EGYPTAIR News 22 & 23 july 2016

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‫الجمعة و السبت‬ ‫‪22‬و‪ٌ23‬ولٌو ‪2016‬‬


‫تاخر إقالع رحلتٌن مصر للطٌران المتجهتٌن إلى أكرا والجوس‬ ‫بسبب غلق المجال الجوى‬ ‫شهدت حركة الطٌران بمطار القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬الٌوم‪ ،‬الخمٌس‪ ،‬تأخر‬ ‫إقالع رحلتٌن لمصر للطٌران والمتجهتٌن إلى أكرا والجوس لمدة‬ ‫تزٌد عن ساعتٌن بسبب إغالق المجال الجوى‪ .‬صرح مصدر‬ ‫مالحى بالمطار بأن غلق المجال الجوى بمطار القاهرة جاء بسبب‬ ‫العروض الجوٌة وأدى إلى تأخر رحلة مصر للطٌران رقم ‪881‬‬ ‫والمتجهة إلى اكرا حٌث كانت من المقرر أن تقلع فى تمام الساعة‬ ‫‪ 8:20‬حسب جدول التشغٌل والرحلة رقم ‪ 875‬والتى تقلع الساعة‬ ‫‪ 8:45‬حٌث من المقرر أن تستأنف الرحالت عقب فتح المجال‬ ‫الجوى‪.‬‬


‫طائرة مصر للطٌران تحطمت فً الجو بعد حرٌق‬ ‫نٌوٌورك تاٌمز‪ :‬طائرة مصر للطٌران تحطمت فً الجو بعد حرٌق‬ ‫روٌترز قالت صحٌفة نٌوٌورك تاٌمز أمس الجمعة نقال عن مسؤولٌن‬ ‫مصرٌ​ٌن مشاركٌن فً تحقٌق فً تحطم طائرة لمصر للطٌران خالل رحلتها‬ ‫رقم ‪ 804‬فً البحر المتوسط فً ماٌو أٌار إن األدلة التً جُمعت فً التحقٌق‬ ‫تثبت إن من المحتمل أن الطائرة تحطمت فً الهواء بعد اشتعال حرٌق قرب أو‬ ‫داخل قمرة القٌادة قهر بسرعة طاقم الطائرة‪.‬‬ ‫ولكن لم ٌتسن للمسؤولٌن تحدٌد ما إذا كان الحرٌق الذي ٌُعتقد أنه تسبب فً‬ ‫تحطم الطائرة قد نجم عن خلل مٌكانٌكً أو نتٌجة عمل مدبر‪.‬‬ ‫وقال التقارٌر نقال عن مسؤولٌن فً الطب الشرعً والطٌران فً القاهرة إن‬ ‫هذه النتائج اعتمدت على معلومات من مسجل بٌانات رحلة الطائرة االٌرباص‬ ‫أٌه‪ 320‬ومسجل األصوات داخل قمرة القٌادة إلى جانب تحلٌل لوضع وتوزٌع‬ ‫األشٌاء التً تم انتشاله بما فً ذلك رفات بشرٌة ‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت نٌوٌورك تاٌمز إن هؤالء المسؤولٌن تحدثوا األسبوع الماضً شرٌطة‬ ‫عدم نشر أسمائهم ألنهم غٌر مخولٌن بمناقشة التحقٌقات بشكل علنً‪.‬‬ ‫اخبار مصر مفاجأة ‪ ..‬طائرة مصر للطٌران تحطمت فً الجو بعد حرٌق من‬ ‫موقع النهار مصر وتم نقلة بواسطة خدمة ‪RSS‬وتقع مسئولٌة صحة الخبر من‬ ‫عدمه علً عاتق النهار مصر وٌمكنكم‬


‫معلومات جدٌدة‪ ...‬طائرة "مصر للطٌران" المنكوبة تف ّككت فً‬ ‫الجو بعد حرٌق‬ ‫ذكرت صحٌفة "النٌوٌورك تاٌمس" االمٌركٌة ان الطائرة التابعة‬ ‫لشركة ‪#‬مصر_للطٌران التً سقطت فً اٌار الماضً‬ ‫فً ‪#‬البحر_المتوسط‪ ،‬تفككت على االرجح فً الجو بعد حرٌق داخل قمرة‬ ‫القٌادة او بالقرب منها‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مسؤولون مصرٌون للصحٌفة طالبٌن عدم كشف هوٌاتهم انه لم‬ ‫ٌعرف ما اذا كان الحرٌق نجم عن مشكلة تقنٌة او عمل اجرامً‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت لجنة للتحقٌق تقودها مصر ذكرت السبت الماضً ان كلمة "حرٌق"‬ ‫رصدت فً خالل تحلٌل جهاز تسجٌل قمرة القٌادة‪.‬‬


‫نٌوٌورك تاٌمز‪ :‬طائرة مصر للطٌران تحطمت فً الجو بعد حرٌق‬ ‫قالت صحٌفة نٌوٌورك تاٌمز ٌوم الجمعة نقال عن مسؤولٌن مصرٌ​ٌن مشاركٌن فً‬ ‫تحقٌق فً تحطم طائرة لمصر للطٌران خالل رحلتها رقم ‪ 804‬فً البحر المتوسط‬ ‫فً ماٌو‪ /‬أٌار إن األدلة التً ُجمعت فً التحقٌق‪ ،‬تثبت أنّ من المحتمل أن الطائرة‬ ‫تحطمت فً الهواء بعد اشتعال حرٌق قرب أو داخل قمرة القٌادة قهر بسرعة طاقم‬ ‫الطائرة‪.‬‬ ‫ولكن لم ٌتسن للمسؤولٌن تحدٌد ما إذا كان الحرٌق الذي ٌُعتقد أنه تسبب فً تحطم‬ ‫الطائرة‪ ،‬قد نجم عن خلل مٌكانٌكً أو نتٌجة عمل مدبر‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت التقارٌر نقال عن مسؤولٌن فً الطب الشرعً والطٌران فً القاهرة‪ ،‬إن هذه‬ ‫النتائج اعتمدت على معلومات من مسجل بٌانات رحلة الطائرة اإلٌرباص أي ‪320‬‬ ‫ومسجل األصوات داخل قمرة القٌادة‪ ،‬إلى جانب تحلٌل لوضع وتوزٌع األشٌاء التً‬ ‫تم انتشالها بما فً ذلك رفات بشرٌة ‪.‬‬

‫وقالت نٌوٌورك تاٌمز‪ ،‬إن هؤالء المسؤولٌن تحدثوا األسبوع الماضً شرٌطة عدم‬ ‫نشر أسمائهم؛ ألنهم غٌر مخولٌن بمناقشة التحقٌقات بشكل علنً‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت الطائرة المصرٌة ‪-‬وهً من طراز "إٌرباص أي‪ -"320‬قد تحطمت فً‬ ‫طرٌقها من بارٌس إلى القاهرة فً أثناء تحلٌقها بٌن جزٌرة كرٌت الٌونانٌة وساحل‬ ‫مصر الشمالً‪ ،‬وعلى متنها ‪ 66‬راكبا‪ ،‬بٌنهم أربعون مصرٌا و‪ 15‬فرنسٌا‪ ،‬بعدما‬ ‫اختفت من شاشات الرادار لسبب ال ٌزال مجهوال‪.‬‬


‫"مصر للطٌران"‪ :‬ما نشر عن إضراب الضباط "شائعات سخٌفة―‬ ‫نفت شركة مصر للطٌران صدور قرار بإلغاء البدالت الخاصة بضباط‬ ‫الحركة‪ ،‬كما أكدت أن ما نشر بشأن إضراب الضباط عن العمل «شائعات‬ ‫سخٌفة»‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت مصاد من داخل شركة مصر الطٌران‪ ،‬أكدت أن أزمة ضباط الحركة‬ ‫مع الشركة أوشكت على االنتهاء‪ ،‬بعد أن أعلن الضباط تراجعهم بشكل مؤقت‬ ‫عن اإلضراب الذى سبق وتم اإلعالن عنه اعتراضا على قرار رئٌس مجلس‬ ‫إدارة الشركة بإلغاء البدالت التى كان مقررا لهم الحصول علٌهم بخالف‬ ‫المرتبات‪.‬‬ ‫وقال المصدر‪ ،‬إن ضباط الحركة عقدوا اجتماعا األربعاء‪ ،‬واتفقوا‬ ‫على تأجٌل اإلضراب بشكل مؤقت بعد حصولهم على تأكٌدات من مجلس‬ ‫اإلدارة بالتراجع عن قرار إلغاء البدالت‪ ،‬كما تم االتفاق على ترشٌح عدد من‬ ‫ضباط الحركةللتواصل مع مجلس إدارة الشركة ووزٌر الطٌران‬


