Ελλάδα-ΠΓΔΜ: Συμφωνία ( Αγγλικό κείμενο )

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The First Party, tl1e Nellenίc Repub/ic (the "First Party") and the Second Party, whicl1 wαs admitted '9:ο the United Nαtions ίn accordance with the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/225 of 8 April 1993 {the "Second Pαrty''), jointly referred to αs the "Pαrties'Ί -Recallirιg the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, the relevant Acts of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ('ΌSCE") and the values and principles of the Council of Europe,

-Guided by tl1e spirit cιnd principles of democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental ·freedoms, and dignity, -Abiding by "the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and ίπ particular those referring to the obligation of the States to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independeπce of any State, -EmphasisBng their full commitment to the principles of the inviolability of frontiers and the territorial.ίntegrity of States incorporated in the Helsi11l<i Final Act of 1975, -ReaffirmiBίg the eχisting frontier between them as an enduring international border-, -ln full accord on the need to strengthen peace, stability, security and further prornote cooperation in Southeastern Europe, ··Desirirιg to strengtl1e11 an atmospheι·e of trust and good-neighbour·Ιy relations in the region and to put to rest permanently any hostile attitudes that may persist and agreeing on the need to refrair1 from irredentism a11d revisionism in any form, -Recalling their obligation, in accordance with the Charte1- of the United Nations and international lavJ, not to interfere on any pretext or in any form ίn the internal affairs and jurisdiction of the other, -Underrscorriιng also the importance of the development of friendly relations among States and of resolving disputes by peaceful means in accordance witl1 the Charter of the United Nations, Tuesday, 12 June 2018


-Resolving the differences pursuant to Security Council resolutions 817 (1993) of 7 April 1993 and 845 (1993) of 18 June 1993, as well as Article 5 of the lnterim Accord of 13 September 1995 in a dignified and sustainable manner, having in mind the importance of the issue and the sensitivities of each Party, -Taking into account the General Assembly resolution 47 /225 of 8 April 1993, -Taking into consideration the lnterim Accord, the Memorandum of 13 October 1995 on Practical Measures related to the lnterim Accord, the Memorandum on the mutual establishment of Liaison Offices in Skopje and Athens of 20 October 1995 as well as the process of Confidence Building Measures ("CBMs"), -Underlining their strong will for mutual friendship, good πeighbourliness and cooperative partnership, -Committiιng to strengthen, widen and deepen their bilateral relations and to lay firm foundations for the entrenchment and respect of good neighbourly relations and for the development of their comprehensive bilateral cooperation, -Seeking to reinforce and broaden their bilateral cooperation and to upgrade ίt to the level of a strategic partnership in the sectors of agriculture, civil protection, defence, economy, energy, eϊ1vironment, industry, infrastructure, investrnents, political relations, tourism, trade, trans-border cooperation and transport, capitalizing also on the eχisting CBMs, Have agreed as follows: PARTl SEΠLEMENT OF ΗΙΕ DIFFERENCE ΟΝ ΤΗΕ ΝΑΜΕ, ΤΗΕ PENDING ISSUES RELATED ΤΟ ΙΤ AND ENTRENCHMEl\!T OF GOOD NEIGHBOURLV RELATIONS ARTICLE 1 1. This Agreement is final and upon its entry into force terrninates the lnterim Accord between the Parties signed in New York on 13 September 1995. 2. The Parties recognize as binding the outcome of the negotiations that have taken place under the auspices of the United Nations, to which both Parties have been committed pursuant to the United Nations Security Council resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993) as well as the lnterirn Accord of 1995. 3.

Pursuant to those negotiations the following have been mutually accepted and agreed: Tuesday, 12 June 2018


a) The official name of the Second Party shall be the "Republic of North Macedonia", which shall be the coπstitutional name of the Second Party and shall be used erga omnes, as provided for in this Agreement. The short name of the Second Party shall be "North Macedonia". b) The nationality of the Second Party shall be Macedonian/citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia, as it will be registered in all travel documents. c) The official language of the Second Party shall be the "Macedonian language'', as recognised by the Third UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, held in Athens in 1977, and described in Article 7{3) and (4) of this Agreement. d) The terms "Macedonia" and "Macedonian" have tl1e meaning given under Article 7 of this Agreement. e) The countιΎ codes for licence plates of the Second Party shall be ΝΜ or ΝΜΚ. For all other purposes, country codes remain ΜΚ and MKD, as officially assigned by the lnternational Orgarιization for Standardization ('ΊSΟ"). f) The adjectival reference to the State, its official organs, and other public entities shall be in line witl1 the official name of the Second Party or its short name, that is, 'Όf the Republic of ι\Jorth Macedonia" or 'Όf North Macedo11ia". Other adjectival usages, including those referring to private entities and actors, that aι·e I1ot related to the State and public entities, are not established by law and do not enjoy financial support from the State for activities abroad, may be in line with Article 7(3) and (4). The adjectival usage for activities may be in line with Article 7(3) and (4). This is without prejudice to tl1e process established under Article 1 (3) (h) and compound names of cities that exist at the date of the signature of this Agreement. g) The Second Party shall adopt "Republic of North Macedonia" as its official 11ame and the terminologies referred to in Article 1(3) through its internal procedure that is both binding and irrevocable, entailing the an1endment of the Constitution as agreed in this Agreement. h) ln relation to Ηιe aboveme11tioned name and terminologies in commercial names, trademarks and brand names, the Parties agree to support and encourage their business communities to institutionalise a sincere, structured and in good faith dialogue, in the context of which will seek and reach mutually accepted solutions on the issues deriving Tuesday, 12 June 2018


