East Grampian Coastal Partnership
Business Plan 2016/18 EGCP Ltd , trading as The East Grampian Coastal Partnership. EGCP Ltd is a Scottish Company Limited by Guarantee and without share capital. The Company Number is 464143 1
Contents Foreword
1. Setting the Scene – an evolving strategic context
2. Aim of EGCP
3. Objectives of EGCP
4. Programme of Work for 2016 – 2018
4.1 Integrated Coastal Management
4.2 Marine Litter
4.3 Tourism
4.4 Communication
4.5 Developing Influence
4.6 Possible targeted future work
5. Structure & Governance of EGCP
6. Funding
Annex 1. Summary of Action Points
Annex 2: The principles of ICM, as set out by the European Commission’s Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2002)
Foreword For over a decade, the East Grampian Coastal Partnership has helped connect people to the coast. Our programme of work has encompassed research into the state of our coast, community engagement in appreciating its rugged beauty and magnificent wildlife, publicising the proposals to develop its resources sustainably and even the practical organisation of cleaning up marine litter that spoils the environment. We are one of six Partnerships in Scotland that are intended to deliver an integrated approach to coastal management; increasingly, our work is likely to address the links between coastal waters and what happens on either side of them, both offshore and on. We are entering a period of transition as the focus on coastal management expands to consider marine planning. The Scottish Government, with the approval of the Scottish Parliament, has created a National Marine Plan, which enables decisions about developments in our waters to be taken within an overarching framework that considers all marine activities. At the same time, it acknowledges the frameworks governing the way we use land and other marine resources. The first Scottish National Marine Plan was published in 2015 and will, eventually, be complemented by a suite of 11 Regional Marine Plans, covering the coastline around Scotland and the seas out to 12 nautical miles. Each is to be prepared by a new Regional Marine Planning Partnership. The first Marine Planning Partnerships will be for the Firth of Clyde and the Shetland Islands. There is an expectation that a Marine Planning Partnership for the North East Marine Region will be designated in due course. EGCP has started some of the preliminary work that might support regional marine planning and this has already been incorporated as a data layer within the Scottish Government’s inter-active digital atlas of marine information, called NMPi. None of the emerging focus on marine planning takes away the importance of delivering locally significant projects along our coastline. Our proposals for the next two years are set out in this Business Plan. A breakdown of funding requirements to enable their delivery is given, together with an indication of where financial support is to be sought. Let us all enjoy painting a bit of the big picture while caring for our own special patch. In its first decade, the East Grampian Coastal Partnership has helped to bring seaside awards to local beaches, improved the knowledge of coastal tourism potential and facilitated many organisations to work successfully together. Much has been achieved but there is more to be done to safeguard and develop the unique features of the North East. We look forward to working with you to continue the operation of EGCP Ltd. into its second decade. Allan Garvie Chairman, East Grampian Coastal Partnership Ltd.
establish means of public participation for stakeholders, authorities and the public concerned;
1. Setting the Scene – an evolving strategic context 1.1 Marine planning, as set out in the Marine (Scotland) 2010 Act, is a system to guide, regulate and address activities in the marine environment. It will need to inter-relate with the terrestrial system, and vice versa.
use the best available data and organise the sharing of information between stakeholders. 1.6 Scotland’s network of Local Coastal Partnerships, of which the EGCP is part, is well-placed to help deliver this work, using its experience of stakeholder engagement and Integrated Coastal Management.
1.2 The Marine (Scotland) Act is the primary legislation for Scotland’s Territorial Seas but the waters beyond 12 nautical miles are subject to the UK Marine & Coastal Access Act 2009. However, an agreement between the Scottish and UK Governments has allowed Scottish Ministers to plan for all the waters around Scotland, out to 200 nautical miles, under the 2015 Scottish National Marine Plan. Marine planning is also being carried out in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
1.3 The Marine (Scotland) Act provides for the functions relating to marine planning at the regional level, out to 12 nautical miles, to be delegated to an appropriate body, to be known as a Marine Planning Partnership. 1.4 It is intended that Marine Planning Partnerships in Scotland will be established over a number of years. In the meantime, Local Coastal Partnerships such as the EGCP will continue with their delivery of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and contribute to the preparatory work for future Marine Planning Partnerships.
2. Aim of EGCP 2.1 The East Grampian Coastal Partnership (EGCP) was created in 2005 and in 2015 completed its first year as a Company Limited by Guarantee. Whilst the structure of the organisation and the policy context in which it operates might have changed, the original aim of facilitating the delivery of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) in the north east of Scotland has not.
