EGYPTAIR News 13 mar 2018

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‫الثالثاء‬ ‫‪2018/3/13‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫كلمات حرة‬ ‫مصر للطٌران!‬ ‫د‪ .‬أسامة الغزالى حرب‬ ‫الحدٌث عن مصر للطٌران التى كانت ذات ٌوم لها مكانتها وصٌتها (كانت فى‬ ‫الزمان البعٌد‪ ،‬السابعة على مستوى العالم) والمقارنة بٌن ما ٌحدث فٌها وما ٌحدث‬ ‫فى شركات الطٌران األخرى لٌس جدٌدا وهدفه األساسى إعادة شركتنا الدولٌة إلى‬ ‫مكانتها‪ .‬فى عموده المتمٌز «وجدتها» بالمصرى الٌوم (‪ )3/11‬وتحت عنوان‬ ‫«حكاٌة طائرة»‪ ،‬تحدث نٌوتن عن الطرٌقة الجذابة التى عرضت بها الخطوط‬ ‫البرٌطانٌة إرشادات السالمة داخل الطائرة بواسطة نجوم كبار‪ ،‬وعن براعة‬ ‫الخطوط التركٌة فى تقدٌم األطعمة والمشروبات فى إسطنبول وما ٌماثلها فى‬ ‫مطارات دبى واإلمارات‪...‬إلخ وقال‪ -‬ومعه كل الحق‪ -‬إن الشركات الناجحة تحرص‬ ‫على ترك انطباع جٌد فى نفوس الركاب‪ ،‬بل ترسم االبتسامة على وجوههم‪ ،‬أما‬ ‫مصر للطٌران بدال من ذلك‪ -‬فإنها تستقبلهم بدعاء السفر وما فٌه من تذكٌر‬ ‫بالموت! والحقٌقة أن هذه الملحوظة األخٌرة تنبهنا إلى ما سبق أن حدث‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران مثلها مثل مؤسسات كثٌرة خالل العقود الماضٌة من تأثر باألفكار‬ ‫المتشددة التى تتاجر بالدٌن‪ ،‬والتى تتمثل أحد تجلٌاتها فى اإلصرار على إذاعة ذلك‬ ‫الدعاء فى مستهل رحالتها باللغة العربٌة طبعا‪ .-‬وهو ما ٌفرض علٌنا ضرورة‬ ‫التساؤل عن مالءمة إذاعتها فى طائرة ٌفترض أنها تنقل بالطبع ركابا من جمٌع‬ ‫األدٌان والجنسٌات واللغات‪ ،‬وفارق كبٌر بٌن أن ٌتمتم راكب مسلم به‪ ،‬وبٌن إذاعته‬ ‫على ركاب ٌضمون إلى جانب المسلمٌن‪ ،‬أصحاب دٌانات وعقائد أخرى (مسٌحٌ​ٌن‪،‬‬ ‫ٌهوداً‪ ،‬بوذٌ​ٌن‪ ،‬هندوس‪...‬إلخ) ولذلك فإن شركات الطٌران األخرى للبالد العربٌة‬ ‫واإلسالمٌة ال تذٌع هذا الدعاء الذى ال ٌخص إال فئة واحدة من المسافرٌن‪ ،‬فهل ٌا‬ ‫ترى تمتلك قٌادات الطٌران المدنى ومصر للطٌران الثقة بالنفس والشجاعة للتغٌ​ٌر‪،‬‬ ‫بما ٌسهم فى ترقٌة أداء شركتنا الوطنٌة بما ٌتوافق مع المعاٌ​ٌر العالمٌة ألداء‬ ‫شركات الطٌران؟ نأمل ونحلم بذلك!‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫انطالق رحالت مصر للطٌران بٌن موسكو والقاهرة من مطار دومودٌدوفو ‪ 22‬مارس‬ ‫كتب مؤمن مختار‬

‫حدد مطار دومودٌدوفو الروسى فى العاصمة الروسٌة موسكو‪ ،‬موعد‬ ‫انطالق أول رحلة طٌران لطائرة مصر للطٌران بٌن موسكو والقاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقا لبٌانات الموقع الخاص بالمطار‪ ،‬فإن أول طائرة تنطلق ٌوم ‪22‬‬ ‫مارس لثالث مرات فً األسبوع‪ :‬أٌام الثالثاء والخمٌس واألحد‪ ،‬على متن‬ ‫الطائرة ‪ ،MS 730‬والعودة على متن الطائرة ‪MS 729. -‬‬ ‫ووقع الرئٌس الروسى فالدٌمٌر بوتٌن فى ‪ٌ 4‬ناٌر ‪ 2018‬مرسوما بشأن‬ ‫استئناف الرحالت الجوٌة إلى القاهرة‪ ،‬بعد توقف دام حوالى سنتٌن‪ ،‬جراء‬ ‫تحطم طائرة ركاب تابعة للخطوط الجوٌة الروسٌة كوجالٌم آفٌا فوق سٌناء‬ ‫فى العام ‪.2015‬‬ ‫وتستأنف الرحالت أوال إلى مطار القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬ومن ثم تعود تدرٌجٌا‬ ‫إلى مطارات المنتجعات السٌاحٌة مثل شرم الشٌخ‪ ،‬والغردقة‪ ،‬على شاطئ‬ ‫البحر األحمر‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫بدء رحالت "مصر للطٌران" بٌن موسكو والقاهرة ‪ 18‬مارس‬

