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Issue # 2

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IS STILL NOT KNOWN General manager Osama Moharem

Editor in chief Islam Saleh

Marketing manager Mostafa Khalil

Historical background Dr. Mohamed Moharem Mr. Zaki Mohamed

Translation Dina Mohamed Nada Zaki Editorial staff Rehab Kanner Sami Mohamed Art designer Osama Moharem Nada Eslam Hany Mohamed Ahmed Eddeeb

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Is still not



Osama Moharem

Islam Salh

Nada Islam

Zaki Mohamed Sami

‫‪In Arabic‬‬

‫ويف هناًة اًلرن اًثاين اًيجري اكهت الإسىندرًة أمه مرنز ٌَمذىة املاًيك فاكهت مؼربا ًعي تني الهدًس يف اًغرب ومىة يف اًرشق نام اكهت مزارا ودار جهرة ًؼدد من املرتمجني اًؼرب اذلٍن وفدوا ًتؼمل اٌَغة‬ ‫اًَوانهَة يف اًلرهني اًثاًث واًراتع اًيجرًني واكن حنني بن اإحساق من زوارىا املضيورٍن وظَت يف اًؼرص اًؼريب حمافظة ػىل اًتلاًَد واًثلافة الإسالمِة واص هترت خالل اًلرن اًسادس اًيجري مبدرستهيا اًس نتني‬ ‫املدرسة اًعوفِة واملدرسة اًسَفِة‬ ‫ويف اًؼرص الًويب أىمت ظالح ادلٍن ابملدرسة اًسَفِة وأوضب مدرسة جدًدة ػام ‪576‬ىـ‪1180/‬م‬ ‫ويف اًؼرص املمَويك تَغت الإسىندرًة ذروة ثلدهما اًؼمراين ونرثت فهيا دور احلدًث اًرشًف اًيت اكهت مدارس حلِلِة ٌَفلو واًتفسري والظول ومن أصير مضاخي الإسىندرًة أتو احلسن اًضاذيل وغبد اًىرمي‬ ‫بن غعاء هللا اًسىندري وأتوغبدهللا املؼا فرى اًضاظىب واًؼالمة اًعاحل أتو اًؼباس املرىس وابن املنري وازدىرت الإسىندرًة يف اًؼرص الإساليم حىت كِي اإهو ل ثبعي اًلراءة فهيا ول ظَة اًؼمل ًَال ول هنارا‬ ‫ومن صؼراهئا ابن كال كس وفهيا وجد رواد الدب اًضؼيب جمال خعبا ملادهتم اًلععَة واكن من أثر ذكل لكو أن ظبؼت املدًنة تعاتؼيا اًرشيق واًغريب مؼا نلعة ظرًفة من كعط أًف ًَةل وًَةل‬ ‫ويف اًؼرص اًؼامثين مرت