their own substantially. National Council of associations for disabled in Slovenia (Nacionalni svet invalidskih organizacij Slovenije) is reporting about increased participation of information for disabled people in media including its media campaigns, website www.nsios.si and multimedia centre of public broadcasting service RTV Slovenia.
4.2 Education and training of trainers, teachers and coaches Association of institutions for training of persons with special needs (Skupnost organizacij za usposabljanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami) together with partner organizations is organising central annual educational event for specialists in training institutions, regular schools and kindergartens working with persons with special needs. The abovementioned association was leading partner in the project for professional training of specialist in the field of training and education in the years 2008 – 2011. Project was co-financed European Social Found. It encompassed five programmes of professional training for specialists with 56 hours of training. For example, in 2009 there were 2440 participants. University rehabilitation institute of RS – Soča (Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut RS – Soča is organising a lot of workshops, lectures and seminars on annual base to bring awareness about newnesses in comprehensive rehabilitation. In particular, with the help of European co-funding, • Training and informing professional workers and general audience to promote the integration of disabled and other functionally impaired persons on labour market, equal opportuinities and social inclusion • Publish three publications: o Promotion of disabled employment, basic international and national legalislation and programmes; o Manual for managing projects about employment of disabled and other functionally impaired people o What should any employer know about disabled employment? From tax incentives for employers to guideliness from EU legislation • Execution of 12 workshops on the level of regional employment offices of Employment Service of Slovenia with 600 participants alltogether. • Realisation international Leonardo da Vinci project on mobility: improving competencies of mentors, policy makers and other stakeholders for better employability disabled and othe vulnerable gorups. • Institute has executed 11 international projects and researches alltogether This institution has organized roundtable about development of professional and employment rehabilitation system, as well as accompanying publication. Soča is fullfilling its regular task to participate in preparing reports about disabled employment situtation for United Nations, European Commission, International Labour Organisation and others. Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia - ZPIZ (Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije) ZPIZ is together with other instititions organizing Days of professional and employment rehabilitation (Days of REHA) on annual basis. Institution is taking part on seminars and workshops with topics covering cooperation with employers in the process of professional rehabilitation, financing of training and workplace adaptation programmes for disabled. 5 Review of labor market participation 5.1 Data on employment of disabled people We can trace data on on employment/unemployment of disabled people in Slovenia in two ways. First there is a special form of social economy called company for disabled. By law there are to be 60% of disabled people of total employed to reach benefits out of this form. By the end of 2011 there were 145 companies for disabled (Enterprises for training and employment of disabled persons) employing nearly 18% of active disabled people. The table below shows development of companies for disabled in numbers over the past yeras. It is evident, that last recession period has striked their number as well. Second, there are data on disabled population in general whether employed or unemployed.
Table: Enterprises for training and employment of disabled persons, 31 December 2001 151
2002 149
2003 145
2004 2005 1472) 149
2006 165
2007 168
Enterprises employing the disabled (7) Pers. employed by enterprises employing the disabled (8) 12466 12969 12673 13580 13556 13685 14650 Total … … 5433 5787 5788 … … Women Employed disabled by status (9) 6087 6202 5970 6348 6360 6441 6466 Total … … 2234 2331 3924 … … Women 5372 5443 5201 5565 5455 5586 5460 Disabled workers (10) 441 488 472 468 530 374 410 Disabled people according to the ZUZIO (11) 266 261 290 308 368 373 374 Categorised juveniles 8 10 7 7 7 7 6 Disabled soldiers (12) 101 216 Other (13) Source: Statistical office of Republic of Slovenia, http://www.stat.si/letopis/LetopisVsebina.aspx?poglavje=6&lang=si&leto=2011 Table: Persons employed in enterprises employing the disabled by age groups, 30 June 2007 Age groups Total 18‒24 25‒34 35‒44 45+ 14786 420 2077 4145 8144 Employees in enterprises for disabled - total (14) 6670 187 519 1595 4369 Employed disabled 8116 233 1558 2550 3775 Other employees Source: Statistical office of Republic of Slovenia, http://www.stat.si/letopis/LetopisVsebina.aspx?poglavje=6&lang=si&leto=2011 Employment of disabled persons in state administration institutions: number of employed disabled persons ascended from 892 to 916 in the years from 2006 to 2009 . Disability status (15) Disability status can be achieved by the legally binding order of competent authority based on appropriate law. Rights of disabled people depend on law according to which the rights have been acquired, amount of disability, age and similar. There is no final data on total number of disabled persons in Slovenia with accepted disability status; it is estimated that they reach approx. 