‫وضعت إدارة مطار "دومودٌدوفو" فً موسكو فً جدول الحركة الجوٌة بدء‬ ‫رحالت "مصر للطٌران" بٌن موسكو والقاهرة اعتبارا من ‪ 18‬مارس الجاري‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقا لما نقلته وكالة "سبوتنٌك" الروسٌة الٌوم االثنٌن عن المعطٌات الموجودة‬ ‫على موقع المطار‪ ،‬فإن الرحالت بٌن العاصمتٌن ستكون ثالث مرات فً األسبوع‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت الوكالة ذكرت فً وقت سابق أن مصر وافقت على وجود خبراء أمن‬ ‫روس فً مطار القاهرة لتأمٌن الرحالت الجوٌة إلى موسكو‪.‬‬ ‫كان وزٌر الطٌران المدنً المصري شرٌف فتحً وقع مع وزٌر النقل‬ ‫الروسً ماكسٌم سوكولوف فً دٌسمبر الماضً البروتوكول الخاص باستئناف‬ ‫الرحالت بٌن القاهرة وموسكو اعتبارا من أول فبراٌر المقبل‪ ،‬ولكن الموعد تأجل‬ ‫أكثر من مرة‪.‬‬ ‫وتوقفت حركة الطٌران بٌن روسٌا ومصر عقب سقوط طائرة ركاب روسٌة فً‬ ‫سٌناء فً نوفمبر من عام ‪ ، 2015‬ما أدى إلى مقتل ‪ 217‬سائحا روسٌا وسبعة‬ ‫أفراد طاقم كانوا على متنها‪ .‬وأكدت السلطات الروسٌة أنه تم إسقاطها فً عمل‬ ‫إرهابً‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫رحالت مصر للطٌران تعود بٌن القاهرة وموسكو‪ 18 ..‬مارس المقبل‬

‫وضعت إدارة مطار "دومودٌدوفو" فً موسكو فً جدول الحركة الجوٌة‪ ،‬بدء‬ ‫رحالت "مصر للطٌران" بٌن موسكو والقاهرة اعتبارا من ‪ 18‬مارس ‪.2018‬‬ ‫وحسب المعطٌات الموجودة على موقع المطار‪ ،‬فإن الرحالت بٌن العاصمتٌن‬ ‫ستكون ‪ 3‬مرات فً األسبوع‪.‬‬ ‫وكان مصدر مطلع قال لوكالة "سبوتنٌك"‪ ،‬إن مصر وافقت على وجود خبراء‬ ‫أمن روس فً مطار القاهرة لتأمٌن الرحالت الجوٌة إلى موسكو‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح المصدر‪ ،‬الثالثاء ‪ 6‬مارس‪ ،‬إن مصر "وافقت على الوجود الدائم‬ ‫لخبراء شركة األمن الروسٌة فً مطار القاهرة‪ ،‬لتأمٌن الرحالت المتوجهة من‬ ‫القاهرة إلى روسٌا"‪ .‬وتابع‪" :‬تم التوصل التفاق على وجود شركة أمن روسٌة‬ ‫لتأمٌن الرحالت الروسٌة من مطار القاهرة"‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح أن "الشركة الروسٌة ستقٌد عملها بتفتٌش الحقائب والركاب والطعام‬ ‫وكذلك تدابٌر مراقبة عملٌات تزوٌد الطائرات بالوقود"‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫"مصر للطٌران" تحصل على تصرٌح الهبوط بالمطارات الروسٌة‬

