EHAAT - Flight for Life - Spring 2022

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Essex & Herts Air Ambulance



As we look back on a year of challenges, changes and opportunities, I want to thank you all for your ongoing support. I hope you all had a fabulous festive break and feel a greater sense of normality as we look ahead to 2022. Hopefully, with the vaccine booster programme in full swing, we will continue to see more aspects of our lives return to the pre-pandemic normal and enjoy brighter times ahead. This issue looks back on the whole of 2021, and despite the challenges we faced throughout the year, I’m immensely proud of how our teams responded to the evolving pandemic — rapidly adopting new ways of working and embracing opportunities every step of the way. On 19th October 2021, our brand-new airbase at North Weald officially opened, marking a milestone in the charity’s history. I want to thank all partners, suppliers and my team for their hard work throughout various stages of this momentous project. We’re excited to welcome former patients, supporters and the wider community into our new home very soon, which our highly skilled pre-hospital care teams will use as a base to attend critically ill and injured patients across Essex, Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas. The new building also features training, mentoring, patient liaison and fundraising areas, as well as a new visitor centre and a state-of-the-art training simulation suite. The training suite will help our pre-hospital care doctors and critical care paramedics undertake ultra-real training scenarios with high-tech visual projections, sounds and smells. By practising advanced procedures on human-like medical mannequins, the crew will experience the pressures of real-life incidents and enhance confidence, knowledge, team communication and performance at the scene of each mission.

tenure, which allows us to plan effectively for the future. We’ve also completed a number of upgrades at our Earls Colne Airbase, including an extension of its hangar to create a first-class facility that will enable us to continue providing an exceptional clinical service for those in need across the region well into the future. You can read more about our brandnew North Weald Airbase and the improvements we’ve made at our Earls Colne Airbase on pages 4 and 5. We were delighted that towards the end of the year Dr Neal Durge joined us as Medical Director. We also said a fond farewell to Stuart Elms, Clinical Director, who after 10 years decided to move on to a new challenge. 2021 was a year where a degree of normality returned. It was fantastic to recognise and celebrate the incredible hard work of our volunteers in person at our annual Vision event, hosted at our North Weald Airbase. Personally, it was an immensely proud moment to award John Turnbull with his Long Service Award, having devoted 15 years to our charity. Keeping our life-saving charity operational requires the time, energy, unwavering support, and passion of our volunteers, and it was wonderful to see them all gathered as we celebrated their achievements. I’d like to say thank you to all of our supporters for staying with us, leaping into action when we needed you most. Your support means the world to us. We hope you’ll continue with EHAAT on this journey as we move forward with hope for an even bigger, better and brighter future!

CONTENTS NEWS.................................................4–5 CLINICAL/OPS...............................6–7 FUNDRAISING..................................8–9 PATIENTS........................................10–11 BLOOD ON BOARD APPEAL...12–13 SPECIAL FEATURE........................14–15 SUPPORTERS................................16–17 RETAIL....................................................18 IN OTHER NEWS.............................19 VOLUNTEERS...............................20–21 LOTTERY & RAFFLE........................22 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY.................23 REGULAR GIVING..........................24

FLIGHT FOR LIFE EDITOR: Stuart Ward CONTENT: Ben Taylor DESIGNED: Focus IMC PUBLISHER: VR Print CHARITY HQ: Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, Flight House, Earls Colne Business Centre, Earls Colne Business Park, Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex, CO6 2NS EARLS COLNE AIRBASE: Hangar 1, Earls Colne Airfield, Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex, CO6 2NS NORTH WEALD AIRBASE: Hangar 12, Merlin Way, North Weald Airfield, North Weald, CM16 6HR Charity No. 1108989

I’m delighted to see our airbase open and fully operational, giving us the security of

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DAWN OF A NEW ERA AT NORTH WEALD We’re excited to announce our brand-new state-of-the-art airbase at North Weald officially opened on 19th October 2021, marking a momentous milestone in the charity’s history. Over 100 guests attended the grand opening, including airlifted patients as well as those directly involved with the development of the new airbase. We also welcomed important partners of the charity, including representatives from the East of England Ambulance Service, police, fire and the military, as well as the Lord Lieutenants of Essex and Hertfordshire, the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire and the Chair of Epping Forest District Council, as well as a TV camera crew from ITV News Anglia. Once the ribbon was cut, the building was blessed by Area Dean for Epping and Ongar, the Reverend Lee Batson. The guests had the opportunity to tour the new facility and meet the fundraising, operational, and clinical teams, who provide a life-saving service to the local communities of Essex and Hertfordshire 24/7. Jane Gurney, EHAAT’s CEO said: “The opportunity to design and build our own airbase has allowed us to include elements such as dedicated areas for training, which will benefit not only our crews but also the local pre-hospital care community, along with an interactive visitor centre for our amazing supporters. The building also features a hangar capable of housing two helicopters (when aircraft maintenance is needed) and two rapid response vehicles (RRVs). Our helipad has been upgraded with underground heating to prevent the buildup of snow and ice during the winter.”

“The facilities have also been enhanced in relation to accommodation, training, mentoring, patient liaison, clinical conferencing and crosstraining with other emergency services. A fuel storage tank has been installed, allowing us to obtain and store jet fuel at a lower price, ensuring it’s readily available for our crews, for extended hours and bank holidays.” Work on the facility began back in February 2020 after planning permission was granted by Epping Forest District Council. The project was managed by quantity surveyors Castons and designed by architects Hurley Porte and Duell and structural engineer specialists Superstructures. The airbase was built by Barnes Construction and was delivered on time and on budget despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our new airbase became operational on 28th April 2021, when our critical care team assisted the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) with an incident in Bishop’s Stortford. Cliff Gale, EHAAT’s Operations Director, said: “The first mission from our new airbase marked a historic landmark for the charity, and we would like to thank all of our amazing supporters who have made this first-class facility possible.” Stuart Elms, EHAAT’s Clinical Director, added: “After years of planning and preparation it is great to see this state-of-the-art building being used as a base from which our highly skilled pre-hospital care teams can attend critically ill and injured patients across Essex, Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas.” The airbase replaces a leased facility, securing the future operation of the charity for many years to come, enabling us to continue delivering outstanding patient care.