الإسىندرًة تفرتة رهود اس مترت تضؼة كرون اإل أهنا اكهت املدًنة الوىل يف اًرشق اًيت اس تلبَت حجافي اًغزاة اًغرتَني بلك ما دلهيم من خري ورش فتَلت تذكل أول ظدمة حضارًة غرتَة‬ ‫أثت هبا امحلةل اًفروس َة يف أواخر اًلرن اًثامن غرش وتؼد اإخراج امحلةل اًفروس َة من مرص أظاتت الإسىندرًة صُئا من اٍهنضة اًيت أفادت مهنا مرص يف غيد واٍهيا اًعموح محمد ػىل‬ ‫ومع ازدايد اجلاًَات الجنبَة يف مرص ومترنزىا يف الإسىندرًة وضعت احلَاة يف املدًنة من جدًد ًتلوم تدور حضاري ٌض بو اإىل حد هبري دور ذكل املزجي اًساكين اذلي ػاش فهيا يف اًؼرص اًبعَمي فلد اكن‬ ‫اًتنافس تني ادلول اًغرتَة كامئا من خالل اإوضاء اًلنعَ​َات واًبَوت اًتجارًة والوضعة اًثلافِة املمتثةل يف املدارس الجنبَة اًؼدًدة مما جؼي املدًنة ثنؼم بهنضة ػَمَة ممتزية أفاد مهنا اجملمتع اًسىندري فوائد‬ ‫مَحوظة ‪.‬‬ ‫نام أن اًتنافس الاس تؼامري ػىل مرص يف أغلاب امحلةل اًفروس َة جؼي من الإسىندرًة هلعة اهعالق ٌَربًعاهَني حنو اًرشق فاكن اإوضاء اخلط احلدًدي تني الإسىندرًة واًسوٌس يف اًنعف اًثاين من اًلرن‬ ‫اًتاسع غرش ثؼبريا واحضا غن املعامع اًربًعاهَة يف مواهجة املعامع اًفروس َة اًيت جنحت يف صق كناة اًسوٌس ًتلوم ابدلور هفسو يف وظي اًرشق واًغرب‬ ‫وهمام ٍىن من أمر ىذه اًتعورات اًس َاس َة فلد اكن ًيا ثبجري اكتعادي اهؼىس اإجياتَا ػىل الإسىندرًة وظير ذكل يف أاثر اجلاًَات الجنبَة اًيت أكامت هبا وما ترثة ػىل ذكل أًضا من مزج حضاري تني‬ ‫اجملمتؼات اًغرتَة واجملمتع اًرشيق فلد جؼي ىذا اًتعور الإسىندرًة مدًنة جتمع تني اًعاتؼني الوريب واًرشيق يف أن واحد وىىذا اكن اجملمتع اًسىندري برظَده احلضاري واهدماجو يف اجملمتؼات اًغرتَة همَئا ٌَلِام‬ ‫تدور رايدي يف ورش اًتؼَمي يف مرص مس تؼدا لن ًلوم تدور رايدي يف ورش اًتؼَمي اجلامؼي وثعوٍره اإحِاء دلور املدًنة اًلدمي وثتوجيا دلورىا احلضاري ػىل مدى غرشٍن كران من اًزمان يه معر املدًنة اًزمين‬ ‫واحلضاري مؼا ‪.‬‬


