August 2017 newsletter

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August 2017

I n te r nat i o nal Pre sid e n t D ick Eastman P rays w i th E u ro p e an Staff

A PlaCE FOR EVERYONE “In him you also are being built together...” Ephesians 2:22 (ESV)


ew people are as lonely as a new believer with no place for fellowship. Can you imagine what that would be like? Yesterday, you were hopeless and afraid, but today, you belong to the Lord! For the first time ever, you know that God loves you, there’s hope for your future, and you can have joy no matter your circumstances — but you have no one to share that experience with you. How would you learn God’s Word? How would you grow in your faith? Where would you find support in your walk with Jesus? Many new believers around the world ask these questions because there is no Christian church where they live. They may be the only believer in their family. Their culture may worship other gods or follow a different religion. And they may even live under governments that are hostile to Christianity. What can be done for believers who face such isolation in their newfound faith? At Every Home for Christ, we care


deeply about this question, because we believe that the local church is key to discipleship and that no believer should be without a church family. In response, we establish Christ Groups under the guidance of trained EHC leaders. These New Testament fellowships meet for worship, communion, Bible study and fellowship so that new believers can grow strong in a vibrant community of faith. Christ Groups create a permanent Christian presence where none existed before. As new believers grow in Jesus together, neighbours take notice, and communities are changed from the inside out. In this issue of Every Home magazine, we bring you stories of how Christ Groups are nurturing believers and transforming communities where there had never been a church. No new believer needs to feel alone in his or her walk, because each is connected to the Body of Christ.

PERU by Josh Skaggs


You’ll have to book a flight to Lima and then find a connection to Ayacucho, where you’ll choose a rickety van to rent. Hopefully your seat belt will work — the only road is over an unpaved mountain pass with no guardrails and a thousand-foot drop on one side. Slowly you’ll descend into a deep canyon, where — if you’re lucky — it hasn’t rained recently. If you’re unlucky, the river will have flooded, and you’ll have to convince a local to tug you across the submerged road with his bulldozer. After nearly four hours snaking through the Andes Mountains, you’ll spot it: tin-roofed homes filling the valley where Gaudencio Llantoyo, an EHC Christ Group leader, lives, along with the 1,300 people he ministers to — Colca, City of Light.

Gaudencio (left) and Peru National Director Henry Romero (right) share a moment in the streets of Colca. They work together closely as Gaudencio faithfully serves his community.

When Gaudencio and Eulogia were kids, grand arches displayed their hometown’s slogan: “City of Light.” That inscription has since been removed. Colca has fallen into poverty, domestic violence and alcoholism, and its people — isolated in the Andes Mountains — have lost their light. Gaudencio left Colca decades ago. Living in Lima, Peru with his wife Eulogia, he was primed to become a regional pastor, a position that offered influence and a large salary. There was only one complication — Gaudencio felt God calling him back to Colca. This was no easy thing. Returning would mean not only a drop in salary, but also an ongoing struggle to win the trust of a jaded community. The people of Colca don’t like outsiders, and they are especially suspicious of missionaries. Gaudencio sums up his hometown in two words: “hard soil.”

But God’s calling was persistent, and the way forward became clear when Every Home for Christ invited Gaudencio into a strategic position that would focus on reaching Colca and other surrounding villages. He chose to go. Gaudencio and Eulogia moved back into the home Eulogia grew up in, a onebedroom mud hut with a dim interior. On their small patch of land they planted seeds that, given time, would help sustain them — a crop of corn, sugarcane and prickly pear. They also got to work planting an EHC Christ Group. Every week, they invite believers and non-believers alike for a time of discipleship and Bible study. People bring their questions and their struggles, and the couple prays with them to nurture their budding faith. Two years have passed since Gaudencio and Eulogia returned to Colca. In that time, they have developed strong relationships with the community and have seen people open up to the Gospel. Under their patient shepherding, men and women whose hearts were “hard soil” are opening up to the love of God. Gaudencio and Eulogia’s steadfast commitment to their people is typical of Every Home for Christ’s pioneer missionaries around the world. EHC pioneer missionaries invest in regions for the long term, knowing that if they are faithful to plant seeds, God will be faithful to produce fruit. Gaudencio and Eulogia are putting down roots and they believe they’ll see their hometown once again become a City of Light. Gaudencio says, “I studied in Colca and I was married in Colca. I also hope to finish the race here in Colca. That is the passion of my heart.”

