Boletín Regresa Marzo 2010

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Javerianos en el Reino Unido con la Cónsul: Este momento mensual de networking (el primer jueves de cada mes en el restaurante Fino’s‐ Marble Arch‐ Londres) se está convirtiendo en un espacio claro de unión, de discusión, de desarrollo de proyectos y de esparcimiento para colombianos que viven en el Reino Unido. En Londres para ser más específicos. En el mes de marzo tuvieron su reunión mensual los Javerianos en el Reino Unido. La invitada especial fue la Cónsul de Colombia en Londres, Ximena Garrido. Ella le explicó al grupo cuáles son los principales planes que tiene en el Consulado y el Grupo le comentó los proyectos que se están llevando a cabo. Como punto de común interés se resaltó el trabajo que el consulado viene realizando con colombianos en situaciones de dificultad en el Reino Unido y cómo el grupo puede colaborar en el mediano plazo con este trabajo. A la reunión asistieron otros miembros del consulado y casi 20 Javerianos y profesionales colombianos de otras universidades.

Los proyectos del grupo que van por buen camino son: diseño de la Pagina Web, el espacio de artículos: Colombia from an internacional perspective, Celebración del Bicentenario y re establecimiento de la Universidad, y bienvenida a Javerianos. La próxima reunión se realizará hasta Mayo debido a las festividades de Semana Santa y tendrá como invitado especial al Embajador de Colombia en el Reino Unido, Mauricio Rodríguez. Enviado por: Luis Fernando Ríos

CONGRESO CASE – MEXICO 2010 Con el propósito de crear el capítulo de egresados javerianos en México, se reunieron en la Universidad Iberoamericana, un grupo de egresadas con la Directora de Relaciones con Egresados de la Universidad. En la foto de pie: Claudia Lucia Herrán egresada de Comunicación de la PUJ, Patricia Gutiérrez de la UIA, Guadalupe Saavedra Ortega de la UIA, Maria Claudia Peñaranda, Directora de Egresados de la PUJ, Gloria Amador de la UIA. Sentadas, Sandra García y Clara Inés Mojica egresadas de la PUJ

Estudiante Javeriano

D E L Programa

de Contaduría Pública Primero en Prueba

E C A E S 1

El estudiante Juan Pablo Sanchez Munar, de la Carrera de Contaduría Publica, ocupo el Primer lugar a nivel nacional, dentro de los 14.506 estudiantes que presentaron la prueba ECAES en noviembre pasado. De igual manera se destacaron Litza Liliana Ramirez y Jonathan Hernando Ñustes Rodriguez, ubicándose dentro de los 10 mejores puntajes. Es de resaltar cómo el programa sigue destacándose como el primero dentro de las universidades privadas del país

Sorteo por Actualización de datos de Egresados de la Facultad de Ingeniería

Padre Rector Joaquín Emilio Sánchez y Arritoquieta Pimentel Directora de la Oficina de Comunicaciones

La Secretaría de Relaciones con Egresados y el Centro de Relaciones con Egresados de la Facultad de Ingeniería, adelantaron una nueva campaña de actualización de datos, en la que se ofreció como premio un mini computador para quienes refirieran egresados y un ipod para quienes actualizaran datos. El viernes 26 de marzo, en el despacho del padre rector Joaquín Sánchez García, S.J. se realizó el sorteo y los ganadores fueron Gloria Renata Guttman Osorio – Computador y Sergio Orlando Plata Garnica – I pod.



La Academia Nacional de Medicina, eligió recientemente su nueva junta directiva, de la cual hacen parte tres médicos javerianos Dr. Gustavo Malangón Londoño, Presidente, Dr. Germán Peña Quiñones, Vicepresidente, Dr. Herman Esguerra Villamizar, Tesorero

Dos especialistas javerianos ganan el India Catalina Darío Uribe y Cristian Ortiz, especialistas en televisión de la Universidad Javeriana, ganaron el Premio India Catalina en la modalidad Mejor Producción de Televisión Comunitaria. El programa con el cual ganaron se denomina “Santandereanos Enrolados”, que fue a su vez el trabajo de grado de la especialización que terminaron en 2003 y que se emite desde 2004 por TRO (Televisión Regional de Oriente) y algunas parabólicas y canales comunitarios de Santander y Norte de Santander. Los premios se entregaron el sábado 27 de febrero en la Plaza de la Aduana de Cartagena, en el marco de los 50 años del Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias y de la vigésima sexta edición del Concurso de la Televisión Colombiana. El jurado estuvo conformado por los periodistas Héctor Mora, Lucy Nieto de Samper y María Patricia Dávila; la libretista Martha Bossio y Jürgen Horlbeck, decano de la Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguaje de la Universidad Javeriana. La Comisión Nacional de Televisión entregó un reconocimiento de $10.000.000 para seis categorías, entre ellas la obtenida por los dos javerianos.


