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Through Every Home for Christ we aim to put a gospel leaflet in every home in the world with national workers systematically going door-to-door until every home in their nation has been visited. Home to home, country by country until every home in the world has gospel literature to read. But we also have a Global Concern for the poor and needy, resulting in programs in developing countries to give men, women and children the skills they need for sustainable development of themselves and their communities. Community development is the goal, with programs that target real needs . It looks different in each country— in Africa its emphasis is on making communities food secure through training and equipping subsistence farmers, in Bangladesh and India the focus is on educating children and providing micro-enterprise opportunities for the parents so they can increase their income, in Togo the emphasis is on primary health care‌.whatever the need! By this and emergency relief in times of crisis, we hope to alleviate poverty and suffering United Kingdom


Spain China Burma(Myanmar)

Togo Brazil & Argentina

Israel & the Middle East

India, Bangladesh & Nepal

Malawi & Zambia, Kenya & Uganda.

Every Home for Christ/Global Concern Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Phone: 02-95708211 Fax: 02-95704738 E-mail:

Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa & Guam.

Special thanks to AusAID for their contribution to this program.

The Global Food Shortage is one of the major talking points in the world right now but the men and women in the EHC projects in Africa are rejoicing that they are on the way to being food secure, thanks to your help.

EHC is aiming to help poor, rural communities become self-sufficient so that they will no longer need aid and will be able to sustain their livelihood even in difficult climatic conditions. Agricultural training, seed and equipment are provided over a period of 3 years with the development of additional activities such as health & nutrition, HIVAids awareness and care, the building of toilets, income-generating activities, chicken farming, fishfarming, the storing of seed and food for the future and the distribution of treated mosquito nets to prevent Malaria. In Malawi last year 500 farmers experienced increased production in maize (their staple food), with crops increasing from 78,625kg last year to 332,450kg this year. Maize, Soya, fruit and vegetable production allowed families to have 3 meals in a day and to give back both seed and maize to store for the future. Malnutrition in children decreased from 86 cases to 23 as families were

taught to grow and prepare nutritious foods and, due to the improvement of sanitation around the farmers’ homes, health has improved, including a decline in diarrhoea. The number of people going for Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) to know their HIV status has also increased which is significant as they can then be counselled in how to manage their condition. In Zambia 200 poor farmers in 35 villages attended agricultural training in conservation methods and all were able to double their crop yield from last year in spite of floods and drought. 375 men and women attended health & nutrition training, many building storage facilities, toilets, vegetable gardens and fish farms. All training emphasised HIV/Aids prevention and care with an emphasis on early detection and the link between HIV/Aids and food and nutrition and this has had an impact on the way the community is handling HIV/AIDS.

The next step towards being self-sufficient is to provide access to water through wells and water pumps and this will be the aim for the year ahead.

2008 has been another year in which we have seen the children in the EHC schools develop and grow. In the Annupampattu school in India we have seen another class added and the children‘s English is rapidly improving. All the teachers attended English Speaking classes so that they would be an example for the children to follow. Exams are set by the Tamil Nadu Education Department and the children have all done well so we are grateful for the enthusiasm and perseverance of the teachers. The hot meal each day and the access to clean, safe water has seen children become healthier with the doctor reporting that no children are now malnourished.

The boys and girls are growing in confidence and enjoy performing at school events such as the Christmas program which sees the school hall crowded with villagers and families of the children who come to watch their children sing and dance and receive their new Christmas clothes. The women’s sewing classes continue to train village women in the tailoring skills they need for employment and the “Self-Help” women’s group is so grateful to EHC for giving them the opportunity to own their own machines. Their self-esteem has developed as they are able to help provide for their families.

We are extremely grateful for the support of so many to give this community in India and other poor families in Nepal the opportunities we take for granted.

