Your prayer and gifts make all this possible. In 1953 Jack McAlister, the founder of Every Home for Christ, went to Japan with a fellow visionary. At a Tokyo train station they realised that for every person they gave a Gospel tract to, ten people never received a tract, so they wanted a way whereby they could be sure that everyone received a tract. That night they
August 2019
prayed desperately over maps of Tokyo and all of Japan asking, "How can we reach everybody and have a measurable sense of what has been accomplished?" This vision was given to them: take the Gospel to every home. Divide the city of Tokyo in a strategic way, and find people willing to go to every home.
God planted a similar vision in the heart of Dick Eastman in 1966. Following a fiveweek, home-to-home outreach in Central America - a decade before he joined Every Home for Christ and 20 years before being appointed its international president - he thought,"Someone should do this all over the world; mapping out every nation, taking the Gospel to every home, and implementing a mechanism to disciple each person."
1988 Dick Eastman is named the International President of Every Home for Christ, a position he holds to this day.
Since 1953, home by home, Every Home for Christ staff and volunteers have systematically and strategically taken over 3.6 billion gospel messages to over 1.7 billion homes worldwide. Taking the Great Commission literally, we partner with passionate Christians around the globe in sharing their faith right where they live. The fruit has been extraordinary. Every Home outreaches have been conducted in around 200 nations around the world. Over 156 million decisions and responses for Christ have reached Every Home for Christ offices and have been followed-up. To continue their discipleship, new believers are encouraged to attend established local churches. In places without an established local church, Every Home for Christ forms new Christ Groups to disciple new believers. Over 271,000 groups have been planted in the course of Every Home for Christ's history.
Learn to pray when you're young and you'll do it all the days of your life. I know and encourage you whatever age you are to start now. - Eric Leach
To go to 657,000 homes in Myanmar with a Gospel literature and a personal witness to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your prayer and financial support can send the Gospel on its way to every home in Myanmar.
First American Overseas Missionary (1813-1850)
In 1831, Judson wrote, “ The Spirit of inquiry… is spreading ever ywhere, through the whole length and breadth of B ur ma. We have distr ibuted near ly 10,000 tracts.”
THE BAND OF FIERY PIONEER MISSIONARIES As we arrived at Yangon International Airport, I was looking forward to seeing the “miracle man" myself. It was the beginning of the hot season and that meant 100-degree-plus humid and hazy days. Thankfully, it also meant we could drive to many places instead of being stopped by the mud and flooding common during the rainy season or having to travel by boat. Weaving through the busy city traffic, we soon became acclimatized to the cacophony of many car horns mixed with the occasional screech of a monkey on our way to the Every Home office. Zin Hla explained that he had gathered all the Pioneer Missionaries from the far-flung districts of the nation (an arduous twoday journey for many). This was the first time this had happened in over three years, and the excitement that the team was back together was palpable. Every Home for Christ has been sharing the Gospel in Myanmar through Zin Hla, his father and their respective teams for four decades. For much of that time, the Church’s relationship with the 4socialist and military government had
made sharing the Gospel extremely challenging, but recent democratic reforms have brought a needed reprieve for Burmese Christians. As we continued to learn more, it became apparent that the team sought favour from God before the favour of any human authorities. We worshipped, prayed and then shared together with all the Pioneer Missionaries. One by one, they stood and gave a report of what was happening in their respective districts. This company of friends clearly gained new faith and vision as they listened to one another. Also evident were the values that the older leader had imparted to his disciples. Just like the Early Church, they preach the Gospel and they back up the message by praying for the sick and casting out demons. These Pioneer Missionaries were the epitome of what we at Every Home for Christ call the “Crazy Ones” — workers who look at the hindrances to the work of the Kingdom and believe against all hope that it can be done. In reports, these Pioneer Missionaries revealed how the miraculous was just a part of their everyday lives.
