ثغجت عٛء االدٛاي اٌجٛيخ رغييش ِغبس 6سدالد ٚصٛي سدالد ٚرأخش االلالع ٌّصش ٌٍغيشاْ صوػ ِصله َِئٛي ثّصو ٌٍؽ١واْ أٔٗ رُ رغ١١و َِبه 6هؽالد ع٠ٛخ لبكِخ ِٓ ػلح ٚعٙبد ك١ٌٚخ ٚكافٍ١خ ثَجت ٍٛء ا٤ؽٛاي اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌز ٟشٙلرٙب اٌجالك ِٕن اٌلل١مخ اٌٟٚ٤ ِٓ صجبػ َٛ٠اٌضالصبء لب٘وح -صبٌخ اٌزؾو٠و -صوػ ِصله َِئٛي ثّصو ٌٍؽ١واْ أٔٗ رُ رغ١١و َِبه 6 هؽالد ع٠ٛخ لبكِخ ِٓ ػلح ٚعٙبد ك١ٌٚخ ٚكافٍ١خ ثَجت ٍٛء ا٤ؽٛاي اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌزٟ شٙلرٙب اٌجالك ِٕن اٌلل١مخ ا ِٓ ٌٟٚ٤صجبػ َٛ٠اٌضالصبء ٚؽز ٟا ،ْ٢ؽ١ش رُ رغ١١و َِبه هؽالد ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ اٌمبكِخ ِٓ وً ِٓ رٚ ٌٔٛاٌلٚؽخ ٚأٍٛاْ ٌ١زُ ٘جٛؼ ُٙثّؽبه اٌغوكلخ اٌل ٌٟٚثلال ِٓ ِؽبه اٌمب٘وح. وّب رُ رغ١١و َِبه هؽٍخ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ اٌمبكِخ ِٓ أٍؽٕجٛي ٌزٙجػ ثّؽبه شوَ اٌش١ـ اٌل ٌٟٚثلال ِٓ ِؽبه اٌمب٘وح٘ ،نا ثبإلظبفخ ئٌ ٝاٌوؽٍخ اٌمبكِخ ِٓ اٌّلٕ٠خ إٌّٛهح رُ رغ١١و َِبه٘ب ٌزٙجػ ثّؽبه اٌمب٘وح اٌل ٌٟٚثلال ِٓ ِؽبه ثوط اٌؼوة ثبالٍىٕله٠خ ،وّب رُ رؾَِ ً٠ٛبه هؽٍخ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ اٌمبكِخ ِٓ علح ٚاٌز ٟوبْ ِٓ اٌّموه ٚصٌٙٛب ئٌٝ ِؽبه ثوط اٌؼوة ٌزٙجػ ثّؽبه شوَ اٌش١ـ اٌل٘ ،ٌٟٚنا ٚلل شٙلد هؽالد ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ اٌز ٟرمٍغ ِٓ ِجٕ ٝاٌووبة ( )3ثّؽبه اٌمب٘وح اٌل ٌٟٚثؼط اٌزأف١واد ػٓ ِٛاػ١ل٘ب اٌّؾلك ثَجت ٍٛء ا٤ؽٛي اٌغ٠ٛخ ِٕن اٌفزوح اٌصجبؽ١خ ٌٙنا اٌ.َٛ١ ٚأظبف اٌّصله أْ عّ١غ اٌوؽالد اٌز ٟرُ رؾَِ ً٠ٛبه٘ب ٍزَزأٔف ػٛكرٙب اٌٟ ٚعٙبرٙب اٌّؾلكح ثّغوك رؾَٓ ا٤ؽٛاي اٌغ٠ٛخِ ،إولا أْ ِووي اٌؼٍّ١بد اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌزبثغ ي "ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ" ٠زبثغ رؽٛهاد اٌّٛلف أٚي ثأٚي، وّب ٍ١زُ اإلػالْ ػٓ ؽلٚس أ٠خ رغ١١واد فِٛ ٟاػ١ل اٌوؽالد أ ٚرؼل ً٠فَِ ٟبهاد اٌوؽالد اٌمبكِخ. عل٠و ثبٌنوو أْ اٌوؽالد لل ثلأد ف ٟاٌٙجٛغ ثّؽبه اٌمب٘وح اٌل ٌٟٚثأزظبَ اػزجبها ِٓ اٌَبػخ َِ 5:30بء اٌ.َٛ١ ٌّٚي٠ل ِٓ اٌّؼٍِٛبد ؽٛي ِٛلف اٌوؽالد٠ ،وع ٝاإلرصبي ثّووي اإلرصبالد اٌزٍ١ف١ٔٛخ ػٍ ٝهلُ 1717أ ٚػٍ ٝهلُ 090070000
ِجّٛػخ عيشاْ اإلِبساد رخغظ ٌزٛظيف 11أٌف ِٛظف خالي ػبَ 2015 وشفذ ِغّٛػخ اإلِبهاد ،اٌز ٟرعُ ؼ١واْ اإلِبهاد ٚكٔبرب ،إٌمبة ػٓ فؽػ ٌزؼ ٓ١١أوضو ِٓ 11 أٌف ِٛظف عل٠ل فالي إٌَخ اٌغبه٠خ ٚ ،2015مٌه ٌزٍج١خ ِزؽٍجبد إٌّ ٛف ٟػٍّ١بد اٌّغّٛػخ ػجو لبهاد اٌؼبٌُ اٌَذٍٛٚ .ف رّٕ ٛلٛح اٌؼًّ ظّٓ اٌّغّٛػخ ٔز١غخ ٌنٌه ثَٕجخ ِ %6غ ٔٙب٠خ ِبهً (آماه) .2016 ١ٍٚىٌٛ ْٛظ١فخ اٌّع١فبد ٚاٌّع١فٔ ٓ١ص١ت اٍ٤ل ،ؽ١ش ٍ١شىً ٘إالء ٔصف اٌّٛظف ٓ١اٌغلك رمو٠جبًٔٚ .ظوًا ئٌ ٝفؽػ ؼ١واْ اإلِبهاد اٌّزعّٕخ اٍزالَ 20ؼبئوح عل٠لح ٘نا اٌؼبَ ،فأٙب ٍٛف رٛاصً رٛظ١ف ؼ١بهِٕٙٚ ٓ٠لٍ ٟؼ١واْ ِٛٚظف ٟفلِبد ِؽبهاد ٚغ١وُ٘ ِٓ اٌؼبٍِ ٓ١فِ ٟغبي اٌقلِبد ا٤هظ١خ ٚاٌغ٠ٛخ. وّب ٍزٛاصً كٔبرب ،اٌز ٟرملَ فلِبد أهظ١خ ٚع٠ٛخ فِ 90 ٟلٕ٠خ ظّٓ 38كٌٚخ ػجو اٌؼبٌُ، عٛٙك٘ب الٍزمؽبة ِٙبهاد ٌزٍج١خ ِزؽٍجبد أػّبٌٙب اٌّزٕبِ١خٚ ،فبصخ ف ٟلؽبع فلِبد اٌّؽبهاد ٚإٌٙلٍخ ٚاٌؼٍّ١بد اٌزغبه٠خٚ .