EGYPTAIR News 19 nov 2017

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‫حألكي‬ ‫‪2017/11/19‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬



‫ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪ ..‬حٿٴخثِ حألٻزَ رڄ‪ َٝ٬‬ىرِ "اٌَّٗ" ‪2017‬‬ ‫ّلٍَه‪:‬‬

‫ڃلڄي ‪ْ٤٫‬ش‬

‫حنظيض ٳ‪٬‬خٿْخص ڃ‪ َٝ٬‬ىرِ حَّ ٌٗ ‪ً 2017‬ٻخنض ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ىِ حٿٴخثِ حالٻزَ ٳِ حٿڄ‪ َٝ٬‬ٳزـخنذ طٌحؿيىخ حٿٸٌُ حٿٌُ ه‪٤‬ٲ أن‪٨‬خٍ ؿڄْ‪٪‬‬ ‫حٿًَحى ًؿنخكيخ حٿظٌّٔٸِ حٿڄڄِْ ‪..‬كخُص َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رخٿ‪ٜ‬ٴٸش حالىڂ ًحالٻزَ ‪٫‬ڀِ ڃيحٍ طخٍّويخ حٿظِ رڀٰض ٷْڄظيخ ‪ 6‬ڃڀْخٍحص ىًالٍ ٿَ٘حء‬ ‫ًحٓظجـخٍ ‪٣ 45‬خثَس ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُحص رٌّنؾ ىٍّڂ الّنَ ‪ً 9-787‬اَّرخ‪ ًA320neo ٙ‬رٌڃزخٍىّْو ‪CS300‬ڃڄخ ؿ‪٬‬ڀيخ طظ‪ٜ‬يٍ ٯالٱ ڃـڀو‬ ‫‪ًDubai Airshow 2017‬حٿڄـالص حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش حٿڄوظ‪ٜ‬ش رٸ‪٤‬خ‪ ٩‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫ًٻ‪٬‬خىطيخ ٿڂ طټظٲ حٿڄٔخء رڄظخر‪٬‬ش حٿليع حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄِ ٳِ ڃـخٽ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ڃن ر‪ْ٬‬ي ٍح‪ْٟ‬ش رخٿزْخنخص حال‪٫‬الڃْش رپ ٻخنض ٗخىي ‪ْ٫‬خڅ طظخر‪٫ ٪‬ن ٷَد ًطَ‪ٛ‬ي‬ ‫ڃن ٷڀذ حٿڄ‪ َٝ٬‬ٳ‪٬‬خٿْخطو ًطنٸذ ‪٫‬ن طٴخ‪ْٛ‬پ ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش حٿٸَڅ ٿَ٘ٻظنخ حٿٌ‪٣‬نْش ًطنٴَى رلٌحٍحص ڃ‪ ٪‬ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿڄ٘خٍٻْن‬ ‫هالٽ ٳ‪٬‬خٿْخص حٿڄ‪ َٝ٬‬حٿظٸض حٿڄٔخء ڃ‪َّٗ ٪‬ٲ ٳظلِ ًَُّ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ حٿٌُ حٻي حڅ حٿٴظَس حٿٸخىڃش ٌٓٱ ط٘يي حٿ‪٬‬يّي ڃن حالكيحع ‪٫‬ڀِ ڃٔظٌُ‬ ‫ٷ‪٤‬خ‪ ٩‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ ٳوالٽ حٿ٘يَ حٿٸخىځ ْٓظٌؿو حٿِ حنـڀظَح ٿل‪ ٌٍ٠‬ڃئطڄَ"حٻٔزٌ" حالڃنِ ٳِ ٷ‪٤‬خ‪ ٩‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿٌُ طن‪٨‬ڄو حٿلټٌڃش حٿزَّ‪٤‬خنْش‬ ‫ًّ‪٬‬ي ڃن حىڂ حٿڄئطڄَحص حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش ٳِ ڃـخٽ حالڃن رخٿڄ‪٤‬خٍحص‪.‬‬ ‫ٻڄخ ٓظ٘يي ڃ‪ َٜ‬حًحثپ ‪٫‬خځ ‪ 2018‬كيػْن ىًٿْ​ْن حالًٽ‪.‬‬ ‫ڃئطڄَ ‪MRO AFRICA‬حٿوخ‪ ٙ‬رؤ‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًْٓ٘خٍٹ ٳْو ؿڄْ‪٫ ٪‬خٍ‪ ِٟ‬حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحٿؼخنِ ىٌ حٿڄنظيُ حالٳَّٸِ ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪AVIATION‬‬ ‫‪AFRICA‬حٿٌُ ٓظن‪٤‬ڀٶ ٳ‪٬‬خٿْخطو ٳِ حرَّپ ‪ 2018‬رڄ٘خٍٻش ‪٫‬يى ٻزَْ ڃن َٗٻخص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حالٳَّٸْش ًحٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش ًڃ‪ٜ‬ن‪ ِ٬‬حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ًىٌ حّ‪٠‬خ‬ ‫ڃنظيُ ‪٫‬خٿڄِ ْٓ٘خٍٹ ٳْو ؿيخص ًڃٔجٌٿْن ڃن ڃوظڀٲ ىًٽ حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ ًٿْ​ْ حٳَّٸْخ ٳٸ‪ .. ٢‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حنو ‪٫‬ٸي حؿظڄخ‪٫‬خ ىخڃخ ٳِ ؿنخف ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‬ ‫رڄ‪ َٝ٬‬ىرِ ڃ‪" ٪‬حالڅ رْٴَْص" ڃخٿٺ ڃـڀش "حًَّٓزْ​ْ" ًحٿڄٔجٌٽ ‪٫‬ن ىٌح حٿڄنظيُ حالٳَّٸِ ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫ٿـنش ‪٫‬ڀْخ‬ ‫ح‪ٟ‬خٱ ٳظلِ حنو ٗخٍٹ هالٽ طٌحؿيه ٳِ ىًٿش حالڃخٍحص حٿ‪َ٬‬رْش حٿ٘ٸْٸش ٳِ حٿڀـنش حٿٌُحٍّش حٿڄنزؼٸش ‪٫‬ن حٿڀـنش حٿ‪٬‬ڀْخ رَثخٓش ٍثِْٔ حٿٌٍُحء ٳِ‬ ‫حٿزڀيّن ‪ ..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حڅ حٿڀـنش ‪٫‬ٸيص حؿظڄخ‪٫‬خطيخ ٳِ حرٌ ‪٧‬زِ ًىرِ رڄ٘خٍٻش ٓلَ ن‪ًَُّ َٜ‬س حالٓظؼڄخٍ ًحٿٴَّٶ ڃيخد ڃڄْٖ ٍثْ​ْ ىْجش ٷنخس‬ ‫حٿٌّْٔ‪.‬‬ ‫حً‪ٟ‬ق حنو طڂ هالٽ حؿظڄخ‪ ٩‬حٿڀـنش ‪ َٝ٫‬أًٿِ ٿڄًَ٘‪" ٩‬حَّرٌٍص ْٓظِ" حٿظِ طزڀٮ ڃٔخكظو ‪ 10‬ڃالّْن ڃظَ ڃَر‪ .. ٪‬ڃٌ‪ٟ‬لخ حنو طٸٍَ ڃنق ڃًَنش‬ ‫ٳِ طو‪ً ْٜٚ‬طٸْٔڂ ڃٔخكخص حالٍ‪ ٝ‬حٿڄنخٓزش ٿڀڄٔظؼڄَّن‪.‬‬ ‫ح‪ٟ‬خٱ حڅ ڃًَ٘‪ ٩‬حَّرٌٍص ْٓظِ ريأ ّظزڀٌٍ ًط‪٨‬يَ ڃ‪٬‬خٿڄو ًڃن حٿڄظٌٷ‪ ٪‬حڅ ّظڂ طن‪ْ٨‬ڂ ڃئطڄَ حٓظؼڄخٍُ رڄ‪ َٜ‬رَ‪٫‬خّش ًُحٍطِ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ‬ ‫ًحالٓظؼڄخٍ ‪..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حنو ْٓظڂ ‪٫‬ٸي ٿٸخءحص كٌحٍّش ڃ‪ ٪‬حٿڄٔظؼڄَّن ٳْڄخ ّ٘زو ‪ٜ٫‬ٲ ٿالٳټخٍ ٿڀٌ‪ٌٛ‬ٽ حٿِ حٿ٘ټپ حالٳ‪٠‬پ ٿڀڄًَ٘‪ ٩‬ڃڄخ ّ‪ٌ٬‬ى‬ ‫رخٿنٴ‪٫ ٪‬ڀِ ًُحٍس حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ًأّ‪٠‬خ ‪٫‬ڀِ حٿڄٔظؼڄَّن‪.‬‬ ‫ٷخٽ حڅ حٿٴظَس حٿٸخىڃش ٓظ٘يي طنٴٌْ حٿـخنذ حٿ‪٬‬ڄڀِ ٿڀڄًَ٘‪ ٩‬كْغ ْٓٸٌځ حٿڄٔظؼڄًَڅ ريٍحٓخص ؿيًُ ًٳٸخ ٿڀڄ‪٬‬ڀٌڃخص حٿظِ ٓنڄيىڂ ريخ ً​ًٿٺ ٿڀزيء‬ ‫ٳِ حٿڄًَ٘‪٫ ٩‬ڀِ حْٓ ‪٫‬ڀڄْش ًحٷظ‪ٜ‬خىّش ٓڀْڄش ‪ ..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حڅ ‪ِ٫‬ځ حٿٌُحٍس هالٽ حٿٴظَس حٿلخٿْش ٿظنٴٌْ حَّرٌٍص ْٓظِ َّؿ‪ ٪‬ٳِ حٿڄٸخځ حالًٽ‬ ‫ٿظٌٳَ حٿٌْٔٿش حٿڄخٿْش ٿڀٌُحٍس ٿظيْٗن حٿزنْش حالٓخْٓش ٿڀڄًَ٘‪.٩‬‬ ‫ً‪٫‬ن ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش ‪٣‬خثَحص ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿـيّيس حٻي ًَُّ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ حڅ ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس حٿظِ ٓظن‪٠‬ڂ الٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٌ‪٣‬نْش ٓظټٌڅ‬ ‫طټڀٴظيخ حٿ٘يَّش حٷپ ًرنٔذ ڃ‪٬‬ٸٌٿش ؿيح ‪٫‬ن حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿظِ ٓظوَؽ ڃن حٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش ‪ ..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ أڅ نظْـش ىٌه حٿ‪ٜ‬ٴٸش ٓظظ‪٠‬ق ٳِ ‪٫‬خځ‬ ‫‪ .2020‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حننخ ن‪٬‬ڄپ ڃن حؿپ حٿڄٔظٸزپ ًنو‪ ٢٤‬ٿ‪ٓ َ٘٬‬نٌحص ڃٸزڀش ٳِ ٷ‪٤‬خ‪ ٩‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫رٌڃزخٍىّْو ‪CS300‬‬ ‫هالٽ ٳ‪٬‬خٿْخص حٿڄ‪ً َٝ٬‬ٳِ ػخنِ حّخڃو ح‪٫‬ڀن ‪ٛ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ ٍثْ​ْ حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ هالٽ ڃئطڄَ ‪ٛ‬لٴِ ‪٫‬ن ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش حٿٸَڅ ًٻ٘ٲ ‪٫‬ن‬ ‫ط‪٬‬خًڅ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حألًٽ ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻش رٌڃزخٍىّْو ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿظـخٍّش ڃن هالٽ حٿظٌٷْ‪٫ ٪‬ڀِ ه‪٤‬خد نٌحّخ رڄٌؿزو طل‪ٜ‬پ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪٫‬ڀِ ‪12‬‬ ‫‪٣‬خثَس ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪CS300‬طن‪٠‬ڂ ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش ريحّش ڃن ‪٫‬خځ ‪ً 2018‬كظِ ‪ 2020‬ڃ‪ ٪‬أكٸْش َٗحء ‪٣ 12‬خثَس ا‪ٟ‬خٳْش هالٽ حٿٴظَس ڃن ‪2020‬‬ ‫ًكظِ ‪2026‬‬ ‫أ‪ٟ‬خٱ ڃٔڀڂ هالٽ حٿڄئطڄَ حٿ‪ٜ‬لٴِ حڅ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس ٓظ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪٫‬ڀِ ٗزټش ه‪َٗ ١ٌ٤‬ٻش ڃ‪َٜ‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿيحهڀْش ًحإلٷڀْڄْش "اٻٔزَّْ"‪.‬‬ ‫ًىِ اكيُ حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿظخر‪٬‬ش ٿڀَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫ٷخٽ ڃٔڀڂ حنو ًٳٸًخ ٿٸخثڄش أٓ‪٬‬خٍ حٿزْ‪ .٪‬ٳبڅ ٷْڄش حٿ‪٤‬ڀذ حٿڄئٻي ٿ‪٬‬يى ‪٣ 12‬خثَس ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪CS300‬ط‪ٜ‬پ اٿِ ڃخ ّٸَد ڃن ‪ 1.1‬ڃڀْخٍ ىًالٍ أڃَّټِ‪.‬‬ ‫ًٳِ كخٽ طؤٻْي ‪٣‬ڀذ حٿل‪ٌٜ‬ٽ ٿ‪٬‬يى ‪٣ 12‬خثَس أهَُ‪ .‬ٳبڅ ٷْڄش حٿ‪٬‬ٸي ٌٓٱ طِّي ٿظ‪ٜ‬پ اٿِ ‪ 2.2‬ڃڀْخٍ ىًالٍ أڃَّټِ‬ ‫حً‪ٟ‬ق اڅ حٿظ‪٬‬خًڅ ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻش رٌڃزخٍىّْو حٿټنيّش ّ‪٬‬ي ه‪ٌ٤‬س ىخڃش ٳِ طنٴٌْ حٿَ٘ٻش ٿيٌه حٿو‪٤‬ش ‪ ..‬ڃ‪ْ٠‬ٴًخ أڅ حهظْخٍ ‪٣‬خثَحص ‪CSeries 300‬ؿخء‬ ‫رنخ ًء ‪٫‬ڀِ ىٍحٓش ڃټؼٴش ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش ڃن حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ًحكظْخؿخطيخ رڄخ ّظڄخِٗ ڃ‪ ٪‬ڃ‪٬‬يالص حٿظْٰ٘پ ًٗزټش حٿو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿـٌّش‪ً .‬ڃٸخٍنش ًٿٺ رخٿ‪ًَٝ٬‬‬ ‫حٿڄٸيڃش ڃن ٻزَّخص حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿڄ‪ٜ‬ن‪٬‬ش ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص كٌٽ حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ حٿـٌّش‪.‬‬ ‫ح‪ٟ‬خٱ حٿ‪ْ٤‬خٍ كڀڄِ ٍُٵ ٍثْ​ْ َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿيحهڀْش ًحإلٷڀْڄْش "حٻٔزَّْ" حڅ ‪َ٣‬حُ حٿـ ‪ّCSeries 300‬نخٓذ طْٰ٘پ‬ ‫حٿَ٘ٻش ٳِ ر‪ ٞ٬‬حٿنٸخ‪ ١‬حٿيحهڀْش ًٻٌٿٺ حإلٷڀْڄْش ٳِ حٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش حٿ‪َ٬‬رْش ًحٿَ٘ٵ حألًٓ‪ ٢‬كْغ ْٰٓ‪ ِ٤‬ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ؿنٌد ًَٗٵ حًٍرخ ًٷي ّ‪ٜ‬پ حٿِ‬ ‫حٿيني ‪ ..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حڅ ڃيُ ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ّزڀٮ ‪ٓ 5‬خ‪٫‬خص ‪َْ٣‬حڅ‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬



‫ح‪ٟ‬خٱ ٍُٵ حنو ربطڄخځ ىٌه حٿ‪ٜ‬ٴٸش ٓنظڄټن ڃن طٸيّڂ حٿڄِّي ڃن حٿويڃخص حٿڄظڄِْس ٿ‪٬‬ڄالثنخ ‪٫‬ڀِ ڃظن ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ حٿليّغ‬ ‫حٿٌُ ّظٔ‪ ٪‬ٿنلٌ ‪ 126‬ڃٸ‪٬‬يحً رٌحٷ‪ 16 ٪‬ڃٸ‪٬‬يحً ‪٫‬ڀِ ىٍؿش ٍؿخٽ حأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ ‪ 110‬ڃٸخ‪٫‬ي ‪٫‬ڀِ حٿيٍؿش حٿْٔخكْش‪ ..‬ٷخٽ حڅ ‪َ٣‬حُ‬ ‫‪ّCSeries 300‬ظڄِْ ر‪٬‬يى حٻزَ ڃن حٿڄٸخ‪٫‬ي ڃڄخ ْٓٸڀپ ڃن ٓ‪ َ٬‬حٿظټڀٴش ً​ًٿٺ ‪٫‬ټْ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حڃزَحَّ حٿظِ ٻخنض ‪ٟ‬ڄن‬ ‫حٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش ًٻخڅ حٿڄٸ‪٬‬ي ريخ ّظټڀٲ ٷْڄش ڃخٿْش ‪٫‬خٿْش ن‪َ٨‬ح ٿٸڀش ‪٫‬يى ڃٸخ‪٫‬يىخ ‪ ..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حڅ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس طٌٳَ‬ ‫‪ %30‬ڃن نٔذ حٿٌٷٌى‪.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿخنزو ٻ٘ٲ ٳَِّي ٻًَڃَ ٍثْ​ْ َٗٻش رٌڃزخٍىّْو ‪٫‬ن ٓ‪٬‬خىطو رخهظْخٍ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ‪َ٣‬حُ حٿـ ‪CSeries‬‬ ‫‪300‬ٿظن‪٠‬ڂ ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٿيخ حٿـٌُ حٿليّغ‬ ‫أ‪ٟ‬خٱ اڅ ىٌه حٿَ٘حٻش حٿـيّيس طؤطِ طؤٻْيحً ‪٫‬ڀِ ٍإّظنخ حٿڄٔظٸزڀْش ٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش حٿَ٘ٵ حألًٓ‪ً ٢‬أٳَّٸْخ‪ .‬ٻڄخ أننخ ‪٫‬ڀِ ّٸْن أڅ‬ ‫‪٣‬خثَحطنخ ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪ٓCSeries 300‬ظٴِ رڄظ‪٤‬ڀزخص ىٌح حٿٌٔٵ ڃن كْغ طلڄڀيخ ٿ‪ٌ٬‬حڃپ حٿڄنخم حٿلخٍ حٿٌُ ٌّٔى ىٌه‬ ‫حٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش‪.‬‬ ‫ىٍّڂ الّنَ‪787/9‬‬ ‫ًٳِ ػخٿغ حّخځ حٿڄ‪ َٝ٬‬أ‪٫‬ڀنض َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حّ‪٠‬خ ٳِ ڃئطڄَ ‪ٛ‬لٴِ ‪٫‬خٿڄِ ‪٫‬ن ط‪٬‬خًنيخ حألًٽ ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻش "اَّٻخد"‬ ‫حألڃَّټْش حٿٌُ رڄٌؿزو طڂ طٌٷْ‪ٛ ٪‬ٸٸش ؿيّيس ‪ٌّ٣‬ڀش حألڃي ٿَ٘حء ‪٣ 6‬خثَحص ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ حٿزٌّنؾ ىٍّڂ الّنَ ‪ 787/9‬ط‪٬‬ڄپ‬ ‫رڄلَٻخص ًٍٿِ ًٍّْ ‪ ..‬رخإل‪ٟ‬خٳش اٿِ ‪٣ 15‬خثَس ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ حإلَّرخ‪ًA320Neo ٙ‬حٿظِ ط‪٬‬ڄپ رڄلَٻخص ‪CMF‬‬ ‫‪LEAP.‬‬ ‫ًٷي ٷخځ ٻپ ڃن حٿ‪ْ٤‬خٍ َّٗٲ ‪ِ٫‬ص ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿـٌّش ً حنـٌّ ٻْڀِ حٿَثْ​ْ‬ ‫حٿظنٴٌُْ ٿَ٘ٻش اَّٻخد ًٳْڀْذ حٓټَحىؿِ حٿَثْ​ْ حٿظـخٍُ إلَّٻخد رظٌٷْ‪ ٪‬حالطٴخٷْش رل‪َّٗ ٌٍ٠‬ٲ ٳظلِ ًَُّ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‬ ‫حٿڄينِ حٿڄ‪ًٛ َُٜ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫ًط‪٬‬ي ىٌه حٿ‪ٜ‬ٴٸش ڃن حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ‪ٟ‬ڄن ‪٣‬ڀزْخص حٿَ٘حء حٿڄئٻيس ًحٿڄزَڃش ڃن ؿخنذ َٗٻش اَّٻخد حألڃَّټْش ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻظِ‬ ‫اَّرخ‪ً ٙ‬رٌّنؾ‪ .‬كْغ ڃن حٿڄٸٍَ طٔڀْڄيخ هالٽ ‪٫‬خڃِ ‪.2020ً 2019‬‬ ‫أٻي حٿ‪ْ٤‬خٍ َّٗٲ ‪ِ٫‬ص ٍثْ​ْ َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿـٌّش هالٽ حٿڄئطڄَ حٿ‪ٜ‬لٴِ نلن ٓ‪٬‬يحء رخٿظ‪٬‬خًڅ حٿـيّي‬ ‫حٿٌُ ّـڄ‪ ٪‬رْننخ ًرْن َٗٻش آَّٻخد حٿظِ ط‪٬‬ي ڃن ٻزَّخص حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿَحثيس ٳِ ڃـخٽ طؤؿَْ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ٿظټٌڅ أكي حٿڄٔخىڄْن‬ ‫ٳِ ه‪٤‬ش طليّغ أٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫أ‪ٟ‬خٱ حڅ "حَّ ٻخد" ط‪٬‬ي أىڂ حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿيح‪٫‬ڄش ٿڀو‪٤‬ش حٿڄٔظٸزڀْش حٿظِ طظزنخىخ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ كخٿًْخ ڃن أؿپ طليّغ‬ ‫حألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ًحٿٌُ ْٓڄټنيخ ٳْڄخ ر‪٬‬ي رخإلّٴخء رـڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿظِحڃخطيخ ً​ًحؿزخطيخ اُحء ‪٫‬ڄالثو‪.‬‬ ‫ً‪٫‬ن ڃِحّخ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس حً‪ٟ‬ق ‪ِ٫‬ص حڅ حٿ‪٤‬خثَص حٿٔض ‪َ٣‬حُ رٌّنؾ ىٍّڂ الّنَ ‪ 787/9‬ؿخءص ريّڀش ٿٔض ‪٣‬خثَحص‬ ‫حَّرخ‪ 200-330 ٙ‬حٿظِ ٓظوَؽ ڃن حٿويڃش ‪ ..‬ڃَْ٘ح حٿِ حڅ ىٌه حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس ڃن حٿڄڄټن حڅ طټٌڅ ريّڀش ٿ‪َ٤‬حُ‬ ‫رٌّنؾ ‪ 777‬ٳِ حالًٷخص حٿظِ ط٘يي ٷڀش حٿلَٻش ‪..‬‬ ‫ح‪ٟ‬خٱ حڅ ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ّ‪ٜ‬پ ڃيحه اٿِ‪ٓ 13‬خ‪٫‬ش ‪َْ٣‬حڅ ًٓ‪٬‬ظيخ ‪ٍ 315‬حٻذ ڃنيڂ ‪ 36‬ڃٸ‪٬‬ي ٿيٍؿش ٍؿخٽ حال‪٫‬ڄخٽ ًحٿزخٷِ‬ ‫ٿڀيٍؿش حالٷظ‪ٜ‬خىّش ‪ ..‬ڃٌ‪ٟ‬لخ حڅ ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ّ‪٬‬ي حٳ‪٠‬پ حهظْخٍ ٿٸيٍطيخ ‪٫‬ڀِ كڄپ ‪٣ 15‬ن ر‪٠‬خث‪ .. ٪‬روالٱ طٸنْظو حٿ‪٬‬خٿْش‪.‬‬ ‫حڃخ رخٿنٔزش ٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حَّرخ‪A320Neo ٙ‬ٳْ‪ٜ‬پ ‪٫‬يى ڃٸخ‪٫‬يىخ ‪ 144‬ڃٸ‪٬‬ي ڃنيڂ ‪ 16‬ٿيٍؿش ٍؿخٽ حال‪٫‬ڄخٽ ًحٿزخٷِ ٿڀيٍؿش‬ ‫حالٷظ‪ٜ‬خىّش ًّزڀٮ ڃيحىخ ‪ٓ 6‬خ‪٫‬خص ًىِ ڃيس ٻخٳْش ٿظٰ‪ْ٤‬ش حًٍرخ ًحٳَّٸْخ رخٓظؼنخء ؿنٌد حٳَّٸْخ‪.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿخنزو ‪َٛ‬ف أنـٌّ ٻْڀِ حٿَثِْٔ حٿظنٴٌُْ ٿَ٘ٻش حَّٻخد ٷخثال ّٔ‪٬‬ينخ حهظْخٍ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿنخ ٿن٘خٍٹ ٳِ‬ ‫حٓظَحطْـْش طليّغ حألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ً ى‪٫‬ڄو ر‪َ٤‬حُحص ‪َْٟ٫‬ش ًڃظٌٓ‪٤‬ش حٿلـڂ كْغ ط‪٬‬ي َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ڃن أ‪َ٫‬ٵ َٗٻخص‬ ‫حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٳِ حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ ًحٿظِ ريأص ن٘خ‪٣‬يخ ڃنٌ أٻؼَ ڃن ‪٫ 85‬خڃخً‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ٛ‬ٴٸش حٿٸَڅ‬ ‫ٻظزض‪ -‬أڃخنَ ٓالڃش‪:‬‬

