Το πρόγραμμα της PEGA στην Ελλάδα

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Committee on Pegasus


PEGA Mission to Cyprus and Greece

1-4 November 2022

PEGA Secretariat’s contact details:

Mr Henrik KJELLIN: +32 473/49 31 86

Mr Ollivier GIMENEZ: +32 497/42 02 10

Mr Jeremy FOLENS: + 32 471/62 52 63

European Parliament 2019 2024

Member/ Substitute Country

1. Mr Jeroen LENAERS Chair of the PEGA Committee Head of the delegation EPP F Netherlands

2. Ms Sophia IN ‘T VELD Rapporteur RENEW F Netherlands

3. Mr Juan Ignacio ZOIDO ÁLVAREZ EPP F Spain

Ms Sylvie GUILLAUME S&D F France



7. Ms Lídia PEREIRA EPP S Portugal


9. Mr Thijs REUTEN S&D S Netherlands

10. Mr Stelios KOULOGLOU THE LEFT S Greece

11. Ms Laura FERRARA NI S Italia


Tuesday 1 November:

18.00 Arrival and check in at Hotel Hilton, Nicosia (From Brussels: Austrian 9.50 16.40)

19.00 Transfer to EPLO Nicosia

19.30 - 20h20: Elias Stephanou, legal expert, confirmed

20.30 21.30: Fanis Makrides, journalist, confirmed

Wednesday 2 November:

8.00 Departure from Hotel Nicosia

8.30 9.30: Meeting with Ms Natasa Pilides, Minister for Energy, Commerce and Industry and Mr Kyriacos Kokkinos, Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, confirmed

10.00 - 11.00: Meeting with the Attorney General Mr Savvides, confirmed

11.30 - 13.00: Meeting with the House of Representatives, members of the Committee on Institutions, Merit and the Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman) and the Committee of Legal Affairs, confirmed

14.00 Transfer to Larnaca Airport

Flight Larnaca Athens (Aegean Airlines 15.30 17.40)

18.30: Transfer to EPLO Athens

19.00 20.30 Meeting with journalists :

Daphne Papadopoulou

• Ms Nektaria Stamouli

Nikolas Leodopoulos

Anastasios Telloglou

• Mr Yannis Souliotis

20h30: Transfer to the Novotel Athens


Thursday 3 November :

8.30: transfer to Parliament

9.00 11.00: Meeting with Members of the former Investigative Committee of the Greek Parliament : Mr Theokaris, Mr Karathanasopoulos, Ms Sakorafa, confirmed

12.00 14.00: Meeting and light lunch with Mr Giorgios Gerapetritis, Minister of State, confirmed

14h15 15h00: Ms Sotiria Papageorgopoulou, Head of the Athens Public Prosecutor's office, tbc

15h15 16h00: Mr Vasilios Papakostas, Director of the Electronic Crime Prosecution Directorate of Hellenic Police

16h15 17h15: Meeting with Mr Kefaloyiannis, Chair of the former inquiry committee of the Hellenic Parliament, confirmed

17.15: Transfer to EPLO Athens

17.30 - 19.00: meeting with victims:

• Mr Christos Spirtzis, Member of Greek Parliament, confirmed

• Mr Nikos Androulakis, MEP, confirmed

• Mr Thanasis Koukakis, journalist, confirmed

19h00: Transfer to Novotel Athens

Friday 4 November:

08.30: meeting in lobby of hotel transfer to EPLO Athens

9.00 - 10.00: Mr Christos Rammos, President of ADAE, confirmed

10.00 - 11.00: meeting with NGOs, human rights defenders

• Stefanos Loukopoulos, Vouliwatch, confirmed

• Lefteris Papagiannakis and Fotini Kokkinaki Hellenic League for Human Rights, confirmed

• Stefanos Vitoratos, HomoDigitalis, confirmed

11.00: Press conference

Transport to airport (Aegean Airlines 15.30 - 17.50 to Brussels)



Interlocutors’ bios

Tuesday 1 November

Meeting with Elias Stephanou, legal expert

Mr Elias Stephanou

Elias Andrea Stephanou has been involved in criminal cases both as a prosecutor, representing the Attorney General of the Republic (2002 2008) as well as a defence lawyer (2000 2001 & 2008 onwards). Elias is regularly involved to the most notable and complex criminal cases, as wellasrepresents the interestsand provides criminal consultancy tohigh profile companies and individuals.

