12 minute read
DopeBlackDad T-Shirt
Who AfroFaithStore

Thist-shirtiseverythingyou’ve dreamedofandmoreItfeelssoftand lightweight,withtherightamountof stretchIt’scomfortableandflattering forall
Instagram: @afrofaith_store/ https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /dope-black-dad-t-shirt
Personalised12 PieceWatchBox
Who Kustomyzed
Morewatchesthanhecancount?–Thenthisisthegiftforhim! Thisluxurywatchboxisafantastic waytoorganiseanddisplayhismost preciousaccessoriesWithspacefor upto12watches,hehasplentyof room
Howmuch? £50.00
Instagram: @kustomyzed https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /personalised-12-piece-watch-box

AfricanPrint Scarf–Blue
Who Bukis What?
Soft,warm,andcosyAfricanprintscarf madewith100%cottonAfricanprint fabricontheoutsideandlightcotton sweatshirtontheinside
Howmuch? £15.00
Instagram: bukis.apc https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /african-print-scarf-blue/

Who IbereApparel
Thismugismadefromhighquality ceramicandismicrowavesafeThisis alsoaperfectgiftforyourfamilyor friends
Instagram: @ibereapparel https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /love-thyself-mug

AfricanPrintStar AdultUnisexHoodie
Who ByKalax What? Thiscomfyandstylishhoodedsweater withastarappliqueistheperfectway tohelpkeepthechillaway.

Instagram: @bykalax https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /african-print-star-adult-unisexhoodie
A3HandmadeArt Print–AfroSide Profile


ThiselegantA3HandmadeArtPrint portraysthebeautyandstrengthof Blackpeople.Thisisperfectashome decororasahousewarminggift
Instagram: @handmadebyshola https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /a3-handmade-afro-side-profile
Who Sens8ate

ThevitaminA,CandEinfused collectioncontainspowerfulhydrating andrejuvenatingbenefits.These vitaminsareeffectiveantioxidantsthat areknowntoboostcollagen production,shieldingtheskinfrom damagingfreeradicals,improving elasticityandpromotingoverallskin health.

Instagram: @sens8ate https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /hydrate-glow-vitamin-ace-full-set
KwameReversible BucketHat
Who FLOLondon

Newforthesummer,theFLOLondon unisexreversiblebuckethatismade fromAhwenepaNkasafabric.Thiscool 90’sstatementhatisreversiblefortwo catchylooksinoneandcanberocked allyearround.
Howmuch? £75.00
Instagram: @flolondon https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /kwabena-reversible-bucket-hat

IntenseMoisturising BodyCream
Who DarkkinsSkincare
Arich,cleanandcruelty-freevelvety luxuriouscreamthatintensely moisturises,soothesandhelp strengthentheskin’sbarrierfunction forhealthylookingandmoreresilient skin.
Howmuch? £34.99
Instagram: @darkkinskin https://www.wakuda.co.uk/product /darkkins-intense-moisturisingbody-cream from the team @

We’re a marketplace to discover and shop for cultural gifts and lifestyle products from talented Black creators. Products range from Candles to hand made jewellery and greeting cards that you won’t find on the high street.

Amelia Gentleman's expose of the Windrush scandal shocked the nation and revealed how the government's 'hostile environment' immigration policy had led to thousands of law-abiding people being wrongly classified as illegal immigrants, with many being removed from the country, and many more losing their homes and their jobs.
In The Windrush Betrayal, Gentleman tells the full story of her investigation for the first time Her writing shines a light on the people directly affected by the scandal and illustrates the devastating effect of politicians becoming so disconnected from the world outside Westminster that they become oblivious to the impact of their policy decisions

This is a vitally important account that exposes deeply disturbing truths about modern Britain.
In Jeopardy, award-winning entrepreneur Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones argues that our natural instinct for caution is one of the greatest barriers to making progress in life, and shows how embracing jeopardy is essential if you want to succeed

Drawing on a life that has taken him from a deprived childhood in inner-city Birmingham to becoming one of the nation's most famous farmers, he demonstrates how we can all go further in life by learning to escape the fears that stop us from achieving our ambitions
Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones is no stranger to jeopardy: he remortgaged his house in 2005 to launch his brand 'The Black Farmer' from nothing. Its products are now stocked in all major supermarkets and the business has an annual turnover of £millions.
On a misty Monday on the 21st June 1948, Empire Windrush sailed up the Thames and anchored at Tilbury Dock, London There were a total of 1027 passengers on board with 802 passengers from British Colonies in the West Indies Of these individuals, 539 were from Jamaica.
The infamous images of the passengers walking down the gangplank the next morning would be the moment the Windrush Generation was born A Circle of Five reflects on the stories of the three hundred thousand or so making the same journey between 1948 and 1971 by showcasing the voices of five Jamaican women, Evelyn, Emma, Irene, Ivy, and Melissa Each woman tells their own story, all beginning in early 1930's rural Jamaica and spanning some eighty years.