Designed with sustainability at its core We are committed to making the very best choices for the environment, our people and the community. One of the first beneficiaries of this trailblazing work is our new airbase at North Weald. The building was designed with environmental considerations as a priority. These include charging points for electric cars, photovoltaic panels which generate electricity (with any excess sold to the National Grid) and motion sensor lighting. The building has been designed to current BREEAM ratings and has achieved an energy performance certificate (EPC) grading of A, the highest possible. This is the biggest development in the charity’s history, and it will play a vital role in our ability to deliver and improve outstanding patient care. We’d like to thank all of our supporters for helping us deliver on our dream of building our own airbase, and we look forward to welcoming supporters through our doors in the near future!

UNVEILING UNIQUE SUPPORTER SCULPTURE In July 2021, we unveiled a unique sculpture at our Earls Colne Airbase. The sculpture “Supporting Us, Supporting You”, which takes pride of place at the airbase entrance, is the result of the charity’s Sculpture Design Project, in collaboration with Harlow College. Art and Design student Kiera Harkett’s design represents the local community who proudly support us. Kiera said: “When visitors see ‘Supporting Us, Supporting You’ I would like them to think about the life-saving work the charity does, make them aware of all the diverse people who play their part, as well as those that are helped every day, and to ultimately appreciate everything that EHAAT has done and will continue to do in the future.”

Jane Gurney, CE O leading the rib bon cutting for the newly ref urbished Earls Co lne Airbase

The unveiling also marked the official opening of the newly extended and refurbished airbase. The work carried out allows us to separate the aircraft engineering space from its clinical operation and welfare areas. This allows for uninterrupted maintenance of the aircraft and large spaces in which to undertake clinical scenarios with state-of-the-art mannequins. The new facility includes a training store and live kit storage areas, as well as a temperature-controlled medical storeroom with a designated area for restocking response bags. An additional room accommodates monitors, ventilators, ultrasound, mechanical CPR and point-of-care testing machines. A large well-equipped kitchen and seating area provides our critical care teams with space away from the operations room to relax and review the day’s missions. Cliff Gale, Operations Director, said: “The service has been based on the airfield since 2011 and, with the help of our remarkable supporters, we have been able to update and extend our hangar to create a first-class facility that will enable us to continue to provide an exceptional clinical service for those in need across the region well into the future.” Unveiling of Unique Supporter Sculpture. Left to right – Stephen Metcalfe MP (South Basildon and East Thurrock); Jane Gurney, CEO of EHAAT; Laurie Phillipson, Clinical Manager and Critical Care Paramedic; Kiera Harkett, Art and Design Student at Harlow College; Ben Myer, Clinical Manager and Critical Care Paramedic; Simon Brice, High Sheriff of Essex; Will Quince MP (Colchester).



RED NOSE DAY In March, Critical Care Paramedic, Jay Samouelle, contributed to a BBC Comic Relief film introduced by HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC. The film was part of Red Nose Day, showcasing the challenges frontline services were faced with during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1,000 DAYS CARRYING BLOOD ON BOARD On 13th December, a major milestone was hit, when we reached 1,000 days since we started carrying blood on board. We began carrying blood products in March 2019 and as of the end of 2021, 185 patients have received blood transfusions. Laurie Phillipson, Head of Clinical Development and Blood Project Lead for EHAAT said: “Previously patients who suffered blood loss were given a saline solution, which although effective, doesn’t carry oxygen or help with clotting. With blood onboard our helicopters and rapid response vehicles (RRVs) now carry packed red blood cells of blood group O Negative, meaning they can be used on any patient, and when needed, these are given with plasma, the other major component of human blood. Together they enable our pre-hospital critical care teams to provide a blood transfusion rapidly and safely at the scene of an incident. This can be a life-saving intervention for the most seriously injured and is another example of how EHAAT is bringing innovative care to the patient’s side.” Your local life-saving charity needs your help On average, it costs £500 to help one patient in need of blood and with your support following our first ‘Blood on Board Appeal’ in March 2021, we raised over £23,000 – thank you. In this issue of Flight for Life, we launch our second ‘Blood on Board Appeal’ (pages 12 and 13). We are asking for your support to ensure we can continue to carry blood on board for another year.



STEPPING UP PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19 Since early 2021 we have been taking additional steps to protect patients and our critical care teams from COVID-19 by decontaminating our team and equipment with specially prepared water containing salt and electricity, which instantly kills 99.99% of bacteria, fungi and viruses. A dry ‘fog’ created from electrolysed saline water is released inside a tent into which anything that needs treating is placed. The environmentally friendly system is non-toxic, non-corrosive and leaves no harmful residues. Our crews use the fogging system at the end of every shift and after every mission. In addition to our already strong infection prevention and control measures, we are pleased to add this additional step of decontamination, and we will continue to work on improving the safety of our patients and crews.

TRAINING POTENTIAL LIFE-SAVERS IN SUPPORT OF ‘RESTART A HEART DAY’ In recognition of international ‘Restart a Heart Day’ on 16th October, some of our pre-hospital care doctors, critical care paramedics and volunteers delivered free CPR and defibrillation demonstrations and training to over 300 members of the public. The free training sessions took place at Lakeside Shopping Centre, Essex, at the central atrium on the lower mall. Last year, our critical care teams carried out 2,545 missions using our two air ambulances and four rapid response vehicles. A large proportion of those were for medical emergencies such as cardiac arrests, where the chance of survival is low. Early intervention is critical and teaching people the basic skills and giving them the confidence to deliver CPR, as well as how to use a defibrillator, can make a real difference to whether someone survives.


