2017 annual report

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$1,387,000 for overseas programs


Objectives Every Home global concern/every home for christ in Australia has two objectives. the first objective, working as part of an international missions organisation, is to reach all people in every nation with a printed copy of the Gospel and to follow up those who respond. the second objective is to assist poor and disadvantaged men, women & children in developing countries lift themselves out of poverty. these development programs provide assistance and training to the poor so that they can obtain the skills necessary to alleviate their poverty in a sustainable way.

Every Home for Christ features the literature distribution in its monthly newsletters and the development programs and relief assistance are outlined in this Annual Report. Funds are received from the public and from the Australian government. In 2016/17 we supported programs in Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Nepal, Guam, India, Israel, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Spain and Sri Lanka and we are extremely grateful to all those who prayerfully and financially supported this work. We couldn't do it without you! Eric Leach Executive Director Australia & New Zealand


In one year amost The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) is the peak Council for Australian not for profit aid and development organisations. Every Home Global Concern is a member of ACFID and a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct, which is a voluntary, self regulatory sector code of good practice. We are committed to and fully adhere to the ACFID Code of Conduct, conducting our work with transparency, accountability and integrity. The Financial Statements in this report have been prepared in accordance with the requirements set out in the ACFID Code of Conduct. Further information about the Code can be read on www.acfid.asn.au To lodge a complaint against our organisation, please email Eric Leach on ehc@everyhome.org.au. Our complaints handling policy can be found on our website, www.globalconcern.org.au. If you are not satisfied with the response and believe our organisation has breached the ACFID Code of Conduct, you can lodge a complaint with the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee at code@acfid.asn.au Information about how to make a complaint can be found on the ACFID website.

Every Home Global Concern is fully accredited with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia’s overseas aid program, its purpose being to help communities overseas alleviate poverty. We are grateful to the Australian government for their contribution to our community development programs in Malawi, Zambia, Togo, Brazil and Samoa.

OUR VALUES We value people; we value partners; we act in honesty and integrity; we are accountable

$2 million has been generated and we have been able to improve the lives of

11,963 men, women & children in

8 countries and distribute literature to thousands more. 3













in partnership with EHC Malawi and EHC Zambia

MALAWI & ZAMBIA Community Development with an emphasis on Food Security, Health and Nutrition, Water and Sanitation and Earning an Income Imagine being unable to give your family 3 meals a day! This was the case for 90% of families where Malawi & Zambia commenced Food Security projects five years ago.THEN only 140 families could provide 3 meals a day. NOW 7,958 people have improved their food security, income, nutrition, safe water and sanitation facilities and a similar 5 year program in other areas has begun. What a difference 5 years can make!

Imagine being unable to give your family clean water! Before this project women were travelling 1.7km to draw safe water and could take 4 hours to bring the water home due to congestion at the water point. To save time women decided to draw water from rivers and streams with the result that children and women were often suffering from diarrhoea and water borne diseases, making frequent hospital visits and failing to cultivate their farms. The end result was malnutrition, especially for the children. EHC provided the materials and training and the villagers built 63 shallow wells and 26 toilets, resulting in less sickness and hospital visits and more time freed up to work on their farms.



Zinyengo, a 57 year old subsistence farmer in Karonga, and his wife Rozina, have 11 children and Zinyengo has struggled all his life to feed such a large family and to provide a house for them. He could not afford to feed them all, to pay for their health care when they became ill, for their clothes or for their education. When the Food Security project started in his village he was chosen to participate and received maize and fertiliser and attended training. He was amazed when, at the end of the year, he had 25 bags of maize to sell and this made it possible to buy iron sheets to upgrade the roof of his house from grass. Imagine his further amazement and delight when 12 months later, after selling more bags of maize, he was able to bake bricks and build a new brick house for his family instead of the mud brick home they had lived in for so long. With the addition of new crops such as cassava, rice, vegetables and bananas, he is able to feed his large family and, by becoming a member of the Village Savings and Loans group, he is even able to employ others as casual labourers. What a difference this project has made to the life of Zinyengo and his family! 26 year-old Cosmos Phiri from a small Zambian village dropped out of school 4 years ago because his parents had no money for his education. To make some money he tried to farm a small piece of land but was largely unsuccessful until EHC Zambia commenced training on improving farming technology. Cosmos attended and as a result was able to harvest 3 oxcarts full of grain with surplus stored in a granary which the project taught him to build. He is now also growing cash crops such as soya beans, sunflower and peanuts and is hoping for another good harvest so that he can return to school and complete his secondary school education. What a difference a starter pack of seed and fertiliser makes to the life of a young man!