لبي ػجل اٌؼي٠ي آي ػٍ ،ٟإٌبئت اٌزٕف١نٌ ٞوئ ٌ١ؼ١واْ اإلِبهاد ٚاٌّغّٛػخ ٌلائوح اٌّٛاهك اٌجشو٠خ" :رشىً ػالِزٕب اٌزغبه٠خ ٔٚغبؽٕب اٌّبٌّٔٛٔٚ ٟب اٌّزٛاصً ػٕبصو عنة ٌٍّٙبهاد ِٓ ِقزٍف أٔؾبء اٌؼبٌُ. ٠ٚزؽٍغ اٌّزملٌٍِٛ ْٛظبئف ف ٟؼ١واْ اإلِبهاد ٚكٔبرب ئٌ ٝاٌؼًّ ف ٟث١ئخ ِزؼلكح اٌغَٕ١بد ٚرؽٛه ِٚ ٟٕٙاٍزمواه ٚظ١فٌ .ٟنٌه ٌ ٌ١غو٠جًب أْ ٔزٍم ٝػشواد ا٢الف ِٓ اٌؽٍجبد وً شٙو"ٚ .أظبف: "٠ي٠ل ػلك اٌؼبٍِ ٓ١ظّٓ ِغّٛػخ اإلِبهاد ؽبٌ١بً ػٍ 75 ٝأٌف ِٛظف ف ٟكثِٚ ٟقزٍف كٚي اٌؼبٌُ. ٕ٘ٚبن أوضو ِٓ 12أٌف ِٛظف ٠ؼٍّ ْٛف ٟاٌّغّٛػخ ِٕن ِب ٠ي٠ل ػٍٍٕٛ 10 ٝادٔٚ ،ؾ ٛصالصخ آٌف أعّٛا ئٌ ٝاٌؼًّ لجً أوضو ِٓ 20ػبِبً٘ٚ .نا ٛ٠ظؼ ِلٚ ٜالء اٌؼبٍِٚ ٓ١لٛح اهرجبؼُٙ ثبٌّغّٛػخ ٚاٌفوص اٌزٛٔ ٟفو٘ب ٌ."ُٙ ٚوبٔذ ِغّٛػخ اإلِبهاد لل رٍمذ 483944ؼٍجبً ِٓ 227كٌٚخ فالي ػبَ ٌ 2014شغً ٔؾٛ ٚ 2000ظ١فخ .وّب رزٍم ٝػجو لٕٛاد اٌزٛاصً االعزّبػٔ ٟؾ 1500 ٛاٍزفَبه شٙوً٠ب رزؼٍك ثبٌٛظبئف. أوضو ِٓ ٍِ ْٛ١ىائو َ٠ٚemirates.com/careersزمجً ِٛلغ ِغّٛػخ اإلِبهاد ٌٍزٛظ١ف شٙو٠بًٍٛ ،ا ًء ٌالؼالع ػٍ ٝاٌٛظبئف اٌّؼٍٕخ ػٍ ٝاٌّٛلغ أَ ٌزمل ُ٠اٌؽٍجبد أَ ٌالشزوان ِٓ أعً ال ثأٚي ػٍ ٝئػالٔبد اٌفوص اٌغل٠لح اٌز ٟرٕبٍت ِإ٘الرٚ ُٙفجوار٠ٚ .ُٙأر ٟغبٌج١خ اٌؾصٛي أً ٚ ىٚاه اٌّٛلغ ِٓ كٌٚخ اإلِبهاد اٌؼوث١خ اٌّزؾلح ،رٍٙ١ب إٌٙل ٚاٌٍّّىخ اٌّزؾلح ٚاٌٛال٠بد اٌّزؾلح ا١ِ٤وو١خ.
اٌخغٛط اٌؼشاليخ رؼزضَ رغييش سدالد جٛيخ اٌ ٝدٚي اٌؼبٌُ ِٓ اٌجصشح لشيجبً اٌجصوح "اٌٍَّخ" ....رَؼ ٝاٌقؽٛغ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌؼوال١خ اٌ ٝرؽ٠ٛو ػٍّٙب فٟ اٌجصوح ثبالٔفزبػ ػٍ ٝكٚي اٌؼبٌُ ٚافززبػ فؽٛغ ع٠ٛخ عل٠لح ٌّب رّضٍٗ اٌّؾبفظخ ِٓ اّ٘١خ الزصبك٠خ. ٚلبي ِل٠و ِىزت اٌقؽٛغ ثبٌجصوح وبظُ عٛاك اٌّ١بؽ ٟثّٕبٍجخ اإلؽزفبي ثبٌنووٌ 70 ٜزأٍ ٌ١اٌقؽٛغ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌؼوال١خ ثؾعٛه هٍّٚ ٟشؼج ،ٟاْ اٌؽ١واْ اٌؼوالِٕ ٟبفٌ لٌ ٞٛشووبد اٌؽ١واْ اٌؼبٌّ١خِ ،ش١واً ف ٟؽل٠ش الماػخ اٌؼواق اٌؾو اٌٚ ٝعٛك 32ؼبئوح ٌل ٜشووزٗٚ ،اْ ٘نا اٌؼلك ٍ١ورفغ فٙٔ ٟب٠خ اٌؼبَ اٌؾبٌ ٟاٌ 62 ٝؼبئوحِ ،جٕ١بً أٗ ٍ١زُ افززبػ فػ ع ٞٛثٓ١ اٌجصوح ٚثىٚ ،ٓ١اػبكح فػ ثصوح ِشٙلٕ٘ٚ ،بن ِقبؼجبد الفززبػ فػ ثصوح ٌٕلْ ٚاٌؼل٠ل ِٓ اٌّلْ االٚهث١خ ثؾَت اماػخ اٌؼواق اٌؾو. ٠ٚإول هؽ ُ١اٌّؽ١وِّ ٞضً ِل٠و ػبَ اٌشووخ اْ اٌٛظغ االِٕ ٟاٌَبئل فٟ اٌؼواق ٌُ ٠إصو ػٍ ٝػًّ اٌّىبرت ف ٟاٌّؾبفظبد ِٓٚظّٕٙب ِؾبفظخ وووٛن، ِجٕ١بً اْ اٌجصوح رّزبى ثأّ٘١خ وج١وح وٙٔٛب ِوويا الٍ١ّ١بً ٌالٔفزبػ ػٍ ٝاٌؼبٌُ، ٠ٚش١و اٌ ٝأٗ ٍ١زُ افززبػ ػلك ِٓ اٌقؽٛغ ِغ كٚي اٌؼبٌُ ِغ اٌجصوح ،فّ١ب ٍ١زُ شواء ؼبئواد عل٠لح الوّبي االٍؽٛي اٌغ ٞٛاٌؼوال.ٟ ِٓ عٙخ أفو ٜؼبٌت ِٛظف٠ ْٛؼٍّ ْٛفِ ٟىزت اٌقؽٛغ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌؼوال١خ فٟ اٌجصوح ثزضج١ز ُٙػٍ ٝاٌّالن اٌلائُ و٠ ُٙٔٛؼٍّ ْٛثاعٛه ١ِٛ٠خ ثوٚارت ال ري٠ل ػٓ 300أٌف كٕ٠به شٙو٠بًٚ ،كػٛا اٌَّإ ٓ١ٌٚف ٟاٌشووخ اٌِ ٝواػبح ٚظؼُٙ اٌّؼ١ش ،ٟئم اْ هٚارج ُٙال رىف ُٙ١اال ٌلفغ ِصوٚفبد االٔزمبي ِٓ ِٕبىٌ ُٙاٌٝ اٌّؽبه
اٌؼضٛس ػٍ ٝدغبَ اٌغبئشح اٌزي وبٔذ رمً الػجيٓ رشيٍييٓ ثؼذ 50ػبِب ػٍٝ إخزفبئٙب
