“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” Mark 16:15
February 2020
In the Eye of the Beholder by Tanner Peake Vice President of International Ministries
want to show you something, but I don’t know how to make it visible. It took me years to see it, and even then, I couldn’t find an easy label. Now I recognise it everywhere I go, a familiar quality in the gaze of the men and women I visit around the world. It’s the twinkle in their eyes. I realise how sentimental that language might sound. But this “twinkle” has led our leaders to undergo long journeys, hunger, heartache, loss and even death. It has also led them to Kingdom exploits that I can only marvel at. Our leaders have grit, and you can see it in their eyes. It’s passionate commitment. It’s a certain faithful intentionality that will ensure that no person is left behind — no matter where they live, even on the margins of society. I understand that I have a position of privilege: my role gives me a unique vantage point, allowing me to hear firsthand a steady stream of stories from men and women within this ministry who have abandoned all to take the Gospel to their communities and nations. In the last couple of months alone, I heard firsthand from one of our directors who has been electrocuted five times for preaching the Gospel; I knelt in prayer beside another one of our directors whose staff have recently been “lost,” most likely kidnapped by extremists while evangelising in their nation. I heard stories of men and women climbing one of the highest mountains in the world to reach a single village with the Good News of Jesus; and I heard of women in Africa who have given their whole lives to reaching Muslim women and discipling them in secret. Each of these stories has a common denominator — each starts with someone who holds the conviction that every person matters to Jesus, so they leave their homes and risk their safety to go. These are our leaders around the world, and this deep conviction is where the “twinkle” comes from.
“I heard first hand from one of our EHC directors who had been electrocuted five times for preaching the Gospel�
I want to take you to Russia to meet four men who recently reminded me what a follower of Jesus looks like. They all have that “twinkle.”
They have a twinkle in their eyes and a conviction that the Russian people need Jesus.
They could not be more different from each other, but they are all united by their passion for the Gospel. Together, they oversee the four main regions of EHC work in Russia. I recently went to a gathering of all of the Russian Pioneer Missionaries — the first time they had come together in one place — and what a time we had! There’s the man we call “Big Sergey”: tall and quiet and wise — a teddy-bear apostle. There’s “Little Sergey”: a former drug addict with a tenacious energy to reach the “least of these.” There’s Artem, a young progressive who is pioneering evangelism apps and 3D technology. And finally there’s Dmitry, a Baptist conservative with an uncompromising love for people without Christ. If you were to sit across the table from these men — maybe even share a meal with them — you would be attracted to their faith. They are normal, down-to-earth followers of Jesus. Yet, despite being so dissimilar from one another, these men and their spouses, along with their teams, are taking the Gospel to the entirety of Russia. They are not just ministry professionals. They have a twinkle in their eyes and a conviction that the Russian people need Jesus.
Most people don’t realise just how expansive Russia actually is. This, along with numerous social and governmental restrictions, means that Russia is incredibly difficult to reach with the Gospel. To attend the meeting in Siberia, nearly every one of our missionaries had to travel through Moscow — across the 11 time zones of the nation. Geographically, homes are spread across vast distances. Many villages cannot even be reached by road. Socially, Russia is beset by drug addiction and has one of the highest suicide rates on the planet. These are the challenges that the EHC team in Russia faces. To complete the OIKOS Initiative in Russia, they will need to take the Gospel to every single home in their nation by the end of 2038. In this endeavour, good methodology is a critical component. The Russia team — like all EHC leaders — will need to measure stats and budget resources. They will need to chart neighbourhoods and mobilise volunteers. Even so, methodology alone won’t guarantee that we are able to achieve the vision that the Lord has put before us. Something more is needed. It’s the one thing they already have, and it’s the one thing that Every Home for Christ can’t give them — the twinkle in their eyes. I see it in the way they respond to people when they’re “off the clock.”
