EGYPTAIR News 13 oct 2016

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‫الخميس‬ ‫‪2016/10/13‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫خواطر طائرة‬ ‫البيانات الكاذبة‪ ..‬ورسائل شرم الشيخ‬ ‫بقلم ‪ -‬حسن الرشيدي‬

‫** التجمع الدولي في شرم الشيخ للحتفال بمرور ‪ 150‬عاماا علي بدء الحياة البرلمانية في‬ ‫مصر‪ ..‬سطر إيجابيات هامة ومتعددة‪ ..‬تؤكد مكانة مصر وقيمتها وقامتها ليس فقط علي‬ ‫المستوي الفريقي وإنما علي المستوي العالمي‪ ..‬ولكن أعتقد أن من أهم اليجابيات‪ ..‬هي‬ ‫اللقاءات والمؤتمرات الصحفية التي عقدت علي هامش المؤتمر‪ ..‬وإدراك ممثلي برلمانات‬ ‫العالم لستقرار مصر‪ ..‬وإحساسهم بالمان علي أرضها‪ ..‬في الوقت الذي اصدرت فيه أمريكا‬ ‫وبريطانيا وكندا‪ ..‬بيانات تحذيرية لرعاياها وحثهم علي عدم التواجد في أماكن التجمعات‬ ‫ودور السينما وغيرها‪ ..‬دون أن تحدد البيانات أو الشعارات مبررات موضوعية لهذا التحذير‬ ‫سوي أنه إجراء روتيني عادي‪ ..‬ولكن للسف صدور البيانات ليلة الحتفال العالمي في شرم‬ ‫الشيخ‪ ..‬يوحي بسوء النية والغرض الخبيث‪.‬‬ ‫فالتجمع الدولي في مدينة السلم "شرم الشيخ" أثبت أن مصر آمنة مستقرة‪ ..‬وأن تلك‬ ‫البيانات الكاذبة مجرد دخان في الهواء ل قيمة لها‪ ..‬وقد اعجبني رئيس وفد مجلس العموم‬ ‫البريطاني جيرالدهارد الذي وجد نفسه محاصر اا بالسئلة الحرجة‪ ..‬بأنه لم يقرأ هذا البيان‬ ‫الصادر عن دولته‪ ..‬ولو كان قد قرأه قبل مجيئه لمصر‪ ..‬لما تردد في الحضور أيضاا‪ ..‬لن هذا‬ ‫النوع من البيانات مجرد اجراء روتيني‪ ..‬ويشعر بالمن والمان بوجوده في شرم الشيخ‪..‬‬ ‫وأن قرار رئيس وزراء بريطانيا السابق كاميرون بوقف رحلت الطيران إلي شرم الشيخ جاء‬ ‫منفردا رغم أن وزارة النقل كانت ل ترغب في هذا القرار‪ ..‬وأنه سيبحث المر عند عودته‬ ‫لبريطانيا مع رئيسة الوزراء الجديدة تريزا ماي‪ ..‬حتي تعود الرحلت البريطانية إلي مصر‪..‬‬ ‫مؤكد اا أن وقف الطيران البريطاني لشرم الشيخ لم يكن قط "إجراء عقابيا" ضد مصر‪ ..‬أو‬ ‫محاولة لخنقها‪ ..‬أو معاقبة الشعب المصري علي خروجه في ثورته يوم ‪ 30‬يونيه‪.‬‬ ‫المسئول البريطاني الرفيع‪ ..‬أوضح من كلمه أن وقف الرحلت السياحية البريطانية إلي‬ ‫مصر جاء لمراجعة الجراءات المنية في المطارات المصرية‪ ..‬وأن هناك تعاونا ا بين مصر‬ ‫وبريطانيا في هذا المجال‪ ..‬وأن مصر من أهم دول المنطقة‪ ..‬وأنه ليس هناك أمن بنسبة مائة‬ ‫في المائة في أي دولة بالعالم‪ ..‬وأن إجراءات المن التي أحس بها في مطار شرم الشيخ‬ ‫مطمئنة وهل هناك إجراءات أمنية أكثر من هذا؟‬ ‫في الحقيقة كان هذا التجمع الدولي في شرم الشيخ فرصة للتأكيد علي دور مصر القوي في‬ ‫مواجهة الرهاب والتطرف‪ ..‬وتطلعات الشعوب لتحقيق التنمية وتعزيز الديمقراطية وترسيخ‬ ‫القانون والتصدي للهجرة غير الشرعية التي قال عنها الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي إنه ل‬ ‫سبيل لوقف تدفقاتها إل بمعالجة جذورها الرئيسية وفتح مزيد من قنوات الهجرة الشرعية‬ ‫وتطوير انماط جديدة لها‪ ..‬والتوصل لحلول سياسية للزمات التي تشهدها دول المنطقة‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫برافو‪ ..‬وزير الداخلية‬ ‫** حرص اللواء مجدي عبدالغفار وزير الداخلية علي الخضوع لجراءات التفتيش بمطار‬ ‫شرم الشيخ خلل عودته إلي القاهرة عقب مشاركته الحتفال بمرور ‪ 150‬عاما علي علي‬ ‫بدء الحياة البرلمانية المصرية حتي يكون قدوة لغيره‪ ..‬وأن يلتزم الجميع باحترام القانون‪..‬‬ ‫وتطبيق التعليمات والجراءات المتعلقة بأمن البلد‪.‬‬ ‫جاء التزام وزير الداخلية بإجراءات المن والتفتيش في الوقت الذي تحاول فيه بعض‬ ‫الشخصيات الدعاء بأن هذا النوع من التفتيش خاصة فيما يتعلق بخلع الحذاء أو الحزام يمثل‬ ‫مساس اا بالسيادة الوطنية وانتهاكا لكرامة الشخصية التي تشغل وظيفة هامة‪ ..‬أو تتمتع‬ ‫بحصانة‪.‬‬ ‫اعتقد أن الذين يحاولون تمييز أنفسهم عن الخرين‪ ..‬أو يتصورون انهم فوق القانون‬ ‫والناس‪ ..‬يخسرون كثير اا‪ ..‬ويفقدون احترام الناس لهم‪ ..‬بل ينظر إليهم الخرون باستياء‬ ‫واشمئزاز‪ ..‬لنهم ليسوا أفضل من الخرين‪ ..‬يجب ان يفهم الجميع أن الكل أمام القانون‬ ‫سواء‪ ..‬ول تمييز أو تفرقة بين فرد وآخر في الحقوق والواجبات بحكم الدستور‪ ..‬ومن يتعامل‬ ‫مع الخرين باستعلء أو يرفض إجراءات تطبق علي الجميع من أجل سلمة الوطن وحمايته‬ ‫وأمن الناس‪ ..‬يجب ان يفهم أن غضب الناس سيطارده‪ ..‬ونظرات البشر ستقسو عليه‪..‬‬ ‫وتلحقه باشمئزاز‪.‬‬ ‫كابتن أبو أمين يناشد وزير الدفاع‬ ‫** كابتن محمد أمين حسب ا‪ ..‬الشهير بأبو أمين نجم السماعيلي ومصر السابق في كرة‬ ‫القدم يناشد الفريق أول صدقي صبحي وزير الدفاع لجراء عملية جراحية بالحوض بأحد‬ ‫مستشفيات القوات المسلحة‪.‬‬ ‫والكابتن أبو أمين كان أحد نجوم فريق السماعيلي عندما أحرز أول بطولة أفريقية عام‬ ‫‪ 69/1970‬وحصل علي أحسن ظهير بقارة افريقيا‪ ..