EGYPTAIR News 19 mar 2018

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‫األثنٌن‬ ‫‪2018/3/19‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫محمد كامل‪ :‬رئٌس الوزراء ٌشهد ؼدا توقٌع برٌزنتٌشن شراكة مع مصر للطٌران لرعاٌة المنتخب‬ ‫أكد محمد كامل رئٌس مجلس إدارة برٌزنتٌشن راعً الكرة المصرٌة أن اتفاقٌة‬ ‫شراكة مع الشركة الوطنٌة للطٌران (مصر للطٌران)‪ ،‬سٌتم توقٌعها ؼدًا بحضور‬ ‫المهندس شرٌؾ إسماعٌل رئٌس الحكومة وعددًا من الوزراء‪ ،‬لرعاٌة المنتخب‬ ‫الوطنً كناقل رسمى للفرٌق خالل الفترة المقبلة‪.‬‬ ‫أضاؾ محمد كامل فى تصرٌحات خاصة‪" :‬االحتفالٌة ستقتصر على المسئولٌن‬ ‫البارزٌن وستشهد تواجد قٌادات اتحاد الكرة ووزارة الرٌاضة وعدد من أفراد‬ ‫الجهاز الفنى للمنتخب الوطنً األول‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع‪ ،‬تسعى الشركة من خالل الشراكة الجدٌدة مع شركة مصر للطٌران إلى‬ ‫توفٌر طائرة خاصة لتنقالت الفراعنة خالل الفترة المقبلة‪ ،‬وعلى رأسها رحلة‬ ‫الفرٌق األول الى مدٌنة زٌورخ السوٌسرٌة بعد ؼدًا الثالثاء‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى سفر‬ ‫الفرٌق فى ماٌو المقبل إلى الكوٌت‪ ،‬ومن بعدها إلى إٌطالٌا وبلجٌكا مطلع شهر‬ ‫ٌونٌو‪ ،‬قبل التوجه فى نهاٌة المطاؾ إلى روسٌا للمشاركة فى نهائٌات كأس‬ ‫العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وٌخوض المنتخب الوطنً األول معسكرا بد ًءا من ظهر الؽد األثنٌن بالقاهرة قبل‬ ‫خوضه تدرٌبه الوحٌد باستاد القاهرة فى السابعة مسا ًءا‪ ،‬بعدها ٌتوجه بعد ؼدًا‬ ‫صباحا‪ ،‬الى مدٌنة زٌورخ السوٌسرٌة استعدادًا لمواجهة‬ ‫الثالثاء فى العاشرة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫البرتؽال والٌونان ود ًٌا ٌومً ‪ 23‬و‪ 27‬مارس الجارى قبل العودة الى القاهرة‬ ‫فى الٌوم األخٌر من األجندة الدولٌة للشهر الجارى‪.‬‬ ‫وٌستعد المنتخب الوطنى‪ ،‬للمشاركة فً نهائٌات كأس العالم ‪ 2018‬التً ستقام‬ ‫بروسٌا الصٌؾ القادم‪ ،‬حٌث أوقعت القرعة التً أقٌمت بالعاصمة موسكو‬ ‫المنتخب ضمن منافسات المجموعة االولى التً تضم البلد المنظم باإلضافة الى‬ ‫أوروجواي بطل العالم نسختٌن سابقتٌن‪ ،‬والسعودٌة ممثل الكرة األسٌوٌة ‪ ،‬ومن‬ ‫المقرر أن ٌستهل الفراعنة مشوارهم فً البطولة بمباراة أوروجواى ٌوم ‪15‬‬ ‫ٌونٌو المقبل فً ثانً مبارٌات وأٌام البطولة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ 101‬رحلة لـ"مصر للطٌران" تقلع من مطار القاهرة خالل ‪ 24‬ساعة‬ ‫كتب محمد طنطاوى‬

‫شهد مطار القاهرة الدولى خالل الـ ‪ 24‬ساعة الماضٌة إقالع ‪ 101‬رحلة‬ ‫دولٌة وداخلٌة تابعة لشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬لتنقل جمعٌها ‪ 9‬آالؾ و‪155‬‬ ‫راك ًبا من مختلؾ الجنسٌات‪.‬‬ ‫وأفاد مصدر مالحى أن معظم رحالت "مصر للطٌران" شهدت انتظا ًما فى‬ ‫موضحا أن طائرات الشركة‬ ‫مواعٌد اإلقالع حسب جدول التشؽٌل المقرر‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫نقلت ركابها للعدٌد من العواصم العربٌة والعالمٌة والمدن الداخلٌة‬ ‫المصرٌة‪.‬‬

