EGYPTAIR News 27 January 2020

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‫مصادر بـ"مصر للطٌران"‪ :‬رحالت الصٌن تسٌر بشكل منتظم‬ ‫سلطة الطٌران المدنً هً المنوط بها إصدار قرار بتوقف الرحالت من عدمه‬ ‫كتب ‪:‬أٌمن حمزة‬ ‫أكدت مصادر مطلعة بالشركة الوطنٌة القابضة "مصر للطٌران"‪ ،‬أنه لم ٌتم إلغاء أي رحلة من الرحالت المتجهة إلى‬ ‫الصٌن على خطوط الشركة الوطنٌة‪ ،‬مؤكدة انتظام حركة اإلقالع والهبوط بمطار القاهرة فٌما ٌخص رحالت الصٌن‪،‬‬ ‫ومشٌرة إلى أن مساء الٌوم األحد سٌشهد انطالق رحلتٌن لجوانزو‪ ،‬إقالع فً تمام الساعة‪ ،23:55 ،‬ورحلة أخرى‬ ‫لهانزو‪ ،‬إقالع من القاهرة الساعة ‪ 2:10‬فجرا‪.‬‬ ‫ولفتت المصادر إلى أن سلطة الطٌران المدنً وحدها هً المنوط بها إصدار قرار بتوقف الرحالت من عدمه‪ ،‬ولٌس هناك‬ ‫أي جهة أخرى ٌمكن أن تصدر مثل هذه القرارات‪.‬‬ ‫وٌجري مطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬إجراءات وقائٌة احترازٌة موسعة على جمٌع الرحالت الجوٌة القادمة من المدن الصٌنٌة‬ ‫وأٌضا رحالت دول الترانزٌت القادمة إلى مصر من العاصمة بكٌن‪ ،‬خاصة بعد إعالن عدد كبٌر من الدول اكتشاف حاالت‬ ‫إصابة بالفٌروس القاتل الذي أودى بحٌاة عشرات المواطنٌن لدٌها‪.‬‬ ‫=‬ ‫كما أصدر المهندس محمد سعٌد محروس رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة بٌانا قبل قلٌل‪،‬‬ ‫لإلعالن عن رفع حالة‪ ،‬بٌن العاملٌن‪ ،‬بسبب فٌروس كورونا‪.‬‬ ‫وحرصت الدكتورة هالة زاٌد وزٌرة الصحة والسكان‪ ،‬على تفقد األوضاع فً مطار القاهرة خالل الساعات القلٌلة‬ ‫الماضٌة‪ ،‬حٌث استقبلها المحاسب مجدي إسحق رئٌس شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى‪ ،‬وتفقدا مناطق تمركزات الحجر الصحً‬ ‫وإجراءات فصحه للركاب القادمٌن‪.‬‬ ‫َوتشدد سلطات الحجر الصحً تحت إشراف الدكتور حازم حسٌن مدٌر الحجر الصحً بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬إجراءات‬ ‫الفحوصات الطبٌة على كافة الركاب القادمٌن من المدن الصٌنٌة والترانزٌت لدولة الصٌن‪ ،‬تحسبا لوجود أي إصابات أو‬ ‫االشتباه فً أعراض المرض القاتل‪ ،‬حٌث ٌتم فحص درجات الحرارة للركاب وأٌضا مشاكل الجهاز التنفسً التً تعد من‬ ‫أعراض الفٌروس القاتل‪.‬‬ ‫وفً حال االشتباه فً أي حالة من الحاالت بٌن الركاب القادمٌن على الرحالت الجوٌة‪ٌ ،‬تم على الفور عزل الراكب‬ ‫وتحوٌله إلى مستشفى الحمٌات بالعباسٌة تحت إشراف محمود غنٌم مشرف إسعاف المطار‪ ،‬إلجراءات الفحوصات الطبٌة‬ ‫للتأكد من خلوه من العدوى‪ ،‬فٌما ٌتم منح جمٌع الركاب كروت صحٌة لمتابعة حاالتهم الصحٌة فترة لمدة تصل إلى ‪14‬‬ ‫ٌوما من تواجدهم داخل البالد‪.‬‬ ‫وتشهد المطارات بجمٌع دول العالم عامة والمطارات المصرٌة خاصة‪ ،‬خالل هذه اآلونة‪ ،‬إجراءات وقائٌة مشددة للحد من‬ ‫انتشار فٌروس كورونا‪ ،‬عن طرٌق تكثٌف جهودها حول الركاب القادمٌن والمسافرٌن من وإلى المدن الصٌنٌة‪ ،‬خاصة بعد‬ ‫أن أودى الفٌروس بحٌاة العشرات وتسبب فً إصابة أعداد تجاوزت األلف شخص‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫رئٌس مصر للطٌران ٌوجه رسالة للعاملٌن بمناسبة الجمعٌة العمومٌة‬ ‫كتب ‪ :‬أحمد مصطفى‬

