annual report
everyhomeforchrist everyhomeglobalconcern Photo: Kristy-Lee Simmons
directors09 fromthechairmanoftheboard
For Every Home for Christ, 2009 was a year that saw financial increase in spite of a global recession. We are grateful to God and....
1. Robert McConaghy—Board Chairman Manager & Company Director McConaghy Holdings Group of Companies 2. John Spinella—Vice-Chairman 24 years as Senior Pastor Northside Christian Centre, Bundoora, Victoria 3. Eric Leach—Executive Director Ordained Minister Every Home for Christ, 34 years EHC Board & Staff 4. Robyn Peebles—Director Founding Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd, West Ryde, Sydney and Kingdom Living Ministries International 5. Alex Thomas—Director Minister Panania Uniting Church, Sydney ,with wide experience in India & Malaysia. 6. Michael Rainer— Director Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors. Retired business proprietor in national customs. 7. Steve Skorobogaty—Director Executive Business Consultant, former General Manager Anadis Ltd, extensive corporate experience in management & leadership roles in an international environment. 8. Davidson James - Director Solicitor , Davidson James & Associates; Director Asia Evangelistic Fellowship. 9. Roger Mackay - Director Business Executive in printing trade. Former staff member of Every Home for Christ. 10. John Ealand - Director Sales Executive in Real Estate. Formerly coordinated Change the World Schools of Prayer for EHC in Australia and New Zealand. His involvement span’s 20 years with Every Home for Christ
We are overwhelmed by the generosity of you, the Every Home for Christ/ Global Concern supporters, who continued to sacrificially give so that men, women and children around the world could receive gospel literature and be given opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty through a variety of programs such as food security, primary school education, vocational training, basic health and nutrition, HIVAids education, malaria prevention and primary health care. We are incredibly grateful for your partnership as are thousands of people throughout the world who have benefited from your involvement. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank you and, in this coming year together we can continue to make a difference.
Robert McConaghy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Every Home for Christ ABN: 88 001 276 240 Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Phone: 02 9570 8211 Fax: 02 9570 4738 E-mail: ehc@everyhome.org.au Web: www.everyhome.org.au
staff09 Eric Leach
Justin Franks
Executive Director
Development Officer
Lorraine Leach
Debbie Wilmshurst
Sponsorship Secretary
Miriam Ford
Mei Lan Loh
Secretary/Financial Secretary
Katherine Franks
Deeplove Pokhrel
Overseas Projects Manager
Office Assistant
Aaron Moore Overseas Projects Manager
Some of the volunteers and staff farewelling Joy Ng (front row, third from left) who volunteered her time to work for Every Home for Christ for 3 months before leaving to work with the poor in Indonesia.
volunteers09 We greatly appreciate the assistance of our volunteers who work tirelessly to enhance the work of Every Home for Christ
Volunteer Christmas Party
Through Every Home for Christ we aim to put a gospel leaflet in every home in the world with national workers systematically going door-to-door until every home in their nation has been visited. Home to home, country by
country, until every home in the world has gospel literature to read. But we also have a Global Concern for the poor and needy, resulting in programs in developing countries to give men, women and children the skills they need for sustainable development of themselves and their communities. Community development is the goal, with programs that target real needs .
It looks different in each country— in Africa its emphasis is on making communities food secure through training and equipping subsistence farmers, in Bangladesh and India the focus is on educating children and providing vocational opportunities for the parents so they can increase their income, in Togo the emphasis is on primary health care ‌. whatever the need! By this and emergency relief in times of crisis, we hope to alleviate poverty and suffering.
to reach every home and help the poor
yourmoneygo? Russia Spain Middle East Israel Togo Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile
China Bangladesh India Nepal Burma Philippines Cambodia
Kenya Malawi Zambia
Singapore Papua New Guinea Samoa & Vanuatu
Funds Sent Overseas 71% Australian Projects 9% Administration 8% Fundraising 6% Overseas Project Costs 3%
Expenditure as a percentage of total income
Special thanks to AusAID for their contribution of $303,236 for the Food Security program in Africa.
Every Home Global Concern Ltd is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct, representing our commitment to high standards in corporate governance, financial management and public accountability.
to reach every home and help the poor
foodsecuritycommunitydevelopment Photos: kristy-Lee Simmons
It is hard to find a more needy and underprivileged place in the world than Africa. The problems of extreme poverty, hunger, environmental degradation, gender inequality, HIV aids, malaria and other diseases are ravaging African communities to a degree it is difficult to comprehend in the West. In order to address these challenges, Every Home for Christ conducts food security projects in Malawi and Zambia training villagers in how to grow enough food to feed their entire family throughout the year. These projects are established in line with the old adage, ‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.’
