Pitch Black Magazine - Issue 12 (August/September 2024)

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As always, we ’ re excited and extremely pleased to deliver another issue, celebrating, cheering and challenging you to be your very best.

So, welcome to Issue 12!

In this Food & Drink issue we feature the great work of Edward Johnston and his team at Port Royal Patties who are quietly and intentionally delivering the taste of the Caribbean to Europe, starting with the Paris Olympics 2024.

As patties seem to be taking over the UK in terms of spreading it’s culinary charms, we introduce you to The Vegan Patty Lady, Natasha Orumbie, and hear about her quest for creating pure plant patty perfection.


Our job is getting easier AND harder.

Easier to find Black talent, products and pages to spotlight. Harder to choose just 10 of each category.

Check out our list of spotlights on 10 People to follow, 10 Products to buy & try and 10 Pages to read.

To make the job easier for us & more convenient for you, we’ve collaborated with Matthew Addai & the Cashblack team to spotlight 10 products to buy and to try from their platform.

A BiG THANK YOU for your support of the magazine as we shine a light on Black Enterprise & Professional Experience in the UK.

Thanks also for those who came to our recent event, Books, Bickle & Brews, with Eric Collins from Impact X Capital & Valerie Brandes from Jacaranda Books

It was great to see you & we look forward to welcoming you at our next event.

Love & Blessings, Colin & Judy

Colin visiting Edward and receiving a box of patties @ Port Royal’s factory in Wembley, North West London.
Eric Collins from Impact X Capital & Valerie Brandes from Jacaranda Books with Colin & Judy at the Books, Bickles & Brews launch in Central London


Carrissa Kai

Carrissa Kai is a Trauma-Informed Body Transformation Coach who lost over 6 stones and founded Keep Me Curvy, a transformative coaching programme and thriving community of women. Bringing together the tools of fitness, nutrition, self-love, and manifestation, Carrissa enables women to lose weight & keep their curves, alongside gaining freedom from emotional eating and sugar addiction.

Zayah Clare Mainwaring

A Business Consultant and Founder of Real Inclusion Matters, a company that helps organisations across various sectors create inclusive cultures and equitable practices. With over 10 years of experience in inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility (IDEA), marketing, communications, and branding, she has a passion for fostering environments where individuals from diverse backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered.

ola Millington

a is a PR professional with over 20 years PR rience. She is also the founder of the award-winning omms - a boutique public relations agency that works ambitious and socially aware businesses, and preneurs.

Publisher & Editor in Chief

Colin Tomlin colin@pitchblack online

Growth Resource Director

Judy Lynch-Tomlin judy@pitchblack online

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Reuben Tomlin reuben@pitchblack.online

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Keshia Spencer keshia@pitchblack.online

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Reuben Tomlin

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Publisher experience growth Online Ltd Norwich NR8 6HA

Bold. Beautiful. Black. British.

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All materials are strictly copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this online publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the expressed permission of experience growth Online Ltd.

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E d w a r d J o h n s t o n a n d h i s t e a m a t P o r t R o y a l P a t t i e s h a v e b e e n

q u i e t l y a n d d e l i b e r a t e l y d e l i v e r i n g t h e t a s t e o f t h e C a r i b b e a n t o t h e U K

f o r a l m o s t 2 0 y e a r s . N o w t h e y h a v e s e t t h e i r s i g h t s f i r m l y o n E u r o p e

w i t h a d e l i v e r y o f 2 5 , 0 0 0 p a t t i e s t o P a r i s , w i t h a s t o p a t P u m a H o u s e ,

t h e h o m e o f J a m a i c a a t t h e O l y m p i c s .



M e e t N a t a s h a

O r u m b i e , s h e i s

T h e V e g a n P a t t y

L a d y w h o i s a l l

a b o u t b r i n g i n g P u r e

P l a n t P a t t y

P e r f e c t i o n t o t h e

U K .

S P O T L I G H T I N G 1 0

1 0 P e o p l e t o F o l l o w

W e s p o t l i g h t 1 0 P e o p l e t o f o l l o w w h o

a r e d o i n g s o m e i m p a c t f u l t h i n g s .

1 0 P r o d u c t s t o B u y

I n t h i s i s s u e , w e s p o t l i g h t f o o d &

d r i n k p r o d u c t s y o u c a n b u y f r o m t h e

C a s h b l a c k p l a t f o r m a n d e a r n m o n e y .