‫ٳَ ا‪٣‬خٍ ه‪٤‬ش حٿظ‪ ٌَّ٤‬حإلٓظَحطْـَ ڃظٌٓ‪٤‬ش ً‪ٌّ٣‬ڀش حٿڄيٍ ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ً ،‬طلض‬ ‫ٍ‪٫‬خّش ًى‪٫‬ڂ ٻخڃپ ڃن ًَُّ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ َّٗٲ ٳظلَ ط‪٬‬خٷيص َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‬ ‫‪٫‬ڀَ ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش حٿٸَڅ‪ ..‬كْض طڂ حالطٴخٵ ‪٫‬ڀَ َٗحء ًطؤؿَْ ‪٣ 45‬خثَس ؿيّيس ڃن أكيع‬ ‫حٿ‪ َُ٤‬حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش ٿألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ‪ ،‬ٳَ ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش ىَ حألٻزَ ٳَ طخٍّن حٿَ٘ٻش كْغ طٸيٍ رلٌحٿَ ‪6‬‬ ‫ڃڀْخٍحص ىًالٍ‪.‬‬ ‫ً‪َٛ‬ف ‪ٛ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ‪ٍ ،‬ثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ ،‬رؤڅ آػخٍ‬ ‫ىٌح حٿظليّغ ٓظ‪٨‬يَ ؿڀْش ٳَ أًحثپ حٿ‪٬‬خځ ‪ ،2019‬كْغ ْٓئىٍ حن‪٠‬ڄخځ ىٌه حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص‬ ‫حٿـيّيس ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ اٿَ طوٴْ‪ ٞ‬نٴٸخص حٿظْٰ٘پ ًُّخىس حٿَرلْش‪ ،‬ؿنزًخ اٿَ‬ ‫ؿنذ ڃ‪ ٪‬طٸيّڂ حٿڄِّي ڃن حٿَٳخىْش ًحٿويڃخص حٿڄڄِْس حٿڄٸيڃش ٿڀَٻخد‪.‬‬ ‫ؿخء ًٿٺ هالٽ ڃ٘خٍٻش ڃ‪َٜ‬‬ ‫ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٳَ ڃ‪Dubai Air Show« « َٝ٬‬أكي أىڂ حٿٴخ‪٫‬ڀْخص حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش ٳَ ڃـخٽ‬ ‫‪ٛ‬نخ‪٫‬ش حٿنٸپ حٿـٌُ‪ً .‬ٷي طڄټنض ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪٫‬ڀَ ڃيحٍ ىخطْن حٿيًٍطْن ٿڀڄ‪ َٝ٬‬ڃن‬ ‫‪٫‬ٸي أكيع ‪ٛ‬ٴٸخطيخ ٿظليّغ حألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ‪ ،‬كْغ ط‪٬‬خٷيص حٿ‪٬‬خځ حٿڄخ‪ َٟ‬ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻش رٌّنؾ‬ ‫حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش ‪٫‬ڀَ َٗحء ‪٣ 9‬خثَحص ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪ًB737-800 NG‬حٿظَ ڃن حٿڄنظ‪ًٌٛ َ٨‬ٽ‬ ‫حٿ‪٤‬خثَس حٿظخٓ‪٬‬ش ڃنيخ ٳَ ىّٔڄزَ حٿٸخىځ‪ ،‬ٻڄخ حٓظڄَص حٿَ٘ٻش ٳَ ‪٫‬ٸي ‪ٛ‬ٴٸخطيخ ىٌح‬ ‫حٿ‪٬‬خځ ڃ‪ ٪‬ٻزٍَ حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش حٿڄ‪ٜ‬ن‪٬‬ش ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص ًحٿظَ نـلض هالٿيخ ٳَ ‪ٟ‬ڂ ‪45‬‬ ‫‪٣‬خثَس ٿألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ط‪ٜ‬پ ‪٫‬ڀَ ڃيحٍ حٿ‪٬‬خڃْن حٿڄٸزڀْن‪ً .‬ريٌح ّ‪ٜ‬زق اؿڄخٿَ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿظَ‬ ‫ط‪٬‬خٷيص ‪٫‬ڀْيخ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿظن‪٠‬ڂ ٿألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ڃئهًَح ‪٣ 54‬خثَس‪ً ،‬ىٌ ڃخ ّ‪٬‬ي ڃن أىڂ‬ ‫انـخُحص حٿَ٘ٻش‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ طظ‪٬‬خٷي ‪٫‬ڀِ أٻزَ ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش ٳِ طخٍّويخ ط‪٠‬ڂ ‪٣ 45‬خثَس رٸْڄش ‪ 6‬ڃڀْخٍحص ىًالٍ‬ ‫ٻظذ‪٫ -‬زيحٿوخٿٶ هڀْٴش ًأڃخنَ ٓالڃش‪:‬‬ ‫أ‪٫‬ڀنض حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪٫‬ن ط‪٬‬خًنيخ حألًٽ ڃ‪ ٪‬رٌڃزخٍىّْو ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿظـخٍّش ( ‪Bombardier‬‬ ‫)‪Commercial‬ڃن هالٽ حٿظٌٷْ‪٫ ٪‬ڀَ ه‪٤‬خد نٌحّخ رڄٌؿزو طل‪ٜ‬پ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪٫‬ڀَ ‪٣ 12‬خثَس ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ‬ ‫‪CS300‬ٿْن‪٠‬ڄٌح ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش؛ طٔڀڂ هالٽ ‪٫‬خځ ‪ً 2018‬كظَ ‪ ،2020‬ڃ‪ ٪‬أكٸْش َٗحء ‪٣ 12‬خثَس ا‪ٟ‬خٳْش هالٽ‬ ‫حٿٴظَس ڃن ‪ً 2020‬كظَ ‪ ،2026‬كْغ طٸٌځ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص رخٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪٫‬ڀَ ٗزټش ه‪َٗ ١ٌ٤‬ٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀو‪١ٌ٤‬‬ ‫حٿيحهڀْش ًحإلٷڀْڄْش (اٻٔزَّْ)‪ً ،‬ىَ اكيٍ حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿظخر‪٬‬ش ٿڀَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ ،‬حٿنخٷپ حٿٌ‪٣‬نَ‬ ‫ٿـڄيٌٍّش ڃ‪ َٜ‬حٿ‪َ٬‬رْش ًڃٸَىخ حٿٸخىَس‪.‬‬ ‫ً​ًٷٴخً ٿٸخثڄش أٓ‪٬‬خٍ حٿزْ‪ ،٪‬ٳبڅ ٷْڄش حٿ‪٤‬ڀذ حٿڄئٻي ٿ‪٬‬يى ‪٣ 12‬خثَس ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪CS300‬ط‪ٜ‬پ اٿَ ڃخ ّٸَد ڃن ‪ 1.1‬ڃڀْخٍ‬ ‫ىًالٍ أڃَّټَ‪ً .‬ٳَ كخٽ طؤٻْي ‪٣‬ڀذ حٿل‪ٌٜ‬ٽ ٿ‪٬‬يى ‪٣ 12‬خثَس حألهٍَ‪ ،‬ٳبڅ ٷْڄش حٿ‪٬‬ٸي ٌٓٱ طِّي ٿظ‪ٜ‬پ اٿَ ‪2.2‬‬ ‫ڃڀْخٍ ىًالٍ أڃَّټَ‪.‬‬ ‫ؿخء ًٿٺ رل‪ ًَُّ ٌٍ٠‬حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄ‪َّٗ ٍَٜ‬ٲ ٳظلَ‪ ،‬كْغ ٷخځ ٻپ ڃن ‪ٛ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ ‪ٍ -‬ثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش‬ ‫حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ًٳَِّي ٻًَڃَ ‪ٍ -‬ثْ​ْ َٗٻش رٌڃزخٍىّْو رظٌٷْ‪ ٪‬ه‪٤‬خد حٿنٌحّخ ٿْ‪٬‬ڀنخ رٌٿٺ أًٽ ط‪٬‬خًڅ رْن ٻال‬ ‫حٿَ٘ٻظْن‪.‬‬ ‫ًڃن ؿخنزو أ‪َ٫‬د ڃٔڀڂ ‪٫‬ن ٓ‪٬‬خىطو ريٌه حٿَ٘حٻش حٿـيّيس ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻش رٌڃزخٍىّْو ًحٿظَ طؤطَ ٳَ ا‪٣‬خٍ حٓظټڄخٽ‬ ‫حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٌ‪٣‬نْش ٿو‪٤‬ظيخ ٳَ طليّغ أٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٿيخ حٿـٌٍ رؤكيع ًڃوظڀٲ ‪َ٣‬حُحص حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص‪ ،‬كْغ أً‪ٟ‬ق ٷخثالً‪« :‬اڅ ڃ‪َٜ‬‬ ‫ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ طڄ‪ َ٠‬ٷيڃخً ٳَ طنٴٌْ حٓظَحطْچْظيخ ٿظليّغ ًُّخىس اڃټخنْخص أٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٿيخ‪٬ًّ ،‬ي ىٌح حٿظ‪٬‬خًڅ حٿـيّي ڃ‪َٗ ٪‬ٻش‬ ‫رٌڃزخٍىّْو حٿټنيّش رڄؼخرش ه‪ٌ٤‬س ىخڃش ٳَ طنٴٌْ حٿَ٘ٻش ٿيٌه حٿو‪٤‬ش‪ .‬ٻڄخ ّٔ‪٬‬ينخ أّ‪٠‬خً حٿظَكْذ رخٿَ٘حٻش حٿـيّيس رْن‬ ‫ٻپ ڃن َٗٻش رٌڃزخٍىّْو ًَٗٻش أَّرخ‪ً ٙ‬حٿظَ كظڄخ ٓظ‪ْ٠‬ٲ ًطي‪٫‬ڂ ڃن أن‪٨‬ڄش ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪٫‬خثڀش حٿـ‪CSeries«.‬‬ ‫ڃ‪ْ٠‬ٴًخ أڅ حهظْخٍ ‪٣‬خثَحص ‪CSeries 300‬ؿخء رنخءً ‪٫‬ڀَ ىٍحٓش ڃټؼٴش ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش ڃن حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ًحكظْخؿخطيخ‬ ‫رڄخ ّظڄخَٗ‬ ‫ڃ‪ ٪‬ڃ‪٬‬يالص حٿظْٰ٘پ ًٗزټش حٿو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿـٌّش‪ً ،‬ڃٸخٍنش ًٿٺ رخٿ‪ ًَٝ٬‬حٿڄٸيڃش ڃن ٻزَّخص حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿڄ‪ٜ‬ن‪٬‬ش ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص‬ ‫كٌٽ حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ حٿـٌّش‪ .‬كْغ ّنخٓذ ‪َ٣‬حُ حٿـ ‪CSeries 300‬طْٰ٘پ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٳَ ر‪ ٞ٬‬حٿنٸخ‪ ١‬حٿيحهڀْش ًٻٌٿٺ‬ ‫حإلٷڀْڄْش ٳَ حٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش حٿ‪َ٬‬رْش ًحٿَ٘ٵ حألًٓ‪ً ٢‬ر‪ ٞ٬‬حٿڄيڅ ًحٿ‪ٌ٬‬ح‪ٛ‬ڂ حألًًٍرْش‪ً ،‬ربطڄخځ ىٌه حٿ‪ٜ‬ٴٸش ٓنظڄټن ڃن‬ ‫طٸيّڂ حٿڄِّي ڃن حٿويڃخص حٿڄظڄِْس ٿ‪٬‬ڄالثنخ ‪٫‬ڀَ ڃظن ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ حٿليّغ ًحٿٌٍ ّظٔ‪ ٪‬ٿنلٌ ‪ 126‬ڃٸ‪٬‬يحً‪ ،‬رٌحٷ‪16 ٪‬‬ ‫ڃٸ‪٬‬يحً ‪٫‬ڀَ ىٍؿش ٍؿخٽ حأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ ‪ 110‬ڃٸخ‪٫‬ي ‪٫‬ڀَ حٿيٍؿش حٿْٔخكْش»‪ ..‬ڃن نخكْش أهٍَ‪َٛ ،‬ف ٻًَڃَ ٷخثالً‪٬ّٔ« :‬ينخ‬ ‫حهظْخٍ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿ‪٤‬خثَحطنخ ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ حٿـ ‪CSeries 300‬ٿظن‪٠‬ڂ ألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٿيخ حٿـٌٍ حٿليّغ‪ .‬ٳڄن ًحٷ‪ٍ ٪‬إّظنخ‬ ‫حٿڄٔظٸزڀْش ٿڄظ‪٤‬ڀزخص ٌٓٵ حٿنٸپ حٿـٌٍ رڄن‪٤‬ٸش حٿَ٘ٵ حألًٓ‪ ٢‬هالٽ حٿ‪َّ٘٬‬ن ‪٫‬خڃًخ حٿٸخىڃش ٷي ّ‪ٜ‬پ اٿَ نلٌ ‪450‬‬ ‫‪٣‬خثَس ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُحص طظَحًف ٓ‪٬‬ظيخ ڃن حٿـ‪ 60‬اٿَ حٿـ‪ 150‬ڃٸ‪٬‬يحً»‪.‬‬ ‫ًأ‪ٟ‬خٱ‪« :‬اڅ ىٌه حٿَ٘حٻش حٿـيّيس طؤطَ طؤٻْيحً ‪٫‬ڀَ ٍإّظنخ حٿڄٔظٸزڀْش ٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش حٿَ٘ٵ حألًٓ‪ً ٢‬أٳَّٸْخ‪ .‬ٻڄخ أننخ ‪٫‬ڀَ‬ ‫ّٸْن أڅ ‪٣‬خثَحطنخ ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪ٓCSeries 300‬ظٴَ رڄظ‪٤‬ڀزخص ىٌح حٿٌٔٵ ڃن كْغ طلڄڀيخ ٿ‪ٌ٬‬حڃپ حٿڄنخم حٿلخٍ حٿٌٍ‬ ‫ٌّٔى ىٌه حٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش‪ً ،‬ٻٌٿٺ حألىحء حٿڄظڄِْ ڃن هالٽ طلٸْٶ أ‪٫‬ڀَ ڃ‪٬‬يالص حٿَرلْش ٿڄخ ّظڄِْ رو ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ڃن ٷڀش‬ ‫طټخٿْٲ حٿظْٰ٘پ ٳ‪٠‬الً ‪٫‬ن ٍكخرش ڃٸ‪ٌٍٜ‬طيخ ًحكظٌحثيخ ‪٫‬ڀَ ڃڄَ ًحكي»‪.‬‬ ‫ًٳَ نٴْ حٿْٔخٵ ‪َٛ‬ف ؿْن رٌٽ رٌطْزٌ‪ ،‬نخثذ حٿَثْ​ْ‪ ،‬ڃزْ‪٬‬خص حٿَ٘ٵ حألًٓ‪ً ٢‬حٳَّٸْخ ٿ‪٤‬خثَحص رٌڃزخٍىّْو‬ ‫حٿظـخٍّش‪ ،‬ٷخثالً‪٬ّٔ« :‬ينخ حهظْخٍ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿ‪٤‬خثَطنخ حٿظَ ؿخءص ڃنخٓزش الكظْخؿخص حٿَ٘ٻش ڃن أؿپ حٿظٌٓ‪ ٪‬ٳَ‬ ‫ٗزټش ه‪٣ٌ٤‬يخ حٿـٌّش‪ .‬ٳَ حٿٌٷض ًحطو ٳبڅ ٷخثڄش ‪٫‬ڄالثنخ ٿيٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ڃن حٿـ ‪C Series‬ط٘يي ُّخىس ڃ‪َ٤‬ىس ڃڄخ ّيٽ‬ ‫‪٫‬ڀَ ٷْڄظيخ حٿ‪٬‬خٿْش ًڃًَنش طْٰ٘ڀيخ رڄخ ّڀزَ ڃظ‪٤‬ڀزخص حٿ‪٬‬يّي ڃن َٗٻخص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٳَ حٿظٌٓ‪ ٪‬ٳَ ‪٫‬يى ڃن حألٌٓحٵ‬ ‫حٿيخڃش‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪134‬ڃڀٌْڅ ىًالٍ ‪٫‬خثيحص طؤؿَْ ‪٣‬خثَحص ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‬ ‫نخثذ ٍثْ​ْ حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش‪ :‬طليّغ حألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ّٸڀپ نٴٸخص حٿظْٰ٘پ ًحٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش‬

