EGYPTAIR News 1 April 2020

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‫(فهرس)‬ ‫الصفحة (‪: )1‬مصر للطٌران تسٌر رحلة استثنائٌة لعودة مصرٌ​ٌن عالقٌن فى لندن‬ ‫الصفحة (‪\:)2‬مصر للطٌران تختتم الٌوم رحالتها االستثنائٌة إلجالء ‪ 1500‬مصرى‬ ‫عالق بالكوٌت‬ ‫الصفحة (‪":)4-3‬مصر للطٌران" تعلن عن آخر رحلة جوٌة إلعادة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن فً الكوٌت‬ ‫الصفحة (‪ :)6-5‬الطٌران‪ :‬القادمون من برٌطانٌا ٌخضعون للحجر الصحً ‪ٌ 14‬و ًما‬ ‫الصفحة (‪:)8-7‬القروض وسٌلة شركات الطٌران األوروبٌة لتجاوز أزمة الخسائر بسبب كورونا‬ ‫الصفحة (‪Emirates SkyCargo launches daily services to seven:)9‬‬ ‫‪destinations in India‬‬ ‫الصفحة (‪IATA: Airlines facing rapid cash burn:) 12-11 -10‬‬ ‫الصفحة (‪Global airline industry expected to post: )14-13‬‬ ‫‪$39 billion loss in second quarter: IATA‬‬

‫الصفحة (‪Airlines headed for ‗apocalypse‘ without aid: IATA:)16،15‬‬ ‫الصفحة (‪British Airways suspends flights from Gatwick:)18-17‬‬ ‫الصفحة (‪China Southern‘s full-year profit up 23%:)20-19‬‬ ‫الصفحة (‪Emirates to receive capital injection from:)22-21‬‬ ‫‪Dubai government‬‬ ‫الصفحة (‪Chinese Aviation Industry Recovery Continues:)27-)26-25-24-23‬‬ ‫‪To Offer Hope‬‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫(فهرس)‬ ‫الصفحة (‪: )31-30-29-28‬‬

‫‪British Airways Moves All London Services‬‬ ‫‪To Heathrow Terminal 5‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫مصر للطٌران تسٌر رحلة استثنائٌة لعودة مصرٌ​ٌن عالقٌن فى لندن‬ ‫كتب‪ /‬أحمد مصطفى‬

‫غادرت مطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬الٌوم الثالثاء‪ ،‬رحلة استثنائٌة سٌرتها الشركة الوطنٌة‬ ‫مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬متجهة إلى العاصمة البرٌطانٌة لندن‪ ،‬لعوة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن هناك‪،‬‬ ‫بعد قرار تعلٌق وقف الطٌران ضمن خطة الدولة مواجهة انتشار فٌروس كورونا‬ ‫المستجد‪.‬‬ ‫قالت مصادر بمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إن الرحلة االستثنائٌة سوف تغادر مطار هٌثرو الدولً‬ ‫بلندن‪ ،‬عصر الٌوم‪ ،‬لتعود إلى القاهرة‪ ،‬وعلً متنها عدد من المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن هناك‬ ‫والراغبٌن فً العودة إلى مصر‪ ،‬نتٌجة تفشً فٌروس كورونا‪ ،‬وذلك فً إطار‬ ‫التنسٌق المستمر بٌن وزارتً الطٌران المدنً والهجرة إلجالء المصرٌ​ٌن من عدة‬ ‫دول بالخارج بعد تعلٌق الرحالت الجوٌة ‪.‬‬ ‫كانت شركة اٌر كاٌرو التابعة لوزارة الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬نظمت أٌضا ٌوم األحد ‪،‬‬ ‫رحلتٌن استثنائٌتٌن من مطار شرم الشٌخ الدولً إلى لندن‪ ،‬وغادرا على متنها وفود‬ ‫سٌاحٌة بعد انتهاء البرامج السٌاحٌة الخاصة بهم‪ ،‬وعادت إلى مطار القاهرة الدولً‬ ‫وعلً متنها ما ٌقرب من ‪ 300‬مصرٌا من العالقٌن بلندن‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران سٌرت رحالت دولٌة إلى السعودٌة والكوٌت‬ ‫ولندن وسلطنة عمان وفرنسا لنقل المصرٌ​ٌن الراغبٌن فً العودة من الخارج بعد‬ ‫توقف حركة الطٌران بسبب قرار الحظر لمواجهة انتشار فٌروس كورونا المستجد‪.‬‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫مصر للطٌران تختتم الٌوم رحالتها االستثنائٌة إلجالء ‪ 1500‬مصرى‬ ‫عالق بالكوٌت‬ ‫كتب‪ /‬أحمد مصطفى‬

