Annual 2018 Report
Every Home for Christ (EHC) in Australia works as part of an international missions organisation dedicated to systematically delivering a gospel booklet to every home on earth. Since its beginnings in Canada in1946, Every Home for Christ has remained on a steady committed course toward this vision supporting national workers and national churches to go home-to-home until every home in their nation has been visited. Since 1946, more than 2 billion homes have been visited with gospel literature.
The strategy is simple:
Everybody lives somewhere, so just go where people live and systematically share the Gospel home to home in your own language, by your own people. Mainly this means visiting homes, but it also means to hospitals, to prisons, to ships, to wherever people live. The results have been incredible! Historically, we have worked in around 200 nations, but never alone. Every Home for Christ always partners with the local church to do the work of evangelism and discipleship. In the last 5 years alone, we have reached over 400 million homes and followed-up to disciple over 70 million people who have responded to the Gospel. Every Home Global Concern grew out of Every Home for Christ and two trading names came into being in 2008 “Every Home for Christ” and “Global Concern”. Global Concern reflects our second goal which is to help the poor and disadvantaged overseas lift themselves out of poverty through holistic community development programs. These development programs are outlined in this Annual Report and receive funds from the public and in some cases also from the Australian government (in 2007/18 for Togo, Malawi and Zambia). In 2017/18 through the generosity of men and women and churches in Australia and New Zealand, and through ANCP funding received from the Australian government, Every Home Global Concern has been able to send $1,258,698 to India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Togo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Israel, Spain, Brazil, Guam, Samoa,Vietnam, Cambodia, and China.
OUR VALUES: We value people We value partners We act in honesty & integrity We are accountable Our motivation is Christian
The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) is the peak Council for Australian not for profit aid and development organisations. Every Home Global Concern is a member of ACFID and a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct, which is a voluntary, self - regulatory sector code of good practice. We are committed to and fully adhere to the ACFID Code of Conduct, conducting our work with transparency, accountability and integrity. The Financial Statements in this report have been prepared in accordance with the Code. If at any time you need to lodge a complaint against our organisation, please email the Executive Director on Our complaints handling policy can be found on our website If you are not satisfied with the response and believe our organisation has breached the ACFID Code of Conduct, you can lodge a complaint with the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee at Information about how to make a complaint can be found at
Every Home Global Concern is accredited by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), responsible for managing Australia’s aid program. To maintain accreditation, Every Home Global Concern’s systems, policies and processes are rigorously reviewed by the Australian Government every 5 years. Every Home Global Concern receives support through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) which delivers funding in the form of annual grants to support community-based projects that have a direct and tangible impact on reducing poverty in developing countries. We are grateful to the Australian government for their contribution to our aid program in Malawi, Zambia and Togo during 2017/2018. To see the full scope of the work of DFAT in assisting the disadvantaged overseas, please visit their website - .