8% of total population. Disabled people do less payed jobs and are less educated Disabled people are in depriviliged position when entering labour market due to their reduced or limited working abilities as well as having less opportunities to get appropriate job or even being promoted in it. Active disabled people with jobs are those being employed or self-employed (without farmers) and having recognition of their disability status by law. In september 2012 there we about 30.500 active disabled people, 16.500 of them male and 14.000 female. This represents 3,9% of all work active population. Disabled people represent 16% of all unemployed, their registered unemployment rate in september 2012 reached quite 35,8%. The average gros wage of disabled in the year 2011 was according to preliminary data 1.177 EUR what represents 74% of average monthly gros salary in Slovenia. 7. Data of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, the source of which is the Fund for the Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Data show the situation at the end of year or 31. 12. 8. Data for 2004 cover 147 of 149 enterprises. 9. In 2006 a new classification according to gained status of disability came into force. 10. Pension and Disability Insurance Act. 11. Act Regulating the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons. 12. War Disabled Act. 13. All others who have the disabled person status according to other acts are also included. 14. The source of data is the survey of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, which doesn't include all enterprises for the disabled (162 out of 168). (15) www.stat.si/novica_prikazi.aspx?id=5180 73
Disabled have lower education. In December 2011, there were 12% of disabled with more than higher education, while this figure with active working population stays at 28%. Disabled workers with remaining workink ability have the right to work with working hours that correspond to their remaining working ability, the right to professional rehabilitation and the right to corresponding money compensation. In the year 2011 money compensations reached 172,4 mio. EUR received by 48.600 disabled workers. Graph: Share of disabled among employment active population in age structure, september 2012 Source: Statistical Office of Slovenia
5.2 Self-employment and entrepreneurship among disabled people Generally, disabled people have the same rights in fostering entrepreneurship, what needs to be combined with special aid for disabled, and thus forming solid incentives and encouragement system. Employment service of Slovenia (Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje – ZRSZ) This is is key institution since its activities encompass: • procedures of disability status recognition (Official Gazette RS, 16/07-UPB2) and/or operation of the right to employment rehabilitation according to the legislation. • Inclusion of disabled people in active forms of treatment basing upon individual employment plans • Assure individual approach for employment rehabilitation on the base of rehabilitation plan • Increase of of employment rehabilitation execution teams from 13 to 17 to avoid waiting lines • Support to employers as a part of rehabilitation counselling including regional workshops for employers where possibilities and incentives for disabled were presented. Activities for self-employment of disabled people consist of those: • offered to any unemployed person • special incentives under the Law on employment rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons (Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov - ZZRZI) from July 29, 2004 (16) Self-employment of disabled people and others (17) Each person is eligible to self-employment subsidy if preparatory activities for self-employment were taken and self-employment will take place within 60 days after conclusion of preparatory activities. The grant is 4.500 EUR, representing one-time non-refundable financial aid. This aid is available after conclusion of preparatory activities for self-employment. They consist of positive assessment of business idea and participation on complimentary self-employment workshop. A person is eligible to self-employment subvention if she or he is registered as • unemployed or • employment seeker whose employment stuatus is endangered • and is registered with Employment service of Slovenia more than three months
(16)Source: http://zakonodaja.gov.si/rpsi/r01/predpis_ZAKO3841.html (17) Adapted from: http://www.ess.gov.si/iskalci_zaposlitve/programi/samozaposlovanje (18) Adapted from: http://med.over.net/forum5/read.php?147,7528663,7544940#msg-7544940