Adam Carr, Head of Patient and Family Liaison at EHAAT, who is also a Critical Care Paramedic, said: “Whether they’d learnt these skills before, or this was their first time, these sessions gave participants not only the awareness, and hands-on experience to learn, but also the confidence to help in those vital early minutes when someone collapses and stops breathing normally. I have no doubt that the skills they learnt could make the difference in the future between life and death for a loved one at home, a colleague at work, or a stranger in the street.”

Last year was one of the busiest years for our critical care teams, as we continued to help with the transfer of COVID-19 patients between hospitals. When required, our team based at North Weald travel by helicopter or RRV to the relevant hospital, and accompany the patient in a designated land ambulance to the receiving hospital. We’re able to provide the advanced level of care that allows a safe transfer of this group of patients. When not engaged with transfers, the team continues providing its normal response to pre-hospital emergencies. A second-team based at our Earls Colne Airbase continues responding to the charity’s normal workload of medical emergencies, cardiac arrests, road traffic collisions and other traumas.

The day also raised £500 through generous donations made by the public.

LOOKING BACK ON 2021... Statistics for January 2021 – December 2021


missions in 2021 including:

650 other trauma incidents

991 485

road traffic collisions

medical emergencies


accidental injuries


missions delivered by air ambulance

1,591 missions in Essex 609 in Hertfordshire 345 in surrounding areas HERTS


including assaults, self-harm, sport/ leisure incidents and exposure


missions delivered by rapid response vehicle


patients treated with blood products




Thanks to the support of our celebrity patron and Hollywood actor, Ray Winstone, our ‘Buy-a-Brick’ initiative to raise funds and become part of our new North Weald Airbase forever reached nearly £40,000 – exceeding its original target of £20,000. Ray recorded a special video for social media, asking the people and businesses of Essex and Hertfordshire to “join him in buying a virtual brick, or two – or maybe even ten”.


Thank you to all our supporters who bought a virtual brick, and those who bought either a Gold or Platinum brick will get the opportunity in early spring to come and visit the airbase to see their ‘virtual’ brick.

I DID IT MY WAY 2021 Following on from our success in September 2020, we relaunched ‘Motorcycle Run: I Did It My Way’, a fundraising initiative that saw hundreds of bikers getting on their motorbikes during May and September to tackle a minimum 60-mile route of their choosing at a suitable time in a safe and distanced fashion. At the end of September 2021, ‘I Did It My Way 2021’ clocked up 1,035 participants, raising a total of £19,653 for the charity – an amazing result for a virtual event! Thank you to all who took part and the sponsors who helped make this event possible: Woodland Group, and Colchester Kawasaki.

FREE WILLS MONTH Throughout October 2021, in association with a number of solicitors in Essex and Hertfordshire, we offered our supporters over the age of 55 the opportunity to make a free will. We would like to thank all those solicitors who took part and agreed to waive their usual fees for writing a will. We will again be running this initiative during March and October 2022.

WALKING CHALLENGE RAISES £38K! Our supporters stepped up to our all-new walking challenge, picking up their shoes and making the most of their local routes, parks, forests and countryside trails by walking 100 miles during May 2021. We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our supporters who took part as we raised £38,895 – an incredible total and more than we dreamed we could achieve! Every person who registered for 100 Miles in May received a free t-shirt and mile tracker form to record their progress, and those who raised over £150 were recognised with a medal to mark their achievement.



SADDLE UP Horse-riders across the region excelled in another all-new challenge – Tack2Hack, an equine event that saw 55 supporters and enthusiasts ride 100 miles, raising £8,524 for EHAAT. Riders tacked out and journeyed 100 miles during August 2021, riding solo or with friends, taking their own routes as they raised crucial funds for the charity. Critical Care Paramedic Gaynor Wareham, a horse rider herself, was thrilled with the support received from supporters and horse riders as she clocked up her 100 miles riding her two horses, Jaffa and Ellen.

‘A VERY BRITISH AFTERNOON TEA’ IS A SWEET SUCCESS Is there anything more quintessentially British than enjoying a cuppa and a slice of cake whilst raising money for a worthwhile cause? Our tea-riffic ‘A Very British Afternoon Tea’ received lots of support during 2021, taking place virtually and in-person throughout the year. We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to have a brew in aid of our crew, with many supporters reconnecting with loved ones they were not able to see during the lockdowns. Every cuppa made, cake baked, and pound raised makes a real difference. Why not invite your friends and family to join you for a brew in 2022? You can register for your free fundraising pack by visiting our website.

HADRIAN’S WALL TREK At the end of September, our team of intrepid hikers, accompanied by our very own Tony Stone, Head of Patient Safety and Quality, completed a 25-mile stretch of Hadrian’s Wall. They explored some of the most beautiful borderlands the UK has to offer. Everyone who was part of the group should be extremely proud of what they achieved and the money raised – thank you.

The campaign, organised by Air Ambulances UK, saw our amazing supporters come together to raise awareness of our life-saving work and help raise donations. Air Ambulance Week took place from 6th to 12th September, as we joined the 20 other air ambulance charities around the country in a campaign called ‘Every Second Counts and Every Penny Matters’. For all the ways to get involved visit

A key part of the week was launching our new patient film involving Andrew Bord who was taking a shower when he blacked out, fell and had a seizure. Andrew, who has made a full recovery, took part in a number of press interviews. Read his story on page 11. Other activities included local radio coverage through the Drivetime show with John Darin on Heart FM across Hertfordshire, as well as tin and bucket collections at various venues throughout both counties. Thanks to everyone who took part and held fundraising events.