Over the past year Every Home for Christ provided seed and fertiliser to over 369 women and 337 men in Malawi and Zambia, but more importantly, provided training to each of these individuals, along with around 1,000 other indirect beneficiaries, with tools and skills for farming so they can provide for their families for the rest of their lives. In Zambia, conservation farming techniques have both protected the environment and increased harvests. HIV support groups have strengthened community connections in hard times and nutrition classes have opened mothers up to new sources of food such as soya for their children. Some have even
Water wells for clean water & a “pass-on” chicken farming program have helped these poor families become self-sufficient.
gone on to cook and sell their wares to bring in extra income for the family. In Malawi, villagers were bringing in harvests over one thousand percent greater than before the project began, malaria cases had dropped by 30 percent, diarrhoea cases by 65 percent and cases of malnourished children by 90 percent. Every Home for Christ is not only having a great impact on small and underprivileged African communities, but also a lasting one!
We are grateful to AusAID for partnering with us and Malawi & Zambia Every Home for Christ in this project
Indra Orie (pictured above) volunteered with Love Anuppampattu School in India in September 2008 and began fundraising to make the dream of a library a reality. She continued her work as a social worker in Holland, saving her own money and accepting donations from friends who supported the vision. Within a year she had collected enough money to buy 500 books and begin Love Anuppampattu ’s first ever library collection. In September 2009, Indra returned to India and painstakingly travelled throughout Chennai’s bookstores scouring them for the best quality English books she could buy. The result is remarkable! The new library contains books for all ages from Kindergarten through to Year 5. Simple stories with glossy pages filled with bright colours through to informative books on the human body or the world, children’s picture Bibles, and wonderful novel’s like The Secret Garden.
Rickshaws, sewing machines and training are helping these poor families become self-sufficient.
Our special thanks to Indra who is making a wonderful contribution to the education of these children. In both India and Bangladesh extremely poor families are being given a chance to improve their lives, with basic education for 1400 children in 5 schools, tailoring training for the women and opportunity to be trained for employment for both men and women, the whole community benefiting from this program. Clean water, toilets and health education help to prevent disease, physical education and nutritious lunches help to improve the health and stamina of the children, and free education, uniforms and educational materials …all funded by sponsorship … give these children self –esteem and the opportunity to develop and progress with the hope that they will not have to live in poverty in the future.
Our special thanks to the many child sponsors who are making a wonderful contribution to the education and lives of these children and their communities.
nepal Many thanks for the sponsors of children in Nepal. Many of these children have now completed school and are progressing well in tertiary education or in jobs.
humanitarianemergencies Burma was the centre of attention last year when Cyclone Nargis roared through this small country, leaving a trail of death and destruction. As Every Home for Christ has a national office there, aid was quickly given in the form of food, clothing and shelter. In the months following, with funding from Australia and New Zealand, communities in the worst-hit Ayeyarwady Division who had lost everything were targeted and a program of house reconstruction commenced. Hundreds of houses, community halls, jetties and water pumps were built, bringing relief and hope to Burmese men, women and children.
thank you for your help
The Tsunami of 2000 has almost been forgotten by the world but, for one fishing village in India, the long wait for life to return to normality is finally over. The Indian government is just completing new housing and Every Home for Christ in India has officially opened the longawaited community hall. At the opening the excited villagers celebrated with a feast on the roof of the new community hall.
thank you for your help
othercountries brazil
In the last year money has been raised for the purchase of boats to go to remote communities along the Amazon River. Boats will be fitted out and equipped as an ambulance ship and a hospital ship while smaller boats will also be purchased to help workers reach communities in difficult places. Food and clothing as well as gospel literature will also be distributed to needy communities.
Š mikhail levit
Without your help this would not be possible
For many years Every Home for Christ supporters have been making it possible to share the gospel in Israel and this year we have sent funds to Trumpet of Salvation (Jacob Damkani), Evan and Mala Thomas (Beit Asaph) and the National Evangelism Committee. All three organizations are grass-root organizations actively at work among Jews, Arabs and refugees in Israel.
Without your help this would not be possible
With the medical clinic the main concentration this year has been in vaccinating babies, the importance of women attending pre-natal classes, attending a medical clinic to give birth to reduce birth deaths, and education campaigns in the villages to teach the people about infections, sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of clean water and attending the clinic when ill.
Without your help this would not be possible
The gifts of Every Home for Christ supporters this year have made possible the distribution of literature door to door as well as paying the salaries of teachers, medical workers, office staff and other workers. Special thanks to those who support Jose Seisdedos in Spain, Jacob Damkani and Evan Thomas in Israel, and evangelists in Samoa, Vanuatu, Malawi, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Without your help this would not be possible
to reach every home and help the poor