1 0 P a g e s t o R e a d

W e s p o t l i g h t 1 0 c o o k b o o k s f o r y o u t o

e x p e r i e n c e b y f o l l o w i n g t h e r e c i p e s f o r

a g r e a t P i t c h B l a c k f o o d e x p e r i e n c e .

C O N T R I B U T O R S ’


W e l l n e s s b y C a r r i s s a K a i

C a r r i s s a r e m i n d s u s t h a t y o u a r e w h a t

y o u e a t s o m a k e s u r e y o u e a t r i g h t .

M i n d s e t b y C o l i n T o m l i n

C o l i n s h a r e s h i s e x p e r i e n c e o f m a k i n g

G r e e n J u i c e f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e a n d h o w

i t w a s a n e p i c f a i l .

T a l e n t M a t t e r s b y Z a y a h C l a i r e

Z a y a h e x p l o r e s t h e R i p p l e E f f e c t o f

h a l t i n g E D I F u n d i n g i n t h e U K .

P e r s o n a l B r a n d i n g b y

N i c o l a M i l l i n g t o n

N i c o l a h i g h l i g h t s h o w y o u r B u s i n e s s

c a n A t t r a c t I n v e s t o r s w i t h K i l l e r P R

( & a l i t t l e f u n ! )

B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y b y C o l i n M o r d i

C o l i n p r o v i d e s y o u w i t h T o p 1 0 T i p s

t o G e t Y o u r P r o d u c t o n S u p e r m a r k e t

S h e l v e s

Why did you start The Vegan Patty Lady (TVPL) and how did you identify this need?

“I had become vegan back in 2019 and for four years had put up with tasteless, unappetising food that lacked creativity and nutrition. I would often crave childhood favourites and one day I decided to recreate a Jamaican beef curry patty!

After sharing my adventures on my WhatsApp status and being overwhelmed by interest and requests that I sell them, I did some further research!

I unearthed a very big gap in the market for cultural vegan products and hence The Vegan Patty Lady was born!”

What are some of the challenges you faced early on?

“The biggest challenge we faced was having a premises to produce the patties, which links to the second issue which is the finance to fund such a space. We’ve just moved into our own private kitchen but it’s a luxury that comes at a considerable investment and at these early stages that is tricky to say the least!”

What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?

“There are currently no other vegan

Looking ahead, what are your biggest goals for the next 3-5 years?

“We definitely want to get third party manufacturing sorted so that we can expand into more retail outlets. Our capacity would not be able to facilitate this currently. We want to take The Vegan Patty Lady

to the world!”

What does success look like for you?

“For me, if I’m honest, success is about fulfilling my purpose. I know that when I’m doing that, all other things I want/need will fall into place in addition!”

Restaurateur & Founder, Akoko

Aji and his team at Akoko are committed to serving classic dishes from across West Africa paired with international wines with an emphasis on using high quality produce from African and British suppliers.

Nestled in the prestigious Fitzrovia are of Central London, Akoko received an equally prestigious Michelin Star in February of this year. Definitely worth a visit.

1 Aji Akokomi

Lorraine Copes Social Entrepreneur, Board Member & Founder, Be Inclusive Hospitality

A multi-award winning social entrepreneur, Lorraine's areas of expertise include supply chain, hospitality, food & drink, equity and inclusion.

Having spent over 20 years in a variety of senior hospitality roles, she now works to address the lack of diversity within the industry and has been recognized with a number of awards including the 100 Most Powerful People in Europe's Travel and Hospitality 2022, GQ Food & Drink Innovator Award 2022, and recently, 2024 Conde Nast 'GameChanger' Award

Kromanti Rum offers a taste of paradise with every sip. This award-winning rum founded by father and daughter uses authentic Caribbean inspired recipes handed down through generations.

Cashain, a former mental health professional & Dani, a shipping industry professional, are all about creating a unique mix of spiritual truths and evocative flavours with more than just a nod to our ancestors.

3 Cashain & Danielle David Founders,

Kromanti Rum

Leon Donald Category Buying Manager & Black Action Plan Lead, Tesco

With deep retail expertise across big stores, e-commerce, discount and telecoms, Leon has had key roles in buying, logistics and store operations.

