14 minute read
V. Strategic Area 2: Governance, Leadership & Management
Objective 1: Revise Organizational Structure
• Review the current Psychology Department structure and number of Departmental units by benchmarking with other universities of similar size and age to recommend updates at all levels.
• Monitor the effectiveness of the organizational structure based on a set of criteria and make updates if needed.
• Conduct an interim comprehensive review of organizational changes and make updates, as necessary.
• Conduct a comprehensive review of Department structure by the end of the planning period in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.
Update Leadership Roles
• Evaluate leadership roles and responsibilities by revising and updating the specific descriptions of these roles of leaders at different levels (Department Chair, Faculty & Staff).
• Set specific authorities, responsibilities, and tasks for each role based on the College Charter and the Ministry bylaws.
• Review the leadership succession plan regularly.
• Ensure the effective and efficient distribution of the responsibilities of academic and administrative leaders to achieve harmony among the different units.
• Monitor and evaluate the adherence of leaders to the description of their leadership roles and tasks annually and be ready to adjust the description based on work needs.
• Review the leadership roles and their tasks by the end of the third year of the strategic plan and make changes as needed.
• Conduct a comprehensive review of leadership roles by the end of 2026-2027 in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.
Review and Revise Reporting Lines
• Revise Department reporting system and reporting lines to ensure a clear and smooth flow of information from bottom-up and top-down among academic and administrative units to achieve cooperative teamwork environment.
• Update efficient reporting templates used for producing semester reports for all academic and administrative units for Falls and Springs.
• Agree on the reporting lines and templates with all units.
• Pilot the reporting system in Fall and Spring 2022-2023 to adjust as needed for use in subsequent semesters.
• Conduct an interim review of the reporting system by the third year of the strategic plan and adjust the reporting system and reporting lines, as necessary.
• Conduct a comprehensive review of the reporting system and reporting templates in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.
Evaluate Leadership Performance
• Assess how far PSY Department Chair and faculty have managed to achieve the department’s annual objectives and help them set their new objectives for the subsequent year for the department as part of oversight and accountability of PSY Department governance system.
• Conduct an interim review by revising the tools for leadership assessment and make changes as needed.
• Conduct a final comprehensive review of leadership assessment tools in preparation for the following 5-year strategic plan.
Objective 2: Restructure PSY Responsibilities
• Monitor the initiatives and projects carried out by the departmental committees and give a final report on their performance in Spring each year.
• Conduct a comprehensive review of the committees to give final assessment of their work and recommend changes for the subsequent 5-year strategic plan accordingly.
Review and Evaluate PSY Committees
• Evaluate the efficiency of current Department committees based on a set criterion and recommend improvements and updates of their mandate, structure and/or function, as necessary.
• Update and implement Departmental committees based on the evaluation conducted in Fall 2022-2023.
• Monitor the initiatives and projects carried out by Departmental committees and give a final report on their performance in Spring each year.
• Conduct a comprehensive review of current Dep. committees to give final assessment of their work and recommend changes for the subsequent 5-year strategic plan accordingly.
Objective 4: Attain and Maintain Program Recognition
Actions by Initiatives
Establish New PSY Strategic Roles & Develop Role Descriptions
• Update the Psychology Departmental strategic roles at the level of Department and specify their authorities, responsibilities, and tasks taking into consideration that they have both academic and technical skills to achieve effective governance.
• Update the Governance Manual to include the updated strategic roles at the departmental level and the job descriptions/ authorities, responsibilities and tasks.
• Evaluate the Governance Manual that includes the administrative and organizational flowcharts and job authorities, responsibilities and tasks by the end of the third year of the strategic plan to make changes, as necessary.
• Conduct a comprehensive review of strategic roles at the department level and their descriptions to make organizational changes by the end of the planning period in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.
Evaluate the performance of individuals carrying the new strategic roles:
• Evaluate individuals carrying out new strategic roles based on an agreed criterion (e.g., competence and skills) for evaluation every Spring.
Actions by Initiatives
Obtain and Maintain Program National Accreditation
• Establish a schedule for renewing the national accreditation for the program accredited over the 5 years.
• Monitor, manage, and coordinate national accreditation in preparation or in progress with the institution and programs starting Fall 2022 and over all subsequent semesters.
• Implement an automated system that documents the required excellence level of accredited University programs.
Objective 3: Streamline Committee Structures
Actions by Initiatives
• Give recommendations for improvement to the concerned individuals to improve their performance for implementation in the following year. Review and
• Evaluate the efficiency of current standing committees based on a set criterion and recommend improvements and updates of their mandate, structure and/or function, as necessary.
• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of QA oversight processes in steering national accreditations and recommend improvements and changes, as necessary.
• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of QA oversight of national accreditation and recommend improvements for the next 5-year strategic plan.
Obtain and Maintain Institutional and Program International Accreditation
• Review, and revise, as necessary, the current approach to international accreditation.
• Set a schedule for supporting the university in achieving international accreditation from NECHE over the 5-year planning period.
• Set a schedule for monitoring and supporting program in maintaining/renewing/acquiring currently achieved international accreditations over the 5-year planning period.
• Set a plan for applying for other professional accreditations for the program in coordination of college Dean’s supervision.
• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of QA oversight processes in steering international accreditation and recommend improvements and changes, as necessary.
• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of QA oversight of international accreditation by the end of the planning period and recommend improvements for the next 5-year strategic plan.
Attain and Maintain Subject Ranking
• Establish protocols for improving institutional and subject ranking based on monitoring and analyzing benchmarking data of the top ranked universities nationally and internationally to develop a plan to acquire the targeted institutional and subject rankings over the remaining 5-year planning period.
• Monitor institutional and subject ranking achieved annually and set plans for improvement.
• Conduct an interim review of the protocols for institutional and subject ranking and revise, as necessary.
• Conduct a final assessment of the achievements of institutional and subject rankings by the end of the planning period and provide recommendations for improvement for the next 5-year strategic plan accordingly.
Conduct Benchmarking Data Analysis Annually
• Review, and revise, as necessary, policies and procedures for benchmarking.
• Supervise data collection and analysis of benchmarking data annually.
• Make use of the benchmarking data to reinforce and streamline the KPI management process by introducing a sound KPI framework.
• Automate the KPI management process by continually raising the benchmarks every subsequent year.
• Review the action plan for benchmarking to introduce improvements as required annually.
Objective 5: Monitor the Effectiveness of the Governance System
Initiative 2022-2027
Ensure the compliance of PSY governing bodies, bylaws, and policies and procedures with relevant authorities (e.g., MoE)
Ensure the dissemination of circulations and decisions made by all governing bodies
KPIs Responsibility 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Percentage of adherence of the governing bodies, bylaws and policies and procedures to relevant authorities (e.g., MoE)
Percentage of dissemination of circulations and decisions &
Percentage of stakeholders’ awareness of disseminated circulations and decisions.
Ensure the Dissemination of Circulations and Decisions made by all Governing Bodies
• Review, and revise, as necessary, policies and procedures for internal and external dissemination of PSY decisions.
• Monitor dissemination of relevant information to stakeholders and set and implement actions for improvement as necessary every semester.
• Evaluate the levels of awareness by stakeholders of disseminated circulations and decisions and set improvements accordingly.
• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of policies and procedures for dissemination of PSY decisions and circulations and introduce improvements as needed.
• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of policies and procedures for dissemination of PSY circulations and decisions and circulations by Spring 2027 in preparation for the next 5-year strategic planning cycle.
Ensure that PSY Members follow Effat Ethical Conduct
• Review, and revise, as necessary, protocols for monitoring ethical conduct across PSY.
• Monitor and report on the violations of ethical conduct in line with the approved protocols and take actions for improvement as necessary every semester.
• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of ethical protocols followed over the previous planning period and revise, as necessary.
• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of ethical protocols over the planning period and revise, as necessary.
Risk Management
The following table indicates the key risks associated with each strategic recommended area and a corresponding mitigation plan for every risk:
Develop and Maintain Professional Accreditations
Stringent requirements to obtain the accreditations
Task force to be established to oversee the execution of all operational steps
VI. Strategic Area 3: Teaching & Learning
Ensure that PSY members follow Effat Ethical Conduct
Actions by Initiatives
Percentage of violations of the code of ethical conduct (Tarbawyyat).
LEAD: DEAN OTHERS: DEPT CHAIRS/FACULTY Ensure the Compliance of the Governing Bodies, Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures with Relevant Authorities (e.g., MoE)
• Review, and revise, as necessary, the governance system, bylaws and policies and procedures for ensuring their compliance with regulatory authorities.
• Monitor compliance activities with regulatory authorities based on the agreed criteria and set action for improvement as necessary every semester.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the governing bodies
• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of the governing body, bylaw, policies and procedures for ensuring compliance with regulatory authorities by the third year of the planning period and revise, as necessary.
• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of policies and procedures for ensuring compliance with regulatory authorities over the whole planning period and revise as necessary for the next 5-year strategic planning cycl
Objective 1: Redevelop the Academic Portfolio
Review and reassess the current academic portfolio
Develop new academic programs
Monitor and respond to national policy on international HE regarding academic offering
Percentage of all programs reviewed
Percentage of nominated programs revised
Number of new programs developed - (BSC, MS, PhD, Minors, DM, DD, Ass Degree, Diploma, Certificate)
Percentage of operational steps completed LEAD: DEPT CHAIR OTHERS: FACULTY
Proportion of existing partnerships (At least 1/ program)
Review existing, and identify new, international educational partnership opportunities (DDs, Minors)
Actions by Initiatives
Review and Reassess the Current Academic Portfolio
Degree of fulfillment of the educational partnership agreements
Number of international DDs and Minors introduced
The table below shows the competition between the programs offered by Effat College of Humanities and other institutions at the undergraduate level:
• Continue overseeing working parties at PSY Department levels to follow up on the Program Review schedule.
• Ensure the program conducts regular assessment processes to continually improve the curriculum, through a feedback system for all teaching faculty.
• Deploy an assessment committee that reviews the reports periodically and provides feedback to the respective department to re-assess the existing academic programs.
• Benchmark the academic programs with the leading national and international universities to review and assess the programs.
Develop New Academic Programs
• Assess the current portfolio strengths and weaknesses, to strengthen the existing portfolio and incorporate new programs to expand the current portfolio. We recommend a framework that incorporates competitors’ strength, current students’ ratings, and sector outlook to determine if the potential course is an opportunity or not.
• Assess the current portfolio strengths and weaknesses, to strengthen the existing portfolio and incorporate new programs to expand the current portfolio. Based on the graph below, show that enrollment in Health and Welfare and Arts and Humanities make 29% of enrollment in Higher Education.
Accordingly, we recommend the following framework to support future planning including the current ECoH programs appraisal:
Based on the market gaps and Psychology Program capabilities, the following decision-making academic program portfolio matrix with actionable outcomes to each scenario is recommended:
• There exists an opportunity for more enrolments through a fierce media campaign and recruitment efforts. Based on the above outlook, the Department has to monitor any updates in HE bylaws which can help program become more attractive like creating exit points or including minors. Since there is an increased interest in Psychology, the College can study developing a master program in Clinical Psychology, which can be offered in the next strategic plan.
• Program feasibility studies to be conducted per academic year
Monitor and Respond to National Policy on International HE Regarding Academic Offering
• Monitor developments of national policies on internationalization in higher education.
• Monitor internationalization activities in other Saudi higher education institutions.
• Monitor international higher education institutions’ activities in the Kingdom.
• Develop response policies and activities considering changing environment
Review Existing, and Identify New, International Educational Partnership Opportunities (DDs, Minors)
• Review current partners
• Evaluate effectiveness
• Recommend renewing contract or identifying new partners
• Develop and offer joint programs with international partner
Objective 2: Establish E-Learning Provision
Actions by Initiatives
Review and Revise e-learning Facilities and Resources
• Continue activities, finalize proposals and submit to Teaching and Learning Committee for approval.
• Invest in an adequate e-learning platform.
• Review the adequacy of the e-learning facilities and resources through satisfaction rate of the stakeholders (Faculty, students).
Develop and Operate e-learning Strategy
• Develop e-learning programs per college
• Offer the programs as per the approved schedule
• Assess the successful implementation of the offered e-learning programs by assessing: a. Number of students registered compared to the projection, b.Satisfaction rates of Faculty c. Satisfaction rate of students
Objective 3: Develop and Extend Novel Pedagogies
Initiative 2022-2027
Increase integration of project-based learning
Strengthen Research/Teaching nexus in educational delivery
Review, revise and extend cocurricular education and the Effat Ambassador Program
Actions by Initiatives
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
KPIs Responsibility
Proportion of courses involving project-based learning
Proportion of courses embedding the research/teaching nexus leading to publication (With Research Publication)
Percentage of operational steps completed
Increase Integration of Project-based Learning
• Emphasize project and problem-based learning, helping students learn by constructing solutions to real-life problems through three main characteristics that are central to the twenty-first century pedagogy: a. Problem statements are tied to curriculum and learning goals of the university. b Focus on the central concepts or principles of topics. c. Projects are based on real-world problems and are presented in the form of case studies.
Strengthen Research/Teaching Nexus in Educational Delivery
• Foster the concept of learning beyond classrooms using technology to gain a deeper understanding of complex ideas and ability to work in global teams to generate new ideas and theories.
• Lead the students to publish their work in journal/conferences.