Much of Gaudencio’s work in Colca started with a man named Benigno (pictured in a brown hat and a sweater).They met at a time when Benigno’s marriage was failing. An alcoholic, Benigno often came to himself at the end of the week with blurry memories of days drowned in drink. He had questions about God, but he didn’t know anyone who could answer them.


Then Gaudencio showed up at Benigno’s home and initiated a conversation about life and faith. Benigno became a regular at the Christ Group meetings and his life started to change. He stopped binge drinking and he and his wife decided to keep working on their marriage. The people of Colca have seen these changes and taken note. Eulogia says, “The people listen to him because they hold him in high regard and they love him… And that is a huge help for us.” Benigno has become Every Home for Christ’s “man of peace” in the village, lending rapport to the EHC work. As Gaudencio and Eulogia continue making inroads to the people of Colca, they stand alongside those who are emerging from dark times — people who didn’t know where to go for help. God is patiently drawing the people of Colca to Himself. Every Home for Christ is with them every step of the way.

release international voice of persecuted Christians report



Attacks against Christians in India have been rising at an alarming rate, according to new reports. They describe an upswing in politically motivated attacks since the March 2017 elections which saw a landside victory for Hindu nationalists. The latest report of the All India Council records an increase of almost 20% in attacks against Christians in 2016. It says physical violence against Christians is up 40% and murders have doubled. In states across India church workers have been beaten, threatened and killed. Attempts have been made to force Christians to renounce their faith and convert to Hinduism. Church services and prayer meetings have been disrupted, churches and Christian schools have been bombed, torched, vandalised and demolished. Bibles have been torn to pieces and burnt. Militants beat one evangelist with chains, stripped him and forced him to drink urine. A Christian cemetry was desecrated and skeletons dug up and strewn across the graveyard. The report, "Atrocities on Christians in India" records a fresh attack every 40 hours. It says, "The attacks have become severe and more frequent.

Incidents used to be confined to a few states. Now the violence has spread to 23 states, with the sharpest rise recorded in Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. Right-wing Hindu nationalism has been gaining ground, particularly since the BJP took power in 2014. "Fanatics have become more common, attacking minorities, boys and girls who are dating and the Dalit community" says a Release partner who cannot be named. The Dalits are the so-called untouchables who fall outside of the Indian caste system. These are the underclass who are assigned the most menial jobs in society. Increasing numbers are converting to Christianity and five Indian states have now imposed anti-conversion laws. In Andhra Pradesh a pastor was beaten to death. In Assam a couple who had recently coverted to Christianity were murdered in their sleep. In Chhattisgarh a pastor and his seven-month pregnant wife were doused with petrol by religious extremists who threatened them with swords and demanded they chant, "Hail Lord Rama". Some attacks appear to be a reaction against what reads like a Christian revival in parts of India.


The Growth of Jerusalem’s Messianic Community: A Personal Experience by Meno KALISHER

I was born in Jerusalem in 1962 to parents who already believed in Jesus. My father was born in Poland, and after the Holocaust God brought him to Israel. My mother immigrated to Israel from Iran. Both came to faith in the Land of Israel. I’ve spent my entire life in Jerusalem, except for a short period studying abroad. Jerusalem’s Messianic Community 50 Years Ago The Messianic Jewish community in the Land of Israel numbered no more than 200 families. In Jerusalem, there were fewer than 50 families and no more than five congregations.