A skilled negotiator with competence in strategic planning and financial modelling, Leon is award-winning DE&I ambassador with keen interest in driving change for the Black community and other underrepresented groups, he has played a key role in Tesco’s Black Action Plan.

Entrepreneur & Culture Marketing Manager, Red Bull UK

As the Culture Marketing Manager for one of the biggest drinks brand, Natalie works with some of the biggest artists in the world, executing the brands Dance & Music events program.

She is a champion of diversity, creativity, purpose and inclusion and have expertise and interests in women in business, diversity in the boardroom, entrepreneurship, Black maternal health, and motherhood as well as being a speaker and panellist and a podcaster and presenter for Black Mums Upfront podcast.

5 Natalie Duvall

Monica Holton

Entrepreneur & Founder, Datties Soul Food Academy

An independent consultant on Jamaican cuisine, Monica is an award winning creator of Seasoned, a range of Jamaican inspired seasoning & sauces.

She co-owns and manages Caribbean cooking experience company, Datties Soul Food Academy, a family-run business offering a range of authentic, home-cooked Caribbean dishes for private and corporate events.

She also founded the Love Inspire Foundation - working to support people through crises, including housing issues, food and fuel poverty, bereavement and much more.

Troy, Jarrell & Shola Johnson

Entrepreneurs & Founders, Sweet Dees Jerk

This restaurant, catering and sauces enterprise is truly a family affair, which involves brothers Troy & Jarrell and later, younger sister Shola.

Combining their British and Jamaican heritage with their love and passion for food and family, they’ve created a new taste of the Caribbean which fuses the flavours and vibes of Kingston, Jamaica with the originality and creativity of London.

The result?

Feel-good energy food and authentic flavours and a Caribbean food brand in Selfridges Food Hall that caters at major events and sells their own sauces and home cooking kits.


Sting Khumalo

HR Director, Biltmore Hotel

Sting has been in the Hospitality industry for over 15 years and is currently the HR Director at the luxury 5-star hotel, The Biltmore, in London’s Mayfair. She started her career in South Africa and then moved to the UK, working as a General Assistant in a small boutique hotel in the Lake District. She then moved to Hilton Hotels, where she started training people working in the sector.

Her Masters degree in HR and varied experience in Hospitality provided a great backdrop for her progress to her current role.

In 2020, a desire t for Black food and boosting the UK’s food scene, saw Ja UK’s first & only re

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food & drink

In this issue, we spotlight Black-owned brands that are making waves in the food and drink industry. From the rich, aromatic coff ees to indulgent, allergen-free ice creams of, each brand brings something unique to the table. Cashblack proudly recommends these businesses not only for their quality products but also for their inspiring stories and commitment to excellence.

The Gym Kitchen stands at the intersection of nutrition and taste. Founded by Segun Akinwoleola, this brand is dedicated to delivering meals that fuel the body without sacrificing flavor. Their offerings are a testament to the belief that healthy eating can be delicious and convenient.

Cashblack Recommends: The Barbeque Lentils (£13.20) - 20g of protein and 273 calories packed pouch ensures you never have to sacrifice a nourishing meal.

Embracing the rich heritage of Ghana, Aphro Spirit has masterfully crafted a line of spirits that pay homage to the vibrant flavors of Africa. Their meticulous triple distillation process ensures a smooth finish, while the infusion of tropical fruits, herbs, and spices offers a unique tasting experience. This brand celebrates the spirit of Africa in every bottle, making it a must-try for connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike.

Cashblack Recommends: The Nubi (From £20)A tantalizing blend of pineapple and passion fruit.

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The Good Coffee Project is not just about exceptional coffee; it’s a movement towards ethical consumption. Chantel Daniel’s vision of a sustainable coffee culture shines through their selection of beans, sourced with the utmost respect for the environment and the farmers. Each cup tells a story of quality, care, and community.

Cashblack Recommends: Their signature El Salvador coffee beans (From £12.99) – Promising a rich and robust flavor profile.

The Good Coffee Project

At Mama Dolce, luxury meets inclusivity with their line of free-from ice creams. Jane’s commitment to creating allergen-free treats without compromising on taste has resulted in a delightful range of ice creams that everyone can enjoy.

Cashblack Recommends: The Chocolate Indulgence (£6.50) - A creamy, rich allergen free treat.