‫وجه الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران رسالة الٌوم األحد إلى العاملٌن بالشركة‬ ‫بمناسبة إنتهاء أعمال الجمعٌة العمومٌة للشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران جاء فٌها‪:‬‬ ‫ٌسعدنً التواصل معكم مجددا بعد انعقاد الجمعٌة العمومٌة للشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران برئاسة معالً‬ ‫الوزٌر محمد منار وزٌر الطٌران المدنً ‪ ،‬وقد جاءت نتائجها مشرفة بفضل هللا وبجهود ابناء الشركة‬ ‫المخلصٌن ‪.‬‬

‫وبناء علٌه فقد تم اعتماد المٌزانٌات لجمٌع الشركات وصرف الشهور المقررة للعاملٌن بالشركة القابضة‬ ‫والشركات التابعة فً ضوء ماأقرته الجمعٌات العمومٌة لهذه الشركات علً أن ٌتم الصرف علً النحو التالً‬ ‫أوال ‪ :‬سٌتم صرف الشهور المقررة لجمٌع العاملٌن بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران وشركاتها التابعة حتً‬ ‫الدرجة الثانٌة دفعة واحدة ٌوم ‪ 9‬فبراٌر القادم‪.‬‬ ‫ثانٌا ‪ :‬سٌتم صرف الشهور المقررة لجمٌع العاملٌن بالشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران وشركاتها التابعة من‬ ‫الدرجة األولى ودرجة كبٌر علً دفعتٌن األولى فً ‪ 9‬فبراٌر القادم علً أن ٌتم تحدٌد صرف الدفعة الثانٌة فً‬ ‫أقرب وقت ممكن ‪.‬‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫"مصر للطٌران" تعتمد نتائج الجمعٌة العمومٌة للشركات‬ ‫كتب ‪ :‬محروس هنداوي‬ ‫عقدت الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬الجمعٌة العمومٌة برئاسة الطٌار محمد منار‪ ،‬وزٌر الطٌران‬ ‫المدنً‪ ،‬حٌث تم اعتماد المٌزانٌات لجمٌع الشركات التابعة للشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬علً أن ٌتم‬ ‫صرف الشهور المقررة للعاملٌن وذلك فً ضوء ما أقرته الجمعٌة العمومٌة للشركات‪.‬‬

