EGM Times March_April_2024

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-Diane Hounsom


-Elizabeth Sheldon


-Jacob Vilgi Oommen

-Daya Raja

All Bible references are from the New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, King James Version. EGM Times is published by Elohim Gospel Ministries, USA & India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. EGM Times has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all EGM Times editions are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to subscribe, visit: | Referenced for Page 20.

President: Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen | Associate Editor: Gideon Pingkihan | Content Editor: Effie Ochago | Design: EGM Media

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in Between

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope this letter finds you well.

Here's another edition of our magazine that comprises one of God's promises for each of us amidst all the su ering here on earth: eternal life. In this edition, we share biblical perspectives on eternity written by di erent authors around the world.

In the dictionary, eternity refers to an infinite or unending time. It is a state to which time has no application. In theology, it refers to an endless life after death. It represents an infinite duration beyond the confines of mortal existence, prompting profound questions about the nature of reality, existence, and the human condition.

John 3:36 reminds us that believing in Jesus is crucial for salvation and eternal life. It encourages us to trust Him completely and share His message with others. Eternity is not something we earn like a reward; it's a gift available in an instant. Jesus demonstrated this truth on the cross when He assured a repentant criminal, "Today, you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). Despite the man's past and lack of opportunity to do good deeds, his simple faith in Jesus granted him eternal life. His disciples emphasized this truth, writing, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Following Jesus is the only way to live eternally in heaven, but it isn't always easy. It is a lifelong journey of faith, transformation, and discipleship as we seek to become more like Him and fulfill His purposes for our lives.

God bless you.

In His Service


Nehemiah Jacob is a Christian artist based in Mumbai, India. He is a worshipper, public speaker, and music producer. From a young age, he was passionate about music. As he pursued his career in music for the secular world, he realized his true Godly calling. He found meaning in his passion for music and became a worship leader, touching the lives of hundreds and thousands worldwide through his music, primarily through social media. He is unique from others through his moving voice, and more than leading others to worship, he worships God from the bottom of his heart, which draws others to God's presence!



Can you please briefly share the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour?

Thank you for asking this. As a pastor's child, no one asks this question, assuming that no unique acceptance of Christ exists for me.

I was born into a Christ-serving family. My birth itself was a testament. The greatest miracle is when a dead baby comes back to life after science has given up on it. Though I was endowed by God in so many ways, I grew up in a church setting, listened to hundreds of sermons and music, and was anointed from a young age. I was still confused, with many questions regarding Christ and Christianity. As a lone child, without answers to such questions, I experienced numerous diversions and obstacles during my early teens. As a result, I used to seek for answers desperately.

I had just turned 16, and one day I was watching Pastor Augustine Jebakumar's sermon in which he was speaking on God's unique characteristics, one of which was Love. Then he began singing the Tamil hymn "Anbe Anbe Anbe Aaruyir Urave." At that point, I felt our Creator's powerful presence filling my room. Tears were streaming down my face. It was beyond my power to stop.

I recall raising my head and hands to heaven and saying. I am yours, and you are mine, God. Thank you for choosing me. That moment, He made me realize the significance and purpose of my birth. That moment was divine. Forever grateful!


When did you realize God called you to become a worship leader?

I want to give some pre-context. I started playing drums when I was two and a half years old. Back then, I used to mimic our church worship leader by going up on stage and playing lead guitar in the same manner. (He is none other than Uncle Wesley Maxwell) Then, we were transferred to Mumbai. I began playing the keyboard at the age of six and composed my first song when I was five and a half. Then I went to learn instruments on my own, but I was actually being taught Him.

I play more than ten instruments now, I can say with humility. I used to play keys in church and other worship services. When I was 14, I led worship by singing for the first time. However, I didn't begin to experience worship on a personal level until I was late sixteen.

I had intended to pursue a career in music in the secular sector, but during that period, I became aware of His grip over me. Through worship, God began to work miracles and touch people's souls. Worship began to bring down the answers and revelations I had previously been looking for. Then, it was evident to me that this was His plan for me.


There are so many worship leaders in this generation but you seems to be very unique from them when it comes to the way you lead the worship, your voice above all when you sing, it takes the listeners to the whole new level of intimacy with God. How do you do that ?