SWIFT SCALE The SWIFT Scale predicts how swiftly the Gospel might go forth to every home in a nation. We developed this tool by compiling and analysing data on the following three indicators: 1. Accessibility — Geography and infrastructure affecting the Gospel’s advance 2. Labour — Prevalence of evangelical believers and strength of the local Church 3. Hostility — Degree of cultural and governmental opposition to the Gospel The SWIFT Scale provides a dynamic view of opportunities for the Gospel’s advance and gives insight into obstacles to the completion of the Great Commission in our generation. Russia is rated a 2.5 on the SWIFT Scale, ranking it as one of the most difficult nations on the planet to reach with the Gospel. Russia 10
Least Swift
Most Swift
A few years back,“Little Sergey” and his whole family were in a car accident. None of them was seriously injured, but “Little Sergey” spent some time in the hospital. By the end of his short stay, he had led three elderly women to the Lord. It’s as if he couldn’t help himself. His whole team is like that: They all have the twinkle. A Pioneer Missionary named Yura recently picked up a hitchhiker while on his way to an outreach. The woman was a drug dealer whose husband was in jail and whose children had been removed from her custody. Yura shared the Gospel, gave her gospel literature and prayed with her. In the coming months, the Gospel changed this woman’s life. She got clean and welcomed her children back home. When her husband completed his prison sentence, he wanted to follow the God who had saved his wife. His probation officer was stunned, as visit after visit revealed enduring change. The family started a Christ Group in their home, and they continue to gather to this day. Followers of Jesus have always been a ragtag group, united not by personality traits or even shared interests but by Jesus’ loving rescue. When He walked the earth, crowds of former prostitutes and tax collectors and even demon possessed people were caught up in His wake. In our day, this same crowd might include addicts and Wall Street bankers, the religious and the mentally ill. They might look a lot like our Russia team — a group of misfits and ragamuffins who are united by their passion for Jesus and their love for those without Christ. When asked about his heart for Russia, “Little Sergey” doesn’t talk about numbers and figures; he talks about his morning commute: “I ride the bus and watch the people, and I see them being so busy with life — they are lost in life — and I have this compassion in my heart. I want to be a light in the midst of all this mess.”
Teen Challenge Addiction and suicide are prevalent in Russia. As Pioneer Missionaries visit homes with the Gospel, they often encounter people who need further support after they give their lives to Jesus. This is where ministry partnerships prove invaluable — like our strong partnership with Teen Challenge. Founded by David Wilkerson in 1960, Teen Challenge is a worldwide organisation that provides support for people who struggle with substance abuse and self-destructive behaviour. Many EHC workers have found freedom through Teen Challenge, and they want others to experience the same. Every year, EHC Russia partners with Teen Challenge to help hundreds of people find healing and freedom.
Believers everywhere are rising up to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and that’s what gives me hope that OIKOS is not just a charming daydream. “Big Sergey” is the same. He often travels to Buryatia, a Siberian region where temperatures routinely drop to 20 below. He drives across frozen rivers and lakes to reach distant villages. Why? Because he loves people. He’s seen again and again how readily people respond to that kind of love. “They open their doors and they invite you in. They prepare the table, and sometimes they even invite the team to spend the night.” As our Russia team goes from city to city and village to village on their way to reach every home in the nation, they are compelled by enduring devotion. If they received no recognition, they would keep going. Funding could stop, but they wouldn’t. They have that indefinable quality that compels them to stay the course, no matter what. They’ve beheld Jesus, and the truth of the encounter is found in their eyes — truth in the eye of the beholder. As I write this, I hope that I am addressing a kindred spirit. I hope you have the twinkle in your eyes. Because this quality is not only present in Siberia — I’ve seen it here too. Believers everywhere are rising up to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and that’s what gives me hope that OIKOS is not just a charming daydream. The twinkle in our eyes is real, and it compels us to give our lives to Jesus. May we never lose it.
Russia Current EHC Ministries: 4
142 Million Homes to be Reached: 49 Million Homes Reached in 2018 : 15,922,329 Responses to the Gospel in 2018: 244,685 Estimated Total Cost to Reach Every Home: $16+ Million Total Population:
From the President
Faith Beyond Understanding I recall one of the first passages of Scripture I memorised as a newly converted young man: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5, KJV). This verse is important because it reminds us that human reason is a deadly “faith-killer.” When we look at the world through the lens of our own understanding, it’s easy to see obstacles to the Gospel: a growing population, hostile governments, difficult terrain and, sadly, few labourers. The idea of reaching every home seems impossible. Some might even say it’s “crazy.” Thankfully, there are also people who look at the world through the lens of God’s Word. Like Caleb and Joshua, they see past the giants to glimpse the Promised Land (Numbers 14:8). Instead of obstacles, they see God’s power and goodness. They see answers to prayer and a Church that loves the lost. Most importantly, they see that the prospect of going “to the last home” is something that can be done. José Seisdedos, one of EHC’s most successful and experienced leaders, calls this person the “crazy man.” When EHC initiates a plan to saturate a nation with the Gospel, the first thing we look for is a leader who has no doubt it can be done and will work with passion to see it accomplished.
Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222
“If someone tells me it cannot be done,” José says, “I simply know he is not the one who is going to do it!” As we advance the OIKOS Initiative, I am filled with gratitude for the “crazy ones” that God has brought to our team. You’ll meet a few of them in these pages. These are the men and women who step out in faith every day, despite the obstacles, to take the Gospel to every home in their nations. I am humbled to call these people my friends, and I’m inspired by their dramatic and unshakable faith — a faith that sees beyond human understanding. My prayer for you, as you read this issue of Every Home, is that such a faith will grow within your own heart. Our brothers and sisters on the front lines of the harvest covet your prayers and support. They need to know that you stand beside them and say in confident, faith-filled agreement: “Yes, it can be done.” For the harvest,
Dick Eastman International President
Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738
ABN: 88001276240 www.everyhome.org.au
E-mail: ehc@everyhome.org.au
New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 NZBN: 9429043322862 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738
Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from the books of Matthew and Mark. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.