‫وأوضحت مصادر بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬أنه سٌتم صرف الشهور المقررة لجمٌع العاملٌن بالشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران والشركات التابعة لها حتً الدرجة الثانٌة دفعة واحدة فً ال ‪ 9‬من فبراٌر القادم‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت المصادر انه سٌتم صرف المقررة لجمٌع العاملٌن بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران والشركات التابعة‬ ‫لها من الدرجة األولى ودرجة كبٌر علً دفعتٌن األولً فً ال ‪ 9‬من فبراٌر القادم‪ ،‬علً أن ٌتم تحدٌد موعد‬ ‫صرف الدفعة الثانٌة فً أقرب وقت ممكن‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫المطارات تحتفل بعٌد الطٌران المدنى الـ ‪ 90‬وتشارك المسافرٌن‪ ..‬صور‬ ‫كتب ‪ :‬رحاب نبٌل‬ ‫احتفلت وزارة الطٌران المدنى وشركاتها التابعة‪ ،‬الٌوم األحد‪ ،‬بعٌد الطٌران المدنى الـ ‪ 90‬والذى ٌوافق ‪ٌ 26‬ناٌر‬ ‫من كل عام‪ ،‬وذلك فى إطار حرص واهتمام وزارة الطٌران المدنى بتتوٌج وتخلٌد األعٌاد والمناسبات الهامة‬ ‫المتعلقة بتارٌخ صناعة النقل الجوى والتعرٌف بنشأة وتارٌخ الطٌران المدنى المصرى‪.‬‬ ‫وٌأتى االحتفال بهذا الٌوم تخلٌدا لذكرى الطٌار محمد صدقى الذى خاض رحلة جوٌة مثٌرة بطائرته الخاصة فى عام‬ ‫‪ ،1930‬بدأها من مطار برلٌن حتى وصل إلى مطار هلٌوبولٌس بالقاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وقامت المطارات المصرٌة بتزٌ​ٌن صاالت السفر والوصول بشعارات والفتات االحتفال بعٌد الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫قام فرٌق العالقات العامة بعدد من المطارات المصرٌة باستقبال وتودٌع المسافرٌن وإلتقاط صور تذكارٌة لهم تحمل‬ ‫شعار االحتفال وتعرٌفهم بتارٌخ عٌد الطٌران المصرى‪.‬‬

‫كما قامت اإلدارة العامة للثقافة الجوٌة باالحتفال مع الزائرٌن بمعرض القاهرة الدولى للكتاب بهذه المناسبة خالل‬ ‫مشاركتها بالجناح المخصص لها‪ ،‬وذلك بتوزٌع مجموعة من اإلصدارات الخاصة بأنشطة الثقافة الجوٌة‪ ،‬وإقامة‬ ‫ورش عمل عن تارٌخ الطٌران المدنى المصرى ومجاالته‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبه قام نادى الطٌران بمدٌنة بورسعٌد بتنظٌم مسابقات للبراعم الموهوبة الذٌن ٌحرصون على االهتمام بنشاط‬ ‫الرٌاضات الجوٌة‪ ،‬والتى تتمثل فى تجمٌع نموذج طائرة وقذفها بالٌد‪ ،‬وتمرٌر النموذج من عدة حلقات متتالٌة‬ ‫وأنشطة أخرى مختلفة تهدف إلى تنمٌة مهارات الالعبٌن وتعلٌمهم فنون الطٌران المدنى‪.‬‬ ‫وحرصت إدارة النادى على توزٌع الهداٌا والجوائز على الفائزٌن من أجل تشجٌعهم على ممارسة نشاط الرٌاضات‬ ‫الجوٌة‪ ،‬وشهدت جمٌع نوادى ومعاهد الطٌران التابعة لوزارة الطٌران المدنى علً مستوي الجمهورٌة أنشطة مختلفة‬ ‫على استخدم نماذج الطائرات المختلفة إحتفاالً بأعٌاد الطٌران المدنً المصري‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫طلبة جزائرٌون عالقون فً مدٌنة ووهان الصٌنٌة‬ ‫الجزائر تشدد المراقبة عبر المطارات تحسبا لفٌروس “كورونا”‬ ‫كشف مدٌر الوقاٌة بوزارة الصحة والسكان وإصالح المستشفٌات‪ ،‬جمال فورار‪ ،‬األحد‪ ،‬عن اتخاذ الجزائر‬ ‫اإلجراءات الالزمة لتجنب دخول وباء “فٌروس كورونا” إلى البالد‪.‬‬ ‫وقال فورار فً ندوة صحفٌة عقدها بمقر وزارة الصحة‪“ ،‬فعلنا جهاز مراقبة ٌحتوي على كامٌرات حرارٌة‬ ‫للكشف على المصابٌن بفٌروس كورونا على مستوى المطارات الدولٌة ابتداء من ٌوم الخمٌس المنصرم”‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح بقوله‪“ :‬فعلنا جهاز المراقبة على مستوى مطار قسنطٌنة السبت ووهران الٌوم”‪ ،‬مشٌرا إلى أن‬ ‫“العمل على مراقبة الرحالت القادمة من الدوحة‪ ،‬دبً وأسطنبول”‪.‬‬