unsuccessful chemotherapy, but who was healed by the prayer of faith. Like most of these workers, he shared a remarkable financial miracle of seeing his meagre finances double on an outreach where he had baptised four new believers. This is everyday life for the Every Home team in Myanmar. PIONEER MISSIONARY DAN YA
PIONEER MISSIONARY CHAN YEIN CHAN YEIN is a young, charismatic preacher with a bright countenance and a drive to see the power of God released through his ministry. Chan Yein is taking the Gospel home to home in Shan State, one of the most difficult places for Christians at present. With shaky peace treaties between different armies, continuous fighting has been the norm as the army tracks down various insurgent groups. Added to this volatile mix is a thriving illicit drug trade being farmed in the region. Constant firefights are not an uncommon part of life for this young missionary. As Chan Yein shared, he mimicked dodging the bullets flying close to his head. Yet the joy in his being was irrepressible. What was of more concern to him was the task at hand: seeing the Gospel go forth. He shared about praying for a cancer victim who had undergone
DAN YA has been a Pioneer Missionary with Every Home Myanmar for eight years and was leading a Christ Group in his predominantly Buddhist district. Many of the neighbours had an extreme aversion to the ministry he was doing, so they trumped up false charges of robbery against this young man. Dan Ya was a newly-wed, having only been married 49 days, when he was charged and sent to prison for a twoyear jail term for a crime he didn’t commit. Rather than feeling defeated, he started to lead a discipleship group in prison. A number of the prisoners committed their lives to the Lord. “One of the group was from the Karen tribe,” Dan Ya said.“He couldn’t read or write, so he couldn’t read the Bible. But one day, the Lord miraculously gave him the ability to read and write — that was a miracle!” The story was simply:“Look what God has done!”
Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 ABN: 88001276240 E-mail: New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 NZBN: 9429043322862 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738
PIONEER MISSIONARY ZAW ZAW CHO ZAW ZAW CHO had a passion for those without Christ that knew no bounds, and it seemed like he wanted to see the whole nation reached immediately as he rode the rough dirt roads by motorcycle to different states in the nation. He beamed with pride, as he told about how Zin Hla the EHC Director had hired him; there were 21 other candidates. Despite his lack of education, he was chosen to be a Pioneer Missionary. I turned to Zin Hla and asked what he had seen in this young man. “It was the faith in his eyes that caught me,” said the elder statesman.“I think I have been proven right... Zaw Zaw Cho went with no finances, now he has a big threefloor building which houses, volunteers, with a car and three motorcycles — the Lord is blessing his work in the Kayah State.” Zaw Zaw Cho’s stories were indicative of all the Pioneer Missionaries: stories of miraculous financial provision, stories of
sharing the Gospel despite significant opposition. In one city, a particular opponent to the Every Home work said that he would stir up 20 violent monks to oppose the work. He challenged Zaw Zaw Cho to share the Gospel with the local government office if he had the nerve. Zaw Zaw Cho went to the office only to find it closed. Instead, he went to the nearby police station, explained what he was doing and shared a gospel booklet with the head policeman. Then he proceeded to go home to home throughout the city sharing the Gospel. “When I returned to the city three years later,” Zaw Zaw Cho said, “the same opponent that had followed me around opposing my work was still there, but he couldn’t stop the spread of the Gospel in the city.” Opposition and hardship are expected in the life of a believer, but so is supernatural strength to overcome.
It happened before. It can happen again!
The Rev Jeremiah Lanphier (1809-1898) announced his new prayer meeting by passing out a simple 2 page flyer as pictured below. The noon prayer meeting of the North Dutch Church, Fulton Street, New York began with just a few men in attendance but soon it gained tremendous momentum! The first meeting was held on September 23rd, 1857 - this date would mark the very beginning of the Great Revival of 1857-1858.
For some three months he had been visiting boarding houses, shops and offices, inviting people to the 88-year old Old Dutch North Church at Fulton and Williams Streets. The church had fallen on slim days. Old families had moved away. The business neighbourhood was teeming with a floating population of immigrants and labourers. Other churches had gotten out. Many thought that the Old Dutch North Church should throw in the towel. But the trustees determined in a last-ditch stand. They decided to hire a lay missionary to conduct a visitation program.