LIVES CHANGED wells Working together, EHC Malawi and the villagers were able to build this shallow well in Jalanthowa village, making long, daily visits to find water a thing of the past and women are utilising their time on their farms, currently harvesting enough to feed their families and prevent malnutrition, especially among pregnant and lactating women and children under 5. This village is extremely grateful that donors in Australia and New Zealand have made this life-change possible!

health The delight of this family at having a toilet that doesn't wash away in the rainy season is obvious! As a result of toilets like this one and education in health and hygiene, there has been a reduction in the numbers of cases of diarrhoea and there has not been a single outbreak of cholera during the last 5 years in spite of outbreaks in neighbouring communities. The distribution of 500 mosquito nets has resulted in 74% less cases of Malaria.




mosquito nets distributed


Patients treated at the clinic In partnership with Togo EHC Attendance at the EHGC Dr Jack McAlister Medical Clinic in Togo increased in 2016/17 to 1,422 patients, primarily the elderly, orphans, children, people with disability and pregnant women. There was a decrease in common diseases, including 280 fewer cases of Malaria and no deaths of babies or women during birthing. One problem being addressed is the regular turnover of staff at the Clinic and construction of staff quarters has commenced so that doctors and nurses can live near the Clinic. The Village Savings and Loans project in Vo District gave loans to 74 men and 147 women in 11 villages who commenced small businesses such as duck and chicken breeding, crop production for sale, hair dressing and fish and goat farming. Training in health issues along with training in business and finance has enabled the 221 men and women to increase their income and improve the lives of their families.



reduction in HIV/AIDS


REDUCTION of malnutrition in children under 5


fewer cases of MALARIA


men & women received loans to start small businesses


prisoners trained in brickmaking, welding, Map of Ethiopia showing the 9 prisons targeted by this program

tailoring grinding & irrigation.


prison schools built or This program has focused on five main areas to help Ethiopian prisoners to develop a better livelihood -


1To provide basic needs required to maintain decent levels of health and sanitation. 2To increase literacy in the prison and to promote education as a wholesome alternative to community crime, including providing education for the children of prisoners. 3Skills training allowing them to generate an income while in prison as well as upon release. 4To educate prisoners on HIV and AIDs, providing information and teaching material surrounding facts, risks, transmission, symptoms, myths and prevention. 5Sport: To encourage physical health and fitness for those in prison. In partnership In 2017 a car was purchased to make it easier with Eloi Ethiopian to visit the nine prisons in the program. Prison Ministry


INDIA & BANGLADESH Community Development with an emphasis on Primary School Education, Health Education, Sewing Training for Women and Earning an Income. 10

Pictured on the left is a typical family in the low-caste Indian village in which Every Home Global Concern has built a Primary School and is planning a High School. Without the help you give through child sponsorship and other donations, these families and others in Bangladesh are destined to spend their entire lives in houses like this one with no way out of their poverty. Basic education (in English in our India school), sewing and embroidery classes for women, village health education, clean water and sanitation and a daily feeding program for the children, gives some hope for a better, healthier future for these families. Women in India and men in Bangladesh are taught how to save money, to have a bank account and to help purchase their own sewing machine or rickshaw, enabling them to increase their income and make a way forward out of the slum conditions they live in.


primary school children educated, fed & clothed


village women trained in tailoring



The school "Love Anuppampattu" is our school where there is discipline and decency. I am a Hindu but I am happy for a Christian education.



men & women helped to purchase their own rickshaw or sewing machine

In partnership with India EHC and Bangladesh EHC 11


In partnership with MIBRA Brazil

The driver at the wheel of one of the two project boats used along the Amazon River

Brazil (the Amazon) has now completed its third and final year. WITH AN EMPHASIS ON HEALTH, INCOME GENERATION AND EDUCATION the following was achieved 1. 100% of houses targeted in Brazil built toilets, helping to improve the health of 672 men, women and children. 2. Two communities in Brazil raised funds to drill a bore hole for drinking water, supplemented by a rainwater collection system, which enabled the people to have clean, safe drinking water which in turn has also led to improved health. 3. A malaria treatment centre was constructed and a community member was trained in the diagnosis and treatment of Malaria. 4. Through a training program to help people in their production of manioc flour, the number of people becoming self-sufficient increased from 44% to 85%. 5. The number of poor people who increased their income rose from 10% to 75%. 6. Two communities built schools and one obtained a local teacher.


meeting the needs of communities in a remote region of the amazon river who needed toilets, safe water, Malaria treatment and better education facilities. "We met with a group of mothers who are gathering resources to build an artesian well, they are so excited."

