EGYPTAIR News 5 Dec 2018

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‫األربعاء‬ ‫٘ ‪ٕٓٔ8/ٕٔ/‬‬

‫تأخر إقالع ٖ رحالت دولٌة بالمطار ألعمال الصٌانة وظروف التشغٌل‬ ‫كتب احمد مصطفً ‪ -‬رحاب نبٌل‬

‫شهدت حركة الطٌران بمطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬صباح الٌوم األربعاء‪ ،‬تأخر إقالع ٖ رحالت دولٌة أكثر من ساعة عن‬ ‫موعد اإلقالع المقرر لها بجدول التشغٌل بسبب أعطال فنٌة وظروف التشغٌل‪ ،‬والغاء إقالع رحلة لعدم جدواها‬ ‫إقتصادٌا لقلة الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وأفاد مصدر مالحً بالمطار‪ ،‬أن سلطات المطار تلقت إخطار من الشركة المصرٌة العالمٌة للطٌران بإلغاء إقالع‬ ‫رحلتها ٘ٓ‪ 9‬المتجهة إلى جدة لعدم جدواها إقتصادٌا لقلة الركاب‪ ،‬مشٌرا إلى أنه تم التنسٌق لسفر الركاب على متن‬ ‫رحالت طٌران أخري‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف المصدر أن رحلة الخطوط المغربٌة ٖ‪ ٕ7‬المتجهة إلى كازابالنكا تأخرت ساعتٌن لعطل فنً وتم إصالح‬ ‫العطل واكلمت الطائرة رحلتها‪ ،‬كما تأخرت رحلة مصر للطٌران ‪ 9ٓ7‬المتجهة إلى بٌروت ساعة لظروف التشغٌل‪،‬‬ ‫وتأخر إقالع الرحلة ‪ 879‬المتجهة إلى نٌجٌرٌا ساعة ونصف لظروف التشغٌل‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌبحث مع وزٌر التجارة األٌرلندى تسٌ​ٌر رحالت الشارتر لتشجٌع السٌاحة‬ ‫كتب أحمد حمادة‬

‫التقى الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى ‪ ،‬وزٌر الطٌران المدنى بمقر الوزارة الٌوم الثالثاء ‪ ،‬بات برٌن ‪ ،‬وزٌر التجارة‬ ‫األٌرلندى والوفد المرافق له والذى ٌضم خبراء من مجاالت مختلفة بأٌرلندا‪.‬‬ ‫وخالل اللقاء استعرض وزٌر الطٌران مع نظٌره اإلٌرلندي ‪،‬تعزٌز العالقات الثنائٌة بٌن البلدٌن فى مجاالت الطٌران‬ ‫المختلفة ‪ ،‬وبخاصة مجال اِدارة المطارات والتدرٌب وتأجٌر وصٌانة الطائرات خاصة أن اٌرلندا من أكبر الدول فى‬ ‫هذا المجال على مستوى العالم باالضافة الى مجال ادارة االسواق الحرة حٌث لدى اٌرلندا خبرة كبٌره فى مجال‬ ‫االسواق الحرة‬ ‫وناقش الوزٌران ‪ ،‬دراسة تدشٌن خط طٌران مباشر بٌن القاهرة و دبلن كما بحثا إمكانٌة تسٌ​ٌر رحالت شارتر‬ ‫لتشجٌع السٌاحة الوافدة الى مصر من اٌرلندا وخاصة سٌاحة ا ْل ٌَ ْو َم الواحد باستخدام مطار سفنكس لزٌارة المعالم‬ ‫السٌاحٌة واألثرٌة بمنطقة أهرام الجٌزة وسقارة والسٌما انه سٌتم افتتاح المتحف الكبٌر لآلثار خالل عام ٕٕٓٓ ‪.‬‬ ‫كما أطلع الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى ‪ ،‬الوزٌر اإلٌرلندي ‪ ،‬على المشروعات المستقبلٌه التى ٌقوم بها قطاع الطٌران‬ ‫المدنى المصرى والمزاٌا التً تمنحها الوزارة للمستثمرٌن األجانب مؤكداً على حرصه الشدٌد على تعزٌز آلٌات‬ ‫التعاون بٌن البلدٌن‪ ،‬واتفقا الجانبان على وضع خطة مستقبلٌة وتبادل الوفود بٌن البلدٌن فً الفترة القادمة لبحث‬ ‫مشروعات التعاون وزٌادة فرص االستثمار بٌن مصر وإٌرلندا وبخاصة فى مجال الطٌران المدنً‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫مصدر بمطار القاهرة‪ :‬إقبال كبٌر على مبادرة الرئٌس للقضاء على «فٌروس سً»‬

‫كتب‪ :‬أيمن حمزة‬

‫كشف مصدر مسؤول بإدارة الحجر الصحً بمطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬عن استمرار مبادرة الرئٌس للقضاء على‬ ‫نظرا لإلقبال‬ ‫"فٌروس سً" بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬مؤكدًا نجاح المبادرة بداٌة من الدقائق األولى النطالقها أمس‪ً ،‬‬ ‫الجماهٌري الذي شهدته المبادرة‪ ،‬تحت إشراف الدكتور محمد شوقً رئٌس قطاع الصحة بالقاهرة‪ ،‬والدكتور حازم‬ ‫حسٌن مدٌر الحجر الصحً بالمطار وآخرون‪.‬‬ ‫وأعلنت وزارة الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬مشاركتها رسمٌا فً مبادرة الرئٌس عبد الفتاح السٌسً تحت عنوان "ٓ​ٓٔ ملٌون‬ ‫اعتبارا من أمس‪ ،‬للقضاء على "فٌروس سً" والكشف عن األمراض غٌر السارٌة‪ ،‬من خالل الكشف على‬ ‫صحة"‬ ‫ً‬ ‫العاملٌن بالوزارة وشركاتها التابعة لها‪ ،‬بالتنسٌق مع وزارة الصحة والسكان‪ ،‬فً إطار اهتمام وزارة الطٌران‬ ‫المدنً بالرعاٌة الصحٌة والعالجٌة للعاملٌن بقطاع الطٌران‪ ،‬واالطمئنان على صحتهم بشكل دائم‪.‬‬ ‫وأشاد الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬فً تصرٌحات سابقة‪ ،‬أمس‪ ،‬بالتعاون المثمر والتنسٌق الفعال‬ ‫بٌن الوزارتٌن وتواجد مجموعة من فرق العمل الطبٌة المتكاملة من وزارة الصحة بمقر وزارة الطٌران المدنً؛‬ ‫تٌسٌرا علٌهم واالطمئنان على صحتهم حتى ٌتسنى لهم العمل بشكل أمثل داخل‬ ‫إلجراء الكشف على العاملٌن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫منظومة الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح المصري أن هذه المبادرة تسهم فً نشر الوعً الصحً لدى العاملٌن‪ ،‬وتعرٌفهم باألعراض المبدئٌة‬ ‫وتوجٌههم بطرق العالج والوقاٌة من تلك األمراض واألوبئة خاصة المعدٌة منها‪.‬‬ ‫وتعد وزارة الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬من أولى الوزارات التً بدأت فً تطبٌق وتفعٌل هذه المبادرة‪ ،‬ومن المقرر أن تستمر‬ ‫هذه الحملة بالكشف على العاملٌن داخل الوزارة لمدة أسبوعٌن‪ ،‬تحت إشراف الدكتور مدحت بهً الدٌن مدٌر عام‬ ‫الشؤون العالجٌة والمشرف على العٌادات الطبٌة بالوزارة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫‖االتحاد للطٌران― اإلماراتٌة تجري محادثات إلنقاذ شركة ‖جت اٌرواٌز― الهندٌة‬ ‫المصدر‪ :‬روٌترز‬