Every Home for Christ is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct, representing our commitment to high standards in corporate governance, financial management and public accountability. For a copy of the code contact ACFID

In Bangladesh The EHC community program continues to give men, women and children who live in poverty hope for a brighter future. Micro-enterprise programs such as the Rickshaw/Van program has provided men with the opportunity to own their own rickshaw or van instead of being forced to pay exorbitant rental fees. This has enabled many to improve their financial status, pay off their debts and better provide for their families. Sewing classes have trained unskilled women so they can work in one of the many garment factories in Bangladesh or sew at home to earn an income. As the income of the parents improve, they are able to send their children to school instead of sending them out to

Phone: 02-62851816 Fax: 02-6285 1720

work and this year we have seen 1,503 girls and boys from poor families attend the 4 EHC schools in Dhaka city, Dhaka suburbs and in the remote village of Amgram. In these photos you can see the Amgram school where a large percentage of the village children being educated are girls who, without this school, may never gain an education. A hot meal each day, clean water and sanitation facilities, school books, school uniforms and new clothes at Christmas all help to give these children a sense of worth and importance, essential to their development. A Physical Education program has been introduced for the first time this year.

Thank you for giving these communities in Bangladesh a chance to improve their lives.

Our reconstruction team in Burma achieves double their target.

In just two months a team of EHC Myanmar workers and villagers constructed 290 bamboo houses, 13 village wells, 5 community halls, and 1 river jetty. They achieved more than twice the budgeted target of 140 houses and 2 wells. All on a budget of US$40,000 sent by Every Home for Christ. The Community Halls were an additional gift to the villages in the Delta, where virtually nothing was left standing after Cyclone Nargis. One of the halls is used as a coordination centre for cyclone-affected villages and the other as a village library. The other addition to the project was toilets for each house.

Initially these were left out of the budget because another organisation had offered to build toilets for all across the region. But the harsh reality was that these had not been provided in the isolated villages where our team was working. The target was exceeded by so much because of the incredible favour that our team received from local villagers and businessmen, who showed overwhelming gratitude, donating cash and materials and lowering the cost of purchase to an unimaginable price and also allowing the team to use their boats for travel within the township.

To all of those who gave towards this project, thank you so very, very much. You have brought hope to people who were without hope.

The Koraikkapum villagers are excited and grateful for their new Community Hall

It’s been a long, hard struggle for the 101 fishing families of Koraikkapum in India who lost everything during the Tsunami. EHC’s initial help provided immediate aid and gave them back their livelihoods and now their new Community Hall will be a wonderful asset and can be used as a school, a meeting hall for women, youth and fishermen and for local weddings. Thank you to AusAID and EHC friends who gave so generously. Many, many thanks to all those who support specific EHC workers and their families -

in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malawi, Israel, Spain, Fiji, Vanuatu, Guam and Samoa. with Mark Hornshaw to check progress of the hall.











BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Robert McConaghy—Board Chairman Manager & Company Director McConaghy Holdings Group of Companies John Spinella—Vice-Chairman 22 years as Senior Pastor Northside Christian Centre, Bundoora, Victoria Eric Leach—Executive Director Ordained Minister Every Home for Christ, 32 years EHC Board & Staff Robyn Peebles—Founding Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Ryde, Sydney Alex Thomas—Director Minister Panania Uniting Church, Sydney ,with wide experience in India & Malaysia. Michael Rainer— Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors. Retired business proprietor in national customs. Steve Skorobogaty—Executive Director Strema Australia. Director - Ministry Resources Davidson James— Solicitor , Davidson James & Associates; Director Asia Evangelistic Fellowship. Roger Mackay Business Executive in printing trade. Former staff of Every Home for Christ. John Ealand Sales Executive in Real Estate. Formerly coordinated Change the World Schools of Prayer for EHC.









STAFF 1. 3. 5. 7.

Billy McCartney

Eric Leach—Executive Director 2. Mark Hornshaw—Development Executive 4. Katherine Franks—Overseas Projects Manager 6. Mei Lan Loh—Bookkeeper 8.