ٍبٔز١بغ" ٛاٌٍَّخ" ....أول ِزٍَم ٛعجبي ػضٛهُ٘ ف ٟعجبي االٔل٠ي اٌزش١ٍ١خ ػٍ ٝؼبئوح ئفزفذ ِٕن أوضو ِٓ ٔصف لوْ وبٔذ رمً ػٍِ ٝزٕٙب ٔغ َٛووح اٌملَ اٌّؾٍ١خ. ٚثش اٌزٍفي ْٛ٠اٌزش ٍٟ١اٚي اٌِ االؽل صٛها ٌؾؽبَ اٌؽبئوح كٚغالً كٞ ٍٚ 3،-ٟاٌز ٟوبٔذ افزفذ فَ١ٔ 3 ٟبْ/أثو 1961، ً٠ؽصً ػٍٙ١ب ِٓ لجً اٌّزٍَم ٓ١اٌن ٓ٠أٚظؾٛا أٔ ُٙػضوٚا ػٍ ٝاٌؽبئوح فٔ ،ٌِٟٛ ٟؾ 300 ٛوٍُ عٕٛة اٌؼبصّخ ٍبٔز١بغ.ٛ ٚأظبف ٌٔٛ١بهك ٚاٌجٛهٔٛى ،أؽل ِزٍَم ٟاٌغجبي ،أْ “اٌؽبئوح ِٛعٛكح ػٍٝ ػٍ ٛأوضو ِٓ ِ 3200زو ػٓ ٍؽؼ اٌجؾو .عيء ِٓ عَُ اٌؽبئوح ال ٠ياي ٕ٘بنٚ ،رٕزشو أش١بء وض١وح ؽ ،ٌٗٛثّب ف ٟمٌه ػظبَ ثشو٠خ” ثؾَت فوأٌ ثو. ٌ٠ ٚوبٔذ اٌؽبئوح اٌّفمٛكح رمً 34شقصب ،ث ُٕٙ١صّبٔ١خ الػج ِٓ ٓ١فو٠ك غو ٓ٠ووٌ ًٚىوح اٌملَٚ ،اٌّلهة اهٔبٌل ٚفبٍى١ي ٚثؼط اٌّموث٘ ِٓ ٓ١نا إٌبك ٞاٌنٍ٠ ٞؼت ف ٟكٚه ٞاٌلهعخ االٚ ،ٌٝٚاٌن ٞوبْ ػبئلا ئٌٍ ٝبٔز١بغٛ ثؼل اْ ٌؼت ِجبهاح ف ٟعٕٛة اٌجالك ف ٟأٍٛٚهٔ.ٛ ٚهفط اٌّزٍَم ْٛئػؽبء اٌّٛلغ اٌلل١ك ٌٍؽبئوح ،اؽزواِب ٌٍّفمٛكٚ ٓ٠أٍوُ٘
إٌغبء سثغ سدالد ِغبس ٘بِجٛسط ثغجت اضشاة ِٛظف ٝاالِٓ
٘بِجٛهط "اٌٍَّخ" ....رَجت اإلظواة اٌزؾن٠و ٞاٌن ٞلبَ ثٙب ِٛظفٛ ا ِٓ٤فِ ٟؽبه ٘بِجٛهط صجبػ أٌِ ف ٟرؼؽ ً١ئعواءاد اٌٛصٛي ثبٌّؽبه ،وّب رَججذ ف ٟئٌغبء ٔؾ ٛهثغ اٌوؽالد ثبٌفؼًٚ .لبٌذ اٌّزؾلصخ ثبٍُ اٌّؽبه ،شز١فبٔ٘ ٟبهكه« :اٌشوؼخ رغٍك اٌّلافً اٚ ْ٢رّٕغ كفٛي ٚافل ٓ٠علك»ٚ .ربثؼذ« :ئْ اإلظواة ا٤ف١و ٠ؼل أِوًا وبهص١بًٌ ،مل رغبٚىٔب ؽلٚك للهرٕب االٍز١ؼبث١خ». ٛ٠ٚص ٝاٌَّبفو ْٚثزؼلِٛ ً٠اػ١ل ؽغي هؽالر.ُٙ رغله اإلشبهح ئٌ ٝأْ ِٛظف ٟا ِٓ٤ثلأٚا ئظواثبر ُٙاٌزؾن٠و٠خ ف ٟوً ِٓ ِؽبه شزٛرغبهد ٘ٚبِجٛهط ٘ٚبٔٛفو. ٚوبٔذ ٔمبثخ «ف١وكٌٍ »ٞؼبٍِ ٓ١ف ٟلؽبع اٌقلِبد لل كػذ ٌٙنٖ اإلظواثبد أٌِ اٚ٤يٌٍ ،عغػ ػٍ ٝاٌشووبد ف ٟوً ِٓ ٚال٠خ ثبكْ فٛهرّجوط ٘ٚبِجٛهط ٍٚبوَ١ٔٛب اٌَفٍ ٝف ٟاٌّفبٚظبد اٌَّزّوح ؽٛي أعٛه لؽبع ا.ِٓ٤ ِٓٚعبٔجٙبٚ ،صفذ اٌشووبد ٘نٖ اإلظواثبد اٌزؾن٠و٠خ ثأٔٙب غ١و ِجوهح. ٚلبي ا ٓ١ِ٤اٌؼبَ ٌٕمبثخ «ف١وك »ٞثؤل فٛرٕ١ظٚ ،اٌز ٟكػذ اٌّٛظفٓ١ ٌإلظواة ٌـ ك ة أ ،ئْ اٌّٛظف ٓ١فِ ٟؽبه شزٛرغبهد ُ٘ أٚي ِٓ أظوثٛا فٚ ٟلذ ِجىو ِٓ صجبػ أٌِ. ٚربثغ٠« :ؼٕ ٟمٌه ى٠بكح ِلح االٔزظبه أصٕبء رَغ ً١ئعواءاد اٌٛصٛي ثبٌّؽبه»ِٛ ،ظؾًب أٔٗ ٠زؼ ٓ١ػٍ ٝاٌَّبفو ٓ٠االٔزظبه ٌفزواد أؼٛي عواء ٘نا اإلظواة ثَجت لٍخ ػلك ِٛظف ٟآِ٤
افززبح ِغبس ِغمظ اٌذِ ٌٝٚبسط اٌّمجً َِمػ " اٌٍَّخ " ...ف ٟئؼبه فؽخ ٍٍؽٕخ ػُّبْ ٌزؼي٠ي اٌجٕ١خ اٌزؾز١خ ٌّؽبهارٙب، ٌّاللبح االهرفبع ف ٟأػلاك اٌيٚاه ٚإٌّ ٛف ٟاٌمؽبع اٌَ١بؽ ،ٟوشفذ اٌشووخ اٌؼّبٔ١خ إلكاهح اٌّؽبهاد ػٓ رٕظّٙ١ب ٌٍّإرّو اٌؼبٌّ ٟاٚ٤ي ِٓ ٔٛػٗ ،ؽٛي "اٌغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ ٚآٌ١بد االٔزمبي ٌٍّؽبهاد اٌغل٠لح" ،ف 25ٚ 24 ِٟٛ٠ ٟآماه (ِبهً) اٌمبكَ٠ٚ .ؼل ِإرّو اٌغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ اٌقؽٛح ا٤ف١وح لجً االفززبػ اٌىٌٍٍّ ٟوؽٍخ اٌّ ٌٝٚ٤ؽبه َِمػ اٌل ٌٟٚاٌغل٠ل ،اٌن١ٍ ٞوفغ ِٓ اٌؽبلخ االٍز١ؼبث١خ ٌٍّؽبه ٌزصً ئٌَِ ْٛ١ٍِ 12 ٝبفو ًٍٕ٠ٛب. ا٘زّبَ وج١و ٚػٓ ؽغُ اٌّشبهوخ ف ٟاٌّإرّو ،صوػ اٌلوزٛه فٍفبْ اٌشؼِ ،ٍٟ١ل٠و ػبَ اٌغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ ف ٟاٌشووخ اٌؼّبٔ١خ ٌٍّؽبهادٌ ،ـ"ئ٠الف"" :ؽظ ٟاٌّإرّو ثب٘زّبَ وج١و ِٓ أوجو اٌّؽبهاد ف ٟاٌؼبٌُ ،ؽ١ش أول ؽز ٝا ْ٢وً ِٓ ِؽبه ٘١ضو ٚفٌٕ ٟلْ ٔٛ١ِٚـ ٚثوٌٚ ٓ١ىٛ٠هؿ ٚكثٍٓ ٚإٌٙل ٚروو١ب ٚوٕلا ٚثبٔىٛن ٚإٌَّب ٚكثٚ ٟأثٛظجٚ ٟاٌلٚؽخ، ِشبهوز ُٙف ٟاٌّإرّو ،ئٌ ٝعبٔت ِزؾلص ٓ١هٍِّ ِٓ ٓ١١ؽبه كٌ ٟٙإٌٙلِٚ ،ٞؽبه شبٔغ ٟفٍٕ ٟغبفٛهحِٚ ،ؽبه ئٕ٠ش ْٛف ٟوٛه٠ب اٌغٕٛث١خِٚ ،شبهوخ ثؼط االٍزشبهٓ١٠ اٌؼبٌّ ٓ١١اٌّزقصص ٓ١ف ٟصٕبػخ 'عب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغِ 'ً١ضً شووخ ِؽبه ِٔٛ١ـ اٌّ٤بٔ١خ، اٌجو٠ؽبٔ١خARUP ،اإلٍجبٔ١خ ،شووخ INECOشووخ ِؽبه ىٛ٠هؿ اٌََ٠ٛو٠خ ،شووخ اٌن ٞأػٍٓ ACIاٌفؤَ١خ ،ئٌ ٝعبٔت ِشبهوخ ِغٌٍ اٌّؽبهاد اٌلٚADPI ٌٟٚشووخ أعّبِٗ ٌٍّإرّو أ٠عًب". ٚئٌ ٝعبٔت اٌّشبهو ِٓ ٓ١ؽٛي اٌؼبٌُ١ٍ ،ؾظِ ٝإرّو "اٌغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ" ثّشبهوخ ً ِٓ ٚىاهح إٌمً ٚاٍؼخ ػٍ ٝاٌَّز ٜٛاٌّؾٍ ،ٟؽ١ش رشًّ لبئّخ اٌّشبهوخ اٌّؾٍ١خ و ٍ ٚاالرصبالد اٌؼّبٔ١خ ،اٌ١ٙئخ اٌؼبِخ ٌٍؽ١واْ اٌّلٔ ،ٟشوؼخ ػُّبْ اٌٍَؽبٔ١خ ،اٌؽ١واْ اٌؼُّبٔ ،ٟئٌ ٝعبٔت اٌشووبد االٍزشبه٠خ اٌمبئّخ ػٍ ٝرٕف١ن ِشبه٠غ اٌجٕبء فِ ٟؽبهاد اٌٍَؽٕخٚ ،اٌّمب ٓ١ٌٚاٌَّإ ٓ١ٌٚػٓ رٕف١ن ِجبٔ ٟاٌَّبفو ٓ٠فٙ١ب ،ئٌ ٝعبٔت اٌشووبد ً ِٓ اٌّشغٍخ ٌٍوؽالد فِ ٟؽبهاد اٌٍَؽٕخ ،وّب ٠زٛلغ أْ رشبهن فِ ٟوؽٍخ الؽمخ و ٍ ٚىاهح اٌَ١بؽخ ٚشووبد اٌَفو ٚاٌَ١بؽخٚ ،اٌفٕبكقٚ ،شووبد رأع١و اٌَ١بهادٔ ،ظوًا الهرجبؼٙب ثشىً ِجبشو ثمؽبع لؽبع اٌؽ١واْ اٌّلٔ.ٟ
(ربثغ) وٛوجخ ِٓ اٌقجواء ٚلبي إٌّٙلً ٍؼ١ل ثٓ فّ ٌ١اٌيكعبٌ ،ٟاٌوئ ٌ١اٌزٕف١نٌٍ ٞشووخ اٌؼُّبٔ١خ إلكاهح اٌّؽبهادٌ ،ـ"ئ٠الف" ِؼٍمًب ػٍ٘ ٝنا اٌؽ١ف اٌٛاٍغ ٌٍّشبهو ،ٓ١فمبي" :ئْ ٔغبػ أِ ٞإرّو ك٠ ٌٟٚؼزّل ثبٍ٤بً ػٍ ٝؽغُ ٛٔٚػ١خ اٌّشبهوخٚ ،ثٕبء ػٍ ٝمٌه٠ ،جل ٚأْ ِإرّو اٌٍّزمٌٍ ٝغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ ٚاالٔزمبي ٌٍّؽبهاد اٌغل٠لح لل فؽ ٝأ ٌٝٚفؽٛارٗ ػٍ ٝؼو٠ك إٌغبػ ،أْ ؽغُ اٌّشبهوخ فبق اٌزٛلؼبد ِٚب ىٌٕب َٔزمجً اٌؽٍجبد ِٓ ػلح عٙبد أفو ٜروغت ثبالٔعّبَ ئٌ٘ ٝنٖ اٌىٛوجخ ِٓ اٌقجواء ف ٟػبٌُ صٕبػخ اٌؽ١واْ اٌّلٔٚ ٟاٌغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ ٌٍّؽبهاد". ٚرشوف اٌشووخ اٌؼُّبٔ١خ إلكاهح اٌّؽبهاد ػٍ ٝاٌّؽبهاد اٌقَّخ اٌغل٠لح اٌز٠ ٟزُ ئٔشبؤ٘ب ف ٟاٌٍَؽٕخِ ٟ٘ٚ ،ؽبه َِمػ اٌلِٚ ٌٟٚؽبه صالٌخ ِٚؽبه صؾبه ِٚؽبه اٌللُ ِٚؽبه هأً اٌؾلٚ ،مٌه ف ٟئؼبه اٌقؽخ اٌؾى١ِٛخ ٌزؼي٠ي اٌجٕ١خ اٌزؾز١خ ٌٍٕمً ٚاٌزٟ رشًّ ئٌ ٝعبٔت اٌّؽبهاد اٌغل٠لحِ ،شوٚع ٍىه اٌؾل٠ل اٌن ٞأز ٝٙاٌزصّ ُ١اٌّجلئٟ ٌّوؽٍزٗ ا ٌٝٚ٤ثٚ ٓ١ال٠ز ٟصؾبه ٚاٌجو ّٟ٠ف ٟشّبي اٌٍَؽٕخ ،ثؽٛي 207وٍِٛ١زواد رزعّٓ 4أٔفبق عجٍ١خ ثؽٛي ئعّبٌ٠ ٟصً ئٌ ٝفَّخ وٍِٛ١زواد .اٍزلاِخ إٌغبػ أِب ػٓ أّ٘١خ رٕظِ ُ١ضً ٘نا اٌّإرّو ف١إول فٍفبْ" :رؼل اٌغب٘ي٠خ اٌزشغ١ٍ١خ ٌٍّؽبهاد صٕبػخ ِزىبٍِخ ثؾل مارٙب ،فٙنا اِ٤و ال ٠ؾزًّ أٛٔ ٞع ِٓ اٌقؽأ، ٌٚنٌه ػٍّٕب ػٍ ٝاٍزمؽبة ٘نا اٌؼلك اٌىج١و ِٓ اٌّشبهو ٓ١الٍزؼواض رغبهثُٙ ٚاٌزؾل٠بد اٌزٚ ٟاع٘ٛٙب ٚاٌؾٍٛي اٌز ٟأٚعل٘ٚبٚ ،اٌّإرّو ٍَ١زؼوض اٌزغبهة اإل٠غبث١خ ٚاٌٍَج١خ ػٍ ٝؽل ٍٛاءٚ ،االؼالع ػٍ٘ ٝنٖ اٌزغبهة ٠شىً فوصخ ٘بِخ ٌٕب فٟ اٌشووخ اٌؼُّبٔ١خ ٌٍّؽبهاد ٌٍزوو١ي ػٍ ٝاإل٠غبث١بد ٚرغٕت اٌٍَج١بدٌ ،عّبْ ػٍّ١خ أزمبي ٍٍَخ ٚفؼبٌخ ٌٍّوؽٍخ اٌمبكِخ ِغ ظّبْ اٍزلاِخ ٘نا إٌغبػ ف ٟاٌَّزمجً"٠ .نوو أْ فؽخ رؽ٠ٛو ِؽبه َِمػ اٌلٍ ٌٟٚزّو ثأهثؼخ ِواؽً ،ؽ١ش ٍزصً اٌؽبلخ االٍز١ؼبث١خ ٌٍّؽبه ف ٟاٌّوؽٍخ ا ٌٝٚ٤ئٌَِ ْٛ١ٍِ 12 ٝبفو ،ػٍ ٝأْ رزعبػف ف ٟوً ِوؽٍخ الؽمخ (اٌّوؽٍخ اٌضبٔ١خ َِ ْٛ١ٍِ 24بفوٚ ،اٌّوؽٍخ اٌضبٌضخ َِ ْٛ١ٍِ 36بفوٚ ،اٌّوؽٍخ اٌواثؼخ َِ ْٛ١ٍِ 48بفو)
ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ ٚاٌّجٍظ األػٌٍ ٝآلصبس يٛلؼبْ ثشٚرٛوٛي رؼبٌ ْٚزٕشيظ عيبدخ اٌزشأضيذ اٌمب٘وح " اٌٍَّخ " ٚ ...لؼذ شووخ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ٌٍَ١بؽخ " اٌىؤه " ٚاٍٛ٤اق اٌؾوح ،ثوٚرٛوٛي رؼبِ ْٚغ اٌّغٌٍ ا٤ػٍ ٝا٢صبه ثؾعٛه اٌؽ١به ٍبِؼ اٌؾفٕ ٝهئ ٌ١اٌشووخ اٌمبثعخ ٌّصو ٌٍؽ١واْ. ٚثّمزع٘ ٝنا اٌجوٚرٛوٛي ٠زُ ِٕؼ ػّالء شووخ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ٌٍَ١بؽخ ( اٌىؤه ) رقف١ط للهٖ %50ػٍ ٝهٍُ كفٛي إٌّبؼك ا٤صو٠خ ٚاٌّزبؽف ثبٌمب٘وح اٌىجوٚ ٜمٌه ٌٍَبئؾ ٓ١اٌزوأي٠ذ اٌَّبفو ٓ٠ػجو ِؽبه اٌمب٘وح ٚرقف١ط %30ثبٌَٕجخ ٌٍَبئؾ ٓ١اٌؼبك ٓ١٠اٌّزٛاعلٌ ٓ٠فزوح كافً اٌمب٘وح. ٚٚلغ اٌجوٚرٛوٛي اٌّؾبٍت ػبكي صبٌؼ هئِ ٌ١غٌٍ ئكاهح شووخ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ٌٍَ١بؽخ ( اٌىؤه ) ٚاٍٛ٤اق اٌؾوح ٚاٌلوزٛه ِصؽف ٝأِِ ٓ١صؽفٝ ا ٓ١ِ٤اٌؼبَ ٌٍّغٌٍ ا٤ػٍ٣ٌ ٝصبه. ٚلبي اٌؽ١به ٍبِؼ اٌؾفٕ ٝهئ ٌ١اٌشووخ اٌمبثعخ ٌّصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ف ٟرصو٠ؾبد صؾف١خ اٌ َٛ١اٌضالصبء" :ئٕٔب ٔوؽت ثبٌّشبهوخ ف ٟأِ ٞجبكهاد رٙلف ئٌ ٝرٕش١ػ ؽووخ اٌَ١بؽخٚ ،عبء ٘نا اٌجوٚرٛوٛي ٌزٕش١ػ ٍ١بؽخ اٌزوأي٠ذ اٌز ٟشٙلد ِؼلالد ػبٌ١خ فالي اٌؼبَ اٌّبظٚٚ ٝصٍذ ث 30 ٓ١ئٌ ِٓ %40 ٝئعّبٌٝ اٌؾووخ ػٍِ ٝصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ". ٚأظبف اٌؾفٕ " :ٝأْ ٘نا اٌزؼب ٌ١ٌ ْٚاٚ٤ي ِغ ٚىاهح ا٢صبه ٚاٌّغٌٍ ا٤ػٍٝ ٌ٣صبه ٚئّٔب ٍجمٗ أػّبي ِٚجبكهاد أفو ٜفِ ٟغبالد ِقزٍفخ ِٓ أّ٘ٙب شؾٓ ثؼط اٌمؽغ ا٤صو٠خ اٌّٙوثخ ٌٍقبهط ٚػٛكرٙب ئٌ ٝأهض اٌٛؼٓ ثبٌّغبْ فٟ ئؼبه كٚه ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ اٌمٌٍ ِٝٛؾفبؾ ػٍ ٝا٢صبه اٌّصو٠خ ".
ٚأػوة اٌلوزٛه ِصؽف ٝأِ ٓ١هئ ٌ١اٌّغٌٍ ا٤ػٍ٣ٌ ٟصبه ػٓ ٍؼبكرٗ اٌجبٌغخ ثزٛل١غ ٘نا اٌجوٚرٛوٛي ِغ اٌشووخ اٌٛؼٕ١خ اٌز ٟرؼل ئؽل ٜهوبئي االلزصبك اٌمٚ ،ِٟٛأشبك ثبٌلٚه اٌن ٞرم َٛثٗ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ف ٟكػُ ؽووخ اٌَ١بؽخ اٌٛافلح ئٌِ ٝصو ِٓ فالي شجىخ فؽٛؼٙب اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌّّزلح ف ٟعّ١غ أٔؾبء اٌؼبٌُ ". ٚأشبه اٌّؾبٍت ػبكي صبٌؼ هئ ٌ١شووخ ِصو ٌٍؽ١واْ ٌٍَ١بؽخ ( اٌىؤه ) ٚاٍٛ٤اق اٌؾوح ،ئٌ ٝأْ اٌشووخ رَزٙلف ِٓ ٘نٖ اٌزؼبللاد اٌغل٠لح اٌزٚ ٟلؼزٙب ِإفوًا ئٌ ٝرٛف١و اٌؼل٠ل ِٓ اٌقلِبد ِٚيا٠ب اٌَفو اٌّقزٍفخ ٌغّٛٙه٘ب فالي ى٠بهرٚ ُٙعٛالر ُٙاٌَ١بؽ١خ كافً ِصو ٚفبهعٙبٍٛٚ ،ف رشٙل اٌفزوح اٌمبكِخ رٛل١غ ثوٚرٛوٛالد عل٠لح فِ ٟغبالد اٌَ١بؽخ ٚاٌَفو اٌّقزٍفخ ٌقلِخ ػّالء اٌىؤه". ٚأول صالػ ٘بشُ هئ ٌ١لؽبع اٌىؤه ٌٍَ١بؽخ ،أْ ٘نا اٌجوٚرٛوٛي ّٕ٠ؼ ػّالء شووخ اٌىؤه ٌٍَ١بؽخ رقف١عبد ػٍ ٝهٍ َٛكفٌٍّٕ ٌُٙٛبؼك ا٤صو٠خ ٚاٌّزبؽف اٌّٛعٛكح ثبٌمب٘وح ُ٠ٚز١ؼ ٌووبة اٌزوأي٠ذ ثصفخ فبصخ أصٕبء أزظبهُ٘ ٌوؽالر ُٙثّؽبه اٌمب٘وح اٌل ٌٝٚى٠بهح ِؼبٌُ اٌمب٘وح ا٤صو٠خ لجً ِغبكهرِ ُٙصو ِ ٛ٘ٚب ٠ؾفيُ٘ ػٍ ٝى٠بهرٙب ِوح أفو.ٜ
اٌغبء ِئبد اٌشدالد اٌجٛيخ ف ٝثٛعغٓ ثغجت ػبصفخ صٍجيخ
ثٍٛؽٓ "اٌٍَّخ" ٘ ....جذ ػبصفخ صٍغ١خ ٘ ٟاٌضبٌضخ فالي اٍجٛػ ٓ١ػٍِٕ ٝبؼك شّبي شوق اٌٛال٠بد اٌّزؾلح ِب اك ٜاٌ ٝاٌغبء ِئبد اٌوؽالد ٚاغالق اٌّلاهً ٚاٌّمبه اٌؼبِخ ف ٟثٍٛؽٓ. ٠ٚزٛلغ اْ رزَجت اٌؼبصفخ ثزَبلػ صٍٛط رصً ٍّبوزٙب إٌٍ 60 ٝزّ١وا فٟ ثٍٛؽٓ اٌز ٟشٙلد اػٍِ ٝؼلي ِٓ اٌضٍٛط رزواوُ فالي صالصِٛ٠ ٓ١ب ف ٟربه٠ـ اٌٛال٠خ ،ثؾَت صؾ١فخ ثٍٛؽٓ غٍٛة.