‫تختتم الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬الٌوم الثالثاء‪ ،‬رحالتها االستثنائٌة إلى دولة‬ ‫الكوٌت لعودة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن هناك‪ ،‬بعد قرار تعلٌق وقف الطٌران ضمن خطة‬ ‫الدولة مواجهة انتشار فٌروس كورونا المستجد‪.‬‬ ‫وسٌرت مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬خالل األٌام الماضٌة‪ ،‬من مطار القاهرة‪ 5 ،‬رحالت جوٌة من‬ ‫إجمالً ‪ 6‬رحالت استثنائٌة إلى دولة الكوٌت‪ ،‬نقلت على متنهم نحو ‪ 0150‬مصرٌا من‬ ‫العالقٌن بدولة الكوٌت‪ ،‬جراء قرار وقف الطٌران إلى األراضً المصرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وبذلت القنصلٌة المصرٌة لدى الكوٌت‪ ،‬جهود كبٌرة على مدار الفترة الماضٌة لتلقً‬ ‫طلبات الراغبٌن فً العودة إلى أرض الوطن‪ ،‬من الذٌن دخلوا إلً الكوٌت بتأشٌرات‬ ‫زٌارة أو سٌاحة‪ ،‬وكذلك الحاصلٌن على إلغاء نهائً‪ ،‬والحاالت االنسانٌة الطارئة‪،‬‬ ‫لعودتهم إلى أرض الوطن‪.‬‬ ‫جدٌر بالذكر‪ ،‬أن مصر للطٌران بدأت رحالتها االستثنائٌة إلى دولة الكوٌت لعودة‬ ‫المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن هناك‪ٌ ،‬وم األربعاء الماضً‪ ،‬نقلت نحو ‪ 0150‬مصرٌا من حاملً‬ ‫التأشٌرات‪ ،‬ومن انتهت اقاماتهم الفعلٌة فً الكوٌت‪ ،‬فضال عن عدد من الحاالت‬ ‫اإلنسانٌة الطارئة‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫"مصر للطٌران" تعلن عن آخر رحلة جوٌة إلعادة المصرٌ​ٌن‬ ‫العالقٌن فً الكوٌت‬ ‫نقلت بوابة "أخبار الٌوم المصرٌة عن مصادر سمتها بـ"المطلعة" فً وزارة الطٌران‬ ‫المدنً‪ ،‬إن الشركة المصرٌة للنقل الجوي ستختتم غدا األربعاء األول من إبرٌل‪ /‬نٌسان‬ ‫جسرها الجوي إلعادة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن من الكوٌت إلى القاهرة والتً بدأت األربعاء‬ ‫‪ 25‬مارس‪ /‬آذار الجاري‪.‬‬ ‫العالم العربً‪GMT 16:39 31.03.2020‬انسخ الرابط‬ ‫‪0 0 0‬‬ ‫تابعنا عبر‬ ‫نقلت بوابة "أخبار الٌوم المصرٌة عن مصادر سمتها بـ"المطلعة" فً وزارة الطٌران‬ ‫المدنً‪ ،‬إن الشركة المصرٌة للنقل الجوي ستختتم غدا األربعاء األول من إبرٌل‪ /‬نٌسان‬ ‫جسرها الجوي إلعادة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن من الكوٌت إلى القاهرة والتً بدأت األربعاء‬ ‫‪ 25‬مارس‪ /‬آذار الجاري‪.‬‬ ‫‪©REUTERS / MOHAMED ABD EL GHANY‬‬ ‫هرم خوفو فً مصر ٌبعث برسائل إلى العالم‪ ...‬فٌدٌو وصور‬ ‫وكانت وزارة الصحة قررت عند دخول المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن فً الدول المختلفة ضرورة‬ ‫كتابة إقرار قبل ركوب الطائرة بدخول الحجر الصحً فور الوصول للبالد‪.‬‬ ‫وجاء ذلك القرار بعدما قام عدد من المصرٌ​ٌن العائدٌن من الكوٌت أمس برفض‬ ‫االمتثال إلجراء الحجر الصحً بمطار القاهرة واالكتفاء بالتحالٌل التً أثبتت عدم‬ ‫إصابتهم بالفٌروس‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت الحكومة المصرٌة أعلنت تعلٌق حركة الطٌران فً مصر‪ ،‬لتقلٌل حركة‬ ‫االختالط سواء من داخل مصر أو القادمٌن من خارجها‪ ،‬وذلك فً ظل الجهود التً‬ ‫تبذلها الدولة لمواجهة فٌروس كورونا المستجد‪.‬‬ ‫تابع‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫من جانبها أعلنت سلطة الطٌران المدنً المصري‪ ،‬أن هناك ‪ 5‬حاالت استثنائٌة خالل‬ ‫وقف حركة الطٌران حٌث ٌصرح لشركات الطٌران التً تقوم بنقل األفواج السٌاحٌة‬ ‫بأخذ الركاب السابق قدومهم بعد استكمال البرامج السٌاحٌة المخططة والسابق‬ ‫الموافقة علٌها من سلطة الطٌران المدنً المصري‪ ،‬على أن تصل الرحالت فارغة‬ ‫وتغادر بركابها‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت سلطة الطٌران‪ ،‬أنه تم التصرٌح برحالت الهبوط الفنً للتزود بالوقود فقط دون‬ ‫مبٌت الطائرة أو نزول الطاقم والركاب‪ ،‬كما ٌصرح بالرحالت الداخلٌة بٌن المطارات‬ ‫المصرٌة‪ ،‬كما ٌصرح برحالت الشحن الجوي الدولٌة من وإلى جمهورٌة مصر‬ ‫العربٌة‪ ،‬كما أنه ٌصرح برحالت اإلسعاف الدولٌة من وإلى جمهورٌة مصر العربٌة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫الطٌران‪ :‬القادمون من برٌطانٌا ٌخضعون للحجر الصحً ‪ٌ 14‬و ًما‬ ‫كتبت‪/‬إنجً خلٌفة‬