George & Eleanor Hamey

Dianna Robinson

Karen Toh

Kay Newton

Lorraine Leach—Office/Overseas Projects Miriam Ford—Executive/Financial Secretary Justin Franks— Office/Overseas Projects Debbie Wilmshurst—Sponsorship Secretary

Jess Than

Wally Slade


Phil Brown

Liz and Michael Pippett

Many thanks to our volunteers who tirelessly work to enhance the work of Every home for Christ. We appreciate them greatly.

2008 Aud$

2007 Aud$

804,511.12 362,037.12 49,756.75 273,458 0 0 20,135.46 197,312.91 1,707,211.36

721,804.16 284,524.76 24,750.48 139,876.00 0 0 17,528.17 199,144.10 1,387,627.61

746,164.57 353,274.36 74,636.27 199,203.34

508,942.56 280,,430.96 47,519.84 233,297.13

7,210.59 72,061.00 10,000.00 162,398.48 75,173.25 1,700,121.62 7,089.74

14,122.78 64,568.76 10,000.00 182,482.77 95,285.44 1,436,650.24 -49,022.63

297,750.69 102,145.13 695,485.67 96,402.54 1,191,784.03

273,787.45 128,968.53 685,633.12 68,708.78 1,157,097.88

213,432.86 85,904.00 0 0 299,336.86

194,291.45 77,449.00 0 0 271,740.45



396,613.17 495,834.00 892,447.17

396,613.17 488,744.26 885,357.43

FINANCIAL REPORT – AUSTRALIA Every Home Global Concern Ltd Income Statement Donations and gifts for overseas aid – monetary & non-monetary Donations and gifts for evangelism/welfare/general - monetary & non-monetary Legacies and bequests Grants - AusAID - Other Australian - Other Overseas Investment income Other income Total revenue EXPENSES Overseas projects – Funds sent to overseas aid & development projects – Funds sent to other overseas projects – Other project costs Domestic projects: Book & Tape Sales, Dinners, Every Home Australia, Donations, Prayer Seminars, Salaries. Community education Fundraising costs: Public: Printing/Postage/Mailing House/Stationery/Bequests Government, multilateral & private Administration Organisational Development Total Expenses Excess of revenue over expenses (shortfall) from continuing operations EVERY HOME GLOBAL CONCERN LTD BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 (Statement of Financial Position)

ASSETS Current Assets: Non-Current Assets: Total Assets LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Non-current liabilities: Total liabilities

Cash & cash equivalents Financial assets – Interest-free loans from supporters Property, plant & equipment Other - Receivables

Trade & other payables Provisions Payables Other

Net assets EQUITY Reserves Retained Surplus Total Equity INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT 15/10/08 To the Members of Every Home Global Concern Ltd SCOPE We have audited the summarized financial report of Every Home Global Concern ltd for the year ended 30 June 2008 in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. AUDIT OPINION In our opinion, the information reported in the summarized financial report is consistent with the annual financial report from which it is derived and upon which we expressed an unqualified audit opinion in our report to the members dated 10 October 2008. For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the annual statutory financial report.


Yr Ended 30th June 2008 Tsunami Relief & Reconstruction Total for Other Purposes TOTAL

Cash available at beginning of year 61,397.00

Cash raised during year 929.28

Cash disbursed during year 34,713.57

Cash available at end of year 27,612.71









Comments India –The community hall for the fishing village is nearing completion. See enclosed report.. th


Retained earnings 488,744.26

Reserves 396,613.17

Total 885,357.43

Excess of revenue over expenses




Amount transferred(to) reserves Balance at 30/06/2008

0.00 495,834

0.00 396,613.17

0.00 892,447.17

Balance at 01/07/2007

PRIVACY POLICY : The Every Home for Christ Policy on Donor’s Rights and Privacy Policy conform with the Privacy Legislation and all information regarding supporters will be totally confidential to Every Home for Christ. Hollings Associates, First Floor, Suite 4 49-51 Eton Street, SUTHERLAND 2232 Phone: 9521 5100


For a copy of the full Audited Financial Report: contact Every Home for Christ at 02-95708211

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