Se fue un javeriano y una leyenda musical Como médico amplió sus estudios en México como ortopedista y trabajó en el Hospital de Neiva y en el Seguro Social. Dejó de ejercer la medicina en 1972 debido al éxito que adquirió como músico y compositor.

Jorge Villamil Cordovez, médico egresado de la Universidad Javeriana y al mismo tiempo leyenda musical en Colombia, falleció el pasado 28 de febrero, a las 10:00 p.m. a la edad de 80 años. Villamil compuso más de 200 obras musicales, de las cuales las más reconocidas son 'Espumas', 'Llamarada', 'Oropel', ‘El barcino’, ‘Me llevarás en ti’ y ‘Los guaduales, interpretadas por agrupaciones internacionales como el Mariachi de Guadalajara y la Orquesta Sinfónica de Tokio.

Su fallecimiento se debió a que padecía una diabetes desde 1975, la cual se le complicó en los últimos meses, sobre todo después de la muerte de su hija Ana María, lo que apagó la alegría que siempre lo caracterizó. Sus exequias se realizarán este miércoles 3 de marzo, en la Catedral Primada de Bogotá, a la cual asistirá el presidente Álvaro Uribe. Su cuerpo será cremado y las cenizas se llevarán a Neiva, posiblemente a la Hacienda El Cedral, donde nació el 6 de junio de 1929.

Hollman Morris aceptado en Harvard Hollman Morris, egresado de la Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguaje de la Universidad Javeriana, fue seleccionado como International Fellow por la Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, para el periodo 2010‐2011. “Este logro no es sólo mío, sino que es un triunfo de todos los Comunicadores Javerianos. Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento por todo el apoyo que he recibido de la Universidad y por la colaboración en los momentos difíciles que he tenido que afrontar en los últimos meses”, expresó Morris



Para celebrar el cumpleaños del comunicador Jorge Alfredo Vargas, el padre Eduardo Valencia S.J. invitó a un grupo de compañeros a la Universidad a disfrutar de un almuerzo al que asistieron también Juan Carlos Pérez, Adriana Suárez, Álvaro Rodríguez, Arritoquieta Pimentel, María Paola Aguirre, Karina Marín, María Claudia Peñaranda.

Continúa fortaleciéndose el grupo de danzas de egresados de la Universidad Javeriana, ya los vemos con vestuario y con muchos deseos de crecer nuevamente para que muy pronto estén de nuevo deleitándonos con sus presentaciones.


La Biblioteca recibe el ISO 9001:2008

Médicos javerianos celebraron 30 años de egresados Con una misa y una cena a la que asistieron un nutrido grupo de médicos javerianos, la Secretaría de Relaciones con Egresados y la Facultad de Medicina felicitaron el pasado viernes 19 de marzo a los egresados que terminaron sus estudios en 1980.

Este martes 9 de marzo en ceremonia oficial la Biblioteca Alfonso Borrero , S.J. recibió el certificado de calidad ISO 9001:2008 que expide la firma Bureau Veritas.

El Padre Luis Fernando Alvarez reelegido en la Corte Constitucional El Padre Luis Fernando Álvarez Londoño S.J., fue reelegido, para un nuevo período, como Conjuez de la Corte Constitucional. El nombramiento del Padre Luis Fernando es el primer caso que, por su estatus de religioso, se ha presentado en la historia institucional de las Altas Cortes en Colombia y tal vez en el contexto universal.