Review, Revise and Extend Co-curricular Education and the Effat Ambassador Program
• Deploy teaching metacognitive skills, that will help the students to plan, monitor and evaluate one’s own understanding and performance, thereby allowing them to reflect on their own critical awareness about how they think and learn, enhancing their personality.
• Conduct Focus group to revise the co- and extracurricular activities.
• Update the co- extra-curricular activities.
• Implement the program.
• Assess the successful implementation of the program through EGC achievement and students’ satisfaction of the EAP.
Objective 4: Embed Employability in Teaching and Learning
Integrate service learning within all programs
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
KPIs Responsibility
Percentage of programs that integrate service learning
1- Number of programs aligned (NQF, KSA Job Classification)
2- Percentage of students acquiring Professional and training Certificates
3- Students’ performance in professional and/or national examinations *** (SR 1.1.1) (KPI-P-06)
Objective 5: Ensure Academic Excellence
Align PLOs with market needs
4- Graduate employability and enrolment in post graduate programs ** (KPI-I-05)(KPI_P-07)
(KPI-PG-07) - (Annually)NationalInternational and within 6 months)”
5- Employer evaluation of the institution graduate proficiency ** (KPI-I-08)(KPI-P-09)(KPI-PG-08)
Deploy professional experts in teaching
Provide on-campus and off- campus field experiences
Integrate state-of-the art technology within the program
Actions by Initiatives
Integrate Service Learning within all Programs
Proportion of courses professional experts deployed for teaching
Proportion of programs with on-campus and off-campus field experience
Percentage of programs that utilize state-of-the-art technology
• Identify the courses that can be conducted with Service-Learning component.
• Discuss at the beginning of the semester the projects and companies to collaborate with.
• Plan for the workshop with the company to launch the project.
• Present the outcomes.
• Assess the successful implementation through companies and students’ satisfactions.
Align PLOs with Market Needs
• Establish and activate PSY Committee on Academic Portfolio (CAP).
Attain the Effat Graduate Characteristics
Attain the English Level proficiency
Actions by Initiatives
Monitor Academic Excellence
Average number of students in the class (KPI-P-08)
Students’ evaluation of quality of learning experience in the programs (PES) ** (KPI-I-03; KPI-P-02; KPI-PG-02)
Evaluation of Faculty members to the learning Environment (FSS) *** SR 1.2.3
Grade distribution (% [A+, A] and % [D+, D, F] is less than 20%).
GPA distribution (>= 2) of the graduates and continuing students % of students progressed out of the risk status at all levels (UG & G).
First-year students retention rate (Undergraduate) ** (KPI-I-04; KPI-P-05)
Completion of Graduation rate for Undergraduate/graduate Students in the specified period ** (KPI-I-06 & KPI-P-04; KPI-PG-06)
Students’ evaluation of the quality of the courses on five-point scale. (+Participation rate). ** (KPI-P-03 & KPI-PG-03)
Achievement of Program learning outcomes
% of students achieving the four Effat Graduate Characteristics annually
% of attainment of requested English level by Effat University students
• Closely monitor every student’s scores obtained in their respective programs.
• Continue Overseeing working parties at college and departmental levels to follow up on the Program Review schedule.
• Finalize new proposals to Curriculum Committee for approval if any.
Deploy Professional Experts in Teaching
• Conduct workshops regularly within the PSY by inviting professional experts such as language experts, soft skill experts, etc. to prepare the students for their career ahead.
Provide on-campus and off- campus Field Experiences
• Integrate employability skills into the course to foster skills such as team effort, time management, project management, ethics and moral dilemmas, code of conducts, communication skills, etc. to prepare the students to face real-world corporate and entrepreneur challenges..
Integrate State-of-the art Technology within all Programs
• Learning activities must be designed on relevant and real-world incidents using appropriate technologies
• Actions must be taken after every trimester to ensure performance improvement every subsequent trimester.
• Post monitoring, we recommend the following framework to improve the academic performance of every student:
• Define student success as: timely degree completion, uninterrupted retentions, minimum cumulative GPA requirements, etc.
• Build a predictive model to arrive at a predicted success score for each student using: pre-enrollment data (income, demographic, high-school score, etc.) and post-enrollment data (class scores, attendance, etc.)
• Based on the success score, segment the students into predicted success groups: Above-average, average and below average.
• Devise strategic nudges to intervene and provide the necessary resources needed each segment.
Attain the Effat Graduate Characteristics
• Review and monitor the progress of students and provide aid to assist the attainment goals.
Attain the English Level proficiency:
• Conduct regular workshops to empower students’ English proficiency and encourage obtaining professional language certifications.