‬ولكنه مثل ابناء جيله لم يحصدوا مليين‬ ‫الجنيهات والدولرات مثل نجوم الجيل الحالي‪.‬‬ ‫في الحقيقة مشوار أبو أمين طويل ومشرف في كرة القدم سواء مع ناديه أو الفريق القومي‪..‬‬ ‫وأثناء عمله كمدير فني لمنتخب مصر للكرة الخماسية‪ ..‬وهو المصري الوحيد الحاصل علي‬ ‫دبلوم في الكرة الخماسية بالبرازيل عام ‪1998.‬‬ ‫يأمل الكابتن أبو أمين أن يوافق الفريق أول صدقي صبحي وزير الدفاع علي طلبه ورعايته‬ ‫صحيا بأحد مستشفيات القوات المسلحة التي تحتضن وترعي دائما أبناء مصر الذين قدموا‬ ‫خدمات للوطن‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫إسحاق‪ ..‬وثعابين المطار‬ ‫** مجدي اسحاق رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة ميناء القاهرة الجوي‪ ..‬أكد لي رداا علي ما‬ ‫نشرته الخميس الماضي‪ ..‬أن أي سلبيات في مبني الركاب الجديد رقم‪ 2‬الذي بدأ تشغيله‬ ‫التجريبي سيتم علجها‪ ..‬وستظهر النتائج خلل أيام‪ ..‬وعبر عن احترامه وتقديره للبنوك‬ ‫الوطنية‪ ..‬مؤكداا أنه يجري تجهيز وحدة لبنك مصر في المبني ‪ 2‬بالمستوي اللئق‪.‬‬ ‫وقال رئيس المطار مجدي اسحاق‪ ..‬إنه تم التعاقد علي تزويد مطارنا الدولي بأحدث نظم‬ ‫وأجهزة المن‪ ..‬لننا نحرص علي تجهيز المطار بأحدث المعدات‪ ..‬والوسائل التكنولوجية التي‬ ‫تصب في خدمة المسافرين‪ ..‬وسلمتهم‪ ..‬وأمن الوطن‪.‬‬ ‫في الحقيقة‪ ..‬نبرة رئيس المطار‪ ..‬وتأكيده علي تلفي أي عيوب وعل ج أي سلبيات‪ ..‬ينم عن‬ ‫حسن نوايا‪ ..‬ولكن لبد لترجمتها‪ ..‬رغم إدراكي أن هناك ثعابين‪ ..‬ومفسدين وفاسدين داخل‬ ‫شركة المطار يتعمدون عرقلة أي محاولة لتطوير الداء‪ ..‬أو تسير في اتجاه الشفافية‪.‬‬ ‫هل سيتعاون رئيس القابضة للمطارات والملحة الجوية‪ ..‬مع مجدي اسحاق لمكافحة‬ ‫الثعابين‪ ..‬أم أن عدم خبرته الكافية في إدارة المطارات ستدفعه لن يؤثر السلمة حتي يستمر‬ ‫في موقعه؟‬ ‫أباطرة رجال العمال‪ ..‬وسموم العلم‬ ‫** ماذا يريد العلميون علي شاشات بعض الفضائيات‪..‬؟‬ ‫هل يريد هؤلء تخريب الوطن‪ ..‬بالترويج لجماعات الهدم‪ ..‬وأعداء النجاح والباحثين عن دور‬ ‫وسلطة؟‬ ‫ماذا يريد هذا العلمي الذي يستضيف فقط في لقاء طويل اشخاصا يصبون جام غضبهم‬ ‫وحقدهم علي البلد‪ ..‬دون حرص علي وجود اشخاص يمثلون وجهة النظر الخري؟‬ ‫في الحقيقة‪ ..‬انها فوضي العلم‪ ..‬وسيطرة بعض أباطرة رجال العمال علي العلم يمثل‬ ‫خطراا جسيم اا‪ ..‬علي الوطن‪ ..‬لنهم يسخرون اعلمهم لخدمة مصالحهم‪ ..‬حتي لو أدي المر‬ ‫لضرب الوطن وتخريبه‪.‬‬ ‫بعض العلميين للسف‪ ..‬يتظاهرون بالحرص علي مصلحة الوطن‪ ..‬ولكنهم يدسون بدهاء‬ ‫السم في العسل‪.‬‬ ‫** كلم أعجبني‪:‬‬ ‫الذاكرة أحسن خادم للعقل‪ ..‬والنسيان أحسن خادم للقلب‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫مسؤول‪ :‬الرياض امتنعت عن اعتماد جداول طيران شركات مصرية‬ ‫امتنعت سلطات النقل الجوي السعودية عن اعتماد جداول طيران الشركات‬ ‫المصرية الخاصة لتشغيل رحلت بين المدن السعودية والمصرية خلل‬ ‫الموسم الشتوي‪ ،‬وفقا لتصريحات أدلى بها يسري عبد الوهاب رئيس اتحاد‬ ‫النقل الجوي المصري لجريدة المال المحلية‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف عبد الوهاب أن الشركات المصرية تعاني من تأخر العتماد لمدة‬ ‫زادت على ثلثة أشهر على الرغم من موافقة الجانب السعودي على‬ ‫اعتماد الشركات السعودية الخاصة التي تسير رحلت بين البلدين‪.‬‬ ‫ويبدأ الموسم الشتوي اعتبارا من ‪ 30‬تشرين الول‪/‬أكتوبر وتحتا ج شركات‬ ‫الطيران إلى فترة كافية قبل بداية الموسم للتسويق للرحلت‪.‬‬ ‫وتشهد العلقات المصرية السعودية توترا بعد تصويت القاهرة لصالح قرار‬ ‫روسي حيال سورية في مجلس المن‪.‬‬ ‫وغادر السفير السعودي لدى القاهرة أحمد القطان العاصمة المصرية‬ ‫متوجها إلى الرياض لبحث التطورات في العلقة بين البلدين‪ ،‬وفقا لصحف‬ ‫مصرية‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫"النقل الجوى"‪ :‬امتناع السعودية عن اعتماد رحلتنا ل علقة له بالسياسة‬ ‫كتبت‪-‬رحاب نبيل‬ ‫أكد يسرى عبد الوهاب رئيس اتحاد النقل الجوى بمصر عدم وجود علقة بين امتناع سلطة‬ ‫الطيران المدنى السعودى اعتماد جداول الطيران التى أرسلتها شركات الطيران المصرية‬ ‫الخاصة‪ ،‬وذلك لتشغيل رحلت بين مدن مصر والمملكة‪ ،‬وبين التطورات السياسية الخيرة‬ ‫بين البلدين‪.