‫ٻظزض ‪ -‬أڃخنَ ٓالڃش‪:‬‬ ‫أٻي حٿ‪ْ٤‬خٍ أكڄي ‪٫‬خىٽ‪ ،‬نخثذ ٍثْ​ْ حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ ،‬أڅ حٿَ٘ٻش طڄَ كخٿْخً رڄَكڀش ڃيڄش‬ ‫ڃن ڃَحكپ طـيّي ًطليّغ أٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٿيخ حٿـٌٍ ڃن هالٽ ه‪٤‬ش حٓظَحطْـْش ٿ‪٠‬ڂ ‪٣ 45‬خثَس ؿيّيس اٿَ أٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ‬ ‫ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٳَ ‪ٛ‬ٴٸش ط‪٬‬ي حألٻزَ ٳَ طخٍّن حٿَ٘ٻش ًىَ ڃَكڀش طظ‪٤‬ڀذ أّ‪٠‬خً حٿظوڀ‪ ٚ‬ڃن حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص‬ ‫حٿٸيّڄش ن‪َ٨‬حً الٍطٴخ‪ ٩‬طټخٿْٲ طْٰ٘ڀيخ ًحنوٴخ‪ ٝ‬ڃٔظٌٍ أىحثيخ‪.‬‬ ‫ًأٗخٍ ‪٫‬خىٽ اٿَ أڅ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿليّؼش طظنٌ‪ ٩‬ڃخ رْن ٷ‪َْٜ‬س ًڃظٌٓ‪٤‬ش ًر‪ْ٬‬يس حٿڄيٍ ًٳٸ ًخ الكظْخؿخص‬ ‫حٿظْٰ٘پ ڃن أكيع حٿ‪ َُ٤‬حٿـيّيس ًحص حٿظ‪ ٌٍ٤‬حٿظټنٌٿٌؿَ حأل‪٫‬ڀَ ڃن كْغ ٻٴخءس حألىحء ًطٸڀْپ حٓظيالٹ‬ ‫حٿٌٷٌى ً​ًٓخثپ حٿظَٳْو ًحٿڄلَٻخص حٿـيّيس حٿظَ طٔيڂ ٳَ هٴ‪ ٞ‬حٓظيالٹ حٿٌٷٌى حألڃَ حٿٌٍ ّ‪٬‬ي ‪٫‬خڃالً‬ ‫كخٓڄخً رخٿنٔزش ٿَ٘ٻخص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿظَ ‪٫‬خنض حالٍطٴخ‪ ٩‬حٿټزَْ ٳَ ٳٌحطَْ حٿٌٷٌى حٿظَ ىٳ‪٬‬ظيخ ٳَ حأل‪ٌ٫‬حځ‬ ‫حألهَْس‪ً ،‬حٿظَ ٗټڀض نلٌ ‪ %37‬طٸَّزخ ڃن طټخٿْٲ حٿظْٰ٘پ حإلؿڄخٿْش‪ً ،‬ٿټن حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس طٸڀپ ڃن‬ ‫طټخٿْٲ حٿظْٰ٘پ‪.‬‬ ‫ًٷخٽ نخثذ ٍثْ​ْ حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش اڅ ه‪٤‬ش حٿظليّغ ط٘ڄپ أّ‪٠‬خً حٿٔ‪ َ٬‬ٿظ‪ ٌَّ٤‬أىحء حٿَ٘ٻش ڃخٿْخً ڃن هالٽ طٸڀْپ‬ ‫حٿؤخثَ ًحٿٌ‪ٌٛ‬ٽ اٿَ حٿَرلْش ‪٫‬الًس ‪٫‬ڀَ حٿٔ‪ َ٬‬اٿَ ط‪ ٌَّ٤‬حٿويڃخص ٿظ‪ٜ‬زق ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ڃنخٳٔخً‬ ‫ٍثْٔخً ٳَ حٿڄن‪٤‬ٸش رْن َٗٻخص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حألهٍَ حٿ‪٬‬خڃڀش أڃخ رخٿنٔزش ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿڄظٸخىڃش ٳْٔظڂ حالٓظٰنخء‬ ‫‪٫‬نيخ طزخ‪٫‬خً ‪٣‬زٸخً ٿـيًٽ حإلكالٽ ًحٿظـيّي ًر‪٬‬ي أڅ طڂ حٿ‪٫ َٝ٬‬ڀَ ڃـڀْ حإلىحٍس ًحٿڄٌحٳٸش ڃن حٿـڄ‪ْ٬‬ش‬ ‫حٿ‪٬‬ڄٌڃْش كْغ ّظڂ هًَؿيخ ڃن حالٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ طزخ‪٫‬خً ڃنيخ ػالع‬ ‫‪٣‬خثَحص ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ اَّرخ‪ً 340 ٙ‬أٍر‪٣ ٪‬خثَحص ‪٣ 8ً 737/500‬خثَحص ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ اَّرخ‪320 ٙ‬‬ ‫ٻڄَكڀش أًٿَ رخإل‪ٟ‬خٳش اٿَ ػالع ‪٣‬خثَحص ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ اَّرخ‪ّ 330/200 ٙ‬ظڂ طلٌّڀيخ اٿَ ‪٣‬خثَحص ٗلن‬ ‫ؿٌٍ ًطلٌّپ حٿڄڀټْش ٿَ٘ٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ٘لن حٿـٌٍ كْغ ّظڂ كخٿْخً ريء طلٌّپ حٿ‪٤‬خثَس حألًٿَ أڃخ‬ ‫حٿ‪٤‬خثَس حٿؼخنْش ٳْظڂ طلٌّڀيخ ٳَ حٿ‪٬‬خځ حٿڄٸزپ ًحٿؼخٿؼش ٳَ ‪٫‬خځ ‪ً .2019‬أً‪ٟ‬ق أنو نظْـش حٿ‪ًَ٨‬ٱ حٿظَ‬ ‫ڃَص ريخ حٿزالى هالٽ حٿٔنٌحص حألهَْس كيع حنوٴخ‪ ٝ‬ٳَ حٿظْٰ٘پ ا‪ٟ‬خٳش اٿَ هٴ‪ ٞ‬ٷْڄش حٿـنْو حٿڄ‪ٍَٜ‬‬ ‫ًحٍطٴخ‪ ٩‬طټخٿْٲ حٿٌٷٌى ًطټڀٴش رٸخء حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ‪٫‬ڀَ حألٍ‪ ٝ‬رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حٿٸخىَس ىًڅ طْٰ٘پ ٳَ ٳظَحص حنلٔخٍ‬ ‫حٿلَٻش ًىَ نلٌ ‪٣ 11‬خثَس ًرنخء ‪٫‬ڀْو ٷخڃض حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رظؤؿَْىڂ ًىَ ڃن‬ ‫‪َ٣‬حُحص ڃوظڀٴش رٌّنؾ ‪ً 777/200‬حَّرخ‪ً 340/200 ٙ‬رٌّنؾ ‪ً 737/500‬حَّرخ‪ 320 ٙ‬كْغ طڂ‬ ‫طلٸْٶ أٻؼَ ڃن نلٌ ‪ 130‬ڃڀٌْڅ ىًالٍ ‪٫‬خثيحص ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ڃن حٿظؤؿَْ اٿَ ؿخنذ طٌٳَْ نٴٸخص‬ ‫طټخٿْٲ حٿظْٰ٘پ رنلٌ ‪ 4‬ڃالّْن ىًالٍ ًأٻي نخثذ ٍثْ​ْ حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ أڅ ٷَحٍ طؤؿَْ ىٌه‬ ‫حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص‪ً ،‬حٿظَ ٻخنض طِّي ‪٫‬ڀَ حكظْخؿخص حٿظْٰ٘پ ٳَ حٿَ٘ٻش هالٽ ٳظَس طَحؿ‪ ٪‬حٿلَٻش حٿـٌّش ٻخڅ‬ ‫حٿلپ حألڃؼپ ٿظ‪ْ٨٬‬ڂ حٿ‪٬‬خثي ًطٸڀْپ حٿظټخٿْٲ حٿڄخٿْش ‪٫‬ڀَ حٿَ٘ٻش ًحالٓظٴخىس ڃن ‪٫‬خثيحص حٿظؤؿَْ ًرَٳ‪٫ ٪‬نيخ‬ ‫‪٫‬ذء حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحالٓظيالٹ ًحٿظوِّن ًحأل‪٫‬زخء حٿڄخٿْش ‪٫‬ڀَ حٿَ٘ٻش ڃنٌىخ رؤڅ طٸڀْپ حٿظټخٿْٲ حٿظْٰ٘ڀْش‬ ‫ڃيڂ ؿيًح ٳَ ‪٧‬پ ڃنخٳٔش حٿَ٘ٻش ٳَ ٌٓٵ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ٿڀ‪٬‬خځ حٿؼخنِ ‪٫ َ٘٫‬ڀِ حٿظٌحٿِ‬ ‫‪َٗEASA‬ٻش حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش طنـق ٳِ حؿظْخُ طٴظْٖ‬