ٚأشبهد اٌصؾ١فخ اٌ ٝاْ اوضو ِٓ ٍٕ 154,9زّ١زوا ِٓ اٌضٍٛط ٍمؽذ ػٍٝ اٌّلٕ٠خ ِزغبٚىح َِز٠ٛبرٙب فٚ 1978 ٟاٌزٚ ٟصٍذ إٌٍ 149,4 ٝزّ١زوا. ٚاٌغ١ذ اوضو ِٓ 1840هؽٍخ ع٠ٛخ االصٕ ِٓ ،ٓ١ثٕٙ١ب ِٓ %70هؽالد ِؽبه ثٍٛؽٓ ٌٛغبْ ِ ِٓ %55ٚؽبه الغبهك٠ب فٛ٠ٛ١ٔ ٟهن ،ثؾَت ِٛلغ فال٠زب٠ٚو. ٚاغٍمذ اٌّلاهً ،وّب ؼٍت ِٓ اٌّٛظف ٓ١غ١و االٍبٍ ٓ١١اٌجمبء فِٕ ٟبىٌ ُٙفٟ ثٍٛؽٓ
https://www.youm7.com ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ رشبسن وٕبلً سعٌٍّّ ٝؤرّش االلزصبدٜ ثششَ اٌشيخ
أػٍٓ اٌغيبس دغبَ وّبي ٚصيش اٌغيشاْ اٌّذٔ ،ٝػٓ ِشبسوخ ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ وٕبلً سعٌٍّّ ٝؤرّش االلزصبد ٜاٌذِ" ٌٝٚصش اٌّغزمجً"ٚ ،اٌّضِغ أؼمبدٖ فِ ٝذيٕخ ششَ اٌشيخ خالي شٙش ِبسط اٌّمجً ،ديش رؼذ ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ اٌّشفك اٌجٌ ٜٛجّٛٙسيخ ِصش اٌؼشثيخ ٚأدذ أُ٘ اٌىيبٔبد اٌٛعٕيخ اٌز ٝعيىٌٙ ْٛب دٚس فؼبي ف٘ ٝزا اٌذذس اٌز ٜيؼذ ِٓ أُ٘ األدذاس االلزصبديخ اٌز ٝرشٙذ٘ب اٌغبدخ اإللٍيّيخ ٚاٌذٌٚيخ ف ٝاٌّجبي االلزصبدٜ خالي اٌفزشح اٌمبدِخ "ٚ .صشح اٌغيبس عبِخ اٌذفٕ ٝسئيظ اٌششوخ اٌمبثضخ ٌّصش ٌٍغيشاْ ف ٝثيبْ ٌٍششوخ اٌي َٛاألسثؼبء" ،أْ اٌششوخ ال رذخش جٙذاً ف ٝرمذيُ وبفخ اٌزغٙيالد اٌالصِخ ٚوً ِب ٌذيٙب ِٓ إِىبٔبد ف ٝعجيً إٔجبح ٘زا اٌّؤرّش ٚخشٚجٗ ثبٌشىً اٌز ٜيٍيك ثّىبٔخ ِصش ٚإِىبٔيبد اٌششوخ اٌٛعٕيخ ِصش ٌٍغيشاْٚ ،ف٘ ٝزا اإلعبس رمذَ اٌششوخ رخفيضبً لذسٖ %25 ػٍ ٝأعؼبس جّيغ اٌشدالد اٌذٌٚيخ اٌمبدِخ إٌ ٝاٌمب٘شح أ ٚششَ اٌشيخ ٌٍّشبسويٓ ف ٝاٌّؤرّش ٚاٌمبدِيٓ ِٓ جّيغ أٔذبء اٌؼبٌُ ػٍِ ٝزٓ سدالد ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ عٛاي فزشح أؼمبد اٌّؤرّش" ِٓٚ .جبٔجٗ لبي اٌغيبس ٘شبَ إٌذبط سئيظ ششوخ اٌخغٛط اٌجٛيخ إْ ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ ِغزؼذح العزمجبي اٌٛفٛد اٌّخزٍفخ ٚضيٛف ِصش اٌّشبسويٓ ف٘ ٝزا اٌذذس اٌٙبَ ػٍِ ٝزٓ شجىخ خغٛعٙب اٌجٛيخ اٌز ٝرّزذ ألوضش ِٓ ٔ 70مغخ فيّب يمشة ِٓ 60 دٌٚخ دٛي اٌؼبٌُ ثخالف سدالد رذبٌف عزبسٚ ،أٔٗ عٛف يزٛاجذ ِجّٛػبد ػًّ ِٓ ِٛظفِ ٝصش ٌٍغيشاْ ثبٌّغبساد ٌغشػخ إٔٙبء إجشاءاد عفش ٚٚصٛي اٌٛفٛد اٌّشبسوخ ف ٝاٌّؤرّش االلزصبدٚ ،ٜرٛفيش وبفخ اٌزغٙيالد اٌالصِخ ٌ ُٙثّغبس ٜاٌمب٘شح ٚششَ اٌشيخ ".
http://sa.investing.com 55 %رخفيضًب ف ٝاٌخذِبد األسضيخ ٌششوبد اٌغيشاْ اٌشٚعيخ ثششَ اٌشيخ ٚاٌغشدلخ ػٛدح رذفيض اٌغيشاْ ثٕظبَ اٌّمؼذ اٌشبغش ػٕذ ٔغت اِزالء ِ 60%بسط اٌّمجً ارخزد اٌذىِٛخ اٌّصشيخِّ ،ضٍخ فٚ ٝصاسر ٝاٌغيبدخ ٚاٌغيشاْ ،ػذح إجشاءاد ٌضّبْ اعزّشاس رذفك اٌغبئذيٓ اٌشٚط ف ٝظً رشاجغ أػذادُ٘ ثؼذ ٘جٛط عؼش صشف اٌشٚثً أِبَ اٌذٚالس. لبٌذ ػبدٌخ سجتِ ،غزشبس ٚصيش اٌغيبدخ ٌٍشئ ْٛااللزصبديخ ،إٔٗ رُ االرفبق ِغ ششوخ ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ ٌٍخذِبد األسضيخ ػٍ ٝرمذيُ رخفيضبد ٌششوبد اٌغيشاْ اٌشٚعيخ ،رصً إٌ ِٓ 55% ٝأعؼبس اٌخذِبد. ٚأضبفذ ٌـ«اٌجٛسصخ» أْ ٚصاسح اٌغيبدخ رذسط اٌٛصٛي ثبٌزخفيض اٌّمذَ ٌٍششوبد اٌشٚعيخ إٌٝ ِ 70%ب يؼٕ ٝأْ رمذَ اٌٛصاسح دػّبً يجٍغ ِٓ 15%ليّخ اٌخذِبد األسضيخ اٌّمذِخ ٌٍششوبد اٌشٚعيخ. ٚروشد أْ ٚصاسح اٌغيبدخ رٛصٍذ الرفبق ِغ ٚصاسح اٌغيشاْ ثشأْ رخفيض سع َٛاٌّغبدسح ػٍٝ اٌغبئذيٓ اٌشٚط إٌ 20 ٝدٚالسًا ٌٍفشد ،ثذ ًال ِٓ 25دٚالساً دبٌيبً ،يؤديٙب اٌغبئخ ػٕذ ِغبدسرٗ اٌّغبس. ٚوشفذ ػٓ اعزؼبدح اٌٛصاسح ٌٕظبَ اٌزذفيض ػٍ ٝاٌّمبػذ اٌشبغشح ثذالً ِٓ اٌّّزٍئخ ػٍ ٝعبئشاد اٌششوبد اٌشٚعيخ اٌز ٝرٕمً اٌغبئذيٓ إٌ ٝاٌغشدلخ ٚششَ اٌشيخ ،ثذءًا ِٓ ِبسط اٌّمجً ٌّٚذح 4شٛٙس ػٕذ ٔغت اِزالء ٚ ،60%رذسط اٌٛصاسح رخفيض ٔغت االِزالء اٌز ٝرمذَ فيٙب اٌزذفيض إٌ50% ٝ ثششط ضّبْ رذفك اٌشٚط ثبألػذاد اٌٛافذح ٔفغٙب خالي اٌؼبَ اٌّبض.ٝ ٚرٛافذ ػٍ ٝاٌّمبصذ اٌّصشيخ اٌؼبَ اٌّبضِ 3 ٝالييٓ عبئخ سٚع ،ٝيّضٍ ِٓ 30% ْٛإجّبٌ ٝاألػذاد اٌٛافذح ثئيشاداد ثٍؼذ ٍِ 2.2يبس دٚالسِ ،ضٍذ ِٓ 34%إجّبٌ ٝإيشاداد ٍِ 7.5يبس دٚالس اٌؼبَ اٌّبض.ٝ لبي ِذّذ عؼيذ ،سئيظ ششوخ ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ ٌٍخذِبد األسضيخ ،إْ اٌششوخ ارفمذ ِغ ٚصاسح اٌغيبدخ ػٍ ٝرمذيُ رخفيضبد رصً ٌـٌٕ 55%ذ 15 ٛششوخ عيشاْ سٚعيخ ِٓ أصً 23شىخ رزُ خذِزٙب ثّغبس ٜاٌغشدلخ ٚششَ اٌشيخ. ٚأضبف أْ اٌغٛق اٌشٚع ٝيّضً ٔذ ِٓ 45% ٛإجّبٌ ٝاٌششوبد اٌز ٝرخذِٙب «ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ» ٌٍخذِبد األسضيخ ثبٌّغبسيٓ. ٚروش أْ أػذاد اٌشدالد اٌجٛيخ أخفضذ خالي اٌشٙش اٌّبض ٝثٕذ 15% ٛػٓ اٌشٛٙس اٌغبثمخ ٔظشاً ٌزشاجغ أعؼبس صشف اٌشٚثً اٌشٚع ٝأِبَ اٌذٚالسٚ ،اٌششوبد اٌشٚعيخ ٍِزضِخ ثغذاد ِغزذمبد «ِصش ٌٍغيشاْ» ٌٍخذِبد األسضيخ ٔزيجخ ٌٛجٛد ضّبٔبد ِبٌيخ يزُ ٚضؼٙب ف ٝاٌجٕٛن داخً ِصش. ٚلبي ٘شبَ صػضٚعٚ ،صيش اٌغيبدخ ،ف ٝرصشيذبد صذفيخ ،إْ ِمزشح ِمبيضخ إيشاداد اٌغيبدخ اٌشٚعيخ ثبٌغٍغ اٌز ٝرغزٛسد٘ب اٌذٌٚخ ِٓ سٚعيبِ ،ب صاي لبئّبً ،خبص ًخ أْ ٚصساء اٌّجّٛػخ االلزصبديخ اٌّصشيخ سدجٛا ثٗٚ ،اٌجٕه اٌّشوض ،ٜثؼذ عٍجٗ ٍِٙخ ٌذساعخ اٌّٛضٛع ثبعزفبضخٚ ،إرا ٚافك فغزمذَ اٌٛصاسح عٍجبً إٌ ٝاٌذىِٛخ اٌشٚعيخ ٌّٛافمخ اٌجٕه اٌّشوض ٜاٌشٚع ٝػٍيٗ ِٓٚ ،صُ رفؼيً إٌظبَ.
Turkish Airlines adds 3 new destinations in March to its expanding network. Ranking among the world's major airline companies with its impressive growth figures, and already having the world's 4th largest flight network by serving 261 destinations in 108 countries, Turkish Airlines continues its growth by adding 3 new destinations in March. With existing services to 37 destination in Africa, Turkish Airlines adds flights to Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, as its 38th destination in the continent. Beginning March 3rd, Abuja flights will be operated 5 times per week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in both directions. Introductory trip fares are available from Istanbul to Abuja starting at 449 Euros, and from Abuja to Istanbul 679 Dollars (including taxes and fees).
AIN Blog: What's Wrong With Pilot Training?