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No Guilt Bakes is the brainchild of Maya Harruna and Taeya Abdel-Majeed, born out of a desire to enjoy sweet treats without the guilt. Their range of low-carb, sugar-free, and gluten-free cakes and treats are a testament to their innovative approach to baking.

Cashblack Recommends: The Keto Cake Bites (£52.99 – Pack of 26) - A deliciously guilt-free indulgence, with pricing available upon request.

Victoria Omobuwajo’s Sunmo is all about snacking smart. Their plant-based snacks are not only tasty but also packed with nutrients to support an active lifestyle. Sunmo’s commitment to natural ingredients is evident in every bite.

Cashblack Recommends: The Plantain Crisps (£13.57 ) - A crunchy and wholesome snack.

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Meji Foods is on a mission to bring joy through their diverse range of dairy, confectionery, and nutritional products. Their focus on health and enjoyment is evident in every product, designed to cater to people of all ages.

Cashblack Recommends:

Jollof Rice (Box of 8 - £19.99) - Packed with flavor, one of the most loved and recognisable dishes across West Africa.

Mark Richards’ Jamaica on Ice brings the warmth of the Caribbean to your freezer. With a focus on authenticity and convenience, their frozen meals are a celebration of traditional Caribbean cuisine. Each dish is a flavorful escape to the islands, ready in minutes.

Cashblack Recommends: The Oxtail with Rice and Peas (£7.99) – A hearty and comforting classic.

Revibed Drinks is not just a drinks company; it’s a revolution in how you enjoy superfoods. Created by father and son team Ivor and Eugene Patterson, the beverage is a healthy and tasty on-the-go refreshment. With 100% natural ingredients, zero sugar, and a focus on hydration, each sip promises a burst of flavour.

Cashblack Recommends: Variety Pack (From £10.99) – Enjoy their Passion Fruit and Ginger, Peach and Hibiscus and Raspberry and Acai flavours.

Natasha Orumbie’s Vegan Patty Lady is revolutionizing the patty game with her Jamaican-inspired vegan patties. Made with quality plant-based ingredients, these patties offer a delicious and ethical alternative to traditional meat patties.

Cashblack Recommends: The Vegan Beef Curry Patty (£8.99) - A flavorful and satisfying option.

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As the daughter of Jamaican immigrants, Marie Mitchell’s cooking is motivated by a powerful desire to understand and celebrate those recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. In Kin, her hotly anticipated debut cookbook, she shares dishes from the Caribbean and its diaspora, exploring the connection food can foster between different times and different places, and between friends, families and strangers.

“I want you to close your eyes as you hold this book in your hands and understand that it is yours to create magic, to reinvent yourself in the kitchen in ways you never thought possible. It doesn’t matter if you weren’t raised in a home with skilled cooks or entrenched in healthy food traditions as I was. It doesn’t matter if you have no culinary experience at all. I am sharing my kitchen, my mami’s kitchen, my grandma’s bare-bones, gadget-free kitchen that produced the healthiest, most mouthwatering meals. This book you are holding-full of recipes, knowledge, life stories, and tips I share with my own family and clients-is an extension of who I am. I hope it helps and brings you joy, too.” - Agatha

Accompanied by gorgeous photographs, many of them shot on location in the Caribbean, the book’s eighty recipes confound the widespread misconceptions about Caribbean food that abound in the West. While chilli is certainly a key ingredient and cooking over fire has a long and storied history, Caribbean cookery is also subtle and playful, layering different notes and spices carefully to create delicate, rewarding flavours.

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Craig and Shaun McAnuff are all about maximum flava, and these are recipes that are filling and flava-ful, and just happen to be vegan too. Think Potato and chickpea curry with roti, Jerk cauliflower wings, Coconut, black-eyed pea and sweet potato stew, and Plantain cookies.

Caribbean food makes for brilliant vegan dishes because it relies on fresh and vibrant fruit and veg from plantain to pineapple. Jamaican food also has an authentic vegan history with the Rastifarian Ital diet. Ital is a natural, unprocessed, plant-based diet used to promote wellness.

Natural Flava brings together Ital inspiration, punchy Caribbean flava and quick and easy recipes in this feel-good cookbook.

With over 1 million TikTok followers who know him as the King of Flayvas, Nathan aka The Grubworks Kitchen wants to show you how experimenting with classic family dishes can be tasty and fun.