Incident summary: • Name: Andrew Bord • Age: 38


• Type: Accidental injury – fall • Injuries: Severe head injury and blood loss • Interventions: Pre-hospital anaesthetic to take over his breathing, blood products • Outcome: Transferred via air ambulance to major trauma centre

Andrew and Emma with their three children

On 2nd June 2019, Andrew Bord, from Bushey, was taking a shower when he blacked out, fell and had a seizure. Nobody knows if the seizure was because he banged his head or whether his seizure began as he lost consciousness. Andrew said: “On the day of the incident, all I remember is I was in the shower. It felt like the lights were going out — that was the feeling I had. From then on, I don’t remember anything.” His wife Emma was downstairs in their family home, changing her son’s nappy when she heard a thud from above. She rushed upstairs to see what had happened and found Andrew with “blood pouring out of his head, shaking all over and foaming at the mouth — it was like a horror film.” When Pre-hospital Care Doctor Katja Ruecker and Critical Care Paramedic James Samouelle arrived, they quickly identified they had to treat the large wound on Andrew’s head and give him a pre-hospital anaesthetic in order to take over his breathing. This would start the process of reducing his brain injury and prevent, as best as possible, any further harm. Once stabilised, he was airlifted to a specialist hospital, The Royal London, which only took eight minutes in the helicopter, whilst Emma his wife went by a blue lighted police car which took nearly an hour.



EHAAT Critical Care Paramedic James Samouelle said: “It’s extremely important to have the paramedic and the doctor onboard the aircraft. Even taking a patient to a local hospital, that delay has a significant impact on the outcome, but we can deliver the interventions and hopefully make a difference. I’m really proud to work in a service like this and have outcomes like this, being part of a team that genuinely helps save people’s lives whenever we go out.” Emma said she feared the worst, or if not, he may have a severe brain injury and not remember her name. “Unbelievably, he has made an amazing recovery. He was back home within a few days and is doing really well. After a few weeks, he was nearly back to his old self. Essex & Herts Air Ambulance is an utterly amazing service, and I am so thankful to them for saving my husband’s life. I can’t thank them enough for everything. The doctors on the helicopter, the speed of their work and the decisions they made were simply amazing.” Reflecting on his experience, Andrew said he would forever be thankful for the crew’s rapid response, emphasising just how crucial the early intervention was to his chances of survival. “If I think about what the air ambulance has done for me — they’ve saved my life. My wife wouldn’t have a husband. To think my kids could have gone without a father. I live for the day now, more than ever.”

PATIENT & FAMILY DAY In late October 2021, we held a Patient and Family Day at our North Weald Airbase. Former patients and their families were invited to tour the new airbase and meet members of our executive team and critical care team, beginning at the visitor centre and concluding at the Explorer Suite. Tours were held throughout the day, and it was wonderful to see former patients and their loved ones.

UNIQUE ONLINE SPORTS AUCTION In May 2021, Steve Dukes, Head of Kit and Equipment for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, auctioned a treasure trove of personally signed shirts, from all 92 clubs in the Premier League and Football League pyramid, in memory of his late father, Charlie Dukes. On 18th May 2020, Charlie from Goffs Oak, Hertfordshire, told his wife, Jill, he was cycling to a nearby farm to collect sticks for use on his garden vegetable patch. It was a short ride and one that Charlie, an experienced cyclist, made many times. Tragically, it was a journey that Charlie did not complete. A short while later, a passer-by found Charlie at the side of a track, unconscious and with a serious head injury. An East of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST) team and a critical care team from EHAAT were quickly on the scene. The charity’s team prepared Charlie for the short flight to Royal London Hospital, a major trauma centre, where he could receive specialist care. When Steve, his brother John and Jill arrived at the hospital, doctors told them Charlie was on life support. Sadly, despite the best efforts of the EHAAT team and the staff at the hospital, Charlie’s injuries were too severe. He passed away five days later without regaining consciousness. Despite their loss, Steve and his family felt relieved to know that everything that could be done to help Charlie that day

had been done by EEAST and EHAAT working together. “We were comforted by the fact that because of the air ambulance, dad got the best possible care at the scene, giving him the greatest chance of survival. I’d watched programmes about air ambulances in the past, but I didn’t realise they are charities. That’s why I wanted to do some fundraising, to say thank you.” Steve’s online auction coincided with the first anniversary of his father’s untimely death, and the auction site received over 36,000 visits, and along with his JustGiving page, raised over £44,000 for EHAAT. The signed Manchester Utd shirt raised the most money selling for £2,350. The auction generated a lot of press interest both nationally and regionally. Steve is set to launch a follow up auction in May 2022, once we have more details we will notify supporters via our Eyes On monthly newsletter.




Can you

Could you be one of 60 people donating £500 to get us to the £30,000 needed to keep flying blood to those who need it most?

£500 PL



Thanks to our amazing supporters, we’ve carried blood on board for over 1,000 days. In 2021, our critical care teams treated 76 patients who were in critical need of a blood transfusion after suffering serious injuries, such as road traffic accidents, penetrating injuries and falls. On average, it costs £500 for us to help one patient in need of blood. Can you help us raise £30,000 to secure blood on board for another year? In return for your £500 donation, EHAAT’s Blood Project Lead Laurie Phillipson will be in touch to update you about the Blood on Board project.

on every mission?

1 2

Blood Blood donated to the NHS is separated into different components. EHAAT’s critical care team use bags of O negative red blood cells, delivered to our airbases by the Essex Voluntary Blood Service. The average number of blood units per patient in 2021 was 2.3, with 187 transfused units.


Cool Box Specialist cool boxes with electronic temperature tags are used to transport our blood products on every mission. They keep blood at a controlled temperature to preserve it in the best possible condition. Bags minimise the risk of blood products freezing or overheating, thus decreasing the risk of wastage. Unused blood is returned to The Princess Alexandra Hospital after every shift.

Blood Plasma Blood plasma is another component of blood, which can be combined with red blood cells or used alone to treat a critically ill patient. Red blood cells and blood plasma form an effective bond replacement for shocked and bleeding patients.

1 2 4


Blood Warmer When a patient needs a blood transfusion, the red blood cells and blood plasma are warmed to body temperature. This makes them safe to administer and helps prevent hypothermia.




