EGYPTAIR News 3 nov 2016

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‫الخمٌس‬ ‫‪2016/11/3‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫تغٌ​ٌر طائرة «مصر للطٌران» المتجهة إلى شرم الشٌخ بسبب‬ ‫عطل فنً‬ ‫شهد مطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬الٌوم األربعاء‪ ،‬تأخر إقالع طائرة مصر للطٌران المتجهة إلى‬ ‫شرم الشٌخ‪ ،‬وذلك بسبب عطل فنً بالطائرة‪ ،‬ما ترتب علٌه تغٌ​ٌر طراز الطائرة بعد تعذر‬ ‫إصالح العطل ‪.‬‬ ‫وصرحت مصادر بالمطار – حسبما أفاد مراسلنا – بأنه أثناء إنهاء إجراءات رحلة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪ ،‬والمتجهة إلى شرم الشٌخ بموقع رقم ‪ 31٧‬بالمهبط‪ ،‬فوجئ قائد الطائرة بوجود‬ ‫عطل فنً ٌحول دون إقالع الرحلة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت المصادر‪ ،‬أن تم إنزال الركاب بصالة الترانزٌت – على الفور – واستدعاء فرٌق‬ ‫فنً إلصالح العطل إال أنه تعذر إصالحه‪ ،‬وتم تغٌ​ٌر طراز الطائرة لتستأنف رحلتها ‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫الحكومة تنفى تعوٌم الجنٌه برحالت مصر للطٌران‬ ‫أكد مركز المعلومات بمجلس الوزراء‪ ،‬أنه انتشر فً العدٌد من المواقع اإللكترونٌة‬ ‫وصفحات التواصل االجتماعً أنباء ُتفٌد بتعوٌم شركة مصر للطٌران للجنٌه المصري‬ ‫خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها‪ ،‬وقد قام المركز‬ ‫بالتواصل مع الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران التً أكدت أنها أنباء غٌر دقٌقة وأنها لم‬ ‫تقم بتعوٌم الجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج‪ ،‬وأشارت‬ ‫نظرا‬ ‫الشركة إلى أن ما حدث هو اتخاذ إجراء تنظٌمً ضد عملٌات االتجار فً العملة‪ً ،‬‬ ‫للجوء بعض المصرٌ​ٌن بالخارج بحجز تذاكر العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل واالستفادة‬ ‫من فرق سعر صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة أنه تم إضافة رسوم على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة لركاب ٌبدءون‬ ‫الرحلة من الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌقومون بحجز تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة المحلٌة‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫موضحة أن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران بالخارج تراجعت بنسبة‬ ‫بواسطة ذوٌهم‪،‬‬ ‫‪ ،%20‬مما ٌمثل خسارة مالٌة للشركة فً العمالت الحرة‪ ،‬ولذلك قررت الشركة وضع‬ ‫رسوم إلٌقاف نزٌف العمالت الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪،‬‬ ‫مشٌرة إلى أن الزٌادة تختلف طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها عالقة‬ ‫بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق السوداء أو األسواق الرسمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وفً النهاٌة أوضحت الشركة أن هذا اإلجراء ٌأتً بهدف المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من‬ ‫العملة األجنبٌة‪ ،‬محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها البعض لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري‬ ‫بدعوى قٌام الشركة بتعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫الحكومة تنفً تطبٌق «تعوٌم الجنٌه» على تذاكر «مصر للطٌران»‬ ‫كتب‪ :‬محمد عبد العاطً‬ ‫أعلن تقرٌر مركز معلومات دعم واتخاذ القرار‪ ،‬التابع لمجلس الوزراء‪ ،‬أن شركة «مصر‬ ‫للطٌران» لم تقم بـ«تعوٌم الجنٌه » خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر‬ ‫على طائراتها‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح المركز أن أنباء تعوٌم شركة مصر للطٌران للجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز‬ ‫تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها «غٌر صحٌحة»‪ ،‬وأن المركز قام بالتواصل‬ ‫مع الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬التً أكدت أنها أنباء غٌر دقٌقة‪ ،‬وأنها لم تقم بتعوٌم‬ ‫الجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج‪.‬‬ ‫وشددت الشركة على أن ما حدث هو اتخاذ إجراء تنظٌمً ضد عملٌات االتجار فً العملة‪،‬‬ ‫نظراً للجوء بعض المصرٌ​ٌن بالخارج بحجز تذاكر العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل‬ ‫واالستفادة من فرق سعر صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة أنه تمت إضافة رسوم على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة لركاب ٌبدأون‬ ‫الرحلة من الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌقومون بحجز تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة المحلٌة‪ ،‬بواسطة‬ ‫ذوٌهم‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت الشركة إلى أن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران بالخارج تراجعت بنسبة ‪ ،%20‬مما‬ ‫ٌمثل خسارة مالٌة للشركة فً العمالت الحرة‪ ،‬لذلك قررت الشركة وضع رسوم إلٌقاف نزٌف‬ ‫العمالت الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪ ،‬مشٌرة إلى أن الزٌادة‬ ‫تختلف طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها عالقة بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق السوداء‬ ‫أو األسواق الرسمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫كما شددت الشركة على أن هذا اإلجراء ٌأتً بهدف المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من العملة‬ ‫األجنبٌة‪ ،‬محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها البعض لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري‪ ،‬بدعوى‬ ‫قٌام الشركة بـ«تعوٌم الجنٌه»‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫الحكومة تنفً تعوٌم "مصر للطٌران" للجنٌه فً حجز التذاكر من‬ ‫الخارج‬ ‫أكد مركز المعلومات ودعم اتخاذ القرار بمجلس الوزراء أن شركة )مصر للطٌران( اتخذت‬ ‫عدة إجراء تنظٌمً ضد عملٌات االتجار بالعملة‪ ،‬ونفى ما انتشر فً بالمواقع اإللكترونٌة‬ ‫وصفحات التواصل االجتماعً من أنباء ُتفٌد بتعوٌم )مصر للطٌران( للجنٌه المصري خالل‬ ‫عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها‪.‬‬ ‫وأفاد المركز ‪-‬فً تقرٌر توضٌح الحقائق الصادر الٌوم األربعاء‪ -‬بأنه تواصل‬ ‫مع الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران التً أكدت أنها أنباء غٌر دقٌقة‪ ،‬وأنها لم تقم‬ ‫بتعوٌم الجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج‪ ،‬وأن ما حدث هو‬ ‫نظرا للجوء بعض المصرٌ​ٌن بالخارج‬ ‫اتخاذ إجراء تنظٌمً ضد عملٌات اإلتجار فً العملة‪ً ،‬‬ ‫بحجز تذاكر العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل واالستفادة من فرق سعر صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة ‪-‬وفق التقرٌر‪ -‬أنه تمت إضافة رسوم على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة‬ ‫لركاب ٌبدءون الرحلة من الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌقومون بحجز تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة‬ ‫المحلٌة‪ ،‬بواسطة ذوٌهم‪ ،‬وأن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران بالخارج تراجعت بنسبة ‪،%20‬‬ ‫ما ٌمثل خسارة مالٌة للشركة فً العمالت الحرة ولذلك قررت وضع رسوم إلٌقاف نزٌف‬ ‫العمالت الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت )مصر للطٌران( إلى أن الزٌادة تختلف طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها‬ ‫عالقة بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق السوداء أو األسواق الرسمٌة‪ ،‬وأن هذا اإلجراء ٌأتً‬ ‫بهدف المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من العملة األجنبٌة‪ ،‬محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها‬ ‫البعض لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري بدعوى قٌام الشركة بتعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫«مصر للطٌران» تنفً تعوٌم الجنٌه خالل حجز التذاكر من‬ ‫الخارج‬ ‫أحمد رأفت‬

