EGYPTAIR News 10 nov 2016

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‫الخمٌس‬ ‫‪2016/11/10‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬



‫مصر للطٌران‪ :‬حملة إعالنٌة للتروٌج للمقاصد السٌاحٌة الثقافٌة‬ ‫بمصر‬ ‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‬ ‫شارك وفد من شركة مصر للطٌران للخطوط الجوٌة فى الدورة السابعة والثالثٌن لسوق‬ ‫السٌاحة العالمٌة ‪ 2016‬المقام فً لندن قام بعرض التٌسٌرات والعروض التروٌجٌة للشركة‬ ‫لدعم وتنشٌط حركة السٌاحة فى مصر وسط حضور ما ٌزٌد عن ‪ 50‬ألف من خبراء السٌاحة‬ ‫وكبار المسئولٌن من الوزراء وكبار رجال اإلعالم من المتخصصٌن فً مجال السٌاحة‬ ‫والسفر‪.‬‬ ‫وصرح الطٌار شرٌف عزت رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران للخطوط الجوٌة بؤن بورصة‬ ‫السٌاحة العالمٌة بلندن تعتبر ثانى أكبر المعارض السٌاحٌة الدولٌة وأحد أهم التجمعات‬ ‫المهنٌة على مستوى العالم‪ ،‬ولذلك تحرص مصر للطٌران على المشاركة فى هذا الملتقى‬ ‫الدولى سنوٌا لما ٌمثله من فرصة مهمة للشركة لعرض أحدث خدماتها وبرامجها التسوٌقٌة‬ ‫للعمالء حول العالم‪ ،‬وأٌضا للتعرف على ما توصلت إلٌه سوق السٌاحة والسفر العالمٌة من‬ ‫خالل تبادل الخبرات واآلراء فً هذا الشؤن مع الخبراء والمعنٌ​ٌن بالمجال من ‪ 182‬دولة‬ ‫مختلفة مشاركة فً الحدث‪،‬حٌث ٌتم دراسة تسٌ​ٌر رحلة ثالثة ٌومٌا من القاهرة إلً لندن‬ ‫خالل الفترة القادمة خاصة مع إستالم الطائرات الجدٌدة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫(‪)2‬‬ ‫من جانبه‪،‬صرح " صالح قدرى" مدٌر مكتب مصر للطٌران بلندن بؤن الشركة رغم‬ ‫ماتعرضت له من خسائر خالل الفترة الماضٌة فإنها ال تتوانى عن المشاركة فى الفاعلٌات‬ ‫العالمٌة التى تروج للسٌاحة الوافدة إلى مصر بشكل عام والمدن السٌاحٌة الجذابة بشكل‬ ‫خاص مثل شرم الشٌخ والغردقة وٌعد السوق البرٌطانى من األسواق المهمة فى أجندة‬ ‫مصرللطٌران‪،‬وهو ٌعتبر من أهم األسواق للشركة على المستوٌ​ٌن السٌاحى وأٌضا‬ ‫اإلقتصادى لما ٌوجهه من استثمارات تنعش السوق المصرى وتقوم مصر للطٌران حالٌا‬ ‫بتنظٌم حملة إعالنٌة للتروٌج للمقاصد السٌاحٌة الثقافٌة بمصر وذلك بالتعاون مع المكتب‬ ‫السٌاحى‪ ،‬مستهدفة ترسٌخ وجه سٌاحى آخر جذاب لمصر‪.‬‬ ‫وقام السفٌر "ناصر كامل " سفٌر مصر بالمملكة المتحدة و"أبو طالب الرفاعً "األمٌن‬ ‫العام لمنظمة السٌاحة العالمٌة باألمم المتحدة بزٌارة جناح مصر للطٌران إلى جانب عدد‬ ‫كبٌر من المشاركٌن حٌث أشادوا بدور مصر للطٌران فى تنشٌط الحركة السٌاحٌة الوافدة‬ ‫الً مصر بالتعاون مع وزارة السٌاحة ومجهوداتهم المشتركة للخروج بهذا الجناح المتمٌز‬ ‫والمظهر المشرف الذى ٌلٌق بمكانة مصر‪.‬‬ ‫ضا بالشكر والتقدٌر لمصر للطٌران على دورها الكبٌر فً الربط بٌن الجالٌات‬ ‫كما توجه أٌ ً‬ ‫المصرٌة الموجودة فى المدن البرٌطانٌة ووطنهم مصر من خالل تسٌ​ٌر رحالت مباشرة إلى‬ ‫لندن‪،‬حٌث تنظم مصر للطٌران حالٌا ‪ 14‬رحلة أسبوع ًٌا بٌن القاهرة ولندن ورحلة أسبوعٌة‬ ‫من مطار األقصر الدولى إلى لندن‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬



‫خواطر طائرة‬ ‫بقلم‪ :‬حسن الرشٌدي‬ ‫الشعب بٌن نار األسعار‪ ..‬ومخطط الشٌاطٌن!‬ ‫الشعب غاضب من ارتفاع االسعار‪ ..‬ولكن هذا الغضب لن ٌدفعه أبدا‪ ..‬للتظاهر أو تخرٌب الوطن‪ ..‬الدراكه‬ ‫التحدٌات التً تواجه مصر داخلٌا وخارجٌا‪ ..‬والظروف االقتصادٌة الصعبة التً تعانً منها الدولة‪..‬‬ ‫واألهم ادراكه بنعمة األمن واالستقرار‪ ..‬وثقته فً وطنٌة الرئٌس عبدالفتاح السٌسً وحرصه الشدٌد علً‬ ‫تحسٌن أحوال الشعب ورفع مستوي معٌشته‪ ..‬وتوفٌر حٌاة كرٌمة لكل مواطن‪ .‬الناس بالفعل تعانً‪ ..‬من‬ ‫نار األسعار‪ ..‬وجنون الدوالر وما ترتب علٌه من آثار‪ ..‬ولم تعد غالبٌة الشعب قادرة علً تحمل أي زٌادة‬ ‫فً االسعار‪ ..‬أو رسوم الخدمات‪ ..‬لذلك وجه الرئٌس عبدالفتاح السٌسً بتحمل الدولة االعباء المالٌة‬ ‫الواقعة علً قطاع الكهرباء وعدم تحمٌل المواطنٌن ألي زٌادة علً شرائح استهالك الكهرباء‪ ..‬خاصة‬ ‫الفقراء ومحدودي الدخل وخاصة الطبقة المتوسطة التً تتآكل ومعظمها لم تعد لدٌه القدرة علً مواجهة‬ ‫الزٌادة فً أسعار السلع‪ .‬الناس بالفعل غاضبة‪ ..‬والحكومة اٌضا معذورة‪ ..‬النها كانت مضطرة التخاذ‬ ‫اجراءات تحرٌر سعر صرف الدوالر وتعوٌم الجنٌه ورفع أسعار البنزٌن‪ ..‬فً اطار البحث عن مخرج‬ ‫لالزمة االقتصادٌة‪ ..‬والخروج من عنق الزجاجة‪ ..‬وتالفً حدوث انهٌار اقتصادي‪ .‬فالحكومة‪ ..‬اتخذت‬ ‫قرارها باجراء عملٌة جراحٌة عاجلة النقاذ االقتصاد المصري برغم إدراكها بؤن هذه العملٌة ستثٌر غضب‬ ‫الناس‪ ..‬ولكن المواجهة كانت ضرورة حتمٌة‪ ..‬وال تقبل االنتظار‪ ..‬ولكن لالسف الشدٌد هناك من ٌستغل‬ ‫االزمة‪ ..‬وٌستمر فً جشعه‪ ..‬خاصة التجار الذٌن غابت ضمائرهم‪ ..‬وٌنتهزون الفرص لتحقٌق الثراء‬ ‫السرٌع‪ .‬الظروف االقتصادٌة قاسٌة‪ ..‬ولكن قطاعات كبٌرة من الناس التً ال تستطٌع مواجهة أعباء‬ ‫الحٌاة ترٌد حال عاجال‪ٌ ..‬بعث فٌهم األمل نحو حٌاة أفضل‪ ..‬ولكن فً الحقٌقة أري أن الحل األمثل هو‬ ‫زٌادة االنتاج والمراقبة الصارمة لألسواق لضبط االسعار باألسواق‪ ..‬والضرب بٌد من حدٌد علً رأس كل‬ ‫تاجر أو مستورد أو سائق مٌكروباص ٌحاول استغالل األزمة‪ ..‬وٌدفعه طمعه وجشعه لتحقٌق مكاسب‬ ‫طائلة دون وجه حق‪ ..‬وعلً حساب الناس الغالبة التً طال صبرها‪ ..‬ومستعدة لتحمل الجوع نظٌر‬ ‫احساسها باألمان واالستقرار‪ .‬وعً الناس وفهمهم الوضاع البلد‪ ..‬واحساسهم بالمسئولٌة‪ٌ ..‬دفعهم‬ ‫لتحمل االعباء ونار االسعار‪ ..‬الدراكهم للمخططات الخبٌثة‪ ..‬ودعوات التظاهر والتخرٌب التً تروج لها‬ ‫جماعة اإلرهاب اإلخوانٌة والطابور الخامس‪ .‬الحس الوطنً للشعب المصري‪ٌ ..‬دفعه لرفض المخطط‬ ‫الخبٌث والتخرٌب والدعوة للتظاهر والنزول للشوارع والمٌادٌن غداً الجمعة‪ .‬المخطط الشٌطانً‪ ..‬أصبح‬ ‫مكشوفا ومفضوحا‪ ..‬ولن ٌسمح الشعب المصري ألي جماعة أو منظمة ان تخدعه مرة أخري‪ ..‬فالخدعة‬ ‫األولً التً حدثت‪ ..‬من المستحٌل أن تتكرر ولن تنطلً علً أهل مصر‪ .‬شٌاطٌن اإلخوان واإلرهاب‬ ‫األسود‪..‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫(‪)2‬‬ ‫واتباعهم‪ ..‬والطابور الخامس‪ ..‬مهما خططوا‪ ..‬وتآمروا علً الوطن سقطت وفضحها الشعب ولكن ٌنبغً‬ ‫علٌنا جمٌعا كؤطٌاف وتٌارات مختلفة‪ ..‬أن ننتبه للطابور الخامس والشعب‪ ..‬لن ٌنجحوا ابدا فً تحقٌق‬ ‫اهدافهم الخبٌثة‪ ..‬ومآربهم الدنٌئة الخسٌسة‪ ..‬ألن اقنعتهم قد الذي ٌتعاون مع إخوان الشٌاطٌن لضرب‬ ‫مإسسات مصر الوطنٌة‪ ..‬هذا الطابور الذي ٌستخدم أالعٌب أسالٌب ملتوٌة‪ ..‬ونعومة تنجح أحٌانا فً خداع‬ ‫بعض قٌادات الدولة‪ ..‬وٌتسللون لمواقع مهمة ٌستثمرونها لٌس فً تحقٌق مكاسب ومنافع مالٌة فحسب‪..‬‬ ‫وانها فً حشد اتباعهم وجذب عناصر جدٌدة تضٌف إلٌهم طاقة وقوة جدٌدة‪ ..‬خاصة من الشباب الغض الذي‬ ‫ٌسهل التؤثٌر فٌها وتشكٌله‪ ..‬وبث سمومهم فً عقوله‪ .‬بصراحة‪ ..‬المكاسب التً ٌحققها الطابور الخامس‬ ‫تضٌف إلٌه قوة ورونقا‪ ..‬ولكن ما ٌثٌر دهشتً وغٌري‪ ..‬أن الطابور الخامس كلما علت نبرته الصوتٌه‪ ..‬كلما‬ ‫حقق مكاسب أكثر تجعل البعض ٌنتابه االحساس بان الحكومة ضعٌفة‪ ..‬وهذا الضعف ٌدفعها لالنصٌاع أو‬ ‫االٌستجابة لالصوات العالٌة بدعوي استقطابهم‪ ..‬رغم ان عملٌة استقطاب رموز الطابور الخامس مستحٌلة‪..‬‬ ‫الن عٌونهم دائما علً خزٌنة الدوالرات ومن ٌدفع أكثر‪ ..‬ولكن الحمد � ‪韀‬أن شعب مصر استفاد من‬ ‫الدروس والتجارب ولن ٌسمح بؤي محاولة لتخرٌب الوطن‪" .‬مفٌش فاٌدة" المقطورات مستمرة! ** قال‬ ‫الدكتور جالل السعٌد وزٌر النقل إن مجلس الوزراء‪ ..‬أحال تعدٌل المادة ‪ 6‬من قانون المرور التً تحظر سٌر‬ ‫المقطورات إلً مجلس النواب بما ٌتٌح العمل لها بشكل طبٌعً علً الطرق‪ .‬هل ٌوافق أعضاء مجلس النواب‬ ‫الموقر‪ ..‬علً استمرار سٌر المقطورات التً تتسبب فً العدٌد من الكوارث‪ ..‬وقتل االبرٌاء علً الطرق؟!‬ ‫لالسف‪ ..‬فشلت الحكومات المتعاقبة فً تنفٌذ منع سٌر المقطورات‪ ..‬ووقف خطرها‪" ..‬مفٌش فاٌدة"‪ .‬ثالثٌة‬ ‫محمد صالح‪ ..‬والنواٌا الحسنة ** محمد صالح نجم مصر لكرة القدم المحترف بنادي روما االٌطالً‪ ..‬نجح‬ ‫فً احراز ثالثة أهداف "هاترٌك" فً مرمً نادي بولونٌا لتنتهً المباراة ٌفوز روما بثالثٌة نظٌفة‪ .‬تؤلق نجم‬ ‫مصر محمد صالح دفع وسائل اعالم غانا للتحذٌر من خطورته فً المباراة التً تقام االحد القادم بٌن منتخب‬ ‫مصر وغانا فً التصفٌات المإهلة لنهائٌات كؤس العالم بروسٌا عام ‪ 2018.‬بصراحة‪ ..‬محمد صالح ٌإدي‬ ‫واجبه بامانة واخالص فً المالعب‪ ..‬لذلك ٌنعم هللا علٌه بتسجٌل االهداف خاصة ان نواٌاه حسنة‪ ..‬وٌتسم‬ ‫بدمائة الخلق‪ .‬أخٌرا‪ ..‬تحرك الوزراء الثالثة لتعدٌل الخطاب!! ** أخٌرا‪ ..‬بدأت وزارات الشباب واالوقاف‬ ‫والثقافة االعداد لحوار مجتمعً العداد ورقة عمل وطنٌة تمثل استراتٌجٌة قومٌة لتجدٌد الخطاب الدٌنً‪..‬‬ ‫وترسٌم القٌم الدٌنٌة وإعادة بناء الشخصٌة المصرٌة‪ .‬والكاتب الصحفً حلمً النمنم "الثقافة" تحركوا‬ ‫متؤخرا‪ ..‬بعد مرور أكثر من عام علً دعوة الرئٌس لالسف الوزراء الثالثة الدكتور محمد مختار جمعة‬ ‫"األوقاف" والمهندس خالد عبدالعزٌز "الشباب والرٌاضة" عبدالفتاح السٌسً مرارا لضرورة تعدٌل الخطاب‬ ‫الدٌنً لمواجهة اإلرهاب والتطرف‪ ..‬ونشر االسالم‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫طوارئ بمطار القاهرة لمواجهة تداعٌات دعوات التظاهر ‪11/11‬‬ ‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‬