First, I'm humbled by this. Thank you very much. I am indebted to Him in every way. I am aware that He has complete control over my voice, and I have felt this for quite some time.When I get comments on my voice and the way I lead worship, I know I can't take even a fraction of the credit. For example, if you ask me to sing a secular song or a movie soundtrack, you will not be impressed with my voice. Perhaps I'll feel frozen in my voice cords since I won't be able to modulate them. This is how he exerts control!

Also, my parents' life of submission has a significant impact on my abilities and talents.They only wanted God to have authority over my life from the moment I was born. My personal life is linked to my worship in parallel. I made some deals with Him. I know if I mess up over there, my anointing and gifts will be taken away. As a result, I'm getting led by His grace.

What does worship mean to you?

Worship, for me, is not an activity that is confined to the expression of music. Worship is an opportunity to demonstrate how much you treasure the presence of God.It's a huge and important deal for me.It raises a compelling question within: what is God worth to me?

It is a realm in which I fight all battles alongside God and win them. The minute I bend in worship, I do not break down in life. It always reminds me of God's purpose in my life, and I can never overlook it. I consider it a privilege to worship him since worship is the one thing you can offer to God that He has not already given you. The "me & Him" in worship would be always personal, I can't imagine breathing without worship in my life.


How do you stay humble despite the fame?

Well, I believe my humility will determine my fame and success. I'm well aware that allowing pride to take over can damage everything I've earned so far. I don't expect to win all the time. If you're always winning, your visions aren't high enough. If you work hard to live a righteous life, you will be humbled by it. When you're not pushing yourself to improve, you're surrounded by ease and automatically descend into arrogance.

I've learned to value the roots and morals over the intellectual. With this perspective in life, you cannot afford to lead with pride rather than humility. Humility is one of the rarest wisdom. It's not just an outward action. It's the city you build internally. Being a servant of Christ, you need to access intimacy with God, and for that, you need humility.

I'm someone who believe in legacy. We tend to equate legacy with effective leadership but legacy without humility is DESTRUCTIVE.

What does it mean to live a lifestyle of worship?

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This would be an actual response to this question.

It ultimately comes down to living our entire lives in obedience to God and submitting to his glory. We were saved on purpose with a purpose.That objective is to protect salvation by keeping the character and displaying Christ via our character, as well as to be a light to those who are in darkness, which is known as a worship lifestyle.

So, if you desire to live a worshipful life, you must live and walk in obedience, serving others. We must understand that we have been called specifically to proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness and into His glorious light.

Worship is a way of life that gives God-confidence that His plan for this world will be carried out through us.


What is your message to this generation, especially young people?

That would be "don't try to fit it in." The root of the issue is this generation's inability to discern what is appropriate for humor and what should be prohibited. After turning on your devices, you find yourself staring at a seduction of your own, and rather than sobbing over it, you find yourself witnessing with intrigue as the tale develops.

We witness illegitimacy before our eyes and minds, and the world has taught us this is normal.We need to learn the difference between laughter and tears.Let us devote more space to the spiritual than to the intellectual. The more intellectuality enters, the more morality/spirituality exits. That is the crux of the issue for both you and me.

Our future is not a gift. Our future is the choices we're making today. Period, whether we like it or not.Life is not fair; life is not unfair. Life is defined by how much relevance you have invested in yourself. Your character is the true measure of success. Make sure you maintain the integrity when you're behind the curtains. Only then will you be able to succeed in front of the curtains.

No matter how hard you work to succeed in life, in the end, it will be your character that will help you succeed. I am speaking from personal experience, and God knows it. Dare to be different!

Most influential person in life?

Well, I'd like to take two names.

First is my mother, Mrs Mercy Vimala.

Second, Pastor Augustine Jebakumar, the founder of Gems Ministry Bihar, India.

Favorite character in the Bible?’

Paul The Apostle

Favorite Song?

A Classic Malayalam Hymn called “ Yeshu Kristhu Uyirthu Jeevikkunnu”

(Context - There are a few of them. However, this one has been brewing in me for a while.)

Memorable ministry moment?

The first time I preached at church was in fourth grade. That experience is quite memorable.

Favorite Bible verse?

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

“Life is just a schoolroom with a glorious opportunity to prepare us for eternity.”