‫نفى مركز معلومات مجلس الوزراء ما نشر فً العدٌد من المواقع‬ ‫اإللكترونٌة وصفحات التواصل االجتماعً من أنباء ُتفٌد بتعوٌم شركة "مصر للطٌران"‬ ‫للجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح المركز أنه تواصل مع الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬التً أكدت أنها أنباء غٌر‬ ‫دقٌقة وأنها لم تعوم الجنٌه خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج‪ ،‬الفتة إلى أن ما‬ ‫نظرا للجوء بعض‬ ‫حدث هو اتخاذ إجراء تنظٌمً ضد عملٌات االتجار فً العملة‪ً ،‬‬ ‫المصرٌ​ٌن بالخارج بحجز تذاكر العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل واالستفادة من فرق سعر‬ ‫صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫ولفتت الشركة إلى إضافة رسوم على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة لركاب ٌبدءون الرحلة من‬ ‫ً‬ ‫موضحة‬ ‫الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌحجزون تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة المحلٌة بواسطة ذوٌهم‪،‬‬ ‫أن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران بالخارج تراجعت بنسبة ‪ ،%20‬مما ٌمثل خسارة مالٌة‬ ‫للشركة فً العمالت الحرة‪ ،‬ولذلك قررت الشركة وضع رسوم إلٌقاف نزٌف العمالت‬ ‫الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪ ،‬مشٌرة إلى أن الزٌادة تختلف‬ ‫طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها عالقة بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق السوداء أو‬ ‫األسواق الرسمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وتابعت الشركة أن هذا اإلجراء ٌأتً بهدف المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من العملة األجنبٌة‪،‬‬ ‫محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها البعض لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري بدعوى اتجاه‬ ‫الشركة إلى تعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫"معلومات الوزراء"‪" :‬مصر للطٌران" لم تعوم الجنٌه فً‬ ‫تعامالتها الخارجٌة‬ ‫وائل سعد‬

‫ذكر مركز معلومات مجلس الوزراء‪ ،‬إن العدٌد من المواقع اإللكترونٌة وصفحات التواصل‬ ‫االجتماعً‪ ،‬تداولت أنبا ًء ُتفٌد بتعوٌم شركة مصر للطٌران للجنٌه المصري‪ ،‬خالل عملٌات‬ ‫حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح المركز‪ ،‬أنه تواصل مع الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والتً أكدت أن األخبار‬ ‫التً تداولتها المواقع غٌر دقٌقة‪ ،‬وأنها لم تعوم الجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر‬ ‫الطٌران من الخارج‪ ،‬موضحة أن ما حدث إجراء تنظٌمٌا ضد عملٌات اإلتجار فً العملة‪،‬‬ ‫نظرا للجوء بعض المصرٌ​ٌن فً الخارج لحجز تذاكر العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل‬ ‫واالستفادة من فرق سعر صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة‪ ،‬أنها أضافت رسوما على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة لركاب ٌبدؤون‬ ‫الرحلة من الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌحجزون تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة المحلٌة بواسطة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫موضحة أن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران فً الخارج تراجعت بنسبة ‪ ،%20‬ما‬ ‫ذوٌهم‪،‬‬ ‫ٌمثل خسارة مالٌة للشركة فً العمالت الحرة‪ ،‬لذا قررت الشركة وضع رسوم إلٌقاف‬ ‫نزٌف العمالت الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪.‬‬ ‫ولفتت الشركة‪ ،‬إلى أن الزٌادة تختلف طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها عالقة‬ ‫بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق السوداء أو األسواق الرسمٌة‪ .‬موضحة أن اإلجراء ٌأتً بهدف‬ ‫المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من العملة األجنبٌة‪ ،‬محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها البعض‬ ‫لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري بدعوى تعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫"الوزراء" ٌنفى تعوٌم "مصر للطٌران" للجنٌه المصري‬ ‫ٌحً حلمً‬ ‫نفى مركز معلومات مجلس الوزراء‪ ،‬ما تردد من أنباء ُتفٌد بتعوٌم شركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫للجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها‪.‬‬ ‫وقال المركز فً بٌان له الٌوم األربعاء‪ ،‬إنه تواصل مع الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪،‬‬ ‫والتً أكدت أنها أنباء غٌر دقٌقة وأنها لم تقم بتعوٌم الجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز‬ ‫تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج‪ ،‬وأشارت الشركة إلى أن ما حدث هو اتخاذ إجراء تنظٌمً‬ ‫ضد عملٌات االتجار فً العملة‪ ،‬نظراً للجوء بعض المصرٌ​ٌن بالخارج بحجز تذاكر‬ ‫العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل واالستفادة من فرق سعر صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة أنه تم إضافة رسوم على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة لركاب ٌبدءون‬ ‫الرحلة من الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌقومون بحجز تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة المحلٌة‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫موضحة أن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران بالخارج تراجعت بنسبة‬ ‫بواسطة ذوٌهم‪،‬‬ ‫‪ ،%20‬ما ٌمثل خسارة مالٌة للشركة فً العمالت الحرة‪ ،‬ولذلك قررت الشركة وضع‬ ‫رسوم إلٌقاف نزٌف العمالت الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪،‬‬ ‫مشٌرة إلى أن الزٌادة تختلف طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها عالقة‬ ‫بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق السوداء أو األسواق الرسمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة أن هذا اإلجراء ٌأتً بهدف المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من العملة‬ ‫األجنبٌة‪ ،‬محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها البعض لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري بدعوى‬ ‫قٌام الشركة بتعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫الحكومة تنفً قٌام مصر للطٌران بتعوٌم الجنٌه خالل عملٌات‬ ‫حجز التذاكر من الخارج‬ ‫كرٌم حسن‬ ‫نفى مجلس الوزراء ما تد تداوله حول قٌام شركة مصر للطٌران بتعوٌم الجنٌه المصري‬ ‫خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتها‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مركز المعلومات دعم واتخاذ القرار بالمجلس‪ ،‬إنه تم التواصل مع الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والتً نفت هذه األنباء مؤكدة أنها غٌر دقٌقة‪ ،‬وأنها لم تقم بتعوٌم الجنٌه‬ ‫المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر الطٌران من الخارج‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت الشركة إلى أن ما حدث هو اتخاذ إجراء تنظٌمً ضد عملٌات االتجار فً العملة‪،‬‬ ‫نظراً للجوء بعض المصرٌ​ٌن بالخارج بحجز تذاكر العودة من مصر‪ ،‬بهدف التحاٌل‬ ‫واالستفادة من فرق سعر صرف العملة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة أنه تمت إضافة رسوم على تذاكر الطٌران المحجوزة لركاب ٌبدءون‬ ‫الرحلة من الخارج إلى مصر‪ ،‬وٌقومون بحجز تذاكرهم من مصر بالعملة المحلٌة‪ ،‬بواسطة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫موضحة أن مبٌعات مكتب مصر للطٌران بالخارج تراجعت بنسبة ‪ ،%20‬مما ٌمثل‬ ‫ذوٌهم‪،‬‬ ‫خسارة مالٌة للشركة فً العمالت الحرة‪ ،‬ولذلك قررت الشركة وضع رسوم إلٌقاف نزٌف‬ ‫العمالت الحرة الضائعة على الدولة‪ ،‬ولٌس على مصر للطٌران فقط‪ ،‬مشٌرة إلى أن الزٌادة‬ ‫تختلف طبقا للجهة القادم منها الراكب‪ ،‬ولٌست لها عالقة بأسعار الدوالر فً السوق‬ ‫السوداء أو األسواق الرسمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة أن هذا اإلجراء ٌأتً بهدف المحافظة على اإلٌرادات من العملة األجنبٌة‪،‬‬ ‫محذر ًة من المحاوالت التً ٌقودها البعض لإلضرار باالقتصاد المصري بدعوى قٌام‬ ‫الشركة بتعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫إلغاء إقالع ‪ 6‬رحالت جوٌة من مطار القاهرة لعدم جدواها‬ ‫اقتصادٌا‬ ‫محمد طنطاوى‬

‫أكد مصدر مالحى مسئول بمطار القاهرة الدولى أن السلطات المعنٌة تلقت الٌوم‬ ‫إخطارا بإلغاء إقالع ‪ 6‬رحالت جوٌة دولٌة لعدم جدواها اقتصادٌا وقلة عدد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ركابها‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى استمرار عملٌات القصف لقوات التحالف العربى لمواقع‬ ‫الحوثٌ​ٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وقال المصدر إن السلطات تلقت ‪ 6‬إخطارات من الشركة المصرٌة العالمٌة‬ ‫للطٌران بإلغاء رحالتها رقم ‪ 486‬والمتجهة إلى جاسم‪ ،‬ورحلة ‪ 112‬والمتجهة‬ ‫إلى ٌنبع‪ ،‬ورحلة رقم ‪ 104‬المتجهة إلى ٌنبع‪ ،‬ورحلة رقم ‪ 601‬المتجهة إلى‬ ‫تبوك‪ ،‬ورحلة رقم ‪ 906‬والمتجهة إلى جدة‪.‬‬

