August EHC Newsletter 2018

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August 2018

WATCHING IN PRAYER by Dick Eastman, EHC International President Books on prayer seldom discuss, or even mention, the importance of "watching" in prayer.Yet Jesus commanded us to "watch and pray!" (Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38). Paul also challenged believers to "continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving" (Col. 4:2, italics added). He made it clear that watching was to be a specific element of prayer, something as important to prayer as thanksgiving. Be on the Alert What did Jesus and His chief apostle mean when they challenged us to "watch" in prayer? The Greek word for our word watch is gregoreo, "to be awake or vigilant." It can also mean "a close observation" or "to be on the alert". When Jesus and Paul used the expression watch they principally meant that believers should stay awake spiritually and keep guard. Since both Jesus and Paul linked watching with prayer, they were referring to staying alert during prayer. As one writer suggests, "Watching in prayer and supplication bespeaks having spiritual insight to discern the wiles of Satan and to discover the latter's end and means." When the apostle Peter warned us to be "vigilant" because Satan seeks to devour us (1 Peter 5:8), he used the very word gregoreo (translated "watch") which both Jesus and Paul used in conjunction with prayer.


After Paul spoke to the Ephesian Christians about putting on the full armour of God, he again stressed watching. Paul suggested they establish everything by "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perserverance and supplication for all saints" (Eph. 6:18, italics added). Dr Curtis Mitchell explained, "To pray correctly one must be mentally alert and vigilant. Much praying is hampered by a dull drowsy frame of mind." During this activity of watching our spiritual function is somewhat similar to the ministry of the "watchmen" in ancient Bible days. Concerning the city of Jerusalem God said, "I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence" (Isa. 62:6). Appointing watchmen to guard walled cities was a common custom in Bible days. The watchmen's chief responsibility was to warn the inhabitants of approaching enemies. The thought in Isaiah 62:6 is that God's prophets were like these watchmen. They could not hold their peace until the prophecy of God was fulfilled in the full restoration of Jerusalem. These watchmen stood alert to warn of impending spiritual conflict.


"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the LORD, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive." Jeremiah 29:11—14 This is the story of Eli. As a child Eli heard positive stories about Jesus from his parents. This in itself is quite amazing as many children grow up with a negative image of Jesus. As the years went by Eli always felt a special connection to Jesus. He was exposed to the life of Jesus through various movies and programs he saw on television. Today Eli is working as a lifeguard in Tel Aviv and living with his girlfriend and son. In the past year he has begun reading about Jesus online. Eli finds the connection between the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament and the life of Jesus compelling. Although he does not know so much, he has tried

sharing what he does know about Jesus with others. He has found his friends mostly dismissive, but thankfully his girlfriend and mother are very supportive. Eli is about to start reading the Gospel of Matthew. He desires to learn more for his own personal growth, but also wants to pass on knowledge about Jesus to others. Despite his enthusiasm, Eli still does not have a clear picture of Jesus. His image of Jesus is partly influenced by Jewish mysticism and other philosophies. Please pray that Eli would take his study of Matthew seriously and that the Lord would give him discernment to truly know Jesus.



Jacob and Elisheva Damkani

Pray for Jacob Damkani!!

Eric Leach reports -

I went to Israel in 1970 and went back again about 1988 to see what God may have for Every Home for Christ to do in Israel. Jacob Damkani was one of the people I met about 1988 or later as he was interested to be involved in street evangelism. Jacob now has his own much-blessed ministry with evangelistic teams distributing gospel literature and doing street witnessing as well as a congregation that meets each week. Last year Jacob had a life-threatening

fungus on the valve of his heart and the doctors said he was miraculously healed. Now the fungus has returned and Jacob has had an operation that even the doctors thought he would not come out of. However, he is alive and recovering although, at the time of writing this, is still in an induced coma. Please pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that Jacob will be safe and totally healed now and always. Exodus 15:26 “I am the Lord, who heals you!�

Jacob preaching to Israeli soldiers.


In 2017 God enabled Every Home for Christ to visit 16,983 villages and 47 cities, giving out 8,140,305 Gospel booklets to 4,161,646 homes. As a result we have received 99,562 written responses in our offices. Bible Correspondence Course lessons were sent out and 270 Christ groups were formed in different villages where there is no church. Apart from the Gospel Booklets, we have given out New Testaments, Bibles and other gospel literature to seekers who wanted to know more about Jesus Christ. Existing Christ Groups were strengthened and the numbers in these groups have increased.