‫د تلِت مدًنة الإسىندرًة كراتة أًف ػام أي منذ اإوضاهئا حىت اًفتح اًؼريب ػامصة ملرص وحني اختذت مرص اًؼرتَة من اًفسعاط‬


‫ػامصة تلى ً إالسىندرًة دورىا احلضاري املؤثر ل يف اترخي مرص اًؼام حفسة وإامنا يف اترخي حوض اًبحر املتوسط تؼامة وساػدىا موكؼيا املمتزي‬ ‫يف اًلِام هبذا ادلور وأاتحت ًيا اإماكهُهتا الاكتعادًة مواظةل ىذا ادلور باكفِة واكتدار‬ ‫ًلد امزتج يف الإسىندرًة خَ​َط من اجلنود امللدوهَني مث اًرومان واًلساوسة املرصًني والرس تلراظَني الإغرًق واًبحارة اًفِنَلِني واًتجار اٍهيود‬ ‫فضال غن زوارىا من اًينود والفاركة واكن ىذا اخلَ​َط ًؼُش داخي املدًنة اًلدمية يف اوسجام واحرتام متبادل اإابن ازدىار الإسىندرًة وغظمهتا‬ ‫اإذ اكهت حبق توثلة ثنعير فهيا الجناس وثَتلي فهيا احلضارات وًتدارس اًؼَامء واملفىرون كضااي غرصمه يف ىذا املناخ املمتزي وضبت وثعورت‬ ‫جامؼهتا اًلدمية اًيت اكهت أغظم ما يف ىذه املدًنة‬ ‫وكد صيد اًلرن اًثاًث كبي املَالد أغظم غعور الازدىار اًؼَمي اًيت غرفهتا احلضارة اًلدمية فلد أخذ ػَامء الإسىندرًة يف اًىضف غن ظبَؼة‬ ‫اًىون وثوظَوا اإىل فيم اًىثري من اًلوى اًعبَؼَة ودرسوا اًفزيايء وما اكن ذكل ًَمت ًول مساهدة اًلرص الإمرباظوري املادًة لحباث املوس َون‬ ‫اًؼَمَة ففي ىذا اًؼيد ثدارس اًباحثون اًفزيايء واًفكل واجلغرافِا واًيندسة واًرايضَات فضال غن اًتارخي اًعبَؼي واًعة والدب‬ ‫وحيق ً إالسىندرًة أن ثفخر ابكَ​َدس ػامل اًيندسة اذلي خترج ػىل ًدًو أغظم اًرايضَني مثي أرمشَدس وأتوًوهَوس نام حيق ًيا أن ثفخر‬ ‫هبريوفَِوس يف ػمل اًعة واًترشحي وإاٍراسُسرتاثوس يف ػمل اجلراحة وإارٌس تاخوس يف ػمل اًفكل وإاٍراثوستنُس يف ػمل اجلغرافِا وجَوفراس توس‬ ‫يف ػمل اًنبات واكًاميخوس وجَوهرًتوس يف اًضؼر والدب وغرشات غريمه اكن هلم فضي غظمي ػىل تراث الإوساهَة ويف الإسىندرًة دون ماهُتون‬ ‫اترخي مرص وظيرت اًرتمجة اًس بؼَنِة ٌَؼيد اًلدمي ومن الإسىندرًة اهتلَت ادلايهة املرصًة اإىل حضارة اًَوانن وفَسفهتم وخرجت‬ ‫الإسىندرًة ػددا من اًفالسفة املضيود هلم يف اترخي اًفىر مثي فَِون وأفَوظني ‪.‬‬ ‫وغندما امضحَت اإمرباظورًة الإسىندر ودار اًزمن ػىل جامؼهتا ظَت مدًنة الإسىندرًة نام اكهت درة ىذه الإمرباظورًة والمِنة ػىل تراث‬ ‫غرص ازدىارىا احلضاري وورث اًرومان ىذا اًرتاث وزادوا ػَ​َو وحفظت الإسىندرًة لك ىذا اًرتاث ودخَت تو اًؼرص املس َحي‬ ‫ويف اًؼرص املس َحي حيق ً إالسىندرًة أن ثفاخر من جدًد تبهنا اكهت وؼبة اًتفىري املس َحي فذاغت صيرة هبار أساثذهتا يف اًالىوت ومهنم‬ ‫لكمينس وأورجيَنُس وتؼد أن اهترصت املس َحَة ػىل اًوجنِة غدت الإسىندرًة اًؼامصة اًروحِة ٌَؼامل املس َحي فلد تزمعت مذىة اًوحداهَة مث‬ ‫وكع تُهنا وتني تزيهعة رصاع مذىيب ثبَورت خالهل أمال املرصًني يف الاس تلالل ومنت دلى ساكهنا اًرغبة يف اًتخَط من لك ماىو اإغرًلي‬ ‫واٍمتسم بلك ماىو مرصي ويف ىذه اًظروف دخي اًؼرب مرص ػام ‪642‬م‬ ‫ويف اًؼرص الإساليم احتَت الإسىندرًة ماكهة مرموكة فبظبحت أمه كاػدة حبرًة يف رشق اًبحر املتوسط فضال غن اإماكهَاهتا اجلغرافِة‬ ‫واًتارخيَة يف وظي اًرشق ابًغرب فازدىرت اكتعاداي وجلافِا وحضاراي وازدىر معراهنا الإساليم ممثال يف املدارس واملساجد واًلعور وادلور‬ ‫واًفنادق والسوار والبراج واحلعون‬