from the commercial names, the trademarks, the brand πames and all relevant matters at bilateral and international level. For the implementation of the abovementioned provisions, an international gro up of experts will be established consisting of representatives of the two States in the context of the E uropean Union ( ιι ΕU") with the appropriate contribution of the United Nations and ΙSΟ. This group of experts shall be established within 20 19 and conclu de its work within three years. Nothing in Article 1 (3) (h) shall affect present commercial usage until mutual agreement is reached as provided in this subsection. 4.

Upon signing this Agreement, the Parties shall tal<e the following steps: a) The Second Party shall, witho ut delay, submit the Agreement to its Parliament for ratificatio n. b) Following ratification of this Agreement by the Parliament of the Second Partγ, the Second Party shall notify the First Party that its Parliament has ratified the Agreement. c) The Second Party, if it decides so, will hold a referend um. d) The Second Party shall com ιηence the process of co nstitutional amendn1ents as p rovided for in this Agreement. e) The Seco nd Party shall conclude in toto the constitutional amendments by the e n d of 2018. f} Upon notification by the Second Party of the completion of the abovementioned co nstitutional amendments and of all its internal legal procedures for the entry into fo rce of this Agreement, the First Party shall promptly ratify this Agreement.


Upon entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall use the nan1e and terminologies of Article 1 (3) in all relevant international, multilateral and regional Organizatio n s, institutions and fo ra, including all meetings and correspondence, and in all their bilateral relations with all Member States of the United Nations.

6 . ln particu lar, immediately upon entry into force of this Agreement, the Seco n d Party shall: a) Notify all international, multilateral, and regional Organizations, institutions and fora of which it is a member of the entry into force of this Agreement, and request that all those Organizations, institutions and fora thereafter shall adopt and use the name and terminologies referred to ίπ Article 1 (3) of this Agreement for all usages and purposes. Both Parties shall also refer to the Second Party in accordance with Article 1 ( 3) in all commu nications to, with, and in those Organizations, institutions and fo ra. Tuesd ay, 12 Jun e 2018


b) Notify all Member States of the United Nations of the entry into force of this Agreement and shall req uest them to adopt and use the name and terminologies referred to in Article 1 ( 3 ) of this Agreement for all usages and purposes, including in all their bilateral relations and communications. 7.

Upon entry into force of this Agreement, and subject to provisions under Articles 1(9) and ( 10), the terms "Macedonia'', "Republic of Macedonia'', "FYR of Macedonia'', "FYR Macedonia" in a translated _or untranslated form, as well as the provisional na ιη e "the former Yugoslav Rep u blic of Macedonia" and the acronym "fYROM" shall cease to be used to refer to the Second Party in any official conteχt.

8. Upon entry into force of this Agreement and taking into account its Article 1 ( 9 ) and ( 10), the Parties shall use the n ame and terminologies of Article 1 (3) for all usages and all purposes eι-ga omnes, t l1 at is, domestically, in all their bilateral relations, and in all regional and international Organizations and institutions. 9.

Upon entry into force of this Agreernent, the Seco11d Party shall promptly in accordance with sou nd ad rninistrative practice take all necessary measιι res so as the country's competent Authorities henceforth use interπally the name and tern1inologies of Article 1 ( 3 } of H1 is Agreeme nt i n all I1ew official documentation, correspondence and relevant ιηaterials.

10. As regards the va lidity of already existing doc u ments and materials issu ed by the Authorities of the Second Party, the Parties agree th c'ι t ·c here shall be two transitional periods, one "tech nical11 and one "political11 :


The "technical11 transitional period shall relate to all official docum ents and mater·ials of the P u b l ic Administration of the Secor1d Party for international usage and to those for internal usage that may be used exte rnally. These documents and mate rials shall be renewed in accordance with the name and terminologies as referred to in Article 1( 3 ) of this Agreement within five years from the entry into force of this Agreement, at the latest.


The "political1 tra nsitional period shall relate to all documents and materials exclusively for internal usage in the Second Party. . The issuance of the documents and materials falling under this category in accordance with Article 1 (3) shall commence at the opening of each E U negotiation chapter in the relevant field, and shall be finalised within five years thereof.