‫وسٌرت الشركة الوطنٌة "مصر للطٌران"‪ 33 ،‬رحلة داخلٌة للمطارات‬ ‫والمدن السٌاحٌة المصرٌة‪ ،‬فى إطار خطة الشركة للعمل على تنشٌط‬ ‫السٌاحة من خالل تسٌ​ٌر رحالت إلى كافة المدن والمطارات المصرٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫الٌوم‪ ..‬وزٌر الطٌران ٌفتتح مؤتمر ومعرض صٌانة الطائرات بإفرٌقٌا‬ ‫كتب محمد طنطاوى‬ ‫فتتح شرٌؾ فتحى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬مؤتمر ومعرض صٌانة وعمرة‬ ‫الطائرات بإفرٌقٌا والمقام بالقاهرة فى الفترة من ‪ 20-18‬مارس الجارى‪.‬‬ ‫وٌشارك فى االفتتاح المهندس هانى العدوى رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنى‪،‬‬ ‫وصفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والمهندس‬ ‫أبو طالب توفٌق رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة‪ ،‬وعدد من‬ ‫قٌادات الطٌران المدنى‪.‬‬ ‫وٌبلػ عدد المشاركٌن بالمؤتمر والمعرض ما ٌفوق ‪ 500‬فردا ٌمثلون مختلؾ‬ ‫شركات الطٌران وشركات صٌانة الطائرات بإفرٌقٌا والشرق األوسط وأوروبا‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى كبرى الشركات المصنعة للطائرات وقطع ؼٌار الطائرات‬ ‫ومحركاتها وأجزائها كما ٌبلػ عدد الشركات العارضة حوالى ‪ 70‬شركة من‬ ‫مختلؾ دول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫ٌفتتح شرٌؾ فتحى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬مؤتمر ومعرض صٌانة وعمرة‬ ‫الطائرات بإفرٌقٌا والمقام بالقاهرة فى الفترة من ‪ 20-18‬مارس الجارى‪.‬‬

‫وٌشارك فى االفتتاح المهندس هانى العدوى رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنى‪،‬‬ ‫وصفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والمهندس‬ ‫أبو طالب توفٌق رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة‪ ،‬وعدد من‬ ‫قٌادات الطٌران المدنى‪.‬‬ ‫وٌبلػ عدد المشاركٌن بالمؤتمر والمعرض ما ٌفوق ‪ 500‬فردا ٌمثلون مختلؾ‬ ‫شركات الطٌران وشركات صٌانة الطائرات بإفرٌقٌا والشرق األوسط وأوروبا‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى كبرى الشركات المصنعة للطائرات وقطع ؼٌار الطائرات‬ ‫ومحركاتها وأجزائها كما ٌبلػ عدد الشركات العارضة حوالى ‪ 70‬شركة من‬ ‫مختلؾ دول العالم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌفتتح الٌوم معرض صٌانة الطائرات‬ ‫مؤمن التهامً‬

‫ٌفتتح شرٌؾ فتحً وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬الٌوم اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬مؤتمرا ومعرض صٌانة‬ ‫وعمرة الطائرات بأفرٌقٌا والمقام بالقاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وٌشارك فً االفتتاح المهندس هانً العدوي رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنً‪،‬‬ ‫وصفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والمهندس أبو‬ ‫طالب توفٌق رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة‪ ،‬وعدد من قٌادات‬ ‫الطٌران المدنً‪.‬‬ ‫وٌبلػ عدد المشاركٌن بالمؤتمر والمعرض ما ٌفوق ‪ 500‬فردا ٌمثلون مختلؾ‬ ‫شركات الطٌران وشركات صٌانة الطائرات بأفرٌقٌا والشرق األوسط وأوروبا‪،‬‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى كبرى الشركات المصنعة للطائرات وقطع ؼٌار الطائرات ومحركاتها‬ ‫وأجزائها كما ٌبلػ عدد الشركات العارضة نحو ‪ 70‬شركة من مختلؾ دول العالم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫بدء توافد المشاركٌن فً فعالٌات المؤتمر الدولً ««‪MRO Africa‬‬ ‫محمد عبٌد‬

