ثبٌظٛس" ..اٌجٍذٚصس" ٠شىِ ٛظش ٌٍـ١شاْ٠ٚ ..إوذ" :سا٠سخ ف ٝدا٘١خ" شىب ِدذ ٜػجذاٌغٕ ٝسئ١ظ خّؼ١خ اٌالػج ٓ١اٌّسزشفِٓ ٓ١ ِغز ٜٛاٌخذِخ اٌّمذِخ ػجش ششوخ ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ ٚرٌه خالي ػٛدرٗ ِٓ ِذٕ٠خ أوشا اٌغبٔ١خ. ٔٚشش اٌجٍذٚصس ػجش اٌظفسخ اٌشخظ١خ ثّٛلغ اٌزٛاطً االخزّبػ" ٝف١غجٛن" طٛسح ِٓ ئزذ ٜاٌٛخجبد اٌز ٝرٙىُ ػٍٙ١ب ٚٚطفٙب ثبٌشد٠ئخ. ٚلبي ػجذاٌغٕ ٝػجش "ف١غجٛن" ٝ٘ :د ٜاٌٍسّخ اٌ ٝوبٔذ ِٛخٛدح ػٍِ ٝظش ٌٍـ١شاْ اٌشزٍخ اٌمبدِخ ِٓ أوشا ٌٍمب٘شح دٜ اٌجذا٠خ ٚثؼذ٘ ٓ٠سىٍ١ى ٛاٌزفبط ً١ػٍشبْ أػشفىٛا ئْ ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ سا٠سخ ف ٝدا٘١خ رظذلٛا ئْ اٌـ١شاْ اإلثٛ١ث ٝثم ٝأزغٓ ِٕٕب ػٍ ٗ١اٌؼٛع ِٕٗٚاٌؼٛع. ثبٌف١ذ ..ٛ٠ثٚ :ِٟٛ١خٛد «ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ» ف ٟوً ػبطّخ أفش٠م١خ ػشٚسح
أوذ اٌغف١ش خّبي ثِ ،ِٟٛ١غبػذ ٚص٠ش اٌخبسخ١خ األعجك ،أْ "ِظش ال رٙزُ فمؾ ثبٌزجبدي اٌزدبسٚ ٞاٌؼاللبد اٌغ١بع١خ ِغ دٚي اٌدٛاس ٚأفش٠م١بٌٚ ،ىٓ رغؼ ٝئٌٝ رؼّ١ك اٌؼاللبد ٚرـ٠ٛش٘ب ِغ ِؼظُ دٚي اٌؼبٌُ". أٚػر «ث »ِٟٛ١خالي ِذاخٍخ ٘برف١خ ثجشٔبِح «طجبذ أ »ْٚاٌّزاع ػٍ ٝلٕبح «أ ْٚر ٟف ،»ٟأْ "ِظش اثزؼذد ػٓ أفش٠م١ب سئبع١ب ١ٌٚظ وذٌٚخ ِٕز زبدس ِسبٌٚخ اغز١بي اٌشئ١ظ األعجك زغِٕ ٟجبسن ف ٟأد٠ظ أثبثب ٚرٌه ألوثش ِٓ 20 ػبِب"ِ ،ش١شا ئٌ ٝأْ "ِظش زش٠ظخ ػٍ ٝرـ٠ٛش اٌؼاللبد ٚاٌزؼبِ ْٚغ أفش٠م١ب ٚاٌذٚي اٌؼشث١خ". أشبس ِغبػذ ٚص٠ش اٌخبسخ١خ األعجك ،ئٌ ٝأْ "ِظش ػٍٙ١ب خٙذ وج١ش عزجزٌٗ ردبٖ أفش٠م١ب خالي األ٠بَ اٌمبدِخ"ِ ،ؼ١فب" :الثذ ِٓ رٛاخذ ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ ف ٟوً ػبطّخ أفش٠م١خ ثّغبػذح ِٓ اٌذٌٚخ"ِٕ٘ٛ ،ب ئٌ ٝأْ ِظش ٌُ ٠ىٓ ٌذٙ٠ب ثٕه أعبع٠ ٟذػُ اٌزؼبًِ ف ٟأفش٠م١ب.