‫أعلنت سلطات مطار القاهرة الٌوم‪ ،‬الثالثاء‪ ،‬حالة الطوارئ القصوى لتشدٌد‬ ‫اإلجراءات األمنٌة‪ ،‬لمواجهة تداعٌات الدعوات الموجودة على مواقع التواصل‬ ‫االجتماعى والتى ٌنادى بها بعض التنظٌمات فى ‪.11/11‬‬ ‫صرحت مصادر مطلعة بمطار القاهرة ‪" :‬قامت مختلف األجهزة األمنٌة بوقف‬ ‫اإلجازات وسط العاملٌن لدٌها وزٌادة وتكثٌف أعدادهم فى كل المواقع مع تشدٌد‬ ‫اإلجراءات األمنٌة بداٌة من المحاور والطرق من خالل األكمنة األمنٌة الثابتة‬ ‫والمتحركة ورفع حالة اإلستنفار وسط القوات والتدقٌق فى إجراءات التفتٌش‬ ‫واالشتباه لضبط أٌة عناصر مشبوهة تحاول دخول دائرة المطار وفحص السٌارات‬ ‫ومنع أٌة طرود أو حقائب مشبوهة مع زٌادة التفتٌش للركاب وكل المترددٌن مع‬ ‫استخدام الشدة والقوة لمواجهة أٌة محاوالت لإلخالل باألمن والسالمة والعمل على‬ ‫تٌسٌر حركة السفر والوصول"‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت المصادر‪" :‬سٌتم تشكٌل دورٌات أمنٌة تتفقد كل المناطق والمبانى وأسوار‬ ‫المطار ومواقف انتظار السٌارات لرصد أٌة أشٌاء مشبوهة والتعامل معها حٌث‬ ‫عثر رجال أمن بارك صالة السفر بالمبنى رقم ‪ 1‬على سٌارة نصف نقل محملة‬ ‫بكلور وبوتاس وأدوات تنظٌف تابعة لشركة نظافة وتم سحبها بعٌدا عن السٌارات‬ ‫بعد اتخاذ إجراءات التؤمٌن لمحتوٌاتها"‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار القاهرة ٌحصل على شهادة األٌزو فى البٌئة والسالمة‬ ‫والصحة‬ ‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‬ ‫حصل مطار القاهرة على شهادة األٌزو فى البٌئة والسالمة والصحة المهنٌة لتنضم لشهادة األٌزو فى‬ ‫الجودة التى حصل علٌها قبل شهور وألول مرة فى تارٌخه ‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك فى بٌان إعالمى أصدرته شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى األربعاء حٌث أنهت الشركة العالمٌة‬ ‫‪ SGS‬المانحة لشهادات األٌزو المراجعة النهائٌة على شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى تمهٌدا لمنح شهادتى‬ ‫األٌزو ‪ISO 14001:2004‬وشهادة ‪ISO18001:2007‬خالل الفترة من ‪ 2016-11-3‬وحتى ‪-7‬‬ ‫‪.2016-11‬‬ ‫وأشادت شركة ‪SGS‬بالمجهود الممتاز التى قامت به اإلدارة العامة للبٌئة واإلدارة‬ ‫العامة للسالمة والصحة المهنٌة وذلك من خالل فرٌق متكامل ومتجانس من كافة القطاعات بالمطار مما‬ ‫أدى إلى الوصول إلى الدرجة التى أهلت شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى للحصول على شهادتى األٌزو فى‬ ‫البٌئة والسالمة والصحة المهنٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وصرح المحاسب "مجدى إسحاق عازر" رئٌس شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى ‪ :‬إن ما تم إنجازه ٌعد بداٌة‬ ‫طموحة نحو إرساء قواعد نظام إدارى متكامل ٌحقق أهداف الشركة اإلستراتٌجٌة والتحسٌن والتطوٌر‬ ‫المستمر لعملٌاتها وخدماتها وكان هذا نتٌجة للمجهودات واإلنجازات الكبٌرة التى قام بها المهندس‬ ‫"محمد سعٌد محروس رئٌس الشركة القابضة للمطاراتوالمالحة الجوٌة وفرٌق العمل بالمٌناء وبإصرار‬ ‫شدٌد على استكمال مسٌرة النجاح من كل العاملٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وأعلنت شركة ‪SGS‬فى خالل اإلجتماع الختامى للتفتٌش وأمام المحاسب"مجدى إسحاق "رئٌس شركة‬ ‫مٌناء القاهرة الجوى بؤحقٌة شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى للحصول وبجدارة على شهادتى األٌزو‬ ‫‪ 14001:2004‬فى البٌئة وشهادة ‪ 18001:2007‬فى السالمة والصحة المهنٌة ولمدة ثالثة سنوات‬ ‫قادمة وبهذا ٌكون مطار القاهرة الجوى قد حصل على شهادة األٌزو المتكاملة فى البٌئة والجودة‬ ‫والسالمة والصحة المهنٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وٌعتبر مطار القاهرة الدولى من أوائل المطارات المصرٌة التى حصلت على هذا التؤهٌل فى البٌئة‬ ‫والجودة والسالمة والصحة المهنٌة وٌعتبر هذا الحدث من اإلنجازات الحقٌقٌة والهامة فى مثل هذا الوقت‬ ‫والذى نناشد فٌه إستقطاب السٌاحة لمصر لزٌادة الدخل القومى من خالل منظومة الطٌران المدنى‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫‖‪―Catalyst‬للداتا سنتر تنتهى من مٌكنة وتطوٌر القطاع المالى‬ ‫بـ―مصر للطٌران―‬ ‫«حجاج»‪ 30 :‬ملٌون دوالر حجم مبٌعات العام الماضى‬ ‫انتهت شركة ««‪ ،Catalyst‬المتخصصة فى إتاحة حلول «الداتا سنتر» و«الحوسبة‬ ‫السحابٌة»‪ ،‬من توفٌر برامج تكنولوجٌة لتطوٌر اإلدارة المالٌة بشركة «مصر للطٌران»‪.‬‬ ‫وبلغ إجمالى مبٌعات الشركة نحو ‪ 30‬ملٌون دوالر خالل العام الماضى بالسوقٌن المحلى‬ ‫والخارجى‪.‬‬ ‫قال محمد حجاج‪ ،‬مدٌر خدمات ما بعد البٌع بالشركة‪ ،‬إن « «‪Catalyst‬انتهت من إتاحة‬ ‫برامج تكنولوجٌة لإلدارة المالٌة والمخازن بشركة «مصر للطٌران»‪ ،‬فى مدة لم تتجاوز‬ ‫الـ‪ 18‬شهراً‪ ،‬كما نفذت العدٌد من المشروعات المختلفة للجهات الحكومٌة والخاصة‪.‬‬ ‫وألمح إلى أن « «‪Catalyst‬حققت ما ٌقرب من ‪ 30‬ملٌون دوالر مبٌعات خالل العام‬ ‫الماضى‪ ،‬مستهدفة زٌادتها خالل ‪2017‬؛ نتٌجة التوسعات وزٌادة حجم المشروعات‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى أن « «‪Catalyst‬تتعامل مع شركات االتصاالت األربع بالسوق المحلى‪ ،‬ومع‬ ‫ما ٌقرب من ‪ 40‬عمٌالً محلٌا ً و‪ 150‬عمٌالً على مستوى العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد أن الشركة واجهت حالة من الركود أثناء ثورة ‪ٌ 25‬ناٌر؛ بسبب الظروف التى عانتها‬ ‫البالد خالل تلك الفترة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن « «‪Catalyst‬شرٌك ذهبى لشركة أوراكل العالمٌة‪ ،‬وتعتمد علٌها فى خدمات‬ ‫الحوسبة السحابٌة التى تقدمها لعمالئها‪ ،‬منوها بؤنها تركز على عدة قطاعات‪ ،‬أبرزها‬ ‫االتصاالت والبنوك والبترول والطاقة والصحة والتعلٌم‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى إقامة منذ فترة مركزاً متخصصا ً فى الهند للبحث العلمى والتطوٌر لجمٌع‬ ‫البرمجٌات‪.‬‬ ‫وتؤسست « «‪Catalyst‬فى عام ‪ 2002‬فى كالٌفورنٌا بالوالٌات المتحدة األمرٌكٌة‪،‬‬ ‫وتمتلك ‪ 12‬فرعا ً حول العالم‪ ،‬أبرزها فى مصر والهند والكامٌرون وساحل العاج والسنغال‪،‬‬ ‫وتقدم العدٌد من الخدمات التكنولوجٌة‪ ،‬منها الحوسبة السحابٌة ومراكز الداتا سنتر‬ ‫وتكنولوجٌا إنترنت األشٌاء والبٌج داتا ومجال التطبٌقات الذكٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫‪ 1.17‬ملٌار ٌورو ارتفاع أرباح طٌران رٌان أٌر األوروبٌة‬ ‫قالت شركة رٌان إٌر‪ ،‬أكبر شركة طٌران منخفض التكالٌف فً أوروبا‪ ،‬أن أرباحها‬ ‫ارتفعت بنسبة ‪ %7‬لتصل إلى ‪ 1.17‬ملٌار ٌورو (‪ 1.29‬ملٌار دوالر) خالل أول‬ ‫ستة أشهر‬ ‫بارٌس "المسلة" ‪ .....‬قالت شركة رٌان إٌر‪ ،‬أكبر شركة طٌران منخفض‬ ‫التكالٌف فً أوروبا‪ ،‬أن أرباحها ارتفعت بنسبة ‪ %7‬لتصل إلى ‪ 1.17‬ملٌار ٌورو‬ ‫(‪ 1.29‬ملٌار دوالر) خالل أول ستة أشهر من عامها المالً‪ ،‬وذلك على الرغم من‬ ‫انخفاض متوسط أسعار تذاكرها بنسبة ‪ %10‬لتصل إلى ‪ٌ 50‬ورو‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت الشركة أنها خفضت تكالٌف المقعد بنسبة ‪ % 10‬مقارنة بنفس الفترة‬ ‫من العام الماضً‪ ،‬كما سٌرت رحالت لـ ‪ 73‬مساراً جدٌداً‪ ،‬حٌث استخدم هذه‬ ‫المسارات ‪ 65‬راكبا ً فً الفترة من إبرٌل إلى سبتمبر الماضٌ​ٌن بارتفاع بنسبة‬ ‫‪.%12‬‬ ‫وصرح مالك الشركة ماٌكل أو لٌاري ‪":‬إن هذه النتائج تظهر أداء ٌمكن االعتماد‬ ‫علٌه فً الظروف السوقٌة الصعبة"‪ ،‬مشٌراً إلى المشاكل التً من بٌنها إضراب‬ ‫موظفً المراقبة الجوٌة وتداعٌات الهجمات اإلرهابٌة وانخفاض قٌمة الجنٌه‬ ‫االسترلٌنً منذ خروج برٌطانٌا من االتحاد األوروبً فً ٌونٌو الماضً‪.‬‬