In partnership with Samoa EHC

SAMOA The Samoa Income Generation Project has now completed a three year program in 13 communities on the islands of Upolo and Savaii with the aim of increasing income through vocational training. 552 men and women were trained in sewing, stencil design and floristry as well as basic financial management and child protection with 38 men and women increasing their income. $650 worth of goods that were made by the men and women in the training classes was exported and sold to markets in American Samoa. A local bank was brought alongside the program which provided $900 worth of training in financial management to all participants without charge, a wonderful asset to the program. Morgan Gegera, the project manager said,. "I am extremely grateful for this project. I have personally witnessed the impact this project has had on the lives of many poor people in Samoa. Some women have now initiated income generating activities while others have gone on to find employment elsewhere. Most of these women are now financially literate and are able to make informed desicions concerning their money because of the training provided by the Bank of South Pacific. More women have also opened up new bank accounts and are starting to save money. The outcome has been phenomenal."


men & women trained


men & women increased their income

“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest.� - Nelson Mandela


VALUE FOR MONEY The programs this year continued to provide value for money. All projects met or exceeded their goals while keeping to their budgets, despite challenges suchs as flooding and drought in some areas. In Malawi the original budget aimed to construct 30 toilets and 150 wells over the 5 years but 71 toilets and 210 shallow wells were installed without increasing the funds needed. This happened because the villagers provided the labour, bricks, sand, water and land without charge. In Samoa those being trained provided a local training centre and refreshments free of charge - a saving over 5 years of $3,000 - $6,000 per course. In Zambia volunteer lead farmers were trained who in turn trained others, enabling more assistance to other farmers who were able to increase the yield of their crops. In Brazil staff costs were reuced by employing a project manager and assistant who could also function as boat drivers.


We value people

Australian and in-country staff systematically monitor and evaluate programs to improve effectiveness, provide value for money and give feedback for future activities. Independent evaluations often take place at the close of a multi-year project or program. An evaluation at the close of the community-led Brazil (Amazon) project stated that "the overall success achieved by the project has improved significantly the basic living conditions of the communities" and "the inclusion of women in the decisionmaking process allows for the integration of all, Some of the people helped by the Amazon project. promotes mutual respect and creates a stable social environment". The Samoa Women's Empowerment Project was also evaluated with positive findings, particularly in the area of improved skills, which is in line with the development priorities and overall vision of the Samoan government for its country.

SAFEGUARDS child protection:

4,567 people were trained in child protection and in Malawi 2,455 children, including many orphans, were fed in supplementary feeding centres which saw their nutrition and health improve.

fraud: To safeguard against fraud an independent audit was undertaken in 3 projects and a separate independent evaluation was also undertaken in Samoa. Funds to all projects were tracked by monthly financial reporting and monitoring visits which allowed for personal checking of financial systems and records.


With a large number of the projects dependent on the climate, over 92 training sessions were conducted in Africa, teaching 2,700 farmers how to minimise the effects of drought by improving their farming methods and diversifying their crops, not depending soley on maize for their food.



By checking the organisations and people we work with overseas against the government's terrorist list and by working primarily with Every Home affiliated partners, we lessen the possibility of our programs being infiltrated by terrorism.

exchange rate losses: Research was conducted on the exchange rate over the last 10 years to determine a conservative exchange rate and then funds were kept in A$ and sent oveseas in monthly amounts.

we act in honesty and integrity; we are accountable

GOVERNANCE Board of Directors

Alex Thomas Board Chairman

D'Arcy Watson Vice Chairman

Davidson James Board Secretary

B.A. in Political Science & History, G.Dip.Theology

BA in Theology, MA in Education for Special Needs

(Hons), LL M(Tas), Dip.Tax(Monash), Notary Public

Alex currently is a Uniting Church Minister & Police Chaplain and has served as a Teacher and as a Pastor in Malaysia, Borneo and Sydney.

D’Arcy pastored a number of churches in various states of Australia and recently retired from teaching special needs children.