In FLAYVAFUL - his debut cookbook, his Jamaican heritage influences many of his dishes, which are packed full of spice, flavour and personality. Nathan makes everything so easy to recreate at home, whether you’re after a breakfast treat, a family meal or some banging street food.

If you’re bored of your dinner routine or scared to get in the kitchen, FLAYVAFUL offers stand-out recipes that will change your cooking game forever.

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Motherland is a cookbook that charts the history of the people, influences and ingredients that uniquely united to create the wonderful patchwork cuisine that is Jamaican food today. Running through the recipes are essays charting the origins and evolution of Jamaica’s famous dishes, from the contribution of indigenous Jamaicans, the Redware and Taíno peoples; the impact of the Spanish and British colonisation; the inspiration and cooking techniques brought from West and Central Africa by enslaved men and women; and the influence of Indian and Chinese indentured workers who came to the island.

Motherland does not shy away from the brutality of the colonial periods, but takes us on a journey through more than 500 years of history to give context to the beloved island and its cuisine.

Sandro is on a mission to share his love of baking in this indulgent and uplifting book of bakes. A firm believer in the positive, mood boosting, delectable, and therapeutic effects of home baking, his debut cookbook encourages you to loosen up, pick up the whisk, and bake again.

It’s not all showstoppers - though you’ll find recipes for some of his most famous awe-inspiring bakes - these recipes are carefully curated, uplifting antidotes to every mood or occasion. Whether you’re feeling ready to romance, celebrate, commiserate, or simply indulge, there are over 75 recipes to elevate your baking skills and lift your spirits, too.

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Rachel Ama is reframing vegan cooking. Create a veg-packed centrepiece dish in one pan/pot/tray and choose from three creative and flavoursome ways to either serve it up with just a few ingredients or transform it into something else entirely.

The options are endless - level up your leftovers and create a new feast each day, scale portions up or down, cook all three serving options for a vegan feast with friends, or freeze leftovers to refresh later when you’re strapped for time - whatever you choose, this way of cooking will help you have dinner partready-and-waiting, making plant-based eating feel even more achievable every day.

Nadiya shares the food she loves to cook and eat with her family and friends, offering fast, easy and delicious new recipes for every kind of day.

This cookbook shows you how to create the perfect dishes to complement the moments we value most with our loved ones, as well as simple and satisfying solutions for those tired nights and speedy showstoppers for impromptu feasts.

This is the cookbook you’ll reach for time and time again for those memorable moments. You’ll find quick meal solutions, food to lift the spirits, fuel for hungry bellies and feasts for friends.

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Grime artist Big Zuu has a hidden talent -he has serious flair in the kitchen. Accompanying his BAFTA-winning TV series on Dave, Big Zuu’s debut cookbook Big Zuu’s Big Eats celebrates flavour, family and food with a West African twist. A self-taught chef, Big Zuu is determined to prove that cooking can be a fun and affordable experience - if you often find you can’t be bothered to cook or prefer to kick back with a Big Mac, this book is a game changer.

Discover more than 100 mouth-watering recipes infused with Zuu’s signature style, including dishes from the show and brand new originals. From Doritos Fried Chicken, Sumac Sea Bass and Big Bang Broccoli to Mumma Zuu’s Jollof Rice, Vegan Doner Kebabs and Swedish Cinnamandem Buns, Big Zuu’s Big Eats will up your kitchen vibes and prove that you don’t need a Michelin star education to chef up some serious food creations.

The Pepperpot Diaries is Andi Oliver’s longawaited first cookbook. Showcasing both traditional and new recipes, cherished ingredients and vibrant flavours from across the Caribbean. Let Andi take you on an exploration of identity and heritage as she shows you how to create simple yet sensational dishes that will bring the unbeatable flavours of Caribbean cooking to your table.

The story of food captured in this book will take readers on a journey around the melting pot of culture, history and legacy that has shaped contemporary Caribbean cuisine.

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Shane Bowes CEO o
Solaru Champion of Inclusive Luxury

Refined sugar and ultra-processed foods are fueling a global obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemic, and nobody is suffering from this more than black people. In a recent article published on gov.uk it was reported that in the UK 70.8% of black adults are overweight or obese, the highest percentage of all ethnic groups. As black people the research also shows that we are more likely to experience poorer health outcomes as a result of our weight. (Lofton, et al, 2023)

Unfortunately, this isn’t news. We know that obesity is a leading cause of preventable death and some of us may be aware that type 2 diabetes is the number one cause of blindness and lower limb amputation amongst working age adults. (Kropp, et al, 2023)However, what most people don’t know is how the food industry deliberately manufactures what we eat to be addictive whilst also making us believe that their harmful products provide us with pleasure, comfort or a treat. Whereas in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

Not only do these foods harm us physically there is also a growing body of research that links what we eat to our mental health. Conditions such as anxiety and depression are being exacerbated by our poor eating habits and the despair we feel as we struggle to lose weight. (Firth et al.