These are the profound emotions that erupt among those of us deeply involved in the aviation industry after some recent accidents involving pilot actions that beggar belief. Pardon me for going off the rails here and commenting about accidents for which there is no final report or where investigation authorities are too squeamish to pin blame where necessary, but this topic needs airing. First of all, pilots. Do you want to lose your jobs? Not one of these accidents would have happened with a properly programmed computer at the helm. This is placing enormous pressure on aerospace technologists, aircraft and avionics manufacturers and aircraft operators to field systems that will remove the fallible human from the cockpit. You scoff? Work is already under way to move to a single pilot—not because that pilot is needed for safety reasons but because passengers can't face the idea of flying without someone up front who has a stake in the outcome. When a crew of three supposedly highly experienced pilots fumbles a visual approach in perfect weather in one of the easiest-to-fly airplanes in the world—the Asiana San Francisco 777 accident—it makes one
wonder why the pilots were even there. When two pilots omit to advance power after leveling off—the Colgan accident near Buffalo—the idea of a competent computer-pilot becomes even more compelling. When pilots don't realize that simply setting the still-working multiple attitude indicators at the straight-and-level attitude and perhaps moving the throttle levers to a reasonable cruise power setting might help—Colgan 3407, Air France 447, AirAsia 8501—then do not be surprised when the technologists take the controls away from you and kick you out of the cockpit. Second, the regulators. Unfortunately they won't lose their jobs because they work for bureaucracies that spend much of their time figuring out how to survive. But they should all be fired because they are forgetting the big picture of safety. And this is that safety has nothing to do with compliance with regulations but everything to do with thinking creatively about how accidents happen, then working closely with industry to prevent systematic weaknesses that cause accidents.
What am I talking about? In so many recent accidents, what actually happened is something that nobody ever practiced or trained for. For example, the ATR 72 operating TransAsia Flight GE235 allegedly crashed after the flight crew shut down the good engine following an engine failure. I think it's safe to assume that TransAsia pilots practice engine-out emergencies during initial and recurrent training, as do most pilots. But what kills plenty of people in multiengine airplane accidents where engine failure is a factor? Mishandling the resulting emergency is the obvious answer. And in the ways that engine-failure emergencies are mishandled, how many pilots get to practice these mishandlings? The Aviation Safety Network published a list of 17 airline and military accidents where pilots shut down the wrong engine after an engine failure. There are plenty more examples in the annals of general aviation. Have you ever practiced shutting down the wrong engine?
(Continue) Or what about a blown tire on takeoff, where it feels like an engine has failed (Learjet 60 Columbia, S.C.)? Or trying to abort a landing in a jet after touching down (Premier IA, Thomson, Ga., February 2013), a maneuver that pilots keep attempting and that has led to many tragic accidents? Pilots spend a lot of simulator time practicing V1 cuts, but where is the data showing that the greatest risk on takeoff is engine failure during the takeoff run? Why not practice other failure modes for a change instead of the same-old, sameold? Regulators need to get off their regulatory and rigid high horses and use what we know about accident causes to modify training programs. And stop requiring formal approval of ancient and unsupportable requirements in the form of training programs. The approval process takes too long anyway. Why not allow operators to get creative and replace redundant and ineffective training with something that is more realistic and beneficial? Aviation experts have pointed out that the types of accident happening recently are outliers, the kind that are unexpected, unusual and difficult to prevent. But pilots need training that is more than rote; we know how to do this training. So what’s stopping us?
IATA: Middle East Carriers Record Strongest Traffic Growth Feb. 06--JEDDAH -- The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has announced global passenger traffic results for 2014 showing demand (revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) rose 5.9 percent compared to 2013. Capacity rose 5.6 percent last year, with the result that load factor climbed 0.2 percentage points to 79.7 percent. All regions saw demand grow in 2014, according to an IATA statement. It said that more than half of the growth in passenger travel occurred on airlines in emerging markets including Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. In recent months, domestic market growth played a large role in driving growth. This is owed mainly to a pick-up in Chinese domestic travel which expanded by some 11 percent in 2014 over the previous year. International passenger markets International passenger traffic rose 6.1 percent in 2014 compared to 2013. Capacity rose 6.4 percent and load factor slipped 0.1 percentage points to 79.2 percent. Asia Pacific carriers recorded an increase of 5.8 percent compared to 2013, which was the largest increase among the three biggest regions. However, traffic has been broadly flat over the past four months or so amid signs of a slowdown in regional production activity, although trade volumes have remained strong. Capacity rose 7.0 percent, pushing down load factor 1.1 percentage points to 76.9 percent.