life under the sea

Mystery of Ptolemaic


Mystery in their fame


The beginning of the film industry in Egypt: •December 28, 1895 presented ​the first View of the invention of cinema to the French audience in Paris. •November 5, 1896 the first cinema in the city of Alexandria and then in Toson Pasha's stock exchange. •1904 establishment of the first movie theater (Cinematograph) Batih in the city of Alexandria. •1907 the first appearance of Egyptian film tapes in Alexandria, on the hands of italians lived in Alexandria from their own money about living in the city of Alexandria. •1912 the first cinematic newspaper named "the streets of Alexandria" has produced by Monsieur "lagarn" a French man who lived in Alexandria after buying a cinematic camera and brought an Italian photographer and presented different views of Alexandria and Cairo, to introduce these scenes in the hall he owned.

•1917 the first Cine Studio established by two Italians lived in the Hadra neighborhood of Alexandria, and made ​three fiction films ranging between 30 and 40 minutes of the film, after that, more than a studio was established within the city in the neighborhood of Backus. • May 5, 1927 the first Egyptian feature film (Kiss in the desert) by the brothers (Ibrahim and Badr Lama).

•November 16, 1927 the first Egyptian feature film (Laila) produced and performed by Aziza Amir and won the title of Foundation of Art Film Festival in Egypt.

Zaki Mohamed Sami


San Giovanni Aida


The Egyptian environment play a significant role in creating effective conditions for the creativity of the human aspects of Egyptian civilization .. and shares multi-configuration and the ability and speed of response and selfsuperiority of the Egyptian man on the superiority of civilization .. and of the most important characterized the Egyptian man is large creation and architectural huge and perhaps the greatest of these constructions is the Bay citadel in Alexandria and was established by “Sultan Al-malik Al-ashraf Abu-nasr Qaitbay” at the eastern end of the island of pharos in the late Mamluk state and because Bay citadel is one of the most important castles on the coast of the Mediterranean was concerned with the sultans and Egypt's rulers over the centuries and led the sultan “Qansuh Ghury” and increased the strength of its garrison and shipped arms and equipment because it was considered the center of the defense of Egypt gate and north coast ........ have built a castle on an area of ​17,550 square meters and has built on this area of ​the walls of the outer fortress and the persistence of war and is a set of fences built to further fortify the castle and on the other equines is Bay citadel of the most important effects found in the city of Alexandria (bride of the white sea” average) is located in an area close to the most important shrines of Alexandria and the Alexandria library is on the one hand and the mosque of Abu Abbas marina and famous mosques next to it on the other hand, due the importance of the castle it was built on the ruins of the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.

By: Rehab Kanner

THE POWER May be contained in our minds that the arc is for the

fight only , but in Alexandria resides another arc that contains within it a lot of history, culture and secrets and the evidence in this when your finger automatically points towards this arc,, you may accidentally start with the history where the castle the protective shield of the country's history and end with the culture,


the library, which has preserved this history in the papers that survived from the fire before. we will be touching in the next issues what was found in the edge of this arc, and what was received by the history of the coming waves of the sea that are filled with secrets that are already preserved in the archaeological area


The Royal Library of Alexandria, or Ancient Library of Alexandria, in Alexandria, Egypt, was the largest and most significant great library of the ancient world. It flourished under the patronage of the Ptolemaic dynasty and functioned as a major center of scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC until the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC. The library was conceived and opened either during the reign of Ptolemy I Soter (323–283 BC) or during the reign of his son Ptolemy II (283–246 BC).