‫وحذرت رٌان إٌر الشهر الماضً من أنها تتوقع انخفاض صافً أرباحها السنوي‬ ‫بواقع ‪ 125‬ملٌون ٌورو‪ ،‬وأرجعت ذلك بصورة أساسٌة إلى انخفاض قٌمة العملة‬ ‫البرٌطانٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫الخطوط السعودٌة أول شركة طٌران فً العالم تحلق فوق ‪ 4‬قارات‬ ‫فً رحلة مباشرة‬ ‫أصرت الخطوط السعودٌة على تحقٌق حلم عبور األطلسً إلى القارة‬ ‫قبل ‪ 35‬عاماً‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األمرٌكٌة‪ ،‬عندما قامت «السعودٌة» برحلتها األولى المباشرة من جدة إلى نٌوٌورك‬ ‫بطائراتها «بوٌنج ‪ 747‬إس بً»‪،‬‬ ‫أصرت الخطوط السعودٌة على تحقٌق حلم عبور األطلسً إلى‬ ‫جدة ‪ .....‬قبل ‪ 35‬عاماً‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫القارة األمرٌكٌة‪ ،‬عندما قامت «السعودٌة» برحلتها األولى المباشرة من جدة إلى نٌوٌورك‬ ‫بطائراتها «بوٌنج ‪ 747‬إس بً»‪ ،‬حٌث اعتبر هذا الخط آنذاك الوحٌد فً العالم الذي ٌغطً‬ ‫أربع قارات‪ ،‬إذ ٌربط آسٌا وأمرٌكا محلقا ً فوق إفرٌقٌا وأوروبا بحسب المدٌنة‪.‬‬ ‫بطل قصة عبور المحٌط األطلسً‪ ،‬هو أحد أبناء الخطوط السعودٌة الكابتن جزاع الشمري‪،‬‬ ‫أصغر طٌار ٌعبر المحٌط بطائرة كبٌرة وكان عمره حٌنها ‪ 28‬عاما ً‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الكابتن الشمري‪ :‬كنت أول من أحضر طائرة جدٌدة بوٌنج ‪ 747‬للخطوط السعودٌة من‬ ‫سٌاتل إلى جدة‪ ،‬وبعدها بفترة قررت «السعودٌة» تسٌ​ٌر أول رحلة مجدولة للركاب إلى‬ ‫أمرٌكا‪ ،‬وقد واجهت معارضة شدٌدة من طٌارٌن أمرٌكان‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع‪ :‬االعتراضات وصلت لرئٌس الطٌران المدنً آنذاك‪ ،‬المرحوم ناصر العساف‪ ،‬الذي‬ ‫بعث بها لمدٌر الخطوط‪ ،‬المرحوم أحمد مطر‪ ،‬وقد طلب منً بلباقة أن نستفٌد من خبرة‬ ‫الطٌارٌن األجانب فً هذه الرحلة‪ ،‬لكنه تف ّهم وجهة نظري وسمح لً بالقٌام بالتحلٌق بؤول‬ ‫رحلة مجدولة إلى أمرٌكا فً ‪.1981‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

(1) African governments urged to commercialise Airports Mr. Richard Aisuebeogun, Former Managing Director of Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FANN), has called for the commercialisation of airports in Africa to support the Aviation industry. He said until countries see this as a commercial entity, the growth of the industry would remain stunting. Mr. Aisuebeogun was speaking at the 12th Edition of Akwaaba African Market Tourism Conference, on the topic: ―State of Aviation in Africa and Why Airlines Fail,‖ in Lagos, Nigeria. The three-day event was aimed at transferring knowledge covering travel, hospitality and aviation sectors from globally rated experts. He said African Airports had evolved overtime from the use of old archaic state of infrastructure to a much more modern state of the art buildings and structures. He said the performance of the African aviation industry was lagging behind those of the rest of the world, at less than three per cent of global revenue passenger kilometres. He said the growth was heavily constrained by the high industry costs, inadequate infrastructure at a number of airports, slow implementation of the Yamoussoukro Decision, lack of a single traffic rights negotiating body with respect to third parties like the EU.

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(2) He said, nonetheless, demand for air transport has increased steadily over the past years with passenger numbers and freight traffic growing significantly.

Over the period from 2010 to 2015, Africa has become one of the fastest-growing regions in the world, in terms of international traffic, with an average growth rate of 6.1 per cent, compared to the global average of 5.8 per cent. However, African aviation needs to grow at double-digit rates to be a significant player in the global industry.

He noted that many Airlines had failed or were barely surviving in Africa due to many factors such as Management Business Plan, Safety Regulation, Economic Regulation, Low-cost Airlines, Multi-Hub Strategy, Service Excellence, which he grouped as internal. Others are external, namely: Cost of operating environment, Economic Diversification, Political Environment, improved airport infrastructure, Airports supports, Improved Air navigation infrastructure and unfair competition. ―The economic benefits of airlines are enormous and increasing, because airlines are not just part of the economy but a key economic catalyst recognised as vital to the growth and achievement of National, Regional and Global economic goals,‖ he said.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

Building momentum for sustainable aviation in Africa ICAO‘s Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu stressed last week that progress on African aviation safety, security and sustainability will be greatly aided by enhanced partnerships and coordination, and through the more effective implementation of strategic aviation plans with the UN aviation agency‘s concerted support Her call to action came as part of her summary of latest developments emerging from ICAO‘s 39th Assembly last month, as presented to the 6th Meeting of Africa and Indian Ocean (AFI) Region Directors General of Civil Aviation in Brazzaville, Congo from 2-4 November. ―The First and Second Editions of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan have established clear minimum targets for African States to achieve by 2017,‖ Dr. Liu remarked, referring to African States‘ rate of effective implementation of ICAO‘s aviation safety oversight provisions. ―The successes achieved with respect to the ICAO Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI Plan) have also been a very positive trend we must continue, and instrumental in complementing the Abuja Safety Targets.‖ The Secretary General underscored that strong mechanisms were in place to support more ICAO compliant African civil aviation operations, noting the ambitious air navigation services performance indicators and targets ICAO had collaboratively developed with AFI States. She also highlighted the importance of the ICAO African Flight Procedure Programme (AFPP), and especially its role in promoting wider adoption of Performancebased Navigation (PBN), which delivers important fuel and emissions savings for airlines and quieter communities around airports, among other benefits.


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(2) Dr. Liu also took the occasion to highlight that ICAO had been instructed at its Assembly to develop a newly envisaged ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan, which would help to bring a new level of strategic guidance with the integration of local, national and international agencies as African States continue to pursue the objectives of the ICAO AFI SECFAL Plan and the Windhoek Ministerial Declaration. ―In order to enable all States to benefit – that No Country is Left Behind –it is essential that the entire aviation community work together…‖ She called for the unlocking of the socio-economic benefits of air transport through greater liberalisation, and noted that the projected significant growth in air traffic Africa-wide will require greater commitment to the enhancement of environmental initiatives, such as participation in the new carbon offsetting agreement, or CORSIA, endorsed by ICAO‘s 39th Assembly, the development of State action plans to reduce aviation-related CO2emissions, and human resources development for the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals. With regards to the latter, Dr. Liu congratulated African States‘ participation in the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) initiative and excellence in aviation training. ―Progress on the sustainability of African aviation is achievable with the support of ICAO‘s Regional Offices, our Technical Cooperation and Technical Assistance Programmes, and through strategic partnerships at the regional and international level,‖ Dr. Liu concluded. ―The tremendous growth in aviation traffic and air connectivity that we are forecasting represents a crucial socio-economic developmental opportunity. In order to enable all States to benefit – that No Country is Left Behind – it is essential that the entire aviation community work to ensure that the international civil aviation network is managed and resourced sustainably.‖

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

First emissions mechanism established for aviation Carbon emissions from aviation are growing faster than any other sector. In an effort to address the problem, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) approved the world‘s first global emissions reduction scheme last month. The Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a market-based mechanism in which carbon emissions are offset through the purchase of credits, leaving aviation emissions to remain – at least on paper – at 2020 levels. Aviation currently accounts for just 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions globally, about half of which is from international aviation. However, without effective measures, aviation could account for about 22% of all emissions by 2050, according to projections from Greenovation Hub, an environmental non-governmental organisation. The aviation sector is growing rapidly, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) predict that the number of airline passengers will more than double by 2034 to 7.3 billion, up from 3.5 billion in 2015. China will account for a significant proportion of the growth in passenger numbers. IATA expect that 20% of passengers will be travelling to, from or within China by 2034. China is also predicted to overtake the US as the world‘s largest aviation market for passengers by 2024. Passenger numbers are expected to double from current levels to over 900 million by 2025 and to 1.3 billion by 2035. The US market, in comparison, is expected to increase from just over 650 million passengers in 2015 to 900 million passengers.