Through these women, the experiences of the Windrush Generation come alive
It's 1954 and, in Barbados, Ruby Haynes spots an advertisement for young women to train as nurses for the new National Health Service in Great Britain Her sister, Connie, takes some persuading, but soon the sisters are on their way to a new country - and a whole new world of experiences.
As they start their training in Hertfordshire, they discover England isn't quite the promised land; for every door that's opened to them, the sisters find many slammed in their faces And though the girls find friendships with their fellow nurses, Connie struggles with being so far from home, and keeping secret the daughter she has left behind in search of a better life for the both of them...

Inspired by real life stories of the Windrush Generation and her mother's own experiences as a nurse coming to Britain from the Caribbean

'A remarkable oral history of black postwar British life Homecoming is an extraordinary and compelling book' Daily Telegraph
Homecoming draws on over a hundred first-hand interviews, archival recordings and memoirs by the women and men who came to Britain from the West Indies between the late 1940s and the early 1960s. In their own words, we witness the transition from the optimism of the first post-war arrivals to the race riots of the late 1950s

We hear from nurses in Manchester; bus drivers in Bristol; seamstresses in Birmingham; teachers in Croydon; dockers in Cardiff; inter-racial lovers in High Wycombe, and Carnival Queens in Leeds. These are stories of hope and regret, of triumphs and challenges, brimming with humour, anger and wisdom. Together, they reveal a rich tapestry of Caribbean British lives
In this heart-stopping adventure, Benjamin Zephaniah shows us what it was like to be a child of the Windrush generation Leonard is shocked when he arrives with his mother in the port of Southampton His father is a stranger to him, it's cold and even the Jamaican food doesn't taste the same as it did back home in Maroon Town.

But his parents have brought him here to try to make a better life, so Leonard does his best not to complain, to make new friends, to do well at school - even when people hurt him with their words and with their fists How can a boy so far from home learn to enjoy his new life when so many things count against him?
'Zephaniah pulls no punches in his depictions of the racism that Leonard suffers both at school and in the streets in a powerful, moving account of family and fitting in' i News

From the mother of a family of successful British creatives – Endless Fortune examines the experience of the African diaspora and the complications around immigration from a personal perspective
This book is a timely addition to the ongoing conversation around migration and immigration in the UK. With Ify Adenuga at the very heart of the story, it explores the chasm between Lagos and London and how to not only survive but thrive in a new culture and country
For those who are fans of the Adenuga family, the book is also a fascinating insight into their childhood and growing up as part of a new generation of young, Black, British people whose voices are still rarely heard.
The rediscovered classic: an unforgettable memoir by a trailblazing black woman in post-war London, introduced by Bernardine Evaristo ('I dare anyone to read it and not come away shocked, moved and entertained ')

Being denied teaching jobs due to the colour bar. Working in an office amidst the East End's bombsites. Serving as a lady's maid to an Empire-loving aristocrat. Raising two children in suburbia Becoming one of the first Black headteachers in Britain
In 1952, Beryl Gilroy moved from British Guiana to London Her new life wasn't what she had expected - but her belief in the power of education resulted in a revolutionary career. Black Teacher, her memoir, is a rediscovered classic: not only a rare first-hand insight into the Windrush generation, but a testament to how one woman ' s dignity, ambition and spirit transcended her era

Despite a tendency to reduce the history of African and Caribbean people to one starting with Windrush, acclaimed historian Hakim Adi demonstrates, from the very beginning there have been African and Caribbean men and women set at Britain's heart

Libyan legionaries patrolled Hadrian's Wall while Rome's first 'African Emperor' died in York. In Elizabethan England, 'Black Tudors' served in the land's most eminent households while intrepid African explorers helped Sir Francis Drake to circumnavigate the globe
Charting a course through British history with an unobscured view of the actions of African and Caribbean people, Adi reveals how much our greatest collective achievements - universal suffrage, our victory over fascism, the forging of the NHS - owe to these men and women, and how, in understanding our history in these terms, we are more able to fully understand our present moment