Plutarch (AD 46–120) wrote that during his visit to Alexandria in 48 BC Julius Caesar accidentally burned the library down when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas' attempt to limit his ability to communicate by sea. After its destruction, scholars used a "daughter library" in a temple known as theSerapeum, located in another part of the city. Intended both as a commemoration and an emulation of the original, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina was inaugurated in 2002 near the site of the old library.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

ulture More days more culture in Alexandria

Waves of happiness

Alexandria PHOTO BY : Nada islam hafez



Islam Most of the citizens of Alexandria adhere to the religion of Islam. The most famous mosque in Alexandria is El-Mursi Abul Abbas Mosque in Bahary. Other notable mosques in the city include Ali ibn Abi Talib mosque in Somouha, Bilal mosque, al-Gamaa al-Bahari in Mandara, Hatem mosque in Somouha, Hoda el-Islam mosque in Sidi Bishr, al-Mowasah mosque in Hadara, Sharq al-Madina mosque in Miami, al-Shohadaa mosque in Mostafa Kamel, Al Qa'ed Ibrahim Mosque, Yehia mosque in Zizinia, Sidi Gaber mosque in Sidi Gaber, and Sultan mosque

Christianity After Rome, Alexandria was considered the major seat of Christianity in the world. The Pope of Alexandria was the second among equals, second only to the bishop of Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire until 430. The Church of Alexandria had jurisdiction over the entire continent of Africa. After the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451, the Church of Alexandria was split between the Miaphysites and the Melkites. The Miaphysites went on to constitute what is known today as the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. The Melkites went on the constitute what is known today as the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria. In the 19th century, Catholic and Protestant missionaries converted some of the adherents of the Orthodox churches to their respective faiths. Today, the patriarchal seat of the Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church is Saint Mark Cathedral in Ramleh. The most important Coptic Orthodox churches in Alexandria include Pope Cyril I Church in Cleopatra, Saint Georges Church in Sporting, Saint Mark & Pope Peter I Church in Sidi Bishr, Saint Mary Church in Assafra, Saint Mary Church in Gianaclis, Saint Mina Church in Fleming, Saint Mina Church in Mandara, and Saint Takla Haymanot's Church in Ibrahimeya. The most important Greek Orthodox churches in Alexandria are Saint Anargyri Church, Church of the Annunciation, Saint Anthony Church, Archangels Gabriel & MichaelChurch, Saint Catherine Church, Cathedral of the Dormition in Mansheya, Church of the Dormition, Prophet Elijah Church, Saint Georges Church, Church of the Immaculate Conception in Ibrahemeya, Saint Joseph Church in Fleming, Saint Joseph of Arimathea Church, Saint Mark & Saint Nectarios Chapel in Ramleh, Saint Nicholas Church, Saint Paraskevi Church, Saint Sava Cathedral in Ramleh, and Saint Theodore Chapel. In communion with the Greek Orthodox Church is the Russian Orthodox church of Saint Alexander Nevsky in Alexandria, which serves the Russian speaking community in the city. Churches that follow the Latin Catholic rite include Saint Catherine Church in Mansheya and Church of the Jesuits in Cleopatra. The Saint Mark Church in Shatby, found as part of Collège Saint Marc is multi-denominational and hold liturgies according to Latin Catholic, Coptic Catholic and Coptic Orthodox rites.

Judaism Alexandria's once-flourishing Jewish community is now almost extinct after the Arab nationalist movement spurred most to leave for Israel, France, Brazil and other countries in the 1950s and 1960s. The community once numbered 50,000 but is now estimated at below 50. The most important synagogue in Alexandria is the Eliyahu Hanavi Mostafa Kamel, Al Qa'ed Ibrahim Mosque, Yehia mosque in Zizinia, Sidi Gaber mosque in Sidi Gaber, and Sultan mosque.

Alexandria in pages If a man make a pilgrimage round Alexandria in the morning , god will make for him a golden crown , set with pearls m perfumed with musk and camphor , and shining from the east to the west. Ibn Dukmak From : Alexandria ( a history and a guide ) by E.M.Forster

Arch itecture in Alexan dria



Halaket El-samak

A history of fish’s market In Alexandria





I PHOTOs BY : Hany elsaye7




Tasty in Alexandria

PHOTOs BY : Hany elsaye7

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Ramadan Kareem

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