Amid regular teasing and harassment, this group also flooded our congregational meeting place with water. Another congregation in the city centre was torched and vandalism was commonplace.

This period is engraved on my memory as a difficult time. As a child, I was mistreated by religious children my age who discovered that we believe in Jesus. Our pastor had been targetted by extremist ultra-Orthodox who planted a bomb in his car.

As a child not yet able to defend my faith, I was ashamed to identify myself as a believer in Jesus and preferred to hide my beliefs in order to avoid degradation or physical injury.


Exclusive story in “Israel Today” July 2017


[Ed. Note - It should be mentioned that Messianic Jews are not necessarily unique in this regard. Ultra-Orthodox groups have also routinely persecuted Reform Jews and even fellow Orthodox who volunteer for military service, or whose parents have done so.] It must be remembered that the vast majority of Israelis at the time considered Jews who believed in Jesus to have abandoned the Torah of God and to have adopted a foreign religion of idolatry. A Jew who believed in Jesus was most universally considered a traitor to his people. This attitude carried into our adult lives, including our mandatory military service. Due to a lack of understanding and an unwillingness by society at large to examine the essence of our Messianic faith and its

Jewish foundation, believers in Jesus concealed their faith for fear of losing their jobs. Messianic soldiers were discriminated against by being prevented from serving in positions requiring higher security clearance. I remember the meeting with my company commander who explained why my personnel file had a red ribbon: “Everyone knows that you are a missionary... We don’t want you seeing more than you’ve already seen and we don’t want you to ‘plant seeds’ any further.” At first, this brought me shame. But it was quickly replaced with joy and satisfaction that I had been privileged to take up my cross in following Jesus.


Regarding Evangelism and Spiritual Funded by contributions from believers Maturity overseas, an ever-increasing share is provided While the Lord has always placed public by local believers. witnesses in Jerusalem, there has been The Body of Messiah in the Land is now significant growth in this area of ministry in able to publish textbooks, pamphlets, recent decades. newspapers for children and youth, websites An entire generation of Jewish believers and much more. There is also a Messianic who had been born in Israel reached maturity. college where many young Jewish and Arab And the persecution we had experienced believers seek to learn and understand the growing up led most of us to deepen our Bible on a more academic, theological level. knowledge of the Bible, producing a community that was, and remains, confident in our faith and ready to proclaim the Gospel boldly. Looking to the future, the Messianic leadership has invested heavily in youth conferences, summer camps and educational activities to ensure that the next generation is ready to take our place and go even further. Explosive Growth The community of Jews who believe in Jesus has exploded due to natural growth, the fruits of evangelism, and the wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union, which included any Jews who already believed in Yeshua. Today, the number of Jews who believe in Yeshua living in Jerusalem is estimated at 3,000. There are at least 15 Messianic Jewish congregations in the city and a larger number of active home groups.

Messianic Jews in Israeli Society Today With the explosive growth of the number of Messianic Jews in Israel, general knowledge about who we are and what we really believe has also increased. The Israeli education system has started teaching about Yeshua from a historical perspective and many teachers point to the existence of a Messianic Jewish community as part of these studies. A growing number of commanders in the army are also now aware of Messianic soldiers and the essence of our faith. Jewish soldiers who believe in Yeshua no longer face a policy of discrimination. In fact, there are believing soldiers today serving in a wide range of roles in the military. Where Are We Heading?