Hehasbeen the Treasurerof the Nicosia BarAssociation,FirstSecretary andfounding member of Transparency International Cyprus, as well as member of various committees. He is a member of the European Criminal Bar Association and member of the Committee of Experts Government for International Fair Trials.

Elias is a visiting lecturer at the Law School of the University of Cyprus (Evidence Law). Furthermore, Elias’ academic experience includes regular lecturing of Criminal Law and Evidence Law at the Law School of the University of Nicosia, lecturing of Criminal Justice at the Open University, as well as speaker at the Police Academy regarding criminal law oriented matters.

He has written a significant number of articles on Criminal Law and Justice, Constitutional Rights of Suspects, Investigation and Proof of Evidence.

Meeting with Fanis Makrides, journalist

Fanis Makrides is an investigative journalist at one of the biggest daily newspaper in Cyprus, “Phileleftheros”.

He graduated from “Kykkos” high school in Nicosia in 1995. After he completed his military obligations (served in National Guard of Cyprus 1995 1997), he studied journalism in Athens (1997 99).






in Chief of news portal “24h”

of weekly newspaper “24”

Editor of news portals “ToThemaOnline” and “BusinessNews”


2012: Newspaper “Politis”
2014: Nikodea Editor
2015: Nikodea Managing Editor
2020: World News Media Managing

July 2021 April 2022: journalist at “Politis” Newspaper May 2022 today: journalist at “Phileleftheros” Newspaper

Part time

2008 2014: Correspondent of Greek sport newspaper “Fos ton Sport” From 1999 today: Work for various websites, companies of written press, radios and web TV’s.

In 2015, he was awarded the 3rd prize in the 1st Journalism Awards of the Cyprus News Agency, for the best story. The awarded article covered a bombing attack against a Cypriot football referee and the result of the journalism investigation about the incident (titled: “They had information. Did they do anything?”).

In 2020, he was honoured at the 1st Journalism Awards of the Cyprus Sport Journalists Association for his story: “Companies spying civilians and selling spying tools”, an article result of an investigation between 2017 and 2020.

In 2021 his article “Companies hidden in BVI and Seychelles, with contracts of millions”, was included in the short list of “AIPS Sport Media Awards” (2020). It was a story based on documents for the companies of Mr. George Koumas, president of the Cyprus Football Association and a businessman (in the field of TV rights). The documents proved conflict of interest in the case of Mr. Koumas.

Wednesday 2 November

Meeting with Ms Natasa Pilides, Minister for Energy, Commerce and Industry and Mr Kyriacos Kokkinos, Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy

Ms Natasa Pilides

Ms Natasa Pilides was appointed Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry on July 10th 2020.

She had previously served, since March 1st 2018, as the first Shipping Deputy Minister of the Republic of Cyprus, being in charge of the strategic development and promotion of Cyprus as a world class, integrated, maritime cluster.

From April 2016 until her appointment as Shipping Deputy Minister, Ms Pilides served as Director General of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA), having the responsibility for the design and implementation of CIPA’s strategy in investment promotion, investor support and facilitation of reform, in close collaboration with the Cyprus Government.

Her work experience spans more than fifteen years in the private sector and includes serving as Director and Regional Chief Operating Officer at Baker Tilly in South East Europe, heading the departments of Finance, Marketing, HR, Administration, Operations and IT, for Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova.

She also worked, for 9 years, at PwC in Cyprus, Milan and London, in the areas of audit and tax consulting, providing services to multinational companies active in the fields of banking and finance, shipping, insurance, energy, construction and FMCG.

Ms Pilides has wide experience in delivering professional training and courses for ICAEW, ACCA and CIMA exams, in the areas of audit, tax, corporate law, ethics, financial accounting and reporting, at BPP London, one of the leading professional studies organisations worldwide.