1,161 10,083 6,788 76 5,388 3,964 6,453 2,000
boys and girls from disadvantaged families in India and Bangladesh given a primary school education men, women & children with improved access to clean water and sanitation through the building of wells and toilets men and women able to increase their income in a sustainable way unskilled women trained in sewing & embroidery men, women and children in Africa with improved health and wellbeing people learning how to adapt to changes in climate with 6,080 trees planted men, women & children now able to eat 3 meals a day with increased nutrition mosquito nets distributed to help in the fight against Malaria
Training and education program in 12 Ethiopian prisons
Primary School Education through 4 schools, women’s Sewing Training Program & income generation for rickshaw pullers
Primary School Education, Health Education, women’s Sewing Program & income generation
Food Security Program assisting 600 people to increase their crops by 11.7%
Income Generation Program assisting 2,700 people with a 66.8% increase in income
1,000 mosquito nets distributed to help with malaria prevention
men. women and children looking forward to a better future! In 2017 a 5 year community development program with an emphasis on food security commenced in 6 new villages in Zambia. However, instead of routinely distributing seed and equipment to the project, the first year has been initially building the capacity of the local people through training in agriculture and business, awareness campaigns and community mobilisation. This has helped to build a strong foundation towards success and has also enabled staff to find the most needy men and women to be helped by the project. With the success of pass-on programs with livestock in the past, new pass-on crops have been introduced -Orange Sweet Potato and Cassava. This has improved nutrition and households are not so affected by drought conditions as cassava & sweet potato will grow during drought. Women and the disabled have been included with 60% of decision making positions being women, especially in the training and running of the Village Savings Groups. 12 people with disability gained access to new agricultural technologies, good hygiene/ sanitation practices and child protection training. Thank you for making this possible. SARA’S STORY: Sara was barely managing to feed her family of 6 children from her small retail shop where she was selling only cooking oil and small fish sardines. The shop was giving her very little profit, not enough to sustain her family daily needs. After taking a loan from the Food Security project, Sara diversified her products to include essential commodities such as soap, snacks and salt and as her income increased, she was able to buy her family clothes, school books, food and new iron sheets for her house. It’s clear that the efforts Every Home Global Concern is making towards family empowerment are already generating effective results. Thank you for making this possible. Helping women break the cycle of poverty and support themselves and their families.
One of the vllage toilets improving sanitation and health.
In partnership with Zambia EHC
In partnership with Malawi EHC
men, women and children who have a better hope for their future
For the last 15 years Every Home Global Concern has been working with EHC Malawi to help poor subsistence communities become food secure. During this time lessons have been learned which have helped to make the program more effective. As well as improving household food security, enhancing good hygiene, improving nutrition and health and increasing access to water and basic sanitation, the focus has widened to help men and women earn an income by giving start-up loans and forming community savings groups. Also, as there are many children under 5 in these villages who have been orphaned by aids, two supplementary feeding centres have been set up to improve their health. In 2017 the project constructed 10 toilets and 31 wells, distributed 1,000 mosquito nets, built 111 mud stoves and commenced 86 income/ loan groups which helped to increase family income by 88.6%. The project established pass on programs of livestock and cassava cuttings so that, as new livestock were born or cassava plants reproduced, these were shared with other farmers and so the benefits would be passed on year by year. Thank you for making this community development program possible. MRS NYIRENDA’S STORY: Mrs. Nyirenda was delighted to receive a well for her family and the surrounding households so they had safe drinking water within 200 metres distance of their homes, resulting in the prevention of waterborne diseases. It now only takes 15 minutes to gather water which allows her to attend to her family needs and give better time to her child with a disability. Her husband, who has a backyard garden, also uses the new water source to enrich his crops both to sell for income and to have quality vegetables for their own health.
families from a low-caste village whose lives will never be the same!! For 133 children from a low-caste village near Chennai in India, an education in English is a “dream come true�. Complete with school uniform, a hot meal each day, clean water, toilets and school materials, this is vitally important for their future, giving them an opportunity in the fast-growing world of India. In the last year, because of an evaluation that took place, the school has been repaired and repainted, a fence has been built around the school to protect the children and a playground has been built. The boys and girls are enjoying the new playground but a shelter from the sun still needs to be provided. In 2019 the aim is to re-build the school population to its capacity of 200 children and more sponsors will be needed. A wonderful feature of this community development program is the vocational training in sewing for the mothers of the children and other village women. This last year 36 women graduated, receiving a certificate which enables them to find employment in local tailoring businesses. The program teaches the women how to save funds in a bank account and encourages these women to save half the cost of a sewing machine after which they are provided with their own machine and employed to make school uniforms ... a wonderful asset to their family’s life! Health education is also an important component of the program, educating men and women in the school hall on ways to improve their hygiene and family health. These men, women and children thank you for your encouragement and for giving them this opportunity .