Even more worryingly, scientists are now beginning to refer to Alzheimer's disease as type 3 diabetes, such is the link between insulin dysregulation in the brain, caused by what we eat, and dementia. (Alzheimer's Society, 2023)

After many years struggling with my own weight and trying countless diets I hit an all time low during the pandemic. I was anxious and depressed, reaching my heaviest weight at nearly 18 stone. I lived on all of the sugary processed junk food many of us call favourites. I knew I had to do something and so began the work of freeing myself of the need to comfort eat. I also learned of the addictive nature of these foods and realised there was a three step approach to freedom.

I then educated myself around nutrition and learned what to eat for good mental and physical health. I discovered that whole foods form the foundations for a healthy diet. I also found ways to make cooking enjoyable with quick, simple, and affordable recipes. These changes helped me lose over 6 stones and keep it off. These are some of the foods that helped me gain freedom I hope they will also benefit you on your journey to better health

Foods to Avoid

Processed Meat

Sugary Drinks

White Refined Carbohydrates

Added Sugar & Sweeteners

Ultra-Processed Chemical-Laden Products

Food to Embrace

Fruits & Vegetables

Legumes & Grains

Nuts & Seeds

Whole Foods, such as Eggs, Meat & Fish


Healthy Swaps

Ice Cream > Homemade Frozen Yogurt or Nice Cream

Fizzy Drinks > Fruit-Infused Sparkling Water

White Rice > Bulgur Wheat

White Pasta > Legume Pasta

White Potato > Sweet Potato

White Bread > Legume Wraps

Sweets > Frozen Cherries

Epic An

[ ]

What making green juice taught me about

Life & Business

I know for many people those two words are likely to result in you making your face up and wondering why anyone in their right mind would drink the culinary equivalent of engine oil.

And if you think that, I wouldn’t blame you, as I was there with you just few months ago.

When Judy first introduced it to me, I was having none of it…

Until I became desperate!

With a significant birthday approaching I decided that I would make some drastic changes as the things I used to do I could do them no more.

So, having reluctantly become a convert, I desperately incorporated this magic elixir into my diet. Green. Juice.

1. The Right IDEA (...The Plan)

Early one Monday morning, the day I usually use to catch up with myself, I interrupted the return journey of my morning walk to go to the nearest supermarket. The idea was simply to incorporate Green Juice into my diet.

With this I could lose weight, get a lot fitter and generally have a healthier lifestyle.

As I packed my shopping bags with all the ingredients, I felt a huge wave of enthusiasm. In fact, as the Autumn sun peaked out behind the clouds, I’m sure I saw a glimpse of my inner Adonis in my shadow as if beckoning me to get out!

2. The Right INGREDIENTS (…The Process)

As I reached home, I excitedly sorted out the ingredients. Green Apples. Check. Pears. Check. Cucumbers. Check. Celery. Check. Lemon. Check. Ginger. Check. Spinach. Check. I had everything I needed.

With that the juicer roared into life and I put each piece of ingredient down the

chute in turn. I listened as the ingredients got pulverized and separated into green mush one end and the apparent life enhancing liquid the next.

I stirred the juice and then added the spinach in the blender to complete the mix. I couldn’t wait to taste my first batch of green juice!

I got my glass. I poured. I put it to my lips, anticipating the added years to my life…


It was vile. It didn’t even remotely taste like the other green juices I had tasted.

When Judy came home and tasted it, she agreed it was nothing like the green juices she had made before. We went through the list of ingredients. As I held up the celery packet, Judy’s concerned face transformed into a huge smile. She just about managed to inform me that what I thought was celery, was actually leeks, before bursting into a rip roaring laugh.

3. The Right MEASURES

(… The Portions)

Having made a hash of the first batch, there was a quick trip back to the shop to get celery!

Take 2.

I repeated the process, this time with the right ingredients.

