Annual report 2014 for ehc compressed

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“Every Home Global Concern, delivering quality programs for over 30 years, is experienced enough to trust, but small enough to care. “ Robert McConaghy, Board Chairman

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 SNAPSHOTS OF SUCCESS: Distribution of gospel literature to 12 million homes in 2013 Feeding program for 1,400 children in India and Bangladesh 42,000 men, women and children in Africa becoming self-sufficient 4,250 men, women & children protected from Malaria through mosquito net distribution 5,502 villagers with access to clean water through the Wells Program in Africa 1,400 boys and girls given a Primary School education in India and Bangladesh 130 prisoners in Ethiopian jails trained in vocational skills

Global Concern

1.6 billion homes visited in the last 67 years

EHC workers take gospel literature to homes, hospitals, prisons, and to remote villages -to the last home on earth

Every Home for Christ (EHC) began in Canada Where we work in the world: 67 years ago with the aim of placing a piece of This year programs were supported in: gospel literature into every home on earth and India EHC in Australia and New Zealand are part of Nepal this outreach. Every day our workers visit more Bangladesh than 200,000 homes. We have reached over 1.6 China billion homes in the last 67 years and have seen Spain Israel over 139 million people respond to the gospel! Papua New Guinea In 2013 alone, we reached over 92 million Brazil homes! In Australia this year free distribution Togo of the book “Look What God is Doing” has Kenya resulted in hundreds of new people receiving Malawi monthly EHC newsletters which give more Guam detail, country by country, of this outreach. Samoa Zambia Every Home Global Concern grew out of Ethiopia Every Home for Christ and a name change Argentina Philippines took place in 2008 with two trading names Armenia registered, Every Home for Christ and Global Cambodia Concern. Global Concern reflects the second Thailand goal, to help the disadvantaged and the Swaziland poor overseas lift themselves out of poverty. Men, women and children receive tools and Where our funds came from: training through community development programs which result in changes that last; these are outlined in the following pages. Our Values: We value people We value partners We are grateful We act in honest and integrity We are accountable.

Donations from the public


Other Income


Every Home Global Concern is a member of ACFID, the Australian Council for International Development and is a signatory to their Code of Practice, the ACFID Code of Conduct, which is a voluntary, self-regulatory code of good practice which requires members to meet high standards of corporate governance, public accountability and financial management. More information on the Code, including how to make a complaint, can be obtained from or by emailing Every Home Global Concern is fully accredited with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia’s overseas aid program, its purpose being to help communities overseas alleviate poverty. We are grateful to the Australian government for their contribution to our community development food security and health programs in Malawi, Zambia and Togo.

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222

Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738

Under five orphan children given life-saving mosquito nets

Assistance given to


men, women and children in Africa

Hope has been given to the people of Togo through the Medical Clinic and by the health/ income-generation program, part-funded by the Australian government and implemented by EHC Togo. This year the 10 income generating groups who received a loan to start their minibusiness reported an increase in income, so 21 new groups are being planned for 2015. To improve family health, 24 village toilets were built for 397 men, women and children, 6,209 people were given increased access to medicines (including HIV treatment) and 16 committees continue to function in providing health advice to villages surrounding the Medical Clinic as well as referring people to the clinic.

The aim of the Eloi Prison program in Ethiopia is to give hungry and sick prisoners hope for a new future, promoting health and education, reducing crime and enabling prisoners to support themselves and their families through vocational training in sewing and woodworking. This year our partner, Eloi Prison Ministry, trained 100 inmates in tailoring skills and 30 inmates in rug-making. 10 new sewing machines were distributed to prisons so that inmates could earn enough money for their basic needs while serving time in the prison. Children of the prisoners live with their parents in the prison so a small school has commenced to give basic education to these young children.


men and women In Malawi and Zambia directly benefitted from training, seed and equipment with another


family members and fellow villagers sharing in the increase in food , income and health benefits as a result.

