March 2021 EHC Newsletter

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March 2021

From Murderer to Missionary Before-and-after photos always get our attention. We love to see how different a kitchen looks after it’s been remodelled and modernised, or how different a beat-up old car looks after it has been restored. These photos catch our attention, because in our hearts, we all long for transformation. But while updated kitchens will eventually go out of date, and restored cars will someday rust, there is one transformation that is eternal — one that changes a person from the inside out — and it can only happen with Jesus. One of the best examples of this kind of transformation is found in Acts 9. Saul was a persecutor of Christians. As a Pharisee, he hated them and murderously hunted them down. But then Saul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus — and Jesus changed his life forever. Saul went on to change the world, becoming a renowned apostle and authoring much of the New Testament, and his influence is still felt to this day. His transformation was so total, God even changed his name to Paul! We’re so used to hearing Paul’s story, it can be easy to forget that it really happened. Paul was a sinner who needed saving and Jesus made all the difference. It’s the same in our lives and it’s the same in the lives of those we reach with the gospel. Every day, Jesus welcomes the lonely, heals the sick, restores the broken, and — most importantly — saves those without Christ. What a privilege it is to be a part of this transformation in people’s lives, to be the ones to introduce them to the Saviour who changes everything. As a friend of this ministry, you are a part of transformation stories that are taking place all over the world.


Thank you for making a difference that will last into eternity. For the harvest,

Dick Eastman International President, Every Home for Christ “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” — 2 Corinthians 5:17 2





"Who are you and what have you done with my friend?" We know that Jesus changes everything, but sometimes that change is so drastic and striking, it can leave a person unrecognisable. Read on to see how the truth and love of Jesus transformed the life of a man in Mozambique so dramatically that it made his friends wonder what happened to him.

Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738 ABN: 88001276240 E-mail: New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 NZBN: 9429043322862 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 4738


A Shocking Transformation Sabado Mamade’s parents were in tears as they begged him to change his ways. Since entering his teen years, Sabado had led a chaotic life. He got drunk for the first time on


his 13th birthday, a troubling milestone that his neighbourhood in Mozambique regarded as “something normal.” And as Sabado grew, he surrounded himself with others who

The next day, after he

also attracted trouble. “My life was filled with

had sobered up, Sabado

alcohol addiction, bad company, and crime,”

met with Antonio again. “We

Sabado confesses. In total, Sabado was sent

had the best discussion of my life,”

to jail five times, even spending 18 months

Sabado says. “From the day I talked to

in a penitentiary. He knew that he was out

Missionary Antonio, I started doing things

of control, but he felt trapped. He couldn’t

differently…” Sabado distanced himself

imagine that any other life was possible

from bad influences, fought his addiction

for him. One day, a man named Antonio

to alcohol, and — most importantly —

approached Sabado. Though Sabado was

sought to know more about Christ. Antonio

drunk at the time, Antonio put his hand on

gave him Every Home gospel literature,

Sabado’s shoulder and said, “My brother,

and as they discussed it together, the Holy

life has more to offer than what you’re doing.”

Spirit began to transform Sabado’s heart.

Insulted, Sabado backed away before Antonio

“Slowly, I began to understand more about

could say more, ending the conversation.

Christ than before,” Sabado says. “I made a

The suggestion that his life could change

decision that transformed my life for good.”

made no sense to him. Sabado had already

Sabado’s transformation shocked his old

written off the idea as impossible. Why was

friends. Some urged him to go see a witch

this person trying to tell him something

doctor because they were convinced that

different? Bewildered, he watched Antonio

Sabado had been bewitched. Others worried

leave with the rest of the Every Home

that maybe Sabado was dying. What else

outreach team.But Antonio’s words echoed

could account for the sudden change they

in Sabado’s mind. Could they be true?

saw in their friend?


My past is history ... God has rescued me!

The answer was clear to Sabado. “The old person who has lived under the oppression of alcohol and bad company has expired. I am now under a new way,” he explains. “My past is history, and each day I interact with Missionary Antonio, I see how God has rescued me from the jaws of the devil.” Sabado’s experience is deeply moving, but it isn’t unique. Our teams all over the world share similar testimonies. When Jesus enters the scene, the whole story changes.