‫ذكر مصدر فً شركة "مصر للطٌران" أن الشركة حصلت على التصارٌح‬ ‫الالزمة للعمل فً مطارات العاصمة موسكو وفً األٌام القادمة ستحصل على‬ ‫التصرٌح النهائً من السلطات الروسٌة لبدأ رحالت الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫ونقلت جرٌدة "الدستور" عن مصدر فً الشركة المصرٌة‪ ،‬أنه سٌتم اإلعالن‬ ‫عن استئناف الرحالت الجوٌة بٌن القاهرة وموسكو بنهاٌة شهر مارس‬ ‫الجاري‪.‬‬ ‫وكان مصدر فً شركة إدارة المطار المصرٌة أكد فً وقت سابق أن "مصر‬ ‫للطٌران" حصلت على جمٌع التصارٌح واالتفاقات الالزمة لتشغٌل الرحالت‪،‬‬ ‫متوقعا أن تنطلق أول رحلة مباشرة فً نهاٌة مارس أو بداٌة أبرٌل‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن روسٌا أوقفت الرحالت الجوٌة مع مصر فً نوفمبر ‪ 2015‬بعد حادثة‬ ‫تحطم طائرة ركاب روسٌة تابعة لشركة طٌران كوغالٌمافٌا فً سٌناء بعمل‬ ‫إرهابً ومقتل ‪ 217‬سائحا روسٌا و‪ 7‬من أفراد الطاقم كانوا على متنها‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫موقع روسى‪ :‬استئناف الرحالت مع القاهرة ‪ 18‬مارس‬ ‫كتب‪ٌ :‬وسف العومً‪ ،‬أمانً عبد الغنً‬ ‫وضعت إدارة مطار «دومودٌدوفو» فى العاصمة الروسٌة موسكو‪ ،‬فى جدول‬ ‫الحركة الجوٌة‪ ،‬بدء رحالت شركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬بٌن العاصمة الروسٌة‬ ‫والقاهرة اعتباراً من ‪ 18‬مارس الجارى‪.‬‬ ‫وذكر موقع «أفٌ​ٌتور»‪ ،‬المع ّنى بأخبار الطٌران‪ ،‬األحد‪ ،‬أن السلطات الروسٌة‬ ‫ستعطى شركة مصر للطٌران التصرٌح النهائى لتسٌ​ٌر الرحالت المباشر من وإلى‬ ‫موسكو‪ ،‬األسبوع المقبل‪ ،‬فٌما قالت مصادر بالشركة المصرٌة إن موعد استئناف‬ ‫الرحالت الجوٌة بٌن العاصمتٌن قد ٌتحدد خالل الفترة المقبلة‪ ،‬وإنه فور تأكٌد‬ ‫الموعد النهائى ستعلنه الشركة رسمٌا ً‪.‬‬ ‫ونقل الموقع‪ ،‬عن مصدر روسى‪ ،‬قوله إن «هذا التصرٌح سٌمكن شركة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران من حجز وبٌع التذاكر لمن ٌرغب فى القٌام برحلة إلى موسكو ومنها إلى‬ ‫مصر»‪ .‬فى الوقت نفسه‪ ،‬ذكرت وكالة «سبوتنٌك» الروسٌة‪ ،‬اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬نقالً عن‬ ‫مصدر مطلع‪ ،‬أن مصر وافقت على وجود دائم لخبراء أمن روس فى مطار‬ ‫القاهرة لتأمٌن الرحالت الجوٌة إلى موسكو‪ ،‬حٌث تم التوصل التفاق على وجود‬ ‫شركة أمن روسٌة لتأمٌن الرحالت الروسٌة من مطار القاهرة‪ ،‬حٌث تختص‬ ‫الشركة الروسٌة بتفتٌش الحقائب والركاب والطعام‪ ،‬وتقوم كذلك بتدابٌر مراقبة‬ ‫عملٌات تزوٌد الطائرات بالوقود‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت الوكالة الروسٌة إلى أنه بحسب المعطٌات الموجودة على موقع المطار‪،‬‬ ‫فإن الرحالت بٌن العاصمتٌن ستكون ‪ 3‬مرات فى األسبوع‪ .‬كان وزٌر النقل‬ ‫الروسى‪ ،‬مكسٌم سوكولوف‪ ،‬أوضح أن تأخر استئناف الرحالت إلى مصر ومنها‬ ‫ٌرجع لعدم توقٌع اتفاق بٌن شركتى «آٌروفلوت» و«مصر للطٌران» بشأن‬ ‫الخدمات األرضٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫قائدات طائرات مصر للطٌران لخالد أبو بكر‪ :‬نعتز بشركتنا وسنحافظ على المستوى المتقدم‬ ‫محمد تهامى زكى‬