‫لمكتب االعالمى لوزٌر الطٌران ٌنفى ماتردد لتصرٌح منسوب ‘لفتحى‗‬ ‫حول انتعاء تحقٌقات الطاٌرة الروسٌة‬ ‫بنفى المكتب االعلمى لوزٌر الطٌران انه وباالشارة الً ماتناولته بعض وسائل‬ ‫االعالم عن مصادر غٌر محددة من الجانب الروسً بشأن تصرٌحات نسبت‬ ‫لوزٌر الطٌران المدنً المصري بانتهاء التحقٌقات فً حادث الطائرة الروسٌة‬ ‫والتً سقطت نهاٌة العام الماضً – فإن وزارة الطٌران المدنً تنفً ماتردد‬ ‫نهائٌا وماتناولته تلك الوسائل ‪.‬‬ ‫جدٌر بالذكر ان وزٌر الطٌران المدنً قد أكد خالل لقائه بوزٌر النقل الروسً‬ ‫امس بالعاصمة الروسٌة موسكو ؛ بإن المستشار النائب العام المصري هو من‬ ‫سٌطلع الجانب الروسً علً اخر ماتوصلت الٌه التحقٌقات الجنائٌة التً تجرٌها‬ ‫النٌابة العامة خالل زٌارته لموسكو االسبوع القادم‬


‫وزارة الطٌران تنظم جولة تفقدٌة لطلبة كلٌة الهندسة لموقع "سوالر‬ ‫أمبالس ‪―2‬‬ ‫زار عدد من طلبة كلٌة هندسة شبرا قسم طاقة والطاقة المستدامة وعدد من‬ ‫مهندسى مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران ومهندسى شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة‬ ‫واألعمال الفنٌة موقع طائرة "سوالر أمبالس ‪ "2‬أول طائرة تعمل بالطاقة‬ ‫الشمسٌة حول العالم بمطار القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬وذلك قبٌل مغادرتها إلى أبوظبى‪.‬‬ ‫واستمع الطلبة إلى شرح تفصٌلى عن الطائرة من خالل أحد أعضاء فرٌق‬ ‫"سوالر أمبالس ‪ "2‬والذى تحدث عن فكرة صناعة الطائرة وطرٌقة تشغٌلها‬ ‫التى تعتمد فٌها على الخالٌا الشمسٌة الموزعة على أسطح أجنحة الطائرة وخفة‬ ‫وزنها وقدرتها على التحلٌق لفترة أطول وذلك بفضل مادة لٌثٌوم بولٌمر‪ ،‬التى‬ ‫تغذى بطارٌات الطائرة‪ ،‬وكذلك البالد التى قامت بالتحلٌق فوقها والهبوط فٌها‪.‬‬ ‫كما أعرب الطلبة عن سعادتهم البالغة بمثل هذه التجربة مؤكدٌن أنها أول‬ ‫تطبٌق فعلى إلمكانٌة االستفادة من الطاقة الشمسٌة وتحوٌلها إلى كهرباء على‬ ‫أرض الواقع‪ ،‬وأشاروا إلى أن استخدام الطاقة الشمسٌة ٌفتح المجال أمام العالم‬ ‫لمستقبل طٌران نظٌف بال عوادم‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪s‬‬

‫مصر للطٌران تخسر ‪ 12‬ملٌار جنٌه‪ ..‬ونائب‪ :‬القانون بٌقول تتقفل‪..‬‬ ‫وتحوٌل الوزٌر للنٌابة‬ ‫قال محمد عبده‪ ،‬عضو مجلس النواب عن حزب الوفد فى دائرة المحلة‬ ‫بمحافظة الغربٌة – تعلٌ ًقا على البٌانات واألرقام التى تؤكد تحقٌق شركة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران لخسائر قدرها ‪ 12‬ملٌار جنٌه فى ‪ 3‬سنوات فقط – إن رأس مال‬ ‫شركة مصر للطٌران ٌقدر بـ ‪ 1.8‬ملٌار جنٌه‪ ،‬أى أن خسائرها فى ‪ 3‬سنوات‬ ‫بلغت ‪ %560‬من قٌمتها‪ ،‬والقانون المصرى ٌقول إذا خسرت الشركة ‪%50‬‬ ‫ٌتم إغالقها‪“ ،‬وده مصٌبة سودا”‪ ،‬وعلٌه أطالب بتحوٌل الملف بكامل تفاصٌله‬ ‫للنٌابة العامة‪ ،‬على أن ٌشرف على تحقٌقاتها النائب العام بنفسه‪.‬‬


‫حماٌة المستهلك ٌحٌل وكٌال شركة مصر للطٌران إلى النٌابة العامة‬ ‫قدم المستشار ٌاسر قنطوش المحامً بالنقض وكٌال عن خالد البربري رجل األعمال‪ ،‬بشكوى‬ ‫إلى اللواء عاطف ٌعقوب رئٌس جهاز حماٌة المستهلك‪ ،‬ضد شركتً سمارت شوٌز ومترو‬ ‫للسٌاحة الوكٌل الحصري لشركة مصر للطٌران بعد أن تعرض موكله لعملٌة احتٌال من الشركة‬ ‫الوسٌطة فً عدد ‪ 4‬تذاكر طٌران على متن رحلة مصر للطٌران درجة بٌزنس رجال أعمال‬ ‫القادمة من الدوحة إلى القاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار اللواء عاطف ٌعقوب رئٌس جهاز حماٌة المستهلك‪ ،‬أن الجهاز كان قد تلقً شكوي‬ ‫تضرر فٌها الشاكً من قٌام شركً سمارت شوٌز ومترو للسٌاحة وكٌل شركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫من التالعب علٌه فً عدد ‪ 4‬تذاكر طٌران على رحلة مصر للطٌران من اجمالً عدد ‪ 11‬تذكرة‬ ‫بمبلغ اجمالً ‪ 44‬ألف لاير قطري‪ ،‬وقام الشاكً بمطالبة الشركة باستراد قٌمة التذاكر المؤكدة‬ ‫الحجز قبل مٌعاد رحلة الطٌران باكثر من شهر والتً لم ٌجد حجزها عند وصوله صالة المطار‬ ‫والتى تبلغ قٌمتها ‪ 16‬الف لاير قطري بما ٌعاظل ‪ 384‬الف جنٌة مصري ولكنه وجد عدم‬ ‫تسجٌل عدد أربعة تذاكر‪ ،‬وطلب الشاكً رد قٌمته من جانب المشكو فً حقهما ولكنه وجد‬ ‫مماطلة‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع "رئٌس الجهاز"‪ ،‬أنه بعد فحص الشكوى وحرصا من الجهاز علً حل الشكاوي بطرق‬ ‫ودٌة ا‬ ‫أوال‪ ،‬فقام بمخاطبة المشكو فً حقه دون جدوى‪ ،‬لذلك اصدر مجلس ادارة الجهاز قراره‬ ‫بالزام شركة مترو للسٌاحة باسترجاع قٌمة تذاكر رحلة مصر للطٌران محل الشكوى ورد قٌمتها‬ ‫للشاكً‪ ،‬حٌث أن الشركة تكون قد خالفت نص المواد رقم (‪)11 ،9 ،8 ،7 ،6 ،5 ،4 ،1،3‬‬ ‫لقانون حماٌة المستهلك رقم ‪ 67‬لسنة ‪ ،2016‬ومن ثم ان لم تستجب الشركة سٌقوم الجهاز‬ ‫بإحالة الشركة المخالفة للنٌابة بعد اتباع كافة المحاوالت التً من شأنها إزالة أسباب الشكوى‬ ‫فً ضوء اإلجراءات التً نص علٌها قانون حماٌة المستهلك‪ .‬سٌتم تحرٌك الدعوي الجنائٌة ضد‬ ‫رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة وممثلها القانونً‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف " ٌعقوب"‪ ،‬أن دور جهاز حماٌة المستهلك فً صون حقوق المستهلكٌن وحماٌة‬ ‫مصالحهم وردع شتً حاالت التجاوز أو اإلضرار بحقوق المستهلكٌن‪.‬‬