1.5 The UK, as a European Member State, has to comply with relevant European legislation. The EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (2014/89/EU) requires coastal Member States to prepare marine plans that: take into account interactions between the sea and land;
1 http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/seamanagement/national/circular 2 http://www.kimointernational.org/Scotland.aspx 4
2.2 EGCP’s purpose is to facilitate the delivery of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) between Kinnaird Head, Fraserburgh to the Aberdeenshire/ Angus Council boundary at the mouth of the River North Esk, by St Cyrus.
advance education related to the coastal environment;
preserve the heritage relating to the culture of the coast of the north east of Scotland.
delivering integrated coastal management projects and programmes;
working in partnership with other bodies to achieve these purposes.
4. Programme of Work for 2016 – 2018
Integrated Coastal Management
Marine Litter
Developing Influence
4.1.3 With the publication in 2015 of Scotland’s National Marine Plan (NMP), local authorities have a duty to ensure that their Development Plans take account of the NMP’s policies and provisions. The Scottish Government’s Planning Circular 1/2015 sets
During the period 2016 to 2018 EGCP will focus on the following areas of work: 1.
4.1.2 Previous work on the Sectoral Interactions Matrix elicited information from stakeholders on the spatial distribution of some marine activities. It also captured their views on the competition for space between different pursuits. This data has been recognised by Marine Scotland as being valuable for populating the Scottish Government’s web-based geographic information system, National Marine Plan Interactive (NMPi)1, which provides a platform for marine planning in Scotland. During 2016, EGCP will work with Marine Scotland to ensure the spatial data arising from our earlier work on a Sectoral Interactions Matrix is incorporated within NMPi in relation to the north east. If additional information is considered to be necessary, EGCP will work with Marine Scotland to deliver it.
by: a.
4.1.1 The core role of EGCP continues to be working towards delivery of an integrated approach to coastal management whilst working to understand the wider marine environment . This requires data on the location and timing of activities, as well as information on how they interrelate.
3.1 The EGCP’s objectives are set out in the company’s Memorandum and Articles. This states that within the coastal environment of the North East of Scotland it will:
4.1 Integrated Coastal Management
3. Objectives of EGCP
advance environmental protection and improvement;
A number of specific Action Points (AP) are highlighted relating to each section.
2.3 ICM is defined by the European Commission as a dynamic and continuous process designed to promote sustainable management of coastal zones. The principles of ICM, as set out by the European Commission’s Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2002) are included in Annex 1.
out the relationship between the statutory land use planning system and marine planning and licensing.
AP1 Review spatial data from SIM initiative and validate it so that Marine Scotland can incorporate it into NMPi for the north east region. 2016
4.1.4 During 2016, EGCP proposes to approach Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council to establish what support the Partnership may provide as the local authorities consider the relationship between their terrestrial planning remit and marine planning. There may be opportunities to work together and facilitate an understanding of interactions between land and sea within the area, as well as the implications that these may hold for terrestrial planning and the marine planning process in due course.
AP2 Work with Aberdeenshire Council and Aberdeen City Council to explore how EGCP may support the terrestrial planning teams in their consideration of coastal and marine resources in relation to the linkages between terrestrial and marine planning. 2016/17
4.2 Marine Litter 4.2.1 Litter at the coast is a good example of a problem that can only be truly solved with work on both land and sea. The shore acts as a sink for litter blown from inland and washed in by the sea.
4.1.5 A possible outcome of this process might be the joint production of a document that highlights the key information about coastal and marine resources that Local Authority planners might need to understand in order to ensure that they are effectively taken into account during the planning process.
4.2.2 The Strategic Direction 1 of the Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland highlights the need to increase understanding of the sources of the detritus that blights our coastline. In line with this EGCP will continue working to promote the Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS) Beachwatch Events, now known as the Great British Beach Clean.
4.1.6 The process might also review the existing EGCP ‘State of the Coast’ Report 2009 and provide the Local Authorities with details of specific local coastal or marine interest where available, such as access points for marine recreation or areas of locallyimportant nature conservation value.
4.2.3 During 2016 EGCP will work with other organisations such as KIMO, Aberdeenshire Council and MCS to promote beach cleans
Action Points
using a short promotional video that we developed in 2015.
Action Point AP5 Contact VisitAberdeenshire, the new Destination Management Organisation for Aberdeen City and Shire, and other relevant organisations to discuss opportunities to support coastal tourism and follow up with ideas for specific projects 2016
4.2.4 In addition EGCP will work with Aberdeen University to carry out a litter audit of East Grampian Beaches and suggest approaches to reduce beach litter over the coming years through voluntary action and cleansing by landowners including Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Council.
4.4 Communication
Action Points
4.4.1 EGCP will engage with the public and stakeholders about the coast. The EGCP website will be improved with up-to-date content, educational presentations and information about coastal developments. It will also integrate a GIS function via a localised NMPi platform.
AP3 Work to promote 3 beach cleans per annum Annual
AP4 Carry out a litter audit of East Grampian Beaches with Aberdeen University 2017
4.3 Tourism
4.4.2 EGCP will continue to use social media such as the @grampian_coast Twitter feed to promote its work and coastal events.
