1 minute read
1. Introduction
This guide was produced during discussions led by the Nightlife Platform. It is mostly based on the experiences of the cities of Bordeaux, Liège, Nantes and Paris, and on the work carried out by the European Forum for Urban Security with other European cities. It is aimed at elected officials and project leaders who are in charge of implementing a global nightlife policy at the local level: developing night-time leisure activities, dynamism and attractiveness of the territory; promotion of nightlife; regulation of festive practices and behaviours; prevention of risky behaviours as well as harmful and detrimental acts, etc. The objective of this guide is to foster the mobilisation of stakeholders in the design, implementation and evaluation of local nightlife policies.
Note: this second edition includes examples of other local authorities in various EU Member States, featuring practices and experiences from different urban contexts and relevant governance methods, actors and tools.

Nightplatform Members (Seminar in Bordeaux - 2018 ; Remote meeting in 2021)