PRAY FOR DICK AND DEE EASTMAN. Dick is the International President of Every Home for Christ with a large responsibility for EHC ministries across the world. Matthew 15:1-20 (1 Timothy 4 - 6)
PRAY FOR DIPLAVE POKHREL Please continue to pray urgently for the Immigration Department to approve Diplave’s visa so that he can continue working with Every Home for Christ. PRAY FOR ERIC AND LORRAINE LEACH Please ask God to guide them, especially as Eric draws up the plan to visit every home in Australia and helps with New Zealand as Executive Director in both countries and serves on the United Kingdom Board. Matthew 15:21-39 (2 Timothy 1:1 to 2:13) PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY - sons, daughters and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. Get a piece of paper and write down their names. Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation; eternity without Christ is a long time! Matthew 16 (2 Timothy 2:14 to 4:22) LIBERIA Pop. 5,000,000 Map. 42 Praise God for His mercy and help. EHC Pioneer Missionaries were able to reach about 8,000 people in Grand Kru with the Gospel. Please pray that they will grow in their knowledge of Christ and connect with other believers to build up their faith. Matthew 17 (1 Peter 1:1 to 2:10)
CREATIVE ACCESS - ASIA Police arrested David, a believer who was sharing gospel literature in the town of P., and put him in jail. A local church has tried to get him out but with no success. Pray for David’s encouragement and release and for continued boldness for the local church. Matthew 18:1-17 (1 Peter 2:11 to 4:11)
ZIMBABWE Pop. 14,700,000 Map. 9 Following an EHC outreach in Bulawayo, pastors are coming together for the “Bulawayo for Jesus” campaign. Pray for more partnering churches, and pray that this campaign will impact the whole city as people receive the Gospel and lives are changed. Matthew 18:18-35 (1 Peter 4:12 to 5:14)
MOLDOVA Pop. 4,000,000 Map. 102 Please pray for gospel outreaches in the villages of Clisova, Clisova Noua, and Tirzieni. Pray for open hearts and for God to speak through His Word to each person, and pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to those who have a strong Orthodox background. Matthew 19 (2 Peter 1) INDIA Pop. 1,300,000,000 Map. 129 Two sisters who are students recently accepted Christ after receiving EHC literature and follow-up material. Pray that they will be established in the faith and that their parents will accept Christ in due time. Matthew 20 (2 Peter 2) SPAIN Pop. 46,700,000 Map. 60 Thank God that 807 EHC workers were able to reach 136,000 families with the Gospel recently. This was the first time many of these people took part in an evangelistic outreach. Pray that every seed planted will spring forth and bear much fruit. Matthew 21 : 1 -23 (2 Peter 3) CREATIVE ACCESS - MIDDLE EAST Two years ago Josiah found a gospel booklet on the beach while on vacation in Mexico. He prayed the sinner’s prayer and gave his life to Christ. He is now back home but has not yet connected with local believers. Pray that God will surround him with like-minded followers of Christ. Matthew 21:24-46 (1 John 1 - 2) GUYANA Pop. 780,000 Map. 213 Thank God for the unity of the Church on the island of Wakenaam. This unity has enabled the Church to reach all the homes on the island. Pray that the Church will remain strong and retain its focus on evangelism and teaching the Word. Matthew 22:1 -23 (1 John 3 - 4) BENIN Pop. 11,900,000 Map. 37 Please pray for the people in this country who are deeply involved in idolatry. Pray that Jesus would encounter them as EHC Pioneer Missionaries share the Gospel. May God save many souls in this nation. Matthew 23: 24 - 46 (1 John 5) SENEGAL Pop. 16,500,000 Map. 47 People in one village are making threats against the evangelical believers who are going home to home and giving out gospel booklets. They threaten to kill anyone caught sharing the gospel literature in the village. Please pray for God’s protection for these believers and their families. Matthew 24:1 - 26 (2 John)
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MAURITIUS Pop. 1,200,000 Map. 6 Pastor Vinay, an EHC coordinator in the south, has done a fantastic job overseeing outreach in the village of Riviere du Poste. He is now also taking responsibility for the villages of Mare Tabac and Bois Cheri. Pray that God will bring a good harvest in these new villages. Matthew 24:27-51 (3 John)