‫وتابع جمال فورار‪“ :‬لٌست هذه أول مرة نفعل جهاز رقابة على مستوى المطارات لقد فعلنا ذلك سابقا مثال‬ ‫لمواجهة أنفلونزا الخنازٌر سنة ‪.”2013‬‬ ‫وأضاف أنه “ال ٌمكن نقل الطلبة الجزائرٌ​ٌن الموجودٌن فً مدٌنة ووهان الصٌنٌة كون الحجر الصحً‬ ‫المفروض علٌها بفعل انتشار الداء فٌها”‪.‬‬ ‫وقال جمال فورار إن “المشكل مطروح حتى للبلدان األوروبٌة التً لدٌها رعاٌا خصوصا الطلبة الجامعٌ​ٌن‬ ‫فً المدٌنة نفسها”‪ ،‬مؤكدا وجود تنسٌق مع وزارة التعلٌم العالً وكذلك وزارة الخارجٌة بخصوص هذا‬ ‫الملف‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت مواقع التواصل اإلجتماعً‪ ،‬تداولت‪ ،‬خالل الساعات الماضٌة‪ ،‬فٌدٌو لطالب جزائري فً مدٌنة ٌوهان‬ ‫ٌطلب فٌه إجالءه رفقة زمالئه خارج الصٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مدٌر الوقاٌة بوزارة الصحة‪ ،‬إنه سٌتم اتخاذ إجراءات خاصة لفحص المعتمرٌن العائدٌن من البقاع‬ ‫المقدسة‪ ،‬فً ظل انتشار فٌروس كورونا‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد أنه إذا استمر فٌروس كورونا حتى موسم الحج‪ ،‬ستكون هناك تدابٌر صحٌة قبل االنتقال إلى السعودٌة‪.‬‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫بوٌنغ‪ :‬نجاح تحلٌق أكبر طائرة ركاب ثنائٌة المحرك فً العالم طراز ‪ 777‬إكس‬ ‫أقلعت الرحلة التجرٌبٌة بالقرب من سٌاتل واستمرت أربع ساعاتأكملت شركة بوٌنغ األمرٌكٌة لصناعة‬ ‫الطائرات أول رحلة تجرٌبٌة ناجحة ألكبر طائرة ركاب فً العالم ثنائٌة المحرك من طراز ‪ 777‬إكس‪.‬‬ ‫جاء هذا اإلعالن فً وقت تحاول فٌه الشركة استعادة ثقة العالم وتعزٌز صورتها فً صناعة الطائرات بعد‬ ‫أزمة سقوط اثنتٌن من طائراتها طراز ‪ 737‬ماكس‪ ،‬ومقتل ‪ 346‬شخصا العام الماضً‪.‬‬

