Fertilizers europe state of play ep

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The European Parliament

Jacon Hansen 16 November 2016


EP competences • The lead Committee is IMCO

• Contaminants fall under the exclusive competence of the ENVI Committee

• INTA will write an opinion

• Issues can be revisited in plenary

• The work has started and is expected to finish summer 2017


Committee on Internal Market

Ildikรณ Gรกll-Pelcz (Hungary)

Mrs. Ildikรณ Gรกll-Pelcz is Vice-President of the European Parliament and a member of the Committee on the Internal Market an Consumer protection (IMCO) . Ms Gรกll-Pelcz is further a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.

Rapporteur for EPP


IMCO Committee: Shadow rapporteurs

Marc Tarabella (Belgium) Shadow Rapporteur for S&D


Edward Czesak (Poland) Shadow Rapporteur for ECR

Kaja Kallas (Estonia)

Jiří Maštálka (Czech Republic)

Shadow Rapporteur for Alde

Shadow Rapporteur for GUE/NGL

Pascal Durand (France) Shadow Rapporteur for the Greens

Committee on Environment (associated committee)

Elisabetta Gardini (Italy)

Mrs. Gardini has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2008. She is a Member of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and a substitute member of the Committee on the Internal Market an Consumer protection (IMCO) .

Rapporteur for EPP


ENVI Committee: Shadow rapporteurs


Pavel Poc (Chech Republic)

James/Jim Nicholson (UK)

Shadow Rapporteur for S&D

Shadow Rapporteur for ECR

Fredrick Federley (Sweden)

Jlynn Noylan (Ireland)

Shadow Rapporteur for Alde

Shadow Rapporteur for GUE/NGL

Martin Hausling (Germany) Shadow Rapporteur for the Greens

Committee on Agriculture (associated committee)

Jan Huitema (Netherlands)

Mr. Huitema is Member of the European Parliament since 2014. He is a Member of the Committee on Agricultural and Rural Development (AGRI) and a substitute member of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

Rapporteur for ALDE


AGRI Committee: Shadow rapporteurs


Franc Bogovic (Slovenia)

Clara Aguilera (Spain)

Shadow Rapporteur for EPP

Shadow Rapporteur for S&D

Zbigniew Kuzmiuk (Poland)

Luke Ming Flanagan (Ireland)

Shadow Rapporteur for Shadow Rapporteur for GUE/NGL ECR

Committee on International Trade (Opinion only)

Jaroslaw Walesa (Poland)

Mr. Walesa is Member of the European Parliament since 2009 and of the Polish Parliament between 2005 and 2009. He is vice-chair of the Committee on Fisheries and a substitute member of the Committee on International Trade.

Rapporteur for EPP


INTA Committee: Shadow rapporteurs

Eric Andrieu (France) Shadow Rapporteur for S&D


Boleslaw Piecha (Poland) Shadow Rapporteur for ECR

Marielle de Sarnez (France) Shadow Rapporteur for Alde

Anne-Marie Mineur (Netherlands)

Shadow Rapporteur for GUE/NGL

Yannick Jadot (France) Shadow Rapporteur for the Greens

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