In partnership with India EHC
children educated with hope for the future and a reason to smile!! In 2017/18 this Community Development Program in 4 communities in Bangladesh educated 1,056 disadvantaged boys and girls, trained 243 women in tailoring/embroidery and helped 43 rickshaw pullers own their own rickshaw or van, adding to the economic development of these communities. All schools have a feeding program which provides a hot meal each day and each child receives a school uniform, school equipment and new clothes for Christmas. Without this opportunity many of these Primary school children would be forced to work to help provide for their families. In 2018 one of the schools in the inner city of Dhaka needed many repairs and the decision was made to move the school to safer premises. Plans are being made to tear down an old building on land owned by Bangladesh EHC and to try to raise funds to build a new school. As land in the inner city is a premium this is great opportunity to utilise this space and the plan is, as funds become available, to build 5 stories and increase the capacity of the school. Thank you so much to all the EHC supporters who sponsor children in these schools, empowering whole communities.
In partnership with Bangladesh EHC
243 women graduated from sewing training and are now able to increase their family income
43 men received their own rickshaw and have increased their income
Ethiopian prisoners & their children with hope for a better life!!
Eloi Prison Ministry currently works in 12 prisons in partnership with an in-country organisation called Kristos - a department of the evangelical Mennonite Church of Ethiopia who work in 25 of the 50 prisons in Ethiopia. Setotaw Befekadu (Set) has for some years been overseeing Every Home Global Concern’s work in the Ethiopian prisons, visiting once a year to monitor. His work reflects his extensive knowledge of how to help the prisons and prisoners. He takes into the prisons soap, pumps for irrigation so prisoners can grow tomatoes, tools for making furniture, sewing machines so prisoners can make clothes, grinding machines, brick machines and wood machines, sprays so that the dreaded flies can be killed in the hot season, books for them to read, uniforms, soccer balls and volley balls for teams to play. Training prisoners in a skill so that they have an income both in prison and when they leave prison is an important component of the work in the prisons. Last year, of the prisoners who were released, 40 were able to find employment or start small businesses. Prisoners are taught how to handle money ... Set buys them one pump and they learn how to work the pump to make money and the prisoners buy the second pump‌This happens with the sewing machines too. They then sell their products to people outside the prison. In Ethiopia prisons the children are imprisoned with their parents and so schools are being developed in some of the prisons with 80 children currently being educated. In 2018 Daniel Barreca, the EHC Overseas Projects Manager, visited two of these prisons and verified the work being done in Ethiopia with donations received. Beanies were given to the children to protect them from the cold weather in Ethiopia. Thank you for your help!
In partnership with Eloi Prison Ministry
Terrorism -
By checking the organisations and people we work with overseas against the government’s terrorist list and by working long-term with Every Home affiliated partners, we lessen the possibility of our programs being infiltrated by terrorism.
Child Protection -
Every Home Global Concern has developed a Child Protection Policy which is applied both in Australia and overseas where children are involved in the projects. All staff involved with children and sponsors visiting their sponsored child are required to undergo a Police Check and agree to a code of conduct.
Ethical Photography - Photos used in publications meet DFAT’s standards for ethical photography, including informed consent and respect for the person being photographed. Every publication is assessed against these standards before going to print.
Risk Management - All projects are assessed for risk and assessed against these risks during the life of the project. In 2018 the Board of Directors set up a sub-committee to assess Every Home Global Concern in relation to organisational risk and to make sure systems are in place to handle any possible risks, including risks to money, to staff, to children, to reputation and to safety. Every Home Global Concern is committed to safeguarding against sexual harrassment, exploitation & abuse.
Women and girls -
A total of 3,978 men and women received training on gender, domestic violence and women’s rights in Africa and, on average, women held 60% of positions of power and decision-making in the projects. In India and Bangladesh opportunity is given to girls to receive an education, with women targeted through the sewing training program.
People with Disabilities 2,441 people were trained in disability rights and policy of which 242 people with disability gained access to new technology, good hygiene and sanitation practices. 171 people with disabilities were able to increase their average income as a result.