‫خبٌر برٌطانى من جامعة لندن ٌدافع عن خاطف الطائرة المصرٌة فى‬ ‫قبرص بقضٌة تسلٌمه لمصر‬ ‫وافق خبٌر برٌطانى على الشهادة فى محكمة قبرصٌة دفا اعا عن خاطف الطائرة‬ ‫المصرٌة‪ ،‬الذى ٌحاول االمتناع عن تنفٌذ طلب تسلٌم تقدمت به القاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫سٌف الدٌن مصطفى‪ ،‬الذى خطف طائرة مصر للطٌران إٌرباص ‪ٌ 320‬وما ‪29‬‬ ‫مارس من اإلسكندرٌة إلى القاهرة ووجهها إلى قبرص‪ٌ ،‬زعم أن معارضته‬ ‫للحكومة فى مصر سٌعرضه لخطر التعذٌب إذا تم تسلٌمه إلى مصر‪.‬‬ ‫كان الخطف قد انتهى بشكل سلمى بعد إطالق سراح كل ركاب وطاقم الطائرة‪،‬‬ ‫شخصا‪ ،‬وألقى القبض على مصطفى‪.‬‬ ‫الذٌن بلغ عددهم ‪72‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫وأجلت القاضٌة دونا كونستانتٌنو اإلجراءات الجمعة حتى الشهر المقبل عندما ٌقدم‬ ‫إٌمٌل جورج هاورد جوفى‪ ،‬وهو خبٌر العالقات الدولٌة فى جامعة لندن‬ ‫مٌتروبولٌتان شهادته‪.‬‬


‫هانى العدوى رئٌسا لسلطة الطٌران المدنى المصرى‬ ‫قاهرة ‪ -‬المسلة ‪ -‬أصدر شرٌف فتحى وزٌر الطٌران المدنً الٌوم قرار‬ ‫بتكلٌف المهندس هانى العدوى للقٌام بأعمال رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنى خلفا‬ ‫للطٌار محمود طه الزناتى بعد بلوغه سن التقاعد‪.‬‬

‫وٌذكر أن العدوى كان ٌشغل منصب نائب رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنً‬ ‫لقٌاسات السالمة الجوٌة‪ ،‬ومن قبلها رئٌسا لإلدارة المركزٌة للمكتب الفنى‬ ‫لوزٌر للطٌران و رئٌسا لإلدارة المركزٌة للعالقات الداخلٌة والخارجٌة‬ ‫بوزارة الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬كما ٌشغل حالٌا رئٌسا للمنظمة اإلفرٌقٌة للطٌران‬ ‫المدنً (األفكاك) وعضو مصر بلجنة حماٌة البٌئة بالمنظمة الدولٌة للطٌران‬ ‫المدنً (االٌكاو)‪.‬‬

‫ووجه فتحى الشكر للطٌار محمود الزناتى على الجهد المبذول خالل تولٌه‬ ‫رئاسة سلطة الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬متمنٌا له مزٌد من النجاح والتوفٌق فى حٌاته‬ ‫المقبلة‪.‬‬


‫طٌران الجزٌرة تعتزم اطالق أول رحالته إلى أوروبا بمحطتً‬ ‫لندن وبارٌس‬ ‫كدت "طٌران الجزٌرة" أنها تقوم حالٌا ا بإعداد دراسة مستفٌضة حول الوجهات األوروبٌة‬ ‫التً سٌتم إطالقها خالل األشهر القلٌلة المقبلة ضمن شبكتها الجدٌدة للرحالت طوٌلة‬ ‫المدى ومن دون توقف والتً تشمل عواصم ومدن أوروبٌة مختلفة‪.‬‬ ‫وكشفت مصادر مطلعة عن عدد من هذه الوجهات التً ستطلقها الجزٌرة مباشرة فً‬ ‫مقدمتها لندن‪ ،‬وبارٌس كمرحلة أولى من تنفٌذ ستراتٌجٌة الشركة الجدٌدة المتمثلة فً‬ ‫تدشٌن خطوط الى أوروبا‪ ،‬بهدف كسر احتكار الطٌران التقلٌدي لهذه الوجهات وخلق‬ ‫فرص تنافسٌة ومواكبة التغٌرات فً سوق النقل الجوي بالمنطقة والعالم‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت‪" :‬أن المرحلة الثانٌة ستضمن العدٌد من الوجهات األخرى التً تستعد ال طالقها‬ ‫الحقا ا إلى أوروبا والتً لم تفصح عنها المصادر"‪ ،‬مؤكدة أن الشركة تشهد حالٌا ا نقلة‬ ‫نوعٌة فً تارٌخها بعد أن أقر مجلس اإلدارة االنتقال إلى األسواق بعٌدة المدى وهو ما‬ ‫تم ترجمته بالتعاقد مع شرٌك استراتٌجً فً هذا الشأن لفترة ال تقل عن ‪ 5‬أو ‪ 7‬سنوات‬ ‫مقبلة‪ ،‬حتى تستقر أمور الشركة على النطاق الخارجً‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت شبكة طٌران الجزٌرة أنها ترتكز على الرحالت القصٌرة من وإلى مدن ذات كفاءة‬ ‫بشرٌة عالٌة وبالتحدٌد على أن ال ٌتعدى طول الرحلة أكثر من خمس ساعات‪ ،‬وعند‬ ‫إطالق خطوط أوروبا تكون ― الجزٌرة ― كسرت القاعدة التً تأسست علٌها استراتٌجٌتها‬ ‫القدٌمة‪.‬‬


‫مطار كوااللمبور الدولى ٌشدد االجراءات االمنٌة‬ ‫أكد المفتش العام للشرطة المالٌزٌة خالد أبو بكر أن تشدٌد األمن فً مداخل‬ ‫رئٌسٌة بمطار كوااللمبور الدولً األول والثانً سوف ٌستمر وذلك تحسبا ً‬ ‫لتهدٌدات المسلحٌن من الجماعات اإلرهابٌة ‪.‬‬ ‫وقال لـ برناما إن الشرطة قد عقدت اجتماعات مع وزارة النقل مؤخراً‬ ‫لمناقشة عدة مقترحات تتعلق باألمن فً المطار ‪.‬‬ ‫وذكر ‪ //‬لقد قدمنا عدة اقتراحات وبٌانات (تتعلق باألمن) للوزارة من أجل‬ ‫زٌادة مستوى أمن الركاب والسٌاح فً المطارات‪. //‬‬ ‫وأضاف ‪ //‬لٌس هناك حاجة ‪ -‬بالنسبة لً ‪ -‬إلى زٌادة التعلٌق على هذه‬ ‫المسألة هنا‪ ،‬ونترك لوزٌر النقل اإلعالن عن ذلك فً وقت الحق‪. //‬‬ ‫فً ٌوم الجمعة الماضً‪ ،‬قال نائب رئٌس الوزراء الدكتور أحمد زاهد‬ ‫حمٌدي إن الحكومة بصدد النظر فً مقترح بالسماح بوجود الركاب فقط فً‬ ‫محطات جمٌع المطارات الرئٌسٌة بمالٌزٌا لمزٌد األمن والسالمة‪.‬‬

EgyptAir Flight 804 Broke Up in Midair After a Fire, Evidence Suggests CAIRO — Evidence gathered in an investigation into the crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 in the Mediterranean Sea in May indicates that the plane most likely broke up in midair after a fire near or inside the cockpit that quickly overwhelmed the crew, according to Egyptian officials involved in the inquiry. But the officials could not determine whether the fire thought to have caused the crash had been set off by a mechanical malfunction or by a malicious act. The findings are based on information from the Airbus A320‘s flight data recorderand cockpit voice recorder — commonly known as black boxes — along with an analysis of the condition and distribution of recovered debris, including human remains, according to forensic and aviation officials in Cairo. The officials spoke this week on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly. The officials said the evidence appeared to be sufficient to rule out at least one early theory: that a pilot had deliberately flown the plane into the water. Flight 804 plummeted from 37,000 feet during an overnight flight to Cairo from Paris on May 19, killing all 66 people on board. The early findings that it disintegrated in the air, rather than upon hitting the water, may be presented in a preliminary report on the crash in the coming days. Since the discovery of the wreckage last month, investigators and search teams have been mapping the debris field on the ocean floor, roughly 10,000 feet below the surface, with specialized underwater cameras, and the human remains that have been found were sent to a morgue in Cairo for analysis. Among the largest items recovered so far are aircraft seats, an aviation official briefed on the investigation said. Other items include window panes and door handles.