‫تجري شركة ‖االتحاد للطٌران― محادثات مع ‖جت اٌروٌز― ومصرفٌ​ٌها بشأن خطة إنقاذ لشركة الطٌران الهندٌة‬ ‫بالمطلعٌن‪.‬‬ ‫المثقلة بالدٌون‪ ،‬وفق ما نقلت ‖روٌترز― عن مصدرٌن وصفتهما‬ ‫َ‬ ‫وقال المصدران ‖إن مسؤولٌن تنفٌذٌ​ٌن من االتحاد وجت التقوا بعدد من المصرفٌ​ٌن المعنٌ​ٌن بشركة الطٌران فً‬ ‫مومباي‪ ،‬األٌام الماضٌة‪ ،‬لبحث سبل معالجة مشكالت تدفقاتها النقدٌة وتقٌ​ٌم خطة عمل شركة الطٌران فً المستقبل―‪.‬‬ ‫المصدرٌن أن االتحاد‪ ،‬التً تملك ٕٗ‪ %‬فً ‖جت اٌروٌز―‪ ،‬تدرس استثمار أموال جدٌدة فً شركة الطٌران‬ ‫وذكر أحد‬ ‫َ‬ ‫إذا أمكن االتفاق على الهٌكل‪ ،‬مضٌ ًفا أنه لم ٌتم وضع اللمسات النهائٌة على اتفاق بعد‪.‬‬ ‫وطلب المصدران عدم نشر اسمٌهما ألن المناقشات سرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وجت‪ ،‬أكبر شركة طٌران هندٌة تقدم خدمة كاملة من حٌث الحصة السوقٌة‪ ،‬فً حاجة ماسة إلى السٌولة النقدٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأخرت شركة الطٌران التً تأسست قبل ٕ٘ عا ًما على ٌد نارٌش جوٌال‪ ،‬والمدٌنة لشركات تأجٌر وموردٌن‪ ،‬سداد‬ ‫رواتب الطٌارٌن وكبار المسؤولٌن التنفٌذٌ​ٌن وقلصت الرحالت الجوٌة على المسارات غٌر المربحة لتوفٌر المال‪.‬‬ ‫وأنقذت االتحاد بالفعل جت ذات مرة حٌن اشترت ٕٗ‪ %‬فٌها فً ٖٕٔٓ‪ ،‬لكن الوضع ٌختلف هذه المرة‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أمواال فً‬ ‫وقال مصدر آخر إنه فً الوقت الذي استثمرت فٌه شركة الطٌران التً مقرها أبوظبً فً جت‪ ،‬فقد خسرت‬ ‫مشارٌع بشركات أخرى مثل ‖ألٌطالً― و―إٌر برلٌن― وربما تتوخى الحذر فً ضخ األموال مجددًا‪.‬‬ ‫كما أنه فً ضوء تشدٌد قواعد اإلقراض وأزمة سٌولة تعانً منها الهند‪ ،‬فإن المصرفٌ​ٌن قد ٌترددون فً إقراض مزٌد‬ ‫من المال إلى شركة الطٌران التً تواجه صعوبات‪.‬‬ ‫وٌوم الثالثاء‪ ،‬أفادت محطة ‖سً‪.‬ان‪.‬بً‪.‬سً‪-‬تً‪.‬فً ‪ ―ٔ8‬اإلخبارٌة ً‬ ‫نقال عن مصادر أن جت تقترب من استكمال‬ ‫اتفاق ستضخ بموجبه االتحاد تموٌالت جدٌدة فً شركة الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت القناة إن جوٌال مؤسس الشركة ومساهم األغلبٌة أكد لنقابة طٌاري الشركة أن التموٌل‪ ،‬الذي سٌنجم عنه على‬ ‫األرجح إعادة هٌكلة للمسارات وتسٌ​ٌر مزٌد من الرحالت إلى أبوظبً‪ ،‬قد ٌُقدم فً منتصف كانون األول‪ /‬دٌسمبر‪.‬‬ ‫اعتبارا من أول نٌسان‪ /‬أبرٌل وف ًقا للقناة‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد جوٌال للطٌارٌن أنه لن تكون هناك تأخٌرات فً سداد الرواتب‬ ‫ً‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫«اإلمارات» تتسلم آخر طائرة بوٌنج «أي آر ٓ​ٖٓ‪»777-‬‬ ‫دبً‪ :‬أنور داود‬ ‫تسلمت شركة طٌران اإلمارات مطلع دٌسمبر‪/‬كانون األول ‪ ٕٓٔ8‬آخر طائرة من طراز «بوٌنج (‪ER(« ٖٓ​ٓ-777‬‬ ‫من ضمن طلبٌاتها السابقة؛ لترفع حجم أسطول الناقلة من طراز «بوٌنج ‪ »777‬إلى ‪ ٔٙ9‬طائرة؛ حٌث بلغ عدد‬ ‫الطائرات‪ ،‬التً تسلمتها الناقلة من طراز بوٌنج خالل عام ‪ ٕٓٔ8‬نحو ست طائرات «‪.»777‬‬ ‫استكملت الناقلة تسلم طلبٌتها من طائرات «بوٌنج ‪ »777‬بمختلف أنواعها‪ ،‬على أن تبدأ استالم الجٌل الجدٌد من‬ ‫طراز «بوٌنج ‪ 777‬إكس»‪ ،‬فً النصف األول من عام ٕٕٓٓ؛ حٌث ستكون «طٌران اإلمارات» المشغل األول لهذا‬ ‫الطراز‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت طٌران اإلمارات‪ ،‬قد تسلمت أول طائرة بوٌنج (‪ ،)ٕٓ​ٓ-777‬فً ٘ ٌونٌو‪/‬حزٌران ‪ٔ99ٙ‬؛ وذلك من ضمن‬ ‫طلبٌاتها فً ٌونٌو‪/‬حزٌران ٕ‪ ،ٔ99‬وشغلت ألول مرة إلى خط مالبورن‪.‬‬ ‫وأصبحت طٌران اإلمارات أكبر مشغل لطائرات بوٌنج فً العالم؛ حٌث تضم فً أسطولها الحدٌث‪ ،‬الذي ٌتكون من‬ ‫طائرات عرٌضة البدن فقط‪ ،‬نحو ‪ ٔٙ9‬طائرة «بوٌنج ‪ ،»777‬موزعة ما بٌن ٓٔ طائرات من طراز (‪-777‬‬ ‫ٓ​ٕٓ )‪LR‬وطائرتٌن من طراز (‪ .)ٖٓ​ٓ-777‬ومع استالم الطائرة الجدٌدة واألخٌرة‪ ،‬وصل عدد الطائرات من طراز‬ ‫(‪ER) ٖٓ​ٓ-777‬إلى ‪ ٖٔ9‬طائرة؛ وذلك إلى جانب ٖٔ طائرة ‪ 777‬مخصصة للشحن‪.‬‬ ‫وٌتوقع أن تبدأ طٌران اإلمارات‪ ،‬باستالم الجٌل الجدٌد من طراز «‪ 777‬إكس» خالل النصف األول من عام ٕٕٓٓ؛‬ ‫وذلك من ضمن طلبٌتها شراء ٓ٘ٔ طائرة من طراز «بوٌنج ‪ 777‬إكس» الجدٌدة بقٌمة ‪ ٘ٙ‬ملٌار دوالر‪ ،‬بحسب‬ ‫األسعار المعلنة‪ ،‬التً كانت وقعت علٌها فً معرض دبً للطٌران ٖٕٔٓ‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مشغل لطائرات «‪ »777‬فً العالم‪ ،‬التً تم اإلعالن عنها للمرة األولى كالتزام ضمن‬ ‫وتش ّكل هذه الطلبٌة من قبل أكبر‬ ‫فعالٌات معرض دبً للطٌران ٖٕٔٓ‪ ،‬جزءاً من أكبر عملٌة إطالق طائرة فً تارٌخ صناعة الطائرات التجارٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وتشمل بنود هذه الطلبٌة ‪ -‬التً تتضمن ٘ٔ​ٔ طائرة «‪9-777‬إكس» وٖ٘ طائرة «‪8-777‬إكس» ‪ -‬حقوق شراء‬ ‫ٓ٘ طائرة إضافٌة؛ حٌث ستزٌد قٌمة الطلبٌة فً حال تطبٌق هذا البند إلى حوالً ٘‪ 7‬ملٌار دوالر أمرٌكً بحسب‬ ‫األسعار المعلنة‪.‬‬ ‫وستوفر طائرات «‪777‬إكس» أحدث التقنٌات‪ ،‬بما فً ذلك المحرك التجاري األكثر تطوراً على اإلطالق ‪ -‬محرك‬ ‫« «‪GE9X‬من شركة جنرال إلكترٌك للطٌران ‪ -‬إضافة إلى جناح مصنوع من المواد المركبة الجدٌد كلٌا ً وعالً‬ ‫الكفاءة بامتداد أطول مقارنة مع طائرات الٌوم من طراز «‪ .»777‬وتشمل عائلة «‪777‬إكس» نموذجً «‪-777‬‬ ‫‪8‬إكس» و«‪9-777‬إكس»‪ ،‬اللتٌن تم تصمٌمها معاً؛ لتلبٌة متطلبات السوق واحتٌاجات العمالء‪.‬‬ ‫وأعلنت شركة بوٌنج اكتمال أعمال تجمٌع األجزاء الرئٌسٌة لجسم أول طائرة من طراز «‪ 777‬إكس»؛ تمهٌداً لبدء‬ ‫أول اختبار للطٌران فً عام ‪ ،ٕٓٔ9‬استعداداً لتسلٌم أول طائرة من هذا الطراز الجدٌد لشركة طٌران اإلمارات فً‬ ‫عام ٕٕٓٓ ‪-‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫وزٌرة النقل‪ :‬أفروبورت س ُتسٌر مطار نواكشوط لـ ٕ٘ سنة‬