CREATIVE ACCESS - ASIA Since the beginning of the OIKOS Initiative, the EHC team has felt the onslaught of spiritual warfare - simple distractions, illnesses and persecution while sharing the Gospel. Pray for the team to have heavenly strength, wisdom and integrity while reaching homes with the Gospel. Matthew 25:1-23 (Jude) MALI Pop. 19,900,000 Map. 49 Abraham, a village leader in this country, allows members of his family to join the Christ Group there, but he has not yet decided to make Jesus Christ his Saviour. He is hesitant because of his social position in the village. Pray that the Spirit would convict him. Matthew 25:24-46 (Revelation 1)
BELGIUM Pop. 11,600,000 Map. 87 “It is obvious that the deisre to witness is in many hearts,” observes EHC coordinator Philippe Resse. Please pray for unity among Christian communities and for a willingness to work together to share the story of Jesus’ love and salvation throughout Belgium. Matthew 26: 1 - 38 (Revelation 2 - 3) NAMIBIA Pop. 2,500,000 Map. 11 Every Home for Christ started a Christ Group at a school and 160 responded. The passion and zeal in these young people is amazing and encouraging. Praise God for their lives and their witness, and pray that they will be established in the Lord. Matthew 26: 37-75 (Revelation 4) RUSSIA Pop. 145,900,000 Map. 106 Michael shared the Gospel in a home and ended up staying there for two days and the whole family turned to Christ. On the third day, he baptised them. Praise God for their salvation! May God continue to draw this family closer to Himself. Matthew 27: 1- 33 (Revelation 5)
CAMEROON Pop.26,200,000 Map.24 Please intercede for a town in the South Region where the degree of hostility to the Gospel remains very high. Believers who share the Gospel in this area tend to get discouraged. Please pray that God will encourage them and give them joy. And pray for more labourers. Matthew 27:34 - 66 (Revelation 6:1 to 5)
FRANCE Pop. 65,200,000 Map. 89 With the help of a group of young people who had come for a week from other parts of France, Christians organised an unprecedented evangelistic campaign around Sainte-Marie-auxMines in northeast France. Pray for God to bless the gospel seeds that were planted. Matthew 28 (Revelation 8:6 to 11:19) CREATIVE ACCESS - EURASIA EHC workers visited a clinic and were able to pray over cancer patients and gave them gospel literature. Several patients responded rght there in the hospital.Pray for them and their families. May God touch them and heal their bodies as well as their souls. Mark 1: 1- 23 (Revelation 12 - 14)
COTE D’IVOIRE Pop. 26,000,000 Map. 41 Pray for Fatoumata, a former Muslim woman who accepted Jesus in her life. She is being persecuted by her husband, who is still a Muslim and wants to drive her away. Pray for grace and courage for this woman. Also pray that her husband will come to know the love of Christ. Mark 1: 24 - 45 (Revelation 15 - 16)
BULGARIA Pop. 6 ,900,000 Map. 77 Thank the Lord that EHC outreaches delivered gospel messages to homes in all 247 localities of Blagoevgrad District. Pray for the people who received God’s Word to come to faith in Jesus Christ and accept Him as Saviour and Lord. Mark 2 (Revelation 17 - 18)
GUYANA Pop. 700,000 Map. 213 Thank God for the opportunity to present the Gospel in some very remote communities. Several missions-minded pastors and church leaders who are going into new communities have requested EHC materials to use in going home to home, a startingpoint for their ministries. Mark 3 (Revelation 19) SOUTH AFRICA Pop. 58,900,000 Map. 1 The EHC coordinator in Limpopo is mobilising prayer in local churches in preparation for an upcoming outreach campaign in Tshikhudini and Musina. He is working with a team of 120 local church members. The area is a major stronghold for witchcraft. Pray for breakthrough. Mark 4: 1 - 20 (Revelation 20) CREATIVE ACCESS - CENTRAL ASIA Please pray for protection for Pioneer Missionaries in this country, who share the Gospel at great risks to themselves. May God set His angels around them and give them success as they bring light and hope to the dark corners of this country. Mark 4: 21 - 41 (Revelation 21)
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MONTENEGRO Pop. 620,000 Map. 73 EHC workers are covering remote areas where some houses stand alone among gorgeous mountains. People here are much more open for conversations than those in urban areas. Pray for a Kingdom harvest here and for openness to the Gospel everywhere. Mark 5: 1 -21 (Revelation 22:1-11) GUINEA Pop. 12,900,000 Map. 45 Pray that God will give strategy and wisdom on how to mentor Muslim converts in Fouta Djallon. Ninety-nine percent of the Fulani tribe is unreached in this nation. But it is God’s desire to save every people group. Not by might nor by power but by His Spirit it is possible. Mark 5: 22- 41 (Revelation 22:12-21)
Write your prayer request and we will pray for you too!