‬‬ ‫وقال عبدالوهاب فى تصريحات صحفية‪ ،‬اليوم الربعاء‪ ،‬إن امتناع الطيران المدنى السعودى‬ ‫للجداول تم قبل حدوث التطورات السياسية الخيرة‪ ،‬حيث أن العلقات بين الشركات تدخل فى‬ ‫نطاق المعاملت التجارية البحتة‪ ،‬وليست لها علقة بالوضاع السياسية‪ ،‬فإرسال جداول‬ ‫تشغيل عدد من شركات الطيران إلى السلطات السعودية تم قبل ‪ ٣‬شهور طباقا للقواعد‬ ‫المنظمة لتشغيل رحلت الطيران‪ ،‬من أجل اعتمادها ووضعها على أنظمة الحجز العالمية من‬ ‫أجل بدء حجز تذاكر السفر للركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف‪" ،‬لم تتلق شركات الطيران المصرية الخاصة أية ردود من السلطات السعودية‪ ،‬بشأن‬ ‫اعتماد هذه الجداول فى الوقت الذى اعتمدت فيه جداول تشغيل إحدى شركات الطيران‬ ‫السعودية الخاصة ــ طيران ناس ــ ‪ ،‬إضافة لعتماد جداول رحلت شركتى الخطوط السعودية‬ ‫ومصر للطيران‪ ،‬وتقدمنا بشكوى رسمية لرئيس سلطة الطيران المدنى ووزير الطيران‬ ‫ووعدنا بالتدخل‪ ،‬ولكن لم تحدث أية تطورات‪ ،‬حيث يتبقى من الزمن ‪ 19‬يوما فقط على بداية‬ ‫الموسم الشتوى‪ ،‬وهى فترة قصيرة للغاية لكى تقوم شركات الطيران بوضع رحلتها على‬ ‫أنظمة الحجز العالمية‪ ،‬وهذا المر يخل بمبدأ المنافسة لن الشركات التى تم اعتماد جداولها‬ ‫بدأت فى القيام بعمليات الحجز للركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت بعض المواقع قد ربطت بين امتناع السلطات السعودية لعتماد جداول التشغيل الخاصة‬ ‫بشركات الطيران الخاصة والتطورات السياسية الخيرة بين مصر والسعودية‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫مصر للطيران توضح سبب إلغاء رحلة جدة رقم ‪667‬‬ ‫هاجر عمران‬ ‫قال مصدر مسئول من الشركة القابضة مصر للطيران‪ ،‬إن الشركة ألغت سفر الرحلة رقم‬ ‫‪ 667‬إلى مدينة جدة السعودية‪ ،‬والتى كان مقرارا لها مغادرة البلد اليوم‪ ،‬مؤكدا أن اتخاذ‬ ‫قرار إلغاء الرحلة تم منذ ‪ 20‬يواما تقريبا‪ ،‬مضيفاا أنه ل صحة لما تداوله نشطاء على مواقع‬ ‫التواصل الجتماعى بشأن إلغاء بعض الرحلت إلى المملكة بسبب توترات سياسية‪.‬‬ ‫وشدد على أن الشركة لم تفاجئ عملءها بإلغاء الرحلة‪ ،‬موضحا أن إدارة تخطيط الشبكات‬ ‫بالشركة القابضة تقوم بطرح عدد من الرحلت كل فترة وتنتظر تلقى طلبات السفر عليها‪،‬‬ ‫وعندما ل تستقبل أعداد عملء تكفى عدد مقاعد الطائرة تقوم إما بدمج بعض الرحلت أو‬ ‫إلغائها‪ ،‬وهو ما حدث فى رحلة اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن الشركة تقوم بما يطلق عليه "مناورة الطرازات"‪ ،‬أى تشغيل طراز أكبر إذا جاء‬ ‫الطلب على الرحلة بشكل يفوق قدرة طراز الطائرة المقرر لها السفر أو تشغيل طراز أقل‬ ‫عندما ل تتلقى طلب كبير على الرحلة‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد أن إلغاء رحلت مصر للطيران فى نفس اليوم ل يتم إل بوجود ظروف تشغيل طارئة‬ ‫وعاجلة مثل عطل فنى قبل الطيران أو نشوب بعض الضرابات سواء فى جهة المغادرة أو‬ ‫الوصول‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى أن الشركة تشغل في المتوسط ‪ 4‬إلى ‪ 5‬رحلت يومية إلى مدينة جدة‪ ،‬وتقريبا ‪3‬‬ ‫رحلت إلى المدينة‪ ،‬ورحلتين إلى العاصمة الرياض‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد أن مصر للطيران مستمرة فى تشغيل جميع رحلتها إلى السعودية‪ ،‬ول تعتزم إلغاء أى‬ ‫منها‪ ،‬مشيرأا إلى أن الشركة تشغل ‪ 200‬رحلة إلى المملكة أسبوعيا لـ ‪ 6‬مدن‪ ،‬هى‪ :‬جدة‬ ‫والمدينة والقصيم والرياض والدمام وأبها‪.‬‬ ‫وكان بعض النشطاء قد تداولوا صورا توضح إبل غ عميل للشركة بإلغاء رحلته لجدة اليوم‪،‬‬ ‫فى إشارة غير صحيحة لتأثر الطيران بتوترات السياسة بين البلدين‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫سا لقطاع المن بشركة مصر للطيران‬ ‫اللواء إسماعيل عبد الجواد رئي ا‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‪ ‬‬ ‫قرر مساء اليوم الربعاء‪ ،‬صفوت مسلم رئيس الشركة القابضة لمصر‬ ‫للطيران‪ ،‬تعيين اللواء إسماعيل عبدالجواد رئيسا لقطاع المن بالشركة‬ ‫خلفا للواء طارق زكى الذي تم تعيينه رئيسا لشركة إيروسبورت‪.‬‬ ‫وكان شريف فتحي وزير الطيران أصدر قرارا بتعيين اللواء طارق زكى‬ ‫رئيس قطاع المن بشركة مصر للطيران‪ ،‬كرئيس لمجلس إدارة شركة‬ ‫»إيروسبورت« للخدمات الرياضية والترفيهية التابعة لوزارة الطيران خلفا‬ ‫للطيار وليد مراد‪.‬‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫مستشفى مصر للطيران تشغل وحدة التشخيص الوراثي لمراض العضلت‬ ‫كتبت ‪ -‬امانى سلمة‬ ‫أكد الدكتور عادل مزروع‪ ،‬رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطيران‬ ‫للخدمات الطبية‪ ،‬أن مستشفى مصر للطيران تقدم لول مرة عملية تغيير‬ ‫الصمام الورطى عن طريق القسطرة القلبية بدون تدخل جراحى وهى‬ ‫البديل عن عمليات القلب المفتوح المعقدة وتركيب الدعامات الذكية وانسداد‬ ‫الشرايين‪ ،‬وذلك تحت إشراف نخبة من الساتذة فى مجال القسطرة القلبية‬ ‫بوحدة القسطرة بالمستشفى‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف مزروع‪ ،‬في تصرحات صحفية اليوم الربعاء‪ ،‬عن بدء العمل في‬ ‫وحدة التشخيص الوراثى لمراض العضلت وتوافر أحدث الجهزة لتحليل‬ ‫جين الديستروفين بالكامل لتحديد جميع الطفرات المسببة للمرض ومن ثم‬ ‫تحديد نوع العل ج وذلك بإشراف كبار الستشاريين في مجال ضمور‬ ‫العضلت‪.‬‬