‫كما تلقت سلطات المطار إخطارا من الخطوط السودانٌة بإلغاء رحلتها رقم ‪103‬‬ ‫المتجهة إلى الخرطوم‪ ،‬بسبب عدم جدواها اقتصادٌا وقلة عدد ركابها‪ ،‬وقامت‬ ‫سلطات المطار بتنسٌق سفر الركاب على متن طائرات أخرى‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار القاهرة ٌستقبل ‪ 5‬آالف سائح لزٌارة المعالم األثرٌة‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‬

‫استقبل مطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬الٌوم األربعاء‪ ،‬أكثر من ‪ 5‬آالف سائح عرب ًٌا وأجنبٌا لزٌارة‬ ‫المعالم األثرٌة والتارٌخٌة بالقاهرة الكبرى والمحافظات‪ ،‬وتم إنهاء إجراءات وصولهم من‬ ‫خالل فرق العالقات العامة المنتشرة بالمطار‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت مصادر بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬إن المطار استقبل ‪ 4‬آالف سائح أجنبً من جنسٌات مختلفة‬ ‫معظمها آسٌوٌة على متن ‪ ٧5‬رحلة‪ ،‬فضال عن وصول أكثر من ألف سائح عربً وخاصة‬ ‫من دول الخلٌج لزٌارة معالم القاهرة واألثرٌة والمعالم الطبٌعٌة بالمحافظات‪.‬‬ ‫أضافت المصادر أنه تم إنهاء إجراءات وصولهم من خالل فرق العالقات العامة‪ ،‬وغادورا‬ ‫المطار وسط حراسة مشددة من قبل سلطات شركة السٌاحة وسلطات أمن المطار إلى‬ ‫األماكن المخصصة لهم من قبل شركات السٌاحة تمهٌدا لبدء برامجهم السٌاحٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار القاهرة ٌستقبل ‪ 5‬آالف سائح لزٌارة المعالم األثرٌة‬ ‫والتارٌخٌة‬ ‫حنان عز الدٌن‬

‫اكد مسئول بمطار القاهرة الدولى أن المطار استقبل مساء الٌوم األربعاء ‪5‬‬ ‫سائحا عرب ًٌا وأجنب ًٌا لزٌارة المعالم األثرٌة والتارٌخٌة بالقاهرة‬ ‫آالف و‪160‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الكبرى والمحافظات‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف المسئول أن الوفود السٌاحٌة التً وصلت من جنسٌات مختلفة معظمها‬ ‫آسٌوٌة وصلوا على متن ‪ ٧5‬رحلة‪ ،‬كما ضمت الوفود ‪ 1100‬سائح من دول‬ ‫عربٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وقامت السلطات األمنٌة بإنهاء إجراءات وصولهم بمعرفة‬ ‫شرطة السٌاحة بالمطار وتأمٌن خروجهم حتى مقار إقامتهم بفنادق القاهرة‬ ‫والجٌزة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫خبار الٌوم ‪ 400‬سائحا صٌنٌا ٌصلون القاهرة لزٌارة المعالم‬ ‫األثرٌة‬

‫استقبل مطار القاهرة الدولً الٌوم االربعاء مجموعة سٌاحٌة‬ ‫صٌنٌة تضم ‪ 400‬سائحا ‪ ،‬للقٌام بجولة سٌاحٌة تستغرق أسبوعا‬ ‫ٌقومون خاللها بزٌارة المعالم األثرٌة والسٌاحٌة‪.‬‬ ‫صرحت مصادر أمنٌة بالمطار أن المجموعة السٌاحٌة الصٌنٌة‬ ‫وصلت على متن ‪ 4‬رحالت مختلفة‪ ،‬حٌث قامت شرطة السٌاحة‬ ‫بالمطار بانهاء اجراءات وصولهم ‪ ،‬للقٌام بجولة سٌاحٌة لزٌارة‬ ‫معالم القاهرة األثرٌة والمدن السٌاحٌة لمدة اسبوعا‪ ،‬وتم تأمٌنهم‬ ‫حتى خروجهم من دائرة المطار‪.‬‬ ‫استقبل مطار القاهرة الدولً الٌوم االربعاء مجموعة سٌاحٌة‬ ‫صٌنٌة تضم ‪ 400‬سائحا ‪ ،‬للقٌام بجولة سٌاحٌة تستغرق أسبوعا‬ ‫ٌقومون خاللها بزٌارة المعالم األثرٌة والسٌاحٌة‪.‬‬ ‫صرحت مصادر أمنٌة بالمطار أن المجموعة السٌاحٌة الصٌنٌة‬ ‫وصلت على متن ‪ 4‬رحالت مختلفة‪ ،‬حٌث قامت شرطة السٌاحة‬ ‫بالمطار بانهاء اجراءات وصولهم ‪ ،‬للقٌام بجولة سٌاحٌة لزٌارة‬ ‫معالم القاهرة األثرٌة والمدن السٌاحٌة لمدة اسبوعا‪ ،‬وتم تأمٌنهم‬ ‫حتى خروجهم من دائرة المطار‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫وصول ‪ 44‬جهاز أشعة حدٌثة من ألمانٌا لدعم مطار القاهرة‬ ‫محمد عبدالناصر‪:‬‬

‫أعلن المهندس سٌد حسٌن مدٌر إدارة أجهزة "اإلكس راى" بمطار القاهرة عن وصول ‪44‬‬ ‫جهاز فحص باألشعة من ألمانٌالدعم بوابات ومنافذ صاالت مطار القاهرة فى إطار تشدٌد‬ ‫إجراءات األمن لتوفٌر أقصى قدر من الحماٌة للركاب والطائرات‪.‬‬ ‫وقال "حسٌن" فى تصرٌحات صحفٌة الٌوم األربعاء‪" :‬سٌتم خالل الساعات القادمة عقد‬ ‫اإجتماع مع قٌادات الشرطة بمطار القاهرة لتحدٌد أولوٌات تركٌب األجهزة التى تتمٌز بأنها‬ ‫آخر جٌل من أجهزة الفحص اإللكترونٌة بواسطة األشعة وهى ثالثٌة األبعاد لتظهر‬ ‫محتوٌات الحقائب من كل ناحٌة ومنع أٌة محاوالت لخداع األجهزة خاصة عملٌات‬ ‫التهرٌب"‪.‬‬ ‫كما أنها شدٌدة الحساسٌة ألٌة مواد تمثل خطورة على سالمة الركاب والطائرات وأن وفدا‬ ‫من شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى عاد مؤخرا من ألمانٌا بعد تفقد واستالم ‪ 2٧2‬جهاز فحص‬ ‫أشعة من أحدث األنواع فى العالم والتى ال تتواجد بمعظم المطاراتوتشمل أجهزة فحص‬ ‫مفرقعات وكشف السوائل والمواد المخدرة وأٌة محظورات‪.‬‬ ‫وقال‪" :‬جاءت األجهزة فى شحنتٌن كبٌرتٌن األولى ضمت ‪ 15‬جهازا والثانٌة ‪ 29‬جهازا‬ ‫بٌنما سٌتم قرٌبا استالم ‪ 40‬جهاز مسح ذرى لرصد أٌة مواد أو أبخرة أو آثار متفجرات‬ ‫على مالبس أو جسم أو حقائب الركاب وهو من أحدث األجهزة فى العالم وذلك من أجل‬ ‫إحالل وتجدٌد كل األجهزة الموجودة فى مطار القاهرة وذلك فى إطار خطة الستخدام أحدث‬ ‫أجهزة فى العالم فور إنتاجها وهذه الصفقة تتكلف حوالى ‪ 282‬ملٌون جنٌه"‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫باألسماء‪ 3 ..‬مصابٌن فً اقتحام كمٌن مطار القاهرة‬ ‫نٌرة عبد العزٌز‬

