Approaching death organ and physiology characteristics of male fox The approaching death organ of male fox from testicle, vas deferens and pair the sex gland and penis constitute. The testicle is located in the inguinal scrotum of of stomach ditch and ass inside and presents an oval.Its growth has obvious season variety, the summer(5-8 months) becomes adult male fox testicle very small, weight only 1.2-2 grams, have no the sperm is born.End most true sayings in August beginning of the month, the testicle starts developing and obviously speeds in November, weight and size have increment and go to in January weight to attain 3.7-4.3 grams(as biggest as 5 gram) of, touch have certain flexibility, dissect the hall see mature sperm.Vas deferens and prostate gland also present seasonal growth variety with the testicle, then become thick to become big, weight and measures increment. The penis of fox is thin long, assume irregular cylinder-like in shape, grow 8-10 Li rices, inside have the penis bone that 4-6 Li rices grow, the sponge body of penis wraps a penis bone, be the sponge body Chong blood, form two leaf longer Peng big body.When the penis is a 1/2, also have two globosity bodies to distinguish to be the second-time Chong blood in two sides, make two globosity body Pengs of penis central parts big.When the fox mates, penis the first-time Chong blood erection can make the penis place into a mother fox of inside the vagina;The second-time Chong blood after placing into, big because of two globosity body Chong blood Pengs, make penis tightly lock in the vagina.Therefore, appear to connect a Dang(catena) phenomenon, until shoot Jing to complete, this kind of phenomenon just disappear.This is the big parts of dog section a kind of mating physiology phenomenon that animal possesses singly. Source:Xinchang egg incubator