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1 1 . Procedures for the prompt amendment of the Constitution of the Second Party, in order to fu l ly implement the provisions of this Agreement, shal l commence upon ratification of this Agreement by its Parliament or following a referendum, if the Second Party decides to hold one. 12. The name an d terminologies as referred to in Article 1 of this Agreement shal l be incorporated in the Constitution of the Second Party. This change shal l take place en b/oc with one a mendment. Pursuant to this amendment, the name and terminologies wil l change accordingly in all articles of the Constitution. Furthermore, the Second Party shall proceed to the appropriate amendments of its Preamble, Article 3 and Article 49, during the procedure of the revision of the Constitution. 13. Ι π the event of mistakes, errors, omissions in the proper reference of the name and terminologies referred to in Ar"ticle 1 ( 3 ) of this Agreement in the context of international, multilateral and regional Organizations, institutions, correspondence, meetings and fora, as well as in all bilateral relations. of the Second Party witl, third States and entities, either of the Parties may req uest their immediate rectification and the avoidance of similar mista l<es in the future. ARTICLE 2

1 . The First Party agrees not to object to the appl ication by or the membership of the Second Party ιιnder the name and terminologies of Article 1 (3) of this Agreement in international, multilateral and regional Organizations and institutions of which the First Party is a 111en1 ber. 2. The Second Party shall seek admission to lnternational, mu ltilatera l and regional Organizations and lr1stitutions under the name and terminologies of Article 1 (3) of ·ι his Agreeme nt. 3 . Upon entry into force of this Agreement pursuant to its Article 1, the First Party shal l ratify any of the Second Party's accession agreement to lnternatioπal Organizations, of which the First Party is a member. 4. ln particu lar with respect to the Second Party's E U and North Atlantic Tr'eaty Organ ization ("ΝΑΤΟ") integration processes, the following sha ll apply: a. The Second Party shal l seek admission to ΝΑΤΟ and the E U under the name and term inologies of Article 1 of this Agreement. Accession to ΝΑΤΟ and the E U wil l be under that same name and terminologies. b. Upo n receiving the notice of the ratification of this Agreement by the Parliament of the Second Party, the First Party shall promptly: Tuesd ay, 1 2 Ju n e 2018


( ί ) n ot ify t h e P res i d e n t of t h e Cou n c i l of t h e E U th at it su pports the ope nin g of the E U access i o n n egotiatio n s o f the Seco n d Pa rty u n d e r the n a m e a n d terminol ogies of Artic le 1 of th is Agre e m e nt . ( i i ) notify t h e Secreta ry G e n e ra l o f ΝΑΤΟ t h a t i t su p ports t h e exte nsion o f a n accession i nvitation by ΝΑΤΟ to the Seco n d Pa rty. Such s u p po rt of the F i rst Pa rty is co n d itio n a l, fi rst, to a n outco m e of refe re n d u m, if t h e Seco n d P a rty decides to hold o n e, con sistent with th is Agre e m e n t, a n d, seco n d, to the co m p letio n of the constitutio n a l am e n d ments p rovid e d fo r i n th is Agreement. U po n recei pt o f notificatio n b y the Seco n d P a rty co n ce r n i n g the co m p letio n of all its i nte rn a l l ega l proced u res for the entry into fo rce of t h is Agreeme nt, i n c l u d i n g a poss i b l e natio n a l refe re n d u m with a n outco m e consist e n t with t h is Agreeme nt, a n d u p o n co n c l u s io n of the a m e n d m e nts i n the Co n stitutio n of t h e Seco n d Pa rty, t h e F i rst Party sha l l ratifγ the Seco n d Pa rty's ΝΑΤΟ Accessi o n P rotoco l . This ratificatio n p roced u re s h a l l be c o n c l u d e d toget h e r with the ratificatio n p roce d u re of t h i s Agree ment.

ARTICLE 3 1 . The P a rties h e re by confirm t he i r co m m o n existing frontier as a n e n d u ring a n d invio l a b l e inte rn atio n a l b o rd e r. N e i t h e r P a rty s h a l l assert o r s u p po rt any c l a i m s t o a ny p a rt o f t h e territo rγ of t h e oth e r P a rty o r c l a i m s fo r a c h a nge t o t h e i r co m mo n existing frontier. Ι n a d d itio n , n e it h e r Pa rty s h a l l s u p po rt a ny s u c h c l a i m s t h a t may be ra ised b y a n y th i rd pa rty. 2 . Each P a rty com m its to res pect the soveι·e ignty, the territoria l i nteg rity a n d the po l itica l i n d e p e n d e n ce of t h e oth e r Pa rty. N e ither Pa rty s h a l l s u pport a ny actio n s of a n y th ird pa rty d i rected aga i n st the sove reignty, the territo ria l i ntegrity or the p o l itica l i n d e p e n d e nce of t h e oth e r Pa rty. 3 . The Pa rties s h a l l refra i n , i n acco rd a n ce with the pu rposes a n d p r i n c i p les of t h e C h a rte r of the U n ited N atio n s, fro m t h e th reat or use of fo rce, i n c l u d ing t h e th reat or use of fo rce i nten d e d to vio late t h e i r co m mon existing fro ntier. 4 . The Pa rties co m m it n ot to u n d e rta l<e, in stigate, s u p port a n d/o r tolerate a ny act io ns or activit ie s of a n o n -frie n d ly c h a ract e r d i rected agai nst the other Pa rty. N e ither Pa rty s h a l l a l low its territo ry t o b e used aga i n st t h e oth e r Pa rty b y a n y t h i rd cou ntry, O rga n ization, gro u p o r i n d ivid u a l c a r ry i n g out o r atte m pting to ca rry o u t s u bvers ive, secess ion ist actio ns, or actio n s or a ctivities w h ich th reate n in any ma n n e r t h e peace, sta b i l ity o r secu rity o f t h e othe r P a rty . Each Pa rty s h a l l con1 m u n icate without d e lay t o t h e oth e r Pa rty a ny info rmation in its possess ion rega rd ing a n y s u c h actio ns or i ntentions.