‫استضاف خالد أبو بكر‪ ،‬اللٌلة فى برنامج الحٌاة الٌوم‪ ،‬ثالث من قائدات‬ ‫الطائرات فى شركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬كابتن طٌار هبة مصطفى محمد‬ ‫دروٌش‪ ،‬سارة إبراهٌم على موسى‪ ،‬مساعد طٌار‪ ،‬كابتن طٌار حسناء‬ ‫تٌمور محمد لطفى‪.‬‬ ‫وتناولت الحلقة‪ ،‬تفاصٌل الطرٌق الذى سلكهن فى الوصول إلى قٌادة‬ ‫الطائرات وأٌضا شرح لكافة ظروف العمل‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت قائدات مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬خالل اللقاء‪ ،‬اعتزازهن بشركة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران وأنهن ملتزمات بتدرٌبات مستمرة حتى ٌحافظن على نفس‬ ‫المستوى المتقدم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌستقبل السفٌر الصٌنى لبحث تدشٌن خط جوى بٌن القاهرة وشنغهاي‬ ‫كتب محمود عبد الغنى‬

‫استقبل شرٌف فتحى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى الٌوم االثنٌن‪ ،‬بمكتبه "سونج آى‬ ‫قوه"‪ ،‬سفٌر الصٌن بالقاهرة والوفد المرافق له لبحث العالقات الثنائٌة بٌن‬ ‫البلدٌن ‪.‬‬ ‫وخالل اللقاء استعرض الجانبان اتفاقٌة النقل الجوى الموقعه بٌن مصر والصٌن‬ ‫‪ ،‬كما ناقش وزٌر الطٌران والسفٌر الصٌنى سبل زٌادة الحركة الجوٌة بٌن‬ ‫البلدٌن لتنشٌط حركة السٌاحٌة الوافده من الصٌن ودفع عجلة االستثمار‪،‬‬ ‫والعمل على زٌادة حركة الشحن الجوى بٌن مصر والصٌن‪.‬‬

‫و بحث فتحى وسونج آى قوه خطة تدشٌن خط جوى بٌن القاهرة وشنغهاي ‪ ،‬و‬ ‫نظرا لوجود كثافة تشغٌل بالمطار بشنغهاى والتى أدت الى عدم امكانٌة‬ ‫اصدارتصارٌح تشغٌل الطائرات بالوقت الحالى ‪ ،‬أكد السفٌر الصٌنى على‬ ‫حرص السفاره على تقدٌم المساعدة من أجل تسٌ​ٌر خط الطٌران بٌن البلدٌن‬ ‫فى القرٌب العاجل‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫وزٌر الطٌران المدنً ٌستقبل السفٌر الصٌنً بالقاهرة‬ ‫مؤمن التهامً ‪ -‬محروس هنداوي ‪ -‬حمدي بكري‬

‫استقبل شرٌف فتحى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬الٌوم اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬بمكتبه سونج آى قوة‬ ‫سفٌر الصٌن بالقاهرة والوفد المرافق له لبحث العالقات الثنائٌة بٌن البلدٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وخالل اللقاء استعرض الجانبان اتفاقٌة النقل الجوي الموقعة بٌن مصر والصٌن‪،‬‬ ‫كما ناقش وزٌر الطٌران والسفٌر الصٌنى سبل زٌادة الحركة الجوٌة بٌن البلدٌن‬ ‫لتنشٌط حركة السٌاحٌة الوافدة من الصٌن ودفع عجلة االستثمار‪ ،‬والعمل على‬ ‫زٌادة حركة الشحن الجوى بٌن مصر والصٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وبحث فتحى وسونج آى قوة خطة تدشٌن خط جوي بٌن القاهرة وشنغهاي‪ ،‬ونظرا‬ ‫لوجود كثافة تشغٌل بالمطار بشنجهاى والتً أدت إلى عدم امكانٌة إصدار تصارٌح‬ ‫تشغٌل الطائرات بالوقت الحالً‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد السفٌر الصٌنً على حرص السفارة على تقدٌم المساعدة من أجل تسٌ​ٌر خط‬ ‫الطٌران بٌن البلدٌن فً القرٌب العاجل‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫بالصور‪ ..‬تجهٌز محطة مطروح للتشغٌل الصٌفى‬ ‫محمود السعدى‬