D a v i d s o n graduated as a Solicitor, lectured in universities in Tasmania & NSW and commenced a Law Firm in 1989 in Sydney.

Ken Koh Board Treasurer


Ken has been a Minister of Religion both in Australia and overseas and currently he is working as a CPA accountant and financial planner.

Eric Leach Richard Snellenburg Executive Director Director

Founding Director Eric graduated from the Bible College of QLD, is ordained by Every Home for Christ, spent 17 years with Youth for Christ and has been the EHGC Executive Director 40 years.

Richard worked 40 years in the banking i n d u s t r y especially in management roles. Currently he is a self funded retiree.

from the Chairman of the Board of directors

Setatow Befekadu Director

Roger Mackay Director

John Ealand Director

B.A.Mathematics, M.A.Applied Statistics, Dip.Ed.

Roger is the Parish Manager at Mahranghi Presbyterian Church,Manager of Mahu Vision Community Trust & Chairman of the EHGC Board in New Zealand. He previously served as the Executive Assistant for EHGC in Australia and New Zealand.

John is a Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive in New Zealand and has helped as a volunteer to organise events and concerts to raise funds and increase donors for EHGC. He is Vice-Chairman of the New Zealand Board of Directors.

With 30 years experience as a teacher, Set is employed as a mathematics teacher at a High School in Sydney. Coordinator of Eloi Prison Ministry, Ethiopia.

Laural Siokos Director

Laurel works in the medical profession as a Dental Assistant/ R a d i o g ra p h e r and has served in leadership roles in the church. She and her husband have been longtime supporters of Every Home Global Concern.


Over the last 40 years Eric has developed Every Home Global Concern/Every Home for Christ into a multifaceted, ethical and professional Charity which is accredited with the Australian government to receive funds for overseas.

is married to Eric Leach and has had many roles in the organisation, currently working in the office as an administrative consultant and making sure EHGC adheres to all the fundraising and charitable conditions.

has recently been appointed as the Senior Minister of EHGC and in this role also leads a church which has been commenced for the N e p a l e s e community in Sydney's south. His role in the EHGC office is to handle donations.

has recently joined the staff as the Overseas Projects Manager and will be responsible for overseeing all the humanitarian and development projects overseas, travelling to each country and reporting to DFAT and ACFID.

is the BookKeeper, handling salaries, payment of EHGC accounts and liaising with the bank, as well as preparing the MYOB financial records for EHGC and ensuring the records are in order for the annual audit.


is the Sponsorship Secretary and looks after the child and worker sponsorship programs as well as the office volunteers.

is the Development Manager, looking after the web sites, web donations and sending monthly budgets overseas.

is the secretary for the Executive Director as well as handling general office tasks and reception.

Our heartfelt thanks to our volunteers who cheerfully package newsletters once a month for our mailing list to supporters. Their help cuts down on our administration/fundraising costs and we are very, very grateful.More volunteers are needed.

finances 2016-2017


"We thank all our friends and donors for their continued

support for Every Home for Christ/Every Home Global Concern. For the year ended 30 June 2017 there was total revenue of $1,984,086 and a net loss of $86,505 as shown in the financial statements. Cash and receivables at the end of the year amounted to $863,214, while current liabilities was $338,860. Hence the ministry is in a highly liquid and strong financial position to meet current commitments. This was backed by net assets at year end of $1,848,595.


Donation income from supporters in the 2016-2017 financial year increased overall by $16,908 compared to the previous financial year. However, income for overseas aid decreased, primarily because the Australian government gave $472,438 less than the previous year. $528,784 was given from supporters for overseas aid activities. There was an increase of $110,554 in donations for evangelism and administration compared to last financial year and we are extremely grateful to all our donors for their faithful support. Expenses, including administration and fundraising costs, were slightly less than the previous financial year. The overall financial health of the organisation is excellent and we are thankful to God for His blessing. EVERY HOME GLOBAL CONCERN

ABN: 88001276240 Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738 www.everyhome.org.au ehc@everyhome.org.au

[ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS] This Summary Financial Report complies with the standards set out by the ACFID Code of Conduct as on www.acfid.asn.au/code-of-conduct Every Home Global Concern Ltd INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017 REVENUE Donations and gifts Monetary Non-Monetary Bequests and Legacies Grants Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 0ther Australian Grants Other overseas Grants Investment income Commercial Activities Income Other income Revenue for International Political or Religious Adherance Promotion Programs (These funds are primarily for evangelism. We are not involved in political programs)