4.3.1 EGCP has a long track record of championing green tourism on the East Grampian Coast in line with the aims of the Scotland’s National Marine Plan which aims to ‘position Scotland as a world class sustainable coastal and marine tourism and recreation destination through the sustainable development of coastal and marine recreation activities and industries in Scotland’.
4.4.3 EGCP will produce an annual newsletter, available on its website, to capture the range of work undertaken by the Partnership. Funding will be sought so that the newsletter can be printed and distributed. EGCP will investigate publishing a regular series of articles in the local press.
4.3.2 In 2016, VisitAberdeenshire, the new Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire has taken over the role of promoting the area from VisitAberdeen, Aberdeenshire Council and other organisations which have supported EGCP in the past.
4.4.4 EGCP will provide talks and stands at local coastal events, such as Harbour Days and Galas. 4.4.5 EGCP will work with the University of Aberdeen to make a positive contribution to their courses on Marine and Coastal Resource Management and on Environmental Project Management, via two lectures and one field visit.
4.3.3 As well as looking to increase tourism, Scotland’s National Marine Plan also seeks to ‘Improve education and Understanding of the marine environment for recreational users, including how to enjoy the resource responsibly in accordance with the Marine Wildlife Watching Code’ We will aid in the delivery of this aim though the newsletter and community events.
Action Points AP6 Maintain the EGCP website with up to date information Quarterly AP7 Integrate a GIS facility into the EGCP website 2016
AP8 Provide EGCP newsfeeds via Twitter Ongoing
with them in a more formal capacity as this project progresses.
AP9 Produce articles on EGCP activities for publications as necessary and a web based newsletter Annually
5. Structure & Governance of EGCP
AP11 Provide lectures and field visits to University courses Annually
5.1 EGCP is a Scottish company limited by guarantee trading as The East Grampian Coastal Partnership Ltd. EGCP Ltd is a notfor-profit company and operates without share capital. The Company Number is 464143.
4.5 Developing Influence
5.2 The Partnership operates with two levels of membership:
4.5.1 EGCP will continue to act as a champion for the coast through our involvement in relevant bodies and committees
5.2.1 Associate membership is free and is open to anyone with an interest in the coast. Whilst associate members do not have voting
AP10 Provide two talks and two stands at harbour or gala days Annually
4.5.2 EGCP will monitor the development of the North & East Coast Regional Inshore Fisheries Group (IFG) and work with it to ensure that coastal issues are reflected in its considerations.
Members Open to all.
No voting rights but may attend meetings
4.5.3 EGCP will support the work of the North East of Scotland Local Biodiversity Action Partnership (NESLBAP) by acting as its coastal champion. This involves being a member of the Steering Committee and the Communications Group.
Full Members Limited membership Voting rights Attend Advisory Group meetings
Action Points
Oversee direction of organisation
AP12 Participate, as appropriate, in work supported by the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund, led by NESFLAG 2016 AP13 Attend NESLBAP meetings
Directors Elected by Full Members
Oversee management of organisation Partnership Staff
4.6 Possible targeted future work 4.6.1 In addition to the work above, specific projects may be undertaken to deliver initiatives that are requested by current or prospective partners. 4.6.2 We have worked with the proponents of the new Community Marine Centre at Greyhope Bay and hope to continue working
Employed to serve the membership
Guided by the Full Members
Instructed on Administration by the
May contain Directors appointed for skills e.g Accountancy, Human Relations etc
Table 1 -Structure of EGCP
rights, they are kept informed and invited to events.
6.3 During 2016/18 we will seek to secure additional funding that will cover the costs of our core work and allow us to expand on our workload. This will increase the amount of projects we can deliver to improve our coast for the benefit of all East Grampian communities.
5.2.2 Full members represent a major stakeholder along the east Grampian coast. Full members are entitled to attend Advisory Committee meetings and have voting rights, including concerning the addition of new full members.
6.4 EGCP has a policy to maintain reserve funding of at least £10,000 (equivalent to three months’ operating costs plus £3,000 unforeseen expenses) to enable the Partnership to continue should there be shortfalls in income or unexpected expenditure.
5.2.3 Directors of EGCP Ltd, are responsible for the overall management of the company and financial matters. Up to thirteen directors, including a Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer, are elected by the full members at the Annual General Meeting. EGCP is seeking new Directors to support its work.
Action Points
5.3 EGCP employs a part time Project Manager. Additional staff or interns can be brought in on an ad hoc basis as required.