YOUR GIVING MATTERS so people like Martin can be here to share their story Martin*, like many of the critically ill patients we attend, had sustained a high-energy collision affecting every part of his body. He had multiple injuries, including a collapsed lung, and multiple points of bleeding. The combined blood loss from such injuries can be fatal. Martin’s blood pressure was dropping rapidly due to the blood loss. On scene, the team were able to resuscitate Martin and use O negative packed red blood cells and plasma to support his circulation, enabling them to fly him to a major trauma centre. We are delighted to hear that Martin is now making a good recovery.

BLOOD ON BOARD APPEAL THANK YOU YOUR £500 WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE I would like to donate £500, enough to help one critically ill patient in need of blood.

Name Address

Postcode Telephone Email

Cheque donation

*Name changed for case study.

Please make cheques payable to Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Quote reference B21 on the reverse of your cheque.

OR Credit/Debit Card donation


Card No. Card expiry date A member of the EHAAT team will telephone donors to take the security code.


Send us your completed form in an envelope marked ‘Freepost ESSEX & HERTS AIR AMBULANCE’. Please do not add any additional information to the envelope as we will be charged a fee.


Any funds received over and above the £30,000 target will be used to help us provide our ongoing life-saving service.




New Research Projects:

CONTINUALLY IMPROVING OUR LIFE-SAVING SERVICE In conversation with Research Lead, Sarah McLachlan owycz, th Dr Kate Lach ce. rah McLachlan wi an Air Ambulan gli An Research Lead, Sa st Ea at ad velopment Le Research and De

EHAAT is committed to driving forward with new ideas and clinical innovations, continually looking for ways to improve – encouraging initiative, creativity and agility. We’re passionate about the transformative power of research, which plays a pivotal role in improving the service and care delivered to our patients. We caught up with our Research Lead, Sarah McLachlan, to give Flight for Life readers a closer insight into some of our recent research projects.

Hi Sarah! Can you tell us a little about your role within EHAAT? Absolutely. As Research Lead, I work closely with our prehospital care doctors, critical care paramedics and charity staff, as well as colleagues at Anglia Ruskin University and in other pre-hospital care services. My role was created in partnership between EHAAT and Anglia Ruskin University, and I have been in the post since April 2018. We set up a Patient Involvement Forum at EHAAT, comprising former patients and their family members, offering invaluable advice on our research projects to ensure our research addresses issues that are important to patients, whose perspectives are represented in every stage of the research. 14


What projects have you and the wider team been working on recently? In October 2019, EHAAT moved to a 24/7 operation. Before making this extension to our operational hours, we conducted a study to look at the types, numbers and locations of incidents occurring in Essex and Hertfordshire during night hours that may require attendance by an EHAAT team. We worked with East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) to gather data on the number of major trauma and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidents during night hours (defined as 9pm to 7am). We asked critical care paramedics to keep a log of incidents during night hours where they thought an air ambulance team would be required, and interviewed EHAAT and ambulance service staff about their views on the need for night operations. In another example, a research project in development focuses on improving our understanding of patients’ experiences of the pre-hospital care that they have received following a head injury. The project will be led by myself and Professor Hilary Bungay at Anglia Ruskin University, in collaboration with colleagues at EEAST and East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA). We will also explore the experiences of ambulance and air ambulance clinicians in providing care for these patients. Our findings will help us develop recommendations for prehospital head injury care based on the aspects of care that are most important to patients. We are very grateful to the members of our Patient Involvement Forum for their help in developing this project.

It’s clear the impact of the pandemic will continue to affect our daily lives for some time to come. Have you conducted any studies on the impact of COVID-19 to EHAAT’s clinical team and the pre-hospital critical care network? The COVID-19 pandemic presented huge challenges for health care providers, including emergency services. We conducted three studies to better understand the impact on EHAAT and our clinicians. The first involved monitoring changes in the types and numbers of missions attended by the team from March 2020 onwards. The second was a survey of the clinical team’s experiences during the pandemic, with a particular emphasis on the challenges they faced and how they responded.

Sarah teams up with members of the Patient Involvement Forum, Professor Hilary Bungay (Anglia Ruskin University) and Adam Carr (EHAAT Critical Care Paramedic and Head of Patient and Family Liaison).

You mentioned you work closely with the Faculty of Business and Law at Anglia Ruskin University. What kind of research projects do the students undertake?

In Study 3, I interviewed 12 clinicians about their experiences and discovered more about the impact of COVID-19, such as the difficulty of communicating with patients, their family members and other emergency services staff on scene whilst wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Clinical staff described the challenge of identifying the roles of other emergency responders on scene due to PPE covering uniforms and explained how they overcame this, for example, by writing people’s roles (e.g., “doctor,” “paramedic”) on the back of their PPE gowns. We will share our findings with the wider air ambulance and emergency services community to ensure that our learning is available to others.

As part of a collaboration with academic staff and second-year students in the Faculty of Business and Law at Anglia Ruskin University, Dr Minna Lammi, Emily Mace, and the students conducted a survey of our recent Flight for Life Lottery supporters, evaluating the work of our lottery canvassers. To help improve the lottery experience in the future, the students held a series of focus groups to generate new ideas for fundraising and engaging with the public. For more information on the lottery, please turn to page 22.

Essex & Herts Air Ambulance very much value patient feedback. Can you tell us about the survey you plan to launch which will help the charity provide even better care to patients?

It sounds like there’s a lot going on behind the scenes! Are there any other studies to help ensure the continuous improvement and high-quality patient care?

A team comprising our Heads of Patient Safety & Quality and Patient & Family Liaison, along with myself and our Clinical Administrator, have developed a Patient and Family Feedback Survey. In the beginning, we will send this survey to 10 patients each month. We will use the feedback to continue improving the quality of our care. The survey will also allow patients and their family members to access post-incident support from our Patient & Family Liaison team and to join our Patient Involvement Forum. We are planning to launch the survey in early 2022.

