Learning How to Make Money Selling Information Products

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How to Make Money Selling Information Products Selling information isn’t a new concept. In fact, people have been selling information through books and over the airwaves for hundreds of years. Everyone has some knowledge that should be shared with others. Sharing knowledge is the driving force behind selling information products. Information products are a perfect way to add a passive stream of revenue to your business. You create your information product once and then sell it repeatedly through your marketing strategies. Knowledge is a valuable asset in a business.

What is an Information Product? An information product is a piece of content that provides information on a particular topic and is usually educational in nature. Information products often come in the form of a book, report, audio, video, or graphic. Each of these items is a product in its own right. Many people create info product packages. These often consist of multiple components or products, covering a more complex topic. Each component can be sold separately. However, when the components are combined and sold as a package, the seller is able to charge a higher price for the package.


Types of Info Products Here are some of the most popular, well-known, and easily recognized, types of information products. •

Ebook or digital book – This is the most well known type of info product on the internet. They are simple, easy to create, and can vary in length. Ebooks are among the least expensive information products to create and sell. They may come in a variety of formats such as PDF or other formats used with readers such as Kindle.

Reports and Manuals – These types of information products are specifically geared toward a certain segment, problem, or topic.

Audio Products – This type of info product can be a recording or series of recordings delivered on a physical CD or digitally in MP3 format. These are great for interviewing people and passing along information that your buyer can listen to anytime.

Video Products – Video products works well for tutorial types of information as well as teleseminars, slideshows, and other visual events or activities. An example is a video that shows people how to install WordPress.

Seminars/Webinars/Tele-class – Record a webinar or tele-class and sell the digital recording along with a digital transcript of the call or a checklist.

Tutorials – These info products usually consist of a guide and supporting items, which give your readers the step-by-step instructions needed to learn how to do something.

Workbooks – These info products work best when used as a supplement or bonus to a book, report, guide, or tutorial.

Coaching Products – This type of information product is similar to tutorials but also may contain components specific to coaches such as scripts, which the coach may follow to teach a group or class.

Information Graphics – This type of info product works especially well with abstract or complex concepts, which are difficult to visualize. Examples include mind maps, flow maps, tree maps, time lines, etc.

Additional Informative Products Other products may be considered information products as well, depending on your niche as well as how you use a product. Here are a few examples of other products.


Online Catalogs/E-zines – This popular type of product provides readers with current information in your niche.

Print Books – Print books are physical books, printed on paper. They can be written by one or more authors and printed in several ways. Printing is traditionally done by a publishing company and mass-produced. Print books may also be published by authors using a print-on-demand company to print a book only when someone buys a copy.

Software – Software can be anything from a plugin to a mobile app that users pay to use

Newsletters – This information product is delivered to your list of subscribers on a set schedule such as monthly or bi-weekly.

Membership websites – Membership websites are sites that have a ton of content on them and are set up for members only to access.

Blogs – Blogs are a very popular form of information product. Your blog can offer free or paid information as well as many other types of information products.

Email/social media – Corresponding with your audience through email and social media lets you share your knowledge on a regular basis with those who are interested.

This is a sampling of the many information product types. Combine them or create your own type to begin making money with information products.

Ways to Sell Information As an information marketer, you might be stuck for ideas on how to move forward or what the best options are for selling information products. Here are 7 ways to sell information products. •

Set up a single sale page for each product or package. It should highlight the benefits of your product and have a prominent buy link or button.

Sell the information product from you newsletter. You’ve probably already built a list of subscribers to your newsletter. Email them about your information product and the benefits it has for them.

Sell information products on eBay and Fiverr.com. These sites and others like them are a great resource for buyers looking for specific types of information. Set up your eBay store to sell a tangible copy of your product like a DVD. Set up a seller account on Fiverr to list your digital products.


Sell your information products through partner or affiliate programs. These programs let you recruit people who are willing to help sell your product for a share of the profits. Sites like Clickbank.com and JVZoo.com are some of the more popular ones.

Sell your information products to resellers. You can sell the private label rights or master resale rights to your products to others who the sell the product to consumers.

Sell information products through classified ads, newsletter ads, or some other type of advertising. Solo ads can be placed on other websites, other people’s newsletters and through advertising networks.

Sell you information products through Social Media Advertisements. You can target your social media ad to those who are interested in your topic on sites like Facebook.

There are many more ways to sell information products both online and offline. Get creative and test all the different ways.