‫قالت وزٌرة التجهٌز والنقل المورٌتانٌة آمال بنت مولود‪ ،‬مساء الٌوم الثالثاء‪ ،‬إن شركة « أفروبورت » التً تنازلت‬ ‫لها الحكومة المورٌتانٌة عن تسٌ​ٌر خدمات مطار نواكشوط الدولً (أم التونسً)‪ ،‬ستتولى هذه المهمة طٌلة ٕ٘ عاما ً‬ ‫المقبلة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك خالل مؤتمر صحفً فً أعقاب اجتماع الحكومة الذي تمت فٌه المصادقة على االتفاقٌة التً تمنح للشركة‬ ‫اإلماراتٌة حق تسٌ​ٌر خدمات أكبر مطار فً مورٌتانٌا‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت الوزٌرة إن االتفاقٌة الجدٌد « تدخل ضمن استراتٌجٌة متكاملة لتطوٌر النقل الجوي فً بالدنا »‪ ،‬مشٌرة إلى أن‬ ‫هذه االستراتٌجٌة « تم فً إطارها إنشاء وترمٌم و توسعة المطارات فً نواكشوط والمدن الداخلٌة وإنشاء شركة‬ ‫مورٌتانٌة للطٌران وتطوٌر استغالل هذه المطارات »‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الوزٌرة أن « االتفاقٌة سٌتم بموجبها استغالل المطار لمدة ٕ٘ سنة من طرف شركة (آفروبورت) »‪،‬‬ ‫مشٌرة إلى أن الشركة اإلماراتٌة « ستقدم جمٌع الخدمات التً من شأنها أن تطور هذه المنشأة عبر توفٌر الظروف‬ ‫المالئمة لنقل الركاب والبضائع وغٌر ذلك »‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫مطار إسطنبول الجدٌد‪ ..‬أرقام مرعبة لحوادث ممٌتة‬ ‫لطالما تفاخر الرئٌس التركً‪ ،‬رجب طٌب أردوغان‪ ،‬بمشروع المطار الثالث فً إسطنبول‪ ،‬لكن الرٌاح جاءت بما ال‬ ‫تشتهً الحكومة‪ ،‬بعد الكشف رسمٌا عن أرقام الحوادث الممٌتة التً وقعت بداخله‪.‬‬ ‫وكشف النائب التركً عن حزب الشعب الجمهوري المعارض‪ ،‬علً شاكر‪ ،‬عن أرقام مرعبة وثقت عدد الحوادث‬ ‫الممٌتة التً وقعت فً مطار إسطنبول الثالث الذي تم افتتاحه فً نهاٌة أكتوبر الماضً‪.‬‬ ‫ونشر النائب عن أكبر أحزاب المعارضة األرقام‪ ،‬التً تلقاها من مكتب التأمٌن االجتماعً المحلً فً إسطنبول‪ ،‬حٌث‬ ‫أدت عملٌات بناء مطار جدٌد فً إسطنبول إلى وقوع ٕ٘ حادثا ممٌتا طوال الخمسة أعوام الماضٌة‪ ،‬وفقا لصحٌفة‬ ‫"أحوال" التركٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وٌعد مشروع المطار الجدٌد بمثابة محاولة للتغطٌة على األزمة االقتصادٌة الخانقة‪ ،‬التً بدأت فصولها منذ فترة‬ ‫طوٌلة فً تركٌا‪ ،‬إذ لجأت الحكومة إلى حمالت دعاٌة لمشارٌع ضخمة لكً تكون حائال بٌنها وبٌن الغضب الشعبً‪.‬‬ ‫وفً ‪ ٕ9‬أكتوبر الماضً‪ ،‬افتتح الرئٌس التركً المرحلة األولى من المطار‪ ،‬ووصف المشروع بأنه رمز لقوة تركٌا‬ ‫فً أوقات الهجمات االقتصادٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأعلن أردوغان‪ ،‬خالل المراسم أن اسم المطار الجدٌد هو "مطار إسطنبول"‪ ،‬مضٌفا‪" :‬المطار سٌكون مفخرة لبالدنا‬ ‫بعمارته وتشٌ​ٌده وتشغٌله وتموٌله‪ ،‬ومشروعا نموذجٌا فً العالم"‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع‪" :‬نتطلع إلنهاء جمٌع مراحل مطار إسطنبول بحلول ‪ ،ٕٕٓ8‬لذلك فإن مطارنا سٌواصل النمو فً العشرة‬ ‫أعوام المقبلة"‪.‬‬