The growth of the Body of Messiah in Jerusalem and the rest of the Land is ultimately intended to bolster the proclamation of the Gospel of Yeshua. For And whereas in the early days pastors had there is no other name by which we can be to hold down full-time jobs in addition to saved. their spiritual duties, today most are able to As a local community, we are busy studying the Word of God and training the faithful to minister full time. The Body of Messiah in Jerusalem and the serve. Resistance to the Gospel has not rest of the Land learned the importance of disappeared. To the contrary, it has escalated generous offerings, enabling faithful among the ultra-Orthodox, indicating an ever shepherds to preach the Word of God and greater need. grow the Messianic community. Full-time At the end of the day, we seek to faithfully Messianic service has now been recognised serve the Lord Yeshua so that when he comes again, he will call us “faithful servants.� as necessary and honourable. Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738

Israel and Every Home for Christ

For 32 years Every Home for Christ has been financially supporting ministries in Israel and so much has happened for which we thank God. Imagine walking the paths that Jesus walked,proclaiming Him as Messiah and offering His gift of salvation to Jews and Arabs alike in homes across the nation. For 2,000 years, new generations of faithful believers have kept the Gospel alive in the Holy Land. Pray for Every Home for Christ in Israel. Pray for protection while the number of believers in Israel still grows. Believers in Israel may very well face heated opposition as they share the Gospel, just as Jesus did when He called on the nation of Israel to repent and turn to God for salvation. Jesus already warned us to expect persecution. “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20, nasb). Many Jews and Arabs are opposed to the Gospel. Please pray for protection for believers in Israel who are reaching the nation for Christ. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” as King David said in Psalm 122:6.

The eyes of the world are focused on Israel. It's surrounded by hostile neighbours on all sides. Deadly conflicts between Palestinians and Jews continue to spark bloody violence. There are also fears that an international crisis could erupt in Israel at any time. We need to pray for peace in Israel so believers can be safe and move around the nation freely to share the Gospel. Pray for prepared hearts: Above all, pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare people to embrace the gospel message and surrender to God to receive Jesus as Saviour. God loves the nation of Israel and longs for the people to embrace His Son. Jesus cries, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Matthew 23:37, NKJV). Sharing the Gospel in Israel is one of the most challenging, but rewarding things we can be involved in. Please pray with us.

Gathered in my name T o g o


he most incredible decision any of us will ever make is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. It’s a profound and life-changing moment when we declare, I want to stop living for myself. I understand there is a greater purpose for my life and I want to live for Jesus. Still, in the days, weeks and months following this decision, there can be many questions for the new believer. This is why EHC pioneer missionaries don’t ask only, How can we reach homes in this area? They also ask, How can we build new Christ Groups to disciple all of the new believers here? This is precisely the question that Edoh Fiozandji, National Director of Togo, and the EHC team in Togo asks as they target regions in their country. Not only do they want to share the Good News, they also want to disciple new believers who inevitably have questions about what it means to be a Christian. This mission to reach and disciple starts by targeting an area and creating a strategy. A little over two years ago, Edoh and his team began to target an area called Agou for a significant outreach. “Agou is the district where the highest mountain of Togo is situated,” Edoh says. “Many foreign tourists come here to rest and get some mountain air during their stay. This area has many challenges. There is a lot of sexual sin in the area and people are deeply immersed in idol worshipping. This situation makes the spreading of the Gospel very difficult.”

by Rob Stennett

As a seasoned evangelist, Edoh understands that one of the most effective ways to reach any area is to equip the local church. He sought to partner with a local pastor who understands the area and could be equipped with EHC strategies and resources. Edoh reached out to Pastor Panesse, a friend he’d known for many years. Pastor Panesse is a local pastor in Agou and Edoh gave him a vision for what he wanted to do for the area. He explained how they could reach hundreds, even thousands, of villages to make new believers. “We can start new churches,” Edoh explained. “We can impact parts of Africa that have never been impacted with the Gospel.” “What do I need to do?” Pastor Panesse asked. Edoh invited Pastor Panesse to train with the EHC team in Lomé. There, the pastor and his team learned to systematically reach new homes, share the hope of Jesus in a relatable way and plant new Christ Groups. “Pastor Panesse has a real desire for evangelism,” Edoh explains. “During the training, he paid close attention to what was being taught and he showed a passion to truly understand how to go home to home and make disciples.” The training was then put into action. “We mapped out all of the villages we wanted to reach, and we shared the message of Jesus in 42,068 homes in about 1,000 villages,” Edoh says.