while fulfilling demands on participating complimentary self-employment workshop and getting positive assessment of business idea. Case Study (18) Consider self-employed disabled person who went through the programme for self- employment and is entitled to available incentives for disabled persons Such person receives 4.500 EUR of standard start-up aid under condition to stay self-employed at least one year (see other details under ….) Further, this person is subject to retirement and disability contribution exemption (Article 74. of ZZRZI : denoting, that self-employed disabled persons are rightful claimat for such benefit). Let's take an example of a self-employed person who is paying contributions on the calculated salary from the minimal level of contributions, it means 285 EUR monthly (consisting of contributions for 1/Retirement and disability insurance, 2/Health insurance and 3/Parenthood contribution). Such person will be according to the abovementioned provision exempted from retirement and disability insurance a 182EUR. He is therefore obliged to pay the rest, 103EUR of contributions monthly. Now there is additional incentive in the form of »Reward for exceeding the quota« (of employed disabled people – see Chapter 7.2 for further explanation). Practically, this reward totalls to 180EUR monthly. Since the rest of contributions in our case are 103EUR, the net gain for disabled person is 80EUR monthly . It is no wonder why people in Slovenia are striving to get disability status. 5.3 Activities for unemployable disabled people Along with disabled who are able to reach economic independence through employment, there is a group of disabled who are due to mental and physical constraints unable to get profitable work and are not in a position to provide social security for themsleves. These persons have in addition to material rights also rights to provision of managing, day care and employment under special conditions. Such day care enables retaining accquired knowledge and skills giving simultaneously ability to preform useful employment adapted to them. Within this service, disabled persons are getting a pay for performed job under special conditions. What counts even more is feeling of usefulness and selfassurance acquired by such employment. This service is being offered by protection work centeres as well as public institutions for social protection (23 of them) or concession based institutions (12 of them). There were 106 such departments in the country taking care for 3.011 disabled persons in 2009 . 6 Review of education / skills / competences of disables people 6.1 Distribution by education degree Disabled people are less educated than average. In December 2010 education structure of work active disabled was as follows: • 31% Primary school or less • 58% Secondary school • 10% Higher or high education (tertiary school) 6.2 Data on technical skills Most disabled persons perform simple jobs Most disabled persons were employed in processing industry (38%), followed by health and social care (11%) and trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (8%). Disabled persons mostly performed occupations in the group “Occupations for simple works” (21%), followed by “Occupations for non-industrial works” (18%); among experts there were 8% of disabled.
Graph: Structure of work active persons according to the profession groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, 31. 12. 2010: All vs. disabled Source: Statistical office of Slovenia Blue column: disabled people Pale blue column: all active persons Legend ( axis description in sequence): 2. Legislators, high officials, manageres 3. Experts 4. Technicians and other professionals 5. Officials 6. Service professions, sellers 7. Farmers, foresters, fishermen, hunters 8. Occuaptions for non-industrial way of works 9. Machine operators 10. Occupations for simple works 11. Military professions 12. unknown 7 Legal / institutional incentives and disincentives 7.1 Legal provisions and strategies According to Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia everyone shall be guaranteed equal human rights and fundamental freedoms irrespective of personal circumstance. In the amendment of Article 14 which entered into force on 15 June 2004 personal circumstances also include disability. The Constitution thus expressly underlines the equality of persons with disabilities before the law, and that nobody shall be disadvantaged on grounds of disability. "In Slovenia everyone shall be guaranteed equal human rights and fundamental freedoms irrespective of national origin, race, sex, language, religion, political or other conviction, material standing, birth, education, social status, disability or any other personal circumstance" (Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia). General principles and obligations of Action Programme for Persons with Disabilities 2007- 2013 based on international and national acts may be summed up as follows: • respect for difference and acceptance of disability as part of human diversity and assurance of equal opportunities: the principle ensures positive measures for ensuring equal opportunities in all areas necessary for enjoying full citizenship; • non-discrimination: the principle of non-discrimination shall ensure that persons with disabilities are not treated as different, excluded or restricted in enjoying the rights that are guaranteed to all other members of the community; • on the level of society, ensure full and effective participation and inclusion in society: persons with disabilities shall have equal opportunities as other citizens for effective participation in the development of the community they live in on the local, regional and state levels and to take responsibilities for its development; • at the level of an individual ensure respect for human rights - dignity and autonomy of persons including freedom of their own choice and independence; • individualized approach to the provision and performance of services and programmes intended for persons with disabilities, and • accessibility as a prerequisite for exercising rights and social inclusion.