The man they picked was Jeremiah C It was exactly 12 noon , 158 years ago. A tall, Lanphier, a merchant who had absolutely former businessman climbed creaking stairs no experience whatsoever in church to the third story of an old church building visitation work. At 49, Lanphier gave up his in the heart of lower New York City. trade position to knock on doors for a salary of less than $1,000 a year - or about $80 a He entered an empty room, pulled out his month. pocket watch and sat down to wait. The placard outside read: ‘Prayer Meeting from The going was slow. A few families came. 12 to 1.00 o’clock ... stop 5, 10 or 20 minutes, But Jeremiah Lanphier returned to his or the whole hour, as your time admits.” It room in the church consistory , weary and looked like no-one had the time. As the discouraged. At such time he ‘spread out his minutes clicked by, Jeremiah Lanphier sorrows before the Lord’. He never failed to wondered if it was all a mistake. draw new strength from his time of prayer.
While going on his rounds of visitation, the idea occurred to him that businessmen might like to get away for a short period of prayer at noon. With permission of church officials, Lanphier passed out handbills and put up the placard. When the day of the first meeting came, he was the only one on hand for it. Six come to Pray. He waited 10 minutes, then 10 minutes more. The minute hand of his watch pointed to 12.30 when at last he heard a step on the stairs. One man came in, then another, then another, until there were six.
After a few minutes of prayer the meeting was dismissed with a decision that another meeting would be held the following Wednesday. That small meeting was in no way extraordinary. There was no great outpouring of the Spirit of God. Lanphier had no way of knowing that it was the beginning of a great national revival which would sweep an estimated one million people into the kingdom of God. Twenty men came to the second noon-hour meeting. The following Wednesday, 40 came. Lanphier decided to make the meeting a daily event in a larger room. That very week - on Wednesday October 14th - the nation was staggered by the worst financial panic in its history. Banks closed, men were out of work, families went hungry. The crash no doubt had something to do with the astonishing growth of Lanphier’s noon meeting (by now called ‘ The Fulton Street Prayer Meeting’. In a short time the Fulton Street meeting had taken over the whole building with crowds of more than 3,000. New York Bows in Prayer. Within six months 10,000 businesmen (out of a population of 800,000) were gathering daily in New York City for prayer. In January 1858 there were at least 20 other prayer meetings going full tilt in the city. Revival Spreads.
Soon the revival spread by means of people whose lives had been changed. One of the first six at the first Fulton Street meeting was a 21 year old Philadelphian. “ Why not a prayer meeting in Philadelphia?” he thought.
He and some of his fellow members of the YMCA asked permission to hold a meeting in the Methodist Episcopal Union Church.
According to influential leaders who observed and participated in this extraordinary revival, it was clearly a revival of prayer.
The start was dismal. Only about 40 came. The meeting was moved to another building Charles Finney said, more centrally located. Still the crowd stayed “ There is such a around 60. But suddenly there was a change. On March 8th, 1858 about 300 people were present. On Wednesday March 10th, 2,500 people were jammed into a large auditorium. Seats were set up on the stage. After that, not less than 3,000 people attended the meeting every day. In May, a tent was put up. Within four months 150,000 people had prayed in that tent. Newspapers everywhere thought revival was front-page news. Headlines similar to these told the story “ New Haven, Connecticut - City’s Biggest Church Packed Twice Daily for Prayer.” “ Bethel, Connecticut - Business Shuts Down for Hour Each Day; Everybody Prays.” “ Albany, New York State - State Legislators Get Down on Their Knees.” “ Schenectady, New York - Ice on the Mohawk Broken for Baptisms.” “ Newark, New York - Firemen’s Meeting Attracts 2,000.” “ Washington, D.C. - Five Prayer Meetings Go Around the Clock.” “ New Haven, Connecticut - Revival Sweeps Yale.”
general confidence in the prevalence of prayer, that the people very extensively seem to prefer meeting for prayer to meeting for preaching. The general impression seemed to be, ‘ We have had instruction until we are hardened; it is time for us to pray.’”
