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where we have gone...
F. CHARLE S BRUNIC ARDI, M.D. RWJMS ’80, residency in surgery, Health Science Center
SU NY–Brooklyn, is Chair, Michael E. DeBakey Depar tment of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine and Executive Director of the Multiple Organ Transplant Center at Methodist Hospital. He is also an accomplished guitarist and composer.
RICHARD J. JACKSON, M.D. RWJMS ’71 residency in medicine and pediatrics at University of California–San Francisco and M.P.H. in Epidemiology at the University of California–Berkeley and the Centers for Disease Control, is the director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Contr
IN 1990, DRS. BRENNER AND REEDY had just star ted medical sc hool. They wanted to increase their exposure to patients and to help the needy. They founded HIPHOP— Homeless and Indigent Population Health Outreac h Project. This project has received funding from President Clinton’s Cor poration for National and Community Ser vice A quar ter of our students take par t in HIPHOP In addition, many other projects now thr ive:
MOMS — the matc hing of a pregnant teenager with a HIPHOP volunteer through prenatal care to delivery
CARE — suppor t ser vices for cancer patients
STAATS — Students Teac hing AIDS Awareness to Students
Alumnae Deans at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School Doctors Dunston: mother and daughter alumnae
FRANCE S DUNSTON, M.D. RWJMS ’78, M.P.H. University of Nor th Carolina, Chapel Hill ‘85, residency Medical College of Virginia, was the New Jersey tate Commissioner of Health and Associate Dean for pecial Programs at New Jersey Medical School. She is ently Professor and Chair of ediatrics at Morehouse School of Medicine. Her daughter K ARL A DUNSTON, M. D. graduated from Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School–Camden in 1998 and is currently completing her residency in emergency medicine at Emory as Chief Resident. She had been awarded the Excellent Teaching Resident Award. Dr. Dunston’s academic interests include Public Health and International Emergency Medicine.
GEZA KISS, M.D. RWJMS ’95, residency in anesthesiology and fellowship in Pain Management at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School has joined the faculty as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology. Dr. Kiss, having trained as a doctor of chiropractic medicine, represents one of the many graduates who came to our school having initially pursued another career path. We graduate physicians who were teachers, attorneys, physical therapists, athletes, dancers, clergy, musicians...
MARIE TRONTELL, M.D. RWJMS ’76, residency and fellowship Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Boston Children’s Hospital and fellowship
DAVID A. L A SKOW, M.D. RWJMS ’81, residency Beth Israel Medical Center and fellowship University of Alabama, where he remained for 10 years as the Director of Pancreas Transplant Surgery and Pediatric Kidney Transplant Surgery. Dr. Laskow is currently the Chief of Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Surgery at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School. Since the inception of the Transplant ser vice in 1999, Dr. Laskow has performed hundreds of surgeries. Dr. Laskow is researching the risk factors associated with graft and patient sur vival.

Massachusetts General Hospital, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
C AROL A. TERREGINO, M.D. RWJMS ’86 residency and fellowship Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Assistant Dean for Admissions
WITH STATE-OF-THE ART FACILITIE S in Piscataway, New Br unswic k, and Camden, Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool offer s the most diver se, well-rounded, and intellectually stimulating medical sc hool education available. Fast-paced urban teac hing hospitals in New Br unswic k and Camden provide unique oppor tunities to lear n and par ticipate in diagnositic evaluations, treatment modalities, and community outreac h. The facilities on the Piscataway campus create an unparalleled environment where students interact with researc her s in a contemplative sc holarly setting.