‫ڃلڄي أرٌ حٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ى‬ ‫نـلض َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش ٿڀ‪٬‬خځ حٿؼخنِ ‪٫ َ٘٫‬ڀِ حٿظٌحٿِ ٳِ حؿظْخُ حٿظٴظْٖ حٿيًٍُ‬ ‫ٿڀٌٻخٿش حألًًٍرْش ٿٔالڃش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪٫EASA‬ڀِ ڃن٘آص حٿَ٘ٻش رخٿٸخىَس ‪ ..‬ٻڄخ ك‪ٜ‬ڀض حٿَ٘ٻش ‪٫‬ڀِ طـيّي حال‪٫‬ظڄخى‬ ‫رڄل‪٤‬ظِ حٿَ٘ٻش ٳِ ڃ‪٤‬خٍُ رَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د ًَٗځ حٿْ٘ن‪.‬‬ ‫ًؿو ‪ٛ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ هخٿ‪ ٚ‬حٿ٘ټَ ًحٿظٸيَّ ألرنخء َٗٻش ڃ‪َٜ‬‬ ‫ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش حٿٌّن ٻخنٌح ‪٫‬ڀِ ٷيٍ حٿڄٔجٌٿْش ًنـلٌح ٳِ حؿظْخُ حٿظٴظْٖ‪.‬‬ ‫أٻي ڃٔڀڂ أڅ حال‪٫‬ظڄخىحص حٿيًٿْش ڃظ‪٤‬ڀذ ٍثِْٔ ٿڀ‪٬‬ڄپ ٳِ حٿٌٔٵ حٿ‪٬‬خٿڄْش ًأڅ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رڄوظڀٲ َٗٻخطيخ طٔ‪ِ٬‬‬ ‫ٿڀظٌحٳٶ ڃ‪ ٪‬ڃظ‪٤‬ڀزخص حٿـيخص ًحٿيْجخص حٿيًٿْش رڄخ ّ‪٠‬ڄن ٿيخ حٓظڄَحٍ حٿڄنخٳٔش ‪٫‬خٿڄْخ ًطڀزْش حكظْخؿخص ‪٫‬ڄالثيخ‬ ‫ًارَحُ ىًٍىخ ٳِ طلخٿٲ ٓظخٍ‪.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿخنزو أ‪َ٫‬د حٿڄينيّ أرٌ ‪٣‬خٿذ طٌٳْٶ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ‪٫‬ن ٓ‪٬‬خىطو رخؿظْخُ‬ ‫حٿظٴظْٖ حٿيًٍُ ٿڀٌٻخٿش حألًًٍرْش ٿٔالڃش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪EASA.‬‬ ‫حٻي طٌٳْٶ حڅ حٿڄٴظْ٘ن حػنٌح ‪٫‬ڀِ حألىحء حٿٴنِ ًحٓظْ‪٬‬خد حأل‪٣‬ٸڂ حٿٴنْش ٿڀظَّ٘‪٬‬خص حٿيًٿْش حٿڄن‪٨‬ڄش أل‪٫‬ڄخٽ ‪ْٛ‬خنش‬ ‫ً‪٫‬ڄَس حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ًىٌ ڃخ ّئىُ اٿِ ط‪ ٌَّ٤‬ڃٔظٌُ حٿويڃش حٿٴنْش حٿڄٸيڃش ٿڀ‪٬‬ڄالء ‪ ..‬ڃْ٘يح رخٿڄٔظٌُ حٿٴنِ حٿڄ‪٬‬يٌى‬ ‫ڃن أرنخء ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ٳِ ٻخٳش حألًٷخص ًٿْ​ْ ٳِ أًٷخص حٿظٴظْٖ ٳٸ‪.٢‬‬ ‫ٷخٽ اڅ حال‪٫‬ظڄخىحص حٿيًٿْش ىِ أٓخّ طٸيّڂ حٿويڃش حٿٴنْش ٿ‪٬‬ڄالء حٿ‪َ٤‬ٱ حٿؼخٿغ ًؿڀذ حٿڄِّي ڃن حٿظ‪٬‬خٷيحص ڃ‪٪‬‬ ‫‪٫‬ڄالء ؿيى ڃلڀْخ ً‪َ٫‬رْخ ً‪٫‬خٿڄْخ ڃن هخٍؽ ڃـڄٌ‪٫‬ش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ًٳِ ڃوظڀٲ حٿڄل‪٤‬خص حٿيحهڀْش ًحٿوخٍؿْش‬ ‫رييٱ ُّخىس حألٍرخف‪.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿخنزو ٷخٽ حٿڄينيّ ڃلڄي ٓخڃِ ‪ ٌ٠٫‬ڃـڀْ حإلىحٍس ًحٿڄٔجٌٽ ‪٫‬ن حال‪٫‬ظڄخىحص حٿڄلڀْش ًحٿيًٿْش اڅ طٴظْٖ‬ ‫حٿٌٻخٿش حألًًٍرْش ٿٔالڃش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ّييٱ ٳِ حٿڄٸخځ حألًٽ اٿِ حٿظلٸٶ ڃن حٿټٴخءس حٿٴنْش ٿألٳَحى حٿظِ طظ‪٤‬ڀذ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ‬ ‫‪٣‬زٸخ ٿڀظَّ٘‪٬‬خص حٿڄڀِڃش ًحالٿظِحځ رخٿظٌ‪ْٛ‬خص حٿ‪ٜ‬خىٍس ‪٫‬ن حٿـيخص حٿڄ‪ٜ‬ن‪٬‬ش ٿڀ‪٤‬خثَحص أً حٿٔڀ‪٤‬خص حٿيًٿْش حٿڄ‪ٜ‬يٍس‬ ‫ٿظڀٺ حٿظَّ٘‪٬‬خص ًحطزخ‪٫‬يخ ريٷش ًىٌ ڃخ ّڄنق َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش حٿٸيٍس ‪٫‬ڀِ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪٣‬زٸخ ٿڀڄظ‪٤‬ڀزخص حٿٴنْش‬ ‫ٿالطلخى حألًًٍرِ‪.‬‬ ‫أٗخٍ حٿڄينيّ أّڄن ‪ ِ٫‬حٿيّن ڃيَّ ‪٫‬خځ حإلىحٍس حٿ‪٬‬خڃش ٿظٌٻْي حٿـٌىس اٿِ أڅ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ حٿڄظٌح‪ٛ‬پ ًحٿظٴظْ٘خص حٿڄظظخٿْش‬ ‫ٌٓحء ڃن حإلىحٍس حٿ‪٬‬خڃش ٿڀـٌىس أً ڃن ٓڀ‪٤‬خص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ حٿڄوظڀٴش ط‪٠‬ڄن طڄِْ حٿلخٿش حٿٴنْش ٿألٳَحى حٿ‪٬‬خڃڀْن‬ ‫رخٿَ٘ٻش ًطئىڀيڂ رخٓظڄَحٍ ٿڀ‪٬‬ڄپ رنٴْ حٿټٴخءس ٳِ ٻخٳش حألًٷخص ًطٸيّڂ هيڃش ٳنْش ‪٫‬ڀِ ڃٔظٌُ ‪٫‬خٽ ڃن حٿټٴخءس‬ ‫ًىٌ ڃخ ط‪٬‬ټٔو نظخثؾ طڀٺ حٿظٴظْ٘خص‪.‬‬ ‫ٻخنض اؿَحءحص حٿظٴظْٖ ٷي ريأص رـٌٿش طٴظْْ٘ش رڄل‪٤‬ظِ َٗځ حٿْ٘ن ًرَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د رخإلٓټنيٍّش طز‪٬‬يخ حؿظڄخ‪ ٩‬ڃ‪٪‬‬ ‫حإلىحٍس حٿ‪٬‬ڀْخ ًطٌٻْي حٿـٌىس رڄٸَ حٿَ٘ٻش رخٿٸخىَس ػڂ طٴٸي حٿڄٌحٷ‪ ٪‬حٿڄوظڀٴش ٳْڄخ ّظ‪٠‬ڄن أ‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿـٌىس ًحٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش‬ ‫حٿٌْڃْش ًحٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش حٿيًٍّش ًڃوخُڅ ٷ‪ ٪٤‬حٿْٰخٍ ًحٿڄټظزش حٿٴنْش ً‪٫‬ڄَس حٿٌكيحص ً‪٫‬ڄَس حٿڄلَٻخص ً‪٫‬ڄَس حألؿيِس‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫أرٌ ‪٣‬خٿذ طٌٳْٶ‪ :‬حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش ٿيّيخ ح‪٫‬ظڄخى هيڃش ً‪٫‬ڄَس ً‪ْٛ‬خنش‬ ‫ڃلَٻخص ‪CFM56- 7B‬حٿڄؼزظش ‪٫‬ڀَ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس ‪B737-800‬‬ ‫أٻي ‪ٛ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ ،‬أڅ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ًَٗٻخطيخ حٿظخر‪٬‬ش طٔ‪َ٬‬‬ ‫ٿڀظ‪ً ٌَّ٤‬حٿظليّغ رخٓظڄَحٍ رڄخ ّويځ حٿَٻخد ًٌّٳَ ٿيڂ حٿَحكش ًحٿَٳخىْش حٿڄ‪٤‬ڀٌرش‪ ،‬ٻڄخ طٔ‪ َ٬‬ٿڀظٌحؿي حٿيحثڂ ٳَ‬ ‫ڃوظڀٲ حألٌٓحٵ هخ‪ٛ‬ش ٳَ ‪٧‬پ حٿڄنخٳٔش حٿٸٌّش حٿظَ ّ٘ييىخ ڃـخٽ حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ‪.‬‬ ‫ًأ‪ٟ‬خٱ ڃٔڀڂ أڅ َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش اكيٍ حٿَ٘ٻخص حٿٸٌّش حٿظَ ٓظيڂ ر٘ټپ ٻزَْ ٳَ‬ ‫ط‪ ٌَّ٤‬ڃن‪ٌ٨‬ڃش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ً ،‬أڅ ط‪ ٌَّ٤‬حألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ ًَٗحء حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪ّB737-800‬ڀِڃو ٳَ‬ ‫حٿڄٸخځ حألًٽ طيٍّذ حٿڄينيْٓن ًحٿٴنْ​ْن ‪٫‬ڀَ طٸيّڂ حٿويڃخص حٿٴنْش ٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حألٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٽ حٿـيّيس ًڃلَٻخطيخ‪ً ،‬ىٌ ڃخ طڂ‬ ‫رخٿٴ‪٬‬پ ڃن هالٽ ح‪٫‬ظڄخى َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ڃن ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ حٿڄ‪ ٍَٜ‬ٿظٸيّڂ هيڃخص ‪٫‬ڄَس ً‪ْٛ‬خنش‬ ‫ڃلَٻخص ‪CFM56- 7B‬حٿڄؼزظش ‪٫‬ڀَ ‪٣‬خثَحص ‪B737-800.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿخنزو ٷخٽ حٿڄينيّ أرٌ ‪٣‬خٿذ طٌٳْٶ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش‪ ،‬انو ٳَ‬ ‫‪٫‬خځ ‪ 2014‬ريأص َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪٫‬ڀَ ىٍحٓش ا‪ٟ‬خٳش اڃټخنْش ط‪٬‬ڄَْ حٿڄلَٻخص ‪CFM56-7B‬‬ ‫ٿٌٍٗش حٿڄلَٻخص نظْـش ٿِّخىس أٓ‪ٌ٤‬ٿيخ ڃن ‪َ٣‬حُ ‪B737-800‬اٿَ ‪٣ 20‬خثَس‪ ،‬رخإل‪ٟ‬خٳش اٿَ حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص حٿـيّيس‬ ‫حٿڄظ‪٬‬خٷي ‪٫‬ڀْيخ ڃن نٴْ حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ٿْ‪ٜ‬زق حٿ‪٬‬يى رنيخّش ٗيَ ىّٔڄزَ حٿٸخىځ ‪٣ 29‬خثَس ً‪ 58‬ڃلَٻ ًخ ً‪ 4‬ڃلَٻخص حكظْخ‪ْ٣‬ش‬ ‫ربؿڄخٿَ ‪٫‬يى ‪ 62‬ڃلَٻخً‪ ،‬ڃڄخ ّٔظٌؿذ ‪ْٛ‬خنش ًط‪٬‬ڄَْ ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ رخٿوخٍؽ ڃخ ّ‪٬‬نَ حٍطٴخ‪ ٩‬طټڀٴش حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحٓظيالٹ‬ ‫ًٷض أ‪ٌ٣‬ٽ‪ً ،‬ڃن ىٌح حٿڄن‪٤‬ڀٶ طڂ رخٿٴ‪٬‬پ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪٫‬ڀَ ُّخىس اڃټخنْخص ًٍٗش حٿڄلَٻخص ٿڀل‪ٌٜ‬ٽ ‪٫‬ڀَ ح‪٫‬ظڄخى ٓڀ‪٤‬ش‬ ‫حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ حٿڄ‪ً ،ٍَٜ‬حٿٌٍ ّئىڀيخ ٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪ْٛ‬خنش ً‪٫‬ڄَس ٻخڃڀش ٿيٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ڃڄخ ٌّٳَ حٿټؼَْ ڃن حٿ‪٬‬ڄڀش حٿ‪٬ٜ‬زش‬ ‫ٿڀَ٘ٻش ًّ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪٫‬ڀَ طٌْٓ‪ ٪‬ن‪٤‬خٵ هيڃخص حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش حٿڄ‪ًَ٤‬كش ٿڀ‪٬‬ڄالء ڃن هخٍؽ ڃـڄٌ‪٫‬ش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ ،‬رييٱ‬ ‫ُّخىس حألٍرخف‪ً .‬أ‪ٟ‬خٱ أرٌ ‪٣‬خٿذ‪ ،‬أنو طڂ ا‪٫‬يحى ًطنٴٌْ ه‪٤‬ش ‪٫‬ڄپ ٿِّخىس اڃټخنْخص ًٍٗش ‪٫‬ڄَس حٿڄلَٻخص ٗڄڀض طؤىْپ‬ ‫ًح‪٫‬ظڄخى ؿيخُ حالهظزخٍ رخٿٌٍٗش ٿڄٌحؿيش حٿظٴظْ٘خص حٿيًٍّش حٿظَ طظڂ ڃن ٷزپ ٓڀ‪٤‬خص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ حٿڄوظڀٴش‪.‬‬ ‫ًٳَ نٴْ حٿْٔخٵ‪ ،‬أٻي حٿڄينيّ ‪٣‬خٍٵ ‪٫‬الځ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس َٗٻش اّـْزض اًَّ إلىحٍس ًٍٕ حٿڄلَٻخص‬ ‫( )‪EAMS‬أڅ ك‪ٌٜ‬ٽ َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحال‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش ‪٫‬ڀَ ىٌح حال‪٫‬ظڄخى طڂ ر‪٬‬ي حٿل‪ٌٜ‬ٽ ‪٫‬ڀَ‬ ‫حال‪ٛ‬يحٍحص حٿليّؼش ڃن ٻظذ حٿ‪ٜ‬نخ‪ ٩‬حٿوخ‪ٛ‬ش ر‪ْٜ‬خنش ڃلَٻخص حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص‪B737-800 ،‬ٻڄخ طڂ طيٍّذ ڃـڄٌ‪٫‬ش ڃن‬ ‫حٿڄينيْٓن ًحٿٴنْ​ْن ‪٫‬ڀَ ‪ْٛ‬خنش ً‪٫‬ڄَس ڃلَٻخص ‪CFM56- 7B‬رَ٘ٻش ‪GE‬حٿڄ‪ٜ‬ن‪٬‬ش ٿڀڄلَٹ‪ً ،‬طڂ َٗحء ڃـڄٌ‪٫‬ش‬ ‫ڃن حٿ‪٬‬يى ًحٓالص حٿالُڃش ٿڀٌٍٗش ڃڄخ ّئىڀيخ ٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ‪ْٛ‬خنش ٻخڃڀش ٿڀڄلَٻخص ڃن ىٌح حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ‪ ،‬كْغ طڂ حٿظٸيځ ر‪٤‬ڀذ‬ ‫ح‪٫‬ظڄخى ڃن ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ حٿڄ‪ً ٍَٜ‬حٿظَ ٷخڃض ريًٍىخ ربٍٓخٽ ڃـڄٌ‪٫‬ش ڃن حٿڄٴظْ٘ن ٿڀظؤٻي ڃن ڃٸيٍس ًٍٗش‬ ‫حٿڄلَٻخص ‪٫‬ڀَ اطڄخځ أ‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحٿ‪٬‬ڄَس ٿڀڄلَٹ‪CFM56- 7B ،‬رييٱ ڃظخر‪٬‬ش ؿٌىس ًٓالڃش اؿَحءحص ‪ْٛ‬خنش‬ ‫حٿ‪٤‬خثَحص ًأؿِحثيخ ًحٿظؤٻي ڃن ٻٴخءس حٿ‪٬‬نخ‪ َٛ‬حٿٴنْش ًحٓظْ‪٬‬خريخ ٿټپ ڃخ ّظ‪٬‬ڀٶ ر‪٬‬نخ‪ َٛ‬حٿٔالڃش ًحٿـٌىس ًحٿيٷش ٳَ أىحء‬ ‫حأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿڄوظڀٴش‪ً ،‬ىٌ ڃخ أػڄَ ‪٫‬ن ك‪ٌٜ‬ٽ حٿَ٘ٻش ‪٫‬ڀَ حال‪٫‬ظڄخى‪.‬‬ ‫ًطخر‪٫ ٪‬الځ أڅ ط‪ ٌَّ٤‬حٿويڃش حٿٴنْش حٿڄٸيڃش ًحٿظ‪٬‬خٷي ڃ‪ ٪‬ڃِّي ڃن حٿ‪٬‬ڄالء ّظ‪٤‬ڀذ حٿلٴخ‪٫ ٥‬ڀَ ڃوظڀٲ حال‪٫‬ظڄخىحص‬ ‫حٿيًٿَ‪.‬‬ ‫ٻخنض َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٿڀ‪ْٜ‬خنش ًحأل‪٫‬ڄخٽ حٿٴنْش ٷي نـلض ٳَ حٿل‪ٌٜ‬ٽ ‪٫‬ڀَ ح‪٫‬ظڄخى ؿيّي ڃن ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينَ‬ ‫حٿڄ‪ّ ٍَٜ‬ڄټنيخ ڃن طٸيّڂ هيڃش ‪٫‬ڄَس ً‪ْٛ‬خنش ڃلَٻخص ‪CFM56- 7B‬ٿ‪٤‬خثَحص‪B737-800 ،‬كْغ ّ‪٬‬ي ىٌح‬ ‫حٿ‪َ٤‬حُ ڃن أٻؼَ حٿ‪َ٤‬حُحص حنظ٘خًٍح ‪٫‬ڀَ ڃٔظٌٍ حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ‪ً​ً ،‬ٿٺ ٓ‪ً ْ٬‬خ نلٌ ُّخىس ٷخ‪٫‬يس حٿ‪٬‬ڄالء ڃن ڃوظڀٲ أنلخء حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ‬ ‫ًط‪٤‬زْٸخ ٿڀو‪ ٢٤‬حٿظنڄٌّش ًطٌْٓ‪ ٪‬ن‪٤‬خٵ حألن٘‪٤‬ش حٿٴنْش حٿڄٸيڃش ٿڀ‪٬‬ڄالء‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫رخٿ‪ ..ٌٍٜ‬ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ طظٔڀڂ ىٍ‪ ٩‬حٿَّخىس حٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىُ‬ ‫ڃلًَّ ىنيحًُ‬