These numbers are incredible. One could fill a football stadium with the number of souls reached from homes and villages spanning Togo’s largest mountain. As a result of the team’s efforts, hundreds believed in Christ, and 43 new Christ Groups were created. Parts of Africa that had never had a church now have a place where new believers can learn, grow, worship and be discipled by others. One place the team reached was a village called Adame Tsikoe, which lies on top of one of the highest mountains in Togo. This village had never had a Christian church in its history. But as its first Christ Group began, many new people gathered to read Scripture and learn what it means to follow Jesus. Hungry to know more, they asked, “How can we share this message that has changed our lives?” The Christ Group members started sharing the Gospel in their markets and with their families and they are now being trained to share the Good News of Jesus by strategically going home to home. This is the way to spread the Gospel exponentially. Following the Great Commission, Edoh and Pastor Panesse are teaching their disciples to make other disciples. “Adame’s Christ Group is going to be the nucleus around which the whole population will come to see life transformation in the area,” Edoh says. “Their lives are being transformed and now they are transforming other lives.” This effort began in 2015 and two years later we are still seeing believers growing, the Gospel taking root and a local pastor working with Every Home for Christ to plant new congregations and create strategies for future outreaches. Edoh is right — they are the nucleus, caring for each other, loving their neighbours and owning the Great Commission in their part of the world. “Pastor Panesse had a heart for the area, but he didn’t have all of the resources. When we first started, he had no idea how miraculous these efforts would turn out to be. We are humbled

by all that God is doing in Togo. The Lord is great, and He is doing great works.”

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You can help plant new Christ Groups by using the envelope provided. Your gift will supply the discipleship materials necessary to start a Christ Group.

How Did You Come to Know Jesus?


hen you ask your friends"How did you come to know Jesus?", their answers could make you cry, rejoice or even change the course of your life. When my dear friend Jan asked someone this question, the person explained that she surrendered her life to Christ after receiving a simple, printed gospel message. This answer altered the course of Jan’s life, and she became dedicated to handing out printed gospel messages all over her town. As Jan’s passion to evangelise grew, so did her passion to help fund evangelism efforts.

As a successful business woman, she wanted to give to the Lord out of her business. Finally, she wanted to give the most she could to the work of Every Home for Christ. “You can’t take anything with you to heaven except love and people,” Jan says. Every Home for Christ is made possible beause of people like Jan who make time to pray and who give gifts to make it possible for Every Home for Christ to take gospel literature home-to-home and supply food and people to teach starving people how to grow and cook food for themselves, as well as to be able to send their children to school.

“You can’t take anything with you to heaven except love and people,” Jan says.


Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from Leviticus and Numbers. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.


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DIPLAVE POKHREL Give thanks that Diplave has been granted a Bridging Visa which enables him to stay in Australia until November while the Immigration department decide on his work visa. Keep praying for Diplave to get an Australian Permanent Residency Visa. It's urgent and important to Every Home for Christ and getting the Gospel to those without Christ. Pray that the Migration agent will make a case that is acceptable to the Australian Government. Leviticus 26:24-46 (Psalm 135-136) LORRAINE LEACH Please pray for Lorraine, Eric Leach's wife, who has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease where her body destroys her red blood cells faster than she can produce them - Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia. Ask the Lord to give her a complete healing. Numbers 1:1-27 (Psalm 146-150) MYANMAR Pop. 56,300,000 Map. 135 "I fasted and prayed to God for two days before going to Kyaukme Township," says a pioneer missionary. Praise God for the two young men who gave their lives to Jesus and were baptised. Pray that their testimony will continue to be a witness to the rest of their town. Numbers 1:28-54 (1 Chronicles 1-5) SOLOMON ISLANDS Pop. 600,000 Map. 152 Praise God for the partner churches He's connected with our team in the Solomon Islands. Please pray for all the new volunteers our workers trained in evangelism and discipleship to boldly share the Good News with their neighbours. Please also pray that many will come to know Jesus. Numbers 2:1-17 (1 Chronicles 6-9) LESOTHO Pop. 1,900,000 Map. 2 The baptism of 11 new believers reignited the heart of a local church in Lesotho to reach the community with the Gospel. Please pray that this church will continue to multiply. Numbers 2:18-34 (1Chronicles 10-12)

