االصٍُٛ 2017/7/24
صٕرح أرشٛفٛخ
"يصز نهطٛزاٌ" رُقم أكضز يٍ 10آالف راكت ػهٗ يزٍ 109 رحالد دٔنٛخ ٔداخهٛخ كزت يحًذ طُطبٖٔ
أقهؼذ يٍ يطبر انقبْزح انذٔنٗ خالل انـ 24طبػخ انًبظٛخ؛ 109رحالد دٔنٛخ ٔداخهٛخ ربثؼخ نشزكخ يصز نهطٛزأٌ ،ػهٗ يزُٓب أكضز يٍ 10آالف راكت يٍ يخزهف انغُظٛبد. ٔأفبد يصذر يالحٗ أٌ انشزكخ طٛزد 80رحهخ دٔنٛخ إنٗ انًطبراد ٔانًذٌ ٔانؼٕاصى انؼزثٛخ ٔانؼبنًٛخٔ ،رظٛٛز 29رحهخ داخهٛخ أخزٖ إنٗ انًذٌ ٔانًطبراد انًصزٚخ. ٔشٓذد يؼظى رحالد يصز نهطٛزاٌ اَزظبيًب فٗ يٕاػٛذ اإلقالع حظت عذٔل انزشغٛم انًقزرٔ ،نى رظغم انشزكخ أٖ إنغبءاد نهزحالد انًقزرح.
صٕرح أرشٛفٛخ
إقالع 105رحالد نًصز نهطٛزاٌ يٍ يطبر انقبْزح
يحزٔص ُْذأ٘ شٓذ يطبر انقبْزح انذٔن ،ٙإقالع 105رحالد دٔنٛخ ٔداخهٛخ نشزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ،خالل انـ 24طبػخ انًبظٛخٔ ،ػهٗ يزُٓب أكضز يٍ 10آالف راكت يٍ يخزهف انغُظٛبد ثؼذ سٚبرح انًؼبنى األصزٚخ ٔانزبرٚخٛخ ثبنقبْزح ٔانًحبفظبد. ٔقبنذ يصبدر يالحٛخ ثًطبر انقبْزح ،إٌ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ طٛزد 78رحهخ دٔنٛخ إنٗ انًطبراد ٔانًذٌ ٔانؼٕاصى انؼزثٛخ ٔانؼبنًٛخ ،ثبإلظبفخ إنٗ إقالع 27رحهخ داخهٛخ أخزٖ إنٗ انًذٌ ٔانًطبراد انًصزٚخٔ ،عًٛغ انزحالد شٓذد اَزظبيًب ف ٙيٕاػٛذ اإلقالع حظت عذٔل انزشغٛم انًقزرح ثغذٔل انزشغٛم.
صٕرح أرشٛفٛخ
يصز نهطٛزاٌ رُقم 1980طبئحب يصزٚب ٔأعُجٛب نشزو انشٛخ شًٛبء يُصٕر
يصز نهطٛزاٌ رُقم 1980طبئحب يصزٚب ٔأعُجٛب نشزو انشٛخَُ ..قم نكى يٍ انًٕعش ْذا يصز نهطٛزاٌ رُقم 1980طبئحب يصزٚب ٔأعُجٛب نشزو انشٛخ. حٛش يصز نهطٛزاٌ رُقم 1980طبئحب يصزٚب ٔأعُجٛب نشزو انشٛخ ..ربثؼٕا يؼُب ف ٙاخجبر انؼصز احذس االخجبر ..يصز نهطٛزاٌ رُقم 1980طبئحب يصزٚب ٔأعُجٛب نشزو انشٛخ نٓذا انٕٛو. قبيذ انشزكخ انٕطُٛخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ثزظٛٛز 24رحهخ إنٗ يطبرٖ شزو انشٛخ ٔانغزدقخ، نُقم 1980طبئحًب يصزٚب ٔأعُجٛب. كًب اطزقجم يطبر انغزدقخ 13رحهخ طٛبحٛخ نهشزكخ انٕطُٛخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ،ثبإلظبفخ إلطزقجبل يطبر شزو انشٛخ انذٔنٗ 11رحهخ أخزٖ. ٔرى رشكٛم فزٚق يٍ انؼالقبد انؼبيخ ثًصز نهطٛزاٌ ٔيطبراد انقبْزح ٔانغزدقخ ٔشزو انشٛخ الطزقجبل انظبئح.ٍٛ
صٕرح أرشٛفٛخ
انؼهٛب نهحظ انظٛبحَٗ :زٕاصم يغ يصز نهطٛزاٌ نهززاعغ ػٍ سٚبدح أطؼبر رذاكز انحظ ربيز إطًبػٛم
قبل شزٚف طؼٛذ ،ػعٕ انهغُخ انؼهٛب نهحظ انظٛبحٗ ،إٌ انهغُخ طزجذأ غذًا االصُ ٍٛانزٕاصم يغ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ٔانغٓبد انًؼُٛخ نهززاعغ ػٍ قزار انشزكخ ثشٚبدح أطؼبر رذاكز طٛزاٌ انحظ انظٛبحٗ ثُظجخ رخطذ انـ %140ثبنًقبرَخ ثأطؼبر انؼبو انًبظٗ. ٔأظبف طؼٛذ فٗ رصزٚحبد خبصخ نـ"انٕٛو انظبثغ" ،أٌ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ثبنغذ فٗ انشٚبداد انغذٚذح خبصخ أَّ ال ٕٚعذ يب ٚذػٕ نذنك ،يٕظحًب أٌ طؼز رذكزح انؼبو انًبظٗ كبٌ 11.4أنفٔٔ ،صم ْذا انؼبو ٔفق انشٚبدح انغذٚذح إنٗ 29أنفًب ،يؤكذًا أٌ انشٚبدح ثٓذِ انطزٚق غٛز يجزرح ٔٚغت يزاعؼزٓب حزٗ ال رزعزر شزكبد انطٛزاٌ ٔانًٕاطُ.ٍٛ
ٔطبنت ػعٕ انهغُخ انؼهٛب نهحظ انظٛبحٗ ثعزٔرح رذخم يغهض انٕسراء ٔٔسٚز انطٛزاٌ انًذَٗ نحم األسيخ ٔإقُبع يصز نهطٛزاٌ ثخفط األطؼبر ،قبئالً" :انشزكخ رظؼٗ نزحًٛم شزكبد انظٛبحخ ٔانًٕاطُ ٍٛفبرٕرح سٚبداد األطؼبر كبيهخ دٌٔ يجزر" ،يزًًُٛب أٌ رهقٗ يطبنت شزكبد انظٛبحخ اطزغبثخ يٍ انًظئٕن ٍٛثشزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ٔٔسارح انطٛزاٌ انًذَٗ. ٔكبَذ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ قذ أػهُذ األطؼبر انغذٚذح نزذاكز طٛزاٌ انحظ انظٛبحٗ انخًٛض انًبظٗ ،ثُظجخ ٔصهذ نـ %140ػٍ أطؼبر انؼبو انًبظٗ ،يب أصبر اطزٛبء ٔرفط قطبع شزكبد انظٛبحخ ،فٗ ح ٍٛثزرد يصز نهطٛزاٌ انشٚبدح ثقزار رؼٕٚى طؼز انؼًهخ ٔاالررفبػبد فٗ أطؼبر كم انخذيبد ٔاألطؼبر.