AP16 Manage the Partnership’s income and expenditure Annually AP17 Attract additional funding to develop capacity Annually
Action Points AP14 Hold meetings of the Directors and Advisory Group Quarterly AP15 Seek new members and Directors Ongoing
6. Funding 6.1 Core funding for the Partnership’s work comes from a number of public and private sector sources but primarily from Marine Scotland and Aberdeenshire Council. EGCP is very grateful to all those who have provided financial support to date, without whose input the work undertaken since 2005 would not have been realised. 6.2 At a time of increasing financial constraints on long-standing EGCP supporters, however, it is important that financial support is diversified and new funding opportunities are explored. A range of projects will be devised, discussed and presented to sectors with an interest in the North East.
INCOME Marine Scotland Aberdeenshire Council – Economic Devt. (see 4.3.2) Aberdeenshire Council – Planning Peterhead Port Authority University Of Aberdeen TOTAL INCOME
2015/16 Unaudited £20,000 £6,025
2016/17 projections £20,000 £2,500
2017/18 projections £20,000 £0
£2,500 £0 £100 £28,625
£2,500 £3,000 £100 £28,100
£2,500 £3,000 £100 £25,600
2015/16 Unaudited
2016/17 projections
2017/18 projections
Salary & employment costs for Partnership Manager including pension. Training
Travel & subsistence
Materials and stationery
Website maintenance
Contents & Employer’s Insurance
Management fee for payroll
Bank charges
Total Staff costs Operating costs
Legal fees
Total Operating costs Project costs Green Tourism TOTAL OVERALL EXPENDITURE
£4,255 £32,173
Company Cash Flow
Profit/Loss (without additional revenue)
Bank balance at year end (without additional revenue
Bank Balance excluding minimum reserve
Annex 1. Summary of Action Points
Annex 2: The principles of ICM, as set out by the European Commission’s Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2002)
AP1 Review spatial data from SIM initiative and validate it so that Marine Scotland can incorporate it into NMPi for the north east region. 2016
A broad overall perspective (thematic and geographic) which will take into account the interdependence and disparity of natural systems and human activities with an impact on coastal areas.
AP2 Work with Aberdeenshire Council and Aberdeen City Council to explore how EGCP may support the terrestrial planning teams in their consideration of coastal and marine resources in relation to the linkages between terrestrial and marine planning. 2016/17
A long-term perspective which will take into account the precautionary principle and the needs of present and future generations.
AP3 Work to promote 3 beach cleans per annum Annual
Adaptive management during a gradual process which will facilitate adjustment as problems and knowledge develop. This implies the need for a sound scientific basis concerning the evolution of the coastal zone.
AP4 Carry out a litter audit of East Grampian Beaches with Aberdeen University 2017 AP5 Contact VisitAberdeenshire, the new Destination Management Organisation for Aberdeen City and Shire, and other relevant organisations to discuss opportunities to support coastal tourism and follow up with ideas for specific projects 2016
Local specificity and the great diversity of European coastal zones, which will make it possible to respond to their practical needs with specific solutions and flexible measures.
AP6 Maintain the EGCP website with up to date information Quarterly
Working with natural processes and respecting the carrying capacity of ecosystems, which will make human activities more environmentally friendly, socially responsible and economically sound.
AP7 Integrate a GIS facility into the EGCP website 2016 AP8 Provide EGCP newsfeeds via Twitter AP9 Produce articles on publications as necessary newsletter
Involving all the parties concerned (economic and social partners, the organisations representing coastal zone residents, non-governmental organisations and the business sector) in the management process, for example by means of agreements and based on shared responsibility.
EGCP activities for and a web based Annually
AP10 Provide two talks and two stands at harbour or gala days Annually
Support and involvement of relevant administrative bodies at national, regional and local level between which appropriate links should be established or maintained with the aim of improved co-ordination of the various existing policies. Partnership with and between regional and local authorities should apply when appropriate.
AP11 Provide lectures and field visits to University courses Annually AP12 Participate, as appropriate, in work supported by the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund, led by NESFLAG 2016 AP13 Attend NESLBAP meetings
AP14 Hold meetings of the Directors and Advisory Group Quarterly AP15 Seek new members and Directors
Use of a combination of instruments designed to facilitate coherence between sectoral policy objectives and coherence between planning and management
AP16 Manage the Partnership’s income and expenditure Annually AP17 Attract additional funding to develop capacity Annually
East Grampian Coastal Partnership This document was produced by EGCP Ltd on behalf of the members of the East Grampian Coastal Partnership including Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeen Harbour Board Peterhead Port Authority Marine Scotland Seawatch Foundation
And with advice from
Torry Community Council
Scottish Natural Heritage
University of Aberdeen
Scottish Coastal Forum
Chair Allan Garvie Vice chair David Green Project Manager Ian Hay
East Grampian Coastal Partnership C/O Marine Scotland Room E32 Marine 375 Victoria Rd Aberdeen AB11 9DB Tel 01224 295308 Mob 07971149117 Email ian.hay@egcp.org.uk Twitter @Grampian_coast www.egcp.org.uk www.discovereastgrampiancoast.org.uk