WHAT DOES THE JURISDICTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT MEAN FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE COLOMBIAN CONFLICT? By Juan Diego Garzón G *. I am grateful for this extraordinary space that Pontificia Universiad Javeriana (‘PUJ’) has opened to it’s alumni around the world and for the input that Javerianos UK has made by inviting its community in the United Kingdom and elsewhere to write articles regarding issues and topics relating to Colombia. I would like to take this opportunity to share my views on a subject that I believe will be of great interest to our country which is how the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (‘ICC’) impacts on the Colombian justice system. When in my second year of law school at PUJ in Bogotá I became a member of the Criminology Centre ‘CECRIV’ directed by Professor Julio Andres Sampedro Arrubla. During that time I developed on my interest in Restorative Justice and I honed my deeply held views that it is our responsibility to bring about solutions to the enormous psychological and financial problems suffered by the victims of the Colombian armed conflict.


It is precisely in the environment of the armed conflict, where there is a keen awareness of the importance of working towards satisfying the needs of our victims; specifically the displaced, the kidnapped and their families, the families of those killed or injured, the raped women, the children and our society as a whole; that the rationale for the existence of the ICC starts to make sense for Colombia. This is because (a) the ICC complements local initiatives for justice, (b) it’s a safety net in cases of impunity and (c) it plays a role in helping to heal our society because it sends a strong message to our institutions; namely ‘if you don’t bring about justice to the Colombian victims I will do so on their behalf’. The ICC is like a vigilant father who wants to see his sons doing the right thing and, if local courts don’t tackle the issues of impunity and repair the damage done to victims of the armed conflict, the ICC will do so.

The importance of the existence of the ICC for Colombia lay in the results that it produces in our internal justice system and at the same time in the fact that it can take over conduct of Colombian cases auxiliary. Furthermore it should be remembered that the ICC can effectively issue an arrest warrant against a Colombian individual belonging to any armed group or against a member of the government if it considers appropriate. The significance of international arrest warrants should not be taken lightly, as evidenced in cases such as that of General Augusto Pinochet detained in the United Kingdom in 1998 following a request for his arrest and extradition by two Spanish judges under the torture convention. The Rome Statute in its preamble describes the determination of the signatory countries to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of serious crimes of concern to the international community, principally crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. A determination that all Colombian citizens must share but, more importantly, that all Colombian institutions, namely its government, its congress and its justice system must possess. President Andres Pastrana signed the Rome Statute on the 10th December 1998, making Colombia became the 77th State Party. The Treaty was finally


ratified by the congress on 5th August 2002. However, pursuant to article 124 of the Statute, Colombia declared that for a period of seven years, it would not accept the jurisdiction of the court with respect to the category of war crimes. The rationale for this was primarily to enable negotiations with the irregular armed groups. However on 1st November 2009 the above mentioned period expired. During the long process, Colombian’s internal justice system had already implemented or typified in its Local Criminal Legislation most of the rules regarding international crimes under the Rome Statute. Nevertheless there is something that remains outstanding: the enactment of a bill in congress on the Cooperation between Colombia and the International Criminal Court. In fact, a draft bill on cooperation with the ICC was written in 2006 but it was archived. I am convinced that this cooperation bill affords Colombia a great opportunity to properly define, among other important issues, the responsibilities of our state in regards to reparations to its victims and how the country will facilitate investigations by the prosecutor of the ICC. In January 2009 a law through which it adopted the Rules of Evidence and procedure of the ICC was adopted, in

The importance of the existence of the ICC for Colombia lay in the results that it produces in our internal justice system and at the same time in the fact that it can take over conduct of Colombian cases auxiliary. Furthermore it should be remembered that the ICC can effectively issue an arrest warrant against a Colombian individual belonging to any armed group or against a member of the government if it considers appropriate. The significance of international arrest warrants should not be taken lightly, as evidenced in cases such as that of General Augusto Pinochet detained in the United Kingdom in 1998 following a request for his arrest and extradition by two Spanish judges under the torture convention. The Rome Statute in its preamble describes the determination of the signatory countries to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of serious crimes of concern to the international community, principally crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. A determination that all Colombian citizens must share but, more importantly, that all Colombian institutions, namely its government, its congress and its justice system must possess. President Andres Pastrana signed the Rome Statute on the 10th December


1998, making Colombia became the 77th State Party. The Treaty was finally ratified by the congress on 5th August 2002. However, pursuant to article 124 of the Statute, Colombia declared that for a period of seven years, it would not accept the jurisdiction of the court with respect to the category of war crimes. The rationale for this was primarily to enable negotiations with the irregular armed groups. However on 1st November 2009 the above mentioned period expired. During the long process, Colombian’s internal justice system had already implemented or typified in its Local Criminal Legislation most of the rules regarding international crimes under the Rome Statute. Nevertheless there is something that remains outstanding: the enactment of a bill in congress on the Cooperation between Colombia and the International Criminal Court. In fact, a draft bill on cooperation with the ICC was written in 2006 but it was archived. I am convinced that this cooperation bill affords Colombia a great opportunity to properly define, among other important issues, the responsibilities of our state in regards to reparations to its victims and how the country will facilitate investigations by the prosecutor of the ICC.