ثبٌّغزٕذاد١ٔ ..بثخ األِٛاي اٌؼبِخ رجذأ رسم١مبرٙب ف ٟثالؽ ثّخبٌفبد ف ٟششوخ ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ ٌٍخـٛؽ ..رزؼّٓ اٌغفش ثذ ْٚرزاوش ٚاٌزٙشة اٌؼش٠جٚ ٟاٌزشل١خ ِٓ اٌذسخخ االلزظبد٠خ ئٌ ٝسخبي األػّبي د ْٚدفغ سعَٛ رجذأ ٔ١بثخ األِٛاي اٌؼبِخ اٌؼٍ١ب ،ثبٌزدّغ اٌخبِظ رسم١مبرٙب ف ٟثالؽ رمذَ ثٗ ِٛظف ثششوخ ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ ٌٍخـٛؽ اٌد٠ٛخٚ ،زًّ سلُ 158ثزبس٠خ 4فجشا٠ش اٌدبس ،ٞػذ سئ١ظ اٌششوخ ٚسئ١ظ اٌمـبع اٌزدبسٔٚ ٞبئجٗ، ٚاٌؼبٍِ ٓ١ثبٌمـبع اٌزدبسٚ ٞثبٌسدض اٌّشوضٚ ،ٞأسفك ثجالغٗ ػذدًا ِٓ اٌّغزٕذاد اٌشعّ١خ اٌخبطخ ثبٌّخبٌفبد، ٚاٌز٠ ٟشرىجٙب ِٛظف ٛاإلداسح اٌؼٍ١ب ٌٍششوخِٕٙ ،ب ئ٘ذاس اٌّبي اٌؼبَ ِثً اٌزٛط١خ أللبسثٚ ُٙرِٚ ُٙ٠ٚؼبسفُٙ ثبٌزؼٍ١خ ػٍ ٝاٌـبئشاد ِٓ اٌذسخخ االلزظبد٠خ ،ئٌ ٝدسخخ سخبي األػّبي ،د ْٚدفغ اٌشع َٛأ ٚاٌؼشائت اٌّغزسمخِ ٛ٘ٚ ،ب ٠سمك خغبئش ٌٍششوخ رزشاٚذ ِب ث 20 ٓ١أٌفًب ئٌ 40 ٝأٌف خٕ ٗ١ػٍ ٝاٌشزالد راد اٌّغبفبد اٌـٍ٠ٛخ وأِش٠ىب ٚوٕذا ػٍ ٝصػّٗ ف ٟاٌجالؽ. ٚلبي ٠بعش عّ١ش ع١ذ ِمذَ اٌجالؽ :ئٔٗ ٔظشًا ٌخـٛسح اٌّخبٌفبد اٌز ٟلذ رُؼشع ؿبئشاد اٌششوخ ٌخـش ِسمك، فمذ أسعً ػذح شىب ٜٚئٌ ٝسئبعخ اٌدّٛٙس٠خٚ ،سئبعخ ِدٍظ اٌٛصساءٚ ،ئٌٚ ٝص٠ش اٌـ١شاْ ٚسئ١ظ اٌدٙبص اٌّشوضٌٍّ ٞسبعجبدٚ ،اٌشلبثخ اإلداس٠خ ،ألْ ئداسح اٌششوخ اعزسذثذ ٔظبًِب خذ٠ذًا غ١ش ِؼّٛي ثٗ ف ٟأ ٞششوخ ؿ١شاْ ف ٟاٌؼبٌُ ،اعّٗ ٚسلخ ػٍّ١بد ٠غزـ١غ ِٓ ٠سظً ػٍٙ١ب ِٓ اٌـ١بسٚ ٓ٠أؿمُ اٌؼ١بفخ اٌز ٞاعزٍٙه اٌززاوش اٌّدبٔ١خ اٌّخظظخ ٌٗ ٚألعشرٗ ،أْ ٠غبفش ثٙزٖ اٌٛسلخ ئٌ ٝأِ ٞىبْ ٠ش٠ذ ٚثبٌّدبْ ٚد ْٚدفغ أٞ ػشائتٚ ،ف ٟاٌغبٌت ٠ى٘ ْٛإالء غ١ش ِم١ذ ٓ٠ػٍ ٝاٌشزٍخ ،فارا زذس ِىش- ٖٚال لذس اهللٌٍ -ـبئشح ٠ؼ١غ زك اٌششوخ ف ٟاٌزأِ.ٓ١ ٚأٚػر ف ٟثالغٗ ،أْ اٌغفش ألؿمُ اٌـبئشح ؿ١بسٚ ٓ٠ػ١بفخ٠ ،ى ِٓ ْٛخالي ئدساج أعّبء ٘إالء ف ٟوشف ٠ؼشف ثبعُ اٌجسَّبسح " " ٘ٚGDزا ٠ؼٕ ٟأْ ٌٗ ػّال ػٍ ٝاٌشزٍخ عٛاء ف ٟاٌغفش أ ٚاٌمذ َٚػٍٔ ٝفظ اٌـبئشح أ ٚػٍ ٝؿبئشح أخش ٜثؼذ َٛ٠أ ٚأوثش ،أِب اٌغفش فِّٙ ٟخ رذس٠ت أ ٚػًّ ٠خض اٌششوخ ،فزخشج ٌٗ رزوشح رغّ ٟرزوشح "ِظٍسخ " ٌىٓ اٌغفش ثٛسلخ اٌؼٍّ١بد ٘زٖ ٘ٔ ٛظبَ اثزذػزٗ اإلداسح ٌّدبٍِخ األؿمُ ،ػٍ ٝزغبة اٌّبي اٌؼبَ ٚاٌّظٍسخ اٌؼٍ١ب ٌٍششوخ. ٚأشبس