Here we go again…

Green Apples. Check. Pears. Check. Cucumbers. Check. Celery. Double Check. Lemon. Check. Ginger. Check. Spinach. Check.

This time it tasted a bit closer to what I had expected. The only snag? I had put too much ginger in it which made it a little bit fiery!

4. The Right CONCLUSION (...The Practice)

With Green Juices as in with life and business, it is important to make sure you have the right idea. Be clear what you want to do with your life. And make sure you know why. Plan for it!

You also need to make sure you have the right ingredients. If you want a career as an entrepreneur, make sure you acquire the right ingredients. The ability to sell should not be mistaken for the ability to create great products any more than leeks being mistaken for celery!

Lastly, make sure you have the right measures or portions. This is all about balance. Entrepreneurs walk a tightrope in most cases and you will stay on the rope longer if you are balanced.

I feel a green juice craving coming on.

Would you like some?

Keep Me Curvy Services

One to One & Group Coaching

The Keep Me Curvy Group Coaching Package is a 12 week programme of weekly sessions, accountability and support that takes you through a journey of transformation alongside a group of up to 10 like-minded women. Our 1-1 programme is similar however, the service is much more bespoke and offers a personalised transformative experience.

Self-Love Club - Monthly Membership

The Keep Me Curvy Self-Love Club is a budding community of women who are committed to transforming their bodies and their lives through fitness, nutrition, self-love and the power of the mind. We read together, learn together & go on twice yearly retreats both within the UK and to the Caribbean

Sugar Addiction Workshop & 5 Day Sprint

Our Free Yourself from Sugar Addiction Workshop & 5 Day sprint provides all of the tools you need to escape from the traps of sugar and ultra-processed food addiction and all of the misery and harm these foods cause. Our workshops and sprints take place every 2 weeks.

Four The Guys - Group Coaching

Four The Guys is a 12-week Programme based on the principles of Fitness, Nutrition, Self-love and Manifestation. Over the course of the programme you are supported to transform your body and your life alongside a group of up to 10 like minded men.

The Effect

The recent decision to halt funding for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives in the UK civil service has ignited a significant debate. These initiatives have been pivotal in tackling systemic inequalities and fostering an inclusive work environment.

Terminating these programs could have far-reaching repercussions and adverse effects on diversity, workplace culture, and society. EDI schemes have been instrumental in ensuring that the civil service reflects the diverse demographics of the wider UK.

When you unleash the strength of authentic inclusion, you unlock creativity, innovation, problemsolving, and decision-making. Society needs to harness the perspectives and expertise of a truly diverse workforce to progress as a modern and forwardthinking society.

EDI programmes create an atmosphere of openness and inclusivity, where people from all walks of life feel welcome and appreciated. Training programmes on unconscious bias, cultural competence and inclusive leadership have led to workplace relationships characterised by civility and professionalism.

These initiatives, which have successfully recruited and retained underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities, individuals with different abilities and LGBTQ+, have made significant strides in recent years. Now more than ever, there is a need for real Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA).

Without such training, we can only expect a decrease in perceptions of and sensitivity toward diversity issues, which might lead to more instances of workplace discrimination and harassment. Even worse, defunding EDI sends a chilling message about the government's priorities regarding

equality and social justice. After all, civil service policies are often a guide for expected societal norms and practices.

If the government deemphasises equity and inclusion, what message does it send to the public about these systemic inequalities?

Do other non-governmental sectors and institutions follow suit and defund their EDI programmes?

Today's workforce, particularly younger generations, values diversity and inclusion highly. Organisations that are genuinely committed to EDI are more attractive to potential employees. By discontinuing EDI funding, the civil service risks becoming less competitive in the job market, potentially leading to a talent drain as individuals seek employment in more inclusive environments.

The discontinuation of EDI spending within the civil service may impact the government's ability to serve a diverse population effectively.

Although the exact impact of defunding EDI programmes in government will only become apparent over time, based on our comments here, the civil service would stand to lose a tremendous amount in terms of its ability to attract and retain top talent.

A workforce lacking diversity may face challenges in understanding and addressing the unique needs of different communities. This may result in policies and services that partially meet the needs of all citizens, potentially contributing to existing inequalities.

In conclusion, the decision to halt funding for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives in the UK civil service has evoked concerns about its potential impact on workforce diversity, workplace culture, and the government's ability to serve a diverse population effectively.

