Egle Vesk MA Communication Design Kingston University 2010_11
Social Consciousness
Major Practice Research Project: Report
Egle Vesk MA Communication Design Kingston University 2010_11
Social Consciousness
Major Practice Research Project: Report
I would like to thank all the many people with whom I have discussed and argued issues raised in this book, but especially Maria Soultouki who initially pursuaded me of the importance of the project and who offered encouragement throughout; also Roxan Bacian, Michael Hanus, Pavlos Soultoukis and tutors Stuard Durant, Ian Noble, Vaughan Oliver, Richard Whitbread at Kingston University, in the Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, who have provided expert opinion and critical commentary.
Acknowledgements iii Contents iv 1. Introduction 1 2. Field of Study 3 3. Research 3.1 Research Area 5 3.2 Research Methods 7 3.3 Research Outcomes 11 4. Design 4.1 Design Concept 13 4.2 Design Decisions 15 5. Production 17 6. Project’s Value 19 7. Conclusion 21 List of Illustrations 23 Bibliography 25
Throughout my Ma studies I’ve been deeply interested in working on fields like social and cultural awareness, environmental causes and consumerism that is why I choose subject for my Major Practice Research Project from the same field. My final project talks about social inequalities via social consciousness. Addition to these two I investigate powerstructures, human motivation, marketing mix and social change. I study how authority is build, control is established and meanings are constructed. The project report aim is to capture development of the research and to discribe a series of actions and steps taken in order to achieve the final design product. To be able to follow my report about the Major Practice Research Project I divide the report into five simple sections. These are a Field of Study, Research, Design, Production and Project’s Value. This separation happened naturally as the Major Practice Research Project progress started with aspirations, continued with research which grew into design and whole process resulted expectantly in product. Section about the project value remains at the very end as a last chance to justify all work that got done. Field of Study marks a starting point in design process. It introduces two intellectual movements and other matters that influenced me to choose social awareness for subject of research project. Field of Study gives overview about topics I will seek deeper in following chapters. Field of Study expresses flow of ideas at the very beginning of my research. The second section named simply Research is divided into three chapters which identifies research area, methods and outcomes. Research Area serves an attempt to gather understanding to ask questions about social awareness and disparity of power as well it introduces connection between these two. Research Methods deal with observing, exploring, collecting data, documenting and evaluating social awareness to narrow down the current social and political scene. Research Outcomes is collection of answers and conclusions about project concept and visual language Design section is separated into Design Concept and Design Decisions. First chapter deals with construction and deconstruction of design ideas and second chapter talks about design decisions that I made while taking into account entire research. Production part describes step by step development of the design product and topic named project value simply justifies chosen subject and existence of the product. MPRP specializes in powerstructures (authority) and human motivation which control our distribution into social order and lead our individual participation to support these disparities. I want to highlight that social imbalances are actively created by social structures and by members of society. Individual choices can empower or disempower these differences. There for purpose of the project report is to reflect and support that journey.
At the very beginning of my research about social consciousness I took interest in concepts of structuralism and constuctivism as an approach to value and understand culture and society. While looking into main characteristics of the movements I found out that structuralism rejects concept of human freedom and choice and focuses instead of the way that human behaviour is determined by various structures. According to structuralism world is composed of existing structures of power that are determined. Social constructivism therefor believes that reality is constructed through human activity. Individuals create world through their interactions with each other and with the environment they live in. Most importantly constructivism holds idea that power plays an exaggerated role in the production of knowledge and consciousness. In my MPRP I involve these two intellectual movements within study of hierarchy. I capture structures which control human behaviour and consciousness. I find out how actions by individual and social interactions construct these structures. I pay attention to the present social problems, specially to relations between individual and institution. In order to represent these powerstructures I study art of portrait. As my project’s main awareness matter is imbalances of power that is why I believe that having knowledge and perception of current social situations is very important. I study field of social, political, cultural as well economical awareness together with thought, financial and political control. Why and how awareness is created, by who and what ways it is used is my strong interest. I investigate how perception and knowledge has been manipulated in order to control individual mind and masses. Manipulating consciousness with confusion, fear or desire is my main objective. I observe real life and mass media to find situations that clearly portrait individual being controlled or being in control. I study authority building and social order. Addition to this I read books about sociology and critical texts about human needs and driven forces of mankind (will to power/pleasure/meaning). How to communicate my worry about disparity of wealth and social problems is a big part of my studies. I experiment how to identify imbalanced power through social awareness and how to create a link between these two to be able to open platform for discussion. I have interest in a relationship between communication and discommunication via photography and literature. I study photography and collage art. I’m interested in creating meaning and how to structure and reconstruct the meaning. I take interest in binary opposition to learn to value powerstructures and do selfmapping.