(2) No complete bodies have been retrieved, and almost none of the discovered remains were strapped into seats, the officials said. One forensic specialist estimated that search teams had found only a few remains, less than 70 pounds in all. According to air-accident experts who are not involved in the EgyptAir inquiry, the absence of large debris and a relatively wide dispersal of objects along the ocean floor indicate that the plane broke up in the air, although they do not explain what might have caused that to occur. A plane that fractures on impact with water typically leaves significant clusters of heavy debris, including sections of fuselage, wings and other large, identifiable parts such as engines or landing gear. The lack of intact human remains is another indicator of a midair breakup, experts said. ―The bodies will tell us a story, just like the aircraft does,‖ Frank Ciaccio, a former forensic investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States, said in an interview last month. ―If you see large fragmentation of remains, you generally look to see if that is consistent with an explosion or an in-flight disruption,‖ Mr. Ciaccio said. ―Typically, if they are scattered about, that is a good indication of in-flight break-up.‖ An Egyptian aviation official said the voice recorder from the cockpit indicated that the mood there was relaxed in the minutes before the plane veered off course. Crew members were playing music and chatting amiably when the pilot, Capt. Muhammad Shoukair, 36, suddenly said there was a fire on board and asked the co-pilot, Muhammad Mamdouh Assem, 24, to get an extinguisher. That was the last human sound the recorder captured.

(3) Information from the flight data recorder — as well as a series of automated alerts that were sent by the plane to a maintenance base on the ground — suggests that, in the minutes before radar contact was lost, heavy smoke was detected in a lavatory as well as near the cockpit. Investigators have also retrieved blackened pieces of metal from the front of the plane that indicate a high-temperature fire. Still, the source of such a fire remains unclear. After the 1996 crash of T.W.A. Flight 800, which broke up in midair shortly after takeoff from Kennedy International Airport, investigators initially suspected terrorism. But an extensive inquiry determined that the probable cause was an electrical short-circuit that had ignited vapors in the plane‘s main fuel tank. Safwat Musallam, the chairman of EgyptAir, a state-owned carrier, declined to comment on the latest findings, but in an interview last month, he said, ―It is clearly terrorism.‖ Noting the crash of a Russian jet over the Sinai Peninsula in October, which killed 224 people, and the hijacking of an EgyptAir flight in March by an Egyptian fugitive, he added, ―I would have to be crazy not to see the pattern here.‖ But Mr. Musallam acknowledged that his terrorism theory was not backed up by evidence. The recent crashes have damaged Egypt‘s tourism industry. If mechanical or human failure is found to have played a role in the Flight 804 crash, it would threaten business for the carrier.

British inspection committee has 'no reservations' on Cairo airport security procedures tourists wait for their flight, as an Egyptair plane is seen, background, at a waiting hall in Cairo's international airport in Egypt. (AP)

A British committee of five aviation experts concluded its inspection of security procedures at Cairo International Airport on Friday, noting in preliminary comments that they had "no reservations" about the present level of security at the airport. The committee, which began its work Monday, observed security measures for British Airways flight 154 and EgyptAir flight 777 that fly to Heathrow Airport in London, studying airport terminals to the flights' boarding processes. The committee noted the improvement of security and the implementation of international standards for baggage supervision and for securing containers and parcels, Ahram Arabic website reported. ―The committee did not give any reservations on the security performance at Cairo airport, which will be included in its final report which will be submitted to high-level UK officials,‖ airport officials said in press statements, according to Aswat Masriya. A report will be issued by the British experts to the UK government, which will also be presented to Egypt‘s foreign and civil aviation ministries. El-Sheikh

No date was given for the release of the report. A number of European airlines have banned flights to Sharm ElSheikh over security concerns following the crash of a Russian airliner in October in Sinai which killed all 224 people on board. The UK government has since then deployed experts to assess security procedures in Egyptian airports. In June, British Airways announced it would indefinitely extended its suspension of flights to Sharm El-Sheikh

Lufthansa to deploy Airbus' runway overrun prevention system Lufthansa Group, Honeywell Aerospace and Airbus have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work jointly on the development of a runway safety solution combining Airbus‘ Runway Overrun Prevention System )ROPS( and Honeywell‘s SmartLanding technologies for Lufthansa Group‘s fleet. This cooperation aims to make runways available for a maximum number of aircraft types. ROPS is a performance-based alerting system developed by Airbus, which assists crews in preventing runway overruns. Certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), ROPS is in operation on approximately 430 aircraft, including A320, A330, A350 and A380 and has been selected by operators of 1,500 aircraft to be delivered. Honeywell‘s SmartLanding system reduces the risk of runway excursion by alerting pilots if the aircraft is approaching the runway too high, too fast or is not configured properly for landing. Through a simple software upgrade to EGPWS, SmartLanding improves pilot situational awareness and helps break the chain of events that can lead to a runway excursion, by providing aural and visual alerts upon approach only if the aircraft has not met established safety criteria.

Lufthansa warns that terror threat puts airline profit at risk, as travellers balk at European travel European airlines are warning that more turbulence is ahead for their bottom lines as terror attacks sap demand for short- and longhaul travel during the crucial summer travel season, with the effects magnified by aggressive expansion to take advantage of low fuel prices. Deutsche Lufthansa AG reversed course on its 2016 forecast, calling for a decline instead of a gain in operating profit, as overseas travellers balk at travelling to Europe following a spate of deadly terrorism attacks, Lufthansa said late Wednesday. The German carrier issued the profit warning because it no longer sees a quick rebound. EasyJet Plc has offered summer fare promotions for the first time ever amid the worst market in 10 years, according to Chief Executive Officer Carolyn McCall. Rather than a hoped-for revival, revenue per seat is down about 7.5 per cent so far in the three months through September, with about 35 per cent of bookings still to come. The Luton, England-based discount airline, which faces extra burdens following Britain‘s referendum to exit the European Union, stepped back from a previous profit forecast and didn‘t offer a new target amid the uncertainty. coup in Turkey.

―We‘ve never, ever, in a summer had to promote seats in June and July and we have done so this year,‖ McCall said on a call with reporters. ―From a customer point of view, that‘s fantastic; from a business point of view, your pricing being as low as that in your peak summer trading period is not such a good thing.‖ The terror incidents are exacerbating the business challenges airlines were already facing. Carriers worldwide have added flights as a drop in fuel prices reduced the cost of expansion, but the profit gains have been limited as the extra seating outpaces demand growth. Consumers, already rocked by attacks in Brussels and Paris and an unexplained crash of an EgyptAir plane, have dropped travel plans since the killing of 84 people in Nice on the French Riviera in mid-July. Lufthansa is the first European airline to tie terrorism concerns directly to a profit warning, though Ryanair Holdings Plc cited the effects of attacks when it scaled back an earnings-growth outlook in May. EasyJet refrained from making an earnings prediction for the rest of its fiscal year because of the Nice incident and an attempted coup in Turkey.

Lufthansa to Eliminate 700 Jobs at EngineMaintenance Division Deutsche Lufthansa AG‘s plane-servicing business is cutting 700 engine-maintenance jobs as new, low-maintenance engines and fresh competitors put a dent in earnings at its most profitable unit. Most of the cuts will come at Lufthansa Technik‘s Hamburg site, which employs 1,800 people, spokesman Jens Krueger said by phone. The unit has 2,000 workers throughout Germany. The airline will rely on measures such as early retirement to achieve the reductions in the next five-to-eight years, Krueger said. The challenge facing the division is that modern engines need to be serviced less frequently, he said. Lufthansa Technik has said its global market share shrunk to 8 percent last year from 13 percent in 2009. Lufthansa Chief Executive Officer Carsten Spohr said earlier this month the division would seek to cut 70 million euros ($77 million) from administrative expenses by 2018. The reductions are part of a earnings-improvement drive across Lufthansa, with job cuts also on the table in the cargo and catering units.