She graduated from Oxford University with a first-class honours degree, with distinction, in Modern Languages and Literature (French and Italian). She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) and a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC).

Mr Kyriacos Kokkinos

Kyriacos Kokkinos is the Deputy Minister to the President for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, since March 1st 2020.

He previously served as the Chief Scientist for Research & Innovation of the Republic of Cyprus, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Research & Innovation Foundation and Member of the National Board of Research & Innovation.

He is a distinguished professional with 30 years of experience in Executive Management, Technology and Business Consulting, served at senior Executive roles in global corporations such as IBM Europe (Executive Director & Partner) and PwC. He also served at the Board of Directors of many Organisations, including Invest Cyprus (Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency CIPA), the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO), the Cyprus Port Authority (CPA), and the Board of Trustees of the Cyprus Institute.

He is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions for professional excellence, including the ‘Business Leader of the Year Award’ 2016, by Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and the ‘Quality Leader Award 2015’ by Cyprus Quality Association.

His Academic qualifications include Executive MBA in Strategic Management from Henley Management College (UK) and MSc & BSc in Electrical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA).

Meeting with the House of Representatives, members of the Committee on Institutions, Merit and the Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman) and the Committee of Legal Affairs

The House of Representatives of Cyprus is organised in 19 Parliamentary committees of which the Committee on Institutions, Merit and the Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman) and the Committee of Legal Affairs

Aiming at carrying out parliamentary work in a more orderly manner, the Constitution and the House Rules provide for the setting up and functioning of committees, the composition of which is decided by the Committee of Selection. Political party groups in the House are duly represented on each parliamentary committee.

Parliamentary committees are divided into standing committees, corresponding to the respective Ministries and other temporary, ad hoc or special committees. Committee quorum consists of at least half of the total number of its members. Committee decisions are taken by simple majority. In case of equality in votes, the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Committee has a second or casting vote.

The Committees consider bills introduced in the House for adoption and all matters introduced in plenary and referred to them. Each Committee may, in addition to matters referred to it by the House, consider on its own motion any other matter falling within its competence, in the exercise of parliamentary control.

Meeting with the Attorney General Mr Savvides, Attorney General

Mr George L. Savvides

Mr George L. Savvides is the Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus. He previously served as Minister of Justice and Public Order of the Republic of Cyprus

He has excelled at the Lanition secondary school of Limassol. Having completed his military service, he studied law at University of Exeter in the United Kingdom where he received the title of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B. Hons.). He then continued his studies in London and became a barrister as a Member of The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple.

He actively practiced law for 35 years as the founder and managing partner of a law firm with offices in Limassol and Nicosia and is a member of the Famagusta Bar Association and the Cyprus Bar Association. He is also a member of the International Bar Association and has served as Chairman and Vice Chairman of various subcommittees of this international body.

He served as a Minister of Justice and Public Order of the Republic of Cyprus from May 31, 2019 until June 29, 2020, date when he was appointed Attorney General by the President of the Republic, Nicos Anastasiades

Meeting with journalists

Daphne Papadopoulou is journalist at the Greek newspaper "Kathimerini", a daily political and financial broadsheet newspaper

Daphne Papadopoulou has done extensive reporting on the Androulakis case including the government’s response.

Ms Nektaria Stamouli

Nektaria Stamouli is a reporter based in Athens, covering Greece and the broader region for Politico Europe and foreign affairs and geopolitics for Athens News Agency. She was previously the region's correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires, covering the decades long Greek financial crisis, as well the Cypriot debt crisis and the European migration crisis.

Before joining the WSJ, Nektaria worked as both a business and general news reporter for Greek media print, online and TV. She studied Communications, Media and Culture at Panteion University in Athens and holds a Master’s degree in International Journalism from City University, London.

Nikolas Leontopoulos

Nikolas Leontopoulos is an investigative journalist based in Athens, Greece. He is a co founder of Investigate Europe and worked as IE’s reporter in Greece until 2019 when he co launched Reporters United, an investigative journalism network in Greece.

Reporters United is also responsible for the production of Investigate Europe’s animations.