‫صرح فادى غانم‪ ،‬مدٌر محطات برج العرب ومطروح والنزهة بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬بأنه ٌتم‬ ‫تجهٌز محطة مرسى مطروح للتشغٌل الصٌفً والمقرر له خالل الفترة القلٌلة المقبلة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف «غانم» فى تصرٌح لـ«الدستور» أنه بنا ًء على توجٌهات أحمد شاهٌن‪ ،‬رئٌس‬ ‫مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران للخدمات األرضٌة‪ ،‬بسرعة تشغٌل محطة مطروح استعدادا‬ ‫للتشغٌل الصٌفً تم االجتماع والتنسٌق مع مشرفً‬ ‫المحطة ومسئولٌالورشة الفنٌة والعاملٌن هناك التخاذ اإلجراءات والترتٌبات الالزمة قبٌل بدء‬ ‫التشغٌل الصٌفً‪ ،‬حٌث من المحتمل أن ٌشهد كثافة ركابٌة عالٌة لهذا العام‪ ،‬حٌث ٌعتبر مطار‬ ‫مطروح البوابة الغربٌة لدخول البالد‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن مسئولً شركة الخدمات األرضٌة ٌقومون بتدعٌم كافة المحطات العاملة بالمطارات‬ ‫المصرٌة بأحدث األجهزة والمعدات والسٌارات‪ ،‬لمواكبة التطور التكنولوجً فى صناعة النقل‬ ‫الجوى‪ ،‬مما جعل كثٌرا من شركات الطٌران العربٌة واألجنبٌة تتعاقد مع مصر للطٌران‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فضال عن الخطط اإلستراتٌجٌة التى‬ ‫للخدمات األرضٌة لخدمتها فى معظم المطارات المصرٌة‪،‬‬ ‫تم وضعها من جانب مسئولً الشركة لتدوٌر العمالة بما ٌناسب وٌالءم حجم التشغٌل الجوى‬ ‫والركابى الكثٌف‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ EgyptAir Employees Receive Permits to Work in Moscow Airport – Reports CAIRO (Sputnik) - The EgyptAir airline’s employees have received permits allowing them to work at a Moscow airport, local media reported, citing a source from the Egyptian company. According to Egypt's Al-Dustour newspaper, the flag carrier airline of Egypt expects to receive the final permission from the Russian authorities to operate flightsbetween the two countries in the next few days. In turn, a source in the Cairo airport told the media that employees of the Russian Aeroflot company also began to receive permits to work in the areas of arrival and departure of the airport. Last week, media reported that the flights between Russia and Egypt would resume in late March. Russia suspended civilian air traffic to Egypt in October 2015 after a bomb explosion on a Russian plane from Sharm el-Sheikh, killing all 224 people on board. On December 15, 2017, Russia and Egypt signed an agreement to resume passenger flights between their capitals, which was supposed to enter into force in February. However, the air connection between Moscow and Cairo remained suspended.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ American Airlines plans to retire 45 B737s by 2020 American Airlines (AA, Dallas/Fort Worth) plans to retire forty-five B737-800s by the end of 2020 as it seeks to lower the average age of its narrowbody fleet, Bloomberg has reported. The carrier plans to withdraw thirteen Boeing twinjets in 2019 and a further thirty-two units in 2020 at an average rate of three aircraft per month. "It's strictly an age-based retirement at this point," American spokesman Josh Freed has said. The planes will be more than offset by fifty Airbus A321neos and forty B737 MAX 8s which American Airlines plans to introduce by the end of 2020. According to the ch-aviation fleets module, the Dallas/Fort Worth-based carrier currently operates a fleet of 304 B737-800s with a further final two aircraft on order. While the average age of the whole fleet of the type is 8.4 years, as many as seventy-six jets are older than 16 years. The carrier is also planning to retire all remaining forty-five MD-80s, including ten MD-82s and thirtyfive MD-83s, by the end of 2019. These aircraft could potentially be replaced with second-hand A319-100s, as previously reported

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Vietstar Airlines eyes launch with 5 B737-800s in 2018 Vietstar Airlines (Ho Chi Minh City) is planning to launch operations in 2018 with an initial fleet of five B737-800s, VietStar Aero Engineering commercial director Trinh Quoc Cuong has told Air Transport World. Vietstar Airlines, a start-up owned by the Vietnamese People's Air Force, was set up in 2010 but only applied for an air operator's certificate (AOC) in 2016. Its application was, however, denied due to the lack of free capacity at Ho Chi Minh City. Cuong has admitted that the carrier's new business plan has still not received a nod from the authorities as the infrastructural constraints persist. The carrier plans to eventually expand to about fifteen aircraft by 2020. Its network will include both international and domestic routes, possibly also the key Ho Chi Minh CityHanoi sector. Currently, the carrier also operates passenger charter flights using a fleet of a Beech (twin turboprop)King Air, a PZL M28s, and an Embraer Legacy 600. For its part, the MRO unit VietStar Aero Engineering provides maintenance services at Ho Chi Minh City for Jetstar Pacific's and VietJetAir's Airbus A320 fleet. It is also certified to provide line maintenance for Boeing B737s