We need to promote a national and academic debate on this bill and encourage all the voices to speak up and be heard. This is important because the ICC is a subsidiary court, ‐ not a super court or an appendix of the United Nations, and it does not have its own international police force. It operates under one key principle called the Principle of Complementarity which means that it only claims jurisdiction over international crimes if the Party State where this crimes took place is unwilling or unable to bring about justice. We need urgently to enact a proper cooperation framework on the specific obligations that the Colombian institutions, and its public servants, have towards the ICC given its subsidiary character. There are three ways that the ICC can exercise its jurisdiction. The first is when a State party to the Rome Statute asks the prosecutor of the ICC to investigate, like in the situation of Uganda. The second is for the United Nations to refer a case to the ICC, like the situation in Darfur and thirdly, the prosecutor of the ICC, as described in Article 15 of the Statute, can, on his/her own motion, start an investigation of a situation. The latter could well be the situation applicable to Colombia, where the prosecutor has visited the country and started to collect information.


The question as to what these initial steps taken by the prosecutor will lead him to conclude will depend on his assessment of the capability or willingness of our system and courts to hold accountable the individuals who masterminded crimes against humanity and genocides since August 2002 and war crimes since November 2009. In the context of these preliminary investigations, there are great concerns regarding the peace process with the paramilitary groups within the framework of the Justice and Peace law and the apparent unwillingness of our State to prosecute these criminals and tackle impunity. In this particular issue of the victims of the actions of the paramilitaries, and the processes taking place under the Justice and Peace Law I fully agree with those who demand from the Colombian government more spaces for the victims to express themselves freely for example by way of televised sessions. The Colombian Government must allow the victims to express themselves further and facilitate more spaces for that purpose. Only then can we say that progress towards reconciliation and reparation is being made in our country. [1] In January 2009 a law through which it adopted the Rules of Evidence and procedure of the ICC was adopted, in April 2009 Colombia ratified the agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the court and from 1st November 2009 the ICC attained also jurisdiction over War Crimes.

Another example where the International Criminal Court could and should get involved is in the cases of the Colombian Army’s “False Positives”. There is not doubt that those who masterminded these crimes against humanity must repair the victims and go to prison. It is unacceptable for example that some investigations from the Colombian office of the prosecutor against militaries responsible for the crimes have been withdrawn because of expiration of the terms to make an accusation before a judge. This problem of the accusatorial criminal justice system in Colombian is something the ICC should look at on behalf of the victims of these atrocities by the Colombian Armed Forces. In the same way the crimes committed by members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (‘FARC’), among others, kidnapping, murder, extermination, rape, conscripting or enlisting children to participate in hostilities and torture are now fully under the subsidiary jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. If in the near future the ICC decides to issue an international arrest warrant for example against Alfonso Cano then the International Community will have a further responsibility to cooperate with the ICC in finding and handing him from anywhere he is, to the Court in The Hague. If Cano, or any other member of


the FARC, is in Venezuela, which signed the Rome Statute on 14 October 1998 and ratified on 7 June 2000, the government of that country would have a further obligation of cooperation with the ICC, to hand him to the court. The list of criminals held accountable by an International Criminal Court is enormous. We must not forget the great outcome of the Nuremberg Trials for the victims of the Second World War nor the judgments at the International Court for the Former Yugoslavia or the decisions at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The ICC is the result of the success of these courts after years of evolution of the International Law. Thanks to those achievements Colombian victims are not longer isolated in their struggles. The eyes of the International Community are now pointing to Colombia and we must not rest until all victims are repaired and justice is achieved. * Juan Diego Garzon G is a lawyer graduated from Javeriana University in 2003. He undertook a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Policy and International Criminal Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 2008. He is currently working at an office of lawyers of the British government which represents people who lack mental capacity in court.

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