The revival continued to bear fruit on through 1859 and 1860. According to religious historians, when the revival was at its peak, approximately 50,000 people each week were converted to Jesus Christ. In one year alone, 1,858 Methodist churches gained 135,517 new members and the Baptist churches in the same year, gained 92,243 new members. It is also interesting to note from eye-witness accounts, that the revival was sparked because laymen began to pray. Further, the entire revival was nonsectarian. At the first Fulton Street meetings, of the six people present, one was a Baptist, one a Congregationalist, one a member of the Dutch Reformed Church and one a Presbyterian. It is clear that a spirit of prayer had united these different individuals together in a spirit of unity.
JESUS Jesus often went to the place of prayer, sometimes spending “all night”, Luke 6:12, other times rising early in the morning, Mark 1:35. At times Jesus prayed with His disciples, Luke 9:28, but often he prayed alone, Luke 5:16, Mark 6:46.
THE HOUR THAT CHANGES THE WORLD At Every Home for Christ we have taken the word of Jesus Christ in Matthew 26:36-41 as our challenge “What, could you not watch with me one hour?” We have made this text personal and have encouraged people to spend one hour every day in prayer. See how - to - do - it below.
A SET TIME To have a consistent daily prayer habit it is most important to have a “Set Time”. You’ll never make it without a set time. Work it out! Plan it! Here is an idea. If you start work at Travel to work (1/2) hour) leave home Breakfast, shower and dress Prayer time (one hour) Then get out of bed at
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Adjust the above to your own morning programme or maybe it is impossible to have your hour in the morning, then plan an hour in the evening but whatever, it is important to set a time. It’s not rigid – it’s not a bondage, but a good habit.You’ll miss sometimes but overall you will be surprised how the “Set Time” will make you consistent.
A PLACE Find a place to pray. Go there every day. Maybe a spare room, a lounge chair…
A PLAN How can anyone possibly pray for an entire hour? Here is a circle with 12 “Steps for Personal Prayer.” This will show you how!
A PRAYER PACKET This is simply a “plastic bag” about 27x20cm. Fill it with photos of your family, pastor, missionaries and friends plus ....
8:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. 6:00 – 7:00 a.m. 5:50 a.m.
“What, could ye not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray.” Matt. 26:40,41
AUGUST 2019 Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from the Jeremiah and Lamentations. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.
PRAY FOR DICK AND DEE EASTMAN. Dick is the International President of Every Home for Christ with a large responsibility for EHC ministries across the world. Jeremiah 30 (Psalm 135 - 136) PRAY FOR DIPLAVE POKHREL Please continue to pray urgently for the Immigration Department to approve Every Home for Christ's application for a Labour Agreement so that we can sponsor Diplave to continue working with Every Home for Christ. PRAY FOR ERIC AND LORRAINE LEACH Please pray God to guide them, especially as Eric draws up the plan to visit every home in Australia and helps with New Zealand as Executive Director in both countries. Jeremiah 31:1-20 (Psalm 146 -150 ) PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY Sons, daughters and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. Get a piece of paper and write down their names. Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation; eternity without Christ is a very long time! Jeremiah 31:21-40 (1 Chronicles 1-5) ALBANIA Pop. 2,900,000 Map. 75 In this majority-Muslim nation with widespread poverty and hopelessness, Ministry Director Akil Pano writes, "There is a huge need for the Gospel to bring light and hope to Albanians." Please pray for summer outreaches along the coast, as Albanians flock there during the summer. Jeremiah 32:1-22 (1 Chronicles 6-9 ) CREATIVE ACCESS An evangelical group in this country uses EHC gospel literature in their outreaches. About 150 people recently received these gospel booklets, and 18 of them gave their lives to Christ. Please pray for this group as they willingly risk much for the sake of the Kingdom. Jeremiah 32: 23-44 (1Chronicles 10 -12) MONTENGRO Pop. 620,000 Map.73 Radul and Ivan are sharing the Gospel in more and more Muslim areas. Please pray for their safety and for hearts that are open to the gospel message. Jeremiah 33 (1Chronicles 13 -16) BRAZIL Pop. 209,000,000 Map. 218 Please pray for Pastor Belino, who is coordinating EHC outreaches in the Amazon. Pray that God will guide all the plans and will raise up many workers who are passionate to share the love of Jesus in this vast, challenging area. Jeremiah 34 (Psalms 42, 44)
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HONDURAS Pop. 9,300,000 Map 182. Please pray for the safety of EHC workers in LopezArellano, one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in northern Honduras. Many young people in the area are drug dealers and hit-men. Pray that God's Word will bring new life and purpose to these Jeremiah 35 (Psalms 45 -47) people. RUSSIA Pop. 144,500,000 Map 106 Aleksei, who has faithfully shared EHC gospel literature, was kicked out of Russia for unknown reasons and banned from re-entering until August of 2020. Please pray for him, and pray that this nation will not be closed to the Gospel. Jeremiah 36 (Psalms 48 - 50) CREATIVE ACCESS After reading an EHC gospel booklet, a woman called the EHC office to let them know she would like to start a Christ Group in her village, where there is currently no Christian church. Praise God that He is bringing light to this community and building His church. Jeremiah 37 (Psalms 73 - 76) GEORGIA Pop. 3,700,000 Map 103 EHC leaders will hold a workshop involving many churches in order to share the vision and strategy of going to every home in Georgia. Please pray for God's wisdom for these leaders, and pray that those who attend will catch God's vision for those without Christ. Jeremiah 38 (Psalms 77 - 78) CREATIVE ACCESS More workers are needed for outreach in strategic areas. Pray that God will instill in His Church great boldness, courage and passion to preach the Gospel no matter the cost. May God cast out fear in the Church and cause His Word to spread rapidly in this nation. Jeremiah 39 (Psalms 79 - 81) GUINEA Pop. 12,700,000 Map. 45 Pray for open doors as EHC workers go from home to home sharing the Gospel. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of those who will receive the literature even before workers arrive at the door. May they be transformed by the Word in Jesus' mighty name. Jeremiah 40 (Psalms 82 - 85) GERMANY Pop. 82,800,000 Map. 83 After EHC Germany's last prayer letter listed the Odenwald Region as a "blind spot" in that country, a number of people showed an interest in praying for that region. Pray for Ulrich Krieger, a local from that area who is now looking for outreach possibilities in Odenwald. Jeremiah 41 (Psalms 87 - 88) CREATIVE ACCESS David and Jaysha lead outreach teams in a district where there is a Muslim majority. During an outreach, a group of Muslims tried to beat David and his team members, but God protected them, and they were not harmed. Praise God! Jeremiah 42 (1 Chronicles 17 -22)
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MAURITIUS Pop. 1,300,000 Map. 6 Mauritius hosted the Indian Ocean Island Games last month. Every Home for Christ used this event as a platform for proclaiming the Gospel. Pray that the seeds that were sown through gospel literature and proclamation will reap a big harvest in the nations that participated. Jeremiah 43 (1 Chronicles 23 - 27) CREATIVE ACCESS Ariel has been reading EHC gospel literature for about five years. She recently said that she believes in Jesus and wants to follow Him, but she is not connected with other believers. Pray that she will grow in the Lord and find fellowship with the Body of Christ. Jeremiah 44 (1Chronicles 28 -29) MOLDOVA Pop. 3,600,000 Map. 102 Please pray for upcoming outreaches in the villages of Cuzmenii Vechi, Pruteni, Hincesti, Calinesti, Chetris and Drujeni. Pray for open hearts, open heavens and protection for missionaries and volunteers. Thank you for your partnership in prayer for these outreaches. Jeremiah 45 (2 Chronicles 1 - 5)
SOUTH AFRICA Pop. 56,700,000 Map. 1 Praise God that EHC teams were able to reach over 100,000 homes with the Gospel recently. As they shared the love of God with families, many gaves their lives to Christ. May this be the start of good things to come for the OIKOS Initiative. Jeremiah 46 (2 Chronicles 6 - 9) REP. OF THE CONGO Pop. 5,300,000 Map. 20 Pray for Patrick, an ex-Muslim brother who now distributes Bibles to Muslims. He has been put in jail twice recently for preaching Christ. May God strengthen him and his family and fill him with joy in the midst of suffering. Jeremiah 47 (2 Chronicles 10 - 16) SIERRA LEONE Pop. 7,600,000 Map. 44 Please pray that the Lord will give courage and determination to facilitators and staff engaged in the OIKOS Initiative as they share the hope of the Gospel amid challenges and difficulties. Pray for unity in the church and for God's guidance and protection. Jeremiah 48:1-24 (2 Chronicles 17 - 21) VENEZUELA Pop. 31,900,000 Map. 214 Praise God for the many passionate EHC workers who love to share the Gospel. pray that they will find strength and wisdom in the Lord as they work to fulfill the Great Commission. May God bring a great harvest in the midst of difficult times in this nation. Jeremiah 48:25-47 (Obadiah)
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CREATIVE ACCESS When Darian, who was sharing gospel literature, realised he was being followed by police, he lost them in a crowd, threw away his cellphone and hid for a while. Then he moved from his city to continue preaching in the next city. Pray for his safety, encouragement and guidance. Jeremiah 49 (2 Chronicles 22)
BULGARIA Pop. 7,100,000 Map. 77 Please pray for the recipents of the seed packets and gospel booklets in various parts of the country. Pray that they will understand Godd's love and believe in Jesus Christ. May God give them a desire to learn more and gather with other believers in their areas. Jeremiah 50:1-23 (Joel 1 - 3)
BURUNDI Pop. 10,900,000 Map. 18 EHC workers and their families have felt the attack of the enemy since launching the OIKOS Initiative. There is a lot of sickness, and many children are dying from malaria. Please pray for the health and protection of families as workers go to reach homes with the Gospel. Jeremiah 50:24-46 (2 Chronicles 23:1 to 26:8) LEBANON Pop. 6,100,000 Map. 114 Pray that those who received gospel literature over the last few months would encounter the love of Chist and choose to follow Him. May God cause the seed of His Word to bear fruit. Pray also that Ministry Director Johnny Estephan will find a good and faithful wife. Jeremiah 51 (Isaiah 1 - 5)
RWANDA Pop. 12,200,000 Map. 17 Pray that the God of all comfort will bring healing and reconciliation to this war-ravaged country. The nation is still in need of healing from the genocide that took place 25 years ago. May God's people show the way of forgiveness and repentance. Jeremiah 52 (2 Chronicles 26:9-23, Isaiah 6) CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for Pastor Ulani. He and his team are being severely persecuted. A new believer named Abraham was recently converted in response to Pastor Ulani's message and is now in prison for preaching the Gospel. Pray for grace and courage for this brother and his family. Lamentations 1 (2 Chronicles 27 - 28) URUGUAY Pop. 3,500,000 Map. 224 Pray that the Lord will raise up in this country a generation that is passionate for God. Ask Him to establish disciples who know His Word and are willing to preach the preach to others that Jesus is the way. Lamentations 2 (2 Chronicles 20 - 32) ETHIOPIA Pop. 105,000,000 Map. 29 Many people are coming to Ethiopia from Eritrea since the opening of the Eritrean border. Most of these refugees are living in or near Addis Ababa, so Every Home for Christ plans to help believers in the area to spread the Gospel. Pray that the love of Jesus will transform many. Lamentations 3 (Isaiah 7 - 12 ) BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Pop. 3,500,000 Map. 70 Please pray for the city of Srbac in the northern part of the country. Pray for the people who received gospel booklets through a recent seed project. May the seed of God's Word bring them hope and lead them to accept Christ. Lamentations 4 (Isaiah 13 - 23)
Write your prayer request and we will pray for you too!