‫طٔڀڄض َٗٻش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ڃڄؼڀش ٳِ ڃټظزيخ رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ ،‬ىٍ‪ ٩‬حٿظڄِْ ًحٿَّخىس ‪٫‬ن ڃٌٓڂ‬ ‫حٿلؾ ٿڀ‪٬‬خځ حٿڄخ‪ ،ِٟ‬ٿڄخ ٷيڃظو ڃن ؿيٌى ڃظڄِْس ًط‪٬‬خًڅ ڃؼڄَ ٳِ ى‪٫‬ڂ ًنـخف ڃٌٓڂ حٿلؾ‪ً ،‬طٸيّڂ‬ ‫أٳ‪٠‬پ ڃٔظٌٍ ڃن حٿويڃخص ٿڀلـخؽ رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حألڃَْ ڃلڄي رن ‪٫‬زي حٿ‪ ِِّ٬‬ٳِ حٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪.‬‬ ‫ًطٔڀڂ حٿيٍ‪ ٩‬ى٘خځ ‪٫‬زي حٿٌىخد‪ ،‬ڃيَّ ڃل‪٤‬ش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ً ،‬حٿٌُ طڂ طټَّڄو‬ ‫أّ‪٠‬خ ٻؤٳ‪٠‬پ ڃيَُّ حٿڄل‪٤‬خص ٿڀَ٘ٻخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃڀش رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حألڃَْ ڃلڄي رن ‪٫‬زي حٿ‪ ِِّ٬‬رخٿڄيّنش‬ ‫حٿڄنٌٍس؛ ٿڄخ ٷيڃو ڃن ؿيي ًط‪٬‬خًڅ ڃؼڄَ ڃ‪ ٪‬ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿـيخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃڀش رخٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ‪.‬‬ ‫ًأٻي ى٘خځ ‪٫‬زي حٿٌىخد‪ ،‬ڃيَّ ڃل‪٤‬ش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ ،‬أڅ ًٿٺ حٿظټَّڂ ىٌ‬ ‫نظخؽ ؿيي ٳَّٶ ‪٫‬ڄپ ڃٌٓڂ حٿلؾ ًُڃالثو ٳِ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ًًٍف حٿٴَّٶ ًحٿظٴخنِ ٳِ هيڃش حٿلـخؽ‪،‬‬ ‫ًط‪٬‬خًڅ ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿـيخص ًطٸيَّىخ ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪.‬‬ ‫ًك‪ َ٠‬ڃَحٓڂ حٿظټَّڂ ٍثْ​ْ َٗٻش ‪TAV‬ٿڀڄ‪٤‬خٍحص رخٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىّش‪ًٍ ،‬ثْ​ْ ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ‬ ‫رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ً ،‬نخثذ ٍثْ​ْ ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ رخٿڄڄڀټش حٿ‪َ٬‬رْش حٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىّش‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫"ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ" طل‪ٜ‬پ ‪٫‬ڀَ ىٍ‪ ٩‬حٿظڄِْ ٳِ هيڃش نٸپ حٿلـخؽ ٿيٌح حٿ‪٬‬خځ‬ ‫ٻظذ‪ :‬ڃلڄي حٿْ٘ن‬

‫ڃنلض حٿٔڀ‪٤‬خص رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حألڃَْ ڃلڄي ‪٫‬زي حٿ‪ ِِّ٬‬رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ ،‬ڃټظذ َٗٻش ڃ‪َٜ‬‬ ‫ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس ىٍ‪ ٩‬حٿظڄِْ ًحٿَّخىس ‪٫‬ن ڃٌٓڂ حٿلؾ حٿڄخ‪ ِٟ‬ٿڄخ ٷيڃظو ڃن ؿيٌى‬ ‫ڃظڄِْس ًط‪٬‬خًڅ ڃؼڄَ ٳِ ى‪٫‬ڂ ًنـخف ڃٌٓڂ حٿلؾ ًطٸيّڂ أٳ‪٠‬پ ڃٔظٌٍ ڃن حٿويڃخص‬ ‫ٿڀلـخؽ‪.‬‬ ‫ًطٔڀڂ حٿيٍ‪ ٩‬ى٘خځ ‪٫‬زي حٿٌىخد‪ ،‬ڃيَّ ڃل‪٤‬ش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ ،‬حٿٌُ طڂ‬ ‫طټَّڄو أّ‪٠‬خ ٻؤٳ‪٠‬پ ڃيَُّ حٿڄل‪٤‬خص ٿڀَ٘ٻخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃڀش رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حألڃَْ ڃلڄي رن ‪٫‬زي حٿ‪،ِِّ٬‬‬ ‫رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس ٿڄخ ٷيڃو ڃن ؿيي ًط‪٬‬خًڅ ڃؼڄَ ڃ‪ ٪‬ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿـيخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃڀش رخٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ‪.‬‬ ‫ًأٻي ى٘خځ ‪٫‬زيحٿٌىخد‪ ،‬ڃيَّ ڃل‪٤‬ش ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رڄ‪٤‬خٍ حٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪ ،‬أڅ ًٿٺ حٿظټَّڂ‬ ‫ىٌ نظخؽ ؿيي ٳَّٶ ‪٫‬ڄپ ڃٌٓڂ حٿلؾ ًُڃالثو ٳِ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ ًًٍف حٿٴَّٶ ًحٿظٴخنِ ٳِ هيڃش‬ ‫حٿلـخؽ‪ً ،‬ط‪٬‬خًڅ ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿـيخص ًطٸيَّىخ ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‪ً ،‬ك‪ َ٠‬ڃَحٓڂ حٿظټَّڂ ٻپ ڃن‬ ‫ٍثْ​ْ َٗٻش ‪TAV‬ٿڀڄ‪٤‬خٍحص رخٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىّش‪ًٍ ،‬ثْ​ْ ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ رخٿڄيّنش حٿڄنٌٍس‪،‬‬ ‫ًنخثذ ٍثْ​ْ ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ رخٿڄڄڀټش حٿ‪َ٬‬رْش حٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىّش‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ طٴٌُ رَثخٓش "أٳَح"‬ ‫ّلٍَه‪:‬‬

‫ڃلڄي ‪ْ٤٫‬ش‬

‫أ‪٫‬ڀن ‪ٛ‬ٴٌص ڃٔڀڂ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڄ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‬ ‫ٳٌُ حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٌ‪٣‬نْش رَثخٓش حٿڀـنش حٿظنٴٌّْش الطلخى َٗٻخص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ‬ ‫حألٳَّٸْش "أٳَح" ً​ًٿٺ كظِ ‪٫‬ٸي حٿـڄ‪ْ٬‬ش حٿ‪٬‬ڄٌڃْش حٿڄٸزڀش ٍٷڂ ‪ 15‬ٿ‪٬‬خځ‬ ‫‪.2019‬‬ ‫ح‪ٟ‬خٱ ڃٔڀڂ أڅ ك‪ٌٜ‬ٽ ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ‪٫‬ڀِ ڃٸ‪٬‬ي حٿَثخٓش ّ‪٬‬ي طظٌّـخ‬ ‫ٿـيٌى حٿَ٘ٻش ٳِ حالطلخى ‪ ..‬كْغ طٔ‪ ِ٬‬حٿَ٘ٻش ‪٫‬ڀِ طلٸْٶ حألىيحٱ‬ ‫حٿڄَؿٌس ٿأل‪٠٫‬خء‪ ..‬ٳ‪٠‬ال ‪٫‬ن ط‪٬‬ڄْٶ حٿ‪٬‬الٷخص رْنيڂ رڄخ ّويځ ڃـخٽ‬ ‫‪ٛ‬نخ‪٫‬ش حٿنٸپ حٿـٌُ ٳِ حٿٸخٍس حألٳَّٸْش‪.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿيظيخ ٍكزض حٿڀـنش حٿظنٴٌّْش رخٿٔټَطَْ حٿ‪٬‬خځ حٿـيّي ٿالٳَح ‪٫‬زي‬ ‫حٿَكڄن رَع حٿٌُ ْٓٸٌځ رخٓظالځ ‪٫‬ڄڀو ٍٓڄْخ ح‪٫‬ظزخٍح ڃن ‪ّ 1‬نخَّ‬ ‫‪.2018‬‬ ‫ٻخنض حٿڀـنش حٿظنٴٌّْش الطلخى َٗٻخص حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حألٳَّٸْش "أٳَح" ٷي نخٷ٘ض‬ ‫‪٫‬يس ڃ٘خٍّ‪ ٪‬ڃ٘ظَٻش رْن حٿيًٽ حأل‪٠٫‬خء ڃؼپ حٿَ٘حء حٿڄ٘ظَٹ ٿڀٌٷٌى‬ ‫حٿويڃخص حالٍ‪ْٟ‬ش‪ .‬حالطٴخٷْخص حٿظـخٍّش ًحٿظيٍّذ رخإل‪ٟ‬خٳش اٿِ ح‪٫‬ظڄخى‬ ‫ڃٌحُنش ‪٫‬خځ ‪ً 2018‬ڃِْحنْش ‪٫‬خځ ‪.2017‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫آڄخ‪ْ٫‬پ ‪..‬ڃيًَّح ٿڀ‪٬‬الٷخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃش رڄْنخء حٿٸخىَس حٿـٌُ‬ ‫ّلٍَه‪:‬‬