We are delighted to report that another successful year has been completed in the Food Security program with the local Malawi and Zambia governments recommending to EHC Malawi and EHC Zambia the most needy areas in which the project could take place so that maximum benefit is provided for poor and marginalised communities. As well as training 12,829 poor resource farmers in environmentally friendly farming techniques and assisting them with initial seed, fertilizer and equipment, the program has also installed or upgraded 236 water wells bringing clean, readily-accessible water to 5,502 people. 4,250 treated mosquito nets were disributed to families at risk of contracting Malaria, with women and children being a priority. 68 people with disabilities have been included in the training so that they can obtain a livelihood as a result of the skills training and capacity building, with two children being given wheelchairs so they would be able to attend school. 3,495 people were provided with HIV/Aids voluntary

testing and counselling with 7,679 people receiving access to essential medicines and health commodities including HIV treatment. 3,317 people were provided with awareness raising/training on gender issues and women's equal rights, with 125 women's groups being supported across Malawi, Zambia and Togo.

Mr Chikande Phiri proved to be a model conservation farmer and will soon become self -sustainable because of his initiative of using animal manure, reducing dependence on the project. His family, to whom he has also taught the modern farming technology, boasts of enough food to eat with surplus to sell to help support his school age children. Mr Chikande is an example of men that appreciate the Food Security Project and he is determined to become food secure, even after the project is phased out.

Basic education for


children in Bangladesh and India

A 2013 evaluation found that the Love Anuppampattu Community Development Project is a wonderful asset to the local area with a Primary school at the heart of this program for a low-caste village. Attendance and pass marks are high with low absenteeism and all 200 boys and girls passing their exams thanks to motivated staff working with the entire community, and a midday meal assisting learning. Parent- teacher interviews are being held every 2 months with health, safety, parenting education and awareness-raising held monthly. Local officers from the government undertake official medical checks once a year finding the children to be well and happy with no evidence of malnutrition,

thanks to the daily feeding program. All children completing Grade 5 since the school commenced have successfully graduated to High School. To assist the parents increase their income and find a way out of poverty, sewing classes for unskilled village women take place with a 50/50 scheme which teaches women to save money in a bank account until they have earned 50% of the cost of the machine, the 50% remaining being paid by the program. In partnership with India EHC, this program is giving poor families from one village hope for a better future.

Sewing Certificates are presented on completion of the tailoring classes which enables the women to apply for a job at one of the many garment factories in Bangladesh.

Risan, one of the 1200 boys & girls in the four primary schools in Bangladesh, is pictured here with his mother who is extremely grateful that her son can receive an education. This tribal family came to Dhaka from a remote village in the north in order to find work in the city. They are very poor and live in the slums, sharing a bed in a one room dwelling. Risan’s father works as a daily labourer, eking out an existence for his family. With minimal income, the temptation is to send Risan out to find work but his parents know that the only future for Risan is for him to gain an education. Thank you to all the sponsors and to our Bangladesh partner, Every Home Contact, who have given hope to the 1,187

Risan’s story

children in the four primary schools. As part of this community development program, the children received daily hot lunches, uniforms and basic school equipment. To increase family income, 91 men and women have been trained in sewing or helped to purchase a rickshaw, giving families hope for a future without poverty.

aned orph ge in the n e e d eb villa s hav ts every alawi an l r i g c g M e n n ou hich aff both i e3y Thes IV/Aids w Program, er is now eeds, a by H Security very farm is daily n nd then a Food bia. As e xcess of h s stored for. i m e a p in Z cing in her cro be cared u / prod n of his hans can o rp ti o r t o p tha o s d sol

These two excited young women from the village of Kayera in Zambia are representative of the 133 people in this village who used to travel 5km to the nearest water source – a muddy water hole – but now draw clean water from a village well, built by the villagers with materials and training provided by the Food Security program. 5,502 villagers in Africa now have access to clean water through the Wells Program.


you k n a h


Thank you.

Sundarie’s story

Sundarie completed the India women’s Tailoring course in 2009. As she no longer has to take out loans and get into debt just to put food on the table, pay for her brother’s and sister’s education and their family expenses, Sundarie shares that her life has changed 100%.

Thank you.

The dist r 4,250 tr ibution of eated n ets to famil ie and Zam s in Malawi reduced bia has Malaria the cases of b 4,250 m y 51% with en, wom and chil en d protecte ren now mosquit d by o nets . Young children and “gr a particula nnies” are vulnera rly ble.



37 Bangl a ricksha families high rick the climb

From the Chairman of the Board ROBERT McCONAGHY- Managing Director of McConaghy Group Pty Ltd in the business of investment and development of shopping centres.