In Africa 5,540 people participated in child protection awareness with 666 children gaining access to safe space and child protection services. A further 4 youth clubs were formed to actively engage children in education on children’s rights. In Bangladesh and India children are the focus of the community development program with education forming the basic building block in their development.
Local Leadershp Committees of local men and women are chosen to manage the projects on the ground with their capacity developed through training from EHC staff and by the relevant government departments in Health, Agriculture and the Environment.
Board of Directors
B.A. in Political Science & History, G.Dip.Theology
Hons), LL M(Tas), Dip. Tax(Monash), Notary Public
Uniting Church Minister
BA in Theology, MA in Education for Special Needs
Retired teacher
Financial Management Consultant
Founding and Executive Director 41 years
B.A.Mathematics, M.A.Applied Statistics, Dip.Ed. Mathematics Teacher
worked in management positions in the banking sector
Parish Manager at Mahranghi Presbyterian Church
From the Chairman of the Board
Medical profession as a Dental Radiographer
Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive
We are thankful for the incredibly generous and valued donors and prayer partners of Every Home for Christ/Every Home Global Concern. All that has been achieved has been through your partnership with the staff and Board of Directors and on behalf of the Board I would like to express my deep gratitude and thanks to you and to the Lord for His enabling and provision. Rev Alex Thomas, Board Chairman
Staff Over the last 40 years Eric has developed Every Home for Christ/Every Home Global Concern into a multif a c e t e d , professional Charity which is accredited with the ACNC and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to receive funds for overseas programs.
currently working in the office as an administrative consultant and making sure Every Home for Christ adheres to all the fundraising and charitable conditions.
is the Senior Minister of Every Home for Christ (accredited as a Baptist Pastor) and is the founding Pastor of a Nepalese church in Sydney's south. In the office he processes all the donations and liaises with donors. is the Book-Keeper, handling salaries, account payments, liaising with the bank, preparing the MYOB financial records and making sure they are in order for the annual audit.
is the Sponsorship Secretary and looks after the child and worker sponsorship programs as well as the office volunteers.
Development Manager, looking after the web sites, web donations and sending monthly budgets overseas.
is the Overseas Projects Manager responsible for overseeing all the humanitarian and development projects overseas, travelling to each country and reporting to DFAT and ACFID.
is the secretary for the Executive Director as well as handling general office tasks and reception.
A special thank you to our volunteers We couldn’t do without you!
THE FINANCES IN PLAIN LANGUAGE: In 2017/18 income for overseas aid from the public showed an increase of $19,520. However, overall income was slightly down, largely due to less funding from the Australian government and no Israel Tour taking place. Expenditure was less than last year with costs for administration and fundraising being down from the previous year.
On behalf of the Directors I am pleased to report that Every Home Global Concern satisfies all the requirements of the Australian Charities and Notfor-profits Commission (ACNC), has sufficient funds to pay all its debts when they become payable and is able to continue sending funds overseas both for overseas aid and for evangelism. We are grateful to all the donors who have made the ministry of Every Home for Christ possible. REPORT FROM THE BOARD TREASURER Ken L Koh, CPA
A special thank you to our supporters
We are pleased to report that the number of supporters has remained stable over the last 12 months and they have been active in prayer and giving.