3.1 Research Area
My research serves an attempt to gather understanding to ask questions about social awareness and disparity of power and to introduce connection between these two. In order to find link between social consciousness and imbalances of power I looked into topics like hierarchy of needs, authority building, human consciousness, social philosophy, social change and also types and sources of power. I start my research with A Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow. I investigate hierarchy of needs to understand human behaviour and psychology. According to Maslow pyramid human has physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and at the very top self-actualization need 1. The pyramid gives great opportunity to establish value ladder and analyse it. Maslow’s hierarchy is as well one of the first theories helping to understanding consumerism. There is belief that if producers design products meeting consumer needs, consumers will more often choose those products over those of competitors . I investigate how needs lead people to dirrect action, consuming and participation in wider social scene. I’m interested in what ways authority and political views are sold and bought. I’m convinced that authority and political views are sold as any other product with the help of marketing. Power can use Four P marketing strategy to sell itself. The product, price, place (distribution), promotion are the parameters that the marketing manager controls, subject to the internal and external constraints of the marketing evironment 2. I record observations about the marketing and I fit it in with my own thoughts. I believe that the power—capacity and ability to influence behaviour of others often uses understanding of human needs and driven forces of mankind to create fear, desire and confusion in order to direct individual to be inspired or seek protection from that power. I feel that that is how power relations and powerstructures are created. It’s important to understand that this way we all producers of power and at the same time products of power. I’m convinced that human consciousness helps to regulate their use of power and consumption of power. Human consciousness works together with human needs and driven forces of mankind which are will to power, will to meaning and will to pleasure. I learn more about driven forces of mankind and observe how these wills been manipulated by authority to support existing powerstructures. How needs and forces determines our own individual choices is also a big part of my research. I have interest in people’s behaviour who decide to use they will to power to be part of creation of new powerstructures. Similarly, I pay attention to behaviour of those who are passive about the social matters and what way. I can clearly see connections between human action and disparity of power. I believe that awareness of the connection could motivate us to change our behaviour and waken our will to establish balanced power relations. I specialize in recording social consiousness with help of social philosophy. I use this information to judge people’s social needs. I rais questions about man as a social product and how this product is made. I view mankind ability to create themselves and social change. As well I‘m interested in how powerstructures shape our awareness and other way around. I believe that social consciousness needs to be delivered and practiced. 1
Maslow, Abraham “A Theory of Human Motivation”, 1943, accessed 23.10.2010 Four P marketing mix, Net MBA Buisness Knowlegde Centre 5, accessed 12.12.2010
3.2 Research Methods
“There is method in one’s madness.” William Shakespear 1 My research methods deal with observing, exploring, collecting data, documenting and evaluating social awareness. I observe life itself in this capitalistic society and I pay attention to thought control, financial control and political control within this system. I explore marketing, social philosohpy, mass media, propaganda and other forms of media that support and deliver capitalistic views. And most importantly I gather data about imbalanced powerstructures, social awareness about it and I evaluate what purpose these two serve. I select specific books, exhibitions, films and conferences to narrow down the current social and political scene. I take interest in how visual language and text (message) is used by successful graphic designers and artists. I learn how they approach problems and find design solutions within similar projects about social awareness. A book named “Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Graphic Design” by Ian Noble/Russell Bestley and a book series “Looking Closer: Critical Writings on Graphic Design” as well other publications about communication design guide me on that journey. Design criticism is a great help to judge my own ideas and valuations. I investigate how I can create meanings and deconstuct it at the same moment with use of visual language and additional literature. I learn about how to apply binary opposition into communication design to create a change of meaning. I have big interest in controversial arts and literature. I believe that portrait is great medium to characterize people, situations and conditions. I have faith in possibility to portrait power structures— relationships and characters in it. Our possessions and surroundings can portrait many matters I’m dealing with in my practice research project. To study more about portraits through exhibitions and films. I visit National Portrait Gallery and The Photographers’ Gallery etc. places that exhibit portraits of people in history and today. I watch films about