‫ڃلڄي ‪ْ٤٫‬ش‬

‫ٷٍَص ٿـنش حٿٸْخىحص رخٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڀڄ‪٤‬خٍحص ًحٿڄالكش حٿـٌّش‬ ‫رَثخٓش حٿڄينيّ ڃلڄي ٓ‪ْ٬‬ي ڃلًَّ ٍثْ​ْ حٿَ٘ٻش ط‪ْ​ْ٬‬ن‬ ‫حٿيٻظٌٍ ‪٣‬خٍٵ آڄخ‪ْ٫‬پ ڃيَّح ٿإلىحٍس حٿ‪٬‬خڃش ٿڀ‪٬‬الٷخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃش‬ ‫رَ٘ٻش ڃْنخء حٿٸخىَس حٿـٌُ هڀٴخ ٿلڄيُ ‪٫‬زيحٿ‪ ِِّ٬‬حٿٌُ رڀٮ‬ ‫ٓن حٿظٸخ‪٫‬ي‪.‬‬ ‫ٻخڅ آڄخ‪ْ٫‬پ ّٰ٘پ ڃن‪ٜ‬ذ ڃٔجٌٽ حٿڄَحٓڂ ًحٿزًَطٌٻٌٽ ٳِ‬ ‫َٗٻش حٿڄْنخء ًؿخء ك‪ٌٜ‬ٿو رخٿڄن‪ٜ‬ذ حٿـيّي ر‪٬‬ي ٳٌُه رڄٔخرٸش‬ ‫طٸيځ اٿْيخ ‪ 14‬ڃظٸيڃخ ٿٰ٘پ حٿٌ‪ْ٧‬ٴش‪٬ّ . .‬ي حٿيٻظٌٍ ‪٣‬خٍٵ‬ ‫آڄخ‪ْ٫‬پ ڃن حٿټٴخءحص حٿنخىٍس ٳِ َٗٻش ڃْنخء حٿٸخىَس حٿـٌُ‬ ‫ٳ‪٠‬ال ‪٫‬ن ٻٌنو ‪ٌ٠٫‬ح ٳِ ڃـڀْ حىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش ًٻٌٿٺ ‪ ٌ٠٫‬ٳِ‬ ‫حٿڀـنش حٿنٸخرْش‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ر‪٬‬ي حنظيخء ٳ‪٬‬خٿْخص ڃنظيُ ٗزخد حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ‬ ‫ڃلًَّ ّْ٘ي رؤىحء ٳَٵ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ رڄ‪٤‬خٍُ حٿٸخىَس ًَٗځ حٿْ٘ن‬ ‫ّلٍَه‪ :‬ڃلڄي ‪ْ٤٫‬ش‬

‫أٗخى حٿڄينيّ ڃلڄي ٓ‪ْ٬‬ي ڃلًَّ ٍثْ​ْ ڃـڀْ اىحٍس حٿَ٘ٻش حٿڄ‪َّٜ‬ش‬ ‫حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڀڄ‪٤‬خٍحص ً حٿڄالكش حٿـٌّش رٴَٵ حٿ‪٬‬ڄپ رڄ‪٤‬خٍُ حٿٸخىَس ًَٗځ‬ ‫حٿْ٘ن ًنـخكيڂ ٳِ حٓظٸزخٽ ً طٌىّ‪ ٪‬حٿٌٳٌى حٿڄ٘خٍٻش ٳِ ڃنظيُ ٗزخد‬ ‫حٿ‪٬‬خٿڂ رَ٘ځ حٿْ٘ن‪.‬‬ ‫ڃن ؿخنزو ٷخځ حٿڀٌحء هخٿي ٳٌىس ڃلخٳ‪ ٦‬ؿنٌد ْٓنخء رظټَّڂ اىحٍس ً ٳَّٶ‬ ‫حٿ‪٬‬الٷخص حٿ‪٬‬خڃش رڄ‪٤‬خٍ َٗځ حٿْ٘ن ًڃنليڂ ٗيخىس طٸيَّ ٿـيٌىىڂ ٳِ‬ ‫حٓظٸزخٽ ً طٌىّ‪ ٪‬حٿٌٳٌى حٿڄ٘خٍٻش ٳِ حٿڄنظيُ ًحٿزخٿٮ ‪٫‬يىىڂ ‪ً 52‬ٳيح‬ ‫ٍٓڄْخ ڃن أٻؼَ ڃن ‪ 100‬ىًٿش ربؿڄخٿِ ‪٫‬يى ‪ 3000‬ڃ٘خٍٹ‪.‬‬ ‫ٌّٻَ أڅ حٿَ٘ٻش حٿٸخر‪٠‬ش ٿڀڄ‪٤‬خٍحص ٷي ٗټڀض ٿـنش ٍٳْ‪٬‬ش حٿڄٔظٌُ ٿظَْْٔ‬ ‫حٓظٸزخٽ ًطٌىّ‪ ً ٪‬انيخء اؿَحءحص ٓٴَ ً​ً‪ٌٛ‬ٽ حٿ٘زخد حٿڄ٘خٍٻْن ٳِ‬ ‫حٿڄئطڄَ ٌٓحء ‪٫‬ن ‪َّ٣‬ٶ ڃ‪٤‬خٍ َٗځ حٿْ٘ن حٿيًٿِ أً ڃ‪٤‬خٍ حٿٸخىَس‬ ‫حٿيًٿِ كْغ طِّن ٻال حٿڄ‪٤‬خٍّن رخألٿٌحڅ حٿِحىْش ً طڂ ً‪ ٪ٟ‬الٳظخص طلڄپ‬ ‫ٗ‪٬‬خٍ حٿڄئطڄَ ٻڄخ طڂ طٌٳَْ ْٓخٍحص هخ‪ٛ‬ش ٿنٸپ حٿڄ٘خٍٻْن ىحهپ حٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ‬ ‫طلڄپ ‪٬ٗ ً ٌٍٛ‬خٍ حٿڄئطڄَ‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ڃ‪ٜ‬يٍ أڃنِ ّټ٘ٲ ٓزذ ‪ٌ٣‬حٍة ڃ‪٤‬خٍ رَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د‪ :‬رال٭ ‪ْ٣‬خٍ ٓ‪ٌ٬‬ىُ‬ ‫ٻظذ‪ٍ :‬ؿذ ٍڃ‪٠‬خڅ‬ ‫ٗيي ڃ‪٤‬خٍ رَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د حٿيًٿِ رخإلٓټنيٍّش‪ ،‬ڃٔخء حٿـڄ‪٬‬ش‪ ،‬كخٿش ‪ٌ٣‬حٍة ٷ‪ٌٍٜ‬‬ ‫رٔزذ رال٭ ڃن ‪ْ٣‬خٍ ٓ‪ٌ٬‬ىُ ر٘ؤڅ ‪٣‬خثَس ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿٸخىڃش ڃن حٿَّخ‪ ٝ‬ڃخ‬ ‫طٔزذ ٳِ ىزٌ‪٣‬يخ ح‪َ٤ٟ‬حٍّخ رخٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ حٿٸيّڂ حٿظخر‪ ٪‬ٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ رَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د‪.‬‬ ‫ًٷخٽ ڃ‪ٜ‬يٍ أڃنِ رڄ‪٤‬خٍ رَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د‪ ،‬ٿـ«حٿڄ‪ َُٜ‬حٿٌْځ»‪ ،‬اڅ «رَؽ حٿڄَحٷزش‬ ‫ًٓڀ‪٤‬خص حٿڄٌحنت حٿـٌّش طڀٸض رالٯخ ڃن ٓڀ‪٤‬ش حٿ‪َْ٤‬حڅ حٿڄينِ حٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىُ رو‪ٌٜٙ‬‬ ‫‪٣‬خثَس طخر‪٬‬ش ٿو‪ ١ٌ٤‬ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ ٷخىڃش ڃن حٿَّخ‪ ،ٝ‬ڃٔخء حٿـڄ‪٬‬ش‪ٍ ،‬كڀش ٍٷڂ‬ ‫‪ 654‬ڃٸٍَ ڃ‪٬‬خى ً‪ٌٛ‬ٿيخ حٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ حٿظخٓ‪٬‬ش ً‪ َ٘٫‬ىٷخثٶ ڃٔخء ً‪٫‬ڀَ ڃظنيخ ‪50‬‬ ‫ٍحٻزخ‪ ،‬رخإل‪ٟ‬خٳش اٿَ ‪٣ 7‬خٷڂ ‪٣‬خثَس ّظ‪٠‬ڄن حٿزال٭ ڃ‪٬‬ڀٌڃخص طٴْي رڄ٘خىيس أكي‬ ‫‪ْ٣‬خٍ​ٍ حٿو‪ ١ٌ٤‬حٿٔ‪ٌ٬‬ىّش حٿظِ أٷڀ‪٬‬ض ر‪٬‬ي ‪٣‬خثَس ڃ‪ َٜ‬ٿڀ‪َْ٤‬حڅ رٌحٷِ ًك‪٤‬خځ ا‪٣‬خٍ‬ ‫‪٫‬ڀَ ڃڄَ حإلٷال‪.»٩‬‬ ‫ًأً‪ٟ‬ق حٿڄ‪ٜ‬يٍ‪ ،‬حٿٌُ ٍٳ‪ً ٞ‬ٻَ حٓڄو‪ ،‬أنو «طڂ حٿظ‪٬‬خڃپ ڃ‪ ٪‬حٿزال٭ ر‪ٌٍٜ‬س ؿيّش‬ ‫ٳِ ڃ‪٤‬خٍ رَؽ حٿ‪َ٬‬د ًطڂ ارال٭ ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿٔڀ‪٤‬خص ًحٿـيخص حٿْٔخىّش رخٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ ًأ‪٫‬ڀنض‬ ‫كخٿش ىزٌ‪ ١‬ح‪َ٤ٟ‬حٍُ ًطڂ طٌؿْو حٿ‪٤‬خثَس ٿڀيزٌ‪ ١‬رڄيز‪ ٢‬حٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ حٿٸيّڂ ًىز‪٤‬ض‬ ‫حٿ‪٤‬خثَس رٔالڃش ًٿڂ ّټن ريخ أُ أ‪٤٫‬خٽ أً طڀٴْخص ڃن أُ نٌ‪ً ،٩‬طڄض ڃٸخرڀش ؿڄْ‪٪‬‬ ‫حٿَٻخد ً‪٣‬خٷڂ حٿ‪٤‬خثَس رټپ طَكخد رڄ‪َ٬‬ٳش ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬ٷْخىحص حٿـيخص حٿْٔخىّش رخٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ‬ ‫ًأَٗٱ حٿـڄْ‪٫ ٪‬ڀَ اؿَحءحص حٿظَْْٔ ًحٿظٔيْالص حٿظِ ٷيڃض ٿوًَؽ حٿَٻخد ڃن‬ ‫حٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ»‪.‬‬ ‫ٌّٻَ أڅ ؿڄْ‪ ٪‬حٿَٻخد حٿٸخىڃْن ‪٫‬ڀَ حٿ‪٤‬خثَس ٿڂ ّالك‪ٌ٨‬ح أً ّ‪٬‬ڀڄٌح ْٗجخ ‪٫‬ن حٿزال٭‬ ‫أً حٿٌحٷ‪٬‬ش كظَ ٿل‪٨‬ش هًَؿيڂ ڃن حٿڄ‪٤‬خٍ‬