By the grace of God the Christ groups are indeed flourishing across the country. Along with that hundreds of Seekers Conferences have been conducted and many of the seekers have made a decision for the Lord. Also we had opportunities to visit different churches and minister the Word of God. We praise God that some churches and individuals have generously extended their helping hand to the ministry of India Every Home for Christ. We have also had the privilege and joy of conducting Spiritual Revival Meetings and Schools of Prayer in different churches and places across India.



The pastor of the fastest-growing and largest Christian church in the world shares his remarkable story ....

Dr. P. Satish Kumar, born a multigenerational radical Hindu in India, came to saving faith in Jesus Christ at age 12. He was called to the pastoral ministry at 18, and he founded Calvary Temple Church at 21. In 2012, Kumar says God asked him to build a sanctuary that would seat 18,000 people on a 12-acre piece of property in Hyderabad, India, and assured him that just as He enabled Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in just 52 days, He also would enable the pastor to build his church facility in 52 days. And that’s what happened. Starting with just 10 members, Kumar’s church has added 100,000 new members in the past four years, and today has 160,000 members meeting on one campus each week. The pastor has started establishing Calvary Temple campus churches throughout India. He also feels called to build the largest church facility ever, a stadium with the capacity to seat more than 52,000 people in each service. During his February 28 session at a Convention, titled “Pastoral Vision,” Kumar said, “Whether it is the secular, political or spiritual world, we all need vision.” He cited Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, people perish [or live carelessly]." “If we don’t have a vision for the future, we will go back to our past. If we don’t have vision, then we perish and our ministry perishes.” Kumar recalled how he went to the United States for one month in 2001 to share his vision and need for $400 of support per month, but no church came forward to support his television ministry. He returned to India and began searching for land to build his church but could not find any that he could afford.

Kumar believed that because God had given him the vision He would provide the provision. The pastor eventually was able to purchase land worth $20 million through the faithfulness of his supporters in India. “Many times we limit God with small visions, small requests,” Kumar said. “I understood that if we can test God with bigger things, God is willing to stand with us and prove Himself. “With God all things are possible. If only you understand who God is, you will not limit Him,” he added. Kumar was the final speaker of the Convention during the Closing Gala Dinner and he spoke about the lessons God has taught him during his ministry. First, he said pastors cannot lose their testimony and character. Second, pastors should never lose hope – even when it seems like their prayers are not being answered. “Don’t give up. Our God is delaying to give you the best which is stored for you,” Kumar said. Third, pastors should never lose their vision. Kumar ended his time by talking about the great lostness in the world and challenging Christians to “go” with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “If we don’t do our job, if we don’t mind our business, whatever [Jesus] has done on the cross will be of no use,” he said. By Michael Smith 7

INDIA Man Dies for Refusing to Deny Jesus Bartu has paid the ultimate price for refusing to deny Jesus. He and his wife were forced to stand overnight in a pond up to their necks in cold water with their hands tied for seven hours. In India, where they live, temperatures can drop below freezing in winter. When villagers pulled them out of the pond the next morning, they beat them repeatedly to force them to return to their traditional religious beliefs. The couple refused. Bartu's wife survived; he died some time later. Please pray for Bartu's family who have stayed in the village despite death threats. Bartu, 50, became a Christian ten years ago and suffered intense persecution for the past three years. Villagers forced him to attend and participate in indigenous worship ceremonies, threatened him and even allegedly polluted the family's drinking water. Initially Bartu's wife, two sons and daughter-in-law fled the village but have since returned home. Police have failed to take firm action, describing Bartu's death as being from "natural causes" and suggesting villagers start peace talks. Powerless to intervene, Beneswar kept vigil over his father Bartu while he was in the water. "The villagers kept asking my father if he is ready to forsake Christ. He reiterated every time, "I will not deny Christ. I will continue to believe till my last breath".

PLEASE PRAY: * for the steadfast faith of Bartu's family. Nine other families who became Christians at the same time have since renounced their faith due to persecution. Pray that Bartu's willingness to die for his faith will inspire them to return to Christ. * that the rest of the village will also be struck by Bartu's witness and receive God's love and grace in Jesus. * for God's people throughout India where intolerance appears to be growing. Pray that He will overwhelm them with His love and peace and give them the courage to stand firm. Source: Release International

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Did you know that Every Home for Christ is active in the fight against Aids in Africa?

Zambia The HIV prevalence rate among adults in Zambia has changed little over the last decade despite decreasing infection rates in Zambia. Despite the country’s high prevalence rate, there are significantly low rates of HIV knowledge among the general population. As a result the Zambian government is encouraging behaviour change, discussing and educating people about high-risk sexual activities and the stigma against people living with HIV. They are encouraging families to keep girls in school, empower women and encourage men to respect women.