I am currently working with Dr Lisa Ramage, one of our flight doctors and Chair of the ‘PHOTON’ research group of pre-hospital care doctors, on a national study to agree research priority areas for pre-hospital critical care. Lisa is leading on this important piece of work, which will result in a ‘top 10’ research questions for air ambulance services to address. We have invited clinicians and researchers working in air ambulance charities across the UK to propose questions they feel are essential to look at to advance the care provided to patients. We will also ask senior experts in the area to look at the questions and vote on the most important to form a ‘top 10’. This will then guide collaborative research across UK air ambulances to help inform the care provided to patients.

Numerous research projects involve partnering with air ambulance crews across the UK. Are you working on any collaborative projects at present? We’re working with our colleagues at EAAA and Magpas Air Ambulance, looking at how to help the teams who dispatch air ambulance crews to incidents, to ensure that they attend those incidents where they are likely to be of most benefit to the patient. As part of our ongoing efforts, we are also gathering information from our crews and EEAST ground ambulance staff about the impacts when air ambulance teams attend incidents, beyond those we already record. These impacts may include communication with patients’ family members on scene, reaching patients in remote or difficult to access locations, and supporting ground ambulance crews. Having these findings will allow our air ambulance teams to work with the ground ambulance service as effectively as possible to deliver pre-hospital care to patients throughout the East of England.

We are also involved in some externally-led research that will look at whether it is feasible and beneficial to give patients whole blood in the pre-hospital setting. At EHAAT, we currently transfuse blood in its separate components (packed red blood cells and plasma), but a new whole blood product has been developed that combines these components in a single product. Findings will help to guide EHAAT and other air ambulances on how best to give blood transfusions to patients before they reach a hospital. The project is due to begin in Spring 2022.

Amazing! Thank you so much for your time, Sarah. You can learn more about our people, partners, mission updates, airbases and real-life stories by visiting




cation of our creativity and dedi n, io at in rm te de e From swimming amazed by th ese difficult times. th g We continue to be rin du us t or de, you have ve rallied to supp ching your hair blon ea bl d an s supporters, who ha ge en all ch fundraisers, Channel to cycling of our outstanding all e ur at fe n’t across the English ca rry we ise for us. ly proud! We’re so the time to fundra s ke ta o wh ne made us immense yo ever nce. Thank you! dly want to thank makes a real differe es but we wholehearte iti tiv ac ng isi ra your fund Every penny from

Josh, an Essex supporter, successfully completed his English Channel swim and, as a result, raised an incredible amount of money. His time was 13hrs and 37 minutes!

Chris and Scott from Radio Essex dyed their hair blonde to mark England reaching the EURO20 final and raised just over £1,000!



London Landmarks. 5 supporters Grace, Emily, Charlie, Kyrah and Adam ran in aid of EHAAT and raised £4,079! A loving tribute was left in Danbury by a supporter who sadly lost his wife to COVID-19. The Co-op’s staff and customers raised money for a memorial bench to commemorate her memory. The funds went way over their target, and EHAAT received a donation of £5,500.

rful Tw o w o n d e e r s ort Essex supp in a took part and w in g w a lk £1,5 0 0 ra is e d o v e r

Dawn Smith and her sister completed a skydive in August. They raised £1,300. Herts supporter Pub Landlord David Worcester from the Red Lion in St Albans completed an Ironman challenge. Debden Dynamos completed their cycling challenge and have so far raised £4,137.24.

0 for Perry Newman raised £17 g a golf event GoRedGoYellow by holdin try Club. at The Essex Golf & Coun rtfordshire, in Lisa, a police officer in He do 100 squats May challenged herself to AAT. a day to raise money for EH ore, after and She completed squats bef onally roping during her shifts — occasi join her. in her on-shift officers to

Back in July, mem bers of our fund raising team attended th e Honda rally at The Ship in Chelmsfo rd to support ou r biking community. They raised funds on the day from raffle, en try fees and dona tions.

T h e Wa r eJ g ro u p h a o g g e r s v £7 ,0 0 0 e ra is e d for M o r e t h a EH A AT. n5 p a r t ic ip a 0 0 r u n n e r s te t h e 10 k m d in e it h e r o r 10 - m il e ra c e s b a c k in J u ly .

one A huge thanks to Kate and a d hel of our pilots, Olli, who quiz and raised £300!

Santa Cruise 2021 took place on Saturday 11th December, where 63 riders cycled dressed as Santa through Stevenage and surrounding villages to raise money for EHAAT. They raised £ 2,518.57.



SHOP SUSTAINABLY WITH EHAAT Our retail operation plays an important role in driving sustainability. Each of our eight charity shops provide an ethical option for people choosing to dispose of unwanted goods, promoting reuse and recycling to lessen landfills. Every pre-loved item we sell makes a positive difference to the UK’s carbon footprint and helps keep your local life-saving charity operational. Our charity shops remain at the heart of the re-use, reduce and recycle mantra that is so crucial in tackling climate change and creating a more sustainable world.

EASTWOOD SMASHES TARGET At the start of November, our Eastwood shop was determined to be the first shop to hit £10,000 in sales income and worked hard during the month to achieve it. Shop Manager Vikki Gunner and her team have utilised all avenues for sales, as well as requested additional stock from the warehouse. All the hard work paid off, but they didn’t achieve £10,000 in sales, they achieved £12,000. Donna Lee Head of Retail, said: “I cannot begin to explain how proud I am of them all, but also how proud I am of all the other shops that have supported and encouraged the team. A huge well done to Vikki, Lynda and the volunteers.” Donna continued, “The other good news is Hitchin nearly achieved £10,000 and were just under with £9,600. Well done to Rom, Denise and the team at Hitchin.”

WAREHOUSE SALE The last Stevenage warehouse sale in 2021 took place on Sunday 5th September. The day was a success with 111 supporters in attendance and an average spend of £10 per customer. Attendance was slightly down on previous events due to summer holidays ending and people getting ready to head back to work etc. Despite this, the sale generated some great awareness and the day managed to raise £1,468 which included sales, pre-sold and on the day entrance tickets. We also recruited a new volunteer!