‫قالت مصادر مطلعة بوزارة الطٌران المدنً إن رحلة الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫الخاصة بعودة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن فً برٌطانٌا أقلعت قبل قلٌل من مطار هٌثرو وهً‬ ‫فً طرٌقها إلى القاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وصرحت المصادر‪ ،‬أن ركاب رحلة لندن قبل ركوب الطائرة خضعوا لكتابه‬ ‫إقرار بدخول الحجر الصحً فور الوصول للبالد فً المكان الذي تحدده وزارة الصحة‬ ‫كمقر للحجر الصحً لمدة ‪ٌ 14‬وما من تارٌخ الوصول على نفقته الخاصة‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد المصدر‪ ،‬أن توقٌع الراكب لإلقرار إجباري كشرط لصعود الطائرة موضحا أن ذلك‬ ‫اإلجراء سٌطبق على كافة الرحالت االستثنائٌة التً تنظمها وزارة الطٌران المدنً‬ ‫بالتنسٌق مع وزارتً الخارجٌة والهجرة‪ ،‬وذلك ألن الحجر ٌمثل حماٌة لهم ولذوٌهم‬ ‫فً مصر وٌحد من انتشار فٌروس كورونا المستجد ‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت المصادر أن عملٌة إجالء المواطنٌن المصرٌ​ٌن من الخارج مستمرة والتً تتم‬ ‫بالتنسٌق مع وزارة الخارجٌة والقنصلٌات والسفارات المصرٌة بالخارج ووزارة‬ ‫الهجرة ‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت المصادر أن الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران تختتم غدا األربعاء جسرها‬ ‫الجوي لعودة المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن من الكوٌت إلى القاهرة والتً بدأت األربعاء‬ ‫‪ 25‬مارس الجاري‪.‬‬ ‫تابع‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫وقررت وزارة الصحة عند دخول المصرٌ​ٌن العالقٌن بالدول المختلفة ضرورة كتابة‬ ‫إقرار قبل ركوب الطائرة بدخول الحجر الصحً فور الوصول للبالد جاء ذلك بعدما‬ ‫قام عدد من المصرٌ​ٌن العائدٌن من الكوٌت أمس برفض االمتثال إلجراء الحجر‬ ‫الصحً بمطار القاهرة واالكتفاء بالتحلٌل التً أثبتت عدم إصابتهم بالفٌروس ‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت أعلنت الحكومة‪ ،‬تعلٌق حركة الطٌران فً مصر‪ ،‬لتقلٌل حركة االختالط سواء‬ ‫من داخل مصر أو القادمٌن من خارجها‪ ،‬وذلك فً ظل الجهود الكبٌرة التً تبذلها‬ ‫الدولة لمواجهة فٌروس كورونا المستجد‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبها أعلنت سلطة الطٌران المدنً المصري‪ ،‬أن هناك ‪ 5‬حاالت استثنائٌة خالل‬ ‫وقف حركة الطٌران حٌث ٌصرح لشركات الطٌران التً تقوم بنقل األفواج السٌاحٌة‬ ‫بأخذ الركاب السابق قدومهم بعد استكمال البرامج السٌاحٌة المخططة والسابق‬ ‫الموافقة علٌها من سلطة الطٌران المدنً المصري‪ ،‬على أن تصل الرحالت فارغة‬ ‫وتغادر بركابها‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت سلطة الطٌران‪ ،‬أنه تم التصرٌح برحالت الهبوط الفنً للتزود بالوقود فقط دون‬ ‫مبٌت الطائرة أو نزول الطاقم والركاب‪ ،‬كما ٌصرح بالرحالت الداخلٌة بٌن المطارات‬ ‫المصرٌة‪ ،‬كما ٌصرح برحالت الشحن الجوي الدولٌة من وإلى جمهورٌة مصر‬ ‫العربٌة‪ ،‬كما أنه ٌصرح برحالت اإلسعاف الدولٌة من وإلى مصر‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫القروض وسٌلة شركات الطٌران األوروبٌة لتجاوز أزمة الخسائر بسبب كورونا‬ ‫كتبت‪ /‬آمال رسالن‬