Anastasios Telloglou

Tasos Telloglou is a Greek investigative journalist. He is one of the presenters of the weekly news program "Special Report" on ANT1. He also writes for the newspaper Kathimerini. He was born in Ampelokipi, Athens in 1961. He studied Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He started his journalistic career in 1986 writing for the newspaper I PROTI until 1989. He has been a Germany correspondent for the daily Greek newspaper Kathimerini from 1990 to 1997 and for the Mega Channel from 1993 to 2000.

For two years from 1998, Tasos Telloglou along with the journalists Alexis Papahelas and Pavlos Tsimas, presented the program "Mavro Kouti" ("The Black Box") in Mega Channel. In 2001 he started writing for the newspaper To Vima. In 2001, he worked with Pavlos Tsimas and Yorgos Kouvaras for the news program "Kokkino Pani" ("Red Flag") on ANTENNA TV

From June 2002 to July 2004, he worked for the New Hellenic Television presenting the monthly documentary series "Monitor" and "Striptease". In October 2004, he presented his first report in the program "Oi Fakeloi "("The Folders") in Mega Channel and was editor in chief until 2007. From October 2007, he co hosts the news program "Oi Neoi Fakeloi" ("The NewFolders"),thecontinuationoftheprogram"Oi Fakeloi",alongwith AlexisPapahelas and Sofia Papaioannou in Skai TV.

During the season 2007 2008, Telloglou was awarded the Best Report of the Year Award of the "Prosopa 2008" television awards for his exposé on the Greek aspect of the Siemens slush funds scandal.

Mr Yannis Souliotis

Yannis Souliotis is a Greek investigative journalist at the Greek newspaper "Kathimerini", a daily political and financial broadsheet newspaper.

Experience: 1984 1996: LFH 1997: Department of Economics at the Faculty of Law 1999: Internship at the daily newspaper Kathimerini 2006 2008: Master's degree at ASOEE / Marketing and Communication 2007 today: Police and judicial reporting, investigations 2011 2013: Terrorism studies at St Andrews University, Scotland

While working for Kathimerini since 1999, Yannis Souliotishasalso workedas investigative journalist at Inside Story and, lately, at ERT, as a member of a small 'investigative team'. In recent months, with this team, has worked on a documentary about the Russian Ukrainian conflict, on the eastern border, in the Donbass region. He was still there when war broke out and stayed to cover the events for a month.

Mr Theochari (Harry) Theokaris

Theokaris is a Greek politician, member of the Hellenic Parliament and currently the Parliamentary Spokesperson of the political party New Democracy (liberal conservative). In 2019, he was appointed Minister for Tourism in the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis (2029 2021). He was first elected in 2015 and in 2018, he joined the New Democracy party.

Mr. Theokaris studied software engineering at the Imperial College in London and has held high ranking positions in companies of the private sector in Greece and abroad. However, he has also worked for start up companies. In 2011, he became Secretary General of Information Systems and introduced new digital services to help reduce bureaucracy and increase transparency. Between 2013 and 2014, he served as Secretary General for Public Revenues at the Greek Finance Ministry.

Mr Nikolaos Karathanasopoulos

NikolaosKarathanasopoulos isaGreekpolitician and economist. He has been an elected MP since 2007, representing the region of Achaia for the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). He has studied economics in Italy and is a member of the Economic Chamber of Greece (a scientific advisor institution for the state and the society).

Ms Sofia Sakorafa

Sofia Sakorafa is a Greek Palestinian politician and former javelin thrower. She was a Member of the European Parliament for Greece from 2014 to 2019. Currently, she serves as a Deputy Speaker in the Hellenic Parliament for the party MeRA25 (left). Before that, she was an MP for the party Syriza. However, in September 2015, Sakorafa left Syriza after disagreements with the leadership over the introduction of further austerity measures in Greece.

Thursday 3 November
Meeting with Members of the former Investigative Committee of the Greek Parliament: Mr Theokaris, Mr Karathanasopoulos, Ms Sakorafa

InDecember 2018,shejoinedMeRa25, thepartyofformerFinanceMinisterYanisVaroufakis. Sakorafa graduated in physical education from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is the president of Association hellénique d'athlétisme amateur (SEGAS).

