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4.4. Cooperation with the consultative forum for fundamental rights

Formed in 2013, the Consultative Forum brings together key European institutions, international and civil society organisations to advise Frontex on fundamental rights matters.

According to the EBCG Regulation, the Consultative Forum shall be consulted on the further development and implementation of the fundamental rights strategy, on the functioning of the complaints mechanism, on codes of conduct and on the common core curricula.

Chaired by UNHCR and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Consultative Forum, Frontex Management and the Fundamental Rights Office discussed the state of affairs of fundamental rights at the external borders of the EU during the Consultative Forum Meetings, which are held three times a year. Regular exchanges among the Fundamental Rights Officer and the Consultative Forum take place throughout the year to reflect on the fundamental rights dimension of Frontex activities, including risks for violations and the identification of measures to mitigate them.

The activities of the Consultative Forum are presented in a separate Annual Report which is published yearly.52 https://prd.frontex.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/cf-annual-report-2021-final.pdf

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