ف ٟثالغٗ ئٌ ٝأْ ٕ٘بن ِخبٌفبد رشرىجٙب اٌٍدٕخ اٌّغئٌٛخ ػٓ اخز١بس األشخبص ٌٍّأِٛس٠بد ثبٌّىبرت اٌخبسخ١خ ٚاٌؼًّ ثٙبٚ ،اٌز٠ ٞزُ ٚفمب ٌأل٘ٛاء اٌشخظ١خ ٚاٌّضاج دٚ ْٚخٛد عٕذ لبٔ٠ٚ ،ٟٔٛزذخً فٙ١ب ٚص٠ش اٌـ١بس ٚوجبس اٌّغئ ٓ١ٌٛثّظش ٌٍـ١شاْ ٌّدبٍِخ ألشثبئٚ ُٙرِ ،ُٙ٠ٚثً ِسّذ اٌغ١ذ شٍجب٠خٚ ،أزّذ عجبػٟ ألبسة زشَ اٌغ١ذ اٌٛص٠ش.
ِٓ خبٔجٗ لبي اٌـ١بس ٘شبَ إٌسبط سئ١ظ ِدٍظ ئداسح ششوخ ِظش ٌٍـ١شاْ ٌٍخـٛؽ اٌد٠ٛخ ،ئٔٗ ٚخّ١غ ل١بداد اٌششوخ ػٍ ٝاعزؼذاد ٌٍّثٛي أِبَ خٙبد اٌزسم١ك ،ئرا رُ اعزذػبؤُ٘ ٌٍغإاي ف ٟاٌجالغبد اٌّمذِخ ػذُ٘ ِٓ ،لجً ِٛظف ٟاٌششوخِٛ ،ػسًب أْ ٔظبَ ِب ٠غّ ٝاٌغفش ثٛسلخ اٌؼٍّ١بد ٘ ٛػُشف ِزجغ ف ٟوً ششوبد اٌـ١شاْ زٛي اٌؼبٌُٚ ،أْ اٌّغبفش عٛاء ِٓ أؿمُ اٌؼ١بفخ أ ٚاٌـ١بس٠ ٓ٠ىِ ٌٗ ْٛمؼذ ِخظض، ٚغبٌجًب ِب ٠ى ِٓ ْٛاٌّمبػذ اٌّخظظخ ٌٍّؼ١فٚ ،ٓ١ال ّ٠ىٓ ثأ ٞزبي ِٓ األزٛاي ػذَ ئدساج أعّبء اٌّغبفش ٓ٠ف ٟوشٛف سوبة اٌـبئشح ،اٌز ٟرغٍُ ف ٟخّ١غ األزٛاي ٌغٍـبد اٌّـبس ٚلـبع األِٓ ثبٌششوخ، ٠ٚىِ ْٛؼشٚفًب وً ِٓ طؼذ ِٓ اٌشوبة ػٍ ٝاٌـبئشح لجً ئلالػٙب. ٚفّ١ب ٠خض اٌّخبٌفبد اٌخبطخ ثبٌزؼٍ١خ اٌز ٟرزُ ٌجؼغ اٌشوبة ِٓ اٌذسخخ االلزظبد٠خ ئٌ ٝاٌذسخبد األػٍٝ اٌغ١بز١خ أ ٚسخبي األػّبي ،د ْٚدفغ اٌفشٚق اٌّبٌ١خ ٚاٌؼشائت اٌّغزسمخ ٌٍذٌٚخ ٔف ٝرٌهٚ ،أوذ أٔٗ ٌُ ٠ظذس أ ٞرٛط١خ أل ٞأزذٚ ،أٔٗ ع١شاخغ اٌزٛط١بد اٌز ٟطذسد خالي اٌفزشح اٌّبػ١خ ِغ اٌمـبع اٌزدبسٞ ِٚغ سؤعبء اٌمـبػبدٚ ،أٔٗ ٌُ ٠سذس أِ ٞسبثبح أِ ٚدبٍِخ فٔ ٟظبَ إٌذة ٌٍؼًّ ف ٟاٌّىبرت اٌخبسخ١خ. Egypt Air eyeing Zambia again Egyptian Ambassador to Zambia Ragai Nasr says a delegation from Egypt Air will be coming to Zambia mid this year to discuss with authorities on the resumption of flights into the country. Ambassador Nasr who is also Permanent Representative to COMESA says Zambia is an important country because there are a lot of Egyptian businessmen who are willing to increase trade between the two countries. He was speaking in an interview with ZNBC news in Lusaka. Egypt Air suspended its flights into Zambia after operating seven flights into Lusaka from January 17 – 28, 2011 after the inaugural flight launch.