‫انتقل فرٌق من نٌابة النزهة برئاسة المستشار شرٌف معتز لمعاٌنة‬ ‫موقع اقتحام سٌارة لكمٌن طرٌق الصالة الموسمٌة بمطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬ما‬ ‫أسفر عن إصابة ضابطٌن وأمٌن شرطة‪ ،‬وأمرت بسرعة إجراء تحرٌات‬ ‫المباحث حول الواقعة‪.‬‬ ‫وجاءت أسماء المصابٌن كاآلتً‪" :‬المقدم حازم فوزي عبد العزٌز‪ ،‬والمالزم‬ ‫أول كرٌم محمد‪ ،‬وأمٌن شرطة بدر مدنً"‪.‬‬ ‫إخطارا باصطدام سٌارة تستقلها سائحة وسائق لصدادات‬ ‫تلقت نٌابة النزهة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫كمٌن طرٌق الصالة الموسمٌة بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬نتٌجة السرعة الزائدة‪ ،‬ما أسفر‬ ‫عن اصطدامها بالخدمات المعٌنة فً الكمٌن‪ ،‬ونتج عن ذلك إصابة ضابطً‬ ‫شرطة‪ ،‬وأمٌن شرطة‪ ،‬وسائق السٌارة‪.‬‬ ‫وتم نقلهم إلى مستشفى الشرطة بمدٌنة نصر لتلقً العالج‪ ،‬وتحرر المحضر‬ ‫الالزم وتولت النٌابة التحقٌق‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫النٌابة تعاٌن موقع اقتحام سٌارة لكمٌن فً مطار القاهرة‬ ‫حسام التمساح‬

‫انتقل فرٌق من نٌابة النزهة‪ ،‬برئاسة المستشار شرٌف معتز‪ ،‬الٌوم األربعاء‪،‬‬ ‫لمعاٌنة موقع اقتحام سٌارة لكمٌن طرٌق الصالة الموسمٌة بمطار‬ ‫القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬ما أسفر عن إصابة ضابطٌن‪ ،‬وأمٌن شرطة‪ ،‬وأمرت بسرعة‬ ‫إجراء تحرٌات المباحث حول الواقعة‪.‬‬ ‫وحصلت "البوابة نٌوز" على أسماء المصابٌن وهم كل من المقدم حازم فوزي‬ ‫عبدالعزٌز‪ ،‬والمالزم أول كرٌم محمد‪ ،‬وأمٌن شرطة بدر مدنً‪.‬‬ ‫كانت تلقت نٌابة النزهة إخطارا باصطدام سٌارة تستقلها سائحة وسائق‬ ‫لصدادات كمٌن طرٌق الصالة الموسمٌة بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬نتٌجة السرعة الزائدة‪،‬‬ ‫مما أسفر عن اصطدامها بالخدمات المعٌنة فً الكمٌن‪ ،‬ونتج عن‬ ‫ذلك إصابةضابطٌن شرطة وأمٌن شرطة وسائق السٌارة‪.‬‬ ‫تم نقلهم إلى مستشفى الشرطة فً مدٌنة نصر لتلقى العالج‪ ،‬تحرر المحضر‬ ‫الالزم وتولت النٌابة التحقٌق‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫نٌابة النزهة تعاٌن موقع تصادم سٌارة بكمٌن مطار القاهرة‬ ‫هبة خلٌفة‬

‫توجه فرٌق من نٌابة النزهة‪ ،‬برئاسة المستشار شرٌف معتز‪،‬‬ ‫الٌوم‪ ،‬لمعاٌنة موقع اقتحام سٌارة لكمٌن طرٌق الصالة الموسمٌة‬ ‫بمطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬ما أسفر عن إصابة ضابطٌن‪ ،‬وأمٌن‬ ‫شرطة‪ ،‬وأمرت بسرعة إجراء تحرٌات المباحث حول الواقعة‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫إخطارا باصطدام سٌارة تستقلها سائحة‬ ‫وورد إلى نٌابة النزهة‬ ‫وسائق لصدادات كمٌن طرٌق الصالة الموسمٌة بمطار القاهرة‪،‬‬ ‫بسبب السرعة الزائدة‪ ،‬ونتج عن ذلك إصابة ضابطٌن شرطة‬ ‫وأمٌن شرطة وسائق السٌارة‪ .‬تم نقلهم إلى مستشفى الشرطة فً‬ ‫مدٌنة نصر لتلقى العالج‪ ،‬تحرر محضر بالواقعة‪ ،‬وتولت النٌابة‬ ‫التحقٌق‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫األردنٌة تنقل رحالتها إلى مبنى مطار القاهرة الجدٌد األربعاء‬ ‫القادم‬ ‫محمد عبدالناصر‬

‫تبدأ شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى األربعاء القادم فى زٌارة شركات الطٌران العاملة بالمبنى‬ ‫رقم ‪ 2‬بإنتقال رحالت الخطوط األردنٌة إلى المبنى واإلستعداد لنقل رحالت‬ ‫الخطوط السعودٌة فى ‪ 18‬نوفمبر الحالى ضمن خطة لنقل ‪ 15‬شركة طٌران للمبنى ‪..‬‬ ‫صرح " أٌمن القرش " ممثل الخطوط األردنٌة فى لجنة شركات الطٌران‬ ‫العاملة بمطار القاهرة الٌوم األربعاء ‪" :‬بحثنا مع مسئولى شركة المٌناء إجراءات إنتقال‬ ‫رحالت الخطوط األردنٌة إلى مبنى الركاب رقم ‪ 2‬من خالل تخصٌص مكاتب للشركة ونقل‬ ‫األجهزة والمعدات حٌث تنظم الخطوط األردنٌة أربع رحالت ٌومٌا وسط حجم حركة كبٌر‬ ‫بٌن مصر واألردن وأن الخطوط األردنٌة حرٌصة على توفٌر كل اإلمكانٌات لراحة ركابها‬ ‫وتم إبالغ الركاب فى مكاتب المبٌعات على أن تكون رحالت السفر والوصول من مبنى‬ ‫رقم ‪ 2‬بداٌة من ‪ 9‬نوفمبر القادم"‪.‬‬ ‫فى نفس السٌاق بدأت الخطوط الجوٌة السعودٌة والخطوط العمانٌة وطٌران الخلٌج‬ ‫إجراءات تمهٌدا لنقل رحالتهما إلى مبنى الركاب رقم ‪ 2‬خالل نوفمبر الحالى ضمن خطة‬ ‫وضعتها شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى لنقل حوالى ‪ 15‬شركة طٌران من مبنى الركاب رقم‬ ‫‪ 1‬إلى مبنى رقم ‪ 2‬الذى تم تشغٌله ‪ 28‬سبتمبر الماضى برحالت الكوٌتٌة وطٌران‬ ‫الجزٌرة وذلك عقب اإلنتهاء من تطوٌره وتوسعته لتصل طاقته اإلستٌعابٌة إلى ‪٧,5‬‬ ‫ملٌون راكب سنوٌا لتزٌد طاقة المطار اإلجمالٌة إلى ‪ 30‬ملٌون راكب سنوٌا وبقٌمة‬ ‫إستثمارٌة ‪ 3,4‬ملٌار جنٌه حٌث ٌحتوى على ‪ 28‬كوبرى تحمٌل‪ ،‬وعدد كاونترات‬ ‫الجوازات ‪ ٧8‬كاونترا‪ ،‬كما ٌحتوى المبنى على ‪ 11‬غرفة فندقٌة داخل الدائرة الجمركٌة‬ ‫مجهزة على أعلى مستوى ٌستخدمها الركاب العابرون دون الحاجة للحصول على‬ ‫تأشٌرات دخول لمصر‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫اخبار طٌران السعودٌة ‪―..‬طٌران ناس ― ٌوفر رحالت جوٌة‬ ‫بعرض خٌالً بقٌمة ‪ 5‬لاير‬ ‫اخبار طٌران السعودٌة ‪―..‬طٌران ناس ― ٌوفر رحالت جوٌة بعرض خٌالً بقٌمة‬ ‫‪ 5‬لاير‬ ‫اخبار طٌران السعودٌة ‪―..‬طٌران ناس ― ٌوفر رحالت جوٌة بعرض خٌالً بقٌمة‬ ‫‪ 5‬لاير‬ ‫أعلنت شركة ‖طٌران ناس عن عرض رحالت وتقدٌم عروض خٌالٌة بأقل‬ ‫االسعار حٌث أوضحت أن الرحالت ٌصل تكلفتها بقمة ‪ 5‬لاير للرحلة ‪.‬‬ ‫وقد قال وأوضح ‖طٌران ناس ― عن رحالته الجدٌدة أن الرحالت المشار إالٌها‬ ‫سوف تنقل م مطار أبها إالً مطارات المنطقة الجنوبٌة مشٌراً بان الشركة تهدف‬ ‫إلً تكثٌف تواجدها فً المنطقة من خالل عدد من الرحالت من مطار أبها الً‬ ‫عدد من الدول المجاورة ‪.‬‬ ‫حٌث أضافت مجموعة من ‖ٌران ناس ‖بأنها تهدف إلً زٌادة رحالتها‬ ‫المستقبلٌة لتكون ‪ 80‬رحلة أسبوعٌة أي بشكل أسبوعً من وإي مطار أبها‬ ‫المحوري ‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت وأوضحت أنها سوف تكثف رحالتها من مطار أبها المحوري ومطارات‬ ‫المنطقة الجنوبٌة تتكلف ب ‪ 5‬لاير وتستمر لمدة ‪ 5‬أٌام ‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

Saudi plane in Cairo airport landing drama A Saudi plane from Dammam was forced to make an emergency landing at Cairo airport after it suffered brake failure on Tuesday. Sources at Cairo’s International Airport said the crew of the troubled flight 123 contacted them reporting the failure of the braking system, the news website Sabq online reported. The airport staff declared a state of emergency on the runway, but the plane landed safely. The aircraft was later repaired, the sources added.