Lufthansa Cargo brings back deferred shipments In another sign that the air cargo overcapacity issue is creating havoc among legacy carriers, Lufthansa Cargo is bringing back the concept of deferred products – this time in the form of td.Basic, a new online offering for standard air cargo that puts the carrier, ―on the offensive in the highly competitive air cargo market.‖ The online offering for standard air cargo will be available starting in September 2016. The return to the deferred airfreight strategy indicates that the airline has abandoned its prior strategy of ―cutting to profitability,‖ opting instead for filling existing capacity. The carrier explained that td.Basic offers Lufthansa‘s extant reputation for cargo shipments at ―extremely attractive prices.‖ Cheaper options will be possible due to ―simpler background processes, booking via the cargo airline‘s online channels only, and a somewhat longer duration.‖ td.Basic will complement the carrier‘s td.Pro standard offering and td.Flash express offering. ―This means we will be giving our customers even greater influence over the speed and price of our transport services‖, said Alexis von Hoensbroech, Board Member of Product and Sales at Lufthansa Cargo. Earlier this week, Lufthansa downgraded its earnings expectations for 2016 to less than the previous year. Thus far, the Lufthansa‘s provisional figures indicate revenue of US$16.6 billion in the first half of this year, down from the January-June 2015‘s $17 billion.

Turkish Airlines says flights to operate normally during state of emergency

tional flag carrier Turkish Airlines said all flights would operate normally, after the government declared a nationwide three-month state of emergency following Friday's failed coup. "In due course, all Turkish Airlines operations and flights are proceeding uninterrupted and will continue to do so," the carrier said. "Turkish Airlines united with all of the heroic and honorable Turkish people in extraordinary efforts, played an important role to terminate the malevolent illegal attempt on the evening of July 15," the airlines said in a statement on Thursday. Turkish Airlines had canceled 925 domestic and international flights on Saturday following the failed coup of July 15. "All state and government authorities have also confirmed that it is a precautious action to protect the country from all possible threats, maintain all democratic rights and the continuation of all basic rights and freedoms," the flag carrier's statement said. The flag carrier flies to more countries than any other airline, with 331 aircraft flying to 290 destinations worldwide, 241 international and 49 domestic, the statement added. others were wounded as they protested against it.

Turkish Airlines' shares are at their lowest in 3.5 years after plunging by 3.6 percent on Wednesday to 4.87 Turkish liras ($1.59), down from 5.97 liras ($1.94) at Friday's close, before the military coup attempt. The deadly coup attempt began late on Friday when rogue elements of the Turkish military tried to overthrow the country's democratically elected government. At least 246 people, including members of the security forces and civilians, were martyred during the failed putsch and more than 1,530 others were wounded as they protested against it.

Turkish Airlines resumes transportation of Russian citizens to Turkey

Turkish Airlines is resuming transportation of Russian citizens to Turkey from July 22, according to the company‘s statement for agents. The copy of the statement was obtained by TASS. "Turkish Airlines resumes transportation of citizens of the Russian Federation. The airline sell tickets on a full scale for all flights from all the cities of Russia in compliance with the approved time table for summer 2016," according to the statement. From July 22 the ban on transportation of Russian citizens to Turley that was imposed by the Federal Aviation Agency (Rosaviatsia) has been lifted. Earlier, an official with the Transport Ministry said that Russia has received guarantees from Turkey that enhanced security measures have been taken in all national airports. On July 20, Russia‘s flagship carrier Aeroflot announced that it will resume the sale of tickets to Turkey. Earlier an official with Turkish Airlines told TASS that the airline did not stop the sale of tickets to Russian citizens. Thus, the sale of tickets to Russians was not be suspended, but even the Russian citizens who already had tickets could not fly to Turkey. They were offered to exchange or renew their tickets. time, foreign citizens were allowed to fly to Turkey from Russia.

On July 16, Russia‘s aviation watchdog Rosaviatsia banned transportation of Russian citizens to Turkey. The Transport Ministry told TASS that the air traffic had been suspended in accordance with the request of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, foreign citizens were allowed to fly to Turkey from Russia.

NewLeaf (Flair Air) to operate between Edmonton and Winnipeg NewLeaf Travel Company Inc. has announced an expansion to its route map, with a new nonstop flight addition between Edmonton and Winnipeg. Flights can be booked anytime on the new YEG to YWG route, which will run on Thursdays and Sundays beginning August 21, 2016. The new route expands NewLeaf Travel‘s flight service out of Edmonton, which already runs direct flights from YEG to Hamilton, Kamloops and Abbotsford. As an ultra‐low cost travel company, NewLeaf works with Flair Airlines to offer base fares that are significantly less than other Canadian carriers. It achieves this through cost‐saving measures such as operating out of smaller airports with lower landing fees; flying a simple point‐to‐point network with minimal time between flights; and offering customers à la carte purchase of options such as carry-on and checked baggage, priority boarding, and call centre assistance for a fee. NewLeaf Travel Company Inc. is a privately-held Canadian company headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba that provides leisure travellers with low fares and travel options that are unbundled and transparen

Copa Airlines Expands Rosario Flights in NW16 Copa Airlines at the launch of Northern winter 2016/17 schedule plans to expand its recently launched Panama City – Rosario route. From 31OCT16, the Star Alliance member will operate this route on daily basis, instead of 4 times a week. Boeing 737-800 aircraft operates this route.

Australian airlines were running even later than usual in June

Close to one in five domestic flights weren't on time. June wasn't a great month for Australian air travellers, with on-time performance slipping across every major domestic carrier. During that month, 83.9% of flights departed on time and 82.5% arrived on time, according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE). That's down on the long-term average for those figures (82.8% and 84.2%). 2.2% of all scheduled flights during the month were cancelled. The best-performing airline for on-time arrivals was Virgin Australia (85.4%), followed closely by Qantas (84.8%). In the low-cost carrier space, Tigerair's 80% was a fair way ahead of Jetstar on 73.4%. There was a similar pattern in on-time departures, as you can see in the full table below:


On-Time arrivals

On-Time Cancellations Departures













Regional Express




Tigerair Australia




Virgin Australia




Virgin Australia Regional




All airlines




While Virgin had the most on-time departures, it also had the highest percentage of cancellations (2.6%). The riskiest routes to fly in June were Brisbane-Moranbah (8.4% cancelled), Sunshine Coast-Sydney (6.9%0, Moranbah-Brisbane (6.9%), Armidale-Sydney (5.7%), Sunshine Coast-Sydney (5.6%) and Sydney-Melbourne (5.4%). Sydney-Melbourne is one of the world's busiest air routes, so at least passengers who face cancellations there won't have to wait too long for another service. June also saw a rise in price for domestic business airfares. Choosing the right time of day to fly can lower those costs, but early morning and late night flights will cause complications if there's a cancellation.

Two Air Transat Pilots Arrested on Suspicion of Being Drunk

An Air Transat Airbus A310 jetliner. LARRY MACDOUGAL / THE CANADIAN PRESS

LONDON — Two pilots due to fly a passenger jet across the Atlantic were arrested hours before takeoff on suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol, officials said Tuesday. Police and the airline confirmed that the duo were pilots of Air Transat flight TS725 that was set to take off from the Scottish city of Glasgow to Toronto on Monday afternoon. The pair, aged 39 and 37, were arrested that morning "in relation to being allegedly impaired through alcohol," according to a statement from Police Scotland. Local media said they were expected in court Tuesday. Air Transat confirmed the arrests but declined to comment until "the results of the investigation and judicial proceedings" were released. The Canadian airline added in a statement: "The safety of our crews and passengers is, and will remain, a top priority at Air Transat." Flight tracking websites showed the Airbus A310 — which has a capacity of around 230 economy seats — did not depart until Tuesday and several passengers took to Twitter to vent their anger at the delay.

Airline cabins of the future: A new golden age of travel?

(CNN)Air travel photos from the 1960s show smartly dressed, champagne-sipping passengers in spacious airliner cabins. Contrast that with today's cramped seats and overcrowded airports and it looks like our flying experiences are getting steadily worse. But is this based on reality? The aviation industry has been investing massively to prove nostalgic travelers wrong. Yes, aircraft may still look similar to those of the so-called golden years. But every single aspect of the air travel experience is currently being overhauled -- all driven by technology. Right at the forefront are airplane cabins. And key to their transformation is wireless connectivity. With virtually every passenger toting a smartphone, tablet or laptop, inflight Wi-Fi is opening up new ways to engage with air travelers and redefine the flying experience.