‫احتجاجات العمال‬ ‫وبرغم الضجة التً أحاطت بإنشاء المطار الجدٌد والخطط الطموحة لجعله األكبر فً العالم‪ ،‬فقد شاب المشروع إضرابات بسبب ظروف العمل غٌر اآلمنة‪.‬‬

‫ففً سبتمبر الماضً‪ ،‬استخدمت قوات األمن الغاز المسٌل للدموع وخراطٌم المٌاه لتفرٌق احتجاجات العمال باإلضافة‬ ‫إلى اعتقال العشرات‪ ،‬حٌث تركزت االحتجاجات فً موقع البناء بسبب ظروف معٌشٌة مزرٌة والعدٌد من الحوادث‬ ‫القاتلة‪.‬‬ ‫وشددت السلطة التركٌة الخناق على العمال‪ ،‬الذٌن أضربوا فً مطار إسطنبول الجدٌد بسبب تردي ظروف العمل‪،‬‬ ‫واعتقلت العشرات منهم ومن النقابٌ​ٌن الذٌن تظاهروا دفاعا عنهم‪.‬‬ ‫واحتجزت قوات األمن قرابة ٓ​ٓ٘ عامل بعد ٌوم من إضراب العمال فً المطار‪ ،‬الذي لم ٌكتمل بسبب ظروف العمل‬ ‫غٌر اآلمنة‪.‬‬ ‫كما احتجزت الشرطة أكثر من ٓ٘ شخصاً‪ ،‬بما فً ذلك النقابٌ​ٌن العمالٌ​ٌن المحلٌ​ٌن الذٌن خرجوا إلى شوارع‬ ‫إسطنبول وأنقرة تضامنا مع عمال المطار المضربٌن‪.‬‬ ‫ٌشار إلى أن احتجاجات العمال بدأت بعد حادث حافلة مخصصة لتوصٌلهم إلى الموقع‪ ،‬مما أسفر عن إصابة ‪ٔ7‬‬ ‫عامال‪.‬‬ ‫وكان العمال ٌشكون منذ وقت طوٌل من ظروف العمل به‪ ،‬بما فً ذلك األجور والغذاء والمساكن ومعاٌ​ٌر السالمة‪،‬‬ ‫وشبهته نقابات عمالٌة بالمعتقل‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫شركة طٌران هندٌة تلغً ٗٔ رحلة‪ ...‬والسبب "مرض مفاجئ" !‬