/ Spanish airline Binter revealed as ERA Airline of the Year Winner airline Binter praised for its expansion into new markets and solid profitability despite the challenging market. CityJet awarded Silver for transitioning from Air France ownership into a successful independent airline. Flybe, which returned to profitability while going through a radical restructuring process, awarded Bronze. The European Regions Airline Association (ERA*) hosted its annual awards ceremony on 12 October at the ERA General Assembly, taking place this year in Madrid. At the ceremony, Gran Canariabased airline Binter was declared the winner of the prestigious ERA Airline of the Year award, sponsored by ATR. The independent judging panel, comprising senior industry experts, including past CEOs of European airlines, highly respected aviation journalists and academics, commended the airline for its constant growth and expansion into new markets such as Cape Verde. The airline, which maintained solid profitability in 2015 despite the harsh economic conditions in the Spanish market, operates inter-island services within the Canary Islands and also flies to Morocco, Portugal and Western Sahara in challenging weather conditions. Binter President Pedro Agustin del Castillo said: “All of us who form part of Binter, employees and shareholders, are extremely proud to have received the ERA Airline of the Year award, Europe’s most important accolade for a regional airline. This award recognises Binter’s management and underlines to its customers the airline’s soundness. The ERA has acknowledged our work on several occasions, which is important for us because it implies this is not a one-off achievement, but rather recognition of our continuing endeavour over time and the daily efforts of all the people working at .”Binter to provide the best regional transport service