It is an imperative in our lives to make every effort to touch people with the love of the Lord and our special thanks go to those who have faithfully given and prayed so that lives could be changed, both by the Gospel and by practical programs to help the poor. “Success is measured by what happens ‘on the ground’ and, as a Board of Directors , we are encouraged greatly by the stories of real men, women and children who have benefitted from the generous giving of the supporters and the dedication of the staff, both in Australia and on the field. Our thanks also go the Australian government who have assisted financially for development programs in Malawi, Zambia and Togo. It has been rewarding to see an increase in both donors and income this year and the Directors are grateful for another successful year in which people’s lives have been wonderfully changed . Thank you so much for your help and we will look forward to another year of God’s blessing as we serve Him together. Robert McConaghy

ladeshi men like Mozibur received aw or van last year, enabling their to escape from the bondage of kshaw rental rates and to begin b out of poverty.

Thank you.

After the destructive Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, food, toiletries & medicine were distributed to affected communities and 471 houses were rebuilt. “People have seen hope and have courage to continue with their lives” said Emer, the EHC Philippines National Director.

Thank you.

ALEX THOMAS Vice-Chairman—B.A. in Political Science & History, G.Dip.Theology Uniting Church Minister, Regional Police Chaplain for Bankstown (Sydney) Local Area Command, Graduate of University of Madras, India and Union Biblical Seminary in Pune, India. Served as Teacher and Pastor in Malaysia, Borneo, and Sydney. DAVIDSON JAMES Secretary (Hons), LL M(Tas), Dip.Tax(Monash), Notary Public Graduated from Universities in Singapore and Australia as a Solicitor. Lectured at the University of Tasmania and Charles Stuart University Wagga Wagga. Commenced Law Firm 1989 in Sydney. KEN KOH Treasurer B.Comm, BA, MPL, CPA, DFS Ken has had varied experiences in missions for 5 years in Indonesia, Uganda and Singapore, and pastoring in Australia. He has also worked in banking and financial services and is currently practising as a CPA accountant and financial planner. ERIC LEACH Executive Director (Founding Director) Graduate of the Bible College of Queensland, Ordained Minister of Every Home for Christ, 17 years experience with Youth for Christ (Board and Staff). Over the past 37 years he has developed Every Home for Christ into a multi-faceted and professional Charity with Australian government accreditation. ROBYN PEEBLES Director Founder/Senior Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd (28years). Director of Kingdom Living Ministries International. Awarded the Premiers Award for Services to the Community. Mentor of civic & Christian leaders. 2013 CDP candidate for federal parliament. STEVE SKOROBOGATY Director Executive Business Consultant, former General Manager Anadis Ltd, extensive corporate experience in management and leadership roles in an international environment. D’ARCY WATSON Director - BA in Theology, MA in Education for Special Needs Children After Theological studies in the UK and USA, D’Arcy pastored churches in Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and Northern Territory and recently retired from teaching special needs children. JOHN EALAND Director Licensed Real Estate Sales Executive for Summit Real Estate Blenheim. As a volunteer over 23 years, John organised School of Prayer events and concerts to raise funds and increase the donor base for Every Home for Christ. Vice- Chairman of the New Zealand Board. ROGER MACKAY Director Parish Manager at Mahranghi Presbyterian Church. Manager of Mahu Vision Community Trust. Chairman New Zealand Board of Directors. Previously served as the Executive assistant for Australia/New Zealand Every Home for Christ.

Eric Leach Executive Director

Lorraine Leach

Miriam Ford

Office Consultant

Secretary to Executive Director

Aaron Moore Katherine Franks Overseas Projects Manager

Overseas Projects Manager

Justin Franks Development Manager

Mei-lan Loh Debbie Wilmshurst Diplave Pokhrel Book-keeper

Jade and Elissa travelled as volunteers to the Love Annupampattu Program in India to assist in training the staff .

Thank you.