‫قامت شركة طٌران هندٌة "جٌت آٌرواٌز" بإلغاء ٗٔ رحلة جوٌة كانت مقررة لٌومً األحد واالثنٌن‪ ،‬بسبب رفض الكثٌر‬ ‫من طٌارٌها العمل جراء "حالتهم الصحٌة السٌئة"‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت وسائل إعالم هندٌة وفقا لمصادر مطلعة أن الطٌارٌن أبلغوا قٌادتهم بإصابتهم بـ"مرض مفاجئ" بعد أن رفضت‬ ‫الشركة مرة أخرى أن تدفع لهم متأخرات الرواتب على مدى األشهر القلٌلة الماضٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وكان الطٌارون قد حصلوا للمرة األخٌرة على رواتبهم فً سبتمبر (أٌلول) الماضً وكانت جزئٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وذكر مصدر أنه مع شكاوى الطٌارٌن من حالتهم الصحٌة السٌئة‪ ،‬ألغت الشركة ٗٔ من رحالتها الجوٌة المقررة مسبقا‪.‬‬ ‫وفً حقٌقة األمر ٌحتج الطٌارون‪ ،‬بذرٌعة المرض‪ ،‬رفضا لعدم دفع رواتبهم‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبها‪ ،‬اعتذرت شركة الطٌران من زبائنها بسبب إلغاء الرحالت الجوٌة‪ ،‬مؤكدة استعدادها لتنفٌذ كل التزاماتها‬ ‫المالٌة أمام زبائنها بشكل كامل‪.‬‬ ‫وأصدرت شركة الطٌران بٌانا قائلة‪" :‬تواصل الشركة دعم كل عمالها والتعاون معهم بالكامل‪ ،‬بمن فٌهم الطٌارون‬ ‫والخبراء التقنٌون وتعمل قٌادة الشركة بنجاح على تسوٌة المسائل العالقة مع عمالها"‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫"ثلوج كثٌفة" تتسبب فً إلغاء رحالت طٌران بالصٌن‬

‫تسببت الثلوج الكثٌفة فً محاصرة أكثر من ٘ آالف راكب فً مطار مدٌنة أورومتشً عاصمة منطقة شٌنجٌانغ‬ ‫الوٌغورٌة شمال غربً الصٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت سلطات مطار "دٌووبو الدولً" فً مدٌنة أورومتشً ‪ -‬فً بٌان الٌوم األربعاء ‪ -‬إنها ألغت ‪ 99‬رحلة قادمة‬ ‫ومغادرة‪ ،‬فٌما تم تأجٌل ٖٔ رحلة مغادرة‪ ،‬ما أدى إلى تضرر أكثر من ٓ​ٓ​ٓ٘ راكب‪ ،‬واستمرارهم لساعات طوٌلة‬ ‫محاصرٌن داخل المطار‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت السلطات أن ٘ رحالت هبطت فً مطارات أخرى‪ ،‬فٌما عادت رحلة واحدة إلى مكان المغادرة‪ ،‬وأشارت إلى‬ ‫أنها أعادت ترتٌب جداول سفر الركاب المتضررٌن‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

India has potential to become global aviation hub, says Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday said India has the potential to become a global aviation hub for Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) following a growing aviation business, huge pool of engineering talent and low labour costs. Naidu inaugurated the first international flight from Vijayawada to Singapore and laid the foundation stone for the integrated passenger terminal building at Vijayawada Airport. "The Indian civil aviation industry is growing at a rapid pace and is considered the third largest domestic civil aviation market in the world. According to projections, it is poised to become the world's largest domestic civil aviation market in the next 10-15 years. Investments to the tune of Rs 1 lakh crore are expected in the next five years," Naidu said. He said the passenger traffic which witnessed 14.1 percent growth over the last five years is likely to touch about 400 million by the year 2020. He said that in spite of the growth in passenger traffic, some of the airlines were facing problems and hoped that things would improve soon for them. The Vice President said that an international flight from Vijayawada to Singapore would further enhance the connectivity as well as Andhra Pradesh's business and tourism potential. He said the new state-of-the-art terminal spread across 35,000 sq metre is being developed with Rs 611 crore to handle 1,200 passengers everyday with 24 check-in counters and eight gates. The terminal would also accommodate parking facility for 1,250 four wheelers. A total of 14 immigration counters, three customs counters, and five baggage belts would be installed for the convenience of international and domestic passengers. state.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

The Vice President said the new air connectivity between Andhra Pradesh and Singapore would increase India's reach in South-East Asia. Union Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu, MoS Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha, state Finance Minister Y. Ramakrishnudu, state Law Minister Kollu Ravindra and other dignitaries were present on the occasion. Naidu said that the recent aviation initiatives such as development of Vizag Airport, extension of runway at Rajahmundry Airport and extension of runway at Tirupati Airport would give fillip to the growth prospects of the

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

African Airlines Complain of Safety Misperceptions Airline CEOs appearing at the recent African Airlines Association (AFRAA) annual general assembly in Rabat, Morocco, touted an improving safety record on the continent and lamented what they called a misperception by the international community that paints African air transport as substandard. Suffering no jet hull losses for two years running and following two years of no fatalities involving any airline aircraft type, Africa has demonstrated progress in the area of safety. However, the international community appears far from satisfied. According to the International Air Transport Association, only 24 African states comply with at least 60 percent of the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) set by the International Civil Aviation Organization. ―Quite simply, that is not good enough for an industry that depends on global standards for safety,‖ said IATA director general Alexandre de Juniac, who added that governments across the continent need to ensure the independence of safety oversight bodies and cooperate regionally, where pooled resources can improve both speed and efficiency. Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam noted that most of Africa‘s safety problems are isolated to only a few of the continent‘s 54 countries. ―It is very unfortunate that safety in Africa is made a point of discussion in conferences like this one,‖ he said. ―Because of this very small number of countries where there are safety issues, the whole continent is affected. There is a collateral damage in terms of reputation.‖ GebreMariam cited carriers such as Royal Air Maroc, Ethiopian Airlines, and Kenya Airways )KQ( as more accurate representations of Africa‘s compliance with global safety standards. He added that a commitment to safety must amount to more than an effort to pass audits. ―Safety has a paramount importance in an airline business,‖ he said. ―And it has to be built in the DNA of the airline in all sectors of business of the airline.”