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Air France names new CEO Air France-KLM has appointed Franck Terner, who is currently Air France-KLM EVP engineering and maintenance, as the next CEO of Air France. In a statement dated Nov. 3, but released to the group’s website on Nov. 2, the Franco-Dutch airline group confirmed the anticipated leadership change. Terner will succeed Frédéric Gagey, who will in turn become Air France-KLM CFO, replacing Pierre-François Riolacci whose departure was announced in July. ―The Air France-KLM and Air France boards of directors met today [Nov. 2] and decided to change the group's governance, to support the implementation of the Trust Together project and to enhance the decision-making process. The functions of chairman and CEO of Air France are now separate, and Jean-Marc Janaillac, chairman of Air France-KLM has also been appointed chairman of Air France,‖ Air France-KLM said. Terner joined Air France in 1988 as a Concorde production engineer. He then worked his way through a series of maintenance roles, becoming head of aircraft maintenance at Air France subsidiary Regional in 2002. From here, he became EVP-operations and support at Regional and, in 2008, he became COO of Regional. In 2010, Terner was appointed Air France Industries VP and, since July 1, 2013, he has been Air France-KLM EVP-engineering and maintenance.


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(2) ―I have complete faith in the qualities of Franck Terner to accelerate the transformation and growth of Air France, and mobilize all the company's energy around the success of the Trust Together project. Franck Terner has spent his entire career in the group, which he knows perfectly. He will be an excellent leader for Air France staff. He has a results-oriented culture and wide experience of social dialogue, which gives him everything he needs to succeed in his mission to serve the growth of Air France and the restoration of trust,‖ Janaillac said. Terner joined Air France in 1988 as a Concorde production engineer. He then worked his way through a series of maintenance roles, becoming head of aircraft maintenance at Air France subsidiary Regional in 2002. From here, he became EVP-operations and support at Regional and, in 2008, he became COO of Regional. In 2010, Terner was appointed Air France Industries VP and, since July 1, 2013, he has been Air France-KLM EVP-engineering and maintenance. ―I have complete faith in the qualities of Franck Terner to accelerate the transformation and growth of Air France, and mobilize all the company's energy around the success of the Trust Together project. Franck Terner has spent his entire career in the group, which he knows perfectly. He will be an excellent leader for Air France staff. He has a results-oriented culture and wide experience of social dialogue, which gives him everything he needs to succeed in his mission to serve the growth of Air France and the restoration of trust,‖ Janaillac said. Air France-KLM is expected to release its third quarter results and its new Trust Together strategy on Nov. 3.

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Lufthansa Group posts strong 3Q despite pricing pressures The Lufthansa Group has reported a third-quarter net profit of €1.42 billion ($1.6 billion) up 79% from a net income of €794 million in 3Q 2015, as the Group stabilizes in a difficult market environment. Third-quarter revenue decreased 1.2% to €8.8 billion year-over-year (YOY), resulting in an adjusted EBIT of €1.1 billion for the quarter, down 6.3% YOY. Traffic revenue fell 3.7% YOY on continued pricing pressures on the passenger and cargo sides. Constant currency unit costs, adjusted for fuel and non-recurring effects, declined 2.1%. Lufthansa Group CEO Carsten Spohr said: ―We are responding to the pricing pressures in the air transport sector with consistent capacity and cost discipline … Our business is diversified and robust. And we are confident to reach last year’s good results’ level also for the full year 2016.‖ Spohr told journalists during a conference call that the Group’s multihub structure (Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich and Vienna) enabled the company to be flexible to counteract the difficult market environment. The Lufthansa Group’s nine-month net profit was up 5.9% to €1.9 million. ―We reduced investments by 20% in the first nine months of 2016. Lufthansa will invest a total of €2.5 billion in 2016,‖ Spohr said. Revenue for the nine-month period was €23.9 billion, down 1.8% yearover-year (YOY). Nine-month earnings EBIT for the Group was €2.3 billion, up 40% YOY. For 2017, Spohr said investments will be €2.7 billion; for 2018 and 2019 the number will be reduced to €2.2 billion to continue its largest fleetinvestment program. He said Lufthansa was able to reduce investments by €300 million (annually) in 2018 and 2019 by delaying deliveries of Airbus A320neo and Bombardier CSeries aircraft. ―In 2016, we took delivery of a new aircraft every week,‖ he said.

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(2) For the first nine months, the Passenger Airline Group achieved an operating profit of €1.4 billion, up €56 million YOY. The adjusted EBIT for Lufthansa Passenger Airlines (as a standalone entity) increased by €179 million to €955 million, with an 8.1% margin for the period, ―by consistently eliminating loss-making routes,‖ Lufthansa said. Subsidiary Austrian Airlines raised its nine-month adjusted EBIT by €18 million, while Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) recorded a €46 million decline in its adjusted EBIT. Eurowings posted an operating loss of €35 million for the first nine months, compared to a €60 million profit for the same period last year. Revenues were up 7.5% to €1.6 billion, but the airline also incurred sizeable startup and development costs, along with a substantial decline in yields and strong competition, Lufthansa said. Spohr said Lufthansa wants to grow further through global partnerships and drive consolidation within Europe via its Eurowings platform. ―The expansion of the Eurowings Group is progressing well, thanks to the planned wet-lease agreement with airberlin and our planned full acquisition of Brussels Airlines. This would make Eurowings number three in European point-topoint traffic, less than two years since its launch,‖ Spohr said. Lufthansa Cargo saw its nine-month revenues decline 15.9% to €1.5 billion in the face of strong pricing pressures. The company posted an operating loss of €69 million, down €104 million on the prior-year period. Spohr told ATW the winter season remains one of the most challenging periods for airlines. ―That’s why we will ground one additional MD-11 freighter from Lufthansa Cargo after the Christmas season. Also, our three grounded A340-600s remained parked,‖ he said.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

(3) The Lufthansa Group recently raised its earnings forecast for the full year 2016—in view of the encouraging developments in shortterm bookings at the end of the 3Q—to an adjusted EBIT of ―slightly above‖ the previous year’s level of €1.8 billion. The Group will also be slowing capacity growth for its passenger airlines by a further percentage point in the fourth-quarter to help further stabilize the pricing environment. ―We slowed down the capacity growth by 5.5% for the entire year so far,‖ Spohr said. Spohr said the Group is looking ahead with confidence to 2017, ―despite the volatility of our business and difficult market environment. We are moving forward; we are making things happen; we are delivering. We will continue to further work on our future viability next year.‖

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

Lufthansa wants same Frankfurt fee terms as Ryanair Irish low-cost carrier (LCC) Ryanair ’s announcement that it plans to start operations from Frankfurt Airport (FRA) next year drew a swift response from Lufthansa Group CEO Carsten Spohr, who called for equal treatment on airport fees. ―Lufthansa and Ryanair are the biggest operators on short-haul routes within Europe. For us, it was no surprise the carrier is coming to Frankfurt. However, we at Lufthansa want to have the same conditions that [Ryanair CEO] Michael [O’Leary] has,‖ Spohr told reporters and analysts during Lufthansa’s thirdquarter conference call. On Nov. 2, the same day that Lufthansa released its Group financial results, Fraport announced Ryanair plans to start operations from Frankfurt from March 2017, making the airport its ninth German base. The LCC plans to base two Boeing 737-800s in Frankfurt and will launch daily routes to Alicante, Malaga and Palma de Mallorca (Spain) as well as to Faro (Portugal), targeting 400,000 passengers annually. It will become the first LCC to operate from Frankfurt. Fraport CEO Stefan Schulte said in a statement, ―Ryanair’s decision to come to FRA underscores the increasing importance of Frankfurt for low-cost traffic.‖ Fraport said the cooperation with Ryanair was ―predicated on long-term growth of the airline at Frankfurt Airport. The basis of this cooperation will be formed by meeting the special requirements of low-cost airlines via customized processes and operations, which also facilitate short turnaround times. In the medium term, Fraport will also meet the increasing demand for lowcost offerings by adapting passenger and terminal processes accordingly.‖