As I write these words, my precious 87-year-old aunt lies in what has become her deathbed. Having clung to atheist notions through past hurt that God cannot exist, desperation now rises within me. How do I appeal to this semi-awake beloved soul that God exists and that His Son is the only way to Eternal Life? "The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us." (1 John 1:2)

Thirteen years ago, I would have blown her a kiss and, in a spirit of true arrogance typical to the New Age, said, 'See you in the Divine, Aunt!' Before Jesus Christ saved me out of a hellish pit, as a New Age teacher, I, too, had allowed deception to blind me from accepting Him as God! From that dark place of spiritual blindness, I deceived others by teaching them to shape their own path to eternal 'spiritual divinity.' Once Saved, I yearned for absolute Truth. Understanding came from what the Bible said about the various paths to the 'Divine.' Shamefacedly, I learned that I had previously been destined for outer darkness, punished forever, had I not received the Hand of Jesus into Everlasting Life with Him. "He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the Lord's presence and the majesty of his power." (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9)


Unmasked from those tainted esoteric blinkers, it was like squinting into the brightest light. Jesus' marvelous light shone into my dark soul as I studied the steadfast authority of His Word. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10 KJV) Matthew Henry's commentary expounds on it – "Christ came to give life and something more, something better, life with advantage. Life in abundance is eternal life, life and much more." (1961) This spoke volumes to me as God transformed my own Life, from tormented captivity by Satan into overflowing Life through His Only Son.

As a Believer, I had received the promise of Eternal Life when Jesus entered into my heart. What a high privilege and honour to realize I had gone from a soul destined for outer darkness, to a bountiful new life with my Creator forever! Jesus said in John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."


Recently, I visited with a sick, elderly woman who doesn't know she has a personal Lord and Saviour. She's a gruff lady with a thorny past of painful addictions. My only link to her was a request from our community for some reading material during a time of infirmity. I lent her Christian testimonials, hoping to open the door to sharing The Gospel. After positive feedback from her, I decided to offer her a Bible. "What, a Bible?" She sounded insulted. "I don't want a Bible, no, not at all!" It was said with such force as if a heavy door slammed shut in my face.

I walked away with sorrow in my heart. I knew where she was because I had once been to that dark place, too. "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars – their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur." (Revelations 21:8) The thought of this lady's soul destined for hell, to burn in that lake of fire, was a burden that I resolved I would not shy away from. I am a witness to the amazing redemption of Jesus, who saved me from the destined fiery lake!

The biblical promise is that every person who believes in God's Son, Jesus Christ, is snatched from that awful fate and guaranteed Eternal Life with their Beloved. Jesus said about Himself, "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)


“As a Believer, I had received the promise of Eternal Life when Jesus entered into my heart”.

Just like my aunt and this infirm lady, there are countless people who cross our paths daily as lost souls headed for everlasting destruction. Perhaps some are already crying out 'help, help' drowning in a lake of their suffering. I pray that we may extend an invitation to those around us, who God may be calling, to choose Life. As Believers, we have the promise that Jesus Christ is Eternal Life in abundance, so let us share this Good News with others on our way there!

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you Life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose Life so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your Life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."

(Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

Henry M (1961); Commentary on the Whole Bible; Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids Michigan



I have been through many hard times in my life; a divorce that left me as a single mother, losing my childhood friend and first love when we were twenty-five. Nothing brought me to my knees begging for relief from the pain though, than watching my father become a victim of Frontal-Lobe Dementia, and then stomach cancer, and losing him. It was heartbreaking to see my dad did not know who some people were anymore, and having to gently pull him away as he was talking to strangers as they looked at him confusedly, and hearing him cry because he thought my mother had left him. Then, he was in physical pain from the cancer and he passed away within a month from the diagnosis of the cancer. He had just turned 68 years-old.

When I was younger, I was terrified of death. My sister and I would sometimes lay in bed at night talking about dying, what we thought Heaven would be like, and then we would always end on the word eternity. She would say, “Can you imagine? Eternity. As in, forever and ever. How long does that go? And will we even know it? I could stay here on Earth forever so maybe it’s the same thing, but Heaven is so much better.” I wasn’t sure about any of it, but I knew that I loved Jesus Christ, and that I was a Christian. It was difficult though, to understand at that age the beauty and reward of eternity.