Dublin-based airline CityJet received the Silver award. Pat Byrne, Executive Chairman of CityJet commented: “Receiving this accolade from our peers among European regional airlines is a great honour. I have accepted this on behalf of all 850 members of the CityJet team, as it is a great testimonial for the huge effort that has been made in transforming CityJet into a vibrant and growing aviation business. Our focus on customers, be they a commuter on one of our many routes or an airline to whom we wet lease aircraft, sets CityJet apart. We are genuinely proud to be recognised by this award”. Saad Hammad, Flybe CEO, commented on receiving the Bronze award: “As Europe's largest regional airline, we are honoured to receive ERA’s Bronze Airline Award. It is welcome recognition of the successes Flybe has achieved over the past three years, having returned to profitability with top-line growth, a competitive cost base, a re-energised organisation and a strong balance sheet. It is also testament to Flybe’s great purpose which is to provide regional communities with time-saving access to the outside world not just within the UK and Europe but also through our long-haul codeshare partners across the whole globe.”

/ ‘CAPITAL EXPRESS’ ASPIRES TO REDUCE AVIATION FOOTPRINT The new ‘Capital Express’ service between Singapore, Canberra and Wellington has today been unveiled as the newest addition to the Asia South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions .(ASPIRE) programme The Civil Aviation Authority Singapore (CAAS), Singapore Airlines, Airservices Australia, and Airways New Zealand today announced that all SQ291 and SQ292 flights will be as environmentally friendly as possible through the utilisation of a :range of ASPIRE practices, including , making use of favourable winds , reducing airborne holding  enabling efficient ‘continuous descent’ arrivals; and . reducing taxi times The ASPIRE programme is a partnership between six air navigation agencies and ten partner airlines, focused on reducing the environmental impact of aviation through .operational means across Asia and the Pacific Under the ASPIRE programme, the inaugural ‘Capital Express’ flights on 20 and 21 September saved almost 7,000kg of fuel across the four sectors, which equates to an approximate .saving of around 22,000kg of carbon emissions The results were achieved by using 25 of a possible 32 efficient flight operations and air traffic management practices on all .four sectors of the new service It is expected that over the course of a year the ASPIRE programme will help the ‘Capital Express’ flights save around 1.5 million kilograms of fuel and 4.6 million kilograms of carbon emissions, which is the equivalent of taking approximately 970 .cars off the road

/ Director-General of CAAS, Mr Kevin Shum, said "CAAS has been an .”active participant of the ASPIRE programme since 2010 We are delighted that the programme continues to grow and make“ .impactful progress,” Mr Shum said CAAS and our ASPIRE partners are committed to achieve“ sustainable aviation growth in the Asia Pacific region. By working closely together and adopting best practices in air navigation, we can enhance air transport operations and reduce aviation .”emissions The new ‘Capital Express’ service has also been declared an ASPIRE Daily City Pair, achieving a four-plus star rating, out of a maximum .of five possible stars Airservices Executive General Manager Air Navigation Services, Stephen Angus, said the new ASPIRE Daily City Pairs are the result of the collaborative efforts of Airservices Australia, Canberra Airport, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, Airways New Zealand, Singapore Airlines, Changi Airport Group and Wellington .International Airport The new Singapore–Canberra–Wellington route is another excellent“ example of airlines, airports and air navigation agencies working together to reduce aviation greenhouse gas emissions globally,” Mr .Angus said Airways Head of Auckland Operations, Tim Boyle, says the flight is another great example of the progress being made towards .sustainability in aviation For New Zealand, issues of our distance and emissions are“ particularly relevant and this has driven a commitment from Airways .”to do all it can to work towards improved sustainability Collaboration with industry partners through programmes like“ .”ASPIRE is assisting us in achieving this goal Singapore Airlines Ag Senior Vice President Flight Operations, Captain CE Quay, said the addition of the new ‘Capital Express’ service to the ASPIRE programme was an excellent example of .Singapore Airlines’ commitment to protecting the environment .