Personalized inflight entertainment

Panasonic's Waterfront system allows passengers to use their mobile devices to control an aircraft's built-in entertainment. Mobile tech already plays an important role in enhancing travel, from electronic boarding passes to last-minute bids on biz class upgrades. Some airlines, such as KLM, have even started sending boarding passes and flight alerts through a dedicated airline Facebook Messenger chat bot. But the one area where mobile can become truly transformative is inflight entertainment, with personal devices becoming gateways to a whole range of up-in-the-air services. While built-in in-flight entertainment systems are unlikely to vanish, particularly on long-haul flights, they can work in tandem with the passenger's own devices.

Earlier in 2016, Panasonic unveiled Waterfront, a system that allows the passengers to use their mobile handsets to control an aircraft's built-in entertainment. Aerospace companies Thales and B/E are also using mobiles to personalize passenger experiences. By syncing with handsets, their seats know a passenger's preferences and can even restart a movie at the exact place where they left it in the previous flight. Some airlines are doing away with embedded entertainment systems altogether. They're opting for passenger's handsets to deliver inflight entertainment -- a move that crucially reduces aircraft weight and frees up cabin space. No Internet connection is required, passengers just connect their devices to an in-plane network.

Captive audience

Netherlands-based AirFi is primarily equipping low-cost airlines that often fly short-haul single-aisle aircraft and don't have entertainment systems. The company's portable wireless system beams pre-loaded content onto passenger devices. The AirFi terminal behaves like a normal Internet router. It's lightweight and can easily be installed in a luggage compartment. AirFi CEO Job Heimerikx says it's a cost effective and flexible way to provide quality inflight content to the short haul market. "There are a customer service and a commercial angle to our system," he says. "Passengers can access a broad range of movies and other sort of entertainment, but they can also use it to order food or shop duty free. "It's like an evolution of the traditional inflight magazine, but just as it happens at online stores, you can make it really personal." This concept thrives on having a captive audience. But would it still work if users had a full inflight broadband Internet connection? Passengers might be more interested in binge-watching their favorite TV series instead of booking airport transfers or ordering an extra cup of coffee.

Virtual reality

AirFi offers a cheap alternative to inflight entertainment systems, streaming direct to phones and tablets. "If airlines can't stop the passenger from going to Amazon or zoning out on Netflix for three hours... and they can't offer something at least equally interesting in terms of intuitive retail and custom content, they are missing a number of tricks" says Maryann Simson of Runway Girl Network, a leading aviation news website focusing on passenger experience. It's a theory that'll get put to the test soon. Aeromexico recently announced it would use Gogo's 2Ku satellitebased Internet connection to offer Netflix-enabled flights. "More than 80% of passengers are walking on the plane with their own device," Gogo exec Ash ElDifrawi points out. "Airlines can save the weight and maintenance costs of legacy seatback entertainment systems and still provide differentiated experiences. "For example, they can now create custom portals that create a unique brand and advertising opportunity for the airlines." Internet connections are only the beginning. Both Transavia, a low cost subsidiary of Air France/KLM, and Australian carrier Qantas have been testing virtual reality technology as an alternative to traditional in flight entertainment. VR could offer not only entertainment but also help calm those afraid of flying. Transavia also sees virtual reality sets as a potential source of extra cash, perhaps offered as a premium service. Daan Noordeloos, manager marketing and customer strategies for Transavia, says tests have so far proved positive. "We are evaluating ways to continue it and make it part of our regular inflight offering," he adds.

Perfect airline seat

Qantas has already rolled out VR sets for first class passengers on some select flights between Australia and Los Angeles, with encouraging results. New generation in-flight entertainment isn't going to be enjoyable without a comfortable environment to experience it in. Providing a nice, relaxing atmosphere in a cramped metal tube is always going to be a challenge, but moves are afoot to improve that. LED lighting has already proven effective during night flights, even apparently reducing jet lag. No wonder both Boeing's next generation aircraft and the "Airspace by Airbus" cabin, rolled out on Airbus A330neo and A350 aircraft, make extensive use of LEDs. Extra comfort is also coming from the constant accumulation of incremental ergonomic improvements. These are the things that passengers barely notice on their own but put together make a difference between a good and a great travel experience. services.

Such as lavatories with anti-bacterial surfaces, or better designed overhead bins that reduce boarding time by making it easier to store hand luggage. Many of the industry's creative energies are being devoted to creating the perfect airline seat. It may come as a surprise to those stuck at the back of the economy class cabin, but these are exciting times for the aircraft seating industry. An increasing number of airlines are discontinuing first class, but those that keep it are making it way more opulent, such as Etihad with its Residence. Discontinuing first has led many airlines to upgrade their business class, opening a gap for the introduction of premium economy services.

Cinema-style seating

Some carriers are pondering a more basic economy class, but does that mean radical proposals for standing-only planes will soon be realized? Experts at passenger comfort innovators Zodiac Aerospace don't think so. They say certification costs and reputation risks may simply not be worth it, particularly when existing seats with pitches of 30 inches or less are already very efficient. "I really can't foresee this happening in the near future," says Victor Carlioz, an advanced concept engineer at Zodiac Aerospace. "Instead we'll see a focus toward more innovative features in the economy class seat. A compromise may be the flex-up seat proposed by Aviointeriors. The Italian manufacturer is exploring a cinema-style seat for economy class that folds up vertically when unoccupied, allowing easier movement around the plane. Ingo Wuggetzer, of Airbus, highlights how personalization is also becoming a thing in aircraft interiors. The industry ideal is to create a seat that adapts perfectly to a passenger's body. In 2011 the European manufacturer unveiled its "Future by Airbus" concept that outlined, among other things, the company's vision of the passenger cabin of 2050. This included its own interpretation of the "smart seat" -- one able to recognize and adapt to its occupant ergonomically and through entertainment preferences. A first step in that direction may be the "twisting seat" concept proposed by London-basedFactory Design. Creative director Adam White says the flexible structure is based upon a careful anatomical study of the multiple positions that the back adopts while seated.

Sleeping rooms

White is also behind Air Lair, a concept of sleeping pods that immerse premium travelers in a futuristic cocoon with adjustable light, sound and temperature. Other designs envisage adding sleeping rooms in standard aircraft cabins. Carlioz and his Zodiac Aerospace team, for example, see potential in using an aircraft's cargo space and area between the stowage bins and fuselage to accommodate bunks. "It's simply a question of who has the ambition and willingness to invest into a project of this scale and truly break the mold," says the company's industrial designer, Matthew Cleary. Sounds radical, but perhaps not so much once the likely evolution of current technologies and concepts are taken into account. "Design houses really are competing fiercely for airline business and that means they are also pushing the limits of creativity," says Runway Girl Network's Simson.

"Designs are becoming more intuitive, fabrics more breathable and inner-foam materials are being developed to stay cooler (which adds to comfort). "Increasingly, we see seat designers taking cues from the automotive industry too, with auto seat makers such as Recaro and Mirus having started successful aero divisions." Airbus's Wuggetzer says there's potential to develop powerful strategies to produce standout cabin features, even in economy class. Transparency is key, he adds. "The same way that travelers are used to comparing hotels and check reviews on TripAdvisor, innovation in the cabin experience could lead to more differentiation between the experience provided not just on different aircraft types, but on different airlines." The golden age of air travel may be just starting, after all...

Fashionable flight attendants and the designers who made the looks

(CNN)From runway chic to psychedelic space cadet, flight attendants have worn a staggering variety of outfits in nearly nine decades in the air. Uniforms were mandatory from the get-go, with the first flight attendants in the 1930s wearing reassuringly nurse-like kit to inspire confidence in plane passengers. Since then, uniforms over the years have woven together aviation history and vintage fashion, with female attendants regularly being at the forefront of popular imagination. Some uniforms were impractical, but memorable -- such as one airline that had its hostesses wear bright, candy-colored coats with bubble space helmets. The problem was, they took up a lot of space in the overhead bins.

Other uniforms have a sharp, ageless style that wouldn't look out of place on the runway today. The SFO Museum at San Francisco International Airport's new "Fashion in Flight" exhibition features 70 women's uniforms from 1930 to the present day and features work by designers including Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent and Ralph Lauren. The pieces are on display throughout the International Terminal. Ellen Church, the godmother of cabin crew San Francisco was the logical place to host the show, because the world's first female flight attendant, Ellen Church, was hired in the city in 1930. Church was a pilot and registered nurse. Boeing Air Transport (now defunct) wouldn't hire her as a pilot, but she did manage to persuade them that nurses could reassure passengers and attend to their needs if health issues occurred in flight. "The uniforms have many demands on them," says John Hill, assistant director at SFO Museum, who curated the exhibit. "It needs to have function, project an authority and identity while coupling it with fashion trends. It has to be current, appealing and eye-catching. "It's a tremendous challenge and there are some brilliant successes." Here are some of the pieces on show at the SFO Museum, worn by the women who followed in Ellen Church's footsteps. Most of the pieces are from U.S. airlines.