similar subject. List of films include The British Face produced in association with NPG, Ways of seeing by John Berger, Objectified by Gary Hustwit and Dan Cruickshank’s Adventures in architecture: Power. I found useful to learn about collage artists and ways they work on portraits. I got influenced by Russian constructivists and visual artists Nikolai Sidelnikov, Solomon Telingater, Vasilii Elkin; collage artist Felipe Jesus Consalvos and well known Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Hamilton, Peter Blake, John Stezaker; photomontage artists like Hannah Höch and Peter Kennard; street photographers like Jeff Wall and so on. I benefit from photojournalism, captures of celebrities and documentation of political events. I enjoy moving picture as much as still image. Example like arty film clips and music videos that use semiotics and play around with symbolic elements. But mostly I view documentaries that observe our living environment and investicate powerstructures. Short list includes Capitalism: A Love Story, Sounds Like Revolution, Religulous, Inside Job, et cetera. 1
Shakespeare, William “Hamlet”, 1599–1601 accessed 14.03.2011
3.2 Research Methods
I’m interested in literature criticism, specially Jacques Derrida ideas about deconstruction and Mikhail Bakhtin writings, particularly he’s “The Dialogic Imagination” and “Toward a Philosophy of the Act”. I investigate ideas of social philosophy by John Locke, Karl Marx, Mikhail Bakunin, Michel Foucault, Guy Debord, Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, Slavoj Žižek and so on. I do enjoy articles from newspaper, song lyrics and one-liners by comedians like Bill Hicks as much as serious writings. Often myths are good examples of usage of binary oppositions to create value-laden with an illusory order and superficial meaning. Similar visual reperesentations about ideology I found on propaganda posters and in a election campaign. I admire poster-art with strong imagery and frank statements. I like projects with confidence to express a view that is/was unpopular, have encouraged others to speak their minds and turn political tides. I visit London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) open lecture series and Literary and Critical Theory Seminar. I hear lectures like Philosophy in the Public World by Anthony Grayling, Soul Dust: the magic of consciousness by Nicholas Humphrey and Powerful Portraits: what’s in a face? a slideshow lecture by Platon. The ones I miss on real time I view via LSE public lecture podcasts and videos site online. I use analytical and propositional methods to find ideas and materials that can help me to create and solve my design problems. These methods make it easier for me to discover ways how to talk about social consciousness and how to have an exchange of opposite views about capitalism, disparities of power and wealth, social changes and awareness about current situation on these fileds.
3.3 Research Outcomes
Through all this research about social consciousness I find some answers to questions like: what is social consciousness? why we need it? how we use it? when we use it? where we use it? My biggest found is that I am unable to indentify without discrepancy what social consciousness is but I believe that it is an awareness of a sense of responsibility and concern for the problems of society. We need social consciousness to create balanced society and find solutions to deal with injustice, we use it to bring equality into existance as well protect ourselves and others. When needed we use it to fight inequalities in social relations, justice and powerstructures. I discover kind of visual essay via graphic design projects that make an attempt to empower social consciousness, justice, political correctness. I find visual essays in works of Bruce Mau, Jan von Toorn, Experimental Jetset and Daniel van der Velden (Metahaven) and so on. I perceive practice they’ve done on the field. I acknowledge use of binary opposition as a key figure that helps, in case well composed, to exchange values and carry construction and deconstruction of meaning(s). According to Ferdinand de Saussure, the binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or meaning, each unit is defined against what it is not 1. Through this research I find a form of communication that uses pair of related situations or concepts that are opposite in meaning. I succeed to recognize suitable form of language that I plan to use in my own project. I agree through study of hierarchy that powerstructures attempt to control us culturally, financially and politically via fear, desire and confusion, is working well using manipulation with reality and mass media. Manipulation is main tool to building hierarchy and keeping it established. Manipulation can only work as we all have needs and driven forces to power. Fear comes on idea that we are soon no longer able to satisfy these needs and desire plays part in creating new needs. Confusion though works against any kind of helpful participation. I make conclusions that capitalism as a system don’t want majority to be aware of current social, financial or political situations. Capitalism builds inequality consciouslly between social classes. I identify that our individual need to empower or dispower social changes plays part of bringing imbalances into existence. Motivated social consciousness can be introduced, delivered or stopped. Social philosophy questions and examines social consciousness and analyses how it’s practiced and through what media. I establish that my main wish is to analyse these visual and conceptual findings and build the concept behind my own final project.