KENYA Pop. 45,900,000 Map. 27 Please pray for peace and unity to abide in Kenya after the election season. Pray that our workers may continue sharing the Gospel home to home safely. Numbers 4:1-18 (Psalms 45-47)) MEXICO Pop. 121,700,000 Map. 178 Margarita shared the Good News with a cab driver and unknowingly climbed into the same cab two weeks later. "Thank you so much for the gospel message you gave me!" he said. Pray that God continues to provide our workers with divine appointments to share the Gospel. Numbers 4:19-49 (Psalms 48-50) ESTONIA Pop.1,300,000 Map. 97 Our team in Estonia is seeking strategic partnerships with local churches and ministry leaders who have a passion to reach those who don't know Jesus. Please pray that God will ignite the hearts of these potential partners to reach every home in Estonia. Numbers 5 (Psalms 73-76) CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for our Mobile Training Coordinator travelling around the country to train Christ Group leaders in effective discipleship. Pray that God will grant him travel mercies and that these Christ Groups will flourish. Numbers 6 (Psalms 77-78) JAPAN Pop. 126,900,000 Map.174 Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open hearts and minds to the Gospel in Japan. Pray that the Word of God would run swiftly and be glorified and that many people would come to Jesus. Numbers 7 (Psalms 70-81) PAPUA NEW GUINEA Pop. 6,700,000 Map. 146 A 40-foot container full of Gospel messages was delivered to our team in Papua New Guinea to use during outreaches. Please pray that these pieces of literature will allow readers to come and know Him. Numbers 8 (Psalms 82-85)

CREATIVE ACCESS Despite surveillance from government officials, our pioneer missionairies led over 300 church leaders in prayer, evangelism and discipleship training. Please pray that these leaders will be encouraged to start evangelism outreaches with their own congregations. Numbers 3:1-21 (1 Chronicles 13-16) FIJI Pop. 900,000 Map. 150 With your help, our pioneer missionaries in Fiji purchased motorbikes that will equip them to deliver gospel messages. Please pray for God's continued provision and that the Gospel will go forth in power. Numbers 3:22-51 (Psalms 42,44)

TOGO Pop. 7,600,000 Map. 38 When our team set out for an outreach, Esso's back was in severe pain. They prayed over it and he was healed! He used this testimony to share the Gospel that day. Please pray that many will seek God from this miracle. Numbers 9 (Psalms 87-88)




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CAMBODIA Pop.15,700,000 Map. 138 Please pray for all the teens who recently attended a youth conference on evangelism held by our team in Cambodia. Pray that their hearts would be ignited to share the Gospel in their neighbourhoods and that they would grow into mighty men and women of faith. Numbers 10 (1 Chronicles 17-22)


ALBANIA Pop. 3,000,000 Map. 75 Please pray for our team going home to home with the Good News in the city of Tirana. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will go before them to prepare hearts and that many family members seek God willingly. Numbers 11 (1 Chronicles 23-27) PERU Pop. 30,400,000 Map. 217 Every week, people from the village of Colca get together to pray, read the Bible and ask hard questions about God. Please pray for this Christ Group and thousands like it around the world, that through them, God will build an unshakeable faith in people's hearts. Numbers 12 (1 Chronicles 28-29) COTE D'IVOIRE Pop. 23,300,00 Map. 41 Four years ago, an EHC discipleship training inspired Pastor Kouato to become a pioneer missionary in Meagui. Today, Pastor Kouato is discipling many new believers in that city. Please pray that more leaders will answer God's call to evangelism. Numbers 13 (2 Chronicles 1-5) CREATIVE ACCESS Our team left gospel messages at the doors of 5,000 families who live in a region hostile to evangelism. Please pray that many responses will follow and that our team can lead seeking hearts into a relationship with Jesus. Numbers 14:1-26 (2 Chronicles 6-9)





