Portfolio Sample

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Portfolio Egil de Lange Kobberstad Portfolio sample 601 E. 2nd Street, Apt 219 Los Angeles, CA 90012 1 (424) 522-3518 egil.kobberstad@gmail.com

Urban paradigms X-Urban - Willy Müller Vertical Studio


Top: Physical model elevations Bottom: Conceptual renders


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Surrounding the Dodgers Stadium in LA, California, the “Dodgers Loop� is an experimental proposal towards a urban proposal for pedestrians in the city of Los Angeles. The project addresses the traditional citygrid as it focuses on fluitity through external and internal spatial programming. The idea of activating the empty parking lot takes a new approach when the concept of todays trasportation-metods is removed from the object of design.

The building is to merge with other buildings, creating a fluid small city around the dodgers stadium where the area become more than just a sporting event.The partial chunck of the urban proposal stretches under, over and inside its landscape, not suggesting a particular space of programming but rather a liberal concept where the traditional architectural elements merge into eachother.

Above: North-East Axonometric



Liminalism / THESIS

The word “liminal” comes from the Latin word “limens”, translating to “threshold”. A liminal space, the place of transition is a unique mental position where humans hate to be, but where transformation is most possible. It is when you have left the old and seek for the new, but have not yet been able to figure out what the new is. The thesis takes theories from the bavarian Rococo, where the sacred intersects with the profane and pictorial space contaminates architectural dimensionality.

Above: Renders of suggested the spatial sequence as a liminal state


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

The project is a war museum set into a fortified hill in Sardinia. The spatial sequence is composed of layers of thresholds, each blurring into the next in increasingly complex ways. At each stage of the journey, the visitor is confronted with increasingly active frames that peel apart to contain program and come together to create more intense circulatory experiences. The architectural elements are accessed through discrete transitions that obscure the conventionally assumed boundary between nature/artifice and interior/exterior.

Above: Physical final model



In detail - Dwayne Oyler Vertical Studio

The concept of the object as mass was translated and modified into a detail within the building, in this case a staircase. The stair takes the materiality an suggests a structural twist into a freezed frame, acting as the step

Above Right: Scaled physical model of stair-step Above Left: Object before introduced to the site


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Above: Technical construction drawing of staircase chunk


In detail - Dwayne Oyler Vertical Studio

The Studio “in detail� explored active inlay as a concept through an exploration of detailing techniques. A balljoint was used to shift an object inside a host which then was later detailed to an architectural scale. The combined object and host was then introduced to a site, acting as a new host for the combined object of active inlays.

Above: Site-plan including section explorations


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

As the object was interlocked with the host, a twist was initiated in order to freeze its movement into a forged object. That object was later introduced to the a new host, b eing the site. The same principles were used, interlocking the object and twisting to freeze the movement of the joint. As the object it suggests an architectural scale for the building to be developed from a detail and outwards.

Above: Midterm physical model - Combined object introduced to ground


In detail / Dwayne Oyler Vertical Studio

As the architectural scale had been developed in terms of the exteriority of the building, the challenge of keeping the concept behind the masses while adding detail to the project was then resolved as a sectional model. The importance of the balljoint becomes the central auditorium with galleries around, while the staircase implies in the central piece of its circulation.

Above: Final Sectional Model


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Above: Chunk of final sectional drawing


In detail / Dwayne Oyler Vertical Studio

Above: Technical construction drawing of staircase chunk


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

The stairs plays an important role in the architectural project as it implies the concept to a human scale with its rotational axis. The model was build with construction in mind rather than representation using custom cut copper sheets and casted aluminium threads which are then welded together.

Above: Physical chunck model of staircase. 1:2


04. “DD”

Design Development

The Studio “in detail” explored active inlay as a concept through an exploration of detailing techniques. A balljoint was used to shift an object inside a host which then was later detailed to an architectural scale. The combined object and host was then introduced to a site, acting as a new host for the combined object of active inlays.

Above: Mega-chunck of DD-project


Above: Structural framing systems


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Design Development

Above: South sectional chunk


01: Composite Aluminium panel roof assembly

Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

02: Composite aluminium panel corner assembly

03: Composite aluminium panel underside assembly

04: Concrete floor on metal deck assembly

05: Composite aluminium panel wall assembly + ground assembly

Above: Detailed crossectionsfrom roofdetail to foundation detail


Design Development

Above: 2D composite aluminium panel roof assembly


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Above: 3D composite aluminium panel roof assembly


Design Development

Above: 2D - wall to roof detail - “Tower” Phase II


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Above: 3D - wall to roof detail - “Tower” Phase II


Design Development

Above: 2D - exterior wall detail - “Tower” Phase II


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

Above: 3D - exterior wall detail - “Tower” Phase II


Replica - Herwig Baumgartner fall 2016 - 2GAX Studio


The studio “Replica”, interrogated the potential of the replica in architecture. Advancing recent debates regarding influence, affinity and appropriation in architecture, we adopted an approach that exploits the potential for architectural acts of appropriation to engender new forms of authenticity and to challenge context and type within an architectural project. The geometry of the Thonet chair was replicated and synthezised into an architectural project, purposly remaining the recognizable visual qualities of the specific type of chair. Apertures and architectural elements were applied on the volumetric surfaces, sampled from image processing.

Above: Conceptual interations of chair deformation


Above: Final concept of replication


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad



Robotics are becoming an important tool in contemporary design and making processes, where great precision and speed can be acheived. In the seminar “playing with Robotics” we explored the possibilities of tattooing with robots as it require extreme precision in order to get a great final result. One of the final outputs was picked up by the cafe owners of Black Fig cafe, and later translated into their new brand.

Above: Robotics process and final outcome


Above: Cafe Logo


Portfolio sample Egil De Lange Kobberstad

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