QATAR AIRWAYS CONCLUDES SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2016 ON A HIGH NOTE Qatar Airways concluded its successful showcase of the world’s latest technology aircraft at this year’s Singapore Airshow, delivering its trademark hospitality and service to hundreds of officials, executives and fellow members of the aviation industry on board the three aircraft flown in especially for the Airshow – the Airbus A350 and A380, as well as the Gulfstream G650ER. Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, welcomed Mr. Pang Kin Keong, the permanent secretary for Singapore’s Ministry of Transport, other senior officials, trade partners and members of the press on board the three latest-generation aircraft. H.E. Mr. Al Baker, said: “Qatar Airways was proud to be a central part of this year’s Singapore Airshow, one of aviation’s greatest gatherings. As we continue to induct more new aircraft into our growing fleet, at the rate of one new plane every 10 days in 2016, events such as the Singapore Airshow allow us to showcase the best and finest of our fleet. Qatar Airways has seen the Singapore Airshow grow over the years and our enhanced presence at the Airshow this year demonstrates the region’s importance to Qatar Airways.” RJ to operate regular service to Guangzhou as of March 21 Royal Jordanian will inaugurate a new regular route from Amman to the Chinese city of Guangzhou, also known as Canton, starting March 21, 2016, with three weekly flights. Guangzhou will be RJ’s second Chinese destination and the fifth in the Far East. The others are: Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. Operating flights to Guangzhou, China's third largest city and the largest in the south-central region of the country, is bound to serve the active trade and commerce traffic between Jordan and China. In 2014, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport was China's second busiest and the world's 16th busiest airport in terms of passenger traffic; it handled over 55 million passengers that year. RJ President/CEO Captain Suleiman Obeidat said that adding Guangzhou to the route network is in line with the strategy that RJ is now implementing; one of the pillars of this strategy is to review the route network and open new, profitable markets. Captain Obeidat said that Guangzhou, the 56th destination on the RJ network, will be an added value to the network, meeting the demand of the traders and businessmen of the two countries, as well as to tradesmen from different neighboring countries, such as Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Palestine, especially since Guangzhou serves as a significant national transportation hub and trading port. He also said that Guangzhou has a great potential for the tourism market, enabling both Chinese and Jordanian tourists to visit. Guangzhou is well known for its ancient civilization and exquisite nature, and Jordan boasts distinguished archaeological sites that exert a great attraction on tourists. RJ will run flights to Guangzhou via Bangkok on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, using its wide-body Boeing 787 or Airbus 330 aircraft. The planes take off from Queen Alia International Airport, Amman, at 2:30 and reach Guangzhou at 20:15; they depart Guangzhou at 22:05 and land in Amman at 05:25 the following day, according to the winter flight schedule, with a short stop in Bangkok both ways. As per the summer flight schedule, which starts end of March, the planes take off from Queen Alia International Airport, Amman, at 3:35 am and reach Guangzhou at 20:45; they depart Guangzhou at 22:05 and land in Amman at 6:00 the following day. RJ customers may book their flights at any of the company's sales offices or agents in Jordan, China and worldwide, through the airline's booking engine at, through the RJ application on smart phones or by contacting the RJ call center at +962 6 5100000. The RJ network saw the addition of four cities in the past eight months: Najaf, Tabuk, Ankara and Jakarta. It shut down others for both economic and security reasons.
ادارة العالقات العامة -الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران