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Xar to Remember! A

July 2004 - June 2005


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Door-f0-D00r with Gospel Literature

For 60 years Every Home for Christ has been going door-todoor with Gospel literature - patiently, consistently, systematicaUy, house by house, met by street, city by city, country by country, and now, 60 years later, the results are amazing!

Since the beginning 1billion homes have been visited by an Every Home for Christ worker and given a Gospel booklet and 40 million people have responded, mailing "response cards" requesting more information to EHC offices around the world. 74 countries are currently involved.

The Gods The goals and purposes of Every Home for Christ are to put a Gospel Booklet in every home in the world and to help those without an education to have a basic primary and high school education or at least be able to read and write so that they will have a "beginning" to change their poverty-stricken lives. Vocational naining and Relief Assistance are also made available through Every Home for Christ overseas. The gospel literature and the training programmes are open to all people, irrespective of their religion, race, caste, gender or colour - everybody!

A Helping Hand when Tkagedy Strikes .' I Bangladesh Floods

During the tragic flooding of two thirds Bangladesh, when 30 million people were left without even the basic necessities of life, Every Home for Christ was able to respond. Food parcels containing rice, lentils and clean water were distributed to the affected




devastation could occur so suddenly across so many countries, leaving millions of people destitute and grieving? In Intlic4 Every Home for Christ has been involved in both the emergency and the rebuilding phase of this disaster, providing food, cooking utensils, fishing nets, boats and engines for villagers from Koraikappum, a ing community just out from Chennai. In Every Home for Christ has provided r food and for ihe rebuilding of for a community who lost everything.

T h a n k you for responding with so much covnpnssion. Awmaian Government AdlD

Overseas Aid


our commitment to ethical standards in governance, financial management and public accountability. For a copy of the code contact ACFID, Private Bag 3, Deakin ACT 02-6285 1816

Our thanks to AusAID who gave $100,000 for the Bunami moject in India and $100,000 for the Afkica food security program. ~lianCou

Every Home for Christ is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development Cede of Conduct representing


JxUdmn frsm the

a- EHC provides rented buildings, desks,

for 30 orphans in Guntur, India through a Children's Home. Child S ~ Q ~ ~ S O Tprovide S


hr these young boys and girls.

who live in slum a r e a of h & r a Pradesh.

school materials and salaries frrr

Helping Poor Communities in

In poor communities in Bangladesh, like this one pictured, Every Home for Christ is giving hope. One way out of the poverty cycle is to educate the next generation, so EHC schools provide an education, uniforms, a daily hot meal, medical care, clean water and sanitation for 1200 of the community's children. Just to help the children is not enough, as they are directly affected by the poverty of their parents. For many years this has been EHC1s concern and measures have been put in place to assist the parents climb out of their poverty and change the whole community - adult literacy classes, vocational training in printing, sewing and chicken farming, rickshaw ownership, health and hygiene classes as well as education in family planning.

Once these people were the poorest the poor, but because o f the generosity o f 'El-@ friends, their lives have changed so wuch.


workers in China.



Helping Poor Communities in -'~alawi

& Zambia

Look what your funds have done in this past year! Hoes, seed, fertiliser, treadle pumps, watering cans, irrigation pipes and training have given more than 1500 men, women and children who were on the brink of starvation a second chance. Families who once had only one meal a day, can now enjoy 3 meals a day, orphans are being fed from a food bank set up by the farmers, seed is being put aside for the future, and the 11 farming communities trained this year have been trained in group management so their progress will continue.

Thank you! In the last year workers continued to go village to village with basic medical care and health/hygiene education. However the main emphasis in 2004/2005 was on completing the medical clinic as pictured. Soon it will be ready for use to treat the sick, educate regarding health and HIVAIDS, and train health workers to go into interior villages.


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Board of Directors 1

2 3 4 5

6 7 8

1 Eric Leach

Robert McConaghy - Chairman Manager and Company Director of McConaghy Group Pty. Ltd.; recently resigned after 28 years as Chairman of the Board of Kenmore Baptist Church, Brisbane. John Spinella - Vice Chairman Graduate, Southern Cross Bible College, Ordained Assemblies of God Minister, Senior Pastor at Northside Christian Center, Bundoora, Melbourne where he has had a ministry for 19 years, and District Leader of AOG City North District. Eric Leach - Executive Director Graduate, Bible College of Queensland, Ordained Minister of Every Home for Christ, 15 years experience with Youth for Christ (Board and Staff) and 30 years experience with Every Home for Christ (Board and Staff). Robyn Peebles - Director Founding Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Director of "Kingdom Living Ministries Ltd" and working with Youth With a MissionCyWAM). Michael Rainer - Director Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors, experienced business proprietor in national customs. Rex Swavley - Director Minister of the Macquarie Presbyterian Church, Eastwood, Sydney. Alexander Thomas - Director Minister of the Panania Uniting Church, with a wide experience in India and Malaysia. Raymond Tinker - Director Executive Manager, business proprietor. Formerly an Anglican Church Warden and Baptist Church Deacon.

- Executive Director - Overseas Projects

2 Lorraine Leach

3 Miriam Memiai - Executive Secretary 4 Katherine Franks - Overseas Projects Manager 5 Ju~tinFranks - Development Officer 6 Mei Lan Loh


- Bookkeeper

7 Debbie Wilmshurst - Sponsorship Secretary 8 Marie Doyle - Financial secretary 9 Billy McCartney - Administration (volunteer) 10 Volunteers for whom we are truly grateful for

their cheerful help.

Involvement Overseas

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