Boeing Air Transport -- later United Airlines -- was the first airline to have female flight attendants (the first male attendant was Heinrich Kubis, who began serving on German airships in 1912). The uniform came in dark green wool with a heavy cape and cap. It might look like a cross between Florence Nightingale and Peter Pan -- but perhaps that's fitting to the attendant's role as a nurse figure gifted with the power of flight. Attendants wore block-heel Oxford brogues for stability, and with planes having to make landings to refuel, those capes helped keep them warm during pit stops.


This look was created for United Airlines by in-house designer Zay Smith. As more flight attendants were hired by more airlines, their uniforms evolved. In 1939, United Airlines departed from masculine, serious suits to a more sunny, cheerful look. The uniform matched the color of the airline with a clean shortsleeve dress in white crepe and a navy wool jacket with puffed shoulders. The above outfits were used for the airline's Douglas DC-3 service.

1944 :Howard Greer

This look by Hollywood fashion designer Howard Greer featured TWA lettering on the shoulder. With World War II efforts under way, austerity affected the garment industry. With less fabric available, outfits became more streamlined. Designers opted for slimmer silhouettes, and the attire became decidedly more military in style.

1959: Don Loper

This piece by Hollywood designer Don Loper celebrates the Jet Age with sharp, angular features. As flight became more accessible for more people, the uniforms began to take on a more cheerful tone. To celebrate flight, the Pan Am attendant uniform mimicked the shape of the jet. This suit in Tunis blue has flares on the cuff, an angular cut and a fin motif, all in homage to the Jet Age.

1965: Emilio Pucci

Emilio Pucci captures the '60s in full swing. As the free-wheeling 1960s rolled in, some airlines began doing away with the traditional suits. In a bold move, now-defunct Braniff International Airways hired Italian designer Emilio Pucci to reimagine its stewardess outfits. In came bold prints, pastels and bursts of color that jolted the airline industry. Attendants wore bright green, striped calfskin boots, mini dresses, smocks, palazzo pants and nylon jerseys. They were "non-uniform uniforms" but reflective of Braniff Airways' brand identity. One of the most outlandish looks was a space bubble helmet that hostesses wore over their heads as passengers boarded the flight. The helmets were not worn during flight, and they were inconvenient to store. But the Florentine designer was tipping his hat to the space age.

1969: Cristobal Balenciaga

This winter suit for Air France was one of Cristobal Balenciaga's last works before closing his fashion house. Fashion designer Cristobal Balenciaga demanded perfection when he partnered with Air France in the late '60s. He wanted individual fittings because he didn't want to see ill-fitting uniforms, says SFO's John Hill. The result was this bespoke, navy winter suit in woolen serge with flap pockets and a riding hat.

1970: Hanae Mori

This Japan Airlines uniform incorporates two national symbols: a crane and the rising sun. 1970 was the time of micro-mini skirts and laid-back California cool. This uniform designed by Japan's Hanae Mori for Japan Air celebrated national symbols in both the red belt buckle -- the rising sun -- as well as a crane motif on the hat. The dark blue polyester knit dress was a departure from JAL's earlier uniforms and yes, they're shorter.

1980: Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent designed this jacket and dress combo with kangaroo print. Welcome to the era of "Dynasty" and shoulder pads. This Qantas Airways uniform, designed by Yves Saint Laurent, featured a distinctive kangaroo pattern that could not be mistaken for any other airline. The cropped jacket and giant shoulders make for a classic 1980s power suit.

1990: Eastern Air Lines

This nostalgic look includes slacks, a midi-skirt, a matching blazer and a hat. This look just screams uniform. Eastern Air Lines (no longer in service) celebrated traditionalism in this design and brought back a retro hat invoking the golden age of air travel.

2000: Christian Lacroix

Christian Lacroix designed this robe-manteau dress with a Japanesestyle tie belt. Christian Lacroix joined the long line of famous French designers including Pierre Cardin, Hermes and Dior who've created uniforms for France's national carrier, Air France. The atelier designed over 100 pieces for the airline including this robestyle, wool-blend dress that was both chic and comfortable and came in navy and blue-gray.

2014: Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood brought her aesthetic to Virgin Atlantic with this tailored suit. In a world of muted uniforms, Virgin Atlantic's electric red uniform stands out. Designed by Vivienne Westwood, the uniform has angular details and a jacquard blouse with a high collar and asymmetric frills. Even the buttons have small wings. You can still see Virgin Atlantic attendants rock this outfit today.

The SFO Museum's "Fashion in Flight" exhibition runs until January 8, 2017.

Japan's SMBC Aviation Capital raises $500 mln in debut bond The aircraft leasing arm of Japan's Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp has raised $500 million in its debut bond offering in a bid to diversify funding options to pay for an order book of more than 200 planes, its chief executive said on Monday. The offering of 2.65 percent senior unsecured notes by SMBC Aviation Capital, the world's fourth largest lessor by aircraft numbers according to an Airfinance Journal ranking, was eight times oversubscribed, with demand spread between Asia, Europe and North America, Chief Executive Peter Barrett said. "When there is volatility in the market, people see high quality, strong counterparties as the place to go to and that was very much reflected in the demand," Barrett told Reuters in a telephone interview. The funds will be used to fund the purchase of aircraft and to pay down debt, he said. Tapping equity markets for funding "is not something that's on our agenda," Barrett said. SMBC reported operating profit for the year to the end of the March of $530 million, up 22 percent on the previous year, on revenues of $1,046 million. Barrett declined to give a forecast for the coming year, but said the aircraft leasing market was stable, with little change in leasing rates during the past 12 months.

Air Canada Signs Agreements with Partners to Help Establish Centre of Excellence for Aircraft Maintenance in Manitoba Air Canada today announced that it has signed agreements with three of its business partners that will help support the creation of a Western Canada Centre of Excellence for aircraft maintenance activities in the province of Manitoba . "Air Canada is supporting the aviation sector in Manitoba by helping key suppliers establish a Western Canada Center of Excellence for aircraft maintenance in the province. We are already one of the province's largest employers, with more than 725 jobs, and we believe we can assist in further strengthening the industry in Manitoba , in cooperation with the provincial government, by leveraging our relationships with valued suppliers and business partners," said Kevin Howlett , Senior Vice President, Regional Markets and Government Relations at Air Canada. Air Canada and the Government of Manitoba have settled outstanding litigation relating to Air Canada's maintenance obligations under the Air Canada Public Participation Act. Moreover, Air Canada is supporting the establishment of operations in Manitoba of three of its suppliers and partners with unique expertise and capabilities: Hope Aero Propeller & Components Inc., one of Air Canada's suppliers, which specializes in propellers, wheels, brakes and batteries; Airbase Services Inc., one of Air Canada's suppliers, which specializes in aircraft interior equipment repair and maintenance; and Cargojet Airways Ltd., one of Air Canada's cargo partners, which will establish its own repair and maintenance activities. Start up for all three is expected to commence in 2017. These initiatives follow Air Canada's announcement in February, 2016 to help support the development of Centres of Excellence for aircraft maintenance in the provinces of Manitoba and Quebec .

British Airways plane makes emergency landing at Gatwick due to 'strong smell' on board

The British Airways flight was forced to divert back to Gatwick Airport

A British Airways flight had to make an emergency landing at Gatwick yesterday morning, after a strong smell "of cannabis" filled the cabin. The plane was bound for Heraklion on the Greek island of Crete and had left Gatwick at 8.15am. But it had to turn back because of the strange odour. The pilot turned the aircraft around just north of Troyes, in France, at about 9.34am and proceeded to declare an emergency landing back at Gatwick. The plane landed shortly before 10.30am. Passenger Stuart Barnes told The Sun: "You could tell straightaway what it (the smell) was. "Everyone at the back of the plane was saying it smelled of cannabis. "We've been to Amsterdam and we know what it smells like." Steve Skinner, who was a passenger on board the flight, tweeted: "British Airways flight to Heraklion turned back after nasty smell. Disappointed holidaymakers, chance to excel with rapid turnaround?" A new flight was organised at midday and passengers waiting for a return flight from Heraklion were delayed by almost six hours.