$ 528,784 $ 0 $ 20,000

$ $ $

656,246 0 43,6267

$ 523,678 $ 0 $ 0

$ $ $

551,240 0 0

$ $

3,608 0

$ $

7,413 0

$ 197,487



$ 710,529



TOTAL REVENUE $1,984,086 $ 1,981,507 EXPENDITURE International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure International programs Funds to international programs Program support costs Community education Fundraising costs Public Government, multilateral and private Accountability and Administration Non-monetary expenditure Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure Expenditure for International Political or Religious Adherance Promotion Programs (These funds are primarily for evangelism.) Domestic Programs Expenditure (Incl Monetary & Non Monetary) Commercial Activities Expenditure Other Expenditure TOTAL EXPENDITURE SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)

$ 869,564 $ 109,282

$ 1,014,345 $ 99,280





$ 150,057 $ 10,000

$ $

132,755 10,000

$ 202,368







$ 1,344,507

$ 1,403,860

$ 466,968



$ 259,117 $ 0 $ 0

$ $ $

293,011 0 0

$ 2,070,592

$ 2,267,444





The Directors declare that “the financial statements and notes satisfy the requirements of the Australian Charities and not-for-profits Commission Act 2012”. FOR A COPY OF THE FULL AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTACT 02-95708211 or email ehc@everyhome.org.au

Every Home Global Concern Ltd BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2017


INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 02/11/2016 To the Members of Every Home Global Concern Ltd


ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Assets held for sale Other financial assets Total current assets

$ 527,816 $ 335,398 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 863,214

SCOPE $ 574,355 $ 158,517 We have audited the summarized $ 0 financial report of Every Home Global $ 0 Concern Ltd for the year ended 30 June $ 98,000 2017 in accordance with Australian $ 830,872

Non current assets Trade and other receivables Other financial assets Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangibles Other non-current assets Total non current assets

$ 0 $ 0 $1,423,761 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $1,423,761

$ 0 $ 0 $1,416,892 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $1,416,892




$ 215,750 $ 35,715 $ 2,954 $ 0 $ 84,441 $ 0 $ 338,860

$ 118,556 $ 114,889 $ 0 $ 0 $ 79,220 $ 0 $ 312,665

$ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $

LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Trade and other payables Borrowings-supporter investment loans Current tax liabiities Other financial liabilities Provisions Other financial liabilities Total current liabilities Non current liabilities Borrowings Other financial liabilites Provisions Other Total non current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS EQUITY General Reserves Restricted Reserves Retained Earnings

0 0 0 99,520 99,520

Auditing Standards and the ACFID Code of Conduct.

0 0 0 0 0

$ 438,380

$ 312,665



$1,217,358 $ 0 $ 631,237

$ 396,613 $ 0 $ 631,237

AUDIT OPINION In our opinion, the information reported in the summarized financial report, including the income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity and table of cash movements, is consistent with the annual financial statements from which it is derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified audit opinion in our report to the members dated 26th September 2017. For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the annual statutory financial report.

WSC Group-Audit Pty Ltd Unit 11, 800-812 Old Illawarra Road, MENAI NSW 2234 Ph: (02)8525 4600 A F Gilbert C.A, Director

TOTAL EQUITY $1,848,595 $1,848,595 Every Home Global Concern Ltd STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017

Retained Earnings Balance at 1 July 2016 (commencing balance) $ 717,743

Adjustments or changes in equity due to, for example, adoptions of new accounting standards Items of other comprehensive income Changes in equity for example from changes in asset fair value transactions Excess of revenue over expenses Other amounts transferred (to) or from reserves ` Balance at 30 June 2017 (year end balance)

Every Home Global Concern Ltd cash available TABLE OF CASH MOVEMENTS at beginning of year DFAT Overseas Development Grant/interest $ 0


Total for other non-designated purposes TOTAL

$ $

DFAT Programs implemented in Malawi, Zambia, Togo, Samoa, Brazil

$ $

574,355 574,355



$ 0 $ 86,506 $ 0 $ 631,237 cash raised during year


1,480,661 2,004,432

Reserves Total $ 1,217,358 $1,935,101 $




$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 - $ 86,506 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,217,358 $1,848,595 cash disbursed during year



$ $

1,625,200 2,148,971

cash available at end of year



$ $

429,816 429,816

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