Fogarty, Sorcha “Binary Oppositions”, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, accessed 31.10. 2010
4.1 Design Concept
I intend to create portraits of power structures to communicate different point of views about imbalances of power and to show connection between social consciousness and social inequality. With help of a dialog, binary opposition, texts and images I decide to create visual essay about the subject. My Major Practice Research Project should appeal to every viewer as a visual doubt which questions social situation and political choice and most importantly role of social consciousness. The project is an experiment of construction and deconstruction of meanings. My aim is to draw attention to our contribution into social structures, our preception of it and our relationship with it. I accept that individuals are manipulated by fear and motivated by desire to keep those who are at power in control. I feel that these matters needs to be discussed as I do witness lack of awareness of social responsibility and consumers choice. Often I meet passive attitude toward direct action when it’s most needed and participation there where it’s not. The Major Practice Research Project’s creative challenge is to rise questions and initiate conversation about conceptions of social problems to all members of society. Through this project I do wish my audience to recognize philosophical, social and educational connections within visual culture. Purpose of my project is to make the audience to recognize the problem (manipulation through fear and desire) and start to revalue mediums that spread it. I would like public to realize the importance of decision making and start dialoge about who’s representing needs of society. I want to inspire members of society to take more pride and interest in issues that are concerned with living environment and social awareness. I concentrate on the construction and deconstruction of the meaning. This project does not deliver ready made solutions instead I apply ideas in opposition to rise questions and open discussions about the matter. I like my chosen imagery spell lines and the text to draw pictures. I’m objective with the subject but other hand I bring in my own personal point of views in order to keep my work multi layered and rich.
4.2 Design Decisions
I decide to develop visual language that displays devotion and determination to built strong platform for interpretation. I believe that mix of visual imagery has best capacity for interpretations. I agree that photography conveys very well everyday situations and brilliantly documents life now for that reason I construct big part of my design with photograhpic montages. I deploy text to clearify context of visuals and at the same time I leave intentionally questions about the context reliability. Textual part starts with riddle that ends with question, who I am? The riddle’s cause is to keep in mind do solve self-mapping. Troughout my design I use descriptive mood as an attempt to express my objectiveness but other hand I edit visuals and structure the work in a way that it might suggest different oppinions. I concentrate on the construction and deconstruction of a meaning and that is why I feel that ready-made images are more suitable for the concept then my own creation. These ready-made images act as media captures we see every day. I use this normality to compose something absurd or nihilistic. Photography is fundamental to my practice, at the same time I’m continuously exploring other methods of communicating. I’m passionate about recycling and mixing art, photography and quotes that is why in my design I use mostly already existing materials to make collage art and create layers of meanings. I believe that photography and mixed media has best suitable quality within my design concept. Most images I use in my design are from world wide web. I collect big amount of photos that capture poverty, hierarchy, reality, illusion, fear, desire, influential people, political and non-political events. I experiment composing with only two photos at the time to reflect a concept of binary opposition and construct exchange of meanings. To do so I often cover one image with another to bring new meaning into existance. I narrow down my wide concept with additional literature to help viewers to find clearer context of work. Literature I choose are mostly social philosophical or has similar ground. I use writings by Karl Marx, Guy Debord, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Brian Barry, Richard Sennett, Hermann Hesse, Albert Camus and Jean Baudrillard. I marry chosen pages and visuals to design a book. The book incudes best of my collages and some of my own made photos about London life but mostly selection of images from world wide web. Combination of imagery and quotes creates sharper meaning and controls and adds into understanding of the message. Order of the book builds a storyline revealing links between being in control or under control. I explain thought, financial and political control via will to meaning, will to pleasure, will to power. I make my book visually easily to follow that is why I use minimalistic design, simple format and original pages from literature book. Format of the project is sincere and frank to encourage audience to try to address the rising problem of disparities and social consciousness. I do want to ensure that i don’t rap people on the knuckles, I’m not negative, and yet, in a modest way I manage to create some awareness.