صٕرح أرشٛفٛخ
طٛبحخ انجزنًبٌَ :زٕاصم يغ انحكٕيخ ثشأٌ سٚبدح أطؼبر رذاكز طٛزاٌ انحظ يحًذ انًُظٗ -يحًذ حظُٗ
قبل انذكزٕر يحًذ ػجذِ ،ػعٕ نغُخ انظٛبحخ ٔانطٛزاٌ انًذَ ٙثبنجزنًبٌ :إٌ نغُخ انظٛبحخ ثبنجزنًبٌ رظؼٗ حبنٛب نهزٕاصم يغ ٔسارح انطٛزاٌ ،نهٕقٕف ػهٗ أطجبة سٚبدح أطؼبر رذاكز انطٛزاٌ نًٕطى انحظ ْذا انؼبو. ٔأظبف "ػجذِ" ف ٙرصزٚح نـ"فٛزٕ" ،أٌ انهغُخ رهقذ ػذدا كجٛزا يٍ شكبٖٔ انًٕاطُ ٍٛثشأٌ اررفبع رذكزح انطٛزاٌ انخبصخ ثبنحظ انظٛبح ،ٙاأليز انذ٘ ٚعغ أػجبء يبنٛخ كجٛزح ػهٗ كبْهٓى ألداء فزٚعخ انحظ ْذا انؼبو ،يشٛزا إنٗ أٌ طجت رهك انشٚبدح حظت رأ٘ انًظئٕن،ٍٛ ْٕ اإلعزاءاد االقزصبدٚخ انز ٙارخذرٓب انذٔنخ ثشأٌ رؼٕٚى انغُٔ ّٛرحزٚك أطؼبر انًٕاد انجززٔنٛخ. ٔقبل انطٛبر شزٚف ػشد ،رئٛض شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ نهخطٕغ انغٕٚخ :إٌ أطؼبر رذاكز حغبط انقزػخ رجذأ يٍ 10آالف ٔ 350عُٓٛب ،وأسعار تذاكز الحج انظٛبح ٙرجذأ يٍ 10آالف ٔ 600عُٔ ّٛحزٗ 16أنفب ٔ 400عُ ّٛشبيهخ انزطٕو ٔانعزائت.
صٕرح أرشٛفٛخ
يظزشبر طٛبح :ٙيصز نهطٛزاٌ رؼٕض أسيخ انقطبع ثزفغ أطؼبر رذاكز انحظ قبل انذكزٕر س ٍٚانشٛخ ،يظزشبر يصز انظٛبح ٙاألطجق ثبنٛبثبٌ ،إٌ انظجت فٗ قزار شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ثزفغ أطؼبر رذاكز انحظ انظٛبحٗ ْٕ اَحظبر انظٛبحخ انذٔنٛخ ثشكم ػبو ثظجت االسيّ االقزصبد ّٚانؼبنً.ّٛ ٔاكذ انشٛخ فٗ رصزٚحبد نـ"صذٖ انجهذ" اٌ شزكّ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ٔشزكبد انظٛبحّ ٚزؼبيهٌٕ ثبطهٕة انزبعز فٗ رحذٚذ أطؼبر انزذاكز ثًؼُٗ اَّ ٚزى رفغ األطؼبر ػبيخ فٗ انًٕاطى ػهٗ طجٛم انًضبل يٕطى انحظ يظزغه ٍٛفكزح اٌ انحظ يطهت أطبطٗ نهًصز ٍٛٚال رُبسل ػُّ.
ٔأظبف أٌ سٚبدح االطؼبر ػهٗ رذاكز انحظ انظٛبحٗ يجبنغ فٓٛب ثشكم كجٛز ٔاػزجزْب غٛز يُطقٛخ ثظجت االٔظبع االقزصبدٚخ انزٗ ًٚز ثٓب انًغزًغ انًصزٖ فٗ انٕقذ انزاٍْ. ٔأٔظح أٌ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ركٌٕ يغجزح ػهٗ رفغ اطؼبر انزذاكز فٗ انكضٛز يٍ االحٛبٌ ثظجت شزكبد انزأي ٍٛانذٔنٛخ انزٗ رفزض رطٕو رأي ٍٛكجٛزِ ػهٗ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ثظجت االٔظبع انظٛبط ّٛفٗ انًُطقّ. ٔأشبر إنٗ اٌ قزار شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ ثشأٌ رفغ أطؼبر رذاكز انحظ انظٛبحٗ ػتء اظبفٗ يٍ األػجبء انزٗ ٚزحًهٓب انًصز ٌٕٚألَّ ال غُٗ نهًصز ٍٛٚػٍ انحظ ٔانذنٛم اَّ ٚقٕو كضٛز ثجٛغ يًزهكبد خبصخ ألداء فزٚعخ انحظ. ٚذكز اٌ شزكخ يصز نهطٛزاٌ قزرد رفغ اطؼبر انحظ انظٛبحٗ يؤخزا يًب دػب أصحبة شزكبد انظٛبحخ إنٗ ػقذ اعزًبع ػبعم غذا االصُ ٍٛثًقز غزفخ انشزكبد ،نًُبقشخ األطؼبر انغذٚذح.