By the use of innovative drama in the villages , Every Home for Christ is encouraging men, women and young people to change their behaviour.


HIV/Aids Drama

Villagers enjoy the Drama

Through drama villagers are taught how to prevent HIV/Aids as well as the importance of testing and using antiretroviral drugs. The stigma attached to having this disease is also addressed along with ways to care for people with HIV/Aids. This is one part of the Food Security program because, unless people are well, they can’t farm or provide for their families. Thank you to those who have given to make this possible.

HIV/Aids Drama

AUGUST 2018 Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Nehemiah, Esther and Job. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.

PRAY FOR DICK AND DEE EASTMAN. Dick is the International President of Every Home for Christ with a large responsibility for ministries in multiple countries across the world. Pray God will use him and Dee in a mighty way that the gospel will reach out to every home on Earth and that their family will know Christ. Nehemiah 9 (Psalm 135-136) PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY Sons, daughters and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. Get a piece of paper and write down their names. Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation;eternity without Christ is a long time! Nehemiah 10 (Psalm 146-150)



PRAY FOR JACOB DAMKANI Pray for Jacob Damkani of Israel that he will be kept in good health especially after having a life- threatening operation on his heart. Nehemiah 11 (Psalm 1 Chronicles 1-5) CREATIVE ACCESS R. has ordered a lot of EHC literature about the Christian faith. He says he believes in Jesus but is quite alone and is not meeting with other believers. Pray that he will be encouraged in his faith and find other believers to grow with. Nehemiah 12:1-23 (1 Chronicles 6-9)

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MOLDOVA Pop. 3,600,000 Map. 102 Please pray for Every Home evangelism efforts taking place in the village of Cricova. Pray for open hearts and minds and for protection for workers and volunteers. Most of all pray for souls to come into the Kingdom of God. Nehemiah 12:24-47 (1 Chronicles 10-12) MARTINIQUE Pop. 380,000 Map. 204 A pioneering church in Saint-Joseph is evangelising with EHC resources. Following a recent outreach, some people from the neighbourhood who had received literature attended a service and gave their lives to the Lord. Pray that this church will continue to impact lives. Nehemiah 13 (1 Chronicles 13-16) ZIMBABWE Pop. 16,200,000 Map. 9 There is a need for greater unity among churches in this nation to facilitate effective evangelism. Pray that upcoming outreaches will be done in one accord, as the Body of Christ, and that more churches will be motivated to join the effort to reach every home. Nehemiah 14(Psalm 42,44)




ALBANIA Pop. 2,900,000 Map. 75 Please pray for the Every Home outreaches in Kavaje, Hamil,Kafaraj,Cerven and Seman i Ri. Pray that God will prepare hearts and will bless believers who are sharing the Good News. Thank God in advance for how He will work to build His Kingdom. Esther 1 (Psalm 45-47) CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for EHC partners as they reach homes in a remote region with the Gospel. Pray that God will surround them with a hedge of protection as they go and that they will connect with people hungry for the Good News of Jesus. Esther 2 (Psam 48-50)



MYANMAR Pop. 52,900,000 Map. 135 Pray for pioneer missionaries as they go home to home in various villages and townships. Pray that signs and wonders will follow them wherever they go. Pray for grace, physical strength and God’s protection as they preach the Good News. Esther 3 (Psalm 73-76) ETHIOPIA Pop. 102,400,000 Map. 29 Every Home for Christ Ethiopia recently received an invitation from a region of the Somali State inviting them to do home-to-home gospel visitations in Somali neighbourhoods. Thank God for this open door. Pray that many Somalis will be saved. Esther 4 (Psalm 77-78) SOUTH AFRICA Pop. 55,900,000 Map. 1 Pray for more Christ Groups to be established in this nation. Many souls are coming into the Kingdom, but they are not being discipled. Pray that God will raise up more mature believers to establish Christ Groups. Esther 5 (Psalm 79-81)

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PHILIPPINES Pop. 103,300,000 Map. 169 Praise God for the EHC partner churches in the province of Antique that are involved in jail ministry. They bring the Word of God behind bars so prisoners and their families can be set free and accept forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. Esther 6 (Psalm 82-85) CREATIVE ACCESS Every Home workers are doing outreaches in areas near the borders of this nation. This makes it possible to get literature into the country. Pray for open doors to share the Gospel and open hearts to accept the message of salvation. Esther 7 (Psalm 87-88) GUYANA Pop.773,000 Map. 213 Praise God for the opportunity to introduce the EHC vision and strategies in Methodist churches.Pray that people in these churches will become passionate about evangelism and be proactive in sharing the Gospel in their communities. Esther 8 (1 Chronicles 17-22)