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(2) Reports circulated that potential new tariffs could reduce fees for some airlines flying from Frankfurt by as much as 40%. But Lufthansa’s Spohr said he could not imagine oversight authorities would approve different charges for different airlines at Frankfurt. He pointed out that Lufthansa LCC subsidiary Eurowings did not receive special fees. He also said that most likely other airlines, such as Germany-based leisure carrier Condor or airberlin would also ask for similar benefits if Ryanair gets special treatment. Ryanair CCO David O’Brien said, ―We look forward to working closely with Fraport to deliver industry-leading efficiencies and further growth at Germany’s biggest airport.‖ ATW understands LCCs have accounted for only about 4% of passenger traffic at FRA. Ryanair, which has a total of 85 bases, also has a base at Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, which is located 100 km from the city of Frankfurt.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

Lufthansa Group reports good nine-month results in a challenging market environment January to September 2016 • Adjusted EBIT of EUR 1,677m close to prior-year level • Adjusted unit costs down 2.1 per cent • Successful steering and capacity measures limit unit revenue decline • Lufthansa Passenger Airlines, Austrian Airlines and LSG above prior-year levels • Financial stability further strengthened Outlook • Full-year Adjusted EBIT approximately on previous year’s level • Eurowings developing into European consolidation platform • Successful steering and capacity measures to continue ―The Lufthansa Group is developing with stability in a difficult market environment,‖ says Carsten Spohr, Chairman of the Executive Board & CEO of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. ―We are responding to the pricing pressures in the air transport sector with consistent capacity and cost discipline. Our three-pillar strategy – our premium network airlines, our successful dual brand Eurowings and our world-leading service companies – is reaping its rewards. Our business is diversified and robust. And we are confident to reach last year’s good results’ level also for the full year 2016.‖ ―We are building on this position of strength to grow further through global partnerships and drive the consolidation within Europe via our Eurowings platform. The expansion of the Eurowings Group is progressing well, thanks to the planned wet-lease agreement with Air Berlin and our planned full acquisition of Brussels Airlines. This would make Eurowings the Number Three in European in point-topoint traffic, less than two years since its launch. Following our successful new joint-venture agreement with Air China, we have now secured our position in all the key long-haul markets for the longterm. This will sustainably support our revenue development.‖


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(2) Passenger volumes were up for the period, but traffic revenues fell by 4.2 per cent in the face of continued pricing pressures on both the passenger and the cargo front. Total revenue for the Lufthansa Group for the nine months of January to September 2016 amounted to EUR 23.9 billion, a 1.8 per cent decline from the same period last year. Adjusted EBIT, which is the key indicator for the Group’s economic success, amounted to EUR 1,677 million for the period – 0.9 per cent down on the record prior year but with a stable Adjusted EBIT margin. Adjusted EBIT for the third-quarter period declined 6.3 per cent to EUR 1,148 million. The earnings trends reflect substantial declines in unit revenues and further improved unit costs. Constant currency unit revenues declined 5.8 per cent in the January-to-September period. Prices remain under strong competitive pressure on transatlantic routes, in particular to and from South America. In the Asia business, the increase in individual bookings did not yet fully offset the substantial decline in group bookings. In the European hub traffic, by contrast, revenues remained relatively stable. The pressure on prices eased somewhat in the traditionally strong month of September, thanks in particular to a good short-term booking development of corporate customers. Moreover, Lufthansa slowed its capacity growth and successfully intensified promoting its Premium Economy product. The Lufthansa Group also made structural progress on the cost. Constant currency unit costs, adjusted for fuel and non-recurring effects, declined by 2.1 per cent. Fuel costs were EUR 798 million lower than they had been in the prior-year period. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) for the Lufthansa Group amounted to EUR 2,330 million, substantially above the Adjusted EBIT result. The conversion of retirement and transitional payments for cabin staff in Germany from a defined-benefit to a definedcontribution system resulted in the release of EUR 713 million of provisions to the income statement. Since EBIT results for the prioryear period had also included non-recurring income of EUR 503 million deriving from the conversion of the JetBlue bond, however, the nine-month net group result after taxes saw only a 5.9 per cent improvement to EUR 1,851 million.

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(3) The Lufthansa Group further enhanced its financial stability in the third quarter. Pension liabilities declined. Net indebtedness also showed a further decline. As a result, the equity ratio rose from the 10.4 per cent at half-year to 14.1 per cent. Due the low-interest-rate policy, the pension liabilities still remain on the high level of EUR 10.5 billion. The reduction of the actuarial interest rate from 2.8 per cent at the end of 2015 to 1.5 per cent by the end of September has added almost EUR 4 billion to pension provision in this year alone Stable development at the Passenger Airline Group The passenger airlines have been instrumental in the stable results of the Lufthansa Group this year. For the first nine months, the Passenger Airline Group achieved an operating profit of EUR 1,406 million, EUR 56 million more than for the prior-year period. Lufthansa Passenger Airlines remains the driving force raising its Adjusted EBIT by EUR 179 million to EUR 955 million for the period. This equates to a margin improvement by 1.8 percentage points to 8.1 per cent particularly by consistently eliminating loss-making routes. Austrian Airlines raised its nine-month Adjusted EBIT by EUR 18 million, while Swiss recorded a EUR 46 million decline in its Adjusted EBIT. Swiss is currently seeing its business performance burdened by the strength of the Swiss franc but remains the Group’s most profitable airline with an Adjusted EBIT margin of 9.8 per cent. Eurowings posted an operating loss of EUR 35 million for the first nine months, a decline of EUR 95 million on the prior-year period. Revenues were up 7.5 per cent to EUR 1.6 billion; but the airline also incurred sizeable start-up and development costs, along with a substantial decline in yields, especially in its Southern European business. The cumulative contribution from the Lufthansa Group’s holdings in SunExpress and Brussels Airlines were EUR 48 million down on the previous year. SunExpress is currently operating in a particularly difficult market; Brussels Airlines suffered substantial losses following the Brussels Airport terrorist attacks.

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(3) Lufthansa Cargo saw its nine-month revenues decline 15.9 per cent to EUR 1.5 billion in the face of strong pricing pressures. The company posted an operating loss of EUR 69 million, EUR 104 million down on the prior-year period. The air cargo business remains under pricing pressure. But September was Lufthansa Cargo’s best month of 2016 by far, raising the prospect of better business trends until year-end. Nine-month result at Lufthansa Technik was down EUR 32 million, though this still represents a margin of 9.6 per cent. The LSG Group posted a nine-month Adjusted EBIT of EUR 80 million, a EUR 4 million improvement on on January-to-September 2015. Improved full-year outlook The Lufthansa Group recently raised its earnings forecast for the full year 2016. The Group now expects to report an Adjusted EBIT approximately on previous year’s level. The Lufthansa Group posted an Adjusted EBIT of EUR 1,817 million for 2015. The forecast has been primarily raised in view of the encouraging developments in short-term bookings at the end of the third-quarter period. In addition to stable corporate travel volumes, the actions taken to steer capacities and revenues are also increasingly reaping rewards. The Lufthansa Group will be slowing the capacity growth at its passenger airlines by a further percentage point in the fourthquarter period to help further stabilize the pricing environment. The Group now expects to see constant currency unit revenues to decline by 7 to 8 per cent in the fourth quarter, compared to a projection of 8 to 9 per cent three months ago

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(4) Constant currency unit costs excluding fuel are expected to fall 2 to 3 per cent and fuel costs to decline by EUR 140 million. For the Group’s other business segments (Lufthansa Cargo, Lufthansa Technik, LSG and Others) cumulative earnings slightly below the same period last year are expected for the fourth quarter. In addition to its beneficial impact on the balance sheet, the switch of Lufthansa cabin personnel’s retirement and transitional payment schemes to a defined-contributions system should reduce annual costs by about EUR 60 million at current interest rate levels from 2017 onwards. ―Despite the volatility of our business and despite the difficult market environment, we are looking ahead with confidence to 2017,‖ Carsten Spohr concludes. ―We are moving forward; we are making things happen; we are delivering. We will continue to further work on our future viability also next year.‖

