2 minute read
Assistance available for flood affected
By Murray Stewart, Chief Financial Officer, Brisbane Markets Limited
As the flood clean up winds down, it’s time for businesses to start counting the cost of the natural disaster. There are a number of assistance programs that can help recoup some of those costs.
Disaster assistance recovery grants
The Queensland Government has released an Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants program for small businesses and primary producers that have been affected by the recent flooding events. The grants process is managed by the Queensland Rural Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), with a maximum grant of $50,000 available for small business and $75,00 available for primary producers. An initial amount of up to $15,000 is available for both small business and primary producers, subject to completion of an application and providing evidence of the damage supported by photographs, quotes, invoices and receipts. A subsequent amount, $35,000 for small businesses and $60,000 for primary producers, is available and full evidence of the entire claim must be provided. To be eligible for the grant, you must have an ABN and, if applying for the small business grant, employ fewer than 20 full time equivalent employees. You should visit the QRIDA website (www.qrida.qld.gov.au) for full eligibility criteria.
What costs can be included?
The grants may be used to help to pay for costs of clean-up and reinstatement of the business, as well as: • safety inspections by tradespersons; • purchase or hire of cleaning equipment; • cleaning costs paid to a third party; • costs of disposal of debris; • cost of repairs to fittings in the building where they are essential to resuming operation; • purchase, hire or leasing of equipment essential for resuming operation; • stock replacement if it is essential for resuming operations; and • leasing costs for temporary premises. If you have insurance, you may still be eligible for the grant for any uninsured losses.
Further assistance
In addition to the grants detailed above, the QRIDA assistance program also provides loans for essential working capital of up to $100,000 and for disaster assistance purposes of up to $250,000. These loans are at low interest rates and for a term of up to 10 years. The above information is general in nature and the specific losses relating to your business should be confirmed by reference to the Grants Guidelines for Small Businesses, or by contacting QRIDA. Any questions that you may have should be directed to the QRIDA team on 1800 623946 or by email to contact_us@qrida.qld.gov.au. There is also a range of Federal support options available for individuals, employees, primary producers and sole traders impacted by the flood events. Visit bit.ly/35MEbQx for more information.
Damaged vehicles and trailers at Brisbane Markets.
Waste was removed quickly to avoid attracting pests.