Policy of policy of persons with disabilities in the period 2007-2013 is therefore focused on the following targets set by the European Union as basic starting points: • comprehensive analysis of policy of persons with disabilities with an overview of rights of persons with disabilities under sectoral legislation; • identify measures for removal of barriers to full participation (equal opportunities) of persons with disabilities on local community and society levels and systematic approach to developing such measures; • prevention and measures to combat discrimination of persons with disabilities and assure access to fundamental rights; • conformity of future Slovenian legislation with the acquis and measures laid down in this programme; • to ensure partnership with persons with disabilities in planning, selection, implementation, supervision and evaluation of projects to be financed by the EU Structural Funds. The adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the purpose of which is to encourage the persons with disabilities to fully enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis, to protect such rights and freedoms, to ensure them to persons with disabilities and encourage the respect for their dignity is taking place in 2006. The Slovenian Action Programme is based on this Convention. In preparation of the Programme in addition to the Convention the following basic UN acts have been taken into consideration: Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and World Programme of Action concerning Persons with isabilities, and additionally, Equal opportunities for people with disabilities: A European Action Plan (COM 2003 650), Situation of persons with disabilities in the enlarged European Union: the European Action Plan 2006-2007 (COM 2005 604) and the Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full participation of people with disabilities in society: to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe 2006-2015 (Recommendation Rec(2006)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states). Slovenia's Action Programme for persons with disabilities 2007-2013 takes into account development policies of Slovenia set in the Slovenia's Development Strategy (2005) and in the Framework of Economic and Social Reform to Increase Welfare in Slovenia (2005). In 1991 Slovenia adopted the Concept of Development Strategy for Persons with Disabilities, which includes four particularly important aspects: • the definition of disability based on human rights instead of defining disability by its medical aspect only; • document describes various policies according to the fields, such as healthcare, training and education, employment, rehabilitation, benefits, disability policy, status, funding and work of disabled people’s organizations, etc. • the document underlines the right to independent living of persons with disabilities; • persons with disabilities, representatives of the state and experts participated jointly in preparation of the document. Between 1991 and 2006 a set of regulations was adopted in the fields of education, healthcare, employment, and elimination of obstacles in the environment and ensuring benefits for persons with disabilities. Various national and development programmes in different fields offer solutions essential for the living of persons with disabilities. Special stress has been been put on following themes: • amendment to Article 14 of the Constitution providing constitutional policy against discrimination, based on disability (2004); • adoption of the Programme for training and employment of persons with disabilities by 2002 and Employment and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Act in 2004; • National guidelines to improve built environment, information and communications accessibility for persons with disabilities, adopted by the Government in 2005; Slovenian • building standards for the needs of persons with disabilities and other functionally impaired persons; • Use of Slovenian Sign Language Act (2002) in which the state provides equal opportunities to the deaf in the area of communications; • adoption of Children with Special Needs Act (2000); • adoption of The Implementation of Equal Treatment Act (2004); • adoption of Employment Relationships Act (2002), by which distinguishing between indirect and direct discrimination related to disability was introduced into the Slovene legislation;