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QATAR AIRWAYS LAUNCHES NEW GIORGIO ARMANI BEAUTY AND FRAGRANCES AMENITY BAGS FOR BUSINESS CLASS PASSENGERS Qatar Airways, in partnership with Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances, has today launched its newly designed range of luxurious Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances Business Class amenity kits, completing the stylish new range of bags for the airline’s premium passengers. Complementing the recently launched Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances First Class amenity kits, the Business Class bags share similar style inspirations and are designed in Giorgio Armani’s timeless black and gold accents reflecting the latest Giorgio Armani collection. Ladies travelling with Qatar Airways will receive a stylish Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances amenity kit that doubles as a make-up or jewellery bag post-flight, while gentlemen receive a smart travel bag made with a ribbed fabric that reflects the latest trends in male style and luxury. As part of a collection exclusive to Qatar Airways, the Business Class amenity kits will debut on the award-winning airline’s A380 long-haul and ultra-long haul flights, from today. The new amenity kits are to be progressively rolled out fleet-wide on the airline’s long haul flights. Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency, Mr. Akbar Al Baker, said: ―Qatar Airways and Giorgio Armani share a strong partnership in providing our travellers with unrivalled levels of style, comfort and luxury. The new Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances amenity kits not only provide our passengers with luxurious essentials to use throughout their travels, but the stylish bags also act as a memento of our journey together.


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(2) ―From one of the world’s most awarded Business Class cabins, to signature dishes created by famous chefs served by our awardwinning cabin crew, the new Giorgio Armani travel kits complement an unrivalled Business Class experience and a journey that our passengers will remember forever.― The latest amenity kits by Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances mark the beginning of a number of changes to the airline’s premium product range for Business Class passengers Ladies travelling with Qatar Airways will receive a stylish Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances amenity kit that doubles as a make-up or jewellery bag post-flight The newly designed kits continue to provide the luxury products desired by Qatar Airways’ premium customers. The Business Class Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances amenity kit includes a SÍ Lotion (75ml) and SÍ EDT (7ml). The Business Class male amenity kits feature ACQUA DI GIO EDT (5ml) and ACQUA DI GIO EDT after shave balm (75ml). Both amenity kits include a comfort bag consisting of lip balm from Rituals, socks, eyeshades and ear plugs while the ladies kit also includes a hair brush. Qatar Airways Business Class was named World’s Best Business Class at the prestigious Skytrax 2016 awards, as well as being voted Middle Eastern Airline of the Year by travellers at the Aviation Business Awards, and was voted Best Middle Eastern Airline and Best Business Class at the Business Traveller Awards in London. The latest amenity kits by Giorgio Armani Beauty and Fragrances mark the beginning of a number of changes to the airline’s premium product range for Business Class passengers, with the airline set to reveal an entirely new and revolutionary Business Class seat in early 2017.

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(3) Whether travelling for business or leisure, Business Class customers have access to up to 3,000 entertainment options delivered via Qatar Airways’ award winning in-flight entertainment platform, Oryx One. Passengers travelling to any one of the airline’s 150 destinations will also enjoy one of the industry’s youngest fleets as well as on-demand dining created by Qatar Airways’ group of executive chefs. Qatar Airways chose to premier the new amenity kits on its flagship A380 fleet, on long and ultra-long haul flights. Qatar Airway’s A380 operates between Doha and Paris, London, Guangzhou in China, and now on the daily A380 service to Sydney, Australia. The new amenity kits will progressively roll out to other aircraft types and destinations on long-haul and ultra-long-haul services.

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Emirates Counts Cost of Diversions Caused by Drone Activity Flight diversions and network disruptions due to unauthorised drone activity in the airspace around Dubai International airport (DXB) cost Emirates airline millions of dirhams on each occasion, and impact thousands of passengers. Adel Al Redha, Emirates’ Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer said: ―Flight diversions and extensive holding are costly. Financial aspects aside, there is huge inconvenience to passengers, and also a negative impact on Emirates’ reputation. Sending an aircraft to an alternative airport and managing delays to arrivals or departures are not as straightforward as it sounds. There is always a ripple effect on the rest of our hub operations in terms of securing our passengers’ flight connections, ensuring our disrupted customers are cared for, planning the return of aircraft to support other scheduled flights, and a myriad other arrangements to manage the disruption from crew to catering to ground handling.‖ There have been three separate incidents since June this year involving the closure of airspace at DXB due to unauthorised drone activity. Earlier this week (29 October), Dubai International airport was closed for 80 minutes, resulting in the diversion of 22 inbound flights, including 11 operated by Emirates airline.


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(2) The affected Emirates flights diverted to other airports in the UAE, and these aircraft later returned to DXB with delays ranging from 2 to 4 hours. The knock-on effect of the airspace closure impacted two later Emirates flights which also had to be diverted while the world’s busiest international airport worked to restore normal schedules. In addition, other inbound flights were on hold due to airspace congestion and outbound flights were delayed to accommodate connecting passengers after the airspace re-opened. More than 5,000 Emirates passengers were inconvenienced on this occasion alone. In September, DXB was shut down for half an hour because of unauthorised drone activity, resulting in delays to 85 Emirates flight departures, chalking up a cumulative delay of over 57 hours (or an average delay of 40 minutes per flight), affecting thousands of passengers travelling during the morning peak period. In June, the airport was closed to aircraft for more than an hour also because of a drone incursion, resulting in numerous flight delays and diversions, including 13 flight diversions for Emirates alone. Mr Al Redha added: ―Safety is always the number one priority in our business. Ensuring safe flight operations by closing the airspace when there is unauthorised drone activity, or other airspace incursions, is the right thing to do. However, the safety risk from unauthorized drone activity, and the resulting disruption to customers and operations is unacceptable. We request the authorities to take strong measures and impose penalties to discourage future occurrences, and also consider implementing drone detectors at the airport.‖

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Singapore Airlines redirects Houston service via Manchester Singapore Airlines has changed the way its serves the Houston Intercontinental (IAH) market. It used to serve the Texas city via Moscow Domodedovo, but from the start of the W16/17 season on 30 October it now routes the service via Manchester (MAN) instead. The UK city was previously served by the Star Alliance carrier via Munich. The new five times weekly service is operated using 777300s. Speaking in Manchester UK Aviation Minister Lord Ahmad, said: ―It is a pleasure to be in Manchester to mark the inaugural flight between Singapore, Manchester and Houston. Every year nearly 100,000 people fly from the North West to Texas or Singapore – for holiday or for business. Now they can fly directly. Leading academic institutions such as the University of Manchester have also added their welcome and highlighted how this will help strengthen research partnerships in Texas whilst businesses across the North West will now have direct access to the economic engine that is Singapore.‖ Subhas Menon, VP Europe for Singapore Airlines, added: ―Our new non-stop routes to Houston and Singapore from Manchester are the first outside of London to offer travellers more convenient travel to Texas. We are committed to this region and want to continue to develop Singapore Airlines relationship with the people and businesses of the North West. With our partnership with Flybe, these routes are also open to travellers from 11 cities across the UK including Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness‖. Ken O’Toole, CEO of Manchester Airport, said: “


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(2) This new service to Houston with Singapore Airlines will open up a whole new part of America to business and leisure passengers across the North. At a time when capacity in the South is constrained, we are adding more passengers and routes than ever before. Houston and Singapore, along with a wealth of other recent new routes, can only be found at Manchester in the UK outside of London. This underpins the role we play in the North as the global entry point of the Northern Powerhouse and as economic provider and job creator for the region. Furthermore, at a time when there is a lot of uncertainty following the Brexit vote and ties with Europe, this new east and west route connecting America to Manchester and on to Asia, clearly highlights the role we play with connecting the North to international markets, unlocking trade, tourist and economic opportunities. We look forward to working closely with Singapore Airlines to ensure the success of the route and their continued growth from Manchester Airport.‖

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Pilot project speeds cargo transport between Frankfurt and Schiphol A new pilot project between various users of Schiphol airport has sped up the transport of cargo between Germany and the Dutch airport by as much as two hours. As part of the Smart Cargo Mainport Program a data sharing project has been created for shipments between Air France KLM’s Frankfurt facility and Schiphol airport, which speeds up the processing and transport times. Users submit various pieces of data, including Customs information and shipment details, to a central system that allows Schiphol, cargo handlers, truckers, forwarders, shippers, Customs and the airline to plan ahead for the cargo’s arrival. Speaking at Tiaca's Air Cargo Forum, KLM Cargo executive vice president & Martinair Holland managing director Marcel de Nooijer said that although the project was still in the pilot phase, it could save around two hours compared with shipments originating from its Frankfurt facility that are not taking part in the pilot. Eventually, other fast trade lanes could be created. The pilot project is being run by a consortium which brings together all sectors of the supply chain and includes Schiphol Cargo, Jan de Rijk Logistics, Swissport, Kuehne+Nagel, Cargonaut, and Dutch Customs. The information is submitted using a cloud-based system and is automatically verified against the applicable Customs regulations and safety standards.