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1. Each Party hereby commits and solemnly declares that nothing in its Constitution, as it is in force or wil l be amended in the future, can or should be interpreted as constituting or will ever constitute the basis for any clain1 to any area that is not included in its existing international borders, 2 . Each Party undertakes not to make or to authorize any irredentist statements, and shall not endorse any such statements by those who purport to act on behalf of, or in the in terest of, the Party. 3. Each Party hereby commits and solemnly declares that nothing in its Constitution as it is in force or will be amended in the future can or should be interpreted as constituting or will eve_r consti-tute the basis for interference with the internal affairs of the other Pa rty in any form an_d for a_ny reason, including for the protection of the status and rights of aI1 y persons that are not its citizens. ARTICLE 5

1. ln the cond uct of their affairs the Parties shall be guided by the spirit and principles of democ racy, fundamental freedoms, respect for human rights and dignity, and the ru le of law, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of H u m a n Rights, 1 the E u ropean Con vention for the Protection of Human Rights and 2 Fundamental Freedoms, the lnternational Co11ventior1 on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, 3 the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 4 the Helsinki Final Act, the document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in E urope and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and other international agreements and instrurnents to which both Paι·ties are party. 2 . Ν ο p rovision of any of the instruments referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be interpreted to give any right to either Party to take any action contrary to the aims and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, or of the H elsinki Final Act, including the principle of the territorial integrity of States.


U n ited Nations, Official Records of the Gerιeral Assembly, Third Session, P a rt Ι, ρ. 7 1 . U n ited N ations, Treaty Series, νοl . 2 13, p . 2 2 1 . 3 /bid. , vol . 660, p . 195 . 4 /bid. , vol . 1 5 77, Νο. 1-275 3 1 . 2

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1. Aiming at strengthening friendly bilateral relations each Party shall promptly take effective measures to prohibit any hostile activities, actions or propaganda by State agencies or agencies directly or indirectly controlled by the State and to prevent a ctivities likely to incite chauvinism, hostility, irredentism, and revisionism against the other Party. Should such activities occur, the Parties shall take all necessary measures. Ζ. Each Party shall promptly tal<e effective measures to discou rage and prevent any acts by private entities like ly to incite violence, hatred or hostility against the other Party. Ιf a private entity ίn the territory of a Party engages ίn such activities without that Party's knowledge, that Party shall, upon such acts coming to its attention, promptly take all necessary measures as provided by law. 3. Each Party shall prevent and discourage acts, inclu ding acts of propaganda, by private entities likely to incite ch a uvinism, h ostility, irredentism and revisionisrn aga inst the other Party. AIΠICLE 7

1 . The Pa rties acknowledge that their ι·espective unde rstanding of the terms "Macedonia" and " M a cedonian" refers to a different historical conteχt and cultural heritage. 2. When reference ίs made to the First Party, these te rms denote not only the area a nd people of the northern region of the First Party, but also their attributes, as well as the Hellenic c ivilization, history, c ulture, and he ritage of that region from antiq uity to present d ay. 3 . When reference is made to the Second Pa rty, these terms denote its territory, la ngu age, people and their attributes, with th eir own history, c ulture, and he ritage, distin ctly different fro m those referred to unde r Article 7( 2). 4. The Second Party notes that its official language, the M a cedonian language, is witl,in the group of South Slavic languages. The Parties note that the official language and other attributes of the Second Party are not re lated to the ancient Hellenic civilization, history, cu lture and heritage of the northern region of the F irst Party.

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5. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to denigrate in any way, or to alter or affect, the usage by the citizens of either Partγ. ARTICLE 8 1. Ιf either Party believes one or more symbols constituting part of its historic or cultural patrimony is being used by the other Party, it shall bring such alleged use to the attention of the other Party, and the other Party shall take appropriate corrective action to effectively address the issue and ensure respect for the said patrimony. 2 . Withi n sίχ months follow ing the entry into force of this Agreement, the Second Party shall review the status of monuments, public buildings and infrastructures on its territory, and insofar as they refer in any way to ancient Hellenic history and civilization constituting an integral component of the historic or cultural patrimony of the First Party, shall take appropriate corrective action to effectively address the issue and ensure respect for the said patrimony. 3. The Second Party shall not use again in any way and in all its forms the symbol formerly displayed on its former national flag. Within sίχ months of the entry into force of this Agreement, the Second Party shall proceed to the removal of the symbol displayed on its forme r national flag from all public sites and public usages on its territory. Archaeological artefacts do not fal l within the scope of this provision. 4. Each Party shall abide by the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names in relation to the use of the official geographical names and toponyms in the terr itory of the other Party thus giving priority to the use of endonyms over eχonyms. 5. Within one month of the signing of this Agreement, the Parties shall establish by exchan ge of diplomat ic notes, on a parity basis, a Joint lnter-Disciplinary Committee of Experts on historic, archaeological and ed ucational matters, to cons ider the objective, scientific interpretation of historical events based on authentic, evidence-based a11d scientifically sou nd historical sources and archaeological findings. The Committee's work shall be su pervised by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Parties in cooperation with other competent national authorities. lt shall consider and, if it deems appropriate, revise any schoo l textbooks and school auxiliary material such as maps, historical atlases, teachin g guides, in use in each of the Parties, in accordance with the principles and aims of UN ESCO and the Council of Europe. Το that effect, the Committee shall set specific timetables so as to ensure in each of the Par·ties that no school textbooks or school Tuesday, 12 Jun e 2 0 18


auχiliary material ί11 use _ the year after th e signing of this Agree rnent contains any irrede ntist/revisionist references. The Corn rnittee shall also study any new editions of school teχtbooks and school auχiliary rnaterial as provided for undeι· this Article. The Cornmittee shall convene regularly, at least twice a year, and shall submit an An n ual Report ο π its activities and recomrnendations to be approved by the High-Level Coope ration Council, as to be establish ed pursuant to Article 1 2 . 6 .The Parties acknowledge that the abovernentioned rnutually accepted solutions which have derived frorn t h e negotiations will contribute to the definitive establishrnent of peaceful and good neigh bou rly relations in the region, in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993) . PART 2



1. The Parties agree that their strategic cooperation shall extend to all sectors, such as agriculture, civil protection, defence, econorny, energy, environrnent, industry, infrastructu re, investments, political relations, touris m, trade, trans-bord er coo peration and transpo rt. This strategic cooperation shall apply not only to th e sectors included in this Agreernent but also to those that ί 11 the future may be dee med beneficial to both countries and indispensable. Α Ι Ι these sectors should be incorporated into a comprehensive Action Plan during the course of the developrn ent of bilateral re lations. 2. The eχisting CBMs shall be incorporated into the abovementioned Action Plan. The latte r shall aim at -t h e imple rnentation of the provisions of this Part of this Agreement. The Action Plan shall be enriched and deve loped continuously. Di PLOMATIC RELATIONS ARTICLE 10 Upon the entry into force of this Agreernent: 1. the First Party shall promptly upgrade : a) its eχisting Liaison Office in th e capital of the Second Party to an E m bassy; and Tuesday, 12 June 2018

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b ) its existing Office fo r Co n s u l a r, Eco n o m ic a n d C o m m e rcia l Affa i rs in th e tow n of B ito la i n t h e Seco n d Pa rty to a G e n e r a l Co n s u late; a n d 2 . t h e Seco n d P a rty s h a l l p ro m ptly u pg ra d e : Ι

a ) its exist i n g Liaison Offic e i n t h e ca p ita l o f t h e First P a rty t o a n E m bassy; a n d b ) its exist i n g Office fo r Co n s u l a r, Econ o m ic a n d Co m m erc i a l Affa irs in t h e tow n of Thess a l o n iki in t h e F i rst P a rty t o a G e n era l Co nsu late.

COOPERATION Ι Ν ΤΗΕ CΟΝΤΕΚΤ OF I NTERNATIONAL Al\! D R EGIONAL ORGAN IZATIONS AND FO RA ARTICLE 11 The P a rties s h a l l co o p e rate c lose ly, bi latera l ly, a n d with i n regio n a l Orga n izatio ns a nd i n itiatives vνith a view to ensu ring t hat So uth eastern E u rope b ecomes a regio n of pea ce, growth a n d p ro s pe rity fo r its peo p les . They s h a l l p romote a n d co l l a bo rate on s h a pi ng coo p e ratio n a t regio n a l l eve l as we l l a s, inter α/ία, o n m utua l s u p p o rt of ca n d i d acies i n t h e co ntext o f i nter n atio n a l, m u lti latera l a n d regio n a l Orga n ization s a n d i n stitutio ns, s u c h as the U n ited N atio n s, the OSCE and t h e Cou nc i l of E u rope. POLITICAL AN D SOCI ETAL COOPERATION

ARTICLE 12 1 . The P a rties agree to reinforce a π d fu rt h e r d eve lop their b i l atera l p o l itica l relatio ns t h ro u g h regu l a r vis its, meetings and co n s u ltatio ns at h igh po l itic a l and d ip l o m atic levels . 2 . The P a rties s h a l l esta b l is h a H ig h - Leve l Coo peratio n Co u n c i l ( " H LCC" ) of t h e i r Gove rn me nts, lo in'tly he ad ed b y their Pri m e M i n iste rs . 3 . The H LCC s h a l l conve n e at least a n n u a l ly a n d s h a l l be the com petent body as rega rds t h e p ro p e r a n d effective i m p le mentation of t h is Agreement a n d the e n s u ing Action P l a n . T h e H LCC s h a ll ta ke decisions a n d promote actions a n d measu res fo r the i m p rove m e n t a n d u pgra d i ng of b i late ra l cooperation between t h e Pa rt ies a n d s h a l l a d d ress a n y iss ues that may a rise d u ri n g t h e i m p le m e ntatio n of t h is Agreement and the e n s u i n g Actio n Plan, with a view t o t h e i r reso l utio n . 4. The P a rties a re convinced that t h e d evelo p ment a n d strength e n i ng o f people-to- peo p l e co ntacts a re essenti a l for bu i l d i n g frien d s h ip, coope rat io n a n d good neigh bou r l i n ess