خٛفٛصٕرح أرش
Russian Experts to Begin Security Checks of Cairo Airport’s Terminal on Tuesday
Delegation of Russian experts on air security will arrive in Egypt’s capital of Cairo late on Monday and on the next day begin to examine security measures undertaken in the second terminal of the Cairo international airport, local media reported on Sunday. According to the Sada El Balad news portal, the inspection will continue for three days, the five members of the delegation will examine security measures, examination procedures of passengers and their luggage, as well as the security of onboard food and access of airport’s employees to special zones.
خٛفٛصٕرح أرش
The media added that the experts will examine the second terminal, because the flights between Cairo and Moscow, when restored, are expected to arrive at and depart from it. In November 2015, Moscow suspended flights between Russia and Egypt, after a Russian passenger plane crashed over the Sinai peninsula, killing all 224 people on board. Russia subsequently qualified the incident as a terrorist act. Work to determine the causes of the crash is still underway. Following the crash, Russia suggested that Egypt should increase security measures and sign a joint EgyptRussia aviation security protocol. In late May, Russian Deputy Transport Minister Valery Okulov said that the negotiating process on the resumption of flights between Russia and Egypt was suspended. However, Egyptian media reported, citing a source from the country's aviation authority, that Egypt met all demands set by Russia regarding aviation security.
خٛفٛصٕرح أرش
Kenya: Nairobi to Land Sh4.6m Per Person Luxury Flight
A Hong Kong-based airline operator plans to launch a Sh4.6 million a ticket luxury flight to Nairobi targeting Asia's super-rich keen on sampling Kenya's prime holiday destinations. Crystal AirCruises - the luxury private jet and resort operator - said last Friday its private jet will make the inaugural flight from Hong Kong to Nairobi on September 30. A number of European charter airlines have resumed flights to Kenya as source markets respond to improved security in the country.
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Kenya has invested over Sh300 billion in defence of its borders and internal security, boosting its profile as a safe holiday destination. The money has gone into equipping the police and the Kenya Defence Forces to handle terrorism threats, especially from the Somalia-based Al-Shabaab. The private jet service belongs to Genting Hong Kong and will stay in Nairobi for three nights before flying to Tahiti on October 4. It will return to Hong Kong on October 8. Genting said the inaugural flight will carry 86 guests to the Kenyan capital. "I am delighted that our parent company, Genting Hong Kong, is introducing Crystal Skye - a wondrous new experience to the discerning travellers of Asia Pacific," said Crystal CEO and president Edie Rodriguez. While in Kenya, the group will stay at Villa Rosa Kempinski in Nairobi and the Governors Camp in the Masai Mara Game Reserve.
خٛفٛصٕرح أرش
Why Etihad is still interested in Alitalia
Former Etihad chief James Hogan once called Alitalia the ―sexiest airline in Europe,‖ but three years later it is turning heads for all the wrong reasons. Still, the Abu Dhabi-based carrier has emerged as a potential investor in the airline, which went into administration in May as losses piled up. But the key word is ―potential,‖ said analysts skeptical of Abu Dhabi’s willingness to throw more good money after bad less than three years after Etihad revealed a €1,758 million ($2,050 million) investment plan aimed at revitalising a brand tarnished by financial losses and industrial-relations strife. Alitalia received about 10 non-binding offers for a total or partial takeover of Alitalia, Italian media reported on Friday — including from Etihad and Ryanair, the European low-cost airline. Alitalia was one of a number of struggling airlines targeted by Etihad under former chief executive James Hogan, who developed a so-called equity alliance strategy where the Abu Dhabi carrier took stakes in often loss-making carriers in an effort to rapidly expand its global route network. Announcing the partnership in October 2015, the 60-year-old Australian airline executive, who left the airline this summer, predicted Alitalia would be profitable in 2017 — but instead it was placed into administration.