LOCAL FORD DEALER, ‘GATES’, SHOWS CONTINUING SUPPORT FOR AIR AMBULANCE With Ford dealerships in Essex and Hertfordshire, Frank G Gates Ltd continues to support EHAAT and donated a Ford Kuga Plug-In Hybrid to aid the charity’s life-saving work.


We are so excited to announce that we have an incredible new interactive visitor centre at our new North Weald Airbase. With its informative, emotional, and immersive content, the site aims to create an immersive experience that inspires and leaves a lasting impression on visitors. You’ll get a taste of the amazing work we do, get the lowdown on when and why we are dispatched and hear about some powerful patient stories. It’s completely free to visit. Send an email to to enquire about booking a tour.

Members of staff visited EHAAT’s brand new airbase at North Weald in October and were delighted to hand over the keys to the vehicle, which will be used by the charity and fundraising team. The new Ford Kuga replaces the Ford Mondeo provided by Gates in 2019, when they first began to support the charity. Now, when the team are making their vital journeys, they can seamlessly switch between electric and petrol with the touch of a button. Staff at EHAAT will use the vehicle to travel between the charity’s two airbases, as well as fundraising offices and shops in Essex and Hertfordshire.

SEA WALL MURAL In October 2021, following our request for artistic-minded individuals to submit their design ideas, a mural highlighting the services we provide across Essex and Hertfordshire was unveiled on the sea wall at Concord Beach on Canvey Island. The image was designed by Paul Johnson, a member of the community arts and health programme, Open Arts Essex, and painted by the resident artist for Friends of Concord Beach, Dawn Hart. A big thanks to Friends of Concord Beach and the Environment Agency for giving us this opportunity. We are thrilled that we were able to involve the local community, and we love Paul’s design.


A big thanks to SRC Aggregates who as part of a one year sponsorship agreement with EHAAT, allowed us to brand one of their trucks.


In September, we were delighted to be joined by one of our amazing volunteers, Steve Walton, whose company Triumph East London are long term supporters of the charity. Triumph East London painted one of their bikes in the charity’s colours to show their support and also included a QR code on the bike for customers to scan to make a donation to EHAAT.



NATIONAL VOLUNTEER’S WEEK 2021 National Volunteers’ Week is held the first week of June each year. It gives us the perfect opportunity to celebrate, and thank all of our amazing 400 volunteers. They are all an integral part of the EHAAT family. We are extremely grateful and appreciative of everything our volunteers do, and without them, we wouldn’t be able to operate as a charity. The past two years have been incredibly challenging, but through it all and when restrictions allowed, many of our volunteers continued

Ray & Sue

Me l

We have been volunteering for over 12 years, collecting cheque donations, giving short talks, selling t-shirts at the annual motorcycle run and looking after collection tins. We also sell home-made bird tables and home-grown plants outside our house to help raise additional funds.



to help us with all manner of activities – from helping in our charity shops and offices, collecting tins, and giving talks over Zoom to groups, societies and clubs. As part of National Volunteers’ Week 2021, we created a short thank you video that can be viewed at Each day we featured a different volunteer telling their story and why they volunteer for EHAAT. Their stories were shared on our website and across our social media channels. We would also like to share them with you.

I was inspired to support EHAAT when in June 2019, the air ambulance landed in the field adjacent to my home, and I realised one of my neighbours, Peter, was in trouble! This tragic, traumatic event left me awestruck. In Peter’s memory, my mission is to keep the red and yellow bird airborne.

I have been a volunteer for EHAAT for nearly 13 years and have witnessed the charity grow. I initially became involved with EHAAT as a result of meeting the crew at incidents when I was a volunteer First Responder. It dawned on me that their high level of skill only came about due to supporters sticking their hands in their pockets!

Roger & Carol


We have been keen volunteers for just over 8 and 6 years respectively. After seeing the wonderful work that the critical care teams do when they respond to calls within our area, we have a special regard for EHAAT. Since becoming volunteers, we have helped with bucket collections and have been tin collectors. Engaging with the public has been the most enjoyable and rewarding experience.

EHAAT came to my rescue in December 2017 when I had an accident at home. I broke my ankle in three places and badly dislocated it. I still suffer daily with medical complications, but without EHAAT, I definitely wouldn’t have my foot at all. Volunteering for EHAAT has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.



I started fundraising for the charity when I signed up to trek Nepal in 2013 and later trekked Cambodia and Slovenia as well. My fundraising led me to want to do more for the charity, so I signed up as a volunteer. I carry out a number of duties, including attending events, helping in the office, carrying out bucket collections, giving talks and hosting airbase visits. Throughout February 2021, in aid of EHAAT I dressed up as a different character every day.


I have volunteered for EHAAT since May 2018. My dad Brian Shipley was the founder of the charity! Sadly, he died of cancer 5 years ago. The money raised from his funeral was used to set up a CPR campaign in his memory. My favourite role is helping to teach CPR in schools. It is very rewarding seeing the kids learn this incredible life skill. I am very proud to volunteer for this amazing charity that really does appreciate its volunteers.

VISION 21/22: A SENSATIONAL SEA OF BLUE AT NORTH WEALD We were delighted in November to host over 50 of our volunteers who attended the annual Vision for Volunteers Day at our North Weald Airbase. Those who weren’t able to be there in person joined us via Zoom. This very important day in the calendar gives EHAAT the chance to thank and recognise our team of volunteers. It also gives our Executive Team the opportunity to present to volunteers our vision for the next 5 years. Prior to the formal part of the day starting, we conducted tours of the building, with volunteers overjoyed to be back together, wearing their branded blue polo shirts and red lanyards, catching up with old and new faces. Volunteers had the chance to see our

exciting new interactive and immersive visitor centre, before moving into our new Explorer conference suite for the main presentations. It began with a welcome and introductions from Jane Moreton, Volunteer Manager and Hoss Atri, ViceChair of the Volunteer Forum Group, followed by Clive Gilham, one of our trustees, and Jane Gurney, CEO before looking back on 2021 so far and at the year’s finances. Exciting plans were then unveiled for clinical, operations, fundraising and marketing. Prior to showing our new patient video and returning downstairs for the buffet lunch, some of our volunteers were presented with long service awards by Jane Gurney, CEO, and Jane Morton, Volunteer Manager. John Turnbull collected his 15-year recognition award, whilst Clive Enguell, Jyotsna Islam and Brenda Jordan picked up their 10-year recognition awards. A huge thank you to everyone who attended the day and made it such a great success.