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between t h e Pa rties a n d t h e i r peoples. Th ey s h a l l s u p port a n d e n co u rage co ntacts a n d meet ίngs betwee n t h e i r cίtίzens a t a l l a p p ro p riate leve ls. 5 . The Pa rties s h a l l s u p port and e ncou rage contacts between their civi l societies, as we l l a s their i n stitutio n s a n d l oca l a utho rities, ί n c l u d i n g youth a n d stu d e nt coo p e ration activίties and excha nges, with a vίew to deve l o p ί n g b ette r u n d e rstand ίng a n d coo p eration between t h e ίr peo p l es . ECON O M I C COOPERATION

ARTICLE 13 H avίng rega rd to the fact that the Seco n d Pa rty is a l a n d locked State, the P a rties s h a l l be guided by the re l eva n t p rovίsίons of the U n ίte d N ations Conve ntίon o n t h e Law of t h e Sea as fa r as a p p lica b l e both ί n p ractίce and when con c l u d ίng agree rn e nts refe rred to in Article 18 of t h is Agree rn e nt. ARTICLE 14 1. The Pa rties s ha l l fu rth e r d evelop t h e i r eco n orn ic coo pe ration in a l l a re a s . Part ic u l a r e m p h asis s h a l l b e p l a ce d o n t h e stre ngt h e n ί n g, e n h a n ce m e n t a n d d ee p e n i ng o f t h e i r bi latera l coope ratio n o n agricu ltu re, e n e rgy, enviro n m e nt, i n d u st ry, infrastru ctu res, i nvestme nts, "to u risrn, tra d e, a n d tra nsport. Το ach ieve this objective, t h e Pa rtίes s h a l l ca p ita l ize o n a n d uti l ίze t h e existίng C B M s, co nstituting a mutu a l ly be n eficia l coo p e rative p lat'form, w h ich w i l l evolve i nto a n Actio n Pla n . 2 . The Pa rties s h a l l e n c o u rage m u tu a l investrne nts a n d s ha l l ta ke a l l necess a ry m e a s u res fo r t h e i r effective p rotection, i n c l u d i n g meas u res aga ί n st excessίve b u re a u c racy a n d fo r ove rco m i n g i n stitutio n a l, a d m i n istrative a n d tax ba rri ers . The Pa rties s h a l l p lace p a rticu l a r e m p h a s is o n t h e coo p e ratio n betwee n co m pa n ίes, b u si nesses, a n d i n d u stries o f e a c h Pa rty. 3 . The Pa rties s h a l l refra i n from im pos ing a ny i m pe d i ment to t h e move m e n t of people o r good s b etwe e n t h e i r territories or t h rough t h e territory o f e ith e r Pa rty t o t h e territory of the oth er. Th e Pa rtίes s h a l l coope rate to fac i l itate such move m ents in acco rdance with i nte r n a t i o n a l law. 4. The P a rties s h a l l d ev e l o p and boost theίr coo p e ration, with regard to e n e rgy, nota bly t h rough t he construction, rn a i ntenance and util ization of interco n n ecting natu ra l gas a n d ο ί l p i p e l i n e s ( existing, u n d e r constructio n a n d p rojected ) a n d with rega rd t o ren ewa b l e e n e rgy resou rces, i n c l u d ing p h otovo ltaic, w i n d a n d hyd ro-electric. Poss i b le pe n d ing Tuesd ay, 12 J une 2 0 1 8