‫بدأ منذ قلٌل‪ ،‬توافد المشاركٌن فً فعالٌات المؤتمر الدولً ""‪،MRO Africa‬‬ ‫المقرر أن ٌفتتحه شرٌؾ فتحً وزٌر الطٌران المدنً الٌوم اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬بمشاركة عدد‬ ‫كبٌر من الشركات العالمٌة فً مجال الطٌران ومصنعً الطائرات وشركات عالمٌة‬ ‫متخصصة فً تأجٌر الطائرات والمحركات وتموٌل الطائرات وشركات خدمات‬ ‫صٌانة وعمرة الطائرات وعدد من السفراء األفارقة‪.‬‬ ‫تقام فعالٌات المؤتمر ‪ -‬الذي تستضٌفه الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬فً‬ ‫القاهرة‪ ،‬فً الفترة من ‪ 20-18‬مارس الجاري‪ -‬بحضور شرٌؾ فتحً وزٌر‬ ‫الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬والمهندس هانً العدوي رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬وصفوت‬ ‫مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والمهندس أبو طالب‬ ‫توفٌق رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة‪ ،‬وعدد من قٌادات الطٌران‬ ‫المدنً‪.‬‬ ‫ٌبلػ عدد المشاركٌن بالمؤتمر والمعرض‪ ،‬الذي بدأت فعالٌاته‪ ،‬أمس األحد‪ ،‬ما‬ ‫ٌفوق ‪ 500‬فردا ٌمثلون مختلؾ شركات الطٌران وشركات صٌانة الطائرات‬ ‫بإفرٌقٌا والشرق األوسط وأوروبا باإلضافة إلى كبرى الشركات المصنعة للطائرات‬ ‫وقطع ؼٌار الطائرات ومحركاتها وأجزائها كما ٌبلػ عدد الشركات العارضة حوالً‬ ‫‪ 70‬شركة من مختلؾ دول العالم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫"مصر للطٌران" تطرح تذاكر الرحالت بٌن القاهرة وموسكو‬ ‫هالة الشحات‬ ‫بدأت مكاتب شركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬أمس‪ ،‬فً طرح تذاكر الطٌران‬ ‫للراؼبٌن فً السفر من القاهرة لموسكو‪ ،‬استعدادا لبدء تشؽٌلها ‪12‬‬ ‫إبرٌل المقبل‪ ،‬بعد توقفها أكثر من عامٌن‪ ،‬عقب سقوط الطائرة الروسٌة‬ ‫قبل عامٌن ونصؾ العام تقرٌ ًبا‪.‬‬

‫وقالت مصادر بالشركة لوكالة األنباء األلمانٌة "لقد بدأنا بالفعل فً حجز‬ ‫تذاكر الطٌران للسفر على رحالتنا‪ ،‬حٌث ستؽادر أول رحلة ٌوم الخمٌس‬ ‫الموافق ‪ 12‬إبرٌل المقبل"‪ ،‬مشٌرة إلى تحدٌد قٌمة التذاكر بـ‪14597‬‬ ‫جنٌها‪ ،‬ألعلى تذكرة ذهابا وعودة"‪.‬‬ ‫وحسب المصادر‪ ،‬تبلػ قٌمة أقل تذكرة نحو ‪ 6945‬جنٌها للذهاب‬ ‫والعودة أٌضا‪ ،‬وهناك سعر أقل من ذلك‪ ،‬على أن ٌسمح باصطحاب حقٌبة‬ ‫واحدة فقط بصحبة الراكب‪ ،‬حٌث ستنظم الشركة ‪ 3‬رحالت أسبوعٌا (أٌام‬ ‫األحد والثالثاء والخمٌس من كل أسبوع(‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت إلى أن اإلجراءات األمنٌة شملت تفعٌل أجهزة دخول الموظفٌن‬ ‫بالبصمة البٌومترٌة‪ ،‬ووضع أحدث أجهزة الفحص األمنً‪ ،‬والكشؾ عن‬ ‫المفرقعات وآثار المتفجرات على أجسام ومالبس وحقائب الركاب‪ ،‬وهى‬ ‫أحدث األجهزة ذات الشأن فً العالم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫السٌطرة على حرٌق فً محول كهرباء بمخزن جمارك مطار القاهرة‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‬