TANZANIA Pop. 51,000,000 Map.16 "This is a big miracle for our town!" says Pastor Johann. Our team of pioneer missionaries expected hostility and barriers to the Gospel in Lushoto in Tanga, but found open hearts instead. Please pray that God will continue to open hearts throughout Tanzania. Numbers 14:27-45 (2 Chronicles 10-16) PHILIPPINES Pop. 101,000,000 Map.169 Militant activity in the south has caused tension throughout the Philippines. Please pray that many people will turn to Jesus for hope and peace. Numbers 15:1-21 (2 Chronicles 17-21)

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CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for our fellow brothers and sisters imprisoned for publicly sharing their faith in Jesus. Pray that God will give them steadfast hearts and that the name of Jesus will continue to spread despite persecution. Numbers 15:22-41 (Obadiah)


SOUTH AFRICA Pop. 53,700,000 Map.1 Everyone lives somewhere. For many truckers in South Africa, home is a truck stop where they rest and refuel. Please pray for the hearts of those truckers who were open to talking about Jesus with our workers while fueling up. Numbers 16:1-25 (2 Chronicles 22)


BRAZIL Pop. 204,300,000 Map. 218 Our team in Brazil recently sent a couple of workers into the backlands of Rio Grande do Norte to reach every home with a face-to-face presentation of the Gospel. Please pray that many lives will be touched by the Holy Spirit during this outreach. Numbers 16:26-50 (Joel 1-3) RWANDA Pop. 12,700,000 Map. 17 Praise God for the 245 people who recently gave their lives to Jesus during a single evangelism outreach! Please pray for these new believers as they grow in faith and train to reach friends and family. Numbers 17 (2 Chronicles 23:1 to 26:8))

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CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for our workers who are sharing the Gospel throughout refugee camps in their own country. Pray that those experiencing hardship will find hope through a relationship with Jesus. Numbers 18 (Isaiah 1-5) FRENCH GUIANA Pop. 300,000 Map.211 Conditions have been tense after a month-long strike recently brought French Guiana to a standstill. EHC workers have persisted in visiting homes with the Gospel. Please pray for the workers visitng homes in French Guiana. Numbers 19 (2 Chronicles 26:9-23, Isaiah 6)



ETHIOPIA Pop. 26,300,000 Map.29 Even in villages where the enemy seeks to push down the presence of God's people, people are discovering Jesus' name through dreams and visions! Please pray that our workers will be able to reach and disciple those who have encountered Jesus. Numbers 20 (2 Chronicles 26:9-23, Isaiah 6) SRI LANKA Pop. 5,400,000 Map.131 Please pray for the gospel messages that our evangelists share with people who are spiritually hungry. Pray that God will use these pieces of literature to bring more people into His kingdom. Numbers 21 (2 Chronicles 29-32)



UKRAINE Pop. 44,400,000 Map.101 Our team put together a gospel message to get people thinking about what fills up their lives. It explains the Gospel and the joy and love He has for them. Pray for these messages to touch hearts of all who read them. Numbers 22:1-25 (Isaiah 7-12) CREATIVE ACCESS Our workers report that Christ Groups are thriving and increasing rapidly in the rural areas of this nation! Please pray for these groups to continue in the knowledge and love of Christ , that they will be a mighty force in proclaiming the Gospel. Numbers 22:25-41 (Isaiah 13-23)



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