We couldn’t do it without you! EVERY HOME GLOBAL CONCERN
ABN: 88001276240 Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738
[ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2017/18 ] This Summary Financial Report complies with the standards set out by the ACFID Code of Conduct as on Every Home Global Concern Ltd INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 2017-2018 REVENUE Donations and gifts Monetary $ 548,304 Non-Monetary $ 0 Bequests and Legacies $ 64,000 Grants Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade $ 471,310 0ther Australian Grants $ 0 Other overseas Grants $ 0 Investment income $ 2,239 Commercial Activities Income $ 0 Other income $ 121,963 Revenue for International Political or Religious Adherance Promotion Programs $ 516,143 (These funds are primarily for evangelism. We are not involved in political programs)
$ $ $
528,784 0 20,000
$ $ $
523,678 0 0
$ $
3,608 0
TOTAL REVENUE $1,723,959 $ 1,984,086 EXPENDITURE International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure International programs Funds to international programs Program support costs Community education Fundraising costs Public Government, multilateral and private Accountability and Administration Non-monetary expenditure Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure Expenditure for International Political or Religious Adherance Promotion Programs (These funds are primarily for evangelism.) Domestic Programs Expenditure (Incl Monetary & Non Monetary) Commercial Activities Expenditure Other Expenditure TOTAL EXPENDITURE SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)
$ 833,212 $ 77,422
$ $
869,564 109,282
$ $
66,133 10,000
$ $
150,057 10,000
$ 167,131
$ 1,344,507
$ 425,486
$ 297,434 $ 0 $ 0
$ $ $
259,117 0 0
$ 2,070,592
-$ 154,454
Every Home Global Concern Ltd BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2018
INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 15/10/2018 To the Members of Every Home Global Concern Ltd SCOPE $ 527,816 $ 335,398 We have audited the summarized $ 0 financial report of Every Home Global $ 0 Concern Ltd for the year ended 30 June $ 0 $ 863,214 2018 in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and the ACFID Code of Conduct. $ 0 AUDIT OPINION $ 0 $1,423,761 In our opinion, the information $ 0 reported in the summarized financial $ 0 report, including the income statement, $ 0 $1,423,761 balance sheet, statement of changes in equity and table of cash movements, $2,286,975 is consistent with the annual financial report from which it is derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified audit opinion in our report to the $ 215,750 members dated 4/10/2018. $ 35,715 2016-17
ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Assets held for sale Other financial assets Total current assets
$ 441,015 $ 272,138 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 713,153
Non current assets Trade and other receivables Other financial assets Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangibles Other non-current assets Total non current assets
$ 0 $ 0 $1,413,261 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $1,413,261
LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Trade and other payables Borrowings-supporter investment loans Current tax liabiities Other financial liabilities Provisions Other financial liabilities
$ 163,612 $ 54,253 $ 5,718 $ 0 $ 89,169 $ 0
Total current liabilities
$ 312,752
$ 338,860
Non current liabilities Borrowings Other financial liabilites Provisions Other Total non current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 119,520 $ 119,520
$ $ $ $ $
$ 432,272
$ 438,380
$1,217,358 $ 476,782
$1,217,358 $ 631,237
NET ASSETS EQUITY General Reserves Retained Earnings
$ $ $ $
2,954 0 84,441 0
For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the annual statutory financial report.
0 0 0 99,520 99,520
TOTAL EQUITY $1,694,140 $1,848,595
WSC Group-Audit Pty Ltd Unit 11, 800-812 Old Illawarra Road, MENAI NSW 2234 Ph: (02)8525 4600 A F Gilbert C.A, Director
We thank all our friends and donors for their continued support for Every Home for Christ/Every Home Global Concern.
Reserves Total $ 1,217,358 $1,848,595
Retained Earnings Balance at 1 July 2017 (commencing balance) $ 631,237
Adjustments or changes in equity due to, for example, adoptions of new accounting standards Changes in equity for example from changes in asset fair value transactions Excess of revenue over expenses Other amounts transferred (to) or from reserves ` Balance at 30 June 2018 (year end balance) Every Home Global Concern Ltd TABLE OF CASH MOVEMENTS 2017-18 DFAT Overseas Development Grant/interest cash available DFAT Programs implemented in at beginning of year Malawi, Zambia, Togo Total for other non-designated purposes TOTAL
$ $ $
0 394,101 394,101
$ 0 $ 0 $ 154,454 $ 0 $ 476,783
cash raised during year
$ 471,461 $ 1,743,961 $ 2,215,422
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 - $ 154,454 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,217,358 $1,694,141
cash disbursed during year
$ $ $
471,461 1,869,300 2,340,761
cash available at end of year
$ $ $
0 268,762 268,762