The EDI programs have been instrumental in addressing systemic inequalities, fostering an inclusive work environment, and attracting

and retaining top talent. The potential consequences of discontinuing these programs include:

·A less representative civil service.

·A decline in workplace culture.

·A message to other sectors to de-

prioritise equity and inclusion. The government must carefully consider the long-term effects of defunding EDI and prioritise diversity and inclusion in the civil service to ensure an equitable and inclusive environment for all.

Imagine this...

You're at a fantastic party, and everyone ' s a potential investor in your incredible business idea. But instead of the usual awkward small talk, you ' re having lively conversations about the latest sustainable fashion trend, the future of AI in healthcare, and how your company bridges the gap between both. Sounds pretty fun, right?

Recently I was an event hosted by Forbes Family Group, where up to £50,000 was invested in businesses, and it got me thinking, how do investors and business owners really connect?

So here are my thoughts

Building relationships with investors doesn't have to be a stuffy, suit-andtie affair, especially for businesses owned by diverse founders. In fact, by leveraging the power of PR, you can create a more engaging and relatable image that attracts investors who share your vision for a more inclusive future.

Why PR is your secret weapon?

Public Relations (PR) is all about crafting a compelling narrative for your brand. It's about showcasing your company ' s unique strengths, values, and impact to the world.

For diverse businesses, a strong PR strategy can be a game-changer.

Here's how:

Visibility is key: PR helps put your company on the map, attracting investors who might not have otherwise found you. Think of it as that eye-catching outfit at the party – it gets people talking!

Credibility counts: Positive media coverage and industry recognition add weight to your story, making you a more trustworthy investment prospect. Imagine glowing reviews from prominent publications – that's like having amazing party recommendations!

Building bridges: PR allows you to connect with investors who value diversity and inclusion. By highlighting your company ' s commitment to social impact or a specific underrepresented market, you attract

investors whoare aligned with your mission.


The key is to be authentic, engaging, and show how your company is making a positive difference.


Many supermarket shelves lack products from Black and ethnic minority producers.

However, buyers are starting to notice the rise of “challenger brands” – smaller brands that bring fresh, unique products to the market.

Getting your products into supermarkets takes patience, perseverance, and practice. Ultimately, success lies in the hands of your customers. Our event, Spill the Beans, is the UK’s only event for Black and ethnic minority food and drink producers to showcase their products to supermarket buyers.

We frequently receive questions from producers and buyers about the initial steps to take for success.

Here are our top tips:

1. Understand Your Market

Conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience and understand their needs. Knowing who will buy your product and why is crucial to your success.

2. Product Testing

Test your product in smaller markets or at pop-up events to gather feedback. Use this feedback to refine and improve your product before

presenting it to larger retailers.

3. Unique Selling Point (USP)

Determine what sets your product apart from competitors. This could be unique ingredients, special flavours, health benefits, or sustainability practices.

4. Packaging & Branding

Invest in eye-catching, professional packaging. Your product needs to stand out on crowded shelves where shoppers make quick decisions.

5. Build Relationships with Buyers

Network and attend trade shows and industry events to meet supermarket buyers. Understanding the specific needs and requirements of your target supermarkets can give you an edge.

6. Continuous Improvement & Adaptation

Continuously seek feedback from your customers and stockists. Use this feedback to improve your product and stay relevant in a competitive market.

7. Work with Distributors

Partner with food and beverage distributors who have established relationships with supermarket chains. Distributors can help get your product into stores more efficiently.

8. Retail Incubators

Join retailer incubator programs that support small brands with marketing, shelf space, and business development. These programs can provide valuable resources and exposure.

9. Pop-Up Stores

Use pop-up stores or market stalls to build a following and prove the demand for your product. This can attract the attention of larger retailers.

10. E-Commerce Platforms

Sell your product on e-commerce platforms to reach a wider audience. Use sales data from these platforms to strengthen your pitch to supermarkets.

Securing a spot for your product on supermarket shelves involves multiple stages. Combining market research, product testing, pricing strategies, and relationship building with buyers is essential.

Presenting a compelling pitch, organising in-store samplings, and using effective sales and marketing strategies will increase your product's visibility and appeal. With patience and perseverance, you can get your product onto supermarket shelves and into the hands of eager customers

Jerkhouse Jams

The Ultimate Flavour Adventure

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