‫نشب حرٌق محدود بأحد محوالت الكهرباء داخل مخزن للجمارك بجوار‬ ‫موقؾ النقل العام بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬وتم السٌطرة علٌه قبل أن ٌمتد لباقً‬ ‫المحتوٌات داخل المخزن‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت مصادر بالمطار‪ ،‬إن سلطات إدارةالحماٌة المدنٌة برئاسة اللواء‬ ‫عاطؾ صالح‪ ،‬تلقت إخطارا بنشوب حرٌق داخل أحد محوالت الكهرباء‪،‬‬ ‫بأحد مخازن الجمارك بالقرب من موقؾ النقل العام بالمطار‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت المصادر أنه على الفور تم الدفع بعدد من سٌارات الحماٌة‬ ‫المدنٌة واإلطفاء‪ ،‬وتم السٌطرة على الحرٌق‪ ،‬وعادت األمور إلى‬ ‫طبٌعتها‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫مصر للطٌران تنفً وجود ثعبان فً رحلة الكوٌت‬

‫قالت صحٌفة األنباء الكوٌتٌة إن ثعبان أجبر طائرة تابعة لشركة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران على الهبوط االضطراري فً مطار الؽردقة بعد نحو ساعة من‬ ‫إقالعها من مطار الكوٌت متجهة إلى القاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وعقب إقالع الطائرة بفترة وجٌزة فوجئ عدد من الركاب بوجود ثعبان‬ ‫من نوع الكوبرا السام على متن الطائرة ما أصابهم بالهلع والفزع‪ ،‬وقبل‬ ‫نجاح الركاب فً قتل الثعبان تعرض أحدهم إلى اللدغ قبٌل هبوط الطائرة‬ ‫بالؽردقة‪.‬‬ ‫توجهت الفرق الطبٌة إلسعاؾ الراكب‪ ،‬وقام رجال‬ ‫وفور هبوط الطائرة ّ‬ ‫الحجر الصحً بتعقٌم الطائرة لمعاودة اإلقالع مجدداً‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبها نفت شركة مصر للطٌران ما تردد عن العثور على ثعبان‬ ‫بالطائرة المتجهة من القاهرة إلى الكوٌت أمس السبت‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Egypt Air denies ‗snake on board‘ claims

CAIRO: Egypt Air has denied news reports claiming that a snake has attacked a passenger boarding its Saturday flight from Cairo to Kuwait. The Egyptian national carrier released a statement on Sunday denouncing the reports as ―baseless,‖ noting that there had been a similar incident on the airliner back in 2012. Several news outlets in Egypt have quoted a Kuwaiti newspaper report that published a video alleging to show a snake hanging from the plane‘s ceiling. The report by Kuwait‘s Al-Anba Newspaper claimed the reptile had bitten a passenger on board, forcing the plane en route to Kuwait to revert back to Egypt for an emergency landing at Hurghada airport, about an hour after taking off. Al-Anba alleged a number of passengers were surprised by the presence of a ―poisonous Cobra on the plane, which caused fear and panic. It also reported one passenger was stabbed before they succeeded in killing the snake. In a statement, Egypt Air urged all media outlets to rely on the company‘s official statements regarding issues similar to this incident.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ EgyptAir to resume operation to Moscow

National carrier EgyptAir has announced plans to resume flights to Moscow, starting in April. The announcement comes more than two years after Russia halted flights from Egypt over security concerns, chairman of EgyptAir, Safwat Musallam, said. Starting April 12, EgyptAir will operate three flights a week to Moscow, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, with the modern Boeing 737-800 aircraft. Departure time from Cairo will be scheduled at 09:35 and 15:50 from Moscow. Russia‘s flagship carrier Aeroflot also announced last week the resumption of regular flights from Moscow to Cairo, starting April 11, and launched ticket sales on the same day. - TradeArabia News Service

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Middle East Airlines and Kuwait Airways Sign Codeshare Agreement Kuwait Airways and Middle East Airlines announced a new strategic partnership, which will see Kuwait national carrier‘s code )KU( added to Middle East Airlines flights and Lebanon national carrier‘s code (ME) added to Kuwait Airways flights operated between Kuwait and Beirut. The bilateral codeshare partnership will be effective from March 25, 2018. Both Kuwait and Middle East Airlines have endeavored a cordial commercial relationship since 1991, and since then, both airlines are reaping the rewards of such partnership which envisaged through Open Skies Policy which was adopted by the Civil Aviation Authorities of both the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Lebanon in 2005. Mr. Sami Fahad Al-Rushaid, Chairman of Board, Kuwait Airways said: ―We welcome Middle East Airlines as our codeshare partner. This new partnership will bring enhanced connectivity and increased convenience to our customers, who can expect the same level of impeccable service that they expect from our airline when they travel on codeshare flights to and from Kuwait to Beirut.‖ Mr. Mohamad El Hout, Chairman-Director General, Middle East Airlines said: ―We believe that this partnership will develop the traffic further between Kuwait and Lebanon because it will provide more choices and more convenience to the customers of both airlines, at the highest level of quality provided since the creation of both airlines. This partnership is long overdue since many decades given the unique friendship between the great people of Kuwait and Lebanon and between our two respective airlines, who stood the test of time and who are continuing to provide excellence at all levels of the travel experience.‖ Kuwait Airways operates eleven weekly flights with A330 and A320 aircraft, while Middle East Airlines operates 13 weekly flights with A320 aircraft, between Kuwait and Beirut.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Nigeria: Planned National Carrier - Racing Against Time By Chris AgabiNigeria had a national carrier-the Nigeria Airways-that was run aground by corruption. A former President, Olusegun Obasanjo, eventually liquidated the airline in 2004 in a weird circumstance that has left experts trying to deconstruct the rationale behind the liquidation when the airline could have been concessioned or privatised based on its huge assets despite its liabilities. Indeed, establishing a national carrier for Nigeria is a key campaign deliverable of the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government. He hasn't minced words about this either. Therefore, even before ministers where appointed, President Buhari had directed the then Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Aviation, Hajiya Binta Bello, to inaugurate a ministerial committee on the establishment of a national carrier. The committee had a former Managing Director of Discovery Airlines, and now Rector, Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Zaria, Captain Mohammed Abdulsalam, as chairman. It was charged with reviewing previous submissions and recommendations on a national carrier, reviewing the report on the failure of the defunct Nigeria Airways and other failed private airlines. The committee which was set up in august 2015 has since turned in its report. In an exclusive conversation last year with Daily Trust, Capt. Adbdulsam gave insight into what his committee told the president in their recommendations.

1 Australian Engineer Claims Malaysian MH370 Boeing 777 Found Australian engineer Peter McMahon has claimed that he has determined the location of fragments of Flight MH370, the Malaysian Airlines‘ Boeing 777 that went missing on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. According to the 64 -year old Australian, who claims a 25-year record of catastrophe investigations, by thoroughly studying NASA and Google maps he has determined that the plane fragments are located 10 miles from Round Island, not far from the island nation of Mauritius, the Daily Star reports. The engineer claims that earlier searches for the aircraft did not explore this territory. Some fragments of the plane's front section were found not far from Rodrigues Island. The Australian says he sent the results of his investigation to the country's Transport Security Bureau (ATSB). The ATSB, he asserts, did not rule out that his find could be fragments of the plane, but, as McMahon claims, US government representatives ordered the Australians to stick to their search region in the Indian Ocean. "Four Americans were sent to Australia to track [search] results‌ They have made sure that all information received has been hidden from the public," the engineer told the Daily Star.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


As McMahon tells it, authorities "do not want [the plane] found as it's full of bullet holes, finding it will only open another inquiry." Australian authorities have not commented on McMahon's more far-fetched statements. On March 8, 2016, the Malaysia Airlines MH370 Boeing 777-200 was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers, including one Russian tourist, and 12 crew members. The plane disappeared from radars and was believed to have crashed in the southern part of Indian Ocean. Search parties could not determine the crash location even after months of criss-crossing thousands of square miles of sea. US company Ocean Infinity offered its services to victims' relatives at the end of 2017. The company specializes in ocean floor exploration and conducts searches at maximum depth using autonomous equipment. The company offered to accept payment only if the airframe is found.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Israelis forced off of Turkish plane after joking about bombs

Three Israeli nationals were removed from a Turkish Airlines flight over the weekend and detained for questioning after they joked about carrying bombs with them onto the plane, Channel 10 reported Sunday night. The incident occurred in Istanbul, Turkey, after the three had already boarded the flight. The three Israelis reportedly joked about having explosive devices with them on the plane – a conversation meant in jest, but which was overheard by a Turkish Airlines stewardess. After she heard the three discussing the bombs they claimed they had brought on board, the stewardess alerted the captain of the plane, who immediately ordered the three Israeli passengers removed from the flight and handed over to airport authorities. Investigators in Istanbul questioned the three passengers, and after it became clear that they posed no threat, they were released. The three Israelis took a different flight the next day. Following their removal from the plane and transfer for interrogation, Turkish authorities contacted the Israeli consulate in Istanbul to notify the Israeli Foreign Ministry of the three Israeli passengers‘ situation.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Emirates expects high passenger traffic for spring break Travel is expected to peak this weekend for Emirates, as the airline expects yet another busy period with visitors passing through Terminal 3 ahead of the spring break holiday. The busiest time for departures will be on March 23 in the morning and continue all day on March 24 and 25. With road works and infrastructure enhancements happening around the main airport highways and roads during this time, Emirates urges customers to build in extra time to their journeys to avoid potential delays. Customers are reminded to arrive at the airport at least three hours before their flight departures. Passengers can physically check in at the airport as early as six hours before departing on their flight, and are requested to check in no later than two hours prior to departure, regardless of class of travel. Customers who check in less than 60 minutes prior to their scheduled flight departure will not be accepted for travel, the airline said in a statement. Customers can also check in online on both their desktops and mobile devices from 48 hours to 90 minutes before flight departure. In addition to online check-in services, Emirates also offers convenient car park check-in facilities equipped with 16 check-in counters, located in Zone C. Customers can use these to check in and drop off their luggage. Along with checked in baggage, passengers are strongly advised to adhere to carry-on baggage weight limits, which are 7kg for Economy Class and 14kg for Business and First Class. Staff will be checking the weight of carry-on bags at various touch points before passengers board their flights. Alternatively, customers heading to Emirates Terminal 3 can choose to drop their luggage at one of the 46 dedicated bag drop counters in Economy Class or separate counters in First Class and Business Class from six hours to 90 minutes prior to departure. Families travelling with small children can use dedicated Family counters in Check-in Zone 2. After checking in, passengers are also advised to make sure they get to their boarding gate on time. Gates open 90 minutes before departure, boarding starts 45 minutes before each flight and gates close 20 minutes before departure. Check-in and gate closure timings will be strictly followed to ensure flights depart on schedule, the airline said. - TradeArabia News Service

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ The incredible history of the Boeing 737 — the best selling airliner of all time

The Boeing 737 is ubiquitous. If you've taken a commercial flight in the last 50 years, there's good chance it was on a Boeing 737. That's because Boeing has sold a whole lot of them. Since 1965, the American aviation giant has sold a whopping 14,545 737s. Just this week, Boeing delivered the 10,000th 737, a new MAX 8 model, to Southwest Airlines. To put that into perspective, Boeing's second best selling plane, the wide-body 777, has received a little less than 2,000 orders. However, it should be noted that the long-haul 777 costs several times more than the 737 and is used in different segments of the airline market. Over the years, the Boeing 737 has proven itself to be a faithful workhorse for airlines around the world. Its versatility is nothing short of astounding. What debuted in 1967 as a 50-seat regional jet has now spawned 200plus-seat variants capable of trans-Atlantic travel. With the introduction of the MAX, Boeing's long-serving 737 is set to fly on well past its 70th birthday.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Snow hits London causing 115 flight cancellations at Heathrow

LONDON, 18th March, 2018 (WAM) -- More than 115 flights in and out of London Heathrow Airport were cancelled as snow and ice hit the UK. The British Meteorological Agency issued an amber weather warning for snow and ice in several areas across England, including London, 4 pm GMT on Saturday until 9 am on Sunday. A yellow warning for snow, ice and high winds was also issued for Sunday and Monday for nearly the entire country between 4am on Saturday and 10am on Sunday. As a result, the Sunday's Coventry Half Marathon in central England was cancelled.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ 10 killed in Philippines plane crash MANILA: A light plane on Saturday crashed immediately after take-off from an airstrip in Bulacan province in Central Luzon, killing five of its passengers including the pilot and co-pilot, a civil aviation agency official and the police reported. Eric Apolonio, the spokesman of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), confirmed the death of the five passengers in the tragedy that occurred shortly before noon on Saturday. But Superintendent Julio Lizardo, the police chief, said the five other fatalities belonged to a family whose house was hit by the plane in a ―barangay‖ )village( in the town of Plaridel, Bulacan. Lizardo said rescue teams have so far recovered nine bodies and were still searching for the tenth victim from the scene. Citing testimonies of witnesses, Apolonio said that immediately after take-off, the plane stalled and crashed on one of the houses near the airstrip in a village in Plaridel. Apolonio added the plane, a twin-engine Piper PA 23 Apache, was bound for the capital city of Laoag, Ilocos Norte province in Northern Luzon On the other hand, Lizardo said members of the family had just sat down for lunch when the crash occurred, setting the plane and the house on fire which, however, was doused by the timely arrival of firemen. Meanwhile, Apolonio said the CAAP immediately sent a team of investigators and experts to the scene to determine the cause of the crash. The CAAP also suspended operations of the plane owners, Lite Air Express, pending the results of the investigation, according to Apolonio.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫أسعار العمالت الٌوم‬

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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