Hebrews 13:14 says, “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” Now that I am older, and I have experienced the trials and immense pain that this world presents us, I understand how amazing it will be to live in a world that does not have suffering. I realize that it is still over my head to imagine and think about our real eternal home. The concept is so much bigger than us. For me, I know that when I pray, I have a peace that overcomes me, and this is our God that gives me this. He gives us all of these. When I focus on the facts, like the peace I feel at those times, a life forever of this kind of tranquility along with happiness and joy, makes me want to sing and shout His praises.

Before my dad passed away, he said to me, “You know that when I’m not here anymore, you have a Father. Our Father in Heaven.” I told him that yes, I did know, and the whole time I am thinking that here is my father here on earth, who does not remember his wife right now and thinks she has left him, but he is so strong in his faith and beliefs that he is reminding me of who I can always turn to and count on eternally. To live in this strong faith, and to know where we are going when we leave this world is so steady and reliable. Knowing that we will be reunited with those that we love is beyond amazing. Steady, reliable, and beyond amazing; that is our God.

“I will set my eyes on where I am going, and praise His name and give thanks to Him”.

“For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. Therefore, by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:14-16.

I know that as I keep going along in this world that is not my home, that I will have more loss, more pain, and sadness that overwhelms me. I also know that I serve a God who will take that pain and sorrow and will not only comfort me during, but will turn it all into good. I will serve my God and do good for others in this life, because this is what He has instilled in me, and this is what He asks of me. I will set my eyes on where I am going, and praise His name and give thanks to Him. I will lead others to Him as I share His word and my own life experiences to bring them to Him, and then one day when He calls my name, I will go home.




My life would be miserable without my hope and assurance about the gift my savior Jesus Christ gave me: Eternal Life.

I think about eternal life very often. It's the fuel that gives me the energy and courage to live in this world. Without that hope, my life would be meaningless. How miserable is it to live a life in this world, thinking this is the ultimate end of our life? I am forever grateful to God for assuring me about eternal life through Jesus Christ. And my heart aches for the ones who don't have this assurance. As you read this, if you don't have that assurance, I encourage you to invite Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior.

I still remember the night God lavished his unconditional love upon me while I was standing at the back of a convention in my hometown many years back. I rushed to the altar weeping like a kid with the realization that I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can wash my sins away. That night, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior, and that's the night I received the assurance about my eternal life! The best thing happened to my life!

-Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen

The Bible says in John 3:16

“My assurance about the eternal life that awaits me after I pass by from this world just fuels my passion and perseverance to lead a life that is pleasing to God on this earth”.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. God loved us so much that he didn't want us to perish in eternal hell, so he paid a high price by giving His only Son, Jesus, to take the sins of the whole humanity in this world and die on the cross. He made it simpler for us; we just need to believe In Him and live a life as per His will so that after our life on this earth, we can spend our eternity with God. You don't have to climb any mountains for it, or do any rituals, but just believe in Jesus Christ with all your heart.

My assurance about the eternal life that awaits me after I pass by from this world just fuels my passion and perseverance to lead a life that is pleasing to God on this earth. It helps me push forward despite life's challenges in this world. What a miserable life would be If I did not have access to God and If I couldn't experience His presence? What made the disciples of Jesus Christ lay their own lives for the sake of the Gospel? It is the revelation about their eternal life through Jesus Christ!

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot

To receive this hope about eternal life, we might have to lose many things in life, but it's all worth it. If I say Christian life is easy, then I would be lying to you. It's a challenging life. In fact, Jesus himself said, In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

We live in a fallen world filled with troubles and challenges, and we are leading our Christian life in the middle of this, so often, we get discouraged by everything we face in life. And the reason behind our discouragement is we try to put our trust in the wrong things of this world, even though we are Christians.

Do you think Apostle Paul was able to accomplish great things for God because he never had to face any challenges? What about Peter? What about John the Baptist? They all had to go through more than what we go through in our daily lives, but what made them so fruitful in their lives and left a legacy? It's because they lived with the revelation about the eternal life that awaited them. That's the only way we can stay strong in this life.