Production of the design work starts with my experiments on collage and photomontage. I purposely use images on world wide web. I give my own photographical contribution adding couple of snaps made in London. To clarify the concept and context of the practice research project I employ texts by literature classics to do the job. I make few decisions on book structure/storyline and I carefully select collages and photos needed to carry subjects, narrative and mood. I show that I can create something very personal out of impersonal materials and edit it visuals in a way they become personal for many of us. I select images that capture poverty, power, reality, illusion, fear, desire, influential people, political and non-political events and so on. I experiment different ways of collage making but I decide to use only two photos at the time to keep a concept of binary opposition and construct exchange of meanings. Images that already have very strong argument in them I challenge it with text, bringing that way in extra viewpoint(s). However need of a link between visual and textual language to understand or value the subject is up to viewer to make. I chose texts mostly from books about social philosophy as it fits well to comment my selected subjects. I pick textual parts that interest me and where I can see similar interpretation happening about powerstructures and social consciousness I want to compose myself with my visual design. I use writings by Karl Marx, Guy Debord, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Brian Barry, Richard Sennett, Hermann Hesse, Albert Camus and Jean Baudrillard. I found out while experimenting with range of mediums of communication that a book could conveys my design concept very well. I structure the visual and textual part together spread by spread. It’s possble to view every spread as separate piece but I would like audience to recognize the narrative troughout as I make an effort to link spreads together for a story. There is possibility to notice more then one narrative in the book as the piece is left wide open for interpretations. Ferdinand de Saussure demonstrated that a sign’s meaning is derived from its context (syntagmatic dimension) and the group (paradigm) to which it belongs 1. Although visual language carries controversial spirit I believe it only makes the book more valuable. Example in structuralism, a binary opposition is seen as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, culture, and language .
Fogarty, Sorcha “Binary Oppositions”, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, accessed 31.11. 2010
I believe that design projects that talk about our contribution to disparity of power are very research conscious that is why I’m sure that works like this have great potential to expand design development and design research methodology itself. My project has educational, entertaining and informational value and the desire to promote the welfare of others. It focuses on the roles individuals, community and government can play in advocating social inequalities. I ensure that my final project will make viewer to see what issues we face and recognize our perceptions on the ground realities. Visualization of the matter should empower people to develope collective efforts and methods to resolve these social issues. My project communicates with world about social imbalances and our place in it, that is great opportunity to value current social situation and do self-maping. Ideally my project starts discussions with everybody regardless of age, gender or income to promote interest in political differences and social struggles. The Major Practice Research Project informs public about the importance of knowledge and undesrstanding. This project has a great value for myself as it helps me to development use of visual language. Through this project I’m able to express my long lasting interest in social awareness and consciousness. I study the field and learn use of visual language the way it acts highly communicatively and mind opening. In my opinion this subject has great potential to grow and become visually and conceptually more advanced. I believe that within subjects I raise there is chance to expand visual language as well visual vocabulary.
Major Practice Research Project Report brings together all parts of the project and organizes these into logical order. It includes five different sections from Field of Study to Project’s Value. Major Practice Research Project makes an attempt to build a platform to initiate discussions and raise questions about social awareness and it’s importance. I emphasize how individual needs and driven forces of mankind determines our choices in this society. I have interest in people’s behaviour who decide to use they will to power to be part of creation of social structures and who’s not. Most importantly I learn how human behaviour is motivated and manipulated by authority with fear and desire. I specialize in powerstructures like capitalism and mass media which highly control our distribution into social order and which lead our individual participation to support these disparities. Reaserch develops into a book which visual essey about disparities of wealth and power. I work with binary opposition within collage art. I use whatever means is appropriate to convey what I have to say about my subject: people, places and their interaction. Troughout the book I use literature to create dialog between few different point of views about the subjects to keep my work multi layered. I like my projects to be entertaining but also be personal. I believe that interesting content is a prerequisite to interesting design. While still keeping in mind Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it’s hard to speculate on design value but I like to think that my project will save lives.