Women’s empowerment starts with

the eDUCATION OF girLs



THANK YOU FOR CHANGING MY LIFE. My name is D.Shobana, I live in India and and I just wanted to thank you so much. My father runs a shop, my mother is a house-wife and I have a brother. Our house in the village was old and the water would come inside during the rainy season. We couldn’t afford even the basic necessities, so paying school fees and studying in an English-medium school was only a dream. We didn’t have much money so sometimes we would not have a proper meal at home. And also we didn't have a proper restroom to use at home. During summer it was very difficult to be in our home as it was so hot and we did not have a fan on our ceiling for a proper breeze. I joined Love Anupampattu School, and started to experience better education, good food, a friendly atmosphere and good school ambience. At Love Anupampattu School, I received free English medium education, a free nutritious midday meal, free text books, free note books, and free transportation in the school bus which was helpful to come and attend the school without any difficulty. For every Christmas, I received a beautiful dress as my Christmas gift. I improved my skills and creativity during competitions, physical activity periods and at the library. The love from the teachers has been the most lovable thing I miss from this school as I did not get this friendly atmosphere at High School after I left the Love Anupampattu School in 2012. And now, I am in my second year of college and I am studying a Bachelor of Pharmacy.

I am so grateful for the Love Anupampattu Project; it has changed our life! My name is M.Kumari and I completed the tailoring course at Anupampattu eight years ago. I come from a very poor family, struggling to meet the family needs and I joined the EHC tailoring course and learnt the skills of tailoring and embroidery and all the craft work very well. After graduating the course I joined an export company and started working there and was able to earn and take care of my family needs. From my earnings I saved in the post office for a sewing machine under the Every Home for Christ 50% saving scheme and received a new power sewing machine. Now I am able to get orders from the people in my community and on an average I earn about Rupees 11,000 (A$95) each month which I use to help my son who is sick with constant bleeding on his feet. I am very, very grateful!


UGANDA For the last three decades, World Health Organisation (WHO) surveys have classified Uganda among the leading alcohol consumers globally. Besides the widespread hazardous crude alcohol, greedy businessmen introduced alcohol packed in small polythene bags (as low as 25mls) and costing just 6 to 25 cents (US$) to target low income earners who make up the bulk of the population. The wide accessibility and affordability of these alcohol sachets – highly toxic spirits (40-45%) – became a growing concern as it increasingly lured young people into alcohol use and escalated alcohol-related problems. The story below is of a young woman, caught up in this lifestyle, who was visited by the Every Home for Christ workers in Uganda and whose life was dramatically changed. One of the EHC workers reports Before she could get her last drink of locally brewed beer, Agatha was waiting on the seller to take her order. A nursery school teacher and aged 21 years, she is married with one child. It was around the same time that volunteers and participants from our training who were out in the field reached out to the place where she was. She said ”I was with three people in the drinking place when they found me. In the first place, this was not the message I expected at this time, for I used to bad mouth Christians”, she narrates. She further said “I had a dream of enjoying life brought about by my efforts. I listened to the preacher especially when it was said that no one is good except God alone”. Agatha looked at her life and saw herself before a good God who would accept her despite her short-comings. Agatha later gave her life to Jesus and she was welcomed with joy the following day by all of us when she turned up at the place where we were conducting EHC training. She joined the participants as some went for follow-up and others reached out with Gospel literature. You could tell that Agatha was serious with her new commitment to the Lord, for she lastly said, “I realise Christ is better than the addictions I have acquired in life”.

“I realise Christ is better than the addictions I have acquired in life”. 8



A military coup d'état in Myanmar removed democratically elected Aung San Suu Kyi from office earlier this month. Nationwide protests have been met by escalating crackdowns. As you can imagine, this has affected our Every Home for Christ team there. Our Director in Myanmar writes -

"Please remember us in your prayers."

Please pray: •

For the safety of our Every Home team and the churches they work with.

For peace and order to return to Myanmar.

For the gospel to continue to spread in Myanmar despite these events.

For many to come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.


MARCH 2021

Bible Readings: This month the daily text will be taken from the books of Genesis and Exodus. For those wanting to do the one-year Bible reading program these chapters are in brackets.

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PRAY FOR DICK AND DEE EASTMAN Dick is the International President of Every Home for Christ with a large responsibility for EHC ministries across the world. Genesis 29 (Genesis 1 - 4) PRAY FOR DIPLAVE POKHREL Please continue to pray urgently for the Immigration Department to approve Diplave's visa so that he can continue working with Every Home for Christ. Genesis 30:1-22 (Genesis 5 - 8) PRAY FOR ERIC AND LORRAINE LEACH Pray God will guide Eric in his leadership as Executive Director in Australia and New Zealand and Lorraine with EHC office responsibilities. Genesis 30:23-43 (Genesis 9 - 11) PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY - sons, daughters and grandchildren, plus others to come to Christ. Get a piece of paper and write down their names. Get their photos and pray every day for their salvation; eternity without Christ is a long time!Genesis Genesis 31:1- 28 (Genesis 12 - 14) CREATIVE ACCESS The team in this nation recently shared gospel literature in a certain city, and several people accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Please pray for these new believers to grow in their relationships with Christ. Also, pray that God will touch the hearts of everyone who received the literature. Genesis 31:29-55 (Genesis 15 - 17)