My 21-year-old sister passed away in 2012 due to cardiac arrest, and the only reason me and my family stood strong in the middle of that unexpected crisis was the assurance of the eternal life we have through Jesus Christ. She is with Jesus! This world is not our permanent home but heaven. How amazing would those days be in eternity with the almighty God? But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

Philippians 3:20-21


If you book your ticket to your dream country for your vacation, do you think your excitement starts only when you board the flight? No, but from the moment you book the ticket, you will be just looking forward to it, and you will feel like you are having a worry-free life for the next days because your heart is filled with thrill and passion for that dream vacation.

God doesn't want you to lead a miserable life on this earth by living with the baggage of life; he wants you to live a life with expectation and passion about the eternal life that awaits you after you complete your life in this temporary world.

As you read this article, you might be going through a challenging situation in life where you have all the reasons to be discouraged and quit. But I encourage you from the bottom of my heart to fuel your passion and perseverance to live a Godly life in this world with the most significant promise God gave you as his child: eternal life with our Lord, with no pain and sorrows but always worshipping our Lord and enjoying His glorious presence!


What is holding you back from saying yes to the call of God in your life? Say yes to the call of God before it's too late, and you won't regret it!

Is God really Good?

Is God really good? Is the question that was asked to humanity starting at the beginning of the human story and we see it in the book of Genesis.

Serpent approached Eve asking “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”... “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1,4) Here the trap wasn’t just to make Eve question what God said, but also to make her doubt the goodness of God.

Life in Between 26

Devil portrayed God as someone who did not want Eve to have the skills or abilities like He has. Once he got her to doubt the goodness of God, his alternative suddenly seemed better and disobeying God did not take much time from there. “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it” (Genesis 3:6)

In any given situation, our struggle in obedience to God is not quite a character or action issue, but a belief issue. Our actions tend to gravitate towards what we believe. If we are honest, what is it that we believe about God? Is he good? Is he really good? Better than any other alternative the world can suggest?

If I am honest, I have always known that God is good on a theoretical, abstract level. But I am not sure if I have always believed that God is good to me. And when I don’t believe He is good to me, it is easier for me to believe that I need to deal with my situation with my resources and human strength, and not care much about what God has to say about it.

Unsurprisingly, there is a real battle for us to believe that God is good. The predominant cultural definition of God is a legalistic, sadistic, mean person who has no humour or joy and wants to punish you for every mistake you make in life. However, the Bible says God is loving, kind, and full of grace and mercy. He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve. His heart for us is redemption.

When culture fights to make us believe that God isn't as good as the Scriptures says he is and our life experiences makes us doubt his goodness too, how do we anchor in the truth? How do we answer the timeless question that was asked to Eve? Is he good enough for us to obey him? Is he good enough that we don't need another point of view on what he has said?

In all honesty, it's the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit magnifies Jesus in our hearts and makes us see his beauty. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we could easily redefine what goodness means and the source of it and begin to accept and live by inferior versions of good.

In our day to day battles that make us doubt his heart and goodness, the only way to say God is good to ourselves and the world around us, is through dependence on the Holy Spirit. The Bible says He will guide us in all truth, and the ultimate, trustworthy, eternal truth is, God is good and He does good. He is the definition and perfect embodiment of goodness. And God is always good to you, my friend.

Daya thinks it’s absolutely cool to be known by Jesus. She deeply appreciates nature, art and silence. Her dream is to fall in love with Jesus and humanity every day. Daya can be reached at



Dear friend,

Thank you for reading this edition. We hope it helped you learn more about eternal life.

If you are reading this and have not experienced the love and power of God, we encourage you to embrace His love – offered as salvation through Jesus Christ. In His unending affection for us, God has a lot in store for your life and longs to have you as part of His family.

We also encourage you to rededicate your life to God if you were born again but drifted away from the call. Make the following prayer and accept Jesus as your savior: "Lord Jesus, I come before you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and my sins have separated me from you. Today, I believe that you are the son of God and that you had me in mind when you got crucified and died. I believe that you are resurrected and seated at the right hand of the Father. I accept you today as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for paying the price for my eternal redemption. I am now the righteousness of God in Christ. I now ask you to fill me with your spirit. Amen."

Congratulations on surrendering or rededicating your life to God. You are now a new creation in Christ. We encourage you to join a family of believers (church) in your area, and we pray that you get established in your faith through studying the word by the grace of God.

God bless you, and see you in the next edition!

In His Service Team EGM Times.

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