matters w i l l be add re55ed p ro m ptly by reach i ng mutu a l ly b e n efic i a l 5ettleme nt5 ta king into 5e rio u 5 con5id e ration the E u ro p e a n P o l icy on E n e rgy a n d the acquίs communautaίre. The First Pa rty s h a l l assist t h e Seco n d Pa rty with a p p ropriate tra nsfe r of know- h ow a nd ex pe rtise . 5 . The Pa rtie5 5 h a l l promote, exte n d a n d i m prove coo p erative syn e rgie5 in t h e a rea5 of infra5tr u ct u res a n d tra n 5 p o rt a5 w e l l as on a reci p roca l ba5 i5, road, ra i l, marit i m e a n d a i r tra n 5 po rt and com m u n ication co n n ectio n 5, u5ing the be5 t ava ila b le techno logies a nd p ractices. They s h a l l a lso fac i l itate the tra nsit between t h e m of goods, c a rgos a nd merc h a n d ises via t h e i nfrastructu res, i n c l u d ing ports a n d a i rports, i n the territory of each Pa rty. T h e P a rties 5 h a l l a d h e re to internation a l ru le5 and regu latio n5 with re5 pect to tra n 5 ίt, te leco m m u n ication 5, 5ign5 and code5. The Fir5t Pa rty 5 h a l l do 50 in5ofa r as, and in a m a n n e r c o m p l i a nt with, ίt5 o b l igatio n 5 de riving fro m its m e m bers h i p ίn the E U and oth e r inte r n atio n a l i n 5tru m ent5 . Th e Seco n d Pa rty 5 h a l l do 50 in5ofa r as, a n d i n a m a n n e r co m p l i a nt with, i t 5 o b l igatio n 5 d e riving fro m its members h i p s i n i n ternationa l, m u lti latera l or regio n a l i n stitutions o r O rga n izations in which it i s a m e m b e r o n t h e entry i n to fo rce of this Agree m e nt, as w e l l as its m e m bers h ip of the EU, fo l lowi n g i'ts p roposed a ccession the reto . 6 . The P a rtie5 5 h a l l 5eel< to i m p rove a n d modern ize eχί5t ί n g b o r d e r cro55ί ng5 a5 req u i Γed by the flow of traffic a n d to co n 5truct n ew border crossings with a view to boost i n g tou ristic a n d co m m e rc i a l flows betwee n th e m . 7 . T h e Pa rties s h a l l ta ke meas u res t o e n s u re t h e protection of t h e enviro n ment a n d the p reservatio n of t h e n atu ra l h a b itat i n t h e trans-borde r wate rs and the s u rrou n d i n g 5pace, a n d s h a l l coo pe rate in 5eeking to red uce a n d e l i m i n ate a l l fo rms of pol l utio n . Th e Part ie5 s h a l l strive to d eve l o p a n d h a rmon ize strategies a n d p rogra m mes fo r r·egio n a l a n d inte r n atio n a l coop e ration fo r t h e p rotection o f t h e enviro n m e nt. 8 . The Pa rties s h a l l s u p po rt t h e broa d e n ing of to u rist exc h a n ges, a n d the deve lo p m e nt of t h e i r coop e ration in t h e fields of a ltern ative to u ris m, i n c l u d i ng cultural, rel igious, e d u c a t io n a l, med ica l, a n d ath l etic to u ris m a n d s h a l l cooperate in i m provίng a n d p ro m o t i n g b u s i ne5s a n d tou rist travel between them. 9 . Th e P a rties shal l esta b l i5 h a Joint M ί n ί5te rial Co m m ίttee ( "J M C" ) in order to att a i n t h e b e st poss i b l e coope ratίon i n the a bove m e ntio ned secto rs of eco nomic p a rt n e rs h i p, inc l u d i n g t h rough the o rga n ization of jo ί nt business fora. Co nv e n ing at lea5t once a yea r, the J M C w i l l ste e r t h e cou rse of b i l atera l eco no m ic coo pe ration, the co m p re h e n sive Tuesa1 ay, 12 June 2018


implementation of the relevant sectoral actions, agreements, protocols and contractual frameworks as well as all future relevant agreements. The Parties encou rage the closest possible interaction between theίr Chambers of Commerce.


COOPERATION ΟΝ ΤΗΕ FIELDS OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE, CULTU RE, RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY, HEALTH AND SPORTS ARTICLE 15 Ιn the age of -the new industrial revolutίon and second age of 111 achines, the deepening of cooperation amongst States and societies is necessary now more than ever, in particular with respect to social activities, technologies and culture, both in a narrow and a broad sense. Ιn furtherance thereof: 1. The Parties shall develop and improve -cheir scientifίc, technological and technical cooperation as well as their collaboration in the area of education. They shall in"tensίfy their exchanges of information and of scientίfic and technical documentation and shal l strive t o improve mutual access to scientific and research institutions, archives, libraries and sίm ilar instίtutions. The Parties shall support ini tiatives by scientίfic and educational ίnstitutions as well as by indίviduals ai med at ίmprovίng coopera1ion a nd exchanges ίη tl1 e areas of scien ces, technology and edu cation . 2 . The Partίes shal l enco u rage and suppor·t events a s we l l as scientific and educatio r1al programmes in which members of theίι· scientific and academic co mmunities shall participate. They shall also encou rage and support the convening of bilateral and international conferences in these areas. 3 . The Pa rties attach great sign ificance to the deve lopment of research into, and the imple mentation and utilization of new technologies, including digital technology and nanotechno logy, in a manner that is environmentally friendly and upgrades the skίlls, capacities and overal l well-beίng of the ίr citizens. Το that end they shall develo p the cooperation amongst theίr research centres, researchers and academίc ίnstίtutiona l system s . 4 . The Pa rties shall place special emphasis on the development o f cultural relations between ·the two States, their societies and their socίal gro u ps, having part icular regard to arts, dance, ιcinematography, music and theatre. ln this regard, particular ίmportance shall be given to sports. Bilateral collabo ration on the domain of health, including health care, shall be pro m oted. Tuesd ay, 1 2 J u ne 201 8

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1. The Parties shall cooperate closely in the fight against organized and trans-border crime, terrorism, economic crimes, having regard in particular to crime related to the illicit traffick ing and/or exploitation of human beings; to crimes related to the production, trafficking and/or trade of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; to the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition; to the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property; to offences against civil air transport; and to crime related to counterfeiting and/or smuggl ing of cigarettes, alcohol or fuels. 2. The Parties shall cooperate closely in the civil protection sector, placing particular emphasis on preventing and dealing with natural and manmade disaste rs an d on disaster relief. Each Party may utilize the special education and expertise of the other Party, and whenever needed and possible each Party shall provide to the other its special infrastructure, particularly in fi re-fighting. The Parties may examine the establishιηent of a relevant mechanism to assist in the implementation of this Article. DEFEl\!CE COOPERATION

ARTI CLE 17 The Parties shall reinforce and expand their cooperation in the area of defence, including through frequent visits and contacts between the political and military leadership of tl1eir armed foιτes, the appropriate transfer of know-how aπd capacity-buildin g, the cooperation in the areas of production, information and joint military exercises. Special emphasis shall be p laced on personnel training which the Parties could provide to each other.