Office volunteers cheerfully send out the monthly mailing to help cut down on administrative costs. Their help is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Sponsorship Secretary

Financial Secretary

Every Home Global Concern Ltd INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 REVENUE Donations and gifts: Monetary (Revenue for Overseas Aid Programs) Non-monetary Bequests and Legacies Grants: AusAID Other Australian Other overseas Investment income (Interest-free Loans) Other income Revenue for International Political or Religious Proselytisation Programs


$ 607,007 $ 0 $ 170,740

$ $ $

589,523 8,875 204,255

$ 597,875 $ 0 $ 0 $ 12,175

$ $ $ $

430,452 0 0 8,085

$ 111,872

$ 104,894

$ 704,125

$ 501,686

$ 2,203,794


$ 774,325 $ 112,382

$ 623,872 $ 85,965





$ $

91,170 10,000

$ $

42,869 10,000

(“Proselytisation” is the government’s word for evangelism & we are not involved in political programs)

TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure: International programs: Funds to international programs Program support costs Community education Fundraising costs: Public Government, multilateral and private Accountability and Administration Non-monetary expenditure Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure Expenditure for International Political or Religious Proselytisation Programs


$ 179,787 $ 0

$ 167,996 $ 0

$ 1,171,018

$ 937,592

$ 639,417

$ 334,838

$ 322,242

$ 290,520

$ 2,132,677

$ 1,562,950


$ 284,820

(“Proselytisation” is the government’s word for evangelism & we are not involved in political programs)

Domestic Programs Expenditure (Incl Monetary & Non Monetary) TOTAL EXPENDITURE EXCESS / (SHORTFALL) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE

International Aid & Development Programs Expenditure Accountability and Administration 15%

Total fundraising costs 9%

Community education 0%

Total international programs 76%


Every Home Global Concern Ltd BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2014 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Assets held for sale Other financial assets Total current assets Non current assets Trade and other receivables Other financial assets Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangibles Other non-current assets Total non current assets



714,272 127,291 0 0 103,000 944,563

$ 630,106 $ 79,772 $ 0 $ 0 $ 110,000 $ 819,878

$ 0 $ 0 $ 776,407 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 776,407

$ 0 $ 0 $ 776,547 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 7 46,547

$ $ $ $ $ $

INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 30/06/14 To the Members of Every Home Global Concern Ltd SCOPE We have audited the summarized financial report of Every Home Global Concern Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2014 in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. AUDIT OPINION In our opinion, the information reported in the summarized financial report is consistent with the annual financial report from which it is derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified audit opinion in our report to the members dated 16 September 2014. For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the annual statutory financial report.

TOTAL ASSETS $1,720,970 $1,596,425 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Trade and other payables $ 148,087 $ 88,387 Borrowings-supporter investment loans $ 119,889 $ 126,889 Current tax liabiities $ 0 $ 0 Other financial liabilities $ 0 $ 0 Provisions $ 69,327 $ 68,599 Other financial liabilities $ 0 $ 0 Total current liabilities $ 337,303 $ 283,875 Non current liabilities Borrowings $ 0 $ 0 Other financial liabilites $ 0 $ 0 Provisions $ 0 $ 0 Other $ 0 $ 0 Total non current liabilities $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 337,303 $ 283,875 NET ASSETS $ 1,383,667 $1,312,550 EQUITY Reserves $ 396,613 $ 396,613 Retained Earnings $ 987,054 $ 915,937

Hollings Associates, First Floor, Suite 4 49-51 Eton Street, SUTHERLAND 2232 Phone: 9521 5100 C J HOLLINGS, CPA, PRINCIPAL FOR A COPY OF THE FULL AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTACT 02-95708211

TOTAL EQUITY $ 1,383,667 $1,312,550


Retained Earnings Reserves Total Balance at 1 July 2013 (commencing balance) $915,937 $396,613 $1,312,550 new accounting standards $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Changes in equity for example from changes in asset fair value transactions $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Excess of revenue over expenses $ 71,117 $ 0 $ 71,117 Other amounts transferred (to) or from reserves ` $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Balance at 30 June 2014(year end balance) $987,054 $396,613 $ 1,383,667 Every Home Global Concern Ltd

TABLE OF CASH MOVEMENTS Africa Food Security & Health Education Total for other non-designated purposes TOTAL

cash available at beginning of year

$ $ $

0 630,106 630,106

cash raised during year

$ $ $

597,997 1,605,797 2,203,794

cash disbursed during year

$ $ $

597,997 1,521,631 2,119,628

cash available at end of year

$ $ $

0 714,272 714,272

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