‫لجأت كبرى شركات الطٌران العالمٌة وبشكل خاص أوروبا إلى االقتراض‬ ‫من الحكومات لتغطٌة الخسائر المادٌة التى تتعرض لها ٌومٌا‪ ،‬بعد تعلٌق‬ ‫الرحالت وإغالق المجال الجوى ألغلب دول العالم ضمن إجراءات مواجهة‬ ‫تفشى فٌروس كورونا‬ ‫وفى ألمانٌا أعلنت لوفتهانزا تعلق أرباح األسهم وقدمت طلبا لقروض جدٌدة‬ ‫بقٌمة ‪ 600‬ملٌون ٌورو من بنك التنمٌة األلمانٌة بفرانكفورت ‪KfW‬‬ ‫لمواجهة األزمة وتضع أسطول طائراتها كضمان‪ ،‬وتتواصل مع حكومات كل‬ ‫من النمسا وبلجٌكا وسوٌسرا‪ ،‬حٌث ٌتم تمثٌل المجموعة مع شركات‬ ‫الطٌران التابعة لها والتً تشمل الخطوط الجوٌة النمساوٌة ‪Austrian‬‬ ‫‪ Airlines‬وشركة طٌران بروكسل ‪ Brussels Airlines‬والخطوط‬ ‫الجوٌة السوٌسرٌة ‪ ،Swiss Air‬أما شركة طٌران بروكسل ‪Brussels‬‬ ‫‪ Airlines‬فأعلنت أنها تحتاج إلى ‪ 200‬ملٌون ٌورو لكً تستمر فً‬ ‫البقاء‪ ،‬وشركة الطٌران السوٌسرٌة تقول أنها مضطرة إلى وقف التشغٌل‬ ‫ووضع جمٌع الطائرات على األرض إذ لم تعد قادرة على الطٌران إلى المزٌد‬ ‫من البلدان‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 270‬ملٌون ٌورو‪.‬‬ ‫تابع‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