(continue) European carriers' international traffic climbed 5.7 percent in 2014. Capacity rose 5.2 percent and load factor rose 0.6 percentage points 81.6 percent. Robust travel on low fare airlines as well as airlines registered in Turkey offset economic weakness and risks in the region. North American airlines saw demand rise 3.1 percent in 2014 over 2013. Among developed economies, the US is the standout performer. Capacity rose 4.6 percent, dropping load factor 1.1 percentage points to 81.7 percent. This was the highest among all regions. Middle East carriers had the strongest annual traffic growth at 13 percent. The region's economies continue to show robust growth in non-oil sectors, and are therefore well-placed to withstand the plunge in oil revenues. Capacity rose 11.9 percent and load factor climbed 0.8 percentage points to 78.1 percent. Latin American airlines' traffic rose 5.8 percent. Capacity rose 4.7 percent and load factor climbed 0.8 percentage points to 80 percent. While Brazilian economic growth has stagnated, regional trade volumes have improved in recent months. African airlines experienced the slowest annual demand growth, up 0.9 percent compared to 2013. With capacity up 3.0 percent, load factor fell 1.5 percentage points to 67.5 percent,
(continue) the lowest among the regions. The weakness in international air travel for regional carriers is not believed to be attributable to the Ebola outbreak, the impact of which has been restricted largely to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, markets that comprise a very small proportion of traffic. Instead it appears to reflect negative economic developments in parts of the continent including Nigeria, which is highly reliant on oil revenues. South Africa also experienced weakness earlier in the year. The Bottom Line "In the aftermath of the Greek elections and the intensifying debate on how to deliver a dynamic economic program for Europe, we must not forget the power of air connectivity to create growth," said Tyler. He said: "Governments can kick-start economic development by reducing the passenger taxes that depress demand for air transport, costing jobs and prosperity. There are some positive signs. The Scottish government is promising to cut its air passenger duty by 50 percent. And Austria's air transport levy is being evaluated as part of comprehensive tax reforms. Scrapping the Austrian levy alone could create some 3,300 jobs. That should help convince politicians in these countries to move from considering reductions to delivering results." Tyler said: "High taxes, onerous regulation and infrastructure limitations make Europe a tough place to run an airline. A continentwide commitment to address these issues so that aviation can play its critical role as an economic catalyst would be a powerful signal that Europe's politicians really do mean business."
http://uk.reuters.com Pilots' union calls two-day strike at Lufthansa's Germanwings (Reuters) - Pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) called a two-day strike at Lufthansa's (LHAG.DE) Germanwings short-haul budget airline as a longrunning row over retirement benefits and the airline's low-cost expansion plans entered a new year. The pilots said late on Tuesday the strike would run from 2300 GMT on the night of Wednesday Feb. 11 until 2259 GMT on Friday, Feb. 13. The VC pilots staged 10 strikes last year, affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers and costing Lufthansa tens of millions of euros. VC said in a statement that its attempt to come to an agreement had failed. "Lufthansa thus demonstrates again that it does not want an agreement and is therefore responsible for more strikes," said Joerg Handwerg, a spokesman for VC. Lufthansa said it was working on a revised flight schedule, to be announced later on Wednesday. The row between pilots and management concerns early retirement benefits that Lufthansa wants to change for new starters. The current scheme enables pilots to retire at 55 and still receive a portion of their pay until regular state pension payments kick in. Lufthansa wants to increase the earliest age at which its new pilots can retire to reflect increasing life expectancies. In a sign of increased tension between the company and some of its most powerful front-line staff, the pilots have also requested that management enter mediation talks on plans for low-cost expansion, which Lufthansa has refused. The pilots oppose the way in which Lufthansa is pushing through low-cost expansion by using a small unit that is not subject to the same collective labour agreements as pilots at its Lufthansa and Germanwings brands. Lufthansa, which has twice warned on its 2015 profit target, wants to expand low-cost operations to win back market share lost to the likes of Ryanair (RYA.I) and easyJet (EZJ.L), which are expanding in its home market. Air France-KLM (AIRF.PA) has also warned of fierce competition from low-cost carriers and Gulf rivals, saying it saw strong pressure on 2015 revenue. (Reporting By Harro ten Wolde and Victoria Bryan; Editing by Georgina Prodhan, Toni Reinhold)
http://www.ch-aviation.com/ Ethiopian to place widebody order during next quarter
(Ethiopian Airlines ET, Addis Ababa) CEO Tewolde Gebremariam says the Star Alliance member could place an order for up to twenty widebody jets during the next quarter. Gebremariam told Addis Ababa's Reporter newspaper that studies of the A350-1000 from Airbus Industry (AIB, Toulouse Blagnac) and the B777X from Boeing (BOE, Chicago O'Hare) began in January with a decision likely to be made by March. At one point an exclusive Boeing operator, Ethiopian is now awaiting delivery of its first Airbus equipment - fourteen A350900s - due in early 2017. Ethiopian was to have trialled widebody European aircraft on its first transatlantic flights to Washington Dulles back in 1998 with the 3-year lease of an ex-Gulf Air A340300. The deal, however, never came into being. As such, Ethiopian's widebody passenger fleet currently includes nine B767-300(ER)s, six B777-200(LR)s, two B777-300(ER)s, and eleven B787-8s used on flights throughout Africa, Asia, South America, North America, and Europe.
http://aircargoworld.com Air cargo emissions forecasted to increase IATA has set the goal of achieving carbon-neutral growth by 2020 and reducing 50 percent in net emissions by 2050, reducing the carbon footprint produced by moving cargo by air. It’s an important goal, given that the International Transport Forum (ITF) has estimated that CO2 emissions from freight transport will grow by 290 percent by 2050, and emissions will grow 286 percent in the same period with volumes transported reaching as much as 767 million tonnes. ITF also reported that freight will replace passenger traffic as the main source of CO2 emissions from surface transport. Analysts have also stated that more emissions will be produced from freight cargo than passengers by 2050. Air transport currently represents 2 percent of global carbon emissions, where maritime shipping accounts for 4 percent of the same. Air transport CO2 emissions are expected to increase 3 percent by 2050 according to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. However, the effect of CO2 emissions from aircraft is two to three times higher compared to ground emissions because aircraft release CO2 at high altitudes into the atmosphere, where more harm is done according to Time for Change. Globally, CO2 emissions are an important environmental issue, stirring up great emotional debate. The International Air Cargo Association has recognized the importance of environmental responsibility and is working with the industry and governments to address the issue with the goal of improving annual fuel efficiency by 1.5 percent by 2020, continuing to reach carbon-neutral growth, with a net carbon reduction of 50 percent by 2050.
(continue) The concern is that with the air cargo industry picking up and emissions being a topic of concern, it is possible that stricter airfreight legislation could be introduced, which could stymie the industry’s growth. As previously reported in Air Cargo World, the upshot in growth has been in the Asia and Middle East markets. Last year, the IATA Air Cargo Carbon Footprint team adopted recommended practices at the Cargo Services Conference. Airlines, forwarders, shippers and regulators required one common international standard. CO2 emissions are calculated from fuel consumption linked to airborne, taxiing, turnaround and auxiliary power use. All CO2 emissions from full freighter operations are allocated to revenue load; the use of incremental loads was not recommended for belly cargo. ITF has suggested that full cargo loads would increase efficiency. Deutsche Post DHL introduced a bundled environmental and climate protection program, GoGreen in 2008, which includes using biofuel and hybrid trucks and more efficient aircraft. The program has been declared a success. Others who are moving to more environmentally conscientious practices are Cathay Pacific Cargo, FedEx, Emirates and UPS.
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