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(2) To address this rapid growth, the CORSIA calls for international aviation to supplement efforts to reduce emissions from within the aviation sector with additional off-setting through a market-based mechanism. The CORSIA will begin with a trial from 2021 to 2023 and then a first stage from 2024 to 2026. Both the trial and first stage will be voluntary, meaning airlines worldwide will have a decade to prepare for the start of the scheme in 2027. At this point countries will need to purchase emissions credits to keep sector emissions at the 2020 level. There will be some exceptions to the scheme: countries with minimal aviation traffic, least-developed nations, and island and landlocked developing nations will all be exempt. Like shipping, the cross-border nature of international aviation has made finding agreement on limiting emissions especially challenging. The sector was not covered in the Paris Agreement so the CORSIA will be the key driver of emissions reduction. WWF China described the deal as ―an important step for reduction of aviation emissions.‖ As of October 12, 66 nations, including China, and together accounting for 86.5% of international aviation emissions, had signed up to the CORSIA trial. Russia and India have said they will not participate in the voluntary phases. Limited headroom for cuts

The main challenge in curbing aviation emissions is that improvements in technology, operational efficiency and the development of sustainable alternative fuels will be unable to keep pace with passenger growth, meaning an increase in overall carbon emissions.

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(3) Andrew Murphy, aviation officer with Transport and Environment, a sustainable transportation body, told chinadialogue: ―For the next few years, it‘s expected that passenger demand will grow around 4-6% a year, while efficiencies will improve by about 1-2% a year.‖ Even under ICAO‘s most optimistic modelling scenario for technological and operational improvements, international aviation is expected to increase carbondioxide (CO2) emissions by 523 million tonnes by 2040 or 1039 million tonnes by 2050, based on projected emissions in 2020. The solution to this emissions gap is to utilise carbon off-setting so that passenger growth can continue unfettered whilst keeping aviation emissions at 2020 levels. This approach has been criticised by some EU law makers as lacking ambition because carbon trading under the CORSIA scheme will not lead to a reduction in emissions on 2020 levels. There are also concerns about whether CORSIA will even incentivise airlines to change. Andrew Murphy is concerned that low carbon prices and overall costs won‘t provide sufficient incentives for airlines to use better technology and optimise routes. ICAO calculations show that by 2035 airlines worldwide will be spending just 0.5% to 1.4% of their total costs on carbon abatement. This is less than the impact of fluctuations in the price of oil. There are also concerns that the CORSIA will fail to maintain emissions at 2020 levels. Greenovation Hub and WWF claim that the CORSIA may see emissions traded with projects that actually do little to reduce carbon emissions or that have damaging environmental impacts. Ensuring that the aviation sector only purchases credits that guarantee real and long-term reductions in emissions will be challenging. It is also the case that projects selling carbon credits may have broader negative environmental impacts.

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(4) WWF China also point out that the CORSIA and the targets in the Paris Agreement‘s to reduce global warming to 2C or 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. This means the actual contribution of the aviation industry toward cutting emissions will remain undetermined. A level playing field for developing nations Despite the low overall costs of the scheme, the price of participation will be higher for developing nations, where aviation is expanding more rapidly, than for developed nations. WWF China has pointed out that under the CORSIA, developed nations are responsible for historical emissions. A proposal submitted to ICAO by Russia noted that aviation is expanding at a higher rate in some developing countries than in developed ones where aviation industries have had longer to mature. Furthermore, developed nation airlines make much higher profits than those in Africa. The argument goes that additional financial burdens on developing nation airlines would hamper their development and offer an unfair advantage to established aviation industries. Wang Changyi, head of the development planning department at the Civil Aviation Administration of China, said at the 2015 China Civil Aviation Development Forum that passenger numbers in China had grown by 10% a year during the 12th Five Year Plan (2011-2015). As China uses mostly imported Boeing and Airbus aircraft on international routes, the country itself can do little to cut emissions.

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To resolve this issue, ICAO has used a ―dynamic approach‖ to calculating carbon off-sets. Between 2021 and 2029 airlines will not be expected to benchmark themselves against their own emissions, but rather against an industry average. Over time the airlines‘ performance will become more important, and by 2035 they will be responsible for the bulk (70%) of their emissions. Chai Qimin, deputy director of the strategic planning department at the NDRC‘s National Centre for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation told chinadialogue that the rapid growth of Chinese airlines is unlikely to continue in the long-term, and if extra emissions are distributed based on an industry average, Chinese firms will not see severe cost increases. The specific details of the scheme such as costs for carbon credits are still being determined, and developing nations still have time to discuss the balancing of their development rights and industry-wide emissions cuts in future talks.

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Emirates Airline net profit drops 75% in FY first half Dubai-based Emirates Airline recorded a net profit of AED786 million ($214 million) for the first half of its 2016-17 financial year, down 75% from AED3.1 billion in the year-ago period. Revenue for the period was down 1% to AED41.9 billion. The airline said the figures reflected increased market competition that resulted in lower fares, together with unfavorable currency movements because of the strength of the dollar. Additional adverse factors included dampened demand as a result of a subdued economic landscape and security fears that had dissuaded some people from traveling. Capacity for the half-year, measured in ASKs, was up 12%, outstripping passenger traffic that rose 8% in RPKs. The airline carried 28 million passengers, up 9% on the same period last year.. Load factor dropped 3% to 75.3% compared to the year-ago figures. In the first half of the year, the airline received eight new Airbus A380s and the same number of Boeing 777s, with 20 more aircraft scheduled to enter the inventory by the end of the financial year. Against this, it retired 19 aircraft, with a further eight to leave by the end of the second half. Emirates‘ operating costs increased 5%. On average, fuel costs were 10% lower compared to the same period last year. Fuel remained the largest component of the airline‘s cost, accounting for 24% of operating costs compared with 28% in the first six months of last year.

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(2) Emirates Group, which includes the dnata ground handling organization, recorded a net profit of AED1.3 billion, down 64% yearover-year. Revenue was AED46.5 billion, up 1% YOY. ―Our performance for the first half of the 2016-17 financial year continues to be impacted by the strong US dollar against other major currencies,‖ Group chairman and chief executive Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum said. ―Increased competition, as well as the sustained economic and political uncertainty in many parts of the world, has added downward pressure on prices as well as dampened travel demand. ―The bleak global economic outlook appears to be the new norm,‖ he warned, ―with no immediate resolution in sight. ―Against this backdrop, the Group has remained profitable and our solid business foundations continue to stand us in good stead. In the first six months of this year, both Emirates and dnata continued to grow in capability and capacity. Our past investments in product and services are now paying off, enabling us to retain valued clients and attract new customers—reflected in the airline‘s passenger growth of 2.3 million.‖

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Emirates Airline net profit drops 75% in FY first half Dubai-based Emirates Airline recorded a net profit of AED786 million ($214 million) for the first half of its 2016-17 financial year, down 75% from AED3.1 billion in the year-ago period. Revenue for the period was down 1% to AED41.9 billion. The airline said the figures reflected increased market competition that resulted in lower fares, together with unfavorable currency movements because of the strength of the dollar. Additional adverse factors included dampened demand as a result of a subdued economic landscape and security fears that had dissuaded some people from traveling. Capacity for the half-year, measured in ASKs, was up 12%, outstripping passenger traffic that rose 8% in RPKs. The airline carried 28 million passengers, up 9% on the same period last year. Load factor dropped 3% to 75.3% compared to the year-ago figures. In the first half of the year, the airline received eight new Airbus A380s and the same number of Boeing 777s, with 20 more aircraft scheduled to enter the inventory by the end of the financial year. Against this, it retired 19 aircraft, with a further eight to leave by the end of the second half. Emirates‘ operating costs increased 5%. On average, fuel costs were 10% lower compared to the same period last year. Fuel remained the largest component of the airline‘s cost, accounting for 24% of operating costs compared with 28% in the first six months of last year.