/ We believe we have a long-term responsibility to help protect the“ environment, which is why we have programmes in place to ensure that sustainable practices are implemented across the . Company,” Captain Quay said We constantly ensure that our operations are carried out in a“ responsible manner through a framework designed to manage issues related to carbon emissions, waste, noise and the consumption of energy and resources. We are pleased to have added our new Singapore – Canberra – Wellington flights to the successful ASPIRE programme and thank our partners for helping .”make it possible Since its establishment in 2008, ASPIRE partner airlines and air navigation agencies have implemented 30 new ASPIRE Daily city pairs across the Asia Pacific region, helping the airline industry save millions of dollars in fuel and thousands of tonnes of carbon .dioxide Singapore Airlines was the first to fly a multi-sector demonstration green flight in 2010 when SQ11 flew from Singapore to Los Angeles, via Tokyo saving 10,686 kg of fuel as well as 33,769 kg of carbon emissions The new ‘Capital Express’ service between Singapore, Canberra and Wellington has today been unveiled as the newest addition to the Asia South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions (ASPIRE) .programme The Civil Aviation Authority Singapore (CAAS), Singapore Airlines, Airservices Australia, and Airways New Zealand today announced that all SQ291 and SQ292 flights will be as environmentally friendly as possible through the utilisation of a range of ASPIRE practices, :including which is the equivalent of taking approximately 970 cars off the road

/ , making use of favourable winds , reducing airborne holding  enabling efficient ‘continuous descent’ arrivals; and . reducing taxi times The ASPIRE programme is a partnership between six air navigation agencies and ten partner airlines, focused on reducing the environmental impact of aviation through operational means .across Asia and the Pacific Under the ASPIRE programme, the inaugural ‘Capital Express’ flights on 20 and 21 September saved almost 7,000kg of fuel across the four sectors, which equates to an approximate saving .of around 22,000kg of carbon emissions The results were achieved by using 25 of a possible 32 efficient flight operations and air traffic management practices on all four .sectors of the new service It is expected that over the course of a year the ASPIRE programme will help the ‘Capital Express’ flights save around 1.5 million kilograms of fuel and 4.6 million kilograms of carbon ,emissions

/ Southampton Airport wins the ERA Airport of the Year award Southampton Airport wins prestigious ERA Airport of the Year award. Southampton airport demonstrated extraordinary involvement with the local community, providing new services to disabled passengers and reducing its carbon footprint by 13 per cent. The airport grew and expanded while competing in the same catchment area as major London hubs. The European Regions Airline Association (ERA*) Airport of the Year Award celebrates the achievements of ERA member airports and recognises their positive impact on the European aviation industry. This year, the awards ceremony took place in Madrid on Wednesday 12 October during the association’s General Assembly. The award is judged by an independent panel comprised of senior industry experts, including past CEOs of European airlines, highly respected aviation journalists and academics. Simon McNamara, ERA Director General, said: “Southampton Airport, the winner of this year’s Airport of the Year award, has demonstrated extraordinary involvement with the local community, linking up with schools, introducing a new assistance desk and a seating area for passengers with reduced mobility and reducing its carbon footprint, while at the same time growing and expanding in a highly competitive market. What a great achievement – huge congratulations to Managing Director David Lees and the whole team at Southampton Airport.” David Lees, Southampton Airport’s Managing Director, said: “We are over the moon to have been chosen as ERA’s Airport of the Year. It is a true testament to all the hard work that the team at Southampton has put in over the past year. We would like to thank ERA for this wonderful award and all the passengers who continue to travel through the airport, this award could not have been achieved without .”you

/ Jesper Rungholm wins ERA’s Personal Excellence award Jesper Rungholm, CEO of Danish airline Danish Air Transport (DAT), unveiled as the winner of ERA’s acclaimed Personal Excellence award at the ERA awards on 12 October. Rungholm praised for his long term commitment to the association, as a pioneer in the business and an outspoken advocate for the business over many years. The European Regions Airline Association (ERA*) hosted the association’s prestigious annual awards during the association’s General Assembly, taking place this year in Madrid, Spain. In addition to the awards recognising outstanding member airlines and airports, an individual from the European regional aviation industry is chosen to receive the Personal Excellence award which celebrates the person’s achievements and contribution to European aviation. Speaking at the ceremony, ERA Director General Simon McNamara, commented: “It is my pleasure to present Jesper Rungholm with the ERA award for Personal Excellence. Jesper was and still is a pioneer in the regional business, having founded Danish Air Transport in 1989, and he still remains the CEO of the airline. Since DAT joined ERA in 2002, Jesper has been a staunch supporter of the association and an outspoken advocate for the business on all topics. If you are in the regional business, you have heard of Jesper and his contribution to the industry is impressive, unique and inspirational and he thoroughly deserves this award.” The award ceremony was held at the impressive Palacio del Negralejo in Madrid, and other award winners on the night included Southampton Airport, which received the Airport of the Year award and Binter, which was presented the Airline of the Year Gold award. The ERA General Assembly is a members-only event that brings together aviation industry experts and senior representatives from all over Europe each year to discuss the industry’s latest challenges, .opportunities and threats and to share information

/ JOE GILL: China showing the way on aviation investment Irish aviation is at the centre of powerful changes and it is having consequences for investments and the direction of .companies in the sector Last week a major deal was announced by the aircraft leasing company Avolon which involved a huge amount of assets .managed from Ireland The lessor, which is now owned by a leading Chinese conglomerate but led by an Irish management team, bought CIT .which is a competing aircraft owning company .The numbers involved are eye boggling READ NEXT Samsung shares meltdown lures some investors to buy CIT contains assets valued at about $10bn (â‚Ź9bn) and the combined Avolon-CIT business has no less than 910 aircraft in .its fleet with a value of over $43bn The deal is so large it had to be checked with the US Federal . Reserve before being announced To put the newly merged entity in context it has a fleet that is about three times larger than Ryanair and about 20 times bigger . than Aer Lingus The merged company will be the third largest lessor in the world, behind GECAS and Aercap, both of whom are now led .and managed from Ireland This remarkable transaction is a reminder of how Ireland remains a pivotal location from which commercial aircraft .leasing and financing is managed Despite huge shifts in the flow of capital beneath various aircraft-owning companies, with a pronounced advance by Asian investors in the past four years, Ireland has kept its .status as a critical cog

/ A set of unparalleled aircraft ownership tax treaties, linked to a world- class group of Irish legal, tax and financial professionals, has helped maintain Ireland’s standing despite repeated . attempts by other jurisdictions to raid the sector of talent Pernicious campaigns to sully Ireland’s reputation around corporate tax and governance have also posed challenges to the role Ireland plays but the aircraft ownership sector continues to .not only hold its own but thrive Aircraft leasing companies ultimately rely on the health of enduser airlines to prosper, and in that context important . developments were evident in Europe last week too EasyJet issued a material profit warning about trading .conditions in the key EU marketplace Brexit, excess capacity and intense competitive pressures were all cited for the profit warning which included guidance that average fares could fall about 9% in the October-December .quarter of 2016 . Other airlines are struggling too The charter carrier Monarch is in protracted talks with the UK . regulator about its future amid fears over its financial condition Air Berlin in Germany has announced a swingeing restructuring to stem heavy losses. That includes shifting assets to Lufthansa . and negotiating a deal with equally challenged TuiFly Alitalia has indicated another restructuring amid tough Italian .market conditions while Air Malta is warning of difficult trading In the thick of all this is Ryanair. It, too, is pointing to fares falling up to 12% over the next six months as it grapples with economic .and industry headwinds However, while this battle is taking place Ryanair has ordered enough aircraft to add almost 18m passengers over the next 18 .months

/ That is like adding two times the size of Aer Lingus’s entire .short-haul volume in just one and a half years To fill those seats Ryanair will have to manage its industry lowest costs shrewdly while growing market share aggressively .across Europe Aer Lingus is competing in this maelstrom too within the ambit .of the huge IAG group Imagine what state that airline would be in now, amid fare collapses of over 10%, if it had rejected the IAG bid last year. Instead of plotting new transatlantic routes it would, I suspect, . be scrambling to manage weaker revenues Operating within IAG it has partner airlines BA, Iberia and Vueling together with the key strategic investor Qatar to manage .its way through One key point emerges from the hyper-activity in the leasing and .airline worlds — demand for air travel is continuing to grow That circles us back to the last piece of the Irish aviation jigsaw . worth noting — airport capacity It is beyond belief that the second runway project in Dublin is . being questioned by anyone presently This crucial piece of infrastructure is key to moving forward an island economy which is disproportionately dependent on air . travel for access . It needs to be built urgently

/ Air Transport Services Group Inc Risk Points versus Transportation This is a scatter plot analysis of the critical risk points from the option market for Air Transport Services Group Inc (NASDAQ:ATSG) compared to its own past and the Transportation ETF. In order to examine the forward looking risk for Air Transport Services Group Inc (NASDAQ:ATSG) the next 30-days, we must look to the option market. We also note that ATSG is in the transportation sector which means along with some other industries we also compare the company to the closest match we could find, which was the Transportation ETF (IYT) . as a proxy for Air Transport Services Group Inc .We have highlighted the IV30® for IYT and for ATSG in the table below SNAPSHOT SUMMARY CONTEXT: THE INDICESS&P 500 (SPY)IV30 14.08%Nasdaq 100 (QQQ)IV30 15.43%Transportation ETF (IYT)IV30 17.65%Biotech (IBB)IV30 28.45% Air Transport Services Group Inc (NASDAQ:ATSG)ATSG 52 Week LowIV30 21.89%ATSG CurrentIV30 30.78%ATSG 52 Week HighIV30 58.32%ATSG CurrentHV30 25.96% Air Transport Services Group Inc Implied Risk Scatter Plot(a new risk

chart, built for option traders)

/ Scatter Plot Risk Legend The blue point is the current 30-day implied volatility for Air Transport Services Group Inc. The black point is the current 30-day implied volatility for the Transportation ETF (IYT). The red point is the 52 week low in IV30速 for Air Transport Services Group Inc. The green point is the 52 week high in IV30速 for Air Transport Services Group Inc. The various other scatter plot points in the middle give us risk context outside of the transportation sector. The IV30速 is the risk reflected by the option market in the stock price for the next 30 calendar days. * We can see that the risk as reflected by the option market for the next 30-days for Air Transport Services Group Inc is above all the indices we have charted including the Transportation ETF (IYT). * We can further see that the current IV30 for Air Transport Services Group Inc of 30.78% is closer to the annual low of 21.89% than the annual high of 58.32%. Simply stated, this means that the option market is pricing less risk than the average over the past year. * For some context, we note that the annual range in IV30速 for the Transportation ETF is between [15.24%, 31.81%] while Air Transport Services Group Inc has had a range of [21.89%, . 58.32%]

/ Airbus Exec To Replace de Castelbajac as ATR CEO Airbus Group International head Christian Scherer will replace Patrick de Castelbajac as CEO of Franco-Italian turboprop maker ATR in November, an ATR spokesman confirmed to AIN Wednesday. De Castelbajac’s departure comes halfway through his expected term at the helm of ATR, whose CEO position alternates every four years between joint shareholders Airbus Group and Italy’s Leonardo-Finmeccanica. De Castelbajac will move to Airbus to become the group’s secretary and chief of staff. The move comes amid a corporate restructuring at Airbus that will see the group structure integrate with Airbus Commercial Aircraft effective January 2017. Under the plan, Tom Enders will continue to serve as CEO while current Airbus Commercial Airplanes chief executive Fabrice Bregier will become COO of the group. Bregier will at the same time assume the title of president of Airbus Commercial Airplanes. The move marks another step in an effort by the European manufacturer to reduce costs that have compromised the profitability of several Airbus programs, including the A350 widebody. The turboprop maker did not offer a reason for de Castelbajac’s departure, but statements by the ATR chief executive expressing his skepticism about the wisdom of Leonardo-Finmeccanica’s reported interest in introducing a new 100-seat turboprop without the help of Airbus appeared at odds with sentiments expressed by senior executives of the Italian company. In fact, during an interview in the spring with AIN, de Castelbajac dismissed suggestions that Leonardo-Finmeccanica could pursue the project on its own given ATR’s long association with such an influential industry player as Airbus. “There are two legs we are standing on and I think we need both,” he said. “I don’t think it would be reasonable for any shareholder to go on its own. Because our position in the market is quite a strong one, so to say basically ‘I disregard all this capital I’ve built over the years’…I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do. “Second…Airbus has amazing know-how in terms of developing new aircraft, so to say we will do a regional aircraft without Airbus, it is not something I would recommend,” concluded de Castelbajac. “My belief is one dayATR will do it, but there is no point in rushing.”

/ Qatar Airways Cargo wins coveted carrier of the year award DOHA, Qatar – Qatar Airways Cargo won the prestigious Overall Carrier of the Year award at the Payload Asia Awards event, voted for by readers of the international industry publication. The award was presented during a gala dinner event in Hong Kong, to honour and celebrate dedication and excellence .within the air cargo supply chain The awards event was well attended by more than 250 members of the air cargo community from around the world. Qatar Airways Vice President Carrier of the Year award on behalf of the cargo carrier Cargo Asia Pacific, Mr. Guillaume Halleux, received the 2016 Overall Qatar Airways Chief Officer Cargo Mr. Ulrich Ogiermann, said: “We owe this award to each and every cargo employee at the airline as a reflection of their dedication to provide the best services to our customers. We would also like to thank our customers for placing their trust in Qatar Airways Cargo as we continue to offer our customers the best airfreight products and innovative .”solutions through our growing fleet and rapidly expanding network This award is the third accolade for Qatar Airways Cargo in 2016, as the cargo carrier was also conferred the prestigious All-Cargo Carrier award at the 33rd Cargo Airline of the Year event and the International Award for Excellence in Air .Cargo at the Air Cargo India 2016 exhibition and conference earlier this year The world’s third largest international cargo carrier recently took delivery of its .11th Boeing 777 freighter, taking the airline’s total count of freighters to 21 Utilising its modern fleet of Boeing 777Fs, Airbus A330Fs and Boeing 747 freighters, the cargo carrier offers full, partial and combination charter services via its established QR Charter solution. Qatar Airways Cargo’s offers a portfolio of distinctive airfreight products including QR Pharma, QR Fresh, QR Live and QR Express, which are designed to provide efficiency and compliance in the handling of temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical and perishable cargo, transportation of live animals as Qatar Airways Cargo has invested substantially in automating its systems and processes with the roll out of its Cargo Reservations, Operations, Accounting and Management Information System (CROAMIS) to enhance efficiency and cost-saving in its end-to-end business processes. The cargo carrier has also implemented the automation of load control centre at its Doha hub and pioneered the complete adoption and full implementation of IATA’s Cargo-XML .messaging standard recently. well as time-critical shipments respectively Turkish Airline updates mobile app for Nigerian passengers Turkish Airline, Europe’s Best Airline for the sixth consecutive year, has updated and built new functions into its mobile applications for its .passengers in Nigeria and other countries around the world The airline, which currently flies to more countries and international destinations than any other airline, said the upgraded mobile application offers better interaction experiences to its esteemed passengers in .Nigeria Turkish Airlines, a Star Alliance member, has a fleet of 333 (passenger and cargo) aircraft flying to 291 destinations worldwide with 242 .international and 49 domestic Designed to provide the ultimate user-friendly layout, with high quality visuals of destinations that Turkish Airlines informed that the new mobile .application offers the best experience to mobile users Users can buy ticket, make reservation and check-in, manage Miles & “ Smiles account and follow departure – arrival status via recent .application,” the airline said in a statement Advertisement Through the updated mobile app, which can be downloaded on AppStore and Google Play to all mobile devices, all processes can be done quickly .under favour of the simple and easy to use design With the app, it’s possible to add passenger, display the latest airport searches, and gain time by choosing favourite airports. Also, the flights can be reserved easier due to the interactive map while promotions, which provide new discoveries via Turkish Airlines, can be reached at any .place and any time with the upgraded mobile app The new functionalities of the mobile application allow passengers to change tickets, make cancelations, add infants, and add flights directly.The mobile application also features the terminal maps, which .makes it possible for mobile users to find their desired location Also, the airline said the mobile application users will have ability to buy emergency row seats to have more comfortable journey. Through the new upgrade, customers will be able upgrade Economy tickets to Business via .new update

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