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World Wide Web remix by Egle Vesk, WWW 18.09.2010-31.08. 2011
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Shakespeare, William “Hamlet”, 1599–1601 accessed 14.03.2011 Fogarty, Sorcha, “Binary Oppositions”, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, accessed 31.11.2010
Fogarty, Sorcha, “Binary Oppositions”, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, accessed 31.11.2010
Four P marketing mix, Net MBA Buisness Knowlegde Centre, accessed 12.12. 2010
Maslow, Abraham “A Theory of Human Motivation”, 1943, accessed 23.10.2010
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) open lecture series Lectures Philosophy in the Public World by Anthony Grayling The Virtues of Violence and the Arts of Terror by Chetan Bhatt The Meaning of Life by Robert Rowland Smith Soul Dust: the magic of consciousness by Nicholas Humphrey Rethinking Capitalism: emotions as commodities by Eva Illouz Gender, Words and Power: meanings of inequality at a time of neo-liberalism by Mary Evans Income Distribution and Social Change after 50 years by Sir Tony Atkinson Britan: a country divided? by John Hills, Polly Vizard The Future of Power by Joseph Nye The Evolution of the Individual by Peter Godfrey-Smith Poor Economics: a radical rethinking of the ways to fight global poverty by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo Dialogue Cosmopolitanism: ideals and realities by Homi Bhaba, David Held On Forgiveness by Tom Farrow, Raimond Gaita On Happiness by Andrew Clark, Antti Kauppinen Global Imbalances and Social Challenges by Jean-Michel Severino, Martin Wolf Public debate The Fabric of Our Social World by Chris Frith, Alex Gillespie, Dermot Moran The Big Society and the Good Society: rethinking the place of the state in British society by Lord Glasman, Jesse Norman, accessed 09.10.2010
Books Kraavi, Janek “Postmodernismi Teooria ja Postmodernistlik Kultuur”, 2005 Derrida, Jacques “Of Grammatology”, 1967 Bakhtin, Mikhail “The Dialogic Imagination”, 1975 Bakhtin, Mikhail “Toward a Philosophy of the Act”, 1986 Noble, I., Bestley, R. “Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Graphic Design”, 2005 Book series “Looking Closer: Critical Writings on Graphic Design”, 1994 Hermann, Hesse “Steppenwolf”, 1927 Heidegger, Martin “An Introduction to Metaphysics”, 1953 Bottomore, Rubel “Karl Marx on Sociology and Social Philosophy”,1956 Foucault, Michel “The Order of Things”, 1966 Foucault, Michel “Society Must Be Defended”, 1997 Camus, Albert “The Rebel”, 1951 Miller, Jonathan “McLuhan”, 1971 Gide, Andre “Dostoevsky”, 1923 Barthes, Roland “Mythologies”. 1957 Debord, Guy “The Society of the Spectacle”, 1967 Smart, J.J.C. “Problems of Space and Time”, 1964 Barry, Brian “Why Social Justice Matters”, 2005 Gordon, Daniel “Postmodernism and the Enlightenment”, 2001 Taylor, P.M. “Munitions of the Mind: A history of propaganda from the ancient world to the present era”, 1995 Sennett, Richard “Flesh and Stone: The Body and the City in Western Civilization”, 1994 Gane, Mike “Baudrillard: Critical and Fatal Theory”, 1991 Baudrillard, Jean “Symbolic Exchange and Death”, 1976 “Forget Foucault”, 1977 “In the Shadow of the Silent Majority”, 1978 “Simulacra and Simulation”, 1981 “Fatal Strategies”, 1983 Documentaries Moore, Michael “Capitalism: A Love Story”, 2009 Preney, S., Michener, J. “Sounds Like A Revolution”, 2010 Charles, Larry “Religulous”, 2008 Ferguson, Charles “Inside Job”, 2010 London’s National portrait Gallery, Shaw, Fiona “The British Face”, 2005 Berger, John “Ways of seeing”, 1972 BBC four-part television series Hustwit, Gary ”Objectified”, 2009 Cruickshank, Dan ”Adventures In Architecture: Power”, 2008 BBC series