In The Opportunity Index, BlackRock Managing Director and co-founder of the #Talkaboutblack movement, Gavin Lewis, skillfully plots the origins of the racial wealth gap and its impact on the inequalities faced by the Black community today
Weaving a personal and at times moving narrative through some of the most disruptive events of our time, he offers a blueprint for businesses and individuals to understand the risks and opportunities presented by inequality and issues an urgent call to action

An eye-opening and insightful treatment of what equity and access mean in the context of international finance, The Opportunity Index will earn a place in the libraries of finance professionals, business leaders, teachers, academics, community leaders, diversity, equity, and inclusion experts, and anyone else with an interest in racial, social, and economic fairness around the world from the team @

1. August in England by Lenny Henry
Charming, flawed, and with the gift of the gab, we all know a man like August Henderson. He is proud of the life he has built since landing in his beloved West Bromwich So, when faced with deportation to a country he has no memory of, he isn’t prepared to go quietly
Poignant and hilarious in equal measure, August in England gives insight into the lives impacted by the injustice of the Windrush scandal.
Written and performed by Lenny Henry in his playwriting debut, the celebrated actor and comedian brings his vast talents onto the stage in this intimate one-man show.

Until Saturday, 10th June, 2023

Bush Theatre, 7 Uxbridge Rd, London W12 8LJ
2. Windrush Gala Dinner & Dance 2023

The Windrush Gala Dinner & Dance is Birmingham's premier Blacktie Dinner to honour the Windrush pioneers who came to Britain in 1948. The event is organised By community organisations Recognize Black Heritage & Culture, The Why Are West Indians project (W A W I) and The Caribbean Family History Group Supporters include the Windrush Fashion show among many others
The ticket covers a 3 Course in Caribbean luxury dinner Entertainment from community organisations and local performers.
When? Saturday, 10th June 2023 @ 6pm
Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Rd, Birmingham B5 7QU
3. Windrush 75 Festival 2023

In 2013, Windrush Initiatives was the first organisation in the UK to hold an official festival in recognition of these adventurous elders, and the contribution they have made to the beautiful tapestry of communities we now have in the United Kingdom

They continue to hold their annual Windrush Festival, When?
Saturday, 18th June 2023 @ 6pm
Where? Vernon Carus Sports Club
The Club House, Factory Ln, Preston PR1 9SN
4. Brighton Book Festival
National Windrush Day will mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the passengers of the Empire Windrush to the UK taking the opportunity to celebrate the creativity, fortitude and legacy of the Windrush generation and their descendants
Expect to hear from authors and activists across generations as they share their experiences, inspiration and outlook for the future We'll also be serving up some delicious Caribbean cuisine and will be treated to performances by some brilliant poets and musicians.

Saturday, 22nd June 2023 @ 7:30pm

Brighton CCA, 58-67 Grand Parade, Brighton, Brighton BN2 0JY
5. Journeys to Hope

In 2020, Autograph acquired a portfolio of 37 works from the TopFoto archives, some of which can be seen here for the first time punctuated with the profound words of Professor Stuart Hall. These works share the journey before, during and after arriving in the UK.
These important photographs, alongside their stories, are now part of Autograph’s permanent Collection of Photography that aims to preserve the legacy of important narratives that have contributed to British history
This display is outdoors and can be visited anytime from January to September 2023
Autograph, Rivington Place London EC2A 3BA
6. Royal Albert Hall Presents Windrush 75

Trevor Nelson presents a night of music to celebrate the impact of Caribbean culture on British life. This one-off concert will feature an array of guest stars, including Craig David, Beverley Knight, R&B group Loose Ends, saxophonist YolanDa Brown, calypsonian Tobago Crusoe, ‘G-folk’ pioneer Hak Baker and award-winning author and poet Salena Godden
Accompanied by the Chineke! Orchestra conducted by Chris Cameron
The concert will capture the breadth of musical influence which the Windrush generation has had on British culture over the last 75 years,

Saturday, 9th June 2023 @ 7:30pm
Royal Albert Hall, South Kensington, London SW7 2AP
7. Windrush 75Celebrating our Legends

This is a vibrant event honouring BritishCaribbean culture, history, and arts
Admission is free for all attendees!
Indulge in authentic Caribbean food vendors, explore cultural artefacts, and discover a diverse range of stalls, health screens and more. The main stage will showcase captivating performances, including Caribbean old-time music, vibrant dance acts, lyrical poetry, and inspiring guest speakers.
Saturday, 24th June, from 12 pm to 6 pm
Alexandra Park, 180 Russell Street, Manchester, M16 7JL
8. Raising of the Windrush Flag
We’re thrilled to announce that on the 21st of June at 5pm, we will be raising the Windrush Descendants flag at Southport Town Hall in celebration of the Windrush Generation!