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

In fact, GebreMariam complained that safety oversight has become overly complex and overlapping. ―Primarily there is a national government safety oversight,‖ he explained. ―Then we have regional safety oversights for instance like EASA in Europe [and the] FAA in the U.S. There is also international oversight rules of ICAO and IOSA. Most of these oversight requirements and standards are similarly expressed in different forms so there is an overlap.‖ Sebastian Mikosz, group managing director and CEO of Kenya Airways, argued that safety standards in Africa do not differ materially from those in Europe. ―We are under constant control,‖ he said. ―We are under scrutiny all day long. The scrutiny is coming from EASA, FAA, from our civil aviation authorities, from OEMs who come to see if we are operating the planes properly and how our maintenance and engineering department is doing.‖ Mikosz echoed GebreMariam‘s sentiments about overlapping oversight and urged delegates to compare Africa‘s safety record with those of other regions. ―I would not be concerned about safety in Africa because all the global safety standards are being implemented,‖ he said. ―I would rather be concerned with over implementation of standards. When we can do one procedure we do three, which make African carriers less competitive.‖

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

Africa too expensive for aviation business — IATA

International Air Transport Association (IATA) has urged governments in Africa to maximise the positive social and economic power of aviation by working together to promote safe, sustainable and efficient air connectivity. Director General of IATA, Mr Alexandre de Juniac, gave the advice on Monday while speaking at the 50th Annual General Assembly (AGA) meeting of the African Airline Association (AFRAA) in Rabat, Morocco. ―African aviation supports $55.8 billion of economic activity and 6.2 million jobs. To enable aviation to be an even bigger driver of prosperity across the continent, we must work closely with governments,‖ de Juniac said The IATA boss highlighted safety as a positive example of progress through collaboration, noting that Africa had recorded no jet hull losses for two years running, and was two years free of any fatalities on any aircraft type. ―It is clear that progress is being made. But more needs to be done. We urge governments to recognise the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) in their safety oversight programs. ―With IOSA carriers performing three times better than airlines not on the IOSA registry, we have a convincing argument. Similarly, states must push forward greater adoption of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices )SARPS(,‖ de Juniac said.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

According to him, only 24 African states comply with at least 60 per cent of ICAO SARPS which is not good enough. On closer cooperation with governments, the IATA boss called for an aviation agenda to focus on improving competitiveness, developing effective infrastructure, modernising the regulatory framework focusing on global standards and connectivity; and ensuring a well-trained and diverse workforce. He said airlines in Africa, on average, lose $1.55 for every passenger carried, stressing that establishing competitive cost structures that enable growth and reducing blocked funds was essential to improving the competitiveness of African aviation. ―Africa is an expensive place for airlines to do business. There is no shortage of examples illustrating the heavy burden that governments extract from aviation. Jet fuel costs are 35 per cent higher than the rest of the world. ―User charges, as a percentage of airlines‘ operating costs, are double the industry average. And taxes and charges are among the highest in the world. On top of that, $670 million of airline funds are blocked. ‖Too many African governments view aviation as a luxury rather than a necessity. We must change that perception,‖ de Juniac said. He also noted that aviation infrastructure problems in Africa were in two extremes, maintaining that it was sometimes overbuilt and expensive or deficient, and cannot meet demand. The IATA boss expressed strong support for the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) initiative. ―The low density of the African intra-continental network makes it impossible to realize the potential benefits of a connected African economy. SAATM— if implemented — gives Africa the potential for economic transformation. ―History has shown that opening markets leads to rapid advances in connectivity. ―To date, 27 African governments have committed to SAATM and IATA encourages the remaining 28 African Union member states to come on board quickly to enjoy the potential benefits of a connected African economy,‖ de Juniac said. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬

‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

Sebastian Micosz disagrees with Ethiopian Airlines counterpart Tewolde Gebremariam over SAATM Two leading African airline Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) had divergent views on Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) at the recently concluded 50th African Airlines Association (AFRAA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Rabat Morocco. Sebastian Micosz of Kenya Airways felt that building basic traffic infrastructure that many countries still lacked was a priority over open market while Tewolde Gebremariam of Ethiopian Airlines felt time was ripe to actualize the united market, hence the need to go headstrong into it. SAATM was launched in January this year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when 27 countries including Kenya signed the commitment to fully open their skies to boost connectivity, reduce fares and stimulate economic growth among other envisaged benefits albeit with a caution from airline executives that much work was needed for openly genuine skies in Africa.

over SAATM By Joe Ombuor | Published Tue, December 4th 2018 at 15:55, Updated December 4th 2018 at 16:02 GMT +3 SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Kenya Aiirways Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr Sebastian Micosz Two leading African airline Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) had divergent views on Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) at the recently concluded 50th African Airlines Association (AFRAA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Rabat Morocco. Sebastian Micosz of Kenya Airways felt that building basic traffic infrastructure that many countries still lacked was a priority over open market while Tewolde Gebremariam of Ethiopian Airlines felt time was ripe to actualize the united market, hence the need to go headstrong into it. SAATM was launched in January this year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when 27 countries including Kenya signed the commitment to fully open their skies to boost connectivity, reduce fares and stimulate economic growth among other envisaged benefits albeit with a caution from airline executives that much work was needed for openly genuine skies in Africa. Days after Rabat, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) reportedly denied Ethiopian Airlines a license to operate scheduled passenger flights between Johannesburg and Brussels via –Nairobi.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

Mr Micosz said Africa was far from emulating Europe where it took 100 years and very severe control measures to create a united market, the European Common Aviation Area )ECAA(. ―We need to first ensure our markets are mature before we go into a united one or else we find ourselves in a situation of collapsing airlines at a time countries are literally outdoing each other in creating own carriers,‖ said Mr Micosz giving Kenya‘s neighbours Uganda and Tanzania as examples. ―Besides, our aviation numbers are still too small for a viable united market on a continent where only 100 million passengers (3% of global aviation traffic) fly yearly out of a 1.3 billion population,‖ said Mr Micosz comparing that with Europe where low cost Ryan Air alone flies 130 million passengers yearly in a market of 25 to 27 airlines.

Your opinion is valuable. Take this quick survey to help us improve the website and content The two were part of seven African airline chiefs who participated in a round table CEO‘s discussion anchored under the theme ‗doing things differently to secure Africa‘s aviation future‘. A general concern expressed by a majority of the seven CEO‘s was the tendency by most African countries to see airlines as a national identity other than a commercial enterprise and treating airlines as cash cows, rendering operations unsustainably costly through burdening taxes. Others at the round table debate were Mr Abdelhamid Addou, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Air Maroc Group, Mr Ernest Dikoum, Chief Executive Officer of Camair Company, Mr Sanjeev Gadhia, Chief Executive Officer of Nairobi based cargo airline, Astral Air Mr Rui Carreira, Chief Executive Officer of TAAG Angola Airlines and Mr Desire Balazire Baatu, Chief Executive Officer of Congo Airways. Ethiopian Airlines was for the seventh year in a row declared Africa Airline of the year for its profitability and wide web of global operations. Congo Airways was voted Africa‘s best improved airline. AFRAA Secretary General Mr Abdérahmane Berthe said the association with its headquarters in Nairobi had grown to 40 member airlines representing 85 per cent since inception in Accra, Ghana in 1968. He announced that the next AFRAA General Assembly will be held in the Cameroonian capital, Yaounde next year.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

1 Jetex Plans To Stay Ahead with Continued Expansion Despite the headwinds buffeting business aviation in the Middle East, Dubai is heading for ―moderate‖ year-on-year growth in 2018, according to Dubai-based Jetex Flight Support, which is fast making a global name for itself in the FBO business. ―We expect movement growth of around 3-to-5 percent this year for both [Dubai] airports,‖ said Jetex president and CEO, Adel Mardini, who noted that together the airports recorded total movements of 14,000 last year. Mardini confirmed his company plans to have opened 50 FBOs around the world by 2020. In September, Mardini said the market was ―stable‖ but ―moving towards growth.‖ At that time, the high season had just started, following the summer holidays and Ramadan, and peak capacity was expected around October 1, with cooling temperatures. ―We are working very hard to achieve [50 FBOs],‖ said Mardini. ―Hopefully at MEBAA [2018] we will announce more presence in the Middle East. We are looking to expand in the Middle East and Africa because we have built a very strong platform here. ―For the time being, we are operating 29 FBOs. We are targeting the addition of 21 FBOs to our portfolio–in the Middle East, Africa, South America and Europe–by the end of 2020.‖ Mardini said Expo 2020 would provide opportunities for Dubai‘s business aviation community. ―We expect around 200 extra flights during the six months of the Expo event, which will start in October 2020. We are in discussion with DWC about separate new facilities for the show. There was a workshop for the operators at Dubai South [which broached this issue]. In Dubai, anything is possible.‖ Jetex is also acting as official FBO provider for the MEBAA show. ―We expect good numbers of business jets for MEBAA. You can see the number of exhibitors from the [show] floor plan,‖ he said. ―We started operating [at Dubai South] officially in January 2017, from scratch. We have seen very good numbers. We can see progress in our internal business and in our perception of our customers. That is how we measure our progress. In the ‫للعالقات العامة‬ ‫العامة‬All ‫االدارة‬ past 18 months, we did not‫والمراسم‬ lose a single customer. our customers are still using us. Customers are also recommending us‫القابضة‬ to other people.‖ ‫لمصر للطيران‬ ‫الشركة‬

2 Mardini provided further details of the global scope of Jetex‘s business today. ―We have today 465 employees worldwide. Compared with last year, we‘ve seen more than 20 percent growth. Dubai, Paris and Miami house the majority of our staff. Morocco is going to be very big. India is a very promising market. We are very interested in that market, but we don‘t see the opportunity yet. In Africa, the market is improving. We are investing in the Turkish market, and will be there next year,‖ he said. As a company with Middle East roots, Jetex is keeping a close eye on developments in the region. Although a slow-down in Saudi business aviation has caused consternation, Mardini said he sees great potential and is already eyeing the kingdom‘s future business aviation needs. ―There is no market in the world that has as many heavy jets as Saudi Arabia. Look at how many [Boeing] 777s and BBJs are based there. [Today,] it is not our market. I think the market will come back within two years. From now it is an option. You cannot leave the Saudi market alone. It will come back. It takes time. You have to be ready to act now,‖ he said. ―The movements number in Saudi will pick up, we believe. Jeddah and Riyadh are vital. Riyadh has 19,000 movements a year; Jeddah 16,000. It is difficult to say for the whole of the kingdom. I know that Jeddah, Riyadh and Dammam together account for 35,000-plus movements a year.‖ He sees another opportunity in Oman. ―We are creating a facility in the new [midfield] terminal [at Muscat International Airport]. We are waiting for final approval, which we hope to get, and we will start construction. We are exclusive there. “Salalah [on the south coast] doesn‘t have many flights, but Muscat saw 2,000 movements last year. There is no AOC holder in Oman: all the movements are international flights coming in.‖ Meanwhile regarding Bahrain he said, ―In Bahrain, we are waiting for the new airport terminal to open. It is [due to open in 2019].‖ Jetex served notice of its global intentions in the FBO market when it announced plans to build five facilities in Morocco two years ago, with the resort city of Marrakech as the focus. Even where locations do not provide substantial immediate prospects, Jetex is keen to demonstrate a presence.

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3 ―We have finished building the Casablanca and Rabat FBOs, and we will start constructing the Marrakech FBO soon. We have finished the design. Hopefully, Morocco will be one of the biggest markets in Africa. Marrakech saw 4,000 flights last year, while the whole Moroccan market saw 11,000 flights,‖ he said. ―Some 40 percent of the general aviation business in Morocco is coming to Marrakech. The rest of the Moroccan market is growing slowly. We signed agreements to open five FBOs in Morocco. Agadir and Dakhla each have less than 100 flights a year, but we still intend to open FBOs there.‖ Jetex opened its first FBO in France, at Paris Le Bourget Airport, in 2009. ―We are so proud to be number one there. For the time being, at Orly, we have a partnership with approval to handle aircraft on the ground. We keep improving our business in France,‖ he said. Given the growing trend for ministerial entourages to travel in large numbers, Mardini confirmed that government delegations represent an important part of Jetex‘s business. ―There are many [such groups], both local and international. Every week, we have one or two big international delegations [in Dubai].‖ In referencing the Chinese market, Mardini made an oblique reference to local competitor UAS, the global trip support provider that is revolutionizing China‘s FBO sector. In late 2016 UAS was acquired by Deer Jet, a wholly owned subsidiary of China‘s HNA Group, which operates and manages around 90 business aviation aircraft. ―China is for the Chinese. We [do] not only [provide] trip support. We are also an FBO operator. Being a foreigner and building something in China is different as an FBO [operator], unless you sell your company to the Chinese, which we did not. If you are not owned by the Chinese, you cannot operate in China,‖ he said.

Mardini spoke to AIN on the eve of a major air show in Turkey, where he was hoping to progress on sales of the HondaJet, a new string to the business. ―We are a dealer for HondaJet now. We are making very good progress. [In the past] two months, we have had many expressions of interest. We will be offering sales and support. Hopefully, we will announce a deal at MEBAA.‖

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4 Jetex started in 2005 as a fuel broker and trip-support provider and is now developing a proprietary software system to allow operators and clients to register automatically with the company. Mardini gave further details on the eve of the NBAA show in October, as Jetex seeks to expand its U.S. network. ―Our next product is in the pipeline," he said. "We are proud of our achievement. It took us three years of hard work. People are outsourcing the operation to us. Now [a high-net-worthindividual‘s] personal assistant is calling us, saying: ‗My boss is flying from A to Z.‘ They outsource the operation. The company cuts costs by having no operation. This system took three years to build, all of it in-house.‖ He was guarded in his comments about how Jetex finances its global expansion. ―We don‘t have ‗financial‘ partners. We depend on one thing: the best way to protect your position is to move forward. This is why we are dedicated to expansion, to protect and monitor our progress. You have to keep moving.‖

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11Plc Relaunches Aviation Fuel Business 11Plc (formerly Mobil Oil Nigeria plc) has announced the recommencement of the sale and marketing of its aviation jet fuel (ATK) at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport and General Aviation Terminal (GAT – Domestic), in collaboration with Air BP. The oil major‘s aviation business which had been inactive for the past five years is being revitalised in the wake of the construction of a new 20 million litre aviation jet fuel (ATK) tank, laying of new ATK pipelines linking the company‘s facility at Apapa with the Apapa Jetty in Lagos. Speaking on the development, the Managing Director, 11Plc, Mr. Adetunji Oyebanji, said: ―We are delighted with the relaunch and our collaboration with Air BP. Air BP is one of the world‘s largest suppliers of aviation fuel products and services. ―We are leveraging their innovative technical support and risk management expertise to provide best-in-class aviation fuel services to airline customers.‖ According to Oyebanji, 11Plc, under its new management, has continued to take huge strides in the Nigerian oil and gas downstream sector in keeping with its strategic investment drive geared toward repositioning for maximum output and improving the company‘s growth and earning potentials. Facebook to Celebrate Innovation In line with its commitment to growing Africa‘s technology start-up ecosystem and its passion for developing diverse, young talent, Facebook is returning as the headline sponsor of TechCrunch Startup Battlefield Africa 2018. The event, taking place in Lagos, Nigeria — will search for Sub-Saharan Africa‘s best innovators, makers and technical entrepreneurs.

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TechCrunch Startup Battlefield Africa sees start-ups compete across three categories: social good; productivity and utility; and gaming and entertainment. It profiles the founders and entrepreneurs leading Africa‘s next wave of technology innovation and highlights new ideas, businesses and applications with disruptive potential. On December 11, TechCrunch Startup Battlefield supported by Facebook, would bring together the strongest start-ups from across Sub-Saharan Africa, where they would pitch to a live audience of 500 people ranging from VCs, investors, government officials and developers. Facebook representatives from Africa and beyond would be on the ground to celebrate, where they will be connecting, listening and learning from various communities as well as taking part in an exciting series of workshops, networking sessions and talks between 6th and 11th December. ―Following the great success of the inaugural TechnCrunch Startup Battlefield event in 2017, we are delighted to return as the headline sponsor for this year‘s event,‖ says Emeka Afigbo, Facebook‘s Head of Developer Programs. ―Given our passion for connecting people and helping developers and entrepreneurs to thrive, we can‘t wait to see how this year‘s entrants are using technology to engage and empower people across the continent.‖

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Global Aircraft Environmental Control Systems Market 2018 – Segmented Market Growth Till 2025

The objective of ―Aircraft Environmental Control Systems Industry‖ report is to enlighten the users with the crucial aspects of Global Aircraft Environmental Control Systems Market presenting the fundamental market overview, up-to-date Aircraft Environmental Control Systems market trends, past, present and forecast data related to the Aircraft Environmental Control Systems market from 2018-2025. A complete analysis of the Aircraft Environmental Control Systems based on the definition, product specifications, Aircraft Environmental Control Systems market gains, key geographic regions, and imminent Aircraft Environmental Control Systems players will drive key business decisions. Global Aircraft Environmental Control Systems market report presents a thorough and latest market insights in the form of graphs, pie charts, tables to provide a clear picture of the Aircraft Environmental Control Systems industry. Global Aircraft Environmental Control Systems report is divided into different chunks based on the Aircraft Environmental Control Systems type, diverse Aircraft Environmental Control Systems applications, key geographical regions, Aircraft Environmental Control Systems market share of each player, their production volume, and supply-demand ratio. Further, Global Aircraft Environmental Control Systems report analyses the development opportunities as well as the threats to the Aircraft Environmental Control Systems market, business tactics, sales volume and latest developments taking place in Aircraft Environmental Control Systems. Details such as the product launch events, Aircraft Environmental Control Systems industry news, growth drivers, challenges and investment scope have been analyzed at depth in Aircraft Environmental Control Systems research report.

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Ethiopian Mozambique Airlines launches domestic flights

Dec 05, 2018: Ethiopian Airlines‘ partner in Mozambique, named as Ethiopian Mozambique Airlines, has commenced operations from its base in Maputo. Ethiopian Airlines‘ group CEO Tewolde Gebremariam said, ―The launch of the operations, which takes place through a partnership with Ethiopian Airlines, is expected to promote the necessary and improved air connectivity in the country and abroad, thereby increasing the share of African indigenous carriers in the continent‘s air transport market. I want to thank the government of Mozambique for its visionary decision and policies that allowed the start of the activities of Ethiopian Mozambique Airlines.‖ The new airline will initially serve seven routes out of Maputo and offer flights to Nacala, Nampula, Beira, Quelimane, Pemba, Tete and Chimoio, according to information received from a source. Having commenced operations with Bombardier Q400 turboprop aircraft, additional aircraft of Boeing B737-800NG type also will be used as additional routes become operational. The initial start date of October 1, 2018 could not be met at the time due to additional regulatory paperwork which Mozambique‘s regulators could not process fast enough to meet the planned start-up date, leading to the postponement of flights until the beginning of December. Back in August, it was announced that Ethiopian airlines would be based in Nacala when it began to operate domestic routes. It has subsequently had second thoughts, and Maputo was chosen for its Mozambique operations.

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