1 . Upon entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall in their relations be directed by the pro visions of the following bilatera l agreements that had been concluded between the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the First Party on 18 June 1959: a) The convention concerning mutual lega l relations,

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b) The agreement concerning the reciprocal recognition and the enforcement of j udicial decisions, and c) The agreement concerning hydro-econo mic q uestions. 2.

The Parties agree that, u pon entry into force of the present Agreement, all international documents binding on the Parties bilaterally shall remain in force, u nless specifically terminated by this Agree ment.


The Parties sha\l consult with each other in order to identίfy other agreements concluded between the fo rmer Socialist Federal Rep u blic of Yugoslavia and the First Party that w ill be deemed suitable for application in their mutual relations .

. 4.

The Parties comn1 it to explore all possibilities to con clude additional bilatera l agreements needed with regard to areas of muωal interest.



The Parties sh all settle any disputes eχclus ively by peaceful ιη ean s in accordance \ιν ίΗ1 the Charter of the United Nations.


! n t h e event that a Party co 11siders that the other Party ίs not acting i n acco rdance with the provisions of this Agreement, this Party shall first notify the other Party of its concerns and shall seel< a solution by negotiation . Ιf the Parties are unable to resolve the matter bilatera lly, the Parties ιηaγ agree to req u est the Secretary-General of th e Un ited Nations to use his good offices to resolve the matter .


Any d ispute that arises between the Parties concerning the interpretation o r imp lementation of this Agreement and not resolved according to th e pro cedures referred to under Article 19(2), rnay be su bm itted to the ! nternational Cou rt of J ust ice. The Parties should first seek to agree upon a joint submission to said Court regarding any such dispute . However, if agreement is not reached with i il ·s ίχ months, or s uch longer period as the Parties shall mutually agree, then any such dispute may be s ubmitted by either Party individu ally.

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1. This Agreement shal l be signed by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the two Pa rties. 2. Th is Agreement ίs subject to ratifίcation, according to the sequencing procedure set out in Article 1(4) . 3. Upon completion of the necessa ry internal legal procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement as set out in Article 1, the Pa rties sha ll, within two weeks a n d in writing, notify each other. This Agreement sha l l enter i nto force on the date of receipt of the last notification by the Party concerned. 4. Art i cle 8 (5) sha ll apply provisionally, pendίng the entry i nto force of thίs Agreement. Ιf th is Agreement does not enter into force, this Agreement, in i ts entirety a n d each of its provisions individua lly, shall have no further effect or application, provision al or otherw ίse, and shall not bind eithe r of the Pa rties in any way. 5. The differe nce and the remaining ίssues referred to in Security Coun cil resolutions 817 ( 1993) and 845 ( 1993) shall be considered as having been resolved u pon entry ίπ"tο force of th ίs Agreeme nt. 6. As soon as poss ible upon entry . into force of Ί:h is Agreement, the Parties or ο πe of the Pa rties shall inform the Secreta ry-Genera l of the United N ations of the entry into force of this Agreement, including the date of its entry i nto force, for its imp lemc ntat i on at th e United N ations. 7. This Agreement ίs not directed against a n y other State, entίty or person . Ιt does not infringe on the rights and duties resulting from bilateral and multilatera l agreements a l ready in force that the Parties have concluded with other States or international O rganizations . 8. The Fίrst Party s h a ll apply th is Agreement in accordance with its obligations deriv ing from its members h ip in the European Union and its membership in other intern at i ona l, multi late r a l or regiona l i n stitut i ons or Organizations, as well as other internationa l instrum e nts. S i milarly, the Second Pa rty sha l l apply this Agreement ίn accorda nce with its obligations der ivίng from its membersh ip in international, multilateral or regional instituti o n s or Organizations, including the E U, following its p roposed accession thereto. Tuesday, 12 J une 2018


9. The p r ovisions of t h is Agree m e nt s h a l l re m a i n i n fo rce fo r a n i n d efi n ite period of t i m e a n d a re irr evoca b le . Νο mod ification to t h is Agree m e nt co nta i n e d ί n Artic l e 1 ( 3 ) a n d Artic l e 1(4) i s p e r m itte d . 10. This Agre e m e nt s h a l l b e registered w i t h t h e Secreta riat o f t h e U n ited Nations p u rs u a n t t o Artic l e 1 0 2 o f th e Ch a rte r o f t h e U n it e d N atio ns a s soon as ί t h a s e ntered i nto force.

Ι Ν WITN ESS WHEREOF the Pa rties h ave, th rough their a utho rized rep rese ntatives, signed t h ree cop ies of t h is F i n a l Agre e ment in the E nglish l a n guage.

Representative of the First Party

Representative of the Second Party

WITN ESSED, in accordance with the Secu rity Council resolιutions 817 ( 1993) and 845 ( 1993), Βν ΜΑΠΗ ΕW Ν Ι Μ ΕΤΖ Done at ...

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on the ....

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