How to Make Money Selling Info Products As an information products seller, you need to know how to make money selling your info products. There are many different ways that you can do this. Here are some ideas. •

Choose your niche and narrow down your topic. Know your target market’s problems and create a product that solves the problem.

Decide choose the type of product you will create and the distribution format you will use.

Give away some of your content to build a list of interested buyers. It could be the first chapter of your book, a checklist, or a pared-down version of your software. Create an opt-in landing page to gather names.

Set up a sales page specifically for your product. Promote it everywhere including your email signature line and on social media.

Include affiliate links to other people’s products and services in your own digital products. This gives you another source of income from your own product.

Speak at events related to your niche to get the word out about your products. If you are well known, you can get paid for speaking as well.

Give advice and coach others in your area of expertise. Offer different types of your own information products to help your clients move forward.


Give interviews. An interview on a podcast, television show, or radio show can be a good way to promote your information product.

Write articles for magazines, blogs, and other sources as way to get people to your product sales page.

Create an affiliate program for others to promote your information product. Create tools for them to make selling your product easier.

Set up a membership site for your information products. Include tutorials, videos, ebooks, and content only your members can get.

Turn your content into more than one type of information product. For example, a report can be turned into a video, an audio recording, or a home study course. Sell each one at a different price point.

Build joint ventures and partnerships with others in your niche. Find others with complimentary services or products to partner with.

Create trust so others will buy from you. Do this by building a relationship with them. Give them testimonials from people who have bought from you. Offer a money-back guarantee.

Offer bonuses with your product. Make them can’t miss bonuses that the buyer wants to receive.

Create a funnel with upsells, down-sells, cross-sells, or backend products to build interest in all your products.

Learning how to make money selling information products depends on many factors but putting some of the ideas into practice will help you start selling and maintain your selling momentum.

Attracting Buyers To make money with your information products means connecting with buyers. Attracting those elusive buyers can be difficult. It can get easier with practice and using the right techniques. •

Know Your Target Market – Narrow down your target market. Talk about the specific benefits of your product that provides solutions to their challenges.

Have Confidence in Your Product – Show you believe in your product and know your information and facts.

Go Where They Gather – Go to the forums, meetings, and social media outlets where your prospective customers spend time. Interact, network, and build relationships with them. 6

Establish Authority – Get your knowledge out among the crowd by answering questions and helping others in the places your customers are gathering. Write articles and books on your topic. Post articles on your blog. Use social media as a way to create a buzz around your information business. Twitter, Facebook and your own blog help spread the word about your products. Volunteer to speak at networking events and conferences to build your reputation as an expert. Ask for testimonials from current clients to build your authority. Form alliances with other businesses and people in your niche.

Create a Captivating Marketing Message – Your marketing message, tagline and elevator speech should grab the attention of potential customers and make them want to know more about your product.

Create a Marketing strategy – Create a specific plan to help you reach your prospective customers. Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket. Use several different types of marketing social media and email marketing, advertising and press releases.

Learn to Close the Sale – Once you have attracted your ideal customer, you have to get them to buy. You have to close the sale without scaring them away.

Attracting customers to your information products gets easier the more you do it. Spending time in the right places and using the right marketing strategy can help.

Marketing Ideas Making money by selling products requires marketing. Here are several marketing ideas to help you. •

Utilize existing assets. This means posting articles on your blog, sending emails to your existing customers, and talking about your products in your newsletter.

Include links to your product in forum signatures, email signatures your social media profiles.

Be a guest blogger. Talk about your experience creating your product. Make sure to include information that is relevant to their blog.

Socialize. Social sharing is one of the fastest ways to get traffic to your product sales page. Post regularly on social media to get exposure to you and your product. Customers can build trust and relationships with you through your social media page.

Continue to promote your product even after the launch date. Occasionally add blog posts that mention the product. Suggest it as an up-sell or down-sell in another product.


Submit a press release to PR sites about your information product. Talk about why you created the product and whom it can benefit.

Do some paid advertising such as Pay per Click, classified ads in other people’s newsletters and websites, and on Facebook.

Create a package or bundle if you have more than one product or type of product.

Offer discounts and special promotions to repeat customers.

Create an eye-catching, professional cover, logo, and sales page with a buy button your customers can’t wait to click.

Information product sellers often overlook the marketing phase. However, like any other area of a business, marketing is what brings in the customers. Spend time developing a plan to market your products. When you know how to make money selling information products you can profit from your knowledge repeatedly. Use the tips, ideas, and information provided here to start making money selling your own information products.

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