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Riverlands and Adelaide Hills tree crop map updated
The national tree crop map has progressed with the Adelaide Hills and Riverlands growing regions in South Australia now updated.
In total, 327ha of avocado has now been recorded in South Australia and 16,026ha nationally.
If you see any trees missing, or any orchard incorrectly mapped you can update the map by either completing a Land Use Survey (best for mobile) or via the Industry Engagement Web App (best for desktop). You can find all the various applications via une.edu.au/webapps.
The Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre (AARSC) team is now progressing the update of the map for Sunraysia, Riverina and Goulburn Valley growing regions with fieldwork scheduled for late April.
AARSC Senior Research Craig Shephard said the demographics for each crop had been updated in the Australian Tree Crop Map Dashboard.
He said the Severe Weather App (covered in detailed in the Summer 2021 edition of Talking Avocados) now included historical information for tropical cyclones and thunderstorm cells.
“Summary statistics for the potential impacts to your tree crops from recorded events are available in a pop-up,” he said.
More information
Users can launch a web app at une.edu.au/webapps and for more information, contact Craig Shephard at the Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre on 02 6773 4085 or aarsc@une.edu.au, or follow them on Twitter at twitter.com/ une_aarsc.
This mapping is a component of two greater projects: Multi-scale monitoring tools for managing Australian tree crops: industry meets innovation (ST15016) and Implementing precision agriculture solutions in Australian avocado production systems (AV18002). These projects are funded by the Australian Government’s Rural Research and Development for Profit scheme and Hort Innovation respectively. Both projects are led by the University of New England.
Providing feedback
You can check out your orchard on the map, and provide feedback. Go to www.une.edu.au/ webapps and open the Industry Engagement Web App. 1. Select a crop: To limit the view to a specific commodity, select one from the drop-down and click apply. (Click reset to return the view to include all commodities.) 2. Show/hide layers: Each layer can be turned on or off using the check boxes to manage the amount of information being displayed. 3. Add a comment: Use the polygon feature to draw a specific extent or the point feature for a less specific location. Choose a commodity from the drop-down, and provide a comment. The comment is automatically saved, just click close when you are finished. (Note, users cannot edit or remove comments once created.)
Sharing points of interest
Found an area-of-interest on the map that you wish to share? You can “Add a marker” to the map and share it as a URL link: 1. Click a feature in the map to launch its popup, which displays: area (ha), crop type and its currency. 2. At the bottom-right of the pop-up, you can access additional actions by clicking the “...” 3. “Add a marker” to drop a pin on the map (appears in your browser session only). 4. Left-click the pin and copy the URL link. 5. You can now share this URL link with anyone, it will open the app for them and automatically zoom to your pin.