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ OPINION: Airbus, Emirates face off over A380 impasse To concentrate on the Emirates A380 order saga in anticipation of writing large figures in Dubai air show headlines is to ignore the fascinating high-stakes poker game being played in the background – one involving numbers far greater than a couple of dozen aircraft and a few billions of dollars. Emirates satisfied those eager for a splash story on the opening day with an agreement for Boeing 787-10s and the unveiling of a luxurious cabin revamp for 777s. It even managed some publicity by proxy as the event began to close, through the huge 737 Max deal reached by partner Flydubai – adding to a sense that Airbus had been left back at the starting gate as far as Dubai’s main carrier was concerned. This is nonsense, of course, because air shows are transient and the absence of a showpiece is hardly evidence of failure when the airline in question has 100 A380s and has expressed, time and again, its devotion for Airbus’s double-deck flagship. Emirates is passionate about taking the A380 and Airbus is desperate to sell the jet. From the outside, this looks like a shoo-in for both sides, with only the usual fine points to negotiate away. That is why the real Emirates A380 story at Dubai is not a matter of how many, and how much, but about whether Emirates is calling Airbus’s bluff. Because the airframer has consistently defended the A380, boldly dismissing doubts over its longevity, in the face of an undeniable absence of orders, and asserting that the aircraft, born into the darkness of a global economic slump, is yet to have its dawn. By seeking a guarantee over A380 production for 10-15 years after completing its current orders – effectively the mid-2030s or beyond – the airline is asking Airbus whether the certainty it expresses to the press about future sales is echoed in its own boardroom. At the Dubai show, Emirates president Tim Clark appeared both exasperated and baffled over the weak take-up by other airlines, and evoked Airbus’s own reasoning about traffic forecasts and airport congestion by suggesting that reluctant carriers are engaged in dangerously short-term thinking. Clark has promoted the A380 relentlessly and argues, convincingly, that the airline has marketed the aircraft as much as Airbus – perhaps even more. Airbus and Emirates, for now, are the only two realistic players seated at the A380 card table. That much is obvious. Less so is which of the two has greater faith in the jet.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Etihad Airways Launches All-Cargo Flights to Miami MIAMI – Miami International Airport (MIA) welcomed its first weekly flight by Etihad Cargo on November 7. ―We proudly welcome Etihad Cargo to Miami-Dade County,‖ said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Giménez. ―Their addition to the local cargo industry brings new revenue and job creation to our community, which is already home to the busiest international freight airport in America.‖ READ MORE: EVA Air Cargo Receives Its First Boeing 777 Freighter Etihad Airways is the fourth carrier to launch all-cargo services to MIA this year. In February, Qatar Airways launched two weekly cargo flights from Doha, with stops in South America and Europe. Mexico-based, Aeronaves TSM initiated 10 weekly flights from Cancun in March, and TACA Peru began four weekly freighter flights from five South American cities in August. The new scheduled freighter flights, served by Boeing 777-200F aircraft, makes stops in Columbus, Ohio before continuing to Miami, Amsterdam, and ending its long trek at the carrier’s base in Abu Dhabi. This new service makes MIA the airline’s third U.S. cargo destination and fourth in the Western Hemisphere, joining Columbus, Tucson, and Bogotá. Etihad Cargo’s entry into the Miami market now also gives MIA two all-cargo routes to the Middle East region. ―Congratulations to Etihad Cargo on their successful launch at MIA, which will further increase our trade with both Europe and the Middle East,‖ said Miami-Dade Aviation Director, Emilio T. González. ―Their new route is yet another significant milestone in our strategic plan to expand into untapped regions of the world.‖ READ MORE: Boeing 767: It’s Not an End, It’s Time for Cargo Airlines David Kerr, Etihad Cargo Senior Vice President, said, ―We are pleased to offer maindeck capacity on this burgeoning trade route for businesses from Miami-Dade County and beyond to the Middle East. Miami International Airport, with its excellent connections to South America and its modern infrastructure, is an ideal destination for Etihad Cargo.‖ Etihad Cargo was established in 2004 and complements the belly-hold capacity of Etihad Airways’ 100-aircraft passenger fleet with 10 all-cargo aircraft that fly scheduled service to Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent and Africa. Etihad Cargo was voted Cargo Airline of the Year at the Air Cargo Week World Air Cargo Awards in 2017 and 2016.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ #FlybackFriday — Singapore Airlines First Class Boeing 777-300ER Singapore – Sydney I had the absolute privilege to fly on Singapore Airlines’ Boeing 777300ER in First Class. Albeit being on the oldest long haul First Class product dating back to 2006, the seat was still comfortable and great for a medium haul flight. After experiencing the best ground service I have ever had, it was soon time to head to the gate – this time, not on my feet! Believe it or not, the buggy ride was actually very cold and windy. The driver told me that it will be even colder during late night hours. He also shared that one of the hazards of driving the buggy around the crowded terminal would be the children running around as some of them might not notice the presence of the buggy. If you are traveling through Changi Airport with your children, do hold them by your side when you see a buggy approaching to help make their job easier! Most passengers were already at the gate when we arrived so there was no queue for security. Boarding was called around 5 minutes later. The First Class cabin today will be taken care of by Mr. T, Mr. W (both In-Flight Managers, a.k.a Purple Tie) and Ms. T (Green Kebaya). Ms. T immediately came around to take my order for my welcome drink. Knowing that SQ serves both Krug and Dom onboard, I went with Krug. Hot towels were also offered shortly after. I knew beforehand that the First Class cabin will be almost full today – with 7 out of the 8 seats taken. Still, it did not feel crowded at all. The Captain soon came on the blower to announce that there will be a slight delay for departure due to congestion and bad weather at the airport. I took the chance to pay the lavatory a visit, after getting confirmation from the crew that it is alright.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Russia’s MC-21 and IL-114 win new orders at MAKS Air Show

Russian-manufactured aircraft—the Irkut MC-21 and Ilyushin IL-114—won new orders on the second day of the MAKS Air Show in Moscow. Russia’s Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC) signed a letter of intent with Saratov Airlines to lease six MC-21300s July 19. The 211-seat aircraft is scheduled to be delivered from 2022-2025. The Saratov-based carrier has not yet decided which engine—the Pratt & Whitney PW1400 or PD-14—will be chosen for the aircraft.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Strata Manufacturing delivers A350 flaps to Airbus Dubai: Strata Manufacturing, a subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company, has completed delivery of its first set of A350-900 inboard flaps to Airbus. Strata-produced inboard flaps will be incorporated into A350s from January 2018, with the company expecting to ramp up production of these components in 2018 and 2019. ―We are investing in innovative techniques to produce these components, including processes like automatic tape layering and adaptive machine fixtures, in line with global best practice in this industry,‖ said Esmail Ali Abdullah, Strata’s chief executive officer, in a statement on Saturday. European aircraft maker Airbus selected Strata to manufacture the inboard flaps for A350-900 aircraft models in 2015. Inboard flaps are located along the edge of aircraft wings, and are positioned next to the plane’s body to enable it to secure greater lift during take-off and landing. Strata’s current manufacturing portfolio for Airbus includes complete wing movable assemblies for the A330, A350, and A380 product range. Additionally, the company, whose facilities are located in Al Ain, manufactures parts for Boeing’s 777 and 787 aircraft lines. Strata’s chief executive told Gulf News in an interview earlier this week that the company is expecting to record over Dh500 million in revenues in 2017, and is looking to establish a new business division to manufacture parts for aircraft engines. He said the new facility to make engine parts is expected to be up and running by 2020 in Al Ain

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Gulf carriers may be in focus under foreign airline US tax exemption cut A US congressional proposal that would eliminate income tax exemptions for certain airlines could affect major Gulf carriers, potentially worsening an international spat between US airlines and their Middle East rivals. US airlines have been petitioning the federal government for years to intervene in what they see as unfair competition by the three major Gulf carriers. The proposal, tucked deep in the Senate tax-cut plan, calls for airlines headquartered in foreign countries to pay the US incorporate tax rate if: 1( the carrier’s home country does not have an income tax treaty with the United States and 2( the carrier’s country of origin has fewer than two arrivals and departures, per week, operated by major US airlines. Emirates and Etihad Airways have for years been accused by US competitors of being illegally subsidised by their governments. The Gulf carriers deny the accusation. They could not immediately be reached for comment on Thursday. If the proposal passes, it could leave the Gulf carriers more vulnerable because their home countries do not have income tax treaties with the United States, according to the Internal Revenue Service website. A number of nations could possibly also be affected at a time when perceived discrepancies in US trade agreements are facing a critical eye from US corporations and the federal government. The language in the Senate proposal sets the stage for a crackdown in tax leniency for these and other airlines. This would likely be well-received by American carriers, which have for years petitioned the US government to intervene in the dispute. Under US tax treaties, entities of foreign countries are either exempt or pay a reduced rate on their income, and vice versa for US entities abroad. Reciprocity agreements, however, are less formal deals that fall short of an official accord, according to tax attorney Sam Brotman of Brotman Law. ―Reciprocity agreements are usually with countries that are not necessarily 100 per cent friendly with the US‖ Brotman said on Thursday. ―We’ll call it a handshake deal.‖ The bill’s wording stands to ramp up an already tense battle between US airlines and Gulf carriers. The addition was introduced by US Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia. Delta Air Lines, one of the most vocal critics of Gulf carrier practices, is headquartered in Atlanta. A spokeswoman for Isakson did not mention the Gulf airlines. ―This provision supports American jobs by providing a level playing field and mutual fairness in international passenger aviation,‖ Isakson spokeswoman Marie Gordon said in an email on Thursday. ―Foreign airlines should not receive preferential tax treatment if their countries choose not to open their markets to US companies.‖ Delta declined to comment.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Thomas Cook Airlines UK quietly retires its last two Boeing 767-300s

Thomas Cook Airlines (UK) has quietly stopped operating its last two 326-seat Boeing 767-300s (GDAJC and G-TCCB). Both aircraft have not operated since November 2, 2017 and are now parked at Manchester minus any titles. The airline has not made any official announcement. Sister airline Condor of Germany will continue to operate the type. Copyright Photo: Thomas Cook Airlines (UK) (Thomas Boeing 767-31K ER WL GDAJC (msn 27206) PMI (Ton Jochems). Image: 913330.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Somon Air signs LOI to acquire its first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner

Somon Air and Boeing have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase a new Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. The new aircraft type is expected to arrive in Tajikistan in 2018. The signing was held on November 14, 2017 in Dubai at the Dubai Airshow.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ


DUBAI AIRSHOW 2017 REACHES NEW HEIGHTS As the doors close on another record-breaking Dubai Airshow, exhibitors are rushing to close deals and re-book for the next edition of the biennial event, in 2019. Trade visitors to the event were up around 20% on the 2015 event, with some 79380 people entering the purpose-built hall at DWC, Dubai during its five-day run. At the end of the show’s final day, the order book stood at almost US$113.8 billion with Michele van Akelijen, Managing Director of organisers, Tarsus F&E LLC Middle East, saying: ―The figures speak for themselves – it’s been another successful year. Dubai is geographically at the centre of the global aviation world, and Dubai Airshow is where the sector comes to do business. We have seen incredible, unmatched deals, innovations and ideas. ―Our variety of conferences – the Space Pavilion and Conference, the UAV Summit, the Cargo Zone conference and Pavilion, Airport Solutions Dubai Conference and Pavilion, and the Gulf Aviation Training Event – underline our commitment to making the Airshow a centre of global thought leadership. We aim to help generate the creative knowledge-sharing environment the industry needs in order to thrive.‖ Returning international exhibitor Turkish Technic, a maintenance, repair and overhaul company based at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport, is celebrating a successful Dubai Airshow, and plans to return for the 2019 edition. ―During this year’s event, we signed an MoU with Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries, expanding our support of its customer’s fleet in the region,‖ said Turkish Technic spokesman, Muhammed Memduhoglu. Swiss aircraft manufacturer Pilatus shored up its regional business with a strong presence at the heart of the exhibition hall. Spokesman Bruno Cabrini said he saw a great deal of interest in the company’s latest aircraft offering – the PC-24, the world’s first business jet which can be used on short, unprepared runways. Meanwhile US-headquartered Parker Aerospace’s spokesperson Elizabeth Butterfield said their show had focussed on consolidating existing relationships across the region. ―It’s been extremely worthwhile, she said, ―We have managed to see all of our major regional customers in the space of four or five days. While we know this region well, the Dubai Airshow gives us the chance to meet with our local customers, get them on our stand, and further understand their business needs.‖

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ


The Airshow was marked by game-changing deals from start to finish. Airbus revealed its largest single announcement ever – a US$49.5 billion deal with Indigo Partners to purchase 430 aircraft in its A320neo family. With the Airbus order, Indigo Partners, a US-based private equity fund, has doubled its existing order of 427 A320 family aircraft. The fund owns four ultra low-cost airlines, Wizz Air, Frontier Airlines, JetSMART and Volaris. Golden Falcon Aviation, the exclusive aircraft provider of Kuwaiti carrier Wataniya airways signed a deal to lease 25 Airbus A320neo Family aircraft, while Air Arabia, the Middle East low cost carrier, agreed to lease six Airbus A321neo aircraft. AerCap and Egypt Air negotiated a deal with Airbus during the Dubai Airshow to lease 15 Airbus A320neo. Boeing won large commitments across its twin- and single-aisle commercial airplane families, debuting key capabilities including the CST-100 Starliner docking and KC-46 re-fueling simulators, and announced services agreements at the 2017 Dubai Airshow. ―This has been a very successful show for Boeing. Our regional customers have maintained their trust in our products and technology, and our partnerships in the Middle East region continue to grow,‖ said Bernard Dunn, President, Boeing Middle East, North Africa and Turkey. ―We signed agreements with key airline partners including Emirates, flydubai, Azerbaijan Airlines, ALAFCO and Ethiopian Airlines. In addition, Egypt Air became a new customer for the 787. The Airshow was a great opportunity to introduce our newest business unit, Boeing Global Services, to the Middle East market and reiterate the region’s importance to Boeing.‖ Boeing inked a US$27 billion deal with carrier flydubai for 225 aircraft in its 737 MAX family, the largest-ever single-aisle jet order – by number of airplanes and total value – from a Middle East carrier. Fledgling supersonic airline Boom chose the Dubai Airshow to reveal more details of its plans for commercial Mach-2 flights. Emirates unveiled its world-first enclosed first-class cabin and next-generation broadband inflight connectivity onboard its new Boeing 777X fleet, and the UAE Space Agency gave visitors insight into its plans for a Mars probe. ―What an outstanding, exciting week it’s been. We look forward to welcoming all our returning international exhibitors and guests in 2019 – when the Dubai Airshow may reach even greater heights,‖ concluded Michele van Akelijen, Managing Director of organisers, Tarsus F&E LLC Middle East.

‫ٌٍس أٍْٗٴْش‬ٛ Gulf Air names new CEO, leases 787-9s Gulf Air has appointed the former head of Croatia Airlines, Krešimir Kučko, as CEO, effective immediately. He replaces Maher Salman Al Musallam, who retired earlier this year. The Bahrain-based airline’s chairman, Zayed Bin Rashid Alzayani, said Kučko ―brings with him exceptional industry knowledge that I am confident will add considerable value to our business.‖ Gulf Air has been loss-making for several years; it has been clawing its way back toward breakeven, although no financial figures for 2016 have been released. The last available figures, for 2015, recorded a net loss of $63.6 million, a considerable improvement on a few years earlier, when losses of several hundred million dollars were recorded. Kučko served as Croatia Airlines’ president and CEO from 2012 and had been with the central European carrier for 25 years. While in the top position, he was responsible for restructuring the airline, which has recorded a profit for the past four years. He joins Gulf Air’s recently appointed deputy CEO Waleed Abdulhameed Al Alawi as the company prepares to receive a new fleet of 39 new Boeing and Airbus aircraft, with deliveries scheduled from early 2018. As part of that fleet renewal, Gulf Air has signed a lease agreement with lessor Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) for five Boeing 787-9s. ―The incoming aircraft represent an important step in our strategic direction towards furthering Gulf Air’s fleet modernization process, enhancing passenger comfort and broadening our network as we look to strengthen our presence across the globe,‖ Al Alawi said.

‫‪ٌٍٛ‬س أٍْٗٴْش‬

‫أٓ‪٬‬خٍ حٿ‪٬‬ڄالص حٿٌْځ‬

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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