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2 ―Alitalia was on the verge of collapse. We saw a great brand, a great network, but a poor business in need of a new direction,‖ Hogan said at the time. ―Alitalia has now been reinvented.‖ The government of Italy in May pledged to provide a bridging loan to keep the the carrier flying for around six months. Interested parties have until October to make binding offers. But if no buyer comes forward the airline risks being wound up with the loss of about 20,000 jobs. An Etihad spokesman said: ―Strong ties continue to exist between Alitalia and Etihad Aviation Group and we remain open to exploring all options to maintain and potentially deepen those ties for mutual benefit.‖ Alitalia did not immediately respond to a request for comment when contacted by Arab News. Still, analysts say that in submitting a non-binding offer, the airline may be more interested in ensuring its interests in the carrier are protected rather than mulling any serious additional investment. ―Given the toxic nature of the prevailing environment at Alitalia, I would have thought that this would be a great opportunity for Etihad to finally cut strings with it and move on to pastures new, particularly in the wake of selling off its Darwin Airline stake,‖ said Saj Ahmad, the chief analyst at StrategicAero Research. ―There are more question marks than answers when it comes to Alitalia — and it’s very telling that the interests shown in it are all nonbinding. It’s evident that whoever is willing to take on Alitalia’s angst wants to do so on their terms or not at all. And frankly, who could blame them?‖ Etihad and Dubai-based Emirates have both cut jobs and embarked on sweeping structural changes in response to tougher operating conditions and overcapacity in the global aviation market. Etihad Aviation Group chairman Mohamed Mubarak Fadhel AlMazrouei said in January that it was important to ensure the airline was ―the right size and the right shape.‖
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Alitalia receives non-binding offers – reports Milan - Italy's Alitalia has received around 10 non-binding offers for total or partial take-over, including from UAE carrier Etihad Airways and budget airline Ryanair, Italian media reported Friday. The deadline for the loss-making company to receive nonbinding offers was 18:00 local time. Alitalia, which has struggled to compete with low-cost rivals including Ryanair, went into administration at the start of May, moving the flagship airline a step closer to liquidation as efforts continue to find a buyer. About 18 companies expressing an interest in a potential purchase had reportedly been given access to the company's figures, including Delta Airlines, British Airways, Lufthansa, Easyjet and Ryanair. Italy's government said in May it would provide a bridging loan to keep Alitalia planes flying for around six months. Those interested in making binding offers have until October. If no buyer can be found, the administrators will have to organise Alitalia's winding-up, with the potential loss of 20 000 jobs at the company and among suppliers.
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IATA and A4A launch baggage tracking drive
he International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airlines for America (A4A), have launched a year-long global campaign related to baggage tracking with the goal of reducing mishandled bags in addition to increasing efficiency in baggage operations.
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2 Annually, more than 4 billion bags are carried by airlines globally. Less than 0.43 percent do not arrive with their owners. The industry is determined to do even better and has agreed to Resolution 753 (R753). By June 2018, airlines have committed to being able to track a bag when it is accepted at the airport, loaded onto the aircraft, transferred to the arrival system or put into the transfer system for carriage by another airline. Airlines should also be able to share this tracking information with interline carriers as needed. ―Arriving without a bag is a very frustrating experience for our customers. Over the last decade we have reduced mishandled baggage by 54% with improved processes. The next step is to realize the full benefits of baggage tracking to further improve performance. In the rare cases when a bag does not arrive with the passenger there will be much more information available to facilitate a quicker reunion. And the benefits don’t stop there. Tracking bags will, enable proactive reporting, speed up aircraft readiness for departure, facilitate the automation of baggage processes and also reduce fraud,‖ said Andrew Price, IATA’s Global Head of Baggage. ―Implementation of baggage tracking is a collaborative effort between airlines and airports to improve the passenger experience,‖ said Managing Director of Passenger Services at A4A Patty Edwards. ―Airlines and airports are working together to ensure the infrastructure is available to provide this enhanced service to our customers.‖ The baggage tracking campaign will help airlines prepare for the R753 June 2018 implementation deadline with a series of initiatives tailored to various stakeholders. These include regional workshops for key aviation entities and an awareness campaign for travelers. An implementation guide developed by industry partners is also available. In addition, IATA is offering member airlines a readiness certificate to recognize them when they develop their implementation plan for R753. — SG
ادارة العالقات العامة -الشزكة القابضة لمصز للطيزان