‫وقال وزٌرا مالٌة البلدٌن أنهما سٌستمران فً مساعدة الشركة لمنع إفالسها حتى‬ ‫زوال األزمة‪ .‬وكانت منظمة السٌاحة العربٌة قد أكدت أنه نتٌجة لتوقف آالف الرحالت‬ ‫الجوٌة وإغالق المنافذ والمطارات للسٌطرة على الوباء فتتوقع المنظمة بأن خسائر‬ ‫شركات الطٌران بمنطقة الشرق األوسط قد تصل إلى ‪ 14.4‬ملٌار دوالر من إٌراداتها‬ ‫إذا امتدت األزمة حتى نهاٌة شهر أبرٌل المقبل‪ ،‬مؤكدًا أن خسائر قطاع الطٌران على‬ ‫مستوى العالم ستكسر حاجز الـ‪ 200‬ملٌار دوالر‪.‬‬


‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Emirates SkyCargo launches daily services to seven destinations in India

Emirates SkyCargo plans to commence on 31 March 2020 daily services to Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Mumbai and Trivandrum to support the transport of healthcare goods and perishables. The airline will also operate four times weekly Melbourne service and is considering launching daily services to other destinations.


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IATA: Airlines facing rapid cash burn This analysis is based on the impact assessment IATA released last week, under a scenario in which severe travel restrictions last for three months. In this scenario, full-year demand falls by 38% and full-year passenger revenues drop by $252 billion compared to 2019. The fall in demand would be the deepest in the second quarter, with a 71% drop. The impact will be severe, driven by the following factors:

Revenues are expected to fall by 68%. This is less than the expected 71% fall in demand due to the continuation of cargo operations, albeit at reduced levels of activity Variable costs are expected to drop sharply—by some 70% in the second quarter—largely in line with the reduction of an expected 65% cut in second quarter capacity. The price of jet fuel has also fallen sharply, although we estimate that fuel hedging will limit the benefit to a 31% decline.


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Fixed and semi-fixed costs amount to nearly half an airline‘s cost. We expect semi-fixed costs (including crew costs) to be reduced by a third. Airlines are cutting what they can, while trying to preserve their workforce and businesses for the future recovery. These changes to revenues and costs result in an estimated net loss of $39 billion in the second quarter. On top of unavoidable costs, airlines are faced with refunding sold but unused tickets as a result of massive cancellations resulting from government-imposed restrictions on travel. The second quarter liability for these is a colossal $35 billion. Cash burn will be severe. We estimate airlines could be burning through $61 billion of their cash balances in the second quarter. ―Airlines cannot cut costs fast enough to stay ahead of the impact of this crisis. We are looking at a devastating net loss of $39 billion in the second quarter. The impact of that on cash burn will be amplified by a $35 billion liability for potential ticket refunds. Without relief, the industry‘s cash position could deteriorate by $61 billion in the second quarter,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA‘s Director General and‫والمراسم‬ CEO. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة‬


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Several governments are responding positively to the industry‘s need for relief measures. Among countries providing specific financial or regulatory aid packages to the industry are Colombia, the United States, Singapore, Australia, China, New Zealand and Norway. Most recently, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, and the Netherlands have relaxed regulations to allow airlines to offer passengers travel vouchers in place of refunds.

―Travel and tourism is essentially shut down in an extraordinary and unprecedented situation. Airlines need working capital to sustain their businesses through the extreme volatility. Canada, Colombia, and the Netherlands are giving a major boost to the sector‘s stability by enabling airlines to offer vouchers in place of cash refunds. This is a vital time buffer so that the sector can continue to function. In turn, that will help preserve the sector‘s ability to deliver the cargo shipments that are vital today and the long-term connectivity that travelers and economies will depend on in the recovery phase,‖ said de Juniac


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Global airline industry expected to post $39 billion loss in second quarter: IATA Our Bureau The global airline industry is expected to post a loss of $39 billion during the second quarter, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said on Tuesday. A recovery for the global airline industry to pre-2019 levels is unlikely before the fourth quarter of this year or till 2021, said Brian Pearce, IATA‘s Chief Economist. Addressing a global media teleconference, he said that the cash burn during the second quarter in the global airline industry is likely to be around $61 billion. The global airline industry is also looking at around $35 billion in ticket refund for flights that have been cancelled of which $10 billion is estimated to be in Europe alone, he added. Many airlines have been forced to cancel flights as a result of weak demand and governments closing down their borders. ―These numbers are beyond what has ever been seen in the industry,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, Chief Executive Officer and Director-General, IATA. million people and supports 65 million jobs.


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The packages announced by various government should help the industry, said de Juniac. Many countries including the US have announced packages including for their airline industry. IATA said it has proposed that airlines provide travel vouchers instead of refunding tickets to passengers whose flights have either been cancelled or some journey remains incomplete, the DG said. In response to a question on job losses due to the Corona crisis hitting the global airline industry, Pearce said it will be difficulty to quantify a number just yet. At the moment the global airline industry employees 2.7


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Airlines headed for ‗apocalypse‘ without aid: IATA The coronavirus pandemic could spell ―apocalypse" in the airline industry without urgent government aid, the global aviation association said Tuesday, warning that carriers could lose more than $250 billion in revenues this year alone. The International Air Transport Association said its latest analysis showed that annual passenger revenues will fall by $252 billion if severe travel restrictions remain in place for three months. That would mark a 44-percent drop compared to 2019 revenues, and is more than double the $113 billion drop previously predicted by IATA before countries around the world began introducing sweeping travel restrictions.


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―It is the deepest crisis we ever had in our industry," IATA chief Alexandre de Juniac told reporters in a virtual briefing, calling on governments to quickly step up and provide desperately needed liquidity. ―Airlines are fighting for survival in every corner of the world," he said in a statement, pointing out that ―travel restrictions and evaporating demand mean that, aside from cargo, there is almost no passenger business." ―For airlines, it's apocalypse now. And there is a small and shrinking window for governments to provide a lifeline of financial support to prevent a liquidity crisis from shuttering the industry." IATA has not been shy about sounding the alarm in the crisis, and last week warned that up to $200 billion would be needed to rescue the world's airlines. On Tuesday it said that while some governments were stepping up, it was still far from enough to cover the needs. ―We need money," Juniac told reporters. He stressed that IATA fully supported government measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, which has now infected nearly 400,000 people worldwide and killed close to 17,000, according to an AFP tally based on official data. ―But we need them to understand that without urgent relief, many airlines will not be around to lead the recovery stage," he said.


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British Airways suspends flights from Gatwick British Airways has suspended operations at its London Gatwick hub, citing ―challenging‖ market conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Gatwick is the UK‘s second-busiest airport after London Heathrow, and BA‘s second-largest hub. Cirium schedules data shows that the carrier serves 75 destinations from Gatwick.

―Due to the considerable restrictions and challenging market environment, like many other airlines, we will temporarily suspend our flying schedule at Gatwick. We are contacting affected customers to discuss their options,‖ says BA.


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Essential maintenance and towing work is expected to continue at Gatwick throughout the suspension period, to ensure that operations can be smoothly ramped up once flights resume. Gatwick announced on 27 March that it would temporarily close its North Terminal from 1 April and consolidate activities into its South Terminal, from which BA operates. The airport says a decision on reopening the North Terminal will be taken when airline traffic increases and government public-health restrictions are relaxed. BA parent IAG said earlier this month that it would cut capacity by at least 75% during April and May.