‫وأقلعت الرحلة التجرٌبٌة بالقرب من مدٌنة سٌاتل واستمرت أربع ساعات‪ .‬وجاءت المحاولة الناجحة بعد‬ ‫تأجٌلها مرتٌن هذا األسبوع بسبب األحوال الجوٌة والرٌاح العاتٌة‪.‬‬ ‫ورغم نجاح التجربة إال أن هناك حاجة إلى مزٌد من التجارب قبل دخول الطائرة الجدٌدة الخدمة لدى شركة‬ ‫طٌران اإلمارات‪ ،‬العام المقبل‪.‬‬ ‫وكان من المقرر دخول الطائرة الضخمة التً ٌبلغ طولها ‪ 252‬قدما‪ ،‬الخدمة العام الحالً‪ ،‬لكن تم التأجٌل‬ ‫بسبب ظهور بعض المشكالت الفنٌة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Statement on Coronavirus Outbreak in Wuhan (China) IATA is closely monitoring developments related to the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan (China) and is actively engaged with the World Health Organization (WHO) Secretariat, ICAO and the US Centers for Disease Control. WHO is advising measures to limit the risk of export or import of the disease, without unnecessary restrictions on international traffic. Airlines are prepared to work with public health authorities when there are outbreaks of communicable diseases with well-developed . IATA will provide further updates as appropriate.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Oman Air Eyes US Flights By 2022 byTom Boon Oman’s flag carrier, Oman Air, has announced intentions to fly to the United States. The news was revealed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and first reported by Business Insider. Oman Air wishes to fly to the United States of America by 2022. Photo: Getty ImagesIn terms of aviation, the Middle East is known as a hub for connecting passengers. The location is perfect for passengers travelling between East and West. In fact, Etihad, Emirates, and Qatar Airways all achieve this fairly well. However, Oman Air wants its focus placed on passengers with its home country as their final destination. As such, the Middle Eastern carrier eyes flights to the United States by 2022. Not a new plan The plan to fly to Oman is nothing new. Business Insider reports that Oman’s flag carrier first eyed flights to the United States in 2018. The Points Guy adds that the airline didn’t receive permission from the FAA to launch such flights until last year (2019). Advertisement However, now that this permission has been received, plans are starting to take shape. In fact, towards the end of the year, Oman Air entered into a codeshare agreement with Air Italy. This will allow the carrier to put its code and sell tickets on Air Italy’s route from Milan to New York and Miami. Advertisement Flying For The Holidays? Do It In Comfort With These Pro Tips Oman Air could soon bring these wingtips to the United States. Photo: PixabayNext up, however, the Omani flag carrier wants its own aircraft landing on US soil. This is something that its 2019 FAA certification would ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


allow it to do. While Oman Air hasn’t said where in the United States it would like to fly, some have been guessing. One popular route could be to New York, a destination which can currently be reached by its codeshare agreement with Air Italy. As One Mile At A Time puts it, with a change of airline in Milan, Oman has no competitivity on the route. However, a non-stop flight could give the carrier this edge. They also point out that Oman Air’s current longest route is 4,120 miles to Manila, while New York would be just over 7,000 miles. Advertisement

What do we know? Oman Air does not presently have an interest in competing as a Middle East hub carrier like the big three in the area. Rather, the Oman flag carrier wants its focus to be on bringing passengers into the country of Oman. Oman Air will start codesharing with Air Italy to JFK. Photo: PixabayOman Aviation Group’ CEO Mustafa Al Hinai told Business Insider: ”Flying to the US will happen in through a codeshare in the meantime, but in late 2021, 2022, we’ll be focusing into the US market.“ He then went on to add: ”we need to really understand the market first, it’s very complex, each and every city“. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ 2

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Lufthansa Pratt And Whitney A320neo Suffers Engine Failure byChris Loh On January 21st a Lufthansa Airbus A320-200N flying from Frankfurt to Prague was climbing out of Frankfurt when a loud bang was heard from one of the engines. This subsequently lead to engine failure, with the crew shutting it down promptly and returning to Frankfurt. A320neos are some of Lufthansa’s newest jets. Photo: LufthansaMore flight details The flight to Prague was flight LH1392 and had 118 people on board according to the Aviation Herald. The incident occurred as the aircraft was climbing. After the noise was heard, the crew decided to stop the climb at FL240 and make a return to Frankfurt. A safe landing was completed, 45 minutes after departure. The aircraft registration is D-AINM, indicating that this is a 1.4 year old Airbus A320neo according to Airfleets. This aircraft was powered by Pratt & Whitney (PW) PurePower geared turbofan engines (more on that below). Advertisement LH1392’s flight path on January 21st. Photo: FlightRadar24The return flight from Prague to Frankfurt was canceled as a result of the incident. The aircraft involved, D-AINM, is still on the ground as of writing this article and has not flown any additional flights all week. Advertisement A problematic engine type? Unfortunately, other airlines around the world have had issues with similar engines. In fact, budget Indian carriers IndiGo and GoAir have seen flight ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

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delays and cancellations because of issues with their A320neos and their Pratt & Whitney engines. IndiGo’s take-off procedures are thought to be one factor behind the higher rate of issues. Supposedly, IndiGo pilots were taking-off using full throttle, as it can end up burning less fuel. By comparison, GoAir pilots use something called the ‘altclimb’ method, which does not involve applying maximum thrust during the initial ascent. While India’s aviation regulator identifies this as one factor, it can’t be the only one since GoAir is still facing problems with its A320neo PW engines.

GoAir has taken delivery of more than 50 Airbus A320s. Photo: GoAirAccording to CAPA, at least 40% of all A320neo engine options are Pratt & Whitney. But a very interesting thing to note is that the highest rate of problems (at least ones that have made the news) have been occurring in India. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

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Could engine performance be an environmental factor? One non-Indian airline isn’t taking the risk: last November we reported that Qatar Airways was swapping the engine options of its A320neo family aircraft. The Middle Eastern carrier has chosen the engine of CFM International over the Pratt and Whitney option. In our recent reporting, we could only find one incident that involved the CFM Leap option for the A320neo: an easyJet A320neo incident that occurred last August. Currently Lufthansa has four A320neos at MUC. Photo: LufthansaConclusion Pratt & Whitney’s new geared turbofan (GTF) engines have been somewhat problematic overall. Even the Airbus A220 has seen its fair share of issues with its smaller PW GTF engines (although software may be to blame?). While they offer impressive gains in fuel efficiency over older engines, they have made the news for all the wrong reasons. !

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Thai Airways Considers Wet Leasing Aircraft For Fleet Renewal byChris Loh Thai Airways is entertaining the possibility of leasing aircraft and cabin crew as part of its fleet renewal. This is according to the Bangkok Post reporting on remarks from Thailand’s Transport Minister. On Wednesday, the minister instructed Thai Airways to study the matter and consider the benefits and drawbacks that leasing aircraft and/or crew will have for the airline. Thai Airways still operates a fleet of around 10 Boeing 747-400s. They are all between 15-30 years old. Photo: Julian Herzog via WikipediaThe situation at Thai Airways Thai Airways is struggling with ongoing financial losses as it faces possible closure. In October, Thai Airways’ President said his airline was facing a crisis, citing a variety of factors as contributing to the airline’s woes. Challenges mentioned include a high Thai baht deterring travelers, the continuation of unsustainable routes, and operating costs being too high. It is because of these challenges and more that Thai may lease aircraft along with cabin crew as part of fleet and service improvement options. In September 2019, Thai Airways was asked to revise its plans for new aircraft orders. The airline was to add 38 units to its fleet but the board postponed the move.

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According to CH-Aviation, the idea of leasing isn’t exactly new, as it was mentioned in September: ”If we still need 38 planes, do they need to be of the same sizes or will the cost change? Plane procurement doesn’t necessarily mean they must be bought. They can also be leased,“ -Sumeth Damrongchaitham, Chief Executive Officer of Thai Airways via The Nation newspaper. Local Legacy carrier Thai Airways is facing closure as it continues to lose unsustainable amounts of cash. Photo: Minseong Kim via Wikimedia Commons.Leasing crew along with aircraft? Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob remarked that he was considering the options of either leasing the planes with outsourced cabin attendants or leasing only the aircraft and that he wanted the procurement issue finalized within this year. However, government regulations may not permit leasing aircraft with outsourced cabin staff. This was downplayed by the minister, saying regulations could be amended to remove obstacles.

With these recent remarks from the Transport Minister, Thai Airways president Sumeth Damrongchaitham says the plan will be updated to include a three-way comparison between direct aircraft purchase, aircraft leasing with outsourced cabin crew, and leasing without cabin staff. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

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At one point there was mention of bringing Thai’s Airbus A340s out of retirement but that prospect seems to have faded. The Thai Airways full-service offering is a great product that is struggling to attract passengers who pay the full fare. Photo: Z3144228 via Wikimedia CommonsThe idea of leasing has some clear benefits and drawbacks depending on the situation. Leasing aircraft allows the airline to acquire newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft with lower upfront capital. Once the lease is up, the airline can assess whether the aircraft is still needed. Outsourcing cabin crew offers the possibility of lower salaries, saving the airline money. However, this may have detrimental effects on service to passengers as well as internal organizational friction between existing staff and outsourced crew. Conclusion The Bangkok Post reports that 17 of the airline’s 82 aircraft are due to be decommissioned beginning in 2021. Therefore, there is some urgency to this decision if the airline wants to maintain (or grow) its current operations.

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Amazing: Lufthansa Group Uses 100% Renewable Energy In Home Markets byLaura Ash With the climate crisis at the forefront of the world’s attention, Lufthansa is continuing its pursuit for more eco-friendly operations. The Lufthansa Group has invested in green energy in its home markets as it makes the move towards carbon neutral ground operations for 2030. It has this week announced that energy in four countries is 100% renewable. The Lufthansa Group now uses green energy in its home markets. Photo: LufthansaPurchasing green energy Earlier this week, the Lufthansa Group announced that it had made a step closer to carbon neutrality. For the past four weeks in January, the group has been purchasing green electricity to power its home markets in Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Switzerland. As a result of purchasing renewable energy, the group has now been able to acquire green certificates. These green certificates will allow green operations to continue to grow within these four countries.

This move is particularly poignant since, in recent years, it has proved apparent that more must be done to stop the climate crisis. This latest ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

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initiative is a step in the right direction for Lufthansa. Environmental awareness needs to happen on the ground too. Photo: Grogri via Wikimedia CommonsThis move complements other strategies that the airline conglomerate is currently undertaking including investing in more fuelefficient aircraft. This continues to be its primary focus. In a statement, the group proudly commented: ”The Lufthansa Group’s environmental strategy remains focused on sustainably increasing the ecological efficiency in flight operations, in particular by investing billions in modern and low-emission aircraft.“ How will the green energy be used? With these new green certificates in place, Lufthansa can now begin working towards even bigger environmental goals. It hopes that, in the next ten years, all ground operations will be carbon neutral. That means that by 2030 all airport operations will produce net-zero emissions. Advertisement This is where the Lufthansa Group is hoping to invest the green energy. It wants to use electric vehicles in its airports, which it’s steadily been rolling out. It’s launched an E-PORT AN project in Frankfurt Airport to do just that and is making sure that its efforts are not solely focused on flying. But it’s going even further. It wants to provide charging points for employees who travel to work via electric vehicle. More than that, it hopes to provide a special allowance for managers who only rent electric or other eco-friendly vehicles. What’s going on within the Lufthansa Group is a mindset shift. Its determination has more to do with making a lasting difference rather than changing operations at a minimum level. It wants to make being green the easiest choice for its employees and for its entire operation. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

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Other green initiatives Cutting carbon emissions still remains most important on Lufthansa’s lists. Photo: Kiefer via FlickrHowever, like many airlines these days, Lufthansa has an entire strategy centered around the environment. Aircraft choice is only part of it as is ground vehicle operations. Whilst top of the list is cutting carbon emissions, the Lufthansa Group also makes a pledge to cut nitrogen oxide emissions from the atmosphere. It also hopes to build more environmentally conscious infrastructure as well as develop a culture around being green. Initiatives that promote helping the environment, such as levied airport charges for airlines with more fuelefficient aircraft, is something that the Lufthansa Group is committed to. What is a green certificate? Green certificates count the production of one megawatt-hour of renewable electricity produced. The concept is fairly new but essentially proves that energy was created in a sustainable way. Green certificates are tradable commodities and are used in various European countries as well as some regions in the United States.

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ANA To Operate Most US Flights From Haneda Over Narita byMark Finlay All Nippon Airways (ANA) will start operating most of its flights from Tokyo to the United States from Haneda Airport (HND) rather than Narita International Airport (NRT). Historically Narita has always been the place where flights from American have landed due to a limited number of slots being available at Haneda. Haneda is much closer to Tokyo than Narita. Photo: Masahiro TAKAGI Wikimedia CommonsThis is good news for international visitors, as Haneda is significantly closer to downtown Tokyo (22.2km, 13.79 miles) and is easily reached using the Tokyo Monorail. Narita International Airport, meanwhile, is located 60 kilometers (37.28 miles) east of central Tokyo and takes roughly an hour to get to by train.

Haneda is getting the premium routes Currently, the Japanese government is encouraging airlines to use Haneda for their premium routes leaving Narita for low-cost carriers and leisure airlines. By doing this, a dozen slots were opened up at Haneda and were shared between Hawaiian Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫قطاع االمانة العامة بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Japanese airlines were also given new slots at Haneda and encouraged to shift their American routes to the more convenient airport. In total, Japanese airlines received 12 daytime slots at Haneda for their American bound flights, with Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways given six each. ANA has received six new slots at Haneda Utilizing its new slots at Haneda, ANA will offer six new flights to the United States, replacing many of the previous flights from Narita. The ANA flights to San Francisco will be three times per week. Image: GCMapsThe new flights are: Advertisement Haneda to George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston Haneda to Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) Haneda to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) Haneda to Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) Haneda to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Haneda to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Haneda to Houston Starting March 29th, 2020, ANA will offer a daily service to Houston with a four-cabin Boeing 777-300ER. Flight number NH114 will depart HND at 10:20 and arrive at IAH 08:40. Flight number NH113 will depart IAD at 13:10 and arrive at HND 17:00 +1 day. Haneda to San Jose Starting March 29th, 2020, ANA will offer daily flights to the Silicon Valley aboard a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. Flight number NH120 will depart HND at 17:05 arriving in San Jose at 10:30. Flight number NH119 will depart SJC at 12:20 and arrive at HND 15:20 + 1 day. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

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Haneda to Seattle Starting March 29th, 2020, ANA will offer a daily flight from Haneda to Seattle aboard a three-cabin Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. Flight number NH118 will depart HND at 21:00 arriving at SEA 14:10. Flight number NH117 will depart SEA at 16:40 arriving at HND 19:00 + 1 day. Haneda to Washington Starting March 29th, 2020, ANA will offer a daily flight from Haneda to Washington using a four-cabin Boeing 777-300ER. Flight number NH102 will depart Haneda at 10:55 and arrive at IAD 10:35. Flight number NH101 will depart Washington at 13:10 arriving HND 16:15 + 1 day. Haneda to Los Angeles At present, All Nippon Airways flies three times per day from Japan to Los Angeles, with two flights from Narita and one flight from Haneda. Starting March 29th, 2020, ANA will be shifting one of its Narita flights to Haneda, leaving just one flight to L.A. from Narita. The new flight out of Haneda will be operated using a four-cabin Boeing 777300ER. Flight number NH126 will depart Haneda at 21:05 and arrive at LAX 15:05. Flight number NH125 will depart Los Angeles at 17:05 arriving HND 21:15 + 1 day. Haneda to San Francisco Rather than offering a daily flight, ANA will offer three flights per week from Haneda to San Francisco starting March 29th, 2020, aboard a four-cabin Boeing 777-300ER.

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Flight number NH108 will depart Haneda at 22:55 arriving at SFO 16:25. The flight will operate on a Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Flight number NH107 will depart San Francisco at 01:45 arriving HND 05:00 + 1 day. The flight will operate on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Japan will host the 2020 Olympics Looking at the new flights, they are good for people wanting to visit Tokyo, but perhaps not as convenient time-wise for people looking to connect through Japan.

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