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(2) ―Not only will this support the exchange of administrative data, it will also facilitate the exchange of status information relating to the shipments,‖ said Schiphol. The pilot project is part of the wider Smart Cargo Mainport Program that brings together the Schiphol cargo community to create supply chain efficiencies. ―This is a tangible innovation push for members of the Schiphol cargo community, aimed at realising efficiencies, reducing costs, and enhancing services,‖ said Jonas van Stekelenburg, head of cargo, Schiphol Cargo. ―The community is putting in the effort, with companies willing to take risks and spend resources, and we are seeing results. ―The insight and learning we are gaining from the programme is open to all Schiphol cargo community members and we are seeking more projects and asking for more innovative ideas.‖ Added de Nooijer: "We constantly have to deliver value in the hypercompetitive airfreight market. ―In the ideal supply chain it is all about co-operation and optimisation of the movement of shipments, both in the air as well as on the ground. Therefore transparency and access to data through digitisation is key. ―The Smart Mainport Program is all about that; to ensure maximum value to our customers and strengthening the ground processes with all stakeholders. That is the power of innovative co-operation."

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(1) Lufthansa's cargo business is in the red Again Lufthansa’s cargo and logistics division has slipped to its sixth quarterly operating loss in a row as market overcapacity and weak demand continued to blight financial performance. The German airline group’s logistics division, which includes Lufthansa Cargo, time:matters and other cargo related businesses, recorded a third quarter earnings before interest and tax (ebit) loss of €17m, although this is an improvement on last year’s €22m loss. The last time the airline group managed to record a quarterly ebit profit was in the first quarter of 2015, making this its sixth quarterly loss in a row.

Meanwhile, revenues for the period declined by 9% year on year to €506m.3

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(2) Lufthansa reported market overcapacity and weak demand and said the revenue decline was also down to pricing pressure. Results were helped by a reduction in segment capital expenditure during the period, which declined by 50% to €5m. ―The air cargo business remains under pricing pressure. But September was Lufthansa Cargo’s best month of 2016 by far, raising the prospect of better business trends until year-end,‖ the airline said. To try and improve the logistics’ division's performance, the airline group has announced plans to reduce staff numbers by 800 worldwide, including a 35% reduction in management numbers, and has laid up two of its MD-11 freighters. As well as cost reduction measures, the cargo airline has launched a new basic cargo offering, added a service aimed at private individuals, will invest in other products, has expanded its partnerships to increase the reach of its network and began selling capacity on sister airline Eurowings, and acquired the full shareholding of urgent logistics firm time:matters. Looking at cargo demand, there was a 1.9% improvement during the quarter to 3.3bn revenue cargo tonne kms (RCTK).

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(3) Meanwhile, available cargo tonne kms increased by the lower amount of 0.3% and as a result the airline’s cargo load factor reached 63.7% compared with 62.7% last year. Lufthansa only provides regional demand data on a year-to-date basis and this revealed that between January and September its Asia-Pacific business has been the best performing with growth of 3.1% to 2.8bn RCTK. Its European business recorded an improvement of 3% to 251m RCTK, the Americas was down 4.9% to 2.6bn RCTK and the Middle East/Africa region slipped 7.6% to 426m RCTK. Meanwhile, the overall airline recorded a 1.2% year-on-year decline in revenues for the third quarter to €8.8bn but net profits were up 79.1% on a year earlier at €1.4bn. For the year-to-date, Lufthansa said lower prices had taken their toll on revenues while profits were up on the back of lower fuel costs and falling unit costs while the sale of JetBlue shares in 2015 had cost around €503m.

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Official opening for Ghana Airport Cargo Centre in Accra Ghana Airport Cargo Centre (GACC), a public private partnership (PPP)-funded facility at Accra’s Kotoka International Airport, saw its grand official opening ceremony attended by John Dramani Mahama, the country’s president. The 10,000 sq m of dedicated cargo warehousing is already handling 50% of the local air cargo market, having contracts with carriers such as Cargolux, Brussels Airlines, DHL, Turkish Airlines and KLM. Air Ghana, a privately owned cargo airline, offered debt financing in a PPP to build the complex which will promote Accra as a regional hub for Africa. Air Ghana chief executive Marwan Traboulsi told the audience at the opening ceremony: ―What we are witnessing today is not just a completion of an outstanding construction project but also the demonstration of how infrastructural development can be achieved through the delivery vehicle of public-private partnership. ―It is indeed heart-warming to see the completion of the first ever PPP project within the aviation industry in Ghana. We believe this project has laid down the foundations for others to emulate and partner the public sector in the provision of infrastructure and other facilities required for the socio-economic development of the country.― Traboulsi continued: ―The off-balance sheet financing provided by the PPP arrangement will make it possible for more projects to be delivered without further straining the public purse and resources whilst creating the environment for the private sector to expand and grow.‖


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(2) Air Ghana and the Ghana Airport Co completed the construction project of the new terminal in just 19 months, allowing tenant Swissport Ghana Ltd to begin managing cargo handling operations in March of this year, using the cargo handling space which has been supplemented by 9,000 sq m of offices. The facility has a fully automated storage and retrieval system accommodating 2,000 pallet positions, a mini-shipment tower for small packages, two cold stores, a temperature controlled area, a bullion store, an X-ray scanner and CCTV monitoring. President Mahama said that the centre ―was yet another testimony of the systematic growth of the aviation industry in Ghana‖. GACC has, he stated: ―Cemented Ghana as the aviation hub of West Africa and that the operations of the facility would have a positive impact on the local economy.‖ Christian Zweifel, Swissport Ghana’s chief executive, expressed his thanks to the Ghanaian government for bringing air cargo handling at Kotoka airport, 10 km from Accra city centre, to ―the next level‖. Zweifel added: ―We also would like to praise GACC, our partners in this venture, who have made all this possible, realising the potential and opportunity of the Accra Airport to become a regional hub and leader for the provision of aviation services in the sub-region.‖ The Swissport executive also praised the ―recent bold decision‖ by the Ghanaian government to embark on the Ghana National Single Window programme, which has led to ―simpler and faster clearing times‖. Zweifel continued: ―I would like to ensure you that our facilities will provide the needed infrastructural support to assist in making Ghana the destination port for trade business in our sub-region. ―We are confident that more airlines will opt for our quality infrastructure and services in the near future.‖ The ultra-modern offices have air conditioning, panoramic lifts, energy saving LED lighting, on-site banking facilities, full high-speed fibre internet, solar water heaters and an in-house water filtration plant.

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Logistics Plus expands in East Africa Logistics Plus has expanded its presence in east Africa with four new locations in Nairobi and Mombasa in Kenya, Kampala in Uganda and Juba in South Sudan. The expansion will allow the US-headquartered supply chain specialist to provide additional logistics and warehousing throughout the entire east Africa corridor, including Burundi, Tanzania, Somalia, and the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Among the highlighted capabilities of the Logistics Plus network are 1,300 trucks in east Africa, all fitted with tracking devices for real-time positioning. It also has Customs clearance licenses in all countries, 90,000 sq ft of warehousing space in Nairobi and licenses to operate its own aircraft. ―These expanded capabilities in east Africa provide a nice complement to our already extensive presence in northern Africa and the Middle East,‖ said Jim Berlin, founder and chief executive of Logistics Plus. ―The east Africa community is an integral part of the African economy. Lin Siew Hua, our director of operations and business development for the Middle East and Africa, and her entire team, have been doing a great job representing and expanding the Logistics Plus banner and our trademark services to these important and developing areas of the world.‖

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران‬

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