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MAURITIUS Pop. 1,300,000 Map. 6 EHC staff have started to meet with pastors and church leaders in this nation.Please pray that God will show them that Every Home for Christ is there to serve the Church and, together, they can accomplish the Great Commission. Esther 9 (1 Chronicles 23-27)

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CZECH REPUBLIC Pop. 10,600,000 Map. 82 Pray that many EHC friends would be willing to help share gospel literature and take part in personal evangelism. Pray for many orders of EHC evangelistic literature. Esther 10 (1 Chronicles 28-29) VENEZUELA Pop.31,600,000 Map.214 Please pray against the sadness and hopelessness that has gripped the hearts of some EHC workers who, in light of the recent crisis, have turned their eyes away from God. Pray that they will understand that God can use even the hardest of times to cause many to turn to Him. Job 1 (2 Chronicles 1-5)



FRANCE Pop. 66,900,000 Map. 89 A French version of the gospel message “The Greatest Story of All Time” has been made available to EHC mission partner H24 (an evangelistic movement in the subway in Paris and its suburbs). Pray that this outreach with the offer of the printed page will attract people to Jesus. Job 7 (Joel 1-3)


BRAZIL Pop. 207,700,000 Map.218 Every Home for Christ Brazil has been invited to present the Be Fruitful and Multiply discipleship course at the Casa Foundation, where juvenile offenders (up to age 17) are housed. Pray for young people to be transformed by the Gospel instead of feeding the prison system. Job 8 (2 Chronicles 23:1 to 26:8)








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BURUNDI Pop. 10,500,000 Map. 18 Pray for the success of an EHC evangelistic campaign in Butihinda. There is much opposition from people. One worker was locked in a house he had entered and faced threats for five hours. Pray for safety and that God’s Spirit will turn many hearts to Jesus. Job 2 (2 Chronicles 6-9) GUINEA Pop. 899,800 Map. 45 Pray that forces opposing the Gospel in Guinea will be broken down. Pray that the government will allow EHC partners access to use Christian radio and television. Also pray that misunderstandings between denominations will be resolved. Job 3 (2 Chronicles 10-16)

CREATIVE ACCESS EHC workers have presented gospel literature in areas where there is fighting, and the locals live in fear of war. They are in danger every day in areas where there is gunfire. Please pray for the people who received literature, that God will change their hearts. Job 4 (2Chronicles 17-21) CROATIA Pop. 4,200,000 Map. 69 Pray for the Baptist church in Daruvar that has decided to share EHC literature in its region. Pray for many willing workers and for open homes to receive the Gospel. Also pray that the members will have good experiences in witnessing to people from home-to -home. Job 5 (Obadiah)


SWAZILAND Pop. 1,400,000 Map. 3 Please pray for EHC teams as they continue to mobilise the Church to reach every home. Pray for all the passionate workers who are sharing the Gospel. Pray for their safety during travel and for protection from all kinds of danger. Job 6 (2 Chronicles 22)


and send it to us in the enclosed envelope and we will pray for you.

NIGERIA Pop. 186,00,000 Map. 35 Please pray for Nigeria’s Mobile Training Coordinators as they travel and lead training sessions for churches and volunteers to reach every home with the Gospel. Pray for protection, strength and encouragement for them and their families. Job 9 (Isaiah 1-5)

SWITZERLAND Pop. 8,400,000 Map. 62 Every Home for Christ Switzerland and members of a new church will go from house-to-house in the walled city of Romont (about 5,000 inhabitants) and present a survey about Jesus. Pray that God will prepare hearts and many will give their lives to Christ. Job 10 (2 Chronicles 26:9-23, Isaiah 6) MEXICO Pop. 127,500,000 Map. 178 Pray for EHC workers Armando Portillo and his wife, Liz. Liz was recently diagnosed with cancer. This couple has faithfully shared EHC gospel literature in their region, and thousands of people have come to the Lord through their consistent witness. Job 11 (2 Chronicles 27-28)

CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for the upcoming visits planned to train key EHC leaders and encourage them. Also pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned and even killed for their faith. Job 12 (2 Chronicles 29-32)

CREATIVE ACCESS Praise God! Many church members in this country are standing firm in their faith during this time of intense persecution. Praise the Lord for many more coming to Christ. What the enemy has meant for evil, God will use for good. Job 13 (Isaiah 7-12)


SERBIA Pop. 7,100,000 Map. 71 Summer outreach plans including visiting regions where non-Christian religions are in the majority or where there are no Christian churches or believers. Yet, the response to the Gospel in these areas is often great! Pray for the people to have receptive hearts. Job 14 (Isaiah 13-23)

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