• amendments to regulations governing rights in the area of disability insurance, parental policy, family benefits and social assistance; • In Slovenia promotion of disabled people’s organizations was specially supported. Thus the Disabled People’s Organizations Act was adopted in 2002. • Two analyses of the system of policy of persons with disabilities were prepared: • Assessment of development of persons with disabilities policy (1995), • Report on the implementation of persons with disabilities policy in the Republic of Slovenia (2001). 7.2 Incentives for employers to hire disabled people In the case of disabled persons Slovenia is following two basic EU goals: to provide employment for disabled thus ensure their economic as well as social security. There is more than 32.000 disabled people employed, representing 3.9% of all employees. It is now seven years from adoption of quota system in employment of disabled people and establishment of Disabled Persons Promotion Employment Found. Companies for disabled are important part of the system and social entrepreneurship as well, for all those who are not in a position to retain employment in competitive labour market due to disabilities. Quota system in employment of disabled people (19) Legal or physical person subject to fulfilling quota is an employer registered in Slovenia and employing 20 employees at least. Quota is obligatory part of employed disabled people number vis a vis the total number of employees with particular employer. Quota differs but it cannot be lower than 2% and higher than 6% of the total number of employees. (20) If a person (legal or physical), being subject to fulfilling quota, is not employing disabled people, it is bound to pay contribution into Disabled Persons Promotion Employment Found. If a person (legal or physical), being subject to fulfilling quota, is exceeding it or is not obliged to fulfill it, it can enforce exemption from retirement and disability insurance contribution. Self-employed disabled people are eligible to this incentive as well. In the case of retaining employment a person (legal or physical) can enforce still other incentives for promotion of disabled people employment and payment of the services costs in the retaining employment with Disabled Persons Promotion Employment Found. Disabled Persons Promotion Employment Found Government of RS, based on the Law on employment rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons - ZZRZI from July 29, 2004, has adopted an Act on establishment of Disabled Persons Promotion Employment Found. The Found provides following financial incentives: • Subvention of salaries for disabled persons • Payment of the costs for working place and means adaptation for disabled person • Payment of the costs in the retaining employment, • Exemption from retirement and disability insurance payment for employed disabled persons • Rewards for exceeding the quota, • Annual rewards for employers for good practices in disabled people employment • Other incentives for disabled people employment and retaining workplaces for them as well as other incentives Rightful claimat to exemption for retirement and disability insurance payment for disabled are employers: • With 20 employees at a minimum • With less than 20 employees but employ disabled persons • Self-employed disabled persons Rightful claimat to rewards for exceeding the quota are employers: • With 20 employees and exceed the quota • With less than 20 employees but employ disabled persons • Self-employed disabled persons If disability is consequence of work injury or professional disease with the same employer, the later is not entitled for a reward in such case, but can such case be summed up in the quota. (19) Law on employment rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons (Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov - ZRSZI: http://www.ess.gov.si/delodajalci/zaposlovanje_in_delo_invalidov (20) Law on employment rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons (Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov - ZZRZI) from July 29, 2004 78
Tax exemptions when employing disabled people Tax exemption can be enforced as being • Person subject to corporate income tax • Person subject to personal income tax Tax exemption can be enforced for employing disabled people from one of the following categories: • Having stuts of disabled person according to the Law on employment rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons • Having 100% physical disability • Deaf persons What are reliefs 1. For employing a person with disability status according to ZZRZI: Corporate Income Tax Act Personal Income Tax Act Tax base reduction of 50 % of the Tax base reduction of 50 % of payed salary fore employed person salary employed person Tax base reduction of 70 % of the Tax base reduction of 70 % of payed salary fore employed person salary. employed person. CONDITION: If disabled are employed over CONDITION: If disabled are employed over the quota acc. the quota acc. to ZZRZI and their disability is ZZRZI and their disability is not a consequence of work injury not a consequence of work injury with present with present employer. 2. For employing a person with 100- physical disability: Corporate Income Tax Act Personal Income Tax Act Tax base reduction of 70 % of the employed Tax base reduction of 70 % of payed salary person salary. fore employed person. 3. For employing a deaf person Corporate Income Tax Act Tax base reduction of 70 % of the employed person salary.
Personal Income Tax Act Tax base reduction of 70 % of payed salary fore employed person.