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(2) Emirates Group, which includes the dnata ground handling organization, recorded a net profit of AED1.3 billion, down 64% yearover-year. Revenue was AED46.5 billion, up 1% YOY. ―Our performance for the first half of the 2016-17 financial year continues to be impacted by the strong US dollar against other major currencies,‖ Group chairman and chief executive Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum said. ―Increased competition, as well as the sustained economic and political uncertainty in many parts of the world, has added downward pressure on prices as well as dampened travel demand. ―The bleak global economic outlook appears to be the new norm,‖ he warned, ―with no immediate resolution in sight. ―Against this backdrop, the Group has remained profitable and our solid business foundations continue to stand us in good stead. In the first six months of this year, both Emirates and dnata continued to grow in capability and capacity. Our past investments in product and services are now paying off, enabling us to retain valued clients and attract new customers—reflected in the airline‘s passenger growth of 2.3 million.‖

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IAG CEO Willie Walsh urges new UK-US Open Skies agreement International Airlines Group (IAG) CEO Willie Walsh, speaking in Washington DC Nov. 9 at the International Aviation Club, congratulated President-elect Donald Trump on his election victory and urged the US government and the aviation industry to support a new US-UK Open Skies agreement modeled on the existing US-European Union (EU) Open Skies agreement. ―I have a quote from Oscar Wilde that‘s appropriate in this case,‖ Walsh said. ―Oscar Wilde once said that ‗the world is divided into two classes, those who believe the incredible, and those that do the improbable.‘ I think what happened yesterday was we saw somebody who appealed to those who believe in the incredible and those who have done the improbable. I personally look forward to seeing what President-elect Trump does. I expect this is going to be a very exciting time for aviation.‖ Additionally, Walsh said there will be a period of negotiation before the shape of the UK‘s future relationship with the EU and indeed the aviation framework will become clearer. ―At IAG we will press strongly to maintain the full access to international markets and to continue effective regulatory arrangements,‖ Walsh said. ―The best and the easiest way to do that will be for the UK and the EU to agree to a comprehensive air transport agreement, in other words an Open Skies agreement.‖


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(2) ―We would want to see a similar Open Skies agreement between the UK and other markets for [which] the EU agreement already exists. That would include obviously the United States. I believe that such an agreement would be good for all parties, whether it‘s Britain, America or the EU,‖ he said. ―Aviation is a global industry,‖ Walsh said. ―Anything short of an Open Skies would be a massive retrograde step. Limited flying is protectionism. We need a liberal regime to facilitate trade and connectivity between our nations.‖ ―With Brexit, Britain needs to further develop its trading links around the world and it‘s critical to do that—that we have a good relationship with the United States,‖ Walsh continued. ―When I listened to Donald Trump‘s victory speech I was impressed because if he is to deliver on the promises that he gave to grow employment, to strengthen the economy, aviation is going to be a key facilitator in achieving those goals. It is in both countries‘ interest that a UK-US agreement ensures that consumers and businesses continue to benefit from the improved competition, choice and value that has been delivered by the EU-US Open Skies agreement for almost eight years.‖ ―Today‘s agreements don‘t just benefit airlines. Many other industries depend on flying and we need to ensure that they can continue to do so without any disruption,‖ Walsh said. ―The good news is that aviation is not starting from scratch. We have a model in the EU-US agreement, one that can be easily applied to other jurisdictions today.‖

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Avianca Holdings reports 3Q net profit of $38 million Avianca Holdings S.A., posted a $37.8 million net profit for the third quarter of 2016, down 63% from a $102.1 million net profit the company reported in 3Q 2015. Aviana Holdings is the parent of seven Latin American passenger airlines including Colombian flag carrier Avianca and air-freight carrier Avianca Cargo. Avianca‘s total operating revenue for the quarter was $1.1 billion, down 4.9% year-over-year (YOY). Operating expenses fell 3.1% YOY to $978.8 million. The company‘s operating income for the quarter was $83.4 million, up 15.7% compared to $72.1 million in 3Q 2015, with an operating margin of 7.9%, up 1.4 point YOY. Avianca said the results were driven by lower operating costs as the company benefited from its revised hedging policy, reducing expenses by nearly $30 million compared to 3Q 2015. Fuel expenses were down 19.3% YOY. The company also cut maintenance and repairs expenses 16.6% YOY, following a reduction in fleet re-delivery provisions as well as a decline in engine overhaul expenses. While we continue to experience some political and macroeconomic uncertainty in several markets throughout Latin America during the third quarter of 2016, Avianca benefited from welcome oil price stability as well as exchange rate steadiness in key markets,‖ Avianca Holdings CEO Hernán Rincón said. ―[This] stability has fueled renewed demand on both the international and domestic fronts. Growth in terms of ASKs has been leveled throughout our network, at around 3% [to 12 billion ASKs] … [and] passenger traffic numbers, measured in RPK, grew by 5.9% [to 10 billion RPKs]… driven by steady demand in our home markets and strong sales for our international routes,‖ Rincón said. ―In particular, the services from Bogota to Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, London and Madrid all registered load factors above 85%. As such, the 83.5% load factor registered this quarter across the network is the strongest since the integration between AVIANCA and TACA.‖


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(2) To accommodate increased demand the airline increased its frequencies to the Iberian Peninsula from 21 to 35 weekly frequencies, Rincó said. The company served 7.6 million passengers during the quarter, up 3.2%. Yield fell 7.1% to 9.5 cents; PRASK was down 4.6% to 7.7 cents. Avianca took delivery of two Boeing 787-8s and one Airbus A319 during the quarter. As of Sept. 30, Avianca Holdings and its subsidiaries operating fleet totaled 177 aircraft, comprised of 110 A320 family aircraft, 15 ATR 72s, 11 Cessna 208s, 10 Embraer E190s, nine A330s, nine 787s, five A330F and four A300F cargo aircraft, two ATR-42s, and two 767F freighters. In his 3Q CEO message, Rincón announced the appointment of Roberto Held Otero as the company‘s new CFO, effective Nov. 1, replacing Gerardo Grajeles, who will now head Avianca‘s new strategic business unit.

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Ethiopian Airlines closes in on 777X and 100-seater decisions Ethiopian Airlines aims to decide on a 100-seat aircraft order before the end of 2016 and is still considering the Boeing 777X in preparation for a possible order in 2017. ―We may be able to do something [on the 100-seater] before the end of the year. We are looking at around 10 aircraft,‖ Ethiopian Airlines CEO Tewolde Gebremariam told ATW on the sidelines of World Travel Market in London. Gebremariam said Bombardier‘s CS100 and Embraer‘s E195-E2 are emerging as ...

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(1) IATA Airlines Financial Monitor - October 2016 Key points: The initial financial results from Q3 2016 point to another solid quarter for industry profitability and cash flow, although they add to earlier signs that the industry profitability cycle may have peaked; Global airline share prices rose by 3.6% in October, but have underperformed the wider equity market this year; Brent crude oil prices reached a 15-month high during October, but have fallen back so far in November. The oil market is slowly rebalancing, and prices are expected to trend upwards gradually over the coming years; There have been further signs that the intense downward pressure on passenger yields eased during the middle part of 2016, in keeping with the change in the trend of oil prices; The premium segment remains an important buffer for airline financial performance. Premium airfares have held up better than those in economy on many of the most important premium routes so far this year; Developments in passenger traffic continue to reflect the net influence of a number of factors. Traffic was resilient in September, and the seasonally-adjusted industry-wide load factor increased to a nine-month high; The upward trend in air freight volumes has accelerated in recent months, helped in part by one-off factors. Nonetheless, the load factor remains at a historically low level, and wider weakness of world trade is still a concern.


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(2) AIRLINES FINANCIAL MONITOR KEY POINTS September 2016 – October 2016 The initial financial results from Q3 2016 point to another solid quarter for industry profitability and cash flow, although they add to earlier signs that the industry profitability cycle may have peaked; Global airline share prices rose by 3.6% in October, but have underperformed the wider equity market this year; Brent crude oil prices reached a 15-month high during October, but have fallen back so far in November. The oil market is slowly rebalancing, and prices are expected to trend upwards gradually over the coming years; There have been further signs that the intense downward pressure on passenger yields eased during the middle part of 2016, in keeping with the change in the trend of oil prices; The premium segment remains an important buffer for airline financial performance. Premium airfares have held up better than those in economy on many of the most important premium routes so far this year; Developments in passenger traffic continue to reflect the net influence of a number of factors. Traffic was resilient in September, and the seasonally-adjusted industry-wide load factor increased to a nine-month high; The upward trend in air freight volumes has accelerated in recent months, helped in part by one-off factors. Nonetheless, the load factor remains at a historically low level, and wider weakness of world trade is still a concern. Financial indicators Global airline share prices rose by 3.6% in October, outpacing the wider equity market again Global airline share prices rose by 3.6% in October. The index of North American carriers increased by 6.4% during the month, while the Asia Pacific index fell for the third month in a row (-1.5%). European airline shares rose by 1.4%, but have fallen the most since the start of 2016 (-28%). The global airline index has risen by almost 9% since the low reached following the ‘Brexit’ vote. Investor concerns about the impact of lower unit revenues on profitability, and labor costs in North America in particular, have weighed on share prices during much of 2016. Global airline shares ended the month more than 14% lower than their level at the start of 2016 and have lagged behind the wider equity market by a wide margin so far this year.