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Embraer pitches Regional Jets to Indian carriers Embraer (São José dos Campos) has confirmed it is in talks with several Indian airlines over the sale of EMB-175 aircraft. The Brazilian manufacturer's Vice President (Sales & Marketing Asia Pacific), Cesar Pereira, told the Press Trust of India news agency that among those being courted over their interest in the Regional Jet are IndiGo Airlines, SpiceJet, Air India, Jet Airways, and Vistara. Currently, the bulk of Indian airlines' regional fleets are composed primarily of Bombardier and Avions de Transport Régionalturboprop aircraft with the now dormant Air Costa (LEP, Vijayawada) having been the EMB-170's only Indian operator before it moved to EMB-190s. "[The Regional Connectivity scheme] RCS is an excellent programme to bring more passengers to the system," he said. "But some airlines look at long-term sustainability. They may fly for three years, but what after that? We know that IndiGo decided to go for ATRs. SpiceJet has their Dash 8-400s. So we are talking to all airlines to unlock the opportunity with the E175." According to Pereira, despite its inactivity, Air Costa still has an order for twenty-five EMB-190-E2s and twenty-five EMB-195-E2s with an option to purchase another 50 jets, still on Embraer's books. The ch-aviation fleets module shows that there are multiple operators of Embraer Regional Jets in India including business and military variants. They include Air One Aviation, the Border Security Force, India Fly Safe Aviation, the Indian Air Force, Kalyan Jewellers, Karnavati Aviation, Krishnapatnam Port Company, Larsen & Toubro, Reliance Industries, and Turbo Aviation.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

Bangladeshi passenger plane with 67 passengers crashes in Nepal KATHMANDU (AFP) - A Bangladeshi plane with 67 passengers on board crashed near Kathmandu airport Monday as it was coming in to land, officials said, as firefighters battled to extinguish the burning wreckage and rescue passengers. Plumes of black smoke could be seen rising from the football pitch where the plane crashed, to the east of the runway at Nepal's only international airport, in the capital Kathmandu. "There were 67 passengers and 4 crew members" aboard the plane, said airport spokesman Prem Nath Thakur. "So far 20 injured have been taken to the hospital. Police and army are trying to cut apart the plane to rescue others," he added. Live footage posted on Facebook showed the towering columns of smoke rising behind the runway, where another plane stood waiting on the tarmac. Emergency vehicles appeared to be heading into the smoke as people watched from a distance or filmed on their mobile phones. Nepal has suffered a number of air disasters in recent years, dealing a blow to its tourist industry. Its poor air safety record has been blamed largely on inadequate maintenance, inexperienced pilots and substandard management. In early 2016, a Twin Otter turboprop aircraft slammed into a mountainside in Nepal killing all 23 people on board. Two days later, two pilots were killed when a small passenger plane crash-landed in the country's hilly midwest.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

1 Q400 crash: Extraordinary exchange reveals runway mix-up Extraordinary air traffic control communications with a USBangla Bombardier Q400 shortly before it crashed at Kathmandu reveal confusion over the runway to which the aircraft had been cleared. Kathmandu has a single runway with the designation 02/20. The Q400 had initially been cleared to land on runway 02, and advised of a 7kt wind from 220° – resulting in a 6kt tailwind component. But the Kathmandu controller queried the crew shortly afterwards, stating: "You were given landing clearance to runway 02. You are going towards runway 20." The aircraft, operating flight BS211, is then cleared by a separate controller to land on runway 20. About a minute later another aircraft on approach questions the runway in use, and the tower calls the Q400 to request the crew's intention, to which the pilot appears to confirm a landing on runway 02. The mix-up persists as the controller initially instructs a right downwind pattern for runway 20, before correcting to a right downwind for runway 02, and clearing the other approaching aircraft to land on 02. After the tower informs the Q400 crew to be aware of the landing aircraft, the Q400 pilot says he will be approaching runway 02 – prompting a response from the controller, asking the pilot to confirm he is tracking towards runway 20.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

2 When the pilot responds "affirmative", the controller – with urgency evident in his voice – instructs him again to join the right downwind for runway 02, and warns of the other aircraft on final approach. This other aircraft again requests confirmation of, and is granted, landing clearance for 02. "I say again, do not proceed towards runway 20," the controller urges the Q400 pilot, who responds by saying he will execute a right-hand orbit to hold for runway 02. "OK, that's good, but do not land," the controller adds. Around a minute later the controller offers the Q400 either runway, to which the pilot replies that he would like runway 20. The controller gives the Q400 landing clearance for 20, advising of wind from 270° at 6kt, and the pilot confirms he is cleared to land. When the controller subsequently asks whether the pilot has the runway in sight, and is told "negative", he tells the aircraft to turn right and asks for confirmation that the runway is still not in sight. But the pilot immediately responds with a request for landing clearance, which the controller grants, initially without mentioning the runway designation. The pilot reads back the landing clearance, but mentions runway 02, rather than 20, and the controller simply confirms: "Roger, runway 02, cleared to land." Transmissions between the aircraft and Kathmandu controllers were obtained through the LiveATC archive. Some 20 occupants are reported by local media to have survived the accident, but official figures on the situation have yet to be released.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