Flight from Gatwick to Crete is cancelled after pilot was arrested 'for assaulting ground staff'

An Aegean Air pilot was arrested after an apparent fight with a member of ground crew yesterday

A holiday jet was cancelled last night after the pilot was taken from the plane after allegations he fought with a member of ground crew. The 9:20pm Aegean Airlines flight from Gatwick to Heraklion on the Greek island of Crete was first delayed and then scrapped after the alleged fight last night. Passengers said they saw the pilot being walked off the plane by police shortly before the flight was due to take off. Passengers were reportedly told of the row between the pilot and a dispatcher, someone responsible to sending off a plane off and advising on a route. Dimitra Chaloglou tweeted: '@aegeanairlines flight A3425 delayed for 30' because the pilot had an argument with the dispatcher. Is this for real?' posted: 'My Flight cancelled with Aegean airlines Samantha Strickley because pilot had a fight with dispatches.'

Nigerian Airlines in Liberalised African Airspace By December 2017, Africa will begin the full implementation of the Yamoussoukro Declaration on the liberalisation of Africa's airspace for airlines on the continent. Chinedu Eze takes a look at the possibility or otherwise of Nigerian carriers to compete effectively with other regional operators. While the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Africa Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) see the gains in Africa opening its airspace for the region's registered airlines to operate without immigration hindrances from one country to another, some countries in the continent seem to be apprehensive about the development. The apprehension stems from the fact that some of these countries do not have major airlines that can compete effectively with others; they feel that other countries that have such airlines would take advantage of those that do not have. But comparatively Africa does not have major international carriers. The fleet of successful airlines like Ethiopian Airlines, South Africa Airways, EgyptAir and others in the continent when combined is less than the total number of aircraft in Emirates fleet. In fact, IATA believes that it is when the Yamoussoukro Declaration (also known as Yamoussoukro Decision) (YD) is implemented that the region would be able to grow major carriers that would eventually dislodge mega airlines from Europe, the Middle East and the US from the continent. According to IATA, the air transport industry in Africa already supports 6.8 million jobs and generates $72.5 billion of economic activity on the continent but this would more than double few years after the implementation of YD. IATA said enhanced intra Africa air connectivity would generate 17, 400 jobs and add about $128.2 million annually to Nigeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). National Boundaries to assert their status as nations.

Southwest tech failure causes 12hour shutdown, 1,000 cancellations

Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700

Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700Southwest Airlines canceled hundreds of flights following a systemwide technology outage that began at 1 p.m. CST Wednesday, July 20. The Dallas-based carrier reported that most of its systems were back online by the beginning of the operational day Thursday, July 21. Southwest operates just over 3,900 scheduled flights per day, the company said. ―As a result of the initial technical issues, we canceled nearly 700 flights Wednesday and worked to operate hundreds more that were delayed,‖ Southwest said in a statement. ―Our employees worked around issues with primary systems and utilized back-up procedures to get as many customers and checked luggage to their destinations as other teams worked to fix the technical issues.‖ Southwest reported 300 additional flights were canceled July 21. Southwest president and CEO Gary Kelly addressed the incident in the company‘squarterly investor update call July 21. ―As we speak, we are recovering from a systemwide technology outage that occurred yesterday at 1 p.m. There was a network equipment failure, and the planned redundancy, or backup, failed as well. It has hindered the recovery effort, especially in some of our older legacy systems. Ultimately the network was virtually fully restored around 12 hours later … and since then the operation— airplanes, flight crews, customer re-accommodations—have been working to catch up,‖ Kelly said. ―I want to apologize to all of our customers that were affected yesterday and today. This is absolutely not that kind of service that our customers expect, or that we expect of ourselves,‖ Kelly said.

India: Aviation Ministry Clears Proposal for SGS Airlines NEW DELHI -- The civil aviation ministry has cleared a proposal for a new regional airline for North India, the first since it announced its aviation policy in June. SGS Airlines Pvt. Ltd hopes to start operations later this year after certifications from regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). "We have got the NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the aviation ministry. We shall be trying to import the aircraft soon. Our airline will be for the northern region and we will fly ATR 72-500 (aircraft)," said SGS Airline's vice president H.S. Bedi. The airline is promoted by Subhaash Gulaati Group, which owns the SGS Mall in Pune, Ramada Solihull hotel in Birmingham besides other land parcels in India, according to the company website. The proposed airline has a paid-up capital of Rs.12 crore and hopes to lease 2-3 planes in the first phase, Bedi said, adding the airline will increase its paid-up capital to Rs.20 crore when it has five planes to meet government rules. "We will get aircraft on dry lease," he said. The airline plans to connect cities from Delhi including Chandigarh, Shimla, Kullu, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Allahabad, Kanpur and Lucknow. The cabinet approved a regional airline policy last month which proposes to levy a cess on metro flight tickets to generate an annual corpus of Rs.500 crore to be used to subsidise flights to underserved or new cities. The implementation of this scheme will, however, be tough and Bedi said he would wait for the finer details to see how he can take advantage of the corpus. Chennai with ATR72-500 aircraft.

Even as the new aviation policy was being announced last month, regional airline Air Odisha Aviation Pvt. Ltd's chairman Santosh Pani was arrested on charges of cheating and its operations shut down. The intra-state airline operated a nine-seater aircraft between Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and Rourkela and followed almost the same principles. Under its mandate, Odisha state government promised it subsidy on seats flown which later became a matter of dispute, besides other teething issues. Many regional airlines have failed in the last decade. These include Paramount Airways, Air Mantra and MDLR Airlines. But with cheaper jet fuel prices in the past one-and-half years and a clear aviation policy there is renewed interest in starting small airlines. Regional airlines such as Air Costa, Trujet and Air Pegasus between them have 1.5% of the total market share and about a dozen planes. This week, Air Carnival took to the skies connecting Coimbatore to Chennai with ATR72-500 aircraft.

South African Airways Drops BnP Capital as Financial Adviser South African Airways has dropped BnP Capital as financial services provider, reversing an earlier decision to hire the company to source funding on its behalf. ―SAA management took a decision to terminate all BnP services to the airline as a prospective financial services provider in relation to SAA‘s initiative on debt consolidation,‖ the unprofitable state-owned carrier said in an e-mailed statement on Thursday. ―No payments had been made to BnP Capital.‖ SAA appointed Johannesburg-based BnP as transaction adviser in March to assist with plans to consolidate the airline‘s debt, SAA said. After a potential lender withdrew from the process in April, and with 7.2 billion rand ($506 million) of debt maturing at the end of June, SAA asked BnP in May to seek funding on its behalf, the airline said. The BnP deal was criticized by the Organization Undoing Tax Abuse, a lobby group, which described BnP as ―a small and relatively unknown financial advisory firm,‖ which has had its Financial Services Board license suspended. OUTA argued that the agreement was illegal because SAA didn‘t follow a competitive bidding process. The airline is dependent on government-guaranteed loans and is awaiting a decision by the Treasury on whether to grant additional support. SAA was able to secure an extension on maturing loans to avoid defaulting on its obligations, spokesman Tlali Tlali said in an email late Thursday. The carrier suspended Treasurer Cynthia Stimpel earlier this month pending an investigation into a misconduct charge. The disciplinary action was unrelated to a report in Business Day newspaper that she had objected to the decision to hire BnP Capital, Tlali said at the time.

Kenya Airways'' Economic Losses Have Increased in this Year The Kenyan flagship airline, Kenya Airways (KA), has suffered $26.2 million in losses this year, according to the CEO of the company Mbuvi Ngunze. The figure represents half a million more than in the same period of 2015, according to the source.

The company has gone into the red despite gains mde by selling KA assets, including a hangar at Heathrow Airport in London and two passenger planes, said the manager. At the end of the second week of the current month the airline started laying off workers en masse. According to the statement, the pretext for the measure is, arguably, to achieve profitability, and will involve a total of 600 workers, who will be declared redundant or transferred to other areas of work in the coming weeks. The amount of layoffs represents 15 percent of KA's nearly four thousand employees. According to the airline's executives, the operating costs of its aircraft have increased by more than 50 percent in the last five years. The national company should have initiated mandatory expulsions last May, but a technical delay with the Export-Import Bank of Africa (Afrexim) prevented it..

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