PRESS RELEASE EFMA TO ENTER OFFICIAL BILATERAL TALKS WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION TO DEFINE SECTORS AT RISK FROM CARBON LEAKAGE. Brussels, Friday, 8 May 2009, Following the recent European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) stakeholders meeting EFMA has officially requested bilateral consultations with the European Commission on defining the sectors at risk of carbon leakage. We understand that these discussions will commence after the 15 May. The extremely low figure of (4,77%) of CO2 emissions for nitrogen fertilizers as presented at the ECCP stakeholders meeting is of deep concern to us. We are equally concerned that N2O emissions were not included in the calculations presented. The addition of N2O emissions is necessary to fully illustrate the exposure of our sector to carbon leakage. Our calculations (NACE 2415: Manufacture of Fertilizers and nitrogen compounds), are based on official data from Eurostat (when available) and methodology from the revised EU Emissions Trading Scheme Directive. EFMA calculates that Direct CO2 costs for EU27, including N2O emissions, are as follow: Direct Carbon Costs NACE 2415
2004 73.14%
2005 68.78%
2006 82.29%
On this basis it is clear that the fertilizer manufacturing industry is one of the sectors most exposed to carbon leakage. For further information, please contact: Mr Esa Härmälä Director General Tel. +32 (0)2 663 31 41 Mobile: +32 (0) 479 90 06 63
Mr Mark Cryans Head of Communications Tel: +32 (0)2 663 31 44 Mobile: +32 (0) 474 88 58 86
More information on the procedures and presentations from the European Commission Click here. The European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association (EFMA) represents the major producers of nitrogen-based fertilizers in Europe. Its mission is to identify, support and manage the common interests of its members, to be the industry’s voice and sounding board and to provide members and the interested public with statistical information and studies.