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China Southern‘s full-year profit up 23% China Southern Airlines saw growth in its revenues and operating profit last year, although its net profit declined and that its cash position took a substantial hit. The Guangzhou-based carrier‘s operating profit for the year ended on 31 December 2019 grew 22.9% to CNY10.8 billion ($1.5 billion). Revenue was up 7.4% to CNY154 billion, while net profit shrank 8.8% to CNY2.64 billion. Moreover, its cash and cash equivalents as of 31 December 2019 fell sharply by 73% to CNY1.85 billion. China Southern says the coronavirus pandemic has ―brought about uncertainties in the group‘s operating environment and has impacted the group‘s operations and financial position‖, though it is confident in its liquidity position. ―Based on the group‘s actual performance in early 2020, contingent measures put in place and unutilised available banking facilities, the directors of the company have carried out a review of the cash flow forecast of the group for the eighteen months period after the balance sheet date,‖ it says.


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―Based on such forecast, the directors of the company believe that adequate funding will be available for the working capital and capital expenditure requirements of the group during that period.‖ The carrier‘s fleet size as of 31 December 2019 was 862, a net increase of 22 aircraft compared to the end of 2018. It introduced 54 aircraft into its fleet, including 22 on operating lease, 28 on finance lease and four purchased aircraft. It also withdrew 32 aircraft from its fleet, including 17 Airbus A320 family aircraft, six Embraer E190s, four Boeing 757s, three A330s and two 737s.


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Emirates to receive capital injection from Dubai government Emirates is to be given a capital injection by the Dubai government, to support the Middle Eastern airline in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak. The operator – which has a fleet of Airbus A380s and Boeing 777s – has suspended passenger flights in line with United Arab Emirates restrictions, although it is maintaining cargo services with 777 freighters. Dubai‘s crown prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum says the government is ―committed to providing full support‖ to the airline during the crisis. He says that, as part of this support, it will ―inject new capital‖ into the carrier, affirming the airline‘s ―great strategic value‖ to the emirate. Al Maktoum has not yet detailed the extent of the financial assistance to be provided, stating only that this will be ―announced later‖. ―Our business is taking a hit, but what matters in the long run is that we do the right thing for our customers, million) on Dhs53.3 billion in revenues.


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our employees, and the communities we serve,‖ said Emirates chairman Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum on 22 March, as he disclosed measures being implemented by the company. Emirates Group has not indicated the impact of the crisis on its financial performance for the 2019-20 fiscal year, which ends on 31 March. Over the half-year to 30 September 2019 the group generated an improved net profit of Dhs1.2 billion ($320


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Chinese Aviation Industry Recovery Continues To Offer Hope The latest data indicates that normal life is making a slow but sure return to China. Airline capacity is increasing week on week and most of the airports, including in hard-hit Hubei province, are reopening for business. Do these tiny sparks of hope give optimism to the rest of the world? Let‘s take a look.

Fuzhou Airlines operated the first flight out of Hubei earlier this week. Photo: Getty Images


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Capacity returning to China For the first time since January, China‘s aviation industry is beginning to show the green shoots of recovery. Traffic had begun to pick up again over the last few weeks, and today CH-Aviation reports that all airports in the Hubei province apart from Wuhan have reopened for domestic flights. Although China has a strong international network, a huge proportion of its travel is domestic. As such, the uptick in passenger services seen across the country is largely limited to these domestic services, as most international flights are still limited by national restrictions both at home and in other parts of the world, not to mention the ongoing slump in demand. According to OAG, airline capacity around the world is, overall, down by more than a quarter. The latest report for this week shows a worldwide decline of 28.7% compared to the same week last year, with some regions including Italy and Hong Kong down more than 80%.