The Windrush Generation played a crucial role in shaping the cultural landscape of the UK, and it's important that we honor and recognize their contributions
After the flag-raising ceremony, we will be hosting a private meal for members of the Windrush Generation This is a small way for us to express our gratitude for everything that they have done and to show our appreciation for their contributions.


Saturday, 21st June 2023 @ 5pm
Southport Town Hall, Southport PR8 1DA
5. Journeys to Hope

EAF is hosting the art installation over a 36-hour continuous period from Saturday through to Sunday to mark the period the passengers on the Empire Windrush had to wait before disembarking at Tilbury in 1948.
Over the weekend we invite the public to attend in optional period costume A series of curated films will be screened in the original terminal Grade II listed ticket hall including Motherless Child and Here I Stand Directed by Artist EVEWRIGHT, art films from talented artists on the theme of movement of people will be showcased on a 30ft screen.
Saturday, 24th June @ 12pm
Tilbury walk of memories Terminal, Tilbury RM18 7NJ
10. Royal Albert Hall Presents Windrush 75 "Change Achievement and Progress"
The Friends of the Caribbean invites you to a celebration of 75 years of Windrush Celebration Ceremony.

The celebration will capture narratives of the Windrush generation through satire, song, dance, and music

The event will be supported by local and national representatives
When? Thursday, 22nd June 2023 @ 6pm
Rose Pillar, Campbell Park, 1300 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 4AD our thoughts determine your attitude, your attitude determines your actions and your actions determine your life

Understanding your own thought patterns can be useful to notice what’s holding you back from achieving your full potential. Sometimes we have an internal voice that isn’t particularly helpful. Start to become more aware of this inner voice and change thoughts that are not empowering.
Here are some phrases that you can work on changing:
1 2 3
“That’ s impossible”
Everything in the world was once impossible. If one person can do something, others can You are possible and anything is possible, you just need to figure it out
“I might fail”
And so what if you do? Perhaps think of it as – there is no failure only feedback At least you tried and this will lead to your successes How will you succeed if you don’t even try? By trying your best you gain insights and leanings that you wouldn’t have done by doing nothing
Life will never introduce to you something that you won’t be able to figure out You have so many learnings up to now and all the resources you need to succeed You’re as ready as you’ll ever be.

“I’ll start it tomorrow”
Why not today? What’s stopping you? What’s the first step? Is what you want to start important? If so take start making progress today
“People might judge me ”
Yes they might and if they do, are they really the sort of people you want to be around?
Start doing what YOU LOVE and you will meet like minded people.
Let people judge you and just consider that to be an automatic filter of the people you minimise spending time with
4 5 e created Black Business Recommendation to "do for self"
Wrong You don’t You always have a choice Why live a life feeling obligated to do things when you have choices? If there are things that you feel you HAVE to do, how can you turn them into things you WANT to do?

To highlight, authenticate certify goes to their community if they wish it to do so. This will also provide the consumer with a current register of black-owned businesses for consumer and business consumption and verification.
usiness Collaboration & etworking
Recognising that being in business can and award Black business excellence and ownership, educate the community to understand best business practices, standards, and finances, and improve customer relationships through networking, training, collaboration, events and support re are 4 ways we plan to do that:

o for Self

for self" is the mantra and Black Business Recommendation is establishing a Black Business Authentication & Certification programme A kitemark will ensure that those making the conscious decision to buy Black will be able to do so safely in the knowledge that their spending be a lonesome and arduous task, BBR actively supports business collaboration and networking so that the sharing of information, business strategy and knowledge becomes the norm

ommunity Learning & ollaborative Working
BBR delivery of programmes and training by experts in their chosen fields ensures that the community as a whole learns shares and profits from collaborative working practice without egos to achieve economic growth.