WE NEED YOU If you want to volunteer for a charity that offers flexible hours to suit you, a welcoming environment, regular get-togethers, interaction with our critical care team and employability skills, come and join our amazing volunteer family! Whether you can give us a little time occasionally or a lot of time regularly, our volunteer team would be pleased to hear from you and help answer any questions about what is involved. Contact our volunteer team via or by calling 0345 2417 690.



CHRISTMAS ARRIVES EARLY FOR LOTTERY WINNER Christmas came early for Paul Reynolds from Sawbridgeworth when he picked up a cheque for £25,000 after winning the EHAAT ‘Flight for Life’ Lottery Superdraw.


ALREADY A MEMBER? REFER A FRIEND! Join online at or by calling us on 0345 2417 688

Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Trust, Flight House, The Business Centre, Earls Colne Business Park, Earls Colne, Colchester CO6 2NS wholly owns two trading companies each of which promotes a Society Lottery to raise funds to support different areas of Essex & Herts Air Ambulance’s HEMS service. The two trading companies are both registered at the above address and are licensed by the Gambling Commission. Essex & Herts Flight for Life Lottery Operations Ltd (Company Number: 11995048) and Essex & Herts Flight for Life Lottery Critical Care Ltd (Company Number: 11995133).



Sixty-year-old Mr Reynolds has supported EHAAT for a number of years and said: “I was delighted to receive the phone call from Carmel Hudson, EHAAT’s Lottery Manager, to tell me I had won. I didn’t expect the call and didn’t believe her in the beginning. After what has been a challenging couple of years, this unexpected windfall means that we now have the opportunity to support our girls, Alice and Eleanor. In addition, we purchased a motorhome recently that needs some refurbishment. So my wife Tracey and I are looking forward to spending time away in it over the next few months.” David Franklin (Pre-Hospital Care Doctor) and Chris Eagle (Critical Care Paramedic) were pleased to meet Mr Reynolds and his daughter Alice when they visited our North Weald Airbase to pick up the winning cheque from Pam Withrington, Director of Fundraising & Marketing. David and Chris proudly showed them around the helicopter and the new state-ofthe-art airbase. Mr Reynolds, an ex-paramedic himself, was fascinated with the facilities. Mr Reynolds continued: “Seeing how technology has changed over recent years was really interesting, and being shown this first-hand was a real honour. I will definitely spread the word about the work that is carried out by the crew in bringing the hospital to the patient. I am really motivated to help them in any way I can.” If you have not joined, remember – you have to be in it to win it! It’s simple: visit or call us on 0345 2417 688, and we will do the rest. If you are already a member, you can help us spread the word and refer a family member, friend, work colleague or neighbour. We also run 3 raffles per year – spring, summer and winter. To enter, tickets are just £1 each, and you will have a chance to win cash prizes with every ticket you purchase. 1st prize is £3,000. 2nd prize is £500, 3rd prize is £100, plus 10 runner-up prizes of £10. Keep an eye out for the spring raffle, which will launch in March 2022. For more details and to play visit,

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY SPRING 2022 AVBAT Throughout the year Blood on Board Appeal February–May Free Wills Month 1st–31st March Spring Raffle Launch March

The London Landmarks Half Marathon 3rd April Easter Competition April Stevenage Donation Centre Sale 8th May

Steve Dukes Live Auction May 2022 MCR – I did it my way May Walk 100 May

RideLondon-Essex 100 29th May

SUMMER 2022 AVBAT Throughout the year

Summer Volunteer Event 11th June

Summer Raffle Launch June

National Volunteer’s Week 1st–7th June

AeroMed Clinical Conference 15th June

Tack2Hack August

AUTUMN 2022 AVBAT Throughout the year

Free Wills Month 1st–31st October

Winter Raffle October

Air Ambulance Week 5th–11th September

TCS London Marathon 2nd October

Vision 22/23 25th November

London to Brighton Cycle Ride 11th September

National Restart a Heart Day 16th October

MCR Harwich September

EHAAT UK Trek October TBC

WINTER 2022 AVBAT Throughout the year

Festive Fundraising Throughout December

Carol Service December


It takes more than just heroes on the frontline. Regular donations, no matter how small, from people like you make a real difference in helping to keep your local life-saving charity operational, ensuring we can continue to bring the hospital to the critically ill and injured of Essex, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas.

Thank you. We can’t fly without you. Sign up at or send us this completed form in an envelope marked ‘Freepost ESSEX & HERTS AIR AMBULANCE’. Please do not add any additional information to the envelope as we will be charged a fee.

Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit

Service user number





For Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust official use only. This is not part of the instruction to your bank or building society.

Name and full postal address of your bank or building society


To: The Manager




Bank/Building society

Postcode Phone




Name(s) of account holder(s)

Email Account number

I would like to set up a Monthly Direct Debit of: £6



Other Reference (office use only)

Please debit my bank/building society account on: 1st

Branch sort code



I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the Charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give for current and, if applicable, future years.

Instruction to your bank or building society Please pay Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust, and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/ building society.

Signature(s) I want to Gift Aid this donation to Essex & Herts Air Ambulance and any donations In the future

made in the past four years

Date This guarantee should be detached and retained by the payer.

The Direct Debit Guarantee • This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.

• If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust or your bank or building society you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. - If you receive a refund you are not entitled to you must pay it back when Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust asks you to. • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

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