1 At least 50 killed in Bangladeshi plane crash in Nepal

A Bangladeshi airliner with 71 people on board has crashed while coming in to land at the international airport in the Nepali capital Kathmandu, killing at least 50 people. The US-Bangla Airlines plane, arriving from Dhaka, went off the runway while landing and crashed on the east side of the Tribhuvan International Airport's runway on Monday. It then caught fire. Live footage posted on Facebook showed the towering columns of smoke rising behind the runway, where another plane stood waiting on the tarmac. "We have recovered 50 dead bodies so far," said army spokesman Gokul Bhandari, adding that several people had been rescued from the burning wreckage of the Bombardier Q400 series aircraft while nine people were still unaccounted for.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

2 A Bangladeshi official also told AFP that the victims' bodies had been recovered from the wreckage of the airplane and the 20 injured had been taken to hospital. "We just pulled out dead bodies and injured from the debris," Bangladeshi government spokesman Narayan Prasad Duwadi said. The passengers on board the plane included 33 Nepalis, 32 from Bangladesh, one from China and one from the Maldives. The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, but a statement from airport authorities said the plane was "out of control" as it came in to land. "All of a sudden the plane shook violently and there was a loud bang," one of the survivors, Basanta Bohora, told the Kathmandu Post daily. "I was seated near a window and was able to break out of the window." Witnesses said many of the bodies that lay on the airport tarmac were charred and covered with cloth. Mountainous Nepal is notorious for air accidents and has a poor air safety record blamed largely on inadequate maintenance, inexperienced pilots and substandard management. In September 2012, Nepal’s Sita Air turboprop plane carrying trekkers to Mount Everest hit a bird and crashed shortly after takeoff, killing all 19 passengers on board. In 1992, all 167 people aboard lost their lives when a Thai Airways flight from Bangkok crashed while trying to land in Kathmandu.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Nepal begins probe of plane crash that killed 49, airline defends pilot KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Investigators have retrieved the flight data recorder from the wreckage of a Bangladeshi airliner that crashed, killing at least 49 aboard, including the crew, when it attempted to land in Nepal’s capital, officials said on Tuesday. The airline and airport authorities in Kathmandu have blamed each other in the aftermath of Monday’s aviation disaster, the Himalayan nation’s worst since the 1992 crash of a Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) aircraft killed 167. “The flight data recorder has been recovered, we have kept it safely,” said Raj Kumar Chettri, the airport’s general manager, adding that an investigation had begun into the cause of the crash. The Bombardier Q400 series aircraft was carrying 71 people from the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka when it tried to land in conditions of visibility that weather officials said exceeded 6 km (4 miles), with clouds at one end of the runway and a light tailwind of six to seven knots. Flight operator US-Bangla Airlines said Captain Abid Sultan, a former pilot of the Bangladesh Air Force, had landed more than 100 times at Kathmandu, where wind shear and bird hits are frequent hazards. Sultan had more than 5,000 hours of flying experience and was specially trained to land at the airport, said airline spokesman Kamrul Islam. The airline also denied a media report that the aircraft had skidded off the runway during a domestic flight in 2015, saying it“never ever encountered any accident. It had no technical glitches.”

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ 50 killed as Bangladeshi plane crashes in Nepal KATHMANDU • A Bangladeshi airliner with 71 people on board crashed yesterday after making an unexpected turn in cloudy weather as it came in to land at the airport in Nepal's capital, killing at least 50 people, officials said. The plane, operated by US-Bangla Airlines, was on a flight from Dhaka when it hit an airport fence and burst into flames, said Mr Raj Kumar Chettri, general manager of the hill-ringed airport, which is prone to bird strikes and other hazards. The plane was said to have circled the airport twice before trying to land. Witnesses said it was wobbling in the air and seemed unbalanced as it approached. Those aboard included 33 Nepali passengers, 32 from Bangladesh, one from China and one from the Maldives, besides four crew members. All of a sudden the plane shook violently and there was a loud bang," one of the survivors, Mr Basanta Bohora, told the Kathmandu Post daily. "I was seated near a window and was able to break out of the window." Said army spokesman Gokul Bhandari: "We have recovered 50 bodies so far." Several people had been rescued from the burning wreckage of the Bombardier Q400 series aircraft but nine people were still unaccounted for, he said. The aircraft came to rest in a field near the tarmac of Tribhuvan International Airport. Thick plumes of smoke could be seen from the aircraft. Later, photographs showed the fire had been put out, with army personnel and rescue workers at the scene.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

1 Air India divestment: Will the national carrier finally get sold? After the government's announcement of disinvestment of Air India, many players have expressed interest in acquiring the national carrier. In a recent development, a consortium of three airlines: Jet Airways, Air France – KLM and Delta Airlines have submitted an expression of interest in acquiring debt-ridden Air India. Before this, the government has received interest from IndiGo, a low-cost leading domestic airline, and an unidentified foreign airline. A quick recap The national carrier has been struggling on the back of operational inefficiencies, high employee cost and high level of net debt (Rs 54,715 crore) incurring huge losses for long. Repeated attempts to restore efficiency have not yielded results and the government had to finally decide on privatising it along with five of its subsidiaries - Air India Engineering Services, Air India Air Transport Services, Air India Charter Limited, Airline Allied Services and Hotel Corporation of India. However, the contours of the stake sale are yet to be finalised. Subsidiaries are expected to be hived off separately, which will help pare mammoth consolidated debt. To expedite the disinvestment process, the government has also relaxed the FDI (foreign direct investment) norm allowing foreign investment up to 49 percent in Air India through the approval route. This is expected to widen the universe of bidders thereby making disinvestment easier and faster and probably in FY19 itself.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

2 Why is there so much of interest? We believe the Indian aviation industry is in a sweet spot, clocking double-digit growth in domestic passenger for last 42 months and the trend continues with the industry witnessing 19.9 percent (YoY) growth in January 2018. This is expected to generate lot of interest in Indian aviation industry from foreign players. There are multiple reasons Air India is generating significant interest. Firstly, Air India has domestic passenger market share of around 13.3 percent and international traffic share of 44 percent. Acquiring the airline would give immediate access to high-growth Indian markets. Secondly, Air India will strengthen its partners’ reach and give access to highly coveted prime slots on the foreign soil. Reportedly, Air India has eight pair of slots at London Heathrow (LHR) and some others airports in the USA and Europe. Thirdly, the buyer will get access to aircraft parking/hangars facility in most of the important domestic and international airports. Lastly, Air India has the biggest MRO (Maintenance and Repair Operations) set up in India for all engineering repair requirements for aircrafts. How much is Air India expected to fetch?Our back-of-theenvelope calculations indicate that if Air India is valued using EV/ EBITDA multiple of 10x and EV/ sales multiple of 1.5x (both discount to that of the leader, IndiGo), the company will fetch Rs22,075 crore and Rs34,954 crore, respectively. The blended value (by giving 50 percent weight to each method of valuation) works out to Rs 28,500 crore. However, after adjusting for net-debt, which is Rs 54,715 crore, there is no value left for the equity shareholder. This would demand sizeable haircut to be taken by the lenders to leave something on the table to generate enough interest from the new buyers.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Turkish Airlines resolves on 50 firm and 10 optional orders for A350-900 and 787-9 aircraft

Turkish Airlines has announced plans to purchase 25 firm and five options for Boeing 787-9 aircraft and 25 firm and five options for A350-900 aircraft, with six aircraft to be delivered in 2019, 14 in 2020, 10 in 2021, 12 in 2012, 11 in 2023 and seven in 2024

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Turkish commits to 60 widebodies after inking A350 and 787 deals Turkish Airlines has struck deals covering orders for 25 Airbus A350-900s and another 25 Boeing 787-9s, paving the way for deliveries to begin next year. The deals also include five options on both types, taking the overall widebody commitment to 60. The Star Alliance carrier had initially disclosed an intent to take 40 787s last September, during Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to New York. In a stock market statement last September the airline said it had expressed an interest in taking "20+20" 787-9s for delivery between 2019 and 2023. It then in January this year expressed its interest in taking 25 A350s, together with five options, during an official Erdogan visit to Paris to meet French president Emmanuel Macron. Turkish Airlines chairman Ilker Aycı says: "Today, we’re pleased to conclude this process which will bring a landmark benefit not only to Turkish Airlines, but also to Turkey’s aviation, by firmly ordering these aircraft. "Goodwill agreements turned into firm orders; which we consider to be a very important initiative to meet our need for wide body aircraft at Istanbul’s New Airport, which will serve as our new hub once its construction process completed.” Airbus, in confirming Turkish Airlines' A350 selection in a release of its own, describes the carrier as having signed an MoU covering 25 aircraft and options on five more. Turkish Airlines says it will take delivery of the first six widebodies in 2019. A further 14 will be delivered in 2020, 10 will follow in 2021, another dozen in 2022, 11 in 2023 and will be completed when seven are delivered in 2024. It does not break out how many of each type will be delivered per year. Turkish already has a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing narrowbody and widebody aircraft

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫أسعار العمالت الٌوم‬

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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