REP.OF MOLDOVA Pop. 4,000,000 Map. 102 The Every Home for Christ Moldova team is sharing the gospel among the villages of the Nisporeni district. Please pray for God's protection over all who participate and for those they reach to have open hearts to the message of Jesus and will put their faith in Jesus as a result. Genesis 32 (Genesis 18 - 20) CAMEROON Pop. 26,500,000 Map. 24 Please pray that the Lord will open doors for the Every Home for Christ Cameroon team as they pioneer work among the Pygmy people of Eastern Cameroon. Pray that God will guide the team's travel and communication and fill them with a passion to see this marginalised community reached with the love of Jesus. Genesis 33 (Genesis 21 - 22)

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FIJI Pop. 890,000 Map. 150 The province of Ra consists of a mixture of Fijian and Indian people. It is also a province steeped in ancestral worship and all kinds of occult practices. Please pray that the people will be transformed by the message of the gospel. Genesis 34 (Job 1 - 7)


CREATIVE ACCESS Please pray for this team as they plant a new church in a difficult region. More than 80 people accepted the Lord in just two months and six new Christ Groups have been planted. Pray that Jesus will be glorified as the team disciples these new believers. Genesis 35 (Job 8 - 14) VENEZUELA Pop. 28,400,000 Map. 214 Please pray for this team as it spreads the gospel in remote parts of Venezuela. Please join this team as they pray in faith for God to provide the transportation they need to reach these remote areas. Genesis 36:1-22 (Job 15 - 22) PORTUGAL Pop. 10,200,000 Map. 59 As a new ministry, this team is mobilising Christians across Portugal to join together and reach Portugal for Jesus. Please pray that God will show them people of peace who have a driving passion for both the gospel and Portugal! Pray that God will guide the team. Genesis 36:23-43 (Job 23 - 31) SIERRA LEONE Pop. 7,900,000 Map. 44 The Every Home for Christ team in Sierra Leone is praising God for 31 key church leaders in a region called Njaguama Fiama. This remote area is steeped in occult practices. Please pray for these church leaders as they work with the EHC team to share the gosepl. Genesis 37 (Job 32 - 37)



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EAST TIMOR Pop. 1,300,000 Map. 144 People who participated in a recent outreach training event were enthusiastic and excited, even though this was carried out in the midst of COVID-19 concerns. Please pray for these passionate brothers and sisters. Genesis 38 (Job 38 - 42) CREATIVE ACCESS The Every Home for Christ team in this nation is working with a new believer who is just beginning to walk with Jesus. He doesn't know any other Christians and his wife doesn't yet know about his new faith. Please pray that he will grow in his walk with Jesus and connect with other believers. Genesis 39 (Genesis 23 - 25) BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Pop. 3,300,000 Map. 70 The team in Bosnia and Herzegovina is concerned about churches becoming more and more passive. So few Christians are even part of a Christian fellowship, and COVID-19 has had a negative impact on the Church's desire to evangelise! Please pray for a spiritual revival in this nation! Genesis 40 (Genesis 26 - 28)










MEXICO Pop. 128,900,000 Map. 178 A change to the Mexican constitution could mean changes that will hinder EHC's work and ministry. "Regardless," they say "we are committed to reaching our people with the good news of Jesus." Pray against these changes. Genesis 41:1- 29 (Genesis 20 - 33) REP.OF THE CONGO Pop. 5,500,000 Map. 20 Please join the EHC team in the Republic of Congo as they pray for believers who will work with them in areas of the country where there are no churches. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them. Genesis 41:30-57 (Genesis 34 - 36) PAPUA NEW GUINEA Pop. 8,900,000 Map. 146 Please pray for Emmanuel and his congregation who are preparing to join the Every Home for Christ team in reaching thier neighbourhood. Pray for peace and courage as these brothers and sisters reach homes with the news of Jesus! Genesis 42 (Genesis 37 - 41) CYPRUS Pop. 1,200,000 Map. 113 The Every Home for Christ team in Cyprus is registering as an NGO with the government to make the work go much smoother. Please pray that the process will move forward without any obstacles. Genesis 43 (Genesis 42 - 45)



FRANCE Pop. 65,300,000 Map. 89 The Every Home for Christ team in France is grateful for expanded opportunities to communicate the gospel and they ask for prayer that the French people will be filled with a desire to know, seek and find the Lