EGYPTAIR News 14 nov 2017

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‫اٌضالصبء‬ ‫‪2017/11/14‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫«ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ» رشزطٌ ِؼساد عسَسح ثـ‪ٍُِ 100‬ىْ عُٕه‬ ‫ِحّىز اٌؽؼسي‬ ‫عىَضد شطوخ «ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ» ٌٍرسِبد األضضُخ‪ ،‬واشزطد اٌؼسَس ِٓ اٌّؼساد‬ ‫واألعهعح اٌزٍ رؽزرسِهب فً ِهجظ اٌّغبضاد ثّجٍغ ِبٌٍ رغبوظ ‪ٍُِ 100‬ىْ عُٕه‪،‬‬ ‫فً إعبض ؼُبؼبد اإلحالي واٌزغسَس اٌزٍ رٕزهغهب اٌشطوخ ذالي اٌفزطح اٌّبضُخ‪ ،‬وفك‬ ‫ِظسض ِؽئىي زاذً اٌشطوخ اٌمبثضخ ٌـ«ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ»‪.‬‬ ‫ٕ جُشًٍس جشطٍش ‪ًِْٔ 24‬ح قى‪٣‬ػًح ُهىٓس جُـحتٍجش ٖٓ‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف جُٔظىٌ ُـ«جُىْط‪ ،»ٌٞ‬أ َ‬ ‫ئٗطحؼ شًٍس ئٗؿِ‪٣ُ٤‬س‪ ٍ٤ْ 30ٝ ،‬قوحتد ٖٓ ئٗطحؼ شًٍس أٍٓ‪٤ٌ٣‬س‪ 8ٝ ،‬أؾ‪ُٜ‬ز ضٌ‪٤٤‬ق‬ ‫ػٔالهس‪ 8ٝ ،‬أؾ‪ُٜ‬ز «ئ‪ْ ٍ٣‬طحٌش»‪ 4ٝ ،‬ػٍذحش ض‪٤ُٞ‬ى ً‪ٍٜ‬ذحء‪ٝ ،‬ؾٍجٌجش‪ٝ ،‬قح‪٣ٝ‬حش‬ ‫ٓط٘‪ٞ‬ػس‪ ،‬ذو‪ٔ٤‬س ٓحُ‪٤‬س ضؿح‪َٝ‬ش ‪ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 100‬ؾ٘‪ ،ٚ٤‬ئي ضؼٔ٘ص جُٔ‪ُ٤‬جٗ‪٤‬س جُؿى‪٣‬ىز َ‪٣‬حوز ػىو‬ ‫جُكح‪٣ٝ‬حش ‪ٝ‬جُؿٍجٌجش ‪ٝ‬أؾ‪ُٜ‬ز «جُؿٍجٗى ذح‪ُ »ٌٝ‬هىٓس جُٔ‪ٜ‬رؾ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحٌ ئُ‪ ٠‬إَٔ نـؾ جُطـ‪ٝ ٍ٣ٞ‬جإلقالٍ ‪ٝ‬جُطؿى‪٣‬ى ضطؼٖٔ أ‪٣‬ؼًح جالْطؼحٗس ذأقىظ‬ ‫جألؾ‪ُٜ‬ز جُط‪ ٢‬ضـرن ْ‪ٓ٤‬طْ «ئٕ ك‪ »ٌّٞ‬جُؿى‪٣‬ى ‪ٝ‬جُهحص ذأوجء جُؼٔحُس جُرشٍ‪٣‬س ‪ٝ‬ئػحوز‬ ‫ضى‪ ٍ٣ٝ‬جُؼٔحُس ‪ٝ‬جُٔؼىجش ‪ٝ‬ضشـ‪ َ٤‬جُٔـحٌ ‪ٝ‬نلغ جُطٌِلس ‪ٌٝ‬كغ ًلحءز جُطشـ‪ َ٤‬جإلٗطحؾ‪٤‬س‬ ‫ُِؼحَٓ ذىج‪٣‬س ٖٓ ‪٘٣‬ح‪ ٍ٣‬جُٔورَ‪٣ٝ ،‬ؼ٘‪ًٛ ٢‬ج ‪ٝ‬ط‪ ٍٞ‬جُؼحَٓ ُِشـَ ك‪ ٠‬أ‪ٝ‬هحش جًٌُ‪ٝ‬ز ‪ٝ‬ئُـحء‬ ‫ٗظحّ جُ‪ٌٞ‬و‪٣‬حش ؿ‪ ٍ٤‬جُٔؿى‪.١‬‬ ‫ٕ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُ٘ظحّ ٓـرّن ك‪ ٠‬ؾٔ‪٤‬غ جُٔـحٌجش ‪ٝ‬شًٍحش جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ‪ٓ ٞٛٝ‬ح ‪٣‬ط‪ٞ‬جًد‬ ‫‪ُٝ‬لص ئُ‪ ٠‬أ َ‬ ‫ٓغ كطف نـ‪ٞ‬ؽ ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ؾى‪٣‬ىز ‪ٝ‬جْطهىجّ ؿحهحش ؾى‪٣‬ىز‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫«ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ» رّىي ضحالد «فالي إَغُجذ »‬ ‫ِحّىز اٌؽؼسي‬ ‫ولغ اٌّهٕسغ هشبَ ػجساٌحفُظ‪ ،‬ضئُػ ِغٍػ إزاضح شطوخ ِظط‬ ‫ٌٍغُطاْ ٌٍرسِبد اٌغىَخ‪ ،‬ػمسًا ِغ شطوخ فالي إَغُجذ ثطئبؼخ أحّس‬ ‫اٌحٍى‪ ،‬اٌّسَط اٌزٕفُصٌ ٌٍشطوخ‪ٌ ،‬زّىَٓ ضحالرهب ِٓ ِغبضاد اٌمبهطح‬ ‫واٌغطزلخ وشطَ اٌشُد إًٌ ِرزٍف اٌؼبٌُ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ضؼٔ٘ص ذ٘‪ٞ‬و جُؼوى إٔ ضو‪ٓ ّٞ‬ظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ذحُرىء ك‪ ٠‬ض٘ل‪ ً٤‬ذ٘‪ٞ‬و جُؼوى‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ضٔ‪ َ٣ٞ‬جُـحتٍجش جػطرحٌج ٖٓ ؿى جُػالغحء‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ًٍ​ً٣‬إٔ شًٍس ٓظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ُِهىٓحش جُؿ‪٣ٞ‬س‪ ،‬هى قووص ‪ٕٞ٤ِٓ 88‬‬ ‫ؾ٘‪ ٚ٤‬أٌذحقح نالٍ جُؼحّ جُٔحُ‪ ٠‬جُٔحػ‪ ٢‬ذُ‪٣‬حوز ؿ‪ٓ​ٓ ٍ٤‬ر‪ٞ‬هس ٗط‪٤‬ؿس ض٘ل‪ً٤‬‬ ‫نـس ؿٔ‪ٞ‬قس ُطـ‪ ٍ٣ٞ‬جألوجء ‪٣َٝ‬حوز جإل‪ٍ٣‬جوجش ك‪ ًَ ٠‬جُٔـحٌجش‬ ‫جُٔظٍ‪٣‬س‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫أزربة «ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ» ضئُؽًب ٌٍغٕخ اٌزٕفُصَخ ٌـ«األفطا»‬ ‫هسَط ِظغفٍ‬ ‫أزرجذ اٌغّؼُخ اٌؼّىُِخ الرحبز شطوبد اٌغُطاْ اإلفطَمُخ «األفطا»‪ ،‬اٌُىَ اإلصُٕٓ‪،‬‬ ‫شطوخ ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ ٌطئبؼخ اٌٍغٕخ اٌزٕفُصَخ ٌالرحبز‪ ،‬وشٌه حزً اٌغّؼُخ اٌؼّىُِخ‬ ‫ضلُ ‪ٌ 51‬ؼبَ ‪.2019‬‬ ‫عبء هصا ذالي اعزّبػبد اٌٍغٕخ اٌزٕفُصَخ ضلُ ‪ 174‬واٌغّؼُخ اٌؼّىُِخ ضلُ ‪49‬‬ ‫ٌالرحبز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬شحًٌص «ٓظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ» ذ‪ٞ‬كى ‪٣‬طٍأْ‪ ٚ‬طل‪ٞ‬ش ٓ​ِْٓ‪ٌ ،‬ت‪ٓ ّ٤‬ؿِّ ئوجٌز جُشًٍس‬ ‫جُوحذؼس ُٔظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪ ،‬ك‪ ٠‬جالؾطٔحػحش جُط‪ ٢‬ضؼوى قحُ‪ً٤‬ح ك‪ٓ ٠‬ى‪٘٣‬س ً‪٤‬ؿحُ‪ ٢‬ذٍ‪ٝ‬جٗىج‬ ‫نالٍ جُلطٍز ٖٓ ‪ٝ 12‬قط‪ٞٗ 14 ٠‬كٔرٍ جُكحُ‪.٢‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬طٍـ ٓ​ِْٓ ذإٔ قظ‪ٓ ٍٞ‬ظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ػِ‪ًٛ ٠‬ج جُٔوؼى ‪٣‬ؼى ضط‪٣ٞ‬ؿًح ُؿ‪ٜٞ‬و‪ٛ‬ح ك‪٠‬‬ ‫جالضكحو‪ُ ،‬طكو‪٤‬ن جأل‪ٛ‬ىجف جٍُٔؾ‪ٞ‬ز ُألػؼحء ‪ٝ‬جُؼَٔ ػِ‪ ٠‬ضؼٔ‪٤‬ن جُؼالهحش ذ‪ٜ٘٤‬ح ذٔح ‪٣‬هىّ‬ ‫ٓؿحٍ ط٘حػس جُ٘وَ جُؿ‪ ١ٞ‬ك‪ ٠‬جُوحٌز جإلكٍ‪٣‬و‪٤‬س‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٌٝ‬قرص جُِؿ٘س ذحٌٍُٓض‪ ٍ٤‬جُؼحّ جُؿى‪٣‬ى ُـ«جألكٍج» ػرىجٍُقٖٔ ذ‪ٍ٤‬ظ‪ ،‬جًُ‪٣ ٟ‬طِْٓ ػِٔ‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ٌْٔ‪ً٤‬ح‪ ،‬جػطرحًٌج ٖٓ ‪٘٣ 1‬ح‪.2018 ٍ٣‬‬ ‫ًٔح ٗحهشص جُِؿ٘س أ‪٣‬ؼًح ػىز ٓشٍ‪ٝ‬ػحش ٓشطًٍس ذ‪ ٖ٤‬جُى‪ ٍٝ‬جألػؼحء ٓػَ جُشٍجء‬ ‫جُٔشطٍى ُِ‪ٞ‬ه‪ٞ‬و‪ ،‬جُهىٓحش جألٌػ‪٤‬س‪ ،‬جالضلحه‪٤‬حش جُطؿحٌ‪٣‬س ‪ٝ‬جُطىٌ‪٣‬د‪ ،‬ذحإلػحكس ئُ‪٠‬‬ ‫جػطٔحو ٓ‪ٞ‬جَٗس ػحّ ‪ُ٤ٓٝ 2018‬جٗ‪٤‬س ػحّ ‪.201٧‬‬ ‫‪ ٖٓٝ‬جُٔوٌٍ إٔ ضٓطؼ‪٤‬ق شًٍس جُهـ‪ٞ‬ؽ جُٔـٍذ‪٤‬س‪ ،‬أػٔحٍ جُؿٔؼ‪٤‬س جُؼٔ‪٤ٓٞ‬س ٌهْ ‪50‬‬ ‫ُـ«جألكٍج» جُط‪ْ ٢‬ط٘ؼوى نالٍ جُلطٍز ‪ٞٗ 2٧-25‬كٔرٍ ُؼحّ ‪ 2018‬ذٔى‪٘٣‬س جٍُذحؽ‬ ‫ذحُٔـٍخ‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫أزربة ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ ٌطئبؼخ اٌٍغٕخ اٌزٕفُصَخ ٌـ"األفطا”‬ ‫وزت ِحّىز ػجس اٌغًٕ‬ ‫أػٍٕذ اٌشطوخ اٌىعُٕخ ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ‪ ،‬أٔه رُ أزربة اٌشطوخ ٌطئبؼخ اٌٍغٕخ اٌزٕفُصَخ‬ ‫الرحبز شطوبد اٌغُطاْ اإلفطَمُخ (األفطا)‪ ،‬وشٌه حزً اٌغّؼُخ اٌؼّىُِخ ضلُ ‪ٌ 51‬ؼبَ‬ ‫‪ ،2019‬حُش عبء هصا ذالي اعزّبػبد اٌٍغٕخ اٌزٕفُصَخ ضلُ ‪ 174‬واٌغّؼُخ اٌؼّىُِخ‬ ‫ضلُ ‪ٌ 49‬الرحبز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬شحًٌص ٓظٍُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ذ‪ٞ‬كى ‪٣‬طٍأْ‪ ٚ‬طل‪ٞ‬ش ٓ​ِْٓ ٌت‪ٓ ّ٤‬ؿِّ ئوجٌز جُشًٍس جُوحذؼس‬ ‫ُٔظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪ ،‬ك‪ ٠‬جالؾطٔحػحش جُط‪ ٠‬ضؼوى قحُ‪٤‬ح ك‪ٓ ٠‬ى‪٘٣‬س ً‪٤‬ؿحُ‪ ٠‬ذٍ‪ٝ‬جٗىج ك‪ ٢‬جُلطٍز ٖٓ‬ ‫‪ٝ 12‬قط‪ٞٗ 14 ٠‬كٔرٍ جُكحُ‪.٢‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬طٍـ ٓ​ِْٓ‪ ،‬ئٕ قظ‪ٓ ٍٞ‬ظٍُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ػِ‪ًٛ ٠‬ج جُٔوؼى ‪٣‬ؼى ضط‪٣ٞ‬ؿح ُؿ‪ٜٞ‬و‪ٛ‬ح كال‬ ‫جالضكحو ُطكو‪٤‬ن جأل‪ٛ‬ىجف جٍُٔؾ‪ٞ‬ز ُألػؼحء ‪ٝ‬جُؼَٔ ػِ‪ ٠‬ضؼٔ‪٤‬ن جُؼالهحش ذ‪ٜ٘٤‬ح‪ ،‬ذٔح ‪٣‬هىّ‬ ‫ٓؿحٍ ط٘حػس جُ٘وَ جُؿ‪ ٟٞ‬ك‪ ٠‬جُوحٌز جإلكٍ‪٣‬و‪٤‬س‪.‬‬ ‫‪ًٛ‬ج ‪ٝ‬هى ٌقرص جُِؿ٘س ذحٌٍُٓض‪ ٍ٤‬جُؼحّ جُؿى‪٣‬ى ُألكٍج ‪،Abderahman Berthe‬‬ ‫جًُ‪٤ْ ٟ‬و‪ ّٞ‬ذحْطالّ ػِٔ‪٤ٌْٔ ٚ‬ح جػطرحٌج ٖٓ ‪٘٣ 1‬ح‪.2018 ٍ٣‬‬ ‫ًٔح ٗحهشص جُِؿ٘س أ‪٣‬ؼح ػىز ٓشحٌ‪٣‬غ ٓشطًٍس ذ‪ ٖ٤‬جُى‪ ٍٝ‬جألػؼحء‪ٓ ،‬ػَ جُشٍجء‬ ‫جُٔشطٍى ُِ‪ٞ‬ه‪ٞ‬و‪ٝ ،‬جُهىٓحش جألٌػ‪٤‬س‪ ،‬جالضلحه‪٤‬حش جُطؿحٌ‪٣‬س ‪ٝ‬جُطىٌ‪٣‬د‪ ،‬ذحإلػحكس ئُ‪٠‬‬ ‫جػطٔحو ٓ‪ٞ‬جَٗس ػحّ ‪ُ٤ٓٝ 2018‬جٗ‪٤‬س ػحّ ‪.201٧‬‬ ‫‪ ٖٓٝ‬جُٔوٌٍ إٔ ضٓطؼ‪٤‬ق شًٍس جُهـ‪ٞ‬ؽ جُٔـٍذ‪٤‬س‪ ،‬أػٔحٍ جُؿٔؼ‪٤‬س جُؼٔ‪٤ٓٞ‬س ٌهْ ‪50‬‬ ‫ُألكٍج جُط‪ْ ٠‬ط٘ؼوى ك‪ ٠‬جُلطٍز ‪ٞٗ 2٧-25‬كٔرٍ ُؼحّ ‪ 2018‬ذٔى‪٘٣‬س جٍُذحؽ ذحُٔـٍخ‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ ٌٍرسِبد اٌغىَخ رىطَ ِطاعؼً اٌطحالد ورمسَ هساَب‬ ‫ٌهُ‬ ‫وزت ِحّىز ػجس اٌغًٕ‬ ‫وطَ اٌّهٕسغ هشبَ ػجس اٌحفُظ ضئُػ ِغٍػ إزاضح شطوخ ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ ٌٍرسِبد‬ ‫اٌغىَخ‪ِ ،‬طاعؼٍ اٌطحالد ٔظطا ٌٍغهس اٌّجصوي ذالي اٌفزطح اٌّبضُخ وأؼىػ ػٍ​ٍ‬ ‫رحمُك ورىفُط ورغىض فٍ األزاء ثبٌشطوخ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحو "ػرى جُكل‪٤‬ظ" ذحُى‪ ٌٝ‬جٌُر‪ٍُٔ ٍ٤‬جؾؼ‪ ٢‬جٍُقالش ذو‪٤‬حوز "قحضْ طحُف" ٓ​ٓطشحٌ‬ ‫ٌت‪ٓ ّ٤‬ؿِّ جإلوجٌز ‪ًٔ ٝ‬حٍ ذى‪ٓ ١ٝ‬ى‪ ٍ٣‬ذحإلٗطحؼ ٗظٍج ُِؿ‪ٜ‬ى جُٔرً‪ ٍٝ‬نالٍ جُلطٍز‬ ‫جُٔحػ‪٤‬س ‪ٝ ،‬قٍص ٌت‪ ّ٤‬جُشًٍس ػِ‪ ٢‬ضِٓ‪ ْ٤‬ذؼغ جُ‪ٜ‬ىج‪٣‬ح جُطً​ًحٌ‪٣‬س ُ‪. ْٜ‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫ثىِجبضزَُه رمزطة ِٓ ارفبق ٌجُغ ‪ 12‬عبئطح ؼٍ‪.‬إغ إًٌ ِظط‬ ‫ٌٍغُطاْ‬ ‫لبٌذ ووبٌخ أٔجبء ثٍىِجطط ٔمال ػٓ ِظبزض ِغٍؼخ إْ شطوخ ثىِجبضزَُه اٌىٕسَخ‬ ‫ٌظٕبػخ اٌغبئطاد فٍ ِطحٍخ ِزمسِخ ِٓ ِحبزصبد ِغ ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ ثشأْ إرفبق‬ ‫ثمُّخ ‪ٍُِ 1.1‬بض زوالض أِطَىٍ ٌشطاء عبئطاد ؼٍ إغ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ​ٝ‬كوح ُطوٍ‪ ٍ٣‬ذِ‪ٓٞ‬رٍؼ كإ جالضلحم ٖٓ جٍُٔؾف إٔ ‪٣‬طؼٖٔ ؿِر‪٤‬س شٍجء ٓإًىز ُؼىو‬ ‫‪ 12‬ؿحتٍز ْ‪ ٢‬ئِ‪ٝ ،‬هى ‪٣‬طْ جالػالٕ ػ٘‪ ٚ‬ؿىج جُػالغحء ك‪ٓ ٢‬ؼٍع وذ‪ُِ ٢‬ـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ُْٝ‬ضٍو ذ‪ٓٞ‬رحٌو‪ ٚ٤٣‬ػِ‪ ٠‬جُل‪ ٌٞ‬ػِ‪ ٠‬ؿِد ُِطؼو‪٤‬د‪.‬‬ ‫‪ًٝ‬حٗص جُشًٍس هحُص ك‪ٝ ٢‬هص ْحذن ‪ًٛ‬ج جُش‪ ٍٜ‬ئٗ‪ٜ‬ح ضِوص نـحخ ٗ‪ٞ‬ج‪٣‬ح ٖٓ َذ‪ٕٞ‬‬ ‫أ‪ٌٝٝ‬ذ‪ ُْ ٢‬ضٌشق ػٖ جْٔ‪ ٚ‬ذشإٔ ؿِر‪٤‬س ٓإًىز ُشٍجء ‪ 31‬ؿحتٍز ْ‪ ٢‬ئِ‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ػىزح عبئطح ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ إًٌ ِغبض فطأىفىضد ثؼس إلالػهب ثؽجت شطخ فً‬ ‫ظعبعهب‬

‫وزت ــ ِحّس ػجسإٌبطط‬ ‫اضغط لبئس ضحٍخ ِظط ٌٍغُطاْ اٌمبزِخ إًٌ اٌمبهطح ِؽبء اٌُىَ اإلصُٕٓ ِٓ‬ ‫ِغبض فطأىفىضد ٌٍؼىزح إٌُه ِطح أذطي ثؼس ‪ 45‬زلُمخ ِٓ إلالػهب ثؽجت‬ ‫حسوس شطخ فً ظعبط وبثُٕخ اٌمُبزح ِّب َّضً ذغىضح ػًٍ ؼالِخ اٌغبئطح‬ ‫واٌطوبة ورُ إٔعاي اٌطوبة ٌحُٓ رغُ​ُط اٌععبط‪.‬‬ ‫طٍقص ٓظحوٌ ٓالق‪٤‬س ٓظٍ‪٣‬س‪ :‬ذؼى ئهالع ٌقِس ٓظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ٌهْ ‪ٖٓ ٧86‬‬ ‫ٓـحٌ كٍجٌٗل‪ٌٞ‬ش ك‪ ٠‬ؿٍ‪٣‬و‪ٜ‬ح ئُ‪ ٠‬جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز ك‪ٞ‬ؾة هحتى‪ٛ‬ح ذكى‪ٝ‬ظ شٍل ك‪َ ٠‬ؾحؼ‬ ‫ًحذ‪٘٤‬س جُو‪٤‬حوز ٓٔح ‪ٔ٣‬ػَ نـ‪ٌٞ‬ز ػِ‪ْ ٠‬الٓس جُـحتٍز ‪ٝ‬جًٍُحخ كـِد ٖٓ ذٍؼ‬ ‫جٍُٔجهرس ذٔـحٌ كٍجٌٗل‪ٌٞ‬ش جُٓٔحـ ُ‪ ٚ‬ذحُؼ‪ٞ‬وز ‪ٝ‬ضْ ئُٗجٍ ًٌحخ جُـحتٍز ‪ٖٓ ٠ٛٝ‬‬ ‫ؿٍجَ ذ‪٘٣ٞ‬ؽ ‪ُ ٧3٧‬ك‪ ٖ٤‬ضـ‪ ٍ٤٤‬جُ​ُؾحؼ‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫ِغبضاد أِطَىب فشٍذ فً ‪ ِٓ :70‬االذزجبضاد األُِٕخ!‬ ‫ُٔىَىضن ـ أحّس ِؽؼىز‬ ‫عٍت اٌؽُٕبرىض رشبن شىِط‪ ،‬ػضى اٌىىٔغطغ ػٓ والَخ ُٔىَىضن‪ ِٓ ،‬وظاضح‬ ‫األِٓ اٌساذًٍ ثبٌّغبضاد ضطوضح ِطاعؼخ اإلعطاءاد األُِٕخ لجً رىعه اٌّالَُٓ‬ ‫األؼبثُغ اٌّمجٍخ ِٓ اٌّؽبفطَٓ فً ػغالد اٌىطَؽّبغ‪ ،‬ذبطخ ثؼس أْ أظهطد‬ ‫رمبضَط إذفبق عهبظ األِٓ اٌؼبَ ثبٌّغبضاد فً االذزجبض اٌؽطي ٌإلعطاءاد األُِٕخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ ش‪ ٍٓٞ‬ئٗ‪ ٖٓ ٚ‬جُٔط‪ٞ‬هغ إٔ ‪ٓ٣‬حكٍ ٓال‪ ٖ٤٣‬جُٔٓحكٍ‪ ٖ٣‬ؾ‪ٞ‬ج ُوؼحء جُؼـالش ك‪٠‬‬ ‫جألْحذ‪٤‬غ جُٔورِس‪ٔٓ ،‬ح ‪٣‬طـِد ػَٔ ٍٓجؾؼحش أٓ٘‪٤‬س ٌَُ ئؾٍجءجض‪ٜ‬ح ك‪ ٠‬جُٔـحٌجش‬ ‫إلوجٌز أٖٓ جُ٘وَ‪ٝ ،‬يُي ػود طى‪ ًٙٛ ٌٝ‬جُطوحٌ‪.ٍ٣‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف إٔ كشَ جألٖٓ ك‪ ٠‬جالنطرحٌجش جألن‪ٍ٤‬ز ‪٣‬ػ‪ ٍ٤‬ض‪ٜ‬ى‪٣‬ىج ًر‪ٍ٤‬ج ‪٣‬ؿد ضؿ٘ر‪،ٚ‬‬ ‫‪٣ٝ‬طؼ‪ ٖ٤‬ػِ‪ ٠‬ئوجٌز جُٓ‪٤‬حقس ٓؼحُؿس ًَ جُػـٍجش ك‪ ٠‬ئؾٍجءجش جُطىٌ‪٣‬د ‪ٝ‬جُطٌ٘‪ُٞٞ‬ؾ‪٤‬ح‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ؾٔ‪٤‬غ ئؾٍجءجش أٖٓ جُٔـحٌجش‪.‬‬ ‫ًحٗص جُطوحٌ‪ ٍ٣‬هى ًشلص جُ٘وحخ ػٖ إٔ ػرحؿح ٍْ‪ ٖ٤٣‬ضٌٔ٘‪ٞ‬ج ٖٓ جٍُٔ‪ ٌٝ‬ػرٍ ٗوحؽ‬ ‫جُطلط‪٤‬ش جألٓ٘‪٤‬س ذٌٓحً‪٣ُٓ ٖ٤‬لس ‪ٝ‬ذ٘حوم ‪ٓٝ‬طلؿٍجش أًػٍ ٖٓ ‪ ٖٓ :٧0‬جُ‪ٞ‬هص‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ِظسض‪ٍُِ 800 :‬ىْ عُٕه إلٔشبء ِحغزٍ وهطثبء ٌزغصَخ ِغبض اٌمبهطح‬ ‫ِحّىز اٌؽؼسي‬ ‫ططػ ِظسض ِؽئىي ثىظاضح اٌغُطاْ اٌّسٍٔ‪ ،‬ثأٔه لس رُ إٔشبء ‪ 13‬ثطط حطاؼخ ثغىي ؼىض ِغبض اٌمبهطح اٌسوًٌ‬ ‫ِٓ إٌبحُخ اٌشطلُخ ثغطَك اٌؽىَػ‪ ،‬ثبإلضبفخ إًٌ ضفغ وفبءح ‪ 11‬ثطط أذطي‪.‬‬ ‫‪٣‬أض‪ ٢‬يُي ك‪ ٠‬ئؿحٌ ئؾٍجءجش جُطأٓ‪ ٖ٤‬جُط‪٣ ٠‬طهً‪ٛ‬ح ٓ​ٓث‪ ُٞٞ‬جُ‪َٞ‬جٌز ُكٔح‪٣‬س ٓـحٌ جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز نحطسً ك‪ ٠‬ظَ جُظٍ‪ٝ‬ف جُط‪٠‬‬ ‫ضؼ‪٤‬ش‪ٜ‬ح جُرالو ك‪ ٠‬جُ‪ٞ‬هص جٍُج‪ٝ ،ٖٛ‬يُي ك‪ ٠‬ئؿحٌ ض‪ٞ‬ؾ‪ٜ٤‬حش ‪ٝ‬ضؼِ‪ٔ٤‬حش شٍ‪٣‬ق كطك‪ ٍ٣َٝ ٠‬جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُٔىٗ‪ٝ ٠‬ضكص‬ ‫ئشٍجف جُٔ‪ٜ٘‬ىِ ٓكٔى ْؼ‪٤‬ى ٓكٍ‪ٌ ِٝ‬ت‪ ّ٤‬جُشًٍس جُوحذؼس ُِٔـحٌجش ‪ٝ‬جُٔالقس جُؿ‪٣ٞ‬س ‪ٝ‬ض٘ل‪ ً٤‬جُٔكحْد ٓؿى‪ٟ‬‬ ‫ئْكحم ٌت‪ ّ٤‬شًٍس ٓ‪٘٤‬حء جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز جُؿ‪.ٟٞ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف جُٔظىٌ ك‪ ٠‬ضظٍ‪٣‬كحش نحطس ُـ "جُىْط‪ ،"ٌٞ‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضٔص جُطؿ‪ُ٤ٜ‬جش جُهحطس ُِرىء ك‪ ٠‬ئٗشحء ‪ٝ‬ضش‪٤٤‬ى ٓكـس‬ ‫ً‪ٍٜ‬ذحء أنٍ‪ ٟ‬ؾى‪٣‬ىز جْطؼىجوج ُِرىء ك‪ ٠‬ض٘ل‪ٓ ً٤‬شٍ‪ٝ‬ع " ئ‪٤ْ ٍٝ٣‬ط‪ً " ٠‬ر٘‪٤‬س ضكط‪٤‬س ُِٔشٍ‪ٝ‬ع جُؼٔالم نالٍ جُش‪ٍٜ‬‬ ‫جُؿحٌ‪ ١‬ذطٌِلس ضظَ ئُ‪ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 500 ٠‬ؾ٘‪.ٚ٤‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أًى جُٔظىٌ أٗ‪٤ْ ٚ‬طْ جْطٌٔحٍ ٓكـس جٌُ‪ٍٜ‬ذحء جُؿى‪٣‬ىز جٌُحت٘س ذؿ‪ٞ‬جٌ شًٍس جُٔالقس جُؿ‪٣ٞ‬س ذؼـؾ ‪ ِٞ٤ً 66‬ك‪ُٞ‬ص‬ ‫ػود ضأنٍ أػٔحٍ جإلٗشحء ُٔىز ػحّ ذطٌِلس ٓحُ‪٤‬س هى ضظَ ئُ‪ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 300 ٠‬ؾ٘‪ٓ ،ٚ٤‬ش‪ًٍ٤‬ج ئُ‪ ٠‬إٔ جُ‪ٜ‬ىف ٖٓ ضِي‬ ‫جُٔكـس ‪ ٞٛ‬ضـً‪٣‬س ذؼغ جألقٔحٍ ذحُٔـحٌ‪ ،‬ذحإلػحكس ئُ‪ ٠‬ذ‪٤‬غ جُط‪٤‬حٌ جٌُ‪ٍٜ‬ذحت‪ُ ٢‬رؼغ جُٔ٘حؿن جالْطػٔحٌ‪٣‬س جُٔوٌٍ‬ ‫ئٗشحؤ‪ٛ‬ح نالٍ جٍُٔقِس جُوحوٓس‪ ،‬ذحُط٘ٓ‪٤‬ن ٓغ ‪َٝ‬جٌز جٌُ‪ٍٜ‬ذحء ٓٔح ‪٣‬ىٌ ونًِح ٓحو‪٣‬ح ًر‪ًٍ٤‬ج ُشًٍس ٓ‪٘٤‬حء جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز جُؿ‪ٟٞ‬‬ ‫ُطــ‪٤‬س ضٌحُ‪٤‬ق جُٔشٍ‪ٝ‬ػحش جُط‪ ٠‬ضو‪ ّٞ‬ذ‪ٜ‬ح ك‪ ٠‬ج‪ٗٝ٥‬س جألن‪ٍ٤‬ز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحٌ جُٔظىٌ ئُ‪ ٠‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضْ ضًٍ‪٤‬د ٓكـط‪ " ٖ٤‬ئًّ ٌج‪ٌُِ " ٟ‬شق ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٓ‪٤‬حٌجش ذـٍ‪٣‬و‪ ٠‬جُؼٍ‪ٝ‬ذس ‪ٝ‬جُلٍ‪٣‬ن أقٔى‬ ‫شل‪٤‬ن‪ ،‬ػود ضأنٍ جكططحـ يُي جُٔشٍ‪ٝ‬ع جُك‪ُِ٘ٔ ٟٞ٤‬ظٔس جألٓ٘‪٤‬س ذحُٔـحٌ ذٓرد وكٖ جٌُحذالش ‪ٝ‬نـ‪ٞ‬ؽ ٓ‪ٞ‬جْ‪ ٍ٤‬جُٔ‪٤‬حز‬ ‫جٍُت‪٤ٓ٤‬س جُٔـً‪٣‬س ُِٔـحٌ ذـٍم جُؼٍ‪ٝ‬ذس ؿروًح ُِٔ‪ٞ‬جطلحش ‪ٝ‬جُو‪٤‬حْحش جُٔظٍ‪٣‬س‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أًى جُٔظىٌ‪ ،‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضْ ضًٍ‪٤‬د أْ‪٤‬حؼ ُطٍٓ‪ ْ٤‬أْ‪ٞ‬جٌ جُٔـحٌ ذحألٓحًٖ جُك‪٣ٞ٤‬س ‪ٝ‬جُٔ‪ٜٔ‬س‪ ،‬ق‪٤‬ع ضْ ضُ‪٣ٝ‬ى‪ٛ‬ح ذأؾُجء ٖٓ‬ ‫أْالى " جٌُ‪ٓٗٞ‬طٍذط‪٘٤‬ح " ػٖ ؿٍم جُ‪٤ٜ‬ثس جُ‪ٜ٘‬ىْ‪٤‬س ُِو‪ٞ‬جش جُِٔٓكس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحٌ جُٔظىٌ ئُ‪ ٠‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضْ ضًٍ‪٤‬د جُؼى‪٣‬ى ٖٓ جألؾ‪ُٜ‬ز ‪ٝ‬جُٔؼىجش جُٔهطظس ذحُكٔح‪٣‬س جألٓ٘‪٤‬س ٓػَ "جإلًّ ٌج‪ ٟ‬جُكى‪٣‬ػس‬ ‫جُى‪ ،"َ٣ٝ‬ذحإلػحكس ئُ‪ ٠‬أؾ‪ُٜ‬ز جٌُشق ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٔلٍهؼحش ‪ٝ‬أؾ‪ُٜ‬ز جٌُشق ػِ‪ ٠‬أؾٓحّ جًٍُحخ جُٔٓحكٍ‪٣ٝ ٖ٣‬ـِن ػِ‪ٜ٤‬ح‬ ‫" جإلٌْحٕ ذ‪ٞ‬و‪ " ٟ‬ذؿٔ‪٤‬غ أذ٘‪٤‬س جُٔـحٌ ‪ٝ‬هٍ‪٣‬س جُرؼحتغ‪ ،‬الكطًح ئُ‪ ٠‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضْ جالٗط‪ٜ‬حء ٖٓ ضـ‪ ٍ٣ٞ‬جُٔ​ٍٔ جُـٍذ‪ ٢‬ذحُٔـحٌ‬ ‫‪ٝL 23R 05‬جًُ‪ٔ٣ ٟ‬طى ؿ‪ٓ ِٞ٤ً 4 ُٚٞ‬طٍجش ػود ضأنٍ جْطـٍم ش‪ ٖ٣ٍٜ‬إلػحكس ذؼغ جُٔ​ٍٔجش جُلٍػ‪٤‬س جُؿى‪٣‬ىز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف جُٔظىٌ‪ ،‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضْ ذىء جُط٘ل‪ ً٤‬ك‪ ٠‬ئٗشحء جُٔىٌؼ جُػحٗ‪ ،S 23C05 ٢‬ػٖ ؿٍ‪٣‬ن جُ‪٤ٜ‬ثس جُ‪ٜ٘‬ىْ‪٤‬س ُِو‪ٞ‬جش‬ ‫جُِٔٓكس ُطـ‪ ٍ٣ٞ‬جُٔ​ٍٔ جُـٍذ‪ ٠‬ذحُٔـحٌ ذو‪ٔ٤‬س هى ضظَ ئُ‪ٓ 5 ٠‬ال‪ ٖ٤٣‬ؾ٘‪ٚ٤‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أ‪ٝ‬ػف إٔ ٓـحٌ جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز جُى‪ُٝ‬س ْ‪ٞ‬ف ‪٣‬ش‪ٜ‬ى نالٍ جٍُٔقِس جُٔورِس جُؼى‪٣‬ى ٖٓ جُٔشٍ‪ٝ‬ػحش جُط‪٤ْ ٠‬طْ جإلػالٕ ػ٘‪ٜ‬ح‬ ‫القوًح‪ ،‬ذحػطرحٌ‪ ٙ‬جُر‪ٞ‬جذس جٍُت‪ٓ٤‬س ُىن‪ ٍٞ‬جُرالو ‪ٝ​ٝ‬جؾ‪ٜ‬س ٓظٍ جُٔشٍكس‪ ،‬ق‪٤‬ع ‪٣‬ؼى قظ‪ ُٚٞ‬ػِ‪ ٠‬جًٍُُٔ جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬ك‪٠‬‬ ‫جُٓالٓس جُؿ‪٣ٞ‬س ػِ‪ٓ​ٓ ٠‬ط‪ ٟٞ‬هحٌز ئكٍ‪٣‬و‪٤‬ح ‪ْٝ‬حّ شٍف ُؿٔ‪ٞ‬ع جُٔٓث‪ٝ ٖ٤ُٞ‬جُؼحِٓ‪ٝ ٖ٤‬يُي ذٓرد جُطهـ‪٤‬ؾ جُؿ‪٤‬ى‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جُٔىٌ‪ ٖٓ ِٝ‬ؾحٗد جُٔٓث‪ ٖ٤ُٞ‬ذ‪َٞ‬جٌز جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُٔىٗ‪ٝ ٢‬جُشًٍس جُوحذؼس ُِٔـحٌجش ‪ٝ‬شًٍس جُٔ‪٘٤‬حء‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أًى إٔ ؾٔ‪٤‬غ جُطلط‪٤‬شحش جألٓ٘‪٤‬س جأل‪ٌٝٝ‬ذ‪٤‬س ‪ٝ‬جألٍٓ‪٤ٌ٣‬س ‪ٝ‬جٍُ‪٤ْٝ‬س ‪ٝ‬جٌُ٘ى‪٣‬س ‪٘ٓٝ‬ظٔحش جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُى‪٤ُٝ‬س هى أشحوش‬ ‫ذؿٔ‪٤‬غ جُٔؿ‪ٜٞ‬وجش ‪ٝ‬جإلؾٍجءجش جألٓ٘‪٤‬س ‪ٝ‬جُطأٓ‪٤٘٤‬س جُط‪ ٠‬جضهًض‪ٜ‬ح ِْـحش جُٔـحٌ ك‪ ٠‬ؾٔ‪٤‬غ جُطلط‪٤‬شحش جُط‪ ٠‬هحٓ‪ٞ‬ج ذ‪ٜ‬ح‬ ‫نالٍ جُش‪ ٖ٤٣ٍٜ‬جُٔحػ‪٣ ُْٝ ٖ٤٤‬رى‪ٝ‬ج أ‪٣‬س ضؼِ‪٤‬وحش أ‪ً ٝ‬طحذس ذؼغ جُٔالقظحش ‪ٓ ٞٛٝ‬ح ‪٣‬ؼى ٓإشًٍج ؾ‪٤‬ىج ُِـح‪٣‬س الْطؼحوز‬ ‫ٓـحٌ جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز ٌٓحٗط‪ ٚ‬ذ‪ ٖ٤‬جُٔـحٌجش جُؼحُٔ‪٤‬س‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ِغبض اٌمبهطح َٕفص رغطثخ عىاضئ ٌّىاعهخ وبضصخ عىَخ‪..‬‬ ‫ِحّس ػجسإٌبطط‬ ‫أػٍٕذ ِظبزض ِغٍؼخ ثّغبض اٌمبهطح اٌُىَ‪ ،‬االصُٕٓ‪ ،‬رٕفُص رغطثخ عىاضئ ِىؼؼخ‬ ‫ٌّىاعهخ وبضصخ عىَخ أصٕبء هجىعهب ٌزسضَت ِرزٍف اٌمغبػبد ػًٍ وُفُخ ِىاعهخ‬ ‫اٌىىاضس اٌغىَخ اٌّفبعئخ رٕفُصا ٌزؼٍُّبد ِٕظّبد اٌغُطاْ اٌسوٌُخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحُص جُٔظحوٌ ئٗ‪ ٚ‬ك‪ ٠‬ئؿحٌ جْطؼىجوجش ٓـحٌ جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز ُٔ‪ٞ‬جؾ‪ٜ‬س جألَٓحش ‪ٝ‬جُـ‪ٞ‬جٌب ‪ٝ​ٝ‬كوح‬ ‫ُطؼِ‪ٔ٤‬حش جُٔ٘ظٔس جُى‪٤ُٝ‬س ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُٔىٗ‪ ٠‬ـــ جإل‪ٌ٣‬ح‪ ٝ‬ــ ذاؾٍجء ‪ ًٙٛ‬جُطؿحٌخ ذظلس و‪٣ٌٝ‬س‬ ‫ُو‪٤‬حِ ٓى‪ً ٟ‬لحءز جُٔـحٌ ك‪ٞٓ ٠‬جؾ‪ٜ‬س جألقىجظ جُـحٌتس‪ْ ،‬طو‪ ّٞ‬شًٍس ٓ‪٘٤‬حء جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز جُؿ‪ٟٞ‬‬ ‫ذؼى ؿى‪ ،‬جألٌذؼحء‪ ،‬جُٔ‪ٞ‬جكن ‪ 15/11/201٧‬ذاؾٍجء ضؿٍذس جُـ‪ٞ‬جٌب جُٔ‪ْٞ‬ؼس جُُٔٓغ‬ ‫ض٘ل‪ًٛ٤‬ح‪.‬‬ ‫‪٣ٝ‬طؼٖٔ ْ‪٘٤‬حٌ‪ ٞ٣‬جُطؿٍذس جُطحُ‪ :٠‬أغ٘حء ‪ٛ‬ر‪ٞ‬ؽ ؿحتٍز ٖٓ ؿٍجَ ‪ٝB737-800‬ػِ‪ٓ ٠‬ط٘‪ٜ‬ح‬ ‫‪ٌ 90‬جًرح‪ ،‬ذحإلػحكس ئُ‪ ٠‬ؿحهْ جُـحتٍز جٌُٔ‪ 10 ٖٓ ٕٞ‬أكٍجو ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٔىٌؼ ‪٣ ،C05‬كىظ‬ ‫جٗكٍجف ُِـحتٍز ؾ‪ٜ‬س جُ‪ٓ٤‬حٌ وجنَ جُؿُ‪ٍ٣‬ز جٍُِٓ‪٤‬س أٓحّ جُٔ​ٍٔ " "‪ٝT1‬جشطؼحٍ جُ٘‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‬ ‫ذ‪ٜ‬ح‪ٓ ،‬ح ‪ٓ٣‬طىػ‪ ٠‬ضىنَ ِْـحش جُٔـحٌ ‪ٝ‬ضلؼ‪ َ٤‬نـس جُـ‪ٞ‬جٌب القط‪ٞ‬جء جألَٓس جُ٘حضؿس ػٖ‬ ‫جإلطحذحش ‪ٝ‬جُ‪ٞ‬ك‪٤‬حش ‪ٓٝ‬ؼحُؿس ج‪٥‬غحٌ جُِٓر‪٤‬س ُِكحوظ ‪ٝ‬جْطؼحوز جُكحُس جُـر‪٤‬ؼ‪٤‬س ُطشـ‪َ٤‬‬ ‫جُٔـحٌ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحكص جُٔظحوٌ‪" :‬ضؼٖٔ جُٓ‪٘٤‬حٌ‪ ٞ٣‬و‪ ًَ ٌٝ‬ؾ‪ٜ‬س ضْ ضىٌ‪٣‬ر‪ٜ‬ح ك‪ ٠‬ضؿحٌخ ْحذوس ق‪ٍٞ‬‬ ‫ً‪٤‬ل‪٤‬س جُطؼحَٓ ٓغ جٌُحٌغس‪ ،‬ق‪٤‬ع ْطشحٌى ػشٍجش ْ‪٤‬حٌجش جُٔـحكة ‪ٝ‬جإلْؼحف ذحُٔـحٌ‬ ‫‪ٓٝ‬كحكظس جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز ‪ٝ‬جنطرحٌ ٓى‪ٍْ ٟ‬ػس جْطؿحذط‪ُِ ْٜ‬ط‪ٞ‬ؾ‪ ٚ‬ئُ‪ٞٓ ٠‬هغ جٌُحٌغس ‪ٝ‬ئنالء‬ ‫جُؼكح‪٣‬ح ‪ٝ‬جُٔظحذ‪ٝ ٖ٤‬جُطؼحَٓ ٓؼ‪ ْٜ‬ك‪ٞٓ ٠‬هغ جُكحوظ ‪ٗٝ‬وَ ذؼغ جُكحالش جُكٍؾس ئُ‪٠‬‬ ‫جُٔٓطشل‪٤‬حش ٓغ ئوجٌز جألَٓس ذشٌَ ًحَٓ ٓغ نالٍ جْطٍٔجٌ قًٍس جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ْ‪ٞ‬جء جإلهالع‬ ‫أ‪ ٝ‬جُ‪ٜ‬ر‪ٞ‬ؽ ك‪ ٠‬جُٔـحٌ ذشٌَ ؿر‪٤‬ؼ‪ٝ ٠‬ك‪ٗ ٠‬لّ جُ‪ٞ‬هص ٍْػس جُطؼحَٓ ٓغ جٌُحٌغس جُؿ‪٣ٞ‬س‪،‬‬ ‫‪٤ْٝ‬كؼٍ جُطؿٍذس ػىو ٖٓ ه‪٤‬حوجش ‪َٝ‬جٌجش جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ‪ٝ‬جُظكس ‪ٝ‬جُىجنِ‪٤‬س ‪ٓٝ‬كحكظس جُوح‪ٍٛ‬ز‬ ‫الْطؼٍجع ٓى‪ٍْ ٟ‬ػس جُطؼحَٓ ٓغ جٌُحٌغس جُؿ‪٣ٞ‬س ‪ٝ‬إٔ جُطؿٍذس ‪٣‬طْ ضـر‪٤‬و‪ٜ‬ح ذشٌَ و‪ٌٟٝ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬كوح ُهـس جُـ‪ٞ‬جٌب جُٔطرؼس ‪ٝ‬ضـر‪٤‬وح ُطشٍ‪٣‬ؼحش جُٔ٘ظٔس جُى‪٤ُٝ‬س ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُٔىٗ‪( ٠‬جإل‪ٌ٣‬ح‪،)ٝ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ضشَٔ جُهـس ٓشحًٌس ؾٔ‪٤‬غ جُؿ‪ٜ‬حش جُؼحِٓس ذحُٔـحٌ ‪ٝ‬أ‪٣‬ؼح جُؿ‪ٜ‬حش جُٔك‪٤‬ـس ذحُٔـحٌ‬ ‫ٓطٔػِس ك‪ ٠‬ق‪ ٠‬جُُ٘‪ٛ‬س ‪ٝ‬ؿ‪ٍٛ٤‬ح ٖٓ جُؿ‪ٜ‬حش جُط‪ٗ ٠‬ؿف جالْطلحوز ٓ٘‪ٜ‬ح القط‪ٞ‬جء جألَٓس‪ًٔ ،‬ح‬ ‫ضشطَٔ جُهـس أ‪٣‬ؼح ػِ‪ ٠‬ض‪ٞ‬جؾى ش‪ٞ٤‬ل ‪ٝ‬هٓح‪ْٝ‬س إلذٍجَ جُطٌحضق نالٍ جألَٓحش"‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫أِٓ اٌّغبض َؽمظ رشىُال ػظبثُب ِٓ ػّبي اٌزحًُّ ررظض فً ؼطلخ حمبئت‬ ‫اٌّؽبفطَٓ‬

‫وزت ِحّىز ػجس اٌغًٕ‬ ‫رّىٕذ ؼٍغبد أِٓ ِغبض اٌمبهطح‪ ِٓ ،‬ضجظ رشىًُ ػظبثٍ ِٓ ػبٍِ​ٍ اٌزحًُّ‬ ‫ررظض فٍ ؼطلخ حمبئت اٌّؽبفطَٓ أصٕبء ٔىثبد ػٍّهُ اٌُىٍِ ثبٌّغبض ‪.‬‬ ‫ولبٌذ ِظبزض إُِٔخ ثبٌّغبض‪ ،‬ئٕ ِْـحش جألٖٓ ضٌٔ٘ص ٖٓ ػرؾ ػحَٓ ضكٔ‪َ٤‬‬ ‫ٍْم ٓكلظس أقى جًٍُحخ ٖٓ وجنَ قو‪٤‬رط‪ ٚ‬وجنَ ٓكُٕ "قوحتد جُـحتٍز" ‪ًٝ‬حٕ‬ ‫ذ‪ٜ‬ح ًٔ‪٤‬س ٖٓ جُ٘وى جألؾ٘ر‪. ٢‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحكص جُٔظحوٌ‪ ،‬أٗ‪ ٚ‬ذحُطكو‪٤‬ن ٓغ جُؼحَٓ‪ ،‬أٌشى ػٖ ‪ 4‬ػٔحٍ آنٍ‪ًٗٞ ٖ٣‬ح‬ ‫ضشٌ‪٤‬ال ػظحذ‪٤‬ح ٍُٓهس قوحتد جُٔٓحكٍ‪ ٖ٣‬وجنَ ٓكُٕ قوحتد جُـحتٍز‪ٝ ،‬ؾحٌ‬ ‫ػرؾ ذحه‪ ٢‬أكٍجو جُطشٌ‪ٝ َ٤‬جضهحي جإلؾٍجءجش جُوحٗ‪٤ٗٞ‬س ضؿح‪.ْٜٛ‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫فطٔؽب رٍغٍ رحمُمب عسَسا فٍ حبزس رحغُ اٌغبئطح اٌّظطَخ ذالي‬ ‫‪2004‬‬ ‫ٔمٍذ ووبٌخ األٔجبء اٌفطٔؽُخ‪ ،‬ػٓ ِحبُِٓ فطٔؽُ​ُٓ‪ ،‬اٌُىَ اإلصُٕٓ‪ ،‬أْ لبع ثجبضَػ‬ ‫اؼزجؼس رحمُمب عسَسا فٍ حبزس رحغُ عبئطح ِظطَخ وبٔذ ِزغهخ ٌجبضَػ وؼمىعهب فٍ‬ ‫اٌجحط األحّط ِٕص ‪ 14‬ػبِب‪ ،‬واٌزٍ أؼفطد ػٓ ِظطع ‪ ِٓ 148‬اٌطوبة اٌصَٓ وبٔىا‬ ‫ػًٍ ِزٕهب‪ ِٓ ،‬ثُٕهُ ‪ 134‬ضاوجب فطٔؽُب‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػِٖ جُٔكحٓ‪٤‬حٕ ؾحٕ ذ‪ ٍ٤٤‬ذِ‪ٌ٤‬حف ‪ٝ‬ؾ‪ٍ٤‬جٌو ٓ‪ٗٞ‬ط‪ ٢٤٘٤‬إٔ جُكٌْ ك‪ ٢‬جُوؼ‪٤‬س طىٌ ك‪11 ٢‬‬ ‫‪ ٞ٤ُٞ٣‬جُٔحػ‪ ٢‬ذؼىّ ض٘ح‪ ٍٝ‬جض‪ٜ‬حٓحش ؾى‪٣‬ىز ذحُوؼ‪٤‬س‪ٓ ،‬إًى‪ ٖ٣‬إٔ ػحتالش جُؼكح‪٣‬ح جْطأٗلص‬ ‫ػِ‪.ٚ٤‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػِٖ جُٔىػ‪ ٕٞ‬جُؼحٓ‪ ٕٞ‬ك‪٘٣ ٢‬ح‪ 2016 ٍ٣‬أٗ‪٣ ُٖ ْٜ‬ط٘ح‪ُٞٝ‬ج جض‪ٜ‬حٓحش ؾى‪٣‬ىز ك‪ ٢‬جُكحوظ‪،‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحُ‪ٞ‬ج ئٕ أ‪ ١‬ضكو‪٤‬ن ؾى‪٣‬ى ُٖ ‪٣‬ظَ ئُ‪ٗ ٠‬ط‪٤‬ؿس أنٍ‪ ٟ‬ؿ‪ ٍ٤‬إٔ جُهـأ جُرشٍ‪ ٞٛ ١‬جُٓرد‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ًٍ​ً٣‬إٔ ٌقِس "كال‪ ١‬ئ‪ٍ٣‬ال‪ "ُ٘٣‬جُط‪ً ٢‬حٗص ضوَ ٓؼظْ جُٓ‪٤‬حـ جُلٍٗٓ‪ْ ٖ٤٤‬وـص ك‪ ٢‬جُركٍ‬ ‫جألقٍٔ ذؼى غالظ وهحتن ٖٓ ئهالػ‪ٜ‬ح ٖٓ ٓ٘طؿغ شٍّ جُش‪٤‬م ك‪٘٣ 3 ٢‬ح‪.2004 ٍ٣‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحٌ جالوػحء ئُ‪" ٠‬جُؼى‪٣‬ى ٖٓ جإلنلحهحش" جُط‪ ٢‬ػحٗ‪ٜ٘ٓ ٠‬ح هحتى‪ ٝ‬جُـحتٍز‪ ،‬ذٔح ك‪ ٢‬يُي‬ ‫"جُطكِ‪ َ٤‬جٍُٓ‪٣‬غ جًُ‪ ١‬أو‪ ٟ‬ئُ‪ ٠‬جضهحي هٍجٌجش ْ‪٤‬ثس" ك‪ ٢‬جُكحوظ‪ٝ ،‬أػحف إٔ جُطكو‪٤‬ن‬ ‫أؿِن ذٓرد ‪ٝ‬كحز جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪.ٖ٣‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحٌ جُهرٍجء جًُ‪ ٖ٣‬ضكوو‪ٞ‬ج ك‪ ٢‬جُكحوظ ك‪ ٢‬ضوٍ‪ ٍ٣‬ػحّ ‪ 2009‬ئُ‪ ٠‬إٔ جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪ ٖ٣‬ػِ‪ٓ ٠‬طٖ‬ ‫جُـحتٍز ُْ ‪ٌٞٗٞ٣‬ج ٓىٌذ‪ ٖ٤‬ضىٌ‪٣‬رح ًحك‪٤‬ح‪٣ٝ ،‬ؼحٗ‪ ٖٓ ٕٞ‬جُطؼد ذٓرد ْحػحش ػِٔ‪ ْٜ‬جٌُٔػلس‬ ‫نالٍ جألْر‪ٞ‬ػ‪ ٖ٤‬جًُِ‪ْ ٖ٣‬روح ‪ٝ‬ه‪ٞ‬ع جُكحوظ‪.‬‬ ‫ًٔح جض‪ٜٔ‬ص ‪٤ٛ‬ثس جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُلٍٗٓ‪٤‬س‪ ،‬جُـ‪٤‬حٌ جًُ‪ ١‬ػحٗ‪" ٖٓ ٠‬جالٌضرحى"‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫{ثىَٕغ{‪ :‬اٌشطق األوؼظ ثحبعخ ٌـ‪ 3350‬عبئطح عسَسح ذالي ‪ 20‬ػبِبً‬ ‫زثٍ‪ِ :‬ؽبػس اٌعَبٍٔ‬ ‫رىلؼذ شطوخ «ثىَٕغ» األُِطوُخ‪ ،‬فٍ رمطَط ٌهب أِػ‪ ،‬ػًٍ هبِش ِؼطع زثٍ ٌٍغُطاْ‪ ،‬أْ‬ ‫رحزبط شطوبد اٌغُطاْ فٍ اٌشطق األوؼظ ‪ 3350‬عبئطح عسَسح ذالي اٌؽٕىاد اٌؼشطَٓ‬ ‫اٌّمجٍخ‪ ،‬رمسض لُّزهب ثىالغ ‪ٍُِ 730‬بض زوالض‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ​ٝ‬جطِص جُشًٍحش ‪ٝ‬جُؿ‪ٜ‬حش جُكٌ‪٤ٓٞ‬س جإلػالٕ ػٖ طلوحش نالٍ جُ‪ ّٞ٤‬جُػحٗ‪ٓ ٖٓ ٢‬ؼٍع‬ ‫وذ‪ ،٢‬ق‪٤‬ع أػِٖ جُِ‪ٞ‬جء جًٍُٖ ؿ‪٤‬حٌ ئْكحم جُرِ‪ٞ‬ش‪ٌ ،٢‬ت‪ ّ٤‬جإلوجٌز جُط٘ل‪٣ً٤‬س ُِظ٘حػحش‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ضـ‪ ٍ٣ٞ‬جُوىٌجش جُىكحػ‪٤‬س ك‪َٝ ٢‬جٌز جُىكحع ٗحتد ٌت‪ ّ٤‬جُِؿ٘س جُؼٌٍٓ‪٣‬س ُِؼِٔ‪٤‬حش ك‪٢‬‬ ‫جإلٓحٌجش‪ ،‬ػٖ ئذٍجّ ‪ 8‬طلوحش‪ ،‬ذو‪ٔ٤‬س ذِـص ‪٤ِٓ 3.24٧‬حٌ وٌ‪ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 883( ْٛ‬و‪ٝ‬الٌ)‪،‬‬ ‫ضؼٔ٘ص ‪ 5‬شًٍحش ٓكِ‪٤‬س ‪ 3ٝ‬شًٍحش ػحُٔ‪٤‬س‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ جُرِ‪ٞ‬ش‪ ٢‬ئٕ شًٍس «ؿِ‪ٞ‬ذحٍ أ‪ٍْٝ٣‬ر‪ُٞ ّ٤‬ؾ‪ٓ٤‬طٌّ» ضؼحهىش ُطوى‪ ْ٣‬نىٓحش ك٘‪٤‬س ‪ٝ‬ئوجٌ‪٣‬س‬ ‫‪ٝ‬وػْ ُ‪ٞ‬ؾ‪ٓ٤‬ط‪ُِ ٢‬ـحتٍجش جُؼٔ‪ٞ‬و‪٣‬س ُظحُف جُو‪ٞ‬جش جُِٔٓكس‪ٝ ،‬ضْ جُطؼحهى ٓغ شًٍس «أوكحٗٓى‬ ‫جٗط‪٤‬ـٍ‪٣‬طى ْ‪ٓ٤‬طُٔ» ُطوى‪ ْ٣‬نىٓحش ‪ٝ‬ط‪٤‬حٗس ‪ٝ‬جإلْ٘حو جُِ‪ٞ‬ؾ‪ٓ٤‬ط‪ُ ٢‬ـحتٍجش جالْطـالع‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف نالٍ ٓإضٍٔ طكحك‪ ٢‬ػوى أّٓ ػِ‪ٛ ٠‬حٓش ٓؼٍع وذ‪ُِ ٢‬ـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ أٗ‪ ٚ‬ضْ ض‪ٞ‬ه‪٤‬غ طلوس‬ ‫ُشٍجء ‪ٝ‬ضكى‪٣‬ع قح‪٣ٝ‬حش ُالْطـالع جُؿ‪ٝ ،١ٞ‬جُطؼحهى ٓغ جُشًٍس جإلٓحٌجض‪٤‬س «ض‪ٞ‬جَٕ وج‪»ٌّٔ٘٣‬‬ ‫ُشٍجء ٌٓٔالش ه٘حذَ««‪ٝ ،P - 3‬ضأ‪ِٜ٤ٛ‬ح ػِ‪ ٠‬ؿحتٍجش جُٔ‪ٍ٤‬جؼ ‪ٝ‬ؿحتٍجش «ذالى ‪ٞٛ‬ى»‪،‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جُطؼحهى ٓغ شًٍس «ٓحًٓ‪ ّٔ٤‬ئ‪ »ٍ٣‬جُٔكِ‪٤‬س ػِ‪ ٠‬جْطثؿحٌ ؿحتٍجش ُط‪ٞ‬ك‪ ٍ٤‬نىٓحش جُشكٖ‬ ‫جُؿ‪ُٔ ١ٞ‬ىز ْ٘ط‪ٝ ،ٖ٤‬جُطؼحهى ٓغ جُشًٍس جألُٔحٗ‪٤‬س «‪ٛ‬ح‪ٝ‬غ‪ٔ٤ُ ٌٕٞ‬طى» ُطوى‪ ْ٣‬جُىػْ جُل٘‪ٝ ،٢‬ض‪٣ٌٞ‬ى‬ ‫هـغ جُـ‪٤‬حٌ ُٔىز ‪ْٞ٘ 3‬جش‪.‬‬ ‫ًحٕ جُ‪ ّٞ٤‬جأل‪ ٍٝ‬هى ش‪ٜ‬ى أذٍجّ ‪ 11‬طلوس‪ ،‬ذِـص ه‪ٔ٤‬ط‪ٜ‬ح ‪٤ِٓ 6.5‬حٌ وٌ‪ُ ،ْٛ‬ظحُف ‪َٝ‬جٌز جُىكحع‬ ‫جإلٓحٌجض‪٤‬س‪٤ُ ،‬رِؾ ٓؿٔ‪ٞ‬ع طلوحش جُ‪ ٖ٤ٓٞ٤‬جأل‪ٝ ٍٝ‬جُػحٗ‪ٓ ٢‬ح ‪٣ُ٣‬ى ػِ‪٤ِٓ 9.٧89 ٠‬حٌ وٌ‪ْٛ‬‬ ‫(‪٤ِٓ 2.6‬حٌ و‪ٝ‬الٌ)‪.‬‬ ‫ئُ‪ ٠‬يُي‪ٝ ،‬هؼص «وذ‪ُ ٢‬ظ٘حػحش جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ًحذ‪٤‬طحٍ»‪ٝ ،‬قىز جُطأؾ‪ ٍ٤‬ك‪« ٢‬وذ‪ُ ٢‬ظ٘حػحش‬ ‫جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ»‪ ،‬جضلحه‪٤‬س ٓغ شًٍس ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُهِ‪٤‬ؽ ُطأؾ‪ٍٛ٤‬ح ‪ 5‬ؿحتٍجش ٖٓ ؿٍجَ «ذ‪٘٣ٞ‬ؾ ‪9 - ٧8٧‬‬ ‫وٌ‪ٔ٣‬ال‪ ،»ٍ٘٣‬جُط‪ ٖٓ ٢‬جُٔوٌٍ إٔ ض٘ؼْ ئُ‪ ٠‬أْـ‪ ٍٞ‬جُ٘حهِس جُ‪ٞ‬ؿ٘‪٤‬س ُٔ​ٌِٔس جُركٍ‪ ٖ٣‬ك‪ ٢‬ػحّ‬ ‫‪.2018‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحُص جُشًٍس ئٕ جُـحتٍجش ْطٓحػى شًٍس ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُهِ‪٤‬ؽ ػِ‪ ٠‬ض‪٤ْٞ‬غ شرٌط‪ٜ‬ح‪ٝ ،‬وػْ‬ ‫جُٔطـِرحش جُٔٓطورِ‪٤‬س ُ٘ٔ‪ٛٞ‬ح ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٔى‪ ٟ‬جُرؼ‪٤‬ى‪ٝ .‬أ‪ٝ‬ػف جٌُحذطٖ ‪٤ُٝ‬ى جُؼِ‪ٗ ،١ٞ‬حتد جٍُت‪ّ٤‬‬ ‫جُط٘ل‪ُ ١ً٤‬شًٍس ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُهِ‪٤‬ؽ‪ ،‬إٔ ‪ ًٙٛ‬جالضلحه‪٤‬س ضش‪ ٍ٤‬ئُ‪ ٠‬إٔ ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُهِ‪٤‬ؽ ضٓطؼى ُىن‪ٍٞ‬‬ ‫ٍٓقِس ضحٌ‪٣‬ه‪٤‬س ك‪ٍ٤ٓ​ٓ ٢‬ض‪ٜ‬ح‪ٓ ،‬غ جْطورحُ‪ٜ‬ح ‪ 5‬ؿحتٍجش «ذ‪٘٣ٞ‬ؾ ‪ 9 - ٧8٧‬وٌ‪ٔ٣‬ال‪ »ٍَ٘٣‬ك‪٢‬‬ ‫جألش‪ ٍٜ‬جُٔورِس‪ٝ ،‬هحٍ‪« :‬ضٔػَ ‪ ًٙٛ‬جُـحتٍجش نـ‪ٞ‬ز ٓ‪ٜٔ‬س ك‪ ٢‬ض‪ٞ‬ؾ‪ٜ٘‬ح جالْطٍجض‪٤‬ؿ‪ٗ ٢‬ك‪ ٞ‬ضكى‪٣‬ع‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫أؼغىي عبئطارٕب‪ ،‬ورؼعَع ضاحخ اٌطوبة‪ ،‬ورىؼُغ شجىزٕب‪ ،‬رّبشُ ًب ِغ رغٍؼٕب إًٌ رؼعَع وعىزٔب‬ ‫فٍ عُّغ أٔحبء اٌؼبٌُ»‪.‬‬ ‫ِٓ عهزهب‪ ،‬ولؼذ «اٌؼطثُخ ٌٍغُطاْ» وشطوخ اٌزّىًَ «إَط ٌُع وىضثُشٓ»‪ ،‬اٌزٍ رزرص ِٓ‬ ‫ٌىغ أٔغٍُػ ِمطاً ٌهب‪ ،‬أِػ‪ ،‬ارفبلُخ رأعُط رّىٍَ​ٍ ٌـ‪ 6‬عبئطاد ِٓ عطاظ «إَطثبص‬ ‫«‪ ،A32‬وأشبضد إًٌ أْ اٌغبئطاد ؼزسذً اٌرسِخ ثساَخ ػبَ ‪ٌ ،2019‬زسػُ إٌبلٍخ فٍ ذسِخ‬ ‫شجىخ وعهبرهب اٌحبٌُخ‪ ،‬وإضبفخ وعهبد عىٍَخ اٌّسي فٍ اٌّؽزمجً اٌمطَت‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ ػحوٍ جُؼِ‪ ،٢‬جٍُت‪ ّ٤‬جُط٘ل‪ُِٔ ١ً٤‬ؿٔ‪ٞ‬ػس جُؼٍذ‪٤‬س ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪ ،‬ئٕ جُٔؿٔ‪ٞ‬ػس ضش‪ٜ‬ى ذشٌَ‬ ‫ٓط‪ٞ‬جطَ َ‪٣‬حوز ك‪ ٢‬ػىو جُٔٓحكٍ‪ ٖ٣‬ػرٍ ٓهطِق ٍٓجًُ ػِٔ‪٤‬حض‪ٜ‬ح‪ ،‬ذ‪ٔ٘٤‬ح ض‪ٞ‬جطَ ضًٍ‪ُٛ٤‬ح ػِ‪٠‬‬ ‫ٓ‪ٜٔ‬ط‪ٜ‬ح جٍُت‪٤ٓ٤‬س ك‪ ٢‬ض‪ٞ‬ك‪ ٍ٤‬ضؿٍذس ْلٍ ك‪ٓ ٢‬ط٘ح‪ ٍٝ‬شٍ‪٣‬كس ‪ٝ‬جْؼس ٖٓ جُٔؿطٔغ‪ٓ ،‬ىػ‪ٓٞ‬س ذو‪ٔ٤‬س‬ ‫ٓؼحكس ُٔٓحكٍ‪ٜ٣‬ح‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف إٔ جُٔؿٔ‪ٞ‬ػس ضٌٔ٘ص ٖٓ ئػحكس ؿحتٍجش « «‪ُA321neo LR‬ط‪٤ْٞ‬غ نىٓحض‪ٜ‬ح‪،‬‬ ‫ُطشَٔ ‪ٝ‬ؾ‪ٜ‬حش ؾى‪٣‬ىز ؿ‪ِ٣ٞ‬س جُٔى‪ٝ ،ٟ‬ضٔ٘ك‪ٜ‬ح ٍٓ‪ٗٝ‬س ك‪ ٢‬نىٓس ‪ٝ‬ؾ‪ٜ‬حض‪ٜ‬ح جٍُج‪٘ٛ‬س‪ٓ ،‬طـِؼحً‬ ‫الْطورحٍ جُـحتٍجش ك‪ ٢‬ػحّ ‪.2019‬‬ ‫ئُ‪ ٠‬يُي‪ ،‬وشٖ جُش‪٤‬م ٓكٔى ذٖ ٌجشى آٍ ٌٓط‪ٗ ،ّٞ‬حتد ٌت‪ ّ٤‬و‪ُٝ‬س جإلٓحٌجش ٌت‪ٓ ّ٤‬ؿِّ‬ ‫جُ‪ٌَٞ‬جء قحًْ وذ‪ ،٢‬أًحو‪٤ٔ٣‬س جإلٓحٌجش ُطىٌ‪٣‬د جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪ ٖ٣‬جُط‪ ٢‬ض‪ٜ‬ىف ُطىٌ‪٣‬د ‪ٝ‬ضأ‪ َ٤ٛ‬جُـِرس‬ ‫جُٔ‪ٞ‬جؿ٘‪ٝ ٖ٤‬جُؼحُٔ‪ٝ ،ٖ٤٤‬ضُ‪٣ٝ‬ى‪ ْٛ‬ذحُهرٍجش ك‪ٓ ٢‬ؿحٍ جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪ٝ ،‬جُٔٓح‪ٔٛ‬س ك‪ ٢‬ضِر‪٤‬س جُـِد‬ ‫جُٔطُج‪٣‬ى ػِ‪ ٠‬جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪ ٖ٣‬جُٔإ‪ ٖ٤ِٛ‬ك‪ ٢‬جُؼحُْ ‪ُٝ‬ى‪ ٟ‬جُ٘حهِس ذشٌَ نحص‪ٝ .‬هحٍ ذ‪٤‬حٕ طحوٌ ٖٓ‬ ‫ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش ئٕ جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪٤ْ ٖ٣‬طِو‪ ٕٞ‬ضىٌ‪٣‬رحض‪ ْٜ‬ػِ‪ ٠‬أقىظ أؾ‪ُٜ‬ز جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُطشر‪٢ٜ٤‬‬ ‫«ْٔ‪٤ُٞ٤‬طٍ»‪ٝ ،‬جُـحتٍجش ذٔكٍى ‪ٝ‬جقى ‪ٝ‬جُـحتٍجش ذؼىز ٓكًٍحش‪ًٔ ،‬ح ْ‪٤‬طِو‪ ٕٞ‬وٌ‪ًْٝ‬ح ٗظٍ‪٣‬س‬ ‫ضؼٍ‪٣‬ل‪٤‬س ذظ٘حػس جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ػحٓس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ جُش‪٤‬م أقٔى ذٖ ْؼ‪٤‬ى آٍ ٌٓط‪« :ّٞ‬طٔ​ٔ٘ح أًحو‪٤ٔ٣‬س جإلٓحٌجش ُطىٌ‪٣‬د جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪ ٢ٌُ ٖ٣‬ضٌ‪ٕٞ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جقىز ٖٓ أقىظ ٍٓجكن ضىٌ‪٣‬د جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪ ّ٤ُ ،ٖ٣‬كوؾ ك‪٘ٓ ٢‬ـوس جُشٍم جأل‪ْٝ‬ؾ ‪ٝ‬ئٗٔح ػِ‪٠‬‬ ‫ٓ​ٓط‪ ٟٞ‬جُؼحُْ أ‪٣‬ؼحً‪ ٢ٛٝ .‬جألًحو‪٤ٔ٣‬س جُ‪ٞ‬ق‪٤‬ىز ك‪ ٢‬جُؼحُْ جُط‪ ٢‬ضؿٔغ ذ‪ ٖ٤‬جُطىٌ‪٣‬د ػِ‪ ٠‬جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جُطؼِ‪ ْ٤‬جُ٘ظٍ‪ ١‬ػِ‪ ٠‬جألٌع ‪ٝ‬جٌُٖٔٓ ‪ٝ‬جٍُٔجكن جُطٍك‪٤ٜ٤‬س ك‪ٌٓ ٢‬حٕ ‪ٝ‬جقى»‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جْطػٍٔش ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش أًػٍ ٖٓ ‪ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 39‬و‪ٝ‬الٌ ُشٍجء ‪ 2٧‬ؿحتٍز ؾى‪٣‬ىز الْطهىجٓ‪ٜ‬ح ك‪٢‬‬ ‫ضىٌ‪٣‬د جُـ‪٤‬حٌ‪ٝ ،ٖ٣‬ضطٌ‪ ٕٞ‬جُـِر‪٤‬س ٖٓ ‪ 22‬ؿحتٍز «ْ‪ ،G6 SR22« ٍِٝ٤‬ذٔكٍى ‪ٝ‬جقى ‪5ٝ‬‬ ‫ؿحتٍجش ٗلحغس ذٔكًٍ‪ ٖٓ ٖ٤‬ؿٍجَ «ئٓرٍج‪ ٍ٣‬ك‪EV«.100 ّٞ٘٤‬‬ ‫ئُ‪ ٠‬يُي‪ ،‬هحٍ ٌت‪ ّ٤‬ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش‪ ،‬ض‪ً ْ٤‬الٌى‪ ،‬جالغ٘‪ ،ٖ٤‬ئٕ وذ‪ ٢‬ضٍ‪٣‬ى ػٔحٗس ذإٔ‬ ‫«ئ‪ٍ٣‬ذحص» ْطرو‪ ٢‬ئٗطحؼ جُـحتٍجش «‪« A380‬جُؼٔالهس ٓلط‪ٞ‬قحً ‪ْٞ٘ 10‬جش ػِ‪ ٠‬جألهَ‪ ،‬هرَ إٔ‬ ‫ضوىّ جُشًٍس ؿِر‪٤‬س ؾى‪٣‬ىز ُشٍجء أًرٍ ؿحتٍز ك‪ ٢‬جُؼحُْ‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫أالفىى اٌىىَزُخ رزُّ عٍجُخ ٌشطاء ‪ 20‬عبئطح ثىَٕظ عطاظ ‪ِ 737‬بوػ‬ ‫أػٍٕذ أالفىى اٌىىَزُخ ٌزّىًَ شطاء ورأعُط اٌغبئطاد اٌُىَ االصُٕٓ أٔهب رّبضغ ذُبضاد‬ ‫ٌشطاء ‪ 20‬عبئطح ثىَٕظ عطاظ ‪ِ 737‬بوػ فٍ ِؼطع زثٍ ٌٍغُطاْ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ضظَ ه‪ٔ٤‬س جُـِر‪٤‬س‪ ،‬جُط‪ ٢‬ؾٍ‪ ٟ‬جإلػالٕ ػ٘‪ٜ‬ح ٍُِٔز جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬نالٍ ٓؼٍع ذحٌ‪ُِ ّ٣‬ـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‬ ‫ك‪ ، ٞ٤ٗٞ٣ ٢‬ئُ‪٤ِٓ 2.2 ٠‬حٌ و‪ٝ‬الٌ ذحُٓؼٍ جُٔؼِٖ‪.‬‬ ‫‪٤ْٝ‬رىأ ضِٓ‪ ْ٤‬جُـحتٍجش جػطرحٌج ٖٓ ‪ 2020‬قٓرٔح هحٍ ٓى‪ٓ ٍ٣‬ر‪٤‬ؼحش جُـحتٍجش جُطؿحٌ‪٣‬س‬ ‫ُى‪ ٟ‬ذ‪٘٣ٞ‬ؽ ئقٓحٕ ٓ٘‪ ٍ٤‬نالٍ ٓإضٍٔ طكل‪.٢‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬



‫عُطٍِ والضوؽىْ ٔغُ اٌحٍّخ وٌّؽبد رظُُّّخ ِٓ «ِطؼُسغ ـ‬ ‫ثٕع»‬ ‫عُطاْ اإلِبضاد رُؼطّف ثّعاَب أعٕحخ اٌسضعخ األوًٌ‬ ‫أؿِوص ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش قِٔط‪ٜ‬ح جإلػالٗ‪٤‬س جُؿى‪٣‬ىز جُٔهظظس ُِطؼٍ‪٣‬ق ذأؾ٘كس جُىٌؾس جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬جُؿى‪٣‬ىز‬ ‫جُٔـِوس ذحٌُحَٓ‪ٝ ،‬جُط‪ ٢‬ضٍْم ٓؼح‪ٓ ٍ٤٣‬طل‪ٞ‬هس ك‪ ٢‬ػحُْ جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪ٝ .‬هحّ ذى‪ ٌٝ‬جُرـ‪ُٞ‬س جُ٘ؿْ جُطِلُ‪٢ٗٞ٣‬‬ ‫‪ٓٝ‬وىّ ذٍجٓؽ جُٓ‪٤‬حٌجش جُش‪ ٍ٤ٜ‬ؾ‪ً ٢ٍٓ٤‬الًٌٓ‪ ٕٞ‬ق‪٤‬ع ‪٣‬إًى إٔ ٓل‪ ّٜٞ‬جُكِٔس ػِ‪ٌٝ ٠‬ـ جُلٌح‪ٛ‬س‬ ‫جُط‪٣ ٢‬شط‪ ٍٜ‬ذ‪ٜ‬ح ‪ٝ‬ػالهط‪ ٚ‬جُ‪ٞ‬غ‪٤‬وس ذؼحُْ جُٓ‪٤‬حٌجش‪٣ٝ .‬رىأ جإلػالٕ ذِوـحش ٓوٍذس ُؿ٘حـ جُىٌؾس جأل‪٠ُٝ‬‬ ‫‪٣‬ؼٌّ أوم ضلحط‪ ِٚ٤‬ذٔح ك‪ ٢‬يُي جإلػحءز ‪ٝ‬شحشس جُل‪٤‬ى‪ ٞ٣‬جُٔٓـكس جُٔطـ‪ٌٞ‬ز ‪ٝ‬أٌَجٌ جُطكٌْ‪.‬‬ ‫‪٣ٝ‬ظ‪ً ٍٜ‬الًٌٓ‪ٍٓ ٕٞ‬ضى‪ً٣‬ح ذُز ٌْٔ‪٤‬س أٗ‪٤‬وس ‪٣ ٞٛٝ‬طكىظ ػٖ ضلحط‪ َ٤‬جُٔوظ‪ٌٞ‬ز ذأِْ‪ٞ‬خ ‪ٞ٣‬ق‪٢‬‬ ‫‪ًٝ‬أٗ‪٣ ٚ‬طكىظ ػٖ ْ‪٤‬حٌز قى‪٣‬ػس‪٘٣ٝ .‬ط‪ ٢ٜ‬جإلػالٕ ذـحتٍز جإلٓحٌجش ‪ ٢ٛٝ‬ضكِن ك‪ٞ‬م ٌأْ‪٤ُ ٚ‬ؼ‪٤‬ق إٔ‬ ‫ٓح ‪٣‬طٌِْ ػ٘‪٣ ٚ‬طٔطغ ذٍٓػس ‪ َ٤ٓ ٧00‬ك‪ ٢‬جُٓحػس‪ًٔ ،‬ح ‪٣‬أض‪ٓ ٢‬غ ذ‪٤‬ؿحٓح‪ ،‬ػِٔحً ذإٔ جُر‪٤‬ؿحٓح ضؼى ‪ٝ‬جقىز‬ ‫ٖٓ جُٔ٘طؿحش جُؼى‪٣‬ىز جُط‪ ٢‬ض‪ٞ‬كٍ‪ٛ‬ح ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش ُٔٓحكٍ‪ ١‬جُىٌؾس جأل‪.٠ُٝ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أشحو ًالًٌٓ‪ ٕٞ‬ذٔٓط‪٣ٞ‬حش جٍُجقس جُلحتوس جُط‪ ٢‬ضطٔ‪ ُ٤‬ذ‪ٜ‬ح جُٔوحػى ٓإًىجً أٗ‪ٜ‬ح ٍٓ‪٣‬كس أًػٍ ٖٓ ٓؼظْ‬ ‫أٍّْز جُل٘حوم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ ذـٍِ ذـٍِ ٗحتد ٌت‪ ّ٤‬أ‪ ٍٝ‬ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش ُىجتٍز جالضظحالش جُٔشطًٍس ‪ٝ‬جُطٓ‪٣ٞ‬ن‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جُؼالٓس جُطؿحٌ‪٣‬س‪٣« :‬ؼى ؾ‪ً ٢ٍٓ٤‬الًٌٓ‪ ٕٞ‬أقى أش‪ ٍٜ‬جُ‪ٞ‬ؾ‪ ٙٞ‬ك‪ ٢‬ػحُْ جُٓ‪٤‬حٌجش‪ .‬كرحإلػحكس ئُ‪٠‬‬ ‫ً‪ٗ ٚٗٞ‬ؿٔحً ‪٣ًٓٝ‬ؼًح ضِلُ‪٤ٗٞ٣‬حً ُرٍجٓؽ جُٓ‪٤‬حٌجش‪ ،‬كاٗ‪ ٚ‬أ‪٣‬ؼحً ٖٓ ػشحم جُ‪ٜ٘‬ىْس ‪ٝ‬نحطس جألػٔحٍ جٍُجتىز‬ ‫‪ٝ‬جُٔرطٌٍز»‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف ذـٍِ ‪ٔ٣« :‬ػَ ًالًٌٓ‪ ٕٞ‬جُه‪٤‬حٌ جُٔ٘حْد ُكِٔط٘ح‪ ،‬نحطس ‪ٝ‬إٔ أؾ٘كس جُىٌؾس جأل‪٠ُٝ‬‬ ‫جُؿى‪٣‬ىز جُٔـِوس ذحٌُحَٓ ضطٔطغ ذِٔٓحش ضظٔ‪٤ٔ٤‬س ٓ​ٓط‪ٞ‬قحز ٖٓ ْ‪٤‬حٌجش جُلثس ‪٤ٍْٓ ٖٓS‬ىِ‪ -‬ذُ٘‬ ‫جُلحنٍز‪ًٔ ،‬ح أٗ‪ٜ‬ح ضطْٓ ذوىٌ ًر‪ ٖٓ ٍ٤‬جالذطٌحٌ ‪ٝ‬ضٍْم ٓؼح‪ٓ ٍ٤٣‬طل‪ٞ‬هس ؾى‪٣‬ىز ضٍضو‪ ٢‬ذطؿٍذس‬ ‫جُٔٓحكٍ‪.»ٖ٣‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ضطٔ‪ ُ٤‬جألؾ٘كس جُهحطس جُؿى‪٣‬ىز ذطظٔ‪ٓ ْ٤‬رطٌٍ ‪ٝ‬ضؿ‪ُ٤ٜ‬جش ٓطـ‪ٌٞ‬ز ض‪ٞ‬كٍ ٓ​ٓط‪٣ٞ‬حش ؿ‪ٓ​ٓ ٍ٤‬ر‪ٞ‬هس ٖٓ‬ ‫جُهظ‪ٞ‬ط‪٤‬س ‪ٝ‬جٍُجقس ‪ٝ‬جُلهحٓس‪ ،‬ق‪٤‬ع ضطٔطغ ذحْطوالُ‪٤‬س ضحٓس ذلؼَ ضؿ‪ُٛ٤ٜ‬ح ‪ٝ‬ضْ ضؿ‪ ًَ ُ٤ٜ‬ؾ٘حـ‬ ‫ذهحط‪٤‬س جٌُٔحُٔحش جٍُٔت‪٤‬س‪ ،‬جُط‪ ٢‬ضط‪٤‬ف ُِٔٓحكٍ جالضظحٍ ٓغ أكٍجو أؿوْ جُهىٓس ُـِد جُهىٓحش ‪ٞ٣ٝ‬ؾى‬ ‫ٌَُ ؾ٘حـ «ٗحكًز نىٓس» ضط‪٤‬ف ُِٔٓحكٍ ضِو‪ ٢‬نىٓس جٍُٔؿرحش ‪ٝ‬جُٔأً‪ٞ‬الش جُهل‪٤‬لس ٓغ جُٔكحكظس ػِ‪٠‬‬ ‫نظ‪ٞ‬ط‪٤‬ط‪.ٚ‬‬ ‫رظُّ​ُ ِجزىط‬ ‫‪ُٝ‬ؼٔحٕ ضٔطغ ٓ​ٓحكٍ‪ ١‬جُىٌؾس جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬ذاؿالُس ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٔ٘حؿن جُط‪ ٢‬ضؼرٍ جُـحتٍز أؾ‪ٞ‬جء‪ٛ‬ح‪ ،‬جْطهىٓص‬ ‫ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش ٍُِٔز جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬ػِ‪ٓ​ٓ ٠‬ط‪ ٟٞ‬ط٘حػس جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جُ٘‪ٞ‬جكً جالكطٍجػ‪٤‬س ك‪ ٢‬جألؾ٘كس‬ ‫جُ‪ْٞ‬ـ‪،٠‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫ذك‪٤‬ع ‪ًٌ ٍٟ٣‬حخ ‪ ًٙٛ‬جألؾ٘كس جُٔشح‪ٛ‬ى نحٌؼ جُـحتٍز‪ ،‬ذحْطهىجّ ضو٘‪٤‬س ًحٓ‪ٍ٤‬ج جُ​ُٖٓ جُلؼِ‪ٌٖٔ٣ٝ .٢‬‬ ‫ُِٔٓحكٍ‪ ٖ٣‬جُطٔطغ ذٔشح‪ٛ‬ىز أًػٍ ٖٓ ‪ 2500‬ه٘حز ضٍك‪٤ٜ٤‬س قٓد جُـِد‪ ،‬ػِ‪ ٠‬شحشس ٓ​ٓـكس ػحُ‪٤‬س‬ ‫جُ‪ٞ‬ػ‪ٞ‬ـ ‪LCD‬ه‪٤‬حِ ‪ 32‬ذ‪ٞ‬طس‪ ،‬أ‪ ٖٓ ٝ‬نالٍ ػٍع ٓكط‪ ٟٞ‬ضٍك‪ ٖٓ ٢ٜ٤‬أؾ‪ُٜ‬ض‪ ْٜ‬جُهحطس‪.‬‬ ‫‪٣ٝ‬ط‪ٞ‬كٍ وجنَ جُؿ٘حـ أ‪٣‬ؼحً ٓ​ٓحقس ‪ٝ‬جْؼس ُِطهُ‪ ،ٖ٣‬ذٔح ك‪ ٢‬يُي نُجٗس ػِ‪٣ٞ‬س ذطظٔ‪ٓ ْ٤‬رطٌٍ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬نُجٗس ؾحٗر‪٤‬س ذحُكؿْ جُـر‪٤‬ؼ‪ُ ٢‬طؼِ‪٤‬ن جُٔالذّ‪٣ٝ .‬كط‪ٓ ًَ ١ٞ‬وؼى ػِ‪ ٠‬ن‪٤‬حٌجش ئػحءز شهظ‪٤‬س‬ ‫‪ٗٝ‬ظحّ ضٌ‪٤٤‬ق ‪٣‬ط‪٤‬ف جُطكٌْ ذىٌؾس جُكٍجٌز ذِٔٓس ٌَ‪ٞ٣ٝ .‬ؾى ك‪ ٖٓ ًَ ٢‬جألؾ٘كس جألنٍ‪٘ٓ ٟ‬ظحٌ‬ ‫ٓوٍخ ُطٌٔ‪ ٖ٤‬جُٔٓحكٍ ٖٓ جُطٔطغ ذ٘ظٍز ٖٓ جألػِ‪ ٠‬ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٔ٘حؿن جُط‪ ٢‬ضكِن جُـحتٍز ك‪ ٢‬أؾ‪ٞ‬جت‪ٜ‬ح‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هى ضْ جػطٔحو أقىظ جُطو٘‪٤‬حش ك‪ٓ ٢‬وحػى أؾ٘كس جُىٌؾس جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬جُؿى‪٣‬ىز‪ ،‬ق‪٤‬ع ‪ٔ٣‬طحَ جُٔوؼى جُؿِى‪١‬‬ ‫جُ‪ٞ‬غ‪ ٍ٤‬جُوحذَ ُِطك‪ ٍٞ‬ئُ‪ٓ​ٓ ٍ٣ٍْ ٠‬ط‪ ٞ‬ذحٌُحَٓ‪ ،‬ذآٌحٗ‪٤‬س ػرـ‪ ٚ‬ك‪ٝ ٢‬ػغ «جُؿحيذ‪٤‬س طلٍ» أ‪ٝ‬‬ ‫جالنط‪٤‬حٌ ٖٓ ذ‪ ٖ٤‬ػشٍجش جُ‪ٞ‬ػؼ‪٤‬حش ُؼٔحٕ ضٔطغ جُٔٓحكٍ ذٔٓط‪٣ٞ‬حش ؿ‪ٓ​ٓ ٍ٤‬ر‪ٞ‬هس ٖٓ جٍُجقس‪.‬‬ ‫ذغىح ِجسئُخ‬ ‫‪ْٞٝ‬ف ضىنَ ؿحتٍجش جُر‪٘٣ٞ‬ؾ ‪ER 300-٧٧٧‬جُٔؿ‪ُٜ‬ز ذأؾ٘كس جُىٌؾس جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬جُؿى‪٣‬ىز‪ ،‬جُهىٓس‬ ‫ػٖٔ أْـ‪ ٍٞ‬ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش جػطرحٌجً ٖٓ ‪ 1‬و‪ٔٓ٣‬رٍ جُٔورَ‪ْٞٝ .‬ف ‪٣‬رىأ ذع جإلػالٕ ػرٍ غٔحٗ‪٢‬‬ ‫و‪ً ٍٝ‬هـ‪ٞ‬ز ٓرىت‪٤‬س جػطرحًٌج ٖٓ أّٓ ‪ٞٗ 13‬كٔرٍ‪ٝ .‬هى ضْ ضـ‪ ٍ٣ٞ‬كٌٍز جإلػالٕ ‪ًٝ‬طحذس جُ٘ض ٖٓ هرَ‬ ‫ٓ‪ٞ‬ظل‪ ٢‬ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش‪ٝ ،‬هحّ ذطظ‪ ٍٙ٣ٞ‬جُٔهٍؼ جُؼحُٔ‪ ٢‬ك‪ٞ‬ؿحٕ أٌٗ‪.َ٤‬‬ ‫‪ًٝ‬حٕ ك‪ٞ‬ؿحٕ هى أٗطؽ ٓإنٍجً قِٔس ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش جإلػالٗ‪٤‬س ذؼ٘‪ٞ‬جٕ «ػحُْ ٖٓ جأل‪ٝ‬هحش جُٔطٔ‪ُ٤‬ز»‪،‬‬ ‫جُط‪ ٢‬الهص ٌ‪ٝ‬جؾحً ًر‪ٍ٤‬جً‪ٝ ،‬هى جْطهىٓص «و‪ٗٝ‬ص ْط‪ٞ‬خ ٓ‪ٗ ٢‬ح‪ »ٝ‬جُط‪ ٢‬ضإو‪ٜ٣‬ح كٍهس جٍُ‪ٝ‬ى جُرٍ‪٣‬ـحٗ‪٤‬س‬ ‫«ً‪٤ًْٞٔ »ٖ٣ٞ‬و‪ ٠‬نِل‪٤‬س ُ‪ٜ‬ح‪.‬‬ ‫رُ​ُ والضن‪ :‬اٌغٍجُبد اٌغسَسح ثحبعخ ٌسػُ «إَطثبص»‬ ‫هحٍ ض‪ً ْ٤‬الٌى ٌت‪ ّ٤‬ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش‪ٓ ،‬طكىغحً ك‪ٓ ٢‬ؼٍع وذ‪ُِ ٢‬ـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ُـ»ذِ‪ٓٞ‬ر‪ٍ٤‬ؽ» ئٕ جُشًٍس‬ ‫هحوٌز ػِ‪ ٠‬جْط‪٤‬ؼحخ جُُٔ‪٣‬ى ٖٓ ؿحتٍجش ‪A380‬ئُ‪ٓ ٠‬ح ‪٣‬طؿح‪ 142 َٝ‬ؿِر‪٤‬س ‪.‬ئال إٔ ًالٌى هحٍ ئٕ‬ ‫ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش ذكحؾس ئُ‪ٌ ٠‬ؤ‪٣‬س ش‪٢‬ء ِٓٔ‪ٓ ٖٓ ِٞ‬ؿِّ ئوجٌز ئ‪ٍ٣‬ذحص ‪٣‬ؼٌّ وػْ جُشًٍس‬ ‫ُِرٍٗحٓؽ هرَ إٔ ‪٣‬ؼٔى ئُ‪ ٠‬شٍجء جُُٔ‪٣‬ى ٖٓ جُـحتٍجش ٓؼ‪٤‬لًح أٗ‪ ٚ‬قط‪ ُٞ ٠‬ضْ جُط‪ٞ‬طَ ئُ‪ ٠‬طلوس ؾى‪٣‬ىز‬ ‫كإ جألٍٓ ‪٣‬ؼ‪ٞ‬و ئُ‪ ٠‬ئوجٌز ئ‪ٍ٣‬ذحص ُطوٌٍ ٓح ئيج ًحٕ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُؼىو ًحك‪٤‬ح ُإلذوحء ػِ‪ ٠‬ذٍٗحٓؽ جُـحتٍز‬ ‫هحتٔحً‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف‪ :‬ئيج ؿِر٘ح جُُٔ‪٣‬ى ٖٓ يُي ٍٗ‪٣‬ى إٔ ٗؼٖٔ ‪ٝ‬ؾ‪ٞ‬و ئٌجوز ٖٓ جُ٘حق‪٤‬س جُطؼحهى‪٣‬س ُإلذوحء ػِ‪ ٠‬نؾ‬ ‫جإلٗطحؼ ‪ 10‬ئُ‪ْ٘ 15 ٠‬س ٓ‪ٞ‬ػكًح إٔ ئ‪ٍ٣‬ذحص ضٍؿد ك‪ ٢‬ض‪٣ٌٞ‬ى جُُٔ‪٣‬ى ٖٓ جُـحتٍجش ُ٘ح ‪ُٝ‬ـ‪ٍٗ٤‬ح‪،‬‬ ‫ؿ‪ ٍ٤‬إٔ ٓؿِّ ئوجٌض‪ٜ‬ح ٌذٔح ُ‪ٝ ٚ‬ؾ‪ٜ‬س ٗظٍ ضو‪«ٍٞ‬ئيج ً٘طْ ال ضر‪٤‬ؼ‪ ٕٞ‬جُُٔ‪٣‬ى ٖٓ جُـحتٍجش‪ ،‬ئُ‪ ٠‬ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‬ ‫جإلٓحٌجش أ‪ ٝ‬ؿ‪ٍٛ٤‬ح‪ ،‬ال ٍٗ‪٣‬ىًْ إٔ ضٓطٍٔ‪ٝ‬ج ك‪ ٢‬يُي»‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫"عُطاْ اإلِبضاد"‪ ..‬عٕبػ فٕسلٍ فبذط ثّمظىضرهب اٌغسَسح‬ ‫أػٍٕذ طحُفخ "اإلِبضاد اٌُىَ"‪ ،‬أْ شطوخ اإلِبضارُخ وشفذ فٍ ِؼطع زثٍ ٌٍغُطاْ ػٓ‬ ‫ِمظىضرهب اٌغسَسح اٌّغٍمخ ٌطوبة اٌسضعخ األوًٌ ػًٍ عبئطارهب عطاظ ثىَٕظ ‪.300-777‬‬ ‫ولبٌذ اٌظحُفخ‪ ،‬فإْ األعٕحخ اٌربطخ ػًٍ ِزٓ عبئطح عُطاْ اإلِبضاد رزُّع ثىعىز وطؼٍ ذبص‬ ‫ثُّعح أؼساَ اٌغبشثُخ‪ ،‬وعهبظ رٍفبظ ثشبشخ ضلُّخ لُبغ ‪ 32‬ثىطخ وذعأخ‪ ،‬ثبإلضبفخ إًٌ‬ ‫ِغّىػخ ذبطخ ِٓ ِٕبظُط‪.‬‬ ‫‪ْٝ‬طُ‪ٝ‬و جُـحتٍز ذـ‪ 3‬أؾ٘كس نحطس ك‪ ٢‬جُٔوظ‪ٌٞ‬ز‪ٓ ،‬غ ‪ٝ‬ؾ‪ٞ‬و ٗحكًز جكطٍجػ‪٤‬س ًٍُحخ جُظق جأل‪ْٝ‬ؾ‬ ‫ُؼٍع ٓشح‪ٛ‬ى ٖٓ جُهحٌؼ ك‪ ٢‬جُ‪ٞ‬هص جُكو‪٤‬و‪.٢‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬نؼؼص جُٔوظ‪ٌٞ‬جش جُػالظ‪ ،‬جأل‪ٌٝ ٠ُٝ‬ؾحٍ جألػٔحٍ ‪ٝ‬جُٓ‪٤‬حق‪٤‬س‪ ،‬ػِ‪ ٠‬أقىظ ؿحتٍجش جإلٓحٌجش‬ ‫ذ‪٘٣ٞ‬ؽ ‪ًُ​ًٝER 300-٧٧٧‬ي جُٔ​ٍٔجش ‪ٝ‬جُكٔحٓحش‪ُ ،‬رٍٗحٓؽ ضـ‪ ٍ٣ٞ‬ذطٌِلس ٓال‪ ٖ٤٣‬جُى‪ٝ‬الٌجش شَٔ‬ ‫أ‪٣‬ؼحً ضظحٓ‪ ْ٤‬ؾى‪٣‬ىز ُِٔوحػى ‪ٝ‬ضٍه‪٤‬س ٗظحّ جُطٍك‪ ٚ٤‬جُؿ‪ ١ٞ‬ك‪ ٢‬ؾٔ‪٤‬غ جُىٌؾحش‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ ٌت‪ ّ٤‬شًٍس ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش‪ ،‬جُٓ‪ ٍ٤‬ض‪ً ْ٤‬الٌى‪ ،‬ئٕ جُٔوظ‪ٌٞ‬جش جُؿى‪٣‬ىز ض‪ٞ‬كٍ ٓ​ٓحقس أ‪ْٝ‬غ‬ ‫ٖٓ جُهظ‪ٞ‬ط‪٤‬س‪ٓ​ٓ ٢ٛٝ ،‬ط‪ٞ‬قحز ٖٓ كهحٓس ٓحًٌس جُٓ‪٤‬حٌجش جُش‪ٍ٤ٜ‬ز‪٤ٍْٓ ،‬ىِ ذُ٘‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػحف «ًالٌى»‪ ٢ٛ ًٙٛ« :‬جٍُٔز جأل‪ ٠ُٝ‬جُط‪٣ ٢‬طأغٍ ك‪ٜ٤‬ح ٓ٘طؽ جإلٓحٌجض‪٤‬س ذؼالٓس ضؿحٌ‪٣‬س كحنٍز‬ ‫أنٍ‪٘ٓ ٌُٚ٘ٝ ،ٟ‬حْد ضٔحٓح ألٕ ًالً ٖٓ جإلٓحٌجض‪٤‬س ‪٤ٍْٓٝ‬ىِ ذُ٘ ُى‪ٜٔ٣‬ح جالُطُجّ ٗلٓ‪ٗ ٖٓ ٚ‬حق‪٤‬س‬ ‫جُطلحط‪ َ٤‬جُىه‪٤‬وس ‪ٝ‬جُؿ‪ٞ‬وز ‪ٝ‬جُطـ‪ ٌٞ‬ؿ‪ ٍ٤‬جُٔكى‪ٝ‬و»‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٗٝ‬شٍش شًٍس جُـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ٓوـغ ك‪٤‬ى‪ ٞ٣‬ػِ‪ٞٓ ٠‬هغ «ض‪٣ٞ‬طٍ»‪٣ ،‬ظ‪ ٍٜ‬ك‪ ٚ٤‬قحًْ وذ‪ ،٢‬جُش‪٤‬م ٓكٔى ذٖ‬ ‫ٌجشى آٍ ٌٓط‪٣ ،ّٞ‬و‪ ّٞ‬ذؿ‪ُٞ‬س ك‪ ٢‬جُٔوظ‪ٌٞ‬ز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬طُٔ​ٔص جُٔوظ‪ٌٞ‬ز ذحْطهىجّ ضكِ‪ُ َ٤‬ىٌجْحش ‪ًٝ‬حُس جُلؼحء جألٍٓ‪٤ٌ٣‬س «ٗحْح»‪ ،‬ئي ضٔ‪ َ٤‬جُٔوحػى ئُ‪٠‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ػغ «جٗؼىجّ جُؿحيذ‪٤‬س» جًُ‪ٞ٣ ١‬طق ذأٗ‪ٓ ٚ‬ؼ‪٤‬حٌ جٍُجقس جألٓػَ ٍُ‪ٝ‬جو جُلؼحء‪ ،‬ألٗ‪٣ ٚ‬هلق جُؼـؾ‬ ‫ػِ‪ ٠‬جُظ‪ٝ ٍٜ‬جٍُهرس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ «ًالٌى» ك‪ ٢‬قى‪٣‬ع ٓغ جُظكل‪ ٖ٤٤‬ك‪ٓ ٢‬ؼٍع وذ‪ُِ ٢‬ـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‪ٓ ٞٛٝ ،‬ؼٍع و‪ُِ ٢ُٝ‬ـحتٍجش‬ ‫جُطؿحٌ‪٣‬س‪ ،‬ئٕ جُـحتٍجش جُٔؿىوز ْطرىأ جُؼَٔ ػِ‪ ٠‬جُٔٓحٌجش جُٔإو‪٣‬س ئُ‪ ٠‬ذٍ‪ٝ ًَٓٝ‬ؾ٘‪٤‬ق‪ٌُٜ٘ ،‬ح‬ ‫ْطط‪ْٞ‬غ ئُ‪ٝ ٠‬ؾ‪ٜ‬حش أنٍ‪ٓ ٟ‬غ ٍٓ‪ ٌٝ‬جُ‪ٞ‬هص‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫"عُطاْ اإلِبضاد"‪ ..‬عٕبػ فٕسلٍ فبذط ثّمظىضرهب اٌغسَسح (فُسَى)‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


‫عُطاْ اإلِبضاد لس رغٍت اٌّعَس ِٓ عبئطاد ثىَٕغ ‪ 787‬ثٕفػ‬ ‫اٌشطوط‬

‫لبي رُ​ُ والضن ضئُػ عُطاْ اإلِبضاد إْ اٌشطوخ لس رغٍت اٌّعَس ِٓ‬ ‫اٌغبئطاد ثىَٕظ ‪ 787‬ثٕفػ اٌشطوط اٌزغبضَخ ٌٍظفمخ اٌزٍ أػٍٕزهب‬ ‫َىَ األحس اٌّبضٍ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬أػِ٘ص ؿ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ جإلٓحٌجش ‪ ّٞ٣‬جألقى جُطُجًٓح ذشٍجء ‪ 40‬ؿحتٍز ٖٓ‬ ‫ؿٍجَ ‪ 10-٧8٧‬ك‪ ٢‬طلوس ه‪ٔ٤‬ط‪ٜ‬ح ‪٤ِٓ 15.1‬حٌ و‪ٝ‬الٌ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬هحٍ ًالٌى ُِظكل‪ ٖ٤٤‬ك‪ٓ ٢‬ؼٍع وذ‪ُِ ٢‬ـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ ئٕ جُشًٍس جُط‪٢‬‬ ‫ٓوٍ‪ٛ‬ح وذ‪ ٌٖٔ٣ ٢‬إٔ ضرىأ ك‪ ٢‬ضِْٓ جُـحتٍجش هرَ ػحّ ‪ٞٛٝ 2022‬‬ ‫جُٔ‪ٞ‬ػى جُٔوٌٍ ُرىء ضِٓ‪ ْ٤‬جُـحتٍجش ك‪ ٢‬جُ‪ٞ‬هص جُكحُ‪.٢‬‬ ‫ُْ ‪٣‬لظف ًالٌى ػٖ ػىو جُـحتٍجش جإلػحك‪٤‬س جُط‪ ٢‬هى ضـِر‪ٜ‬ح جُشًٍس‬ ‫أ‪ ٝ‬ض‪ٞ‬ه‪٤‬ص أنً جُوٍجٌ ُشٍجء جُُٔ‪٣‬ى‪.‬‬

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬


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‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ IATA DG and CEO: African aviation industry loses USD1.50 for each passenger it carries IATA DG and CEO Alexandre de Juniac said (13-Nov2017) the African aviation industry loses USD1.50 for "each passenger it carries". "Africa also faces great challenges and many airlines struggle to break-even... Governments should be aware that Africa is a high cost place for aviation", he said. Mr de Juniac said taxes, fuel and infrastructure charges are higher in Africa than the global average, adding: "Insufficient safety oversight, failure to follow global standards, and restrictive air service agreements all add to the burden that stands in the way of aviation's economic and social benefits".

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

African aviation industry calls on governments to ease revenue repatriation By: Peterson Tumwebaze The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called on African governments to address the issue of blocked funds that is affecting the industry’s capacity to become profitable. The appeal was made yesterday at the opening of the 49th annual African Airlines Association general assembly in Kigali. The meeting was opened by Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente who underlined Rwanda’s commitment to the growth of the aviation sector and free movement of people across the continent. Ngirente called upon African governments and airlines to harmonise their operations, including airport taxes, improve and expand the aviation infrastructure, and train the required personnel as a means to promote intra-Africa trade. According to IATA, in Africa, airlines are experiencing varying degrees of difficulty repatriating revenues earned in most countries on the continent especially in Angola, Algeria, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan and Zimbabwe. The repatriation is mainly hampered by monetary policies of some countries mainly because the industry largely trades in US dollars. “Practical solutions are needed so that airlines can reliably repatriate their revenues. It’s a condition for doing business and boosting connectivity,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO. According to IATA, safety, connectivity, blocked funds, and human capital should top the agenda for Africa to drive the sector’s maximum economic and social benefits in Africa. Dr Elijah Chingosho, the outgoing African Airlines Association (AFRAA) Secretary General, said up $1 billion airlines’ cash is currently blocked, affecting the industry’s capacity to reinvest.


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ According to Chance Ndagano, the acting chief executive officer of RwandAir, the habit of blocking funds has equally often affected the national carrier’s ambitious plans to expand its wings across the Africa. “Some governments, through their central banks, often don’t allow airlines to repatriate revenue, especially when earned in dollars, posing a challenge to airliners,” he said adding that, he remains optimistic about the airline’s strategy to continue expanding its footprint across the globe. “Our growth will always be driven by demand,” he added. Aviation currently supports 6.8 million jobs and contributes $72.5 billion in GDP to Africa. Over the next 20 years, passenger demand is set to expand by an average of 5.7 per cent annually. Raphael Kuuchi, the IATA Vice President, Africa, said “Africa also faces great challenges and many airlines struggle to break-even. And, as a whole, the African aviation industry will lose $1.50 for each passenger it carries.’’ Promoting safety Governments should be aware that Africa is a high-cost place for aviation taxes, fuel and infrastructure charges are higher than the global average and need to be addressed urgently, he added. Meanwhile, the aviation body lauded safety in Africa’s skies, which they said had greatly improved over the years. In 2016, there were no passenger fatalities or jet hull losses in SubSaharan Africa. “African safety has improved, but there is a gap to close. Global standards such as the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) are key. Performance statistics for IOSA show that the accident rate of the 33 IOSA registered carriers in Sub-Saharan Africa is half that of carriers not on the registry. That’s why I urge African Governments to use IOSA in their safety oversight,” said de Juniac.


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Intra-Africa connectivity IATA urged the 22 states that have signed-up to the Yamoussoukro Decision (which seeks opening up of intra-Africa aviation markets) to follow through on their commitment. And it further urged governments to fast-track the African Union’s Single Africa Air Transport Market initiative. “African economic growth is being constrained by a lack of intraAfrica air connectivity. Opportunities are being lost simply because convenient flight connections are not available. While we cannot undo the past, we should not miss out on a bright future,” said de Juniac. The aviation body also urged industry consultation on air traffic management investment decisions. That will ensure alignment with airline operational needs and avoid over-investment, experts say. Experts believe “investments must improve safety and efficiency from the user’s perspective. Otherwise, they are just an additional cost burden


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ Experts seek smarter aviation regulation in Africa Aviation expert from across Africa and beyond on Monday sought tougher, smarter regulation policies that will guide the uninterrupted growth of the airline industry on the continent. They were speaking at the opening of 49th Annual General Assembly (AGA) for African Airlines Association (AFRAA) and its summit in the Rwandan capital city Kigali. The AGA and the summit, held from Nov. 12 to 14, is the biggest air transport event in Africa that brings together airline chief executive officers and other high profile executives and decision-makers in the aviation industry in Africa, according to Rwandan Ministry of Infrastructure. "We are looking at engaging African governments to adopt smarter, tougher regulation framework to avoid unintended consequences when designing or implementing aviation policies. Smarter regulation is key to achieve tremendous airline growth on the continent," said Elijah Chingosho, secretary general of AFRAA. Chingosho called for civil aviation authorities in African nations to be given greater resources and operational independence to ensure improved safety standards. He said the growth of aviation sector in Africa is being hampered by ill-conceived regulation policies, poor safety oversight, and costly Iyabo Sosina, secretary general of African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), said that some countries in Africa currently are struggling to comply with 60 percent or more of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and recommended practices. "We have to engage African economies to take a smarter approach to regulation by ensuring full consultation with airlines in order to comply with aviation international standards and practices," she added.


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ Aviation experts agreed that greater momentum could be gained by enhancing awareness of aviation issues among African leaders and policy makers in order to sustain and improve the safety and security oversight, the ratification of aviation conventions and other legal instruments for Africa aviation industry to thrive. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Africa will be a market of 350 million airline passengers by 2035 if challenges affecting the sector are urgently addressed. African aviation currently supports 6.8 million jobs and contributes 72.5 billion U.S. dollars in GDP, said IATA. Over the next 20 years passenger demand is set to expand by an average of 5.7 percent annually which opens up incredible economic opportunities for the continent's 54 nations, according to IATA. While officially opening the event, Rwanda Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente said that African governments and airlines should harmonize their operations including airport taxes, improve and expand aviation infrastructure and train the required personnel. "We need to bear in mind that Africa's aviation is still lagging behind to the rest of the world. There are more issues that should be fixed if we are to catch up with the rest of the World," he added. Convened under the theme "Rethinking strategies for airline profitability in Africa", this year's AGA will deliberate aviation typical issues such as liberalization of African skies, cooperation, market leadership, costeffective operations, adoption and application of information communication technology among others. In addition to statutory assembly matters to be discussed, there will be exhibition of products, solutions and latest technologies in aviation by reputable service providers from across the world. Further, the AGA will also avail quality time and opportunity for networking and business meetings among African airlines, industry partners and service providers..


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ IATA – Africa Aviation: Safety, Connectivity, Blocked Funds, Human Capital The International Air Transport Association (IATA) highlighted five priorities which must be addressed for aviation to deliver maximum economic and social benefits in Africa. These are: Enhancing safety efforts Enabling airlines to improve intra-Africa connectivity Unblocking airline funds Avoiding air traffic management re-fragmentation and over-investment Ensuring that Africa has the professionals it needs to support the industry’s growth Aviation currently supports 6.8 million jobs and contributes $72.5 billion in GDP to Africa. Over the next 20 years passenger demand is set to expand by an average of 5.7% annually. “Africa is the region with greatest aviation potential. Over a billion people are spread across this vast continent. Aviation is uniquely placed to link Africa’s economic opportunities internally and beyond. And in doing so, aviation spreads prosperity and changes peoples’ lives for the better. That’s important for Africa. Aviation can help in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, including the eradication of poverty and improving both healthcare and education,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO, in a keynote address delivered on his behalf by Raphael Kuuchi, IATA Vice President, Africa, to the 49th African Airline’s Association Annual )AFRAA( General Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda. “Africa also faces great challenges and many airlines struggle to breakeven. And, as a whole, the African aviation industry will lose $1.50 for each passenger it carries. Governments should be aware that Africa is a high-cost place for aviation. Taxes, fuel and infrastructure charges are higher than the global average. Additionally, insufficient safety oversight, failure to follow global standards, and restrictive air service agreements all add to the burden that stands in the way of aviation’s economic and social benefits,” said de Juniac. .


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ Safety Safety in Africa has improved. In 2016 there were no passenger fatalities or jet hull losses in Sub-Saharan Africa. When turbo-prop operations are included, Sub-Saharan Africa recorded 2.3 accidents per million flights against a global average of 1.6 accidents per million flights. “African safety has improved, but there is a gap to close. Global standards such as the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) are the key. Performance statistics for IOSA show that the accident rate of the 33 IOSA registered carriers in Sub-Saharan Africa is half that of carriers not on the registry. That’s why I urge African Governments to use IOSA in their safety oversight,” said de Juniac. De Juniac also called for improved government safety oversight, noting that only 22 African states have reached or surpassed the implementation of 60% of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) standards and recommended practices (SARPs) for safety oversight. “The Abuja declaration committed states to achieve world class safety in Africa. ICAO SARPs are critical global standards. And governments must not fall behind in delivering on important revised Abuja targets such as the establishment of Runway Safety Teams,” said de Juniac. Intra-Africa Connectivity IATA urged the 22 states that have signed-up for the Yamoussoukro Decision (which opens intra-Africa aviation markets) to follow through on their commitment. And it further urged governments to progress the African Union’s Single Africa Air Transport Market initiative. “African economic growth is being constrained by a lack of intra-Africa air connectivity. Opportunities are being lost simply because convenient flight connections are not available. While we cannot undo the past, we should not miss out on a bright future,” said de Juniac.


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

Blocked Funds Airlines experience varying degrees of difficulty repatriating revenues earned in Africa from their operations in Angola, Algeria, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan and Zimbabwe. “Practical solutions are needed so that airlines can reliably repatriate their revenues. It’s a condition for doing business and providing connectivity,” said de Juniac. Air Traffic Management IATA called on African governments to avoid air traffic management re-fragmentation in the face of decisions by Rwanda to leave the Dar-Es-Salamm Flight Information Region (FIR) and South Sudan to leave the Khartoum FIR. “ASENCA, COMESA and the EAC upper airspace initiatives improve the efficiency of air traffic management by working together. I urge Rwanda and South Sudan to reconsider their decisions,” said de Juniac. IATA also urged industry consultation on air traffic management investment decisions. That will ensure alignment with airline operational needs and avoid over-investment. “Investments must improve safety and efficiency from the user’s perspective. If not, they are just an additional cost burden,” said de Juniac. The ICAO Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) framework is a practical guide for such consultations


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

IATA: Foreign airlines have $221m trapped in Nigeria Speaking at an aviation meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, on Monday, Kuuchi said airlines were in talks with a few countries to unblock the funds. The crash in the global prices of commodities had reduced government’s revenue in commodity-based economies and led to dollar shortages, putting local currencies under pressure. This made it difficult for foreign airlines to repatriate their dollar profits in full. In 2016, airlines like Emirates complained about the difficulty in repatriating foreign currency on naira-dominated tickets sold in the country. “To do business effectively, airlines must be able to reliably repatriate their revenues. And that’s not the case in nine African countries: Angola, Algeria, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan and Zimbabwe Adefunke Adeyemi, an IATA official told Reuters. “Of the total of $1.2 billion, Angola has blocked the largest amount, $500 million, while Sudan has held up $200 million. “Last year, Nigeria owed airliners $600 million but as of October the amount had fallen to $221 million.” While delivering the keynote address for Alexandre de Juniac, IATA CEO, Kuuchi said Africa’s passenger demand will expand by 5.7% annually. “Aviation currently supports 6.8 million jobs and contributes $72.5 billion in GDP to Africa. Over the next 20 years passenger demand is set to expand by an average of 5.7% annually,” he said. “Africa also faces great challenges and many airlines struggle to break-even. And, as a whole, the African aviation industry will lose $1.50 for each passenger it carries. “million flights.”


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

Governments should be aware that Africa is a high-cost place for aviation. Taxes, fuel and infrastructure charges are higher than the global average. Additionally, insufficient safety oversight, failure to follow global standards, and restrictive air service agreements all add to the burden that stands in the way of aviation’s economic and social benefits. “Safety in Africa has improved. In 2016 there were no passenger fatalities or jet hull losses in sub-Saharan Africa. When turbo-prop operations are included, sub-Saharan Africa recorded 2.3 accidents per million flights against a global average of 1.6 accidents per


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

South African commercial aviation activity consolidates modest recovery By: Keith Campbell Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor The Commercial Aviation Association of Southern Africa (Caasa) reported on Monday that its Aviation Activity Index (Caai) for the third quarter of this year had “consolidated its modest recovery from a disappointing first quarter”. The Caai is a composite index created to provide an indicator of economic activity in the commercial aviation sector that is balanced and objective. The first quarter experienced a sharp decline which, for the first time, took the Caai below the base period level of 100. Because of this, the downward trend of the three-month moving average has not yet swung back upwards. However, it has stayed above the base period level of 100. (The base period is the first quarter of 2014.) Of the 25 indicators used in the creation of the Caai, 13 went up (improved) during the first half of the year, while 12 went down. “To a large extent, this split explains the marginal movement in the index during the 3rd quarter,” stated Caasa. The improvement in the Caai since the first quarter has largely been due to the value of aircraft imports and to the number of air traffic movements at the country’s main airports. )It is because buying and selling aircraft, which involves small volumes but high values, creates short-term volatility, that the index uses a three-month moving average trend.) Regarding air traffic movements, and compared to the average since 2014, the large airports that performed the best have been OR Tambo International (Johannesburg), Cape Town and Durban. Among the airports that do not belong to the Airports Company South Africa (Acsa), those that did best were Pietermaritzburg, Rand, Grand Central, Nelspruit and Lanseria. According to the Caai, South African commercial aviation activity has increased at an average yearly rate of 4% since the base period. This is in line with the performance of the whole economy over the same time. The 25 indicators that make up the Caai are combined into seven groups. These are: the value of imports of helicopters; the value of imports of aeroplanes with a mass less than 15 t; the number of aircraft imported; the value of aircraft spares imported; the value of aircraft exports; the number of air traffic movements at six Acsa airports; and the number of air traffic movements at seven non-Acsa airports

‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬

Fly Africa invests $7,2m to resuscitate firm Passengers board a Fly Africa plane from Victoria Falls to Harare last Friday. Business Reporters Low-cost airline – Fly Africa Zimbabwe – says it has invested $7,2 million out of a planned $9 million towards the resuscitation of the airline after it resumed operations recently post-resolution of shareholder disputes that had halted its operations some 24 months ago.The airline is also targeting to further extend its services into the region in the short-term and international routes in the long-term. Fly Africa Zimbabwe chairman Cassidy Mugwagwa, said of the total amount, the airline had so far used $7 million towards boosting its operations and move towards becoming the biggest budget airline in the country and the region. In light of this, Fly Africa says plans are already at an advanced stage to resume its flights to Johannesburg, while it is also looking at other routes such as the Cape Town, Lusaka, Dubai and Windhoek. Locally, the airline is also mulling introduction of Harare-Bulawayo route. “Fly Africa is back, a lot has been invested into getting back what was there before, in terms of routes that we are also expanding,” said Mr Mugwagwa in interviews. “We have put a $7, 2 million investment for our comeback, out of the budgeted $9 million. In terms of fleet, we currently have five aircraft, next year we should have acquired a Boeing,” he said. Fly Africa is currently plying the Harare–Victoria Falls route with three flights a week. The airline anticipates resumption of its Harare–Johannesburg route before end of this year. .


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ Around December 21, we should be launching the HarareJohannesburg flights, then we can look at other destinations such as Dubai,” said Mr Mugwagwa adding that the airline was targeting over 80 percent market share on all its routes. This, he said would be achieved through leveraging on price competitiveness. Fly Africa started flights in August 2014 following delays caused by pilot licensing issues. The airline took an 18 month hiatus but resumed flights in June this year after its acquisition by local firm, Mugwagwa Resources. Mr Mugwagwa said the shareholder disputes that were also causing business disruptions had been resolved allowing the firm to focus on its growth strategies. Prior to the acquisition by Mugwagwa Resources the airline shareholding was as follows: the Karase family owned 51 percent of FlyAfrica Zimbabwe through Nu Aero (Pvt) Limited, while the other 49 percent was previously owned by Mauritius-based FlyAfrica Limited. Just like any other industry in Zimbabwe, the aviation industry has also been affected by foreign currency shortages although Mr Mugwagwa said the relevant authorities had been forthcoming in the allocation of funds. “In the aviation industry, almost everything requires foreign currency as it is sourced outside, but the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has been helpful in ensuring we resume,” he said.


‫طىضح أضشُفُخ‬ Growing number of African airlines deploy SITA’s passenger management solution Air Senegal becomes the newest airline to use SITA’s Horizon. KIGALI – Air Senegal SA has become the latest airline in Africa to introduce SITA’s passenger services system )PSS( to manage every aspect of their operation – from reservations and pricing to ticketing and departure control. The airline is one of a growing number of carriers on the continent that have turned to SITA to provide technology solutions to better manage their passenger operations. Already 15 airlines and ground handlers in Africa use SITA’s Horizon® Passenger Management and Distribution solution while 100 airlines and ground handlers around the globe have used it to board more than 123 million passengers and check in 158 million travelers each year. Horizon offers the most comprehensive, integrated range of passenger management services available today. Its infrastructure is built on a flexible platform of core systems required by every airline, allowing each carrier to customize the system to meet their specific business requirements and to accommodate future growth. Air Senegal, the west African country’s new national airline, has turned to SITA to provide a full suite of services – including reservations, ticketing, airfare distribution and departure control – that will support the launch of the airline’s first flights later this year. Philippe Bohn, CEO of Air Senegal, said: “We have an ambition to establish Air

Senegal as a key carrier in West Africa and make our presence felt across the continent. In order to achieve this ambition, it is important that we have a passenger management system that takes care of every aspect of operating the airline and delivers a smooth experience for our passengers every step of the way. SITA is a key partner in providing this technology and we are in the process of implementing this solution ahead of our launch flights later this year.” Hani El-Assaad, SITA President, Middle East, India & Africa, said: “The air transport industry in Africa is emerging as a major growth market in terms of passenger growth. Our presence and experience on the continent, together with the real business value offered by Horizon, has placed us in an ideal position to support both the continent’s emerging and established airlines, using a passenger management platform that can accommodate airlines of any size, fleet or operating model.”

‫جوجٌز جُؼالهحش جُؼحٓس ‪ -‬جُشًٍس جُوحذؼس‬ ‫ُٔظٍ ُِـ‪ٍ٤‬جٕ‬

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