7.3 Start-up incentives for disabled people See 5.2 Self-employment and entrepreneurship among disabled people 7.4 Overview of social transfers of the state Due to the document An analysis of state's care for disabled (21) from 2009 we are able to summarise all social transfers in terms of rights available according to the status of disabled people and the nature of their impairness. • Social transfers for impaired in movement: 53 • Social transfers for blind and visually-impaired: 38 • Social transfers for deaf and hearing-impaired: 31 • Social transfers for persons with disorder in mental development: 60 • Social transfers for persons according to the status (e.g. work disabled, war veterans,…): 84
(21)Dremelj e tal. An analysis of state's care for disabled, Final report. Institute RS for social security: Ljubljana, december 2009,
Summary In Greece, studies have shown that people with disability generally encounter issues with education and social integration, and as a result this also limits their chances of obtaining employment, which puts them in a more vulnerable situation of encountering poverty and social rejection. This becomes even more prominent amongst the female population. It is recognized that people with disabilities are amongst the most disadvantaged groups in our society and still find themselves faced with considerable obstacles preventing them from participating in all areas of life. Targeted rehabilitation and the integration of disabled people into work and society are therefore important components of productive social policy: they prevent negative developments, minimize disadvantages and thereby contribute to the wealth of society. Disabled people want to be integrated and acknowledged. It is therefore important that people with disabilities are not excluded from society but are at the centre of it. A. DEFINING FOCUS OBSTACLE TYPES, LIMITATIONS, AND COMPARING LEGAL ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN COUNTRIES 1. What are the basic disability definitions of your country with reference to legal arrangements? People with disabilities are the people who have permanent or temporary injuries, disabilities, weaknesses, or a combination, from physical, emotional or mental impairment. People with permanent disabilities are physical disability, blind and generally deaf, those who have difficulty understanding, communication and adaptation and patients from atherosclerosis, epilepsy, kidney failure, rheumatic diseases, heart diseases etc. 2. What are the categories and sub-categories (definitions) of your country with reference to legal arrangements? People with disability make up the 9.3% of the total population of Greece. - The problems that people with disabilities encounter are depended on the type and level of their disability - Disability in Greece is broken down and grouped into the following categories: temporary or permanent, paraplegic, quadriplegic, crippled, permanently blind or partially, kidney patients, hemophiliacs, sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis, people with mental retardation, mental illness. - The majority of the public buildings assessed have partial accessibility, and most of the times it is basically the placement of a ramp. Elevators, grails, stands, parking spaces and WC accessible to disabled people exist only in few public services, where they do not always match to given standards of accessibility. These factors alone have been found to discourage people with disability in Greece to look for work, as it would simply be difficult for them to access entry, or means of transportation, to get to their place of employment. Studies have also shown that people with disability generally encounter issues with education and social interaction, and as a result this also limits their chances of obtaining employment, which puts them in a more vulnerable situation of encountering poverty and social rejection. This becomes even more prominent amongst the female population. State intervention in Greece has been delayed with regards to aiding people with disabilities. It is only in the last 30 years that an effort to strengthen the regulatory framework has taken place, and this is still in force and incomplete. 3. What are the medical and social preconditions of a disabled individual should have to employ? In Greece, there are a few laws regarding employment support of persons with disabilities but the most well known is Law 2643/1998. Law 2643/1998 is the central legislation on the employment of persons with disabilities. This law constitutes the current legislation on Compulsory Placement and the quota system. In the public sector, the law defines that persons with disabilities must be employed in the percentage of 5%, on condition that they have disability above 50% and are registered at Greek Manpower Organization (OAED). In pri-
vate sector, this Law obligates employers employing 50 workers or more, to employ workers with disabilities placed by the Public Authority in the percentage of 2%. The law gives persons with disabilities first priority over all other protected special groups (mainly persons with many children - 4 or more) in the public sector and second priority in the private sector. In order to be eligible for placement a person with disability must: • Prove that he/she suffers from a physical, mental or psychological chronic disease or impairment, at a severity of 50 - 67% or more, due to which, his/her chances in the free labour market are limited. • Be between 21 and 45 years of age. • Be registered with the Manpower Organization in a special register for unemployed Persons with Disabilities. • Prove that he/she does not receive a monthly pension over a certain level. Moreover, persons who have a daughter or son, brother or sister, husband or wife with disability over 67%, are also protected by this law and can claim for a vacant in the public sector. Current job market in Greece Being that Greece has been extremely affected by the global financial crisis and is still in recession, the government has adopted austerity measures which include cutting government spending, reducing the size of the public sector, decreasing tax evasion and reforming health care