Meeting and light lunch with Mr Giorgios Gerapetritis, Minister of State

Mr Giorgios Gerapetritis

Mr Gerapetritis is a Greek lawyer, university professor and politician, who has been serving as Minister of State since July 2019 in the Mitsotakis government. He has been a Member of the Greek Parliament since July 2019 for the party New Democracy (liberal conservative).

Gerapetritis graduated from the Athens University Law School and holds an LL.M. from the University of Edinburgh in the fields of public law and philosophy of law, aswell as a doctorate in European public law from the University of Oxford. In the government of George Papandreou (2009 2011), he served as Secretary General of the Government. Before that, he had served as an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization, as well as legal advisor to subsidiaries in the OTE Group (largest technology company in Greece), while in 2005 he was appointed Member of the Board of Directors of OTE As a lawyer, he is practicing law before the Hellenic Council of State, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.

Meeting with Ms Sotiria Papageorgopoulou, Head of the Athens Public Prosecutor's office

The Public Prosecutor's office is a judicial authority independent from courts and executive authority. Acts united and undivided and has as a mission the maintenance of legitimacy, the defence of the citizens and the preservation of the rules of public order. P.P. during the execution of his duties and the expression of his opinion, acts under no obligation obeying only to the law and his conscience. Superior in the hierarchy is the P.P. of the Supreme Court and follows the grade of deputy P.P. of the Supreme Court, of the Appeal Court etc. The Constitution supplies as the regular judges the same guarantees of independence, as well as the P.P's who are appointed for life as judicial officials.

Meeting with Mr Vasilios Papakostas, Director of the Electronic Crime Prosecution Directorate of Hellenic Police

Mr Papakostas holds the rank of Police Coloneland he is currently serving as theDirector of the Cyber Crime Division of the Hellenic Police. He graduated with honors from the Officers’ School of the Hellenic Police Academy, in 1997, and from the School of Continuing Education & Training of Hellenic Police Officers, in 2010.

He holds a master’s degree from the Department of Engineering Information & Communication Systems of the University of Aegean.He is a PhD Candidate of the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering of the University of the Aegean, in the ArtificialIntelligence Thematic Area. As Computer Programmer, he has been the Project Manager of the implementation of IT projects and computer applications’development, for13 years, while servingatthe Information Technology Division of the Hellenic Police. He has participated in a number of specialized training programs in the field of informatics and new technologies, risk analysis and development of IT projects, as well as in trainings on objectives’management and measuring efficiency and human resource management.

Mr Yiannis Kefaloyiannis

Mr Kefalogiannis is a member of the Hellenic parliament and a lawyer.

He studied Law at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a Master’s degree in Politics and International Relations at Columbia University in New York (CUHA). Additionally, he specialized in the Law of mediation technique in Harvard Law School.

In 2012, Kefalogiannis was elected Member of Parliament with the party New Democracy (liberal conservative) and became the youngest MEP in that period. From 2019 to 2021, he was appointed Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport in the Cabinet of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Mr. Papakostas has been honored with the four Medals during his career.
Meeting with Mr Kefaloyiannis, Chair of the former inquiry committee of the Hellenic Parliament

Meeting with victims

Mr Christos Spirtzis

Christos Spirtzis a Greek engineer and centre left independent politician. From 2015 to 2019, he served as the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport in the government of Alexis Tsipras. He studied at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of Democritus University of Thrace

In 1999, he was appointed a member of the Economic and Social Committee of Greece, a post he would hold until 2008.

One year later, in 2000, Spirtzis was elected to the executive committee of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE). In 2007, he became vice president responsible for energy, development, employment, insurance, licensing, publications, ethics in representation, and the databank. In September 2010, he was promoted to the post of the president of the chamber.

Presiding over the Democratic Coalition of Technicians, he was re elected as president of TEE in 2013. He also chairs the Hellenic National Committee at the World Energy Council.