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(3) Robust financial performance, but further signs that the profit cycle may have peaked The initial financial results from Q3 2016 continue to indicate robust performance by historical standards. However, industry operating conditions are becoming more challenging, and the latest results are a further indication that the profitability cycle, while remaining robust, may have peaked. The EBIT margin in our sample of 29 airlines dipped to 15.1%, from 16.0% in the same period in 2015. Margins fell in North America, reflecting volatile fuel and labor costs. By contrast, margins improved in Asia Pacific and were broadly unchanged in Europe from a year ago Free cash flow edges down in Q3 2016, reflecting lower net cash flow and a pick-up in capex Net cash flow in our sample of 16 airlines eased to 13.1% of revenues in Q3 2016, from 13.9% in the same period last year. Regional differences will become clearer as more airline results become available in the coming weeks and months. Airlines in our sample increased capital expenditure slightly as a share of revenues in Q3 2016 compared to the same quarter in 2015. As a result, free cash flow in Q3 in the sample dropped to 3.4% of revenues from 4.7%. Free cash flow allows airlines to return cash to investors or to repair their balance sheets by paying down debt.

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(4) Brent crude prices reached a 15-month high in October, but have fallen back in November Brent crude oil prices climbed to a 15-month high during October following the agreement by OPEC in September to cut oil output in the months ahead. Nonetheless, stronger-than-expected oil inventory data out in the US, as well as skepticism as to whether OPEC will be able to limit production as planned, have seen oil prices slide back in earlyNovember. Brent crude recently fell below $45/bbl for the first time since early-August. A rebalancing in the oil market is slowly taking pace, and the annual comparison will become increasingly unfavorable over the months ahead. The futures market and oil analysts expect a weak upward trend in oil prices over the foreseeable future, with prices remaining relatively low (around US$55/bbl) until 2020

Further signs that downward pressure on underlying yields has eased The global average yield in reported US dollar terms has trended downwards since late-2014. However, the trend has paused in seasonallyadjusted terms over the past few months (the latest data go up to August 2016 and exclude taxes, fees and surcharges). This ties in with the change in the trend in fuel prices over the past nine months or so. All told, the latest data provide additional evidence that the intense downward pressure on underlying (ie, constant exchange rate – the blue line) yields seen during the opening months of 2016 eased during the middle months of the year.

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(5) Premium traffic continues to offer an important buffer for airline financial performance O-D premium international journeys accounted for 5.2% of the total over the first eight months of 2016, down from 5.5% a year ago. Growth in premium international passenger traffic has continued to lag behind that of economy. However, as has been the case for some time, premium fares have held up better than those in economy on the majority of the top-10 premium routes. In fact, premium‘s share of revenues has risen slightly so far this year on the Europe-Asia and North Atlantic markets (these two routes accounted for nearly twofifths of industry-wide premium revenues combined last year). All told, the high-yielding premium segment continues to offer an important buffer for airline financial performance

Passenger traffic was resilient in September, alongside a pickup in conditions for freight Annual growth in industry-wide passenger traffic accelerated to 7.0% year-on-year in September – a seven-month high. Developments continue to reflect the net impact of a range of competing drivers, including the subdued global economic backdrop and lower air fares. Meanwhile, the upward trend in seasonallyadjusted air freight has strengthened of late, aided in part in September by one-off factors (including the rushed replacement of Galaxy Note 7 devices). However, the underlying weakness of world trade remains an ongoing concern for sustained growth in freight volumes. Against this backdrop, freight carriers need to look past the traditional drivers of growth (link).

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(6) Trends in capacity have moderated in recent months, particularly for freight Available seat kilometres grew by 6.6% yearon-year in September. Airlines have moderated capacity growth somewhat this year in line with the wider easing in growth momentum. The upward trend in available freight tonne kilometres has eased in recent months, in part owing to a slowdown in deliveries to the widebody passenger fleet in 2016 (particularly in Asia Pacific). Capacity grew by 4.7% year-onyear in September, and lagged behind FTK growth for the first month since February 2015 (when disruption at US west coast seaports boosted demand for air freight).

Net storage activity makes another modest negative contribution to fleet growth The number of available seats in the global airline fleet increased by 0.5% in September compared to the previous month, and by 5.8% yearon-year. 156 new aircraft were delivered in September – 24 more than were delivered in September 2015 (132). Net storage activity made the biggest negative contribution (-54 in September) since April. This was driven by an increase in aircraft going into storage compared to what we saw during the middle of 2016

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(7) Passenger and freight loads both increased in seasonallyadjusted terms in September The industry-wide passenger load factor rose by 0.6 percentage points in seasonally adjusted terms in September, taking it to its highest level since January. This was driven mainly by a pick-up on the demand side. The September load factor was at or very close to a record high in all regions expect the Middle East. The industry-wide freight load factor remains at a historically low level, and is continuing to put pressure on freight yields and revenues. However, given the acceleration in the upward trend in traffic in recent months, the seasonallyadjusted industry-wide load factor has risen by nearly two percentage points since its recent low in early 2016. Davi

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Emirates Group announces half-year performance for 2016-17 The Emirates Group today announced its half-year results for 2016-17. The Group held steady on revenue, but profit was hit by the double impact of a strong US dollar and challenging operating environment for the airline and travel business. The Emirates Group revenue was AED 46.5 billion (US$ 12.7 billion) for the first six months of its 2016-17 financial year, up 1% from AED 46.0 billion (US$ 12.5 billion) during the same period last year. Following one of its best ever half-year profit performances last year, the Group for 2016-17 reported a half-year net profit of AED 1.3 billion (US$ 364 million), down 64%. The Group‘s cash position on 30th September 2016 was at AED 14.9 billion (US$ 4.1 billion), compared to AED 23.5 billion (US$ 6.4 billion) as at 31st March 2016. This is due to ongoing investments mainly into new aircraft, airline related infrastructure projects, business acquisitions, and the repayments of bonds totalling AED 4.1 billion (US$ 1.1 billion), loans and lease liabilities. ―Our performance for the first half of the 2016-17 financial year continues to be impacted by the strong US dollar against other major currencies. Increased competition, as well as the sustained economic and political uncertainty in many parts of the world has added downward pressure on prices as well as dampened travel demand,‖ said His Highness (HH) Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman and Chief Executive, Emirates Airline and Group. He added: ―The bleak global economic outlook appears to be the new norm, with no immediate resolution in sight. Against this backdrop, the Group has remained profitable and our solid business foundations continue to stand us in good stead. In the first six months of this year, both Emirates and dnata continued to grow in capability and capacity. Our past investments in product and services are now paying off, enabling us to retain valued clients and attract new customers reflected in the airline‘s passenger growth of 2.3 million.

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(2) We continue to make strategic investments, because we know we have to work even harder for every customer, and make every dollar spent go even further through innovation and driving efficiency across our business.‖ In the past six months, the Group continued to develop and expand its employee base, increasing its overall staff count to over 103,000, a 9% increase compared with 31 March 2016. This was mainly due to recent acquisitions in dnata businesses, and also required support for Emirates‘ growing fleet. Emirates airline Emirates continues to invest in the most advanced wide-body aircraft to improve overall efficiency and provide better customer experience. During the first six months of the financial year, Emirates received 16 wide-body aircraft – 8 Airbus A380s, and 8 Boeing 777s, with 20 more new aircraft scheduled to be delivered before the end of the financial year. It also retired 19 older aircraft from its fleet with further 8 to be returned by 31 March 2017. Emirates expanded its global route network by launching passenger services to four new destinations – Yinchuan, Zhengzhou, Yangon, and Hanoi. As of 30 September, Emirates‘ global network spanned 155 destinations in 82 countries, with Fort Lauderdale to come online on 15 December 2016. Operating the world‘s largest fleet of A380s and the largest fleet of Boeing 777s, Emirates continues to provide ever better connections for its customers across the globe with just one stop in Dubai. Overall capacity during the first six months of the year increased 9% to 30.2 billion Available Tonne Kilometres (ATKM). Capacity measured in Available Seat Kilometres (ASKM), grew by 12%, whilst passenger traffic carried measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPKM) was up 8% with average Passenger Seat Factor dropping to 75.3%, compared with last year‘s 78.3%. Emirates carried 28.0 million passengers between 1 April and 30 September 2016, up 9% from the same period last year. The volume of cargo uplifted remained stable at 1.3 million tonnes, a solid performance in a challenging air freight market.

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In the first half of the 2016-17 financial year, Emirates net profit is AED 786 million (US$ 214 million), down 75%, following one of the airline‘s best half-year performances during the same period last year. Emirates revenue, including other operating income, of AED 41.9 billion (US$ 11.4 billion) was slightly down by 1% compared with AED 42.3 billion (US$ 11.5 billion) recorded last year. This is due to the unfavourable currency environment - where the US dollar continued to strengthen against most other major currencies; and increased competition resulting in lower average fares. The airline was also impacted by currency devaluation and hard currency shortage in some African countries, as well as dampened travel demand due to the ongoing economic malaise and looming security concerns across major markets in its network. Emirates operating costs grew by 5% against the overall capacity increase of 9%. On average, fuel costs were 10% lower compared to the same period last year. However, fuel remained the largest component of the airline‘s cost, accounting for 24% of operating costs compared with 28% in the first six months of last year.