and pensions. The erosion of public finances, inaccurate statistics, lack of adherence to reforms and public tax evasion has led to a major financial emergency. As a result, many companies are closing down as they cannot afford over-heads and employing staff, and are choosing to work from home as self-employed. - Between 2000 and 2006 the number of self-employed people with staff fell by 10.4%, whereas although the number of self-employed people without staff increased by 5.8% in 2003, it was 2.0% lower in 2006 than in 2003. - According to data for 2006 from the Labour Force Survey of the National Statistical Service of Greece (ESYE), a very substantial proportion (33.3%) of self-employed people without staff is concentrated in the agriculture, hunting and forestry sector, followed by the wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, personal and household goods sector (22.8%). Next, with between 5% and 9%, come the sectors of real estate, renting and business activities (9%), manufacturing (7.1%), construction (6.2%), transport, storage and communication (6.1%) and hotels and restaurants (5.2%), and these are followed by some smaller categories. - It is recognized that people with disabilities are amongst the most disadvantaged groups in our society and still find themselves faced with considerable obstacles preventing them from participating in all areas of life. Targeted rehabilitation and the integration of disabled people into work and society are therefore important components of productive social policy: they prevent negative developments, minimize disadvantages and thereby contribute to the wealth of society. Disabled people want to be integrated and acknowledged. It is therefore important that they are not excluded from society but are at the centre of it. Unemployment rate in Greece Country 1999 2000 2002 Greece 9.9 11.3 10.3
2003 9.4
2004 10
2005 9.9
2006 9.2
2007 8.3
2008 7.7
2009 9.4
2010 12
General facts: The unemployment rate in Greece was last reported at 20.9 percent in November of 2011. From 1983 until 2010, Greece's Unemployment Rate averaged 9.43 percent reaching an historical high of 12.40 percent in October of 1999 and a record low of 6.30 percent in April of 1990.
The labour force is defined as the number of people employed plus the number unemployed but seeking work. The non labour force includes those who are not looking for work, those who are institutionalized and those serving in the military. General Greek industry Information Major industries: - Tourism - Food processing - Textiles - Chemicals - Tobacco processing - Metal products - Mining - Petroleum - Shipping - Manufacturing accounts for about 14 percent of the GDP Recent growth areas: - Technology & telecommunications - Transport infrastructure - Organic farming - Research & development - Minerals Industries in decline: - Textiles - Shipbuilding B. ANALYSIS OF LEGAL RIGHTS 1. Is there any below government policies that protect power to the rights of disabled individual’s employments, any government incentives to both side? The Greek Manpower Organization, based on a ministerial Decision issued annually, has developed and implemented a programme, which shows a larger impact in getting persons with disabilities to work in private sector enterprises. Employers that employ persons with disabilities are eligible to financial support or funds from the state. This varies nationally but – for example – can include funds for the reduced capacity or ability to work, salary subsidization, funds for the adaptations and changes to an accessible workplace, funds for service expenses etc. 3. In your country are there any specific labor markets that cannot employ disabled individuals? All “heavy” industry labor markets. 4. Are there any government incentives to employers to employ disabled individual? As vacant places are far less than demand, specific variables are applied for selection and recruitment, mainly age, severity of disability, qualifications, personal status and economic state. The Greek Manpower Organization, based on a ministerial decision issued annually, is implementing a programme that shows a greater impact in getting persons with disabilities to work in private sector enterprises (only). It offers wage subsidies to employers hiring registered persons with disabilities over a maximum period of three years, which is a substantial length of time. This programme is considered to have been successful. No doubt, it offers incentives to employers to hire individuals with disabilities; however the subsidized posts are limited compared to the total numbers of persons with disabilities seeking jobs, or willing to enter or re-enter the job market. The Greek Manpower Organization, provides financial support to companies that employ persons with disabilities
through the working period of adjustment. This period is considered the first three months of work and the support is intended for the expenses of training and the gradual insertion of the person to the working environment. The period of funding is 36 months and the employer has the obligation to employ the person with disability for another 12 months without funding. The amount of funding is 25 euros for men with disability and 26,5 for women (for the 36 months of funding). There is also an option of a part time job: 4 hours a day. In this case the funding for the employer is 15 euros a day. 5. Are there any government special incentives to disabled individuals to building up their own businesses? - Amongst people with disability, it would appear that self employment and working from home is a source of flexibility, which accommodates the impact of impairments on their ability to work. - Furthermore, as disability rises with age, older people in Greece have shown to be more likely to become self-employed and work from home. However, the findings could also imply that older (disabled) workers have difficulty finding employment and face prejudice because of their apparent limitations, therefore choosing self-employment for lack of better alternative to gain a living or to supplement the existing income. - The employment rate of people with disability in Greece is approximately 20% lower than non-disabled.