Mr Nikos Androulakis

Androulakis is a Greek politician and president of the Movement for Change (KINAL) and the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) since 2021. Since 2014, he is a Member of the European Parliament. He studied civil engineering at the Democritus University of Thrace, from where he received a M.Sc. in New Materials and Environment. As a civil engineer, he worked in the tourism industry and gave courses in the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education.

In 2001, Androulakis became a member of the Central Council of PASOK Youth and in 2008, he was appointed member of the National Council of PASOK. In 2013, he was elected member of the central political committee of PASOK, which elected him the new political secretary. In June 2022, experts notified Androulakis that in September 2021, weeks after declaring he would be a candidate to lead PASOK, he had received a text message with a link that would have installed the spyware Predator on his phone, had he clicked on it. Shortly after, he filed a complaint with Greece's Supreme Courtover an attempted bugging of his mobile phone with surveillance software.

Mr Thanasis Koukakis

Koukakis is a journalist and columnist specialised banking and financial reporting. He worked for the Greek newspaper ESTIA and was head of financial reporting at In.gr. He is frequently featured on international television networks and has worked with CNBC and Al Jazeera International.

He holds a degree in Political Science from the Law School of the University of Athens and specialized in macroeconomics, international finance, tax and banking issues. He has covered Eurogroup meetings, European summits as well as the IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington.

Meeting with Mr Christos Rammos, President of ADAE

Mr Christos Rammos

Born in Athens. Graduated in Law from Athens University Law School with a Law Degree. Became judge in the Council of State (Greek Supreme Administrative Court) in 1980 as Junior Officer. Junior Member of the same Judicature in 1985. Followed postgraduate courses in Paris University (Paris II) and at the French Council of State (Conseil d’État) in 1985 1986.

Councilor of State in 1997 and Council of State Vice president in 2015. Served repeatedly as Member of the Superior Special Court of Greece, Member of the Supreme Council for Administrative Justice, Inspector of Administrative Courts.

Professor at the National School of Judges in Thessaloniki (2015 2018). Participated in numerous law conferences, seminaries. Author of juridical essays, articles and book presentations. Fluent speaker in French, English, German and Italian.

Meeting with NGOs, human rights defenders

Mr Stefanos Loukopoulos

Mr Loukopoulos was born in Athens in 1983. He is the co-founder and director of the not for profit parliamentary monitoring organization Vouliwatch

He holds a BA in Politics, as well as an MA in International Relations and in Conflict Analysis. He has worked for NGOs both in London and Brussels as well as in the European Parliament.

Stefanos is a founding member of the international association “Parliamentwatch Network” and a standing member of the “Council of Citizens Control” of the Greek public broadcasting service. In recent years he is involved actively both at national and international level in the fields of open government, civic technology and the freedom of access to information.

Ms Fotini Kokkinaki

Ms Kokkinaki is a journalist and General Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Greek Human Rights Associations. She works as the Head of Communication in HumanRights360 and is specialized in digital campaigning. She was born and raised in Athens. She studied Media and Communication, and Political Science and Communication at the University of Athens. She worked for several years at the Radio Station 984.

Friday 4 November

For this past year, she curated and presented the show of the Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR), whereas she volunteers as a contributor to the street magazine “Schedia.” She was one of the founding members of the project Democratic EDUCATION, dealing with incidents of racist violence in primary and secondary Education

Stefanos Vitoratos is a lawyer specializing in Data Protection, Cybersecurity and Ethical AI. He is registered with the Athens Bar Association. He has great expertise on technology regulation issues, having led many personal data compliance projects in Greece and contributing significantly to the drafting of national Cybersecurity legislation. Stefanos Vitoratos is one of the leading innovators in digital rights protection in Greece, having co established Homo Digitalis, the first digital rights organization in the country.

Stefanos Vitoratos has previously worked at the Greek Delegation to NATO in Brussels. He is currently an Athens resident, envisioning a holistic approach to data protection, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and human rights protection. He holds and LL.B. from the Law School ofAthens,an LL.M.fromCity,Universityof London andanMM.A.fromPanteionUniversity, Athens. He speaks Greek, English, French and German.

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