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However, the trend in China is moving steadily upwards for the fourth week in a row. The lowest ebb was in the week of the 17th February, when capacity was down 70.8%. Since then it has begun to increase, coming in at just over 40% down for the first two weeks of March and even less for the latest two weeks. th Week beginning the 16 March, China was down 38.7%. The most recent week analyzed by OAG shows traffic to be down 37.5% – a slow but definite uptick in capacity. Reopening the airports According to reporting in CH-Aviation today, all China‘s Hubei airports are now open for business; all except the main gateway at Wuhan. This last airport is th expected to reopen in just over a week, on the 8 April. CH-Aviation reports that the first flight to depart from the province was a Fuzhou Airlines service, flight number FU6779, traveling from Yichang to Fuzhou. This flight was operated by a Boeing 737-800 on March th 29 .


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Some of the other airports that have already opened include Enshi, which was serviced first by Capital Airlines with a flight to Hangzhou. Shiyan Airport saw its first flight also on the 29th, a service conducted by Loong Air to Hangzhou. And Juneyao Airlines had the honor of operating the first flight from Xiangyang to Shanghai Pudong on the same day. As well as the airports, the authorities lifted the bank on rail services to Hubei on March 28th. Train services to all districts, including Wuhan, have now resumed, and commercial activity in the province is expected to fully resume this week. The only fly in the ointment is the ongoing ban on direct flights from Hubei to Beijing.


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Hope for the rest of the world The resumption of air services, and more importantly life in general, over in Hubei provide hope for the rest of the world that this current crisis will soon be over. It‘s been just over two months since the downturn in air traffic in China, as the grip of the virus took hold. In comparison, the UK is just three weeks into the significant suspension of services. The only unknown is whether the rest of the world has done enough to contain the outbreak. China was very quick to instigate a strict lockdown, which likely accelerated its return to normality. With European nations only just really getting on board with the lockdown and the US still failing to really implement meaningful measures, the risk is that the crisis could take longer to squash.


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British Airways Moves All London Services To Heathrow Terminal 5 British Airways is consolidating its London operations to Heathrow‘s Terminal 5. The airline previously announced that it would halt its London City operations in these unprecedented times. The airline has parked a number of aircraft up at airports across the United Kingdom.

British Airways is facing one of the worst crises in its history. The British flag carrier has parked up a huge majority of its fleet as it becomes unviable or impossible to operate a large number of flights. As such, the airline has consolidated its remaining operations to Heathrow‘s Terminal 5, providing a central base of operation.


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Gatwick passenger ops suspended British Airways has become the latest airline to halt flights out of London Gatwick. The airline has a significant number of operations at the airport‘s south terminal. This includes its seasonal flight between London and Cologne. However, this will all be stopping for the time being. Additionally, the airline‘s remaining flights that operate from Terminal 3 will be shifted to Terminal 5. According to Sky News, British Airways ―will continue to

carry out essential functions such as maintenance, towing and cleaning in order to be ready to start up again effectively.‖ It is currently unclear exactly when the airline will be starting up operations at London‘s southern airport once more as the situation continues to remain fluid. Gatwick becoming a ghost town British Airways has, for the time being, suspended passenger operations from London Gatwick Airport. It comes after the airport recently announced it would be closing half of its terminals and consolidating all flights to its southern terminal. However, now most of the airport‘s biggest customers have packed up shop, albeit temporarily.


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easyJet was one of the first major Gatwick Airlines to announce that it would cut almost all flights. The airline now expects to operate nothing until June at the earliest, meanwhile, the airline‘s crew are helping out the NHS at UK hospitals.

Late last week Virgin Atlantic announced that it would only remain operating flights from London Heathrow for the time being. However, now the airline has further reduced this to just three routes from the London hub. Additionally, Norwegian has severely curtailed its operations. With the majority of its fleet grounded and flights canceled, any flights that will continue will not have a significant impact at London Gatwick Airport. It does all beg the question, who is still flying to Gatwick,.


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and how long will the airport remain open. London City has already closed its runway. For the time being, Air Transat and Aurigny are still operating flights to the airport, among a few others. Is suspending flights from London Gatwick the right thing to do? Let us know your thoughts in the comments


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