B. ANALYSIS OF WORKFORCE AND WORKING CONDITIONS WHICH WILL BE STUDIED IN THE PROJECT, DETERMINATION OF MINIMUM WORKING CONDITIONS, EXAMINING OF GOOD PRACTICES 1. Are there any specified professions for severe or slightly handicapped (-or any impaired category) individuals employed in your country? Employment Rate for the Population Between 15 – 64 Years by Activity Limitation (%) in 2010 None (1) % Greece
Limited (2) % 41.39
Strongly Limited (3) % 26.24
Disabled (2) + (3) % N 35.96 425
Pop. 270 277
Employment Rates of non-disabled and Disabled People by Gender Non-Disabled Disabled (2) + (3) Men15-64 Women15-64 Difference15-64 Men 15-64 Greece 77.79 52.26 25.53 44.94
Women 15-64 28.55
Difference 15-64 16.39
Best Practices In 1989, in Athens, appeared a small family company launching a new, innovative type of mattress, non-metal, 100% natural materials and fully recyclable. The company was baptized COCO-MAT of the words coconut (coco fibre) and mattress (mattress). It was a matter of time before the market introduction of sleep and rapid growth of a plant in Xanthi. The plant where non-polluting, has no chimney, no use of chemicals at any stage, denies plastic. Today in Greece, Holland, Spain, Cyprus, Belgium, Germany, USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia and China customers test their products COCO-MAT, all made from recyclable materials, such as wood, cotton, coconut, natural rubber, wool, flax, algae, horsehair. From its inception, the company implements such a policy management to the human factor,that offers equal op-
portunities to all employees. Cultural and language differences are noticeable in the company environment, as more than 46% of the staff consists of refugees. It is also important to note that the COCO-MAT provides equal opportunities for people with "special skills" (characterized by others as "disabled"). Features mention that 10% of workers are people with disabilities. The COCO-MAT from the beginning showed their confidence and their assigned important responsibilities. Currently a large proportion of these people has managed to maneuver in very high places. The COCO-MAT recognizes the diversity of people, so they do not use tight criteria for hiring new employees. This is mainly examines the ethics, personality, energy, environmental sensitivity and consistency of prospective employees, without, however, overlook the qualifications of each candidate. For this company employees are the greatest investment. For this reason, they do not recruit people for a limited time, but seek lasting partnerships. Moreover, through continuing education and training guarantee all employees the opportunity to meet future demands of a highly competitive field. The COCO-MAT works like a big family, giving staff the opportunity to be involved in making decisions of strategic importance for the company, where diversity and freedom of expression are used as enablers of development. Over the 19 years of operation, the company has won prestigious awards such as first prize in European competition and quality of the EFQM Business Excellence National Award by the Ministry of Development. Research Sources http://www.indexmundi.com/greece/youth_ages_15-24_unemployment.html http://www.tradingeconomics.com/greece/unemployment-rate http://www.prospects.ac.uk/greece_job_market.htm http://www.disabled.gr/lib/?p=24259 (External link) Ministry of Internal Public Administration and Decentralization, 12.09.2010