Nine months ending 30th June,
The Goals The goals and purposes of Every Home for Christ are to put a Gospel Booklet in every home in the world and to help those without an education to have a basic primary and high school education or at least be able to read and write so that they will have a "beginning" to change their poverty-stricken lives. Vocational Tk-aining and Relief Assistance are also made available through Every Home for Christ overseas. The gospel literature and the training programmes are open to all people, irrespective of their religion, race, caste, gender or colour - everybody!
Gospel Literature Door-fo-door Di~trr'bution
Bicycle8 and motorbikes
Working together with Every Home for Christ International, this year EHC workers in some 80 countries have continued to take gospel booklets door to door - one for children and one for adults - systematically endeavouring to reach every home in their country. Every Home for Christ supporters have been a part of reaching this goal.
The distances Every Home for Christ workers travel are often very long, and sometimes on foot, as they seek to distribute gospel booklets to every home. Over this last year EHC supporters have gven gifts so that bicycles or motorbikes have been provided for some of the workers. h ,
I 4
Thank you
An Agricultud and food
security Approach Thank YOU fhm the 4.374 fimnhg f d i e s who have benefited from the EHC Food Security project in Malawi over the last two years... from the women who have changed their eating habits to improve their family's nutrition ... from the farmers who have become self-sufficient in managing their farms... from the widows and orphans who have been fed as a result of increased harvests ... h m the villagers in some are= who now have fish to eat as well as maize and vegetablea. These thanks represent 34,993 men, women and children who were dying from starvation during the recent horrific drought and now have hope for their fUture of the of Every Home fb+ Christ spanmrs and from AusAID.
1 In K a m w and Rumphi, in norfhemM a w , whole crmrmunities are grateful.
mg0 Medical Clinic - A ~ealth-centredAPP-C~ The rn~dJca1clinic in Tbgo is being built slowly because of the ZaGk of funds. Medical help is being canied out in the villages with itinerant wo~kers,but the clinic will be a big advantage when c ~ ~ l e t a d .
Thank you to the hundreds of sponsors who have opened their hearts and extended their families to include a child in Bangladesh, India or Nepal. You will perhaps never know what this kindness has meant to your sponsored child. Four EHC schools in Bangladesh continue to feed, clothe, immunize, educate and care for children from homes made from mud and tin, where all the children sleep on one bed. Vocational training programs have helped the whole Fmily. EHC workers in Nepal are grateful for the assistance they have received to send their child to school, as they know that education is the way out of poverty, and in India, your sharing of what you have for these orphaned children means the world to them.
Families in Bangladesh, Nepal and India are so gratefit1
An Educational and WeIfare Appmach In Ponnur, a city of India, a lawyer fights for the poor when businesses pull down their slum accommodation - he has also started a school for the children from these slum areas and EHC has been able to purchase books and with gifts f
In India many parents die tragically and their children are left to relatives or to fend for themselves. In an orphanage in Guntur, - Emrnanuel Children's Home - the sponsorship funds sent by EHC supporters
A Community Development Approach Tiy to imagine what life would be like in Bangladesh without some assistance - in poor communities children would have no education, women would have no opportunity to work, men who pull rickshaws and vans would have no way to increase their income, there would be no clean water and not enough income to buy medicines or even enough food.
overty would be a way of life with no end
Zriauqlades h
Thank you from the 1,200 children who have been able to have a primary school education, thank you from the rickshaw pullers who are now free from debt, thank you from the women who have learnt to sew and breed chickens and are increasing their family income, thank you from the men and women who have learnt the benefits of family planning, thank you from the children who have been immunized from disease and the mothers who have learnt how to improve the hygiene in their families. In Dhaka,Amgram, Hemayetpur and Mirpul; whole communities are grateful
Workers Oversea9 With the gifts EHC suppo G t over the last 9 months we have been able to continue in the sponsorship of m k e r s overseas, providing funds for their living costs. In Bangladesh, India Nepal and China been sent to care for individual workers. And ministries such as Evan and Maala Thomas in Israel and Jacob ed through the generous donations of EHC Damkani supporters.
Thank you
Involvement Overseas
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Overseas Aid
for International Developme1
Through AusAID, the Australian Government gave $50,000 towards the cost of a food security project in Malawi. We are grateful to the Australian Government for this generous contriiution. Every Home for Christ is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct, representing our commitment to ethical standards in governance, financial management and public accountability. Copies of the Code of Conduct are available from ACFID, Private Bag 3, Deakin ACT 2600. Telephone: (02) 6285 1816 Fax: (02) 6285 1720 Every HOW fkW Ch&t Australia PO. Box 168 Penhurst N.S.W 2222
/Formerly World Literature Crusade Blephone (02) 9570 8211 Fax (02) 9570 4748
Board of Directors I
' I
Robert McConaghy - Chairman Manager and Company Director of McConaghy Holdings Group of Companies; recently resigned after 28 years as Chairman of the Board of Kenmore Baptist Church, Brisbane. John Spinella - Vice Chairman Graduate, Southern Cross Bible College, Ordained Assemblies of God Minister, Senior Pastor at Northside Christian Center, Bundoora, Melbourne where he has had a ministry for 18 years, and District Leader of AOG City North District. Eric Leach - Executive Director Graduate, Bible College of Queensland, Ordained Minister of Every Home for Christ, 18 years experience with youth for Christ (Board and Staff) and 29 years experience with Every Home for Christ (Board and Staq. Samuel Heyburn - Formerly a Director Passed away on 4th July 2004. The Board expresses sympathy to his wife, Margo, and son, Sam, and gratitude for his contribution to Every Home for Christ. He will be missed.
8 9
Robyn Peebles - Director Founding Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Director of "Kingdom Living Ministries Ltd" and working with Youth With a Mission(YWAM). Michael Rainer - Director Executive manager, Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors, experienced business proprietor in national customs. Rex Swavley - Director Minister of the Macquarie Presbyterian Church, Eastwood, Sydney. Raymond Tinker - Director Executive Manager, business proprietor. Formerly an Anglican Church Warden and Baptist Church Deacon. Alexander Thomas - Director Minister of the Panania Uniting Church, with a wide experience in India and Malaysia.
2 Lorraine Leach - Overseas Projects
3 Mixiam Mercai - Executive Secretary 4 Mei Lan Loh - Finance 5 Katherine Franks - Overseas Projects Manager 6 Debbie Wilmshurst - Sponsorship Secretary