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(4) Dnata dnata continued to strengthen its global businesses which now span 83 countries. In the first half of 2016-17, dnata‘s international operations accounted for over 67% of its total revenue. dnata‘s revenue, including other operating income, is AED 6.0 billion (US$ 1.6 billion), a robust 14% increase compared to AED 5.2 billion (US$ 1.4 billion) last year. This solid performance was underpinned by the consolidation of dnata‘s recent acquisitions in its ground handling businesses in Europe and Americas. Overall profit for dnata was down slightly by 1% to AED 549 million (US$ 150 million), mainly due to the impact of the strong US dollar on currency repatriation from its international businesses, and also due to start-up investment costs in some of its new acquisitions. dnata‘s airport operations remained the largest contributor to revenue with AED 3.1 billion (US$ 843 million), a 31% increase compared to the same period last year. Across its operations, the number of aircraft handled by dnata increased significantly by 75% to 297,721, and it handled 1.2 million tonnes of cargo, up 28%, reflecting the new businesses acquired, as well as an increase in traffic at Dubai International airport over the same period last year. dnata's travel division contributed AED 1.5 billion (US$ 404 million) to revenue, down 13% from the same period last year. The division‘s underlying net sales decreased by 14% to AED 5.3 billion (US$ 1.4 billion), illustrating the impact of economic uncertainty and increased price competition in the travel and tourism industry. dnata‘s flight catering operation, contributed AED 1 billion (US$ 286 million) to its total revenue, up 3%. The number of meals uplifted was at 34.2 million meals for the first half of the financial year, up 5% compared to last year‘s figure of 32.7 million.

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(1) Lufthansa Group launches chatbot The Lufthansa Group has launched a chatbot called Mildred, which searches for the cheapest flights within the next nine months. Users can also narrow their search results to specific dates and booking classes and, when searching for an airfare on the Facebook Messenger app, users can use the full name of their departure and destination airports, the international airport codes or their home city as the starting point. The chatbot knows the nearest airport from which Lufthansa departs and can then find the cheapest prices for an outbound flight with a return flight seven days later. Normally, the chatbot looks for a trip within the next nine months but, if this is too far in advance, the dates can be narrowed down to a specific weekday, month or public holiday, such as Christmas. If a booking class is specified, such as Economy, Premium Economy or Business, Mildred will take this into account. Users wishing to buy a ticket are redirected to the mobile website, where they can book the flights directly on their smartphone. The avatar is a friendly lady with glasses and her pink hair in a bun. Users do not fill in a form, but rather the process is a written dialogue, which is why Facebook Messenger is the right app for Mildred, who remembers the chosen departure airport for 24 hours and answers all other requests from there. The bot (short for robot) is based on a natural language processing platform (NLP), This platform chosen by the internal team of developers understands English as well as German and also recognises place names and dates. The NLP translates the written questions into machine-readable code. The chatbot uses two interfaces: one interface )API( to the ―Lufthansa Nearest Airport‖ database, which also stores the international three-letter codes, such as FRA for Frankfurt. Mildred's other interface is Google‘s Geolocation whose database recognises numerous tourist attractions as well as place names. If the user specifies the Eiffel Tower, for example, the flight destination is recognised as Paris. On the basis of this information, Mildred then asks the Lufthansa ―Best Price‖ database for the cheapest price for the requested connection.

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(2) Mildred's beta version is available now. The team of developers has come up with and tested many different possible request wordings but in practice many more word combinations are used. ―The production depth of Mildred is already significant but it is important for us to launch a beta version to give her the chance to learn. In the digital world, the speed and mindset of start-ups counts, which involves quickly testing a new version and integrating feedback from the target group,‖ says Dr Torsten Wingenter, Head of Digital Innovations. Mildred will initially understand German and English, and other languages will follow. The best-price search is available to iPhone and Android users via the free Facebook Messenger app. Users can enter ―Lufthansa Best Price‖ into the search window to start the dialogue. To test Mildred on a desktop device, enter the address in the browser window. In both cases you need a Facebook account.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Air Canada to launch Vancouver-Frankfurt and Vancouver-London Gatwick flights for Summer 2017 Air Canada today announced it is further boosting international flights at its Vancouver hub next summer with daily seasonal flights from YVR to Frankfurt, and three times weekly seasonal flights from YVR to London Gatwick. Flights begin June 1, 2017 and June 8, 2017respectively, and tickets are now available for purchase. "Air Canada continues to strategically increase its European flights at YVR with seasonal daily flights to Frankfurt next summer and three times weekly flights to London Gatwick," said Benjamin Smith, Air Canada President, Passenger Airlines. "The addition of our flights to Frankfurt, one of Europe's most important hubs, offers customers a wide array of convenient choices and the ease of one-stop connections with our Star Alliance partner Lufthansa when travelling to southern, central and eastern Europe as well as Africa, the Middle East and beyond. "We will be the only airline flying non-stop between YVR and the two largest airports in the London metropolitan region during the peak summer travel period with the addition of London Gatwick. By next summer, Air Canada will serve five European destinations non-stop from YVR including two significant hubs, Frankfurt and London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Dublin, and on a code-share basis with joint venture partner Lufthansa Munich, strengthening YVR as an important hub that connects our B.C., Western Canada and U.S. routes to our expanding international network," concluded Mr. Smith.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

(2) What an amazing year it has been for Air Canada and YVR," said Craig Richmond, President & CEO of Vancouver Airport Authority. "I want to thank Air Canada for continuing to grow its international hub out of YVR and delivering a steady stream of excellent new services. Air Canada's new non-stop services to Frankfurt and Gatwick will further expand this award-winning airline's reach into key European markets and will provide incredible benefits for our passengers, partners and communities." "Air Canada's new flights from YVR to Frankfurt and London Gatwick are great news for B.C.'s diverse tourism sector. Already this year we've seen year over year European visitors increase by nearly 18 per cent. These new flights will bring even more visitors while creating jobs and spin-off benefits in our hotels, tourism attractions and businesses," said the Honourable Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism & Skills Training in BC. Vancouver-Frankfurt flights Air Canada's Vancouver-Frankfurt flights will be operated with Boeing 787-8 Dreamliners, featuring a choice of three cabins configured with 20 International Business Class individual lie-flat suites, 21 Premium Economy seats and 210 Economy Class seats. Air Canada's Dreamliners also feature an enhanced seatback In-Flight Entertainment system which is available at every seat throughout the aircraft. All Air Canada flights provide for Aeroplan accumulation and redemption and, for eligible customers, priority check-in, Maple Leaf Lounge access in Vancouver and in Frankfurt, priority boarding and other benefits. Air Canada's Frankfurt flights complement daily flights operated from Vancouver by Star Alliance partner Lufthansa.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬





Vancouver Frankfurt (YVR) (FRA)


Frankfurt (FRA)


Vancouver 10.00 (YVR)

07:05 (+1 day) 10.55

Next summer, Air Canada will operate to Frankfurt from five points across Canada: Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. Vancouver-London Gatwick flights Air Canada's Vancouver-London Gatwick service will be operated by Air Canada Rouge with Boeing 767-300 ER aircraft featuring premium and economy cabins. Flights are timed to optimize connectivity to and from flights within BC and the Pacific North West at Air Canada's Vancouver hub. All flights provide for Aeroplan accumulation and redemption and, for eligible customers, priority check-in, Maple Leaf Lounge access in Vancouver, priority boarding and other benefits.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Flight AC1934



To Depart London 16:45 Vancouver Gatwick Tue, Thur, (YVR) (LGW) Sat. London 12:00 Vancouver Gatwick Tue, Thur, (YVR) (LGW) Sat.

Arrive 10:25 (+1 day)


Next summer, Air Canada Rouge will operate to London Gatwick from two points across Canada: Vancouver and Toronto. Air Canada's ongoing international expansion this year has included the recent launch of Vancouver-Delhi, Vancouver-Brisbane, VancouverDublin, Toronto-Seoul, Toronto-London Gatwick, Toronto-Prague, TorontoBudapest, Toronto-Warsaw, Toronto-Glasgow, MontrealCasablanca and Montreal-Lyon. In 2017 ،the airline will launch new international services between Vancouver-Taipei, Vancouver-Nagoya, Vancouver-Frankfurt, Vancouver-London Gatwick, Toronto-Mumbai, Toronto-Berlin, MontrealShanghai, Montreal-Algiers and Montreal-Marseille. Last year, Air Canada launched new international services between Vancouver-Osaka, Toronto-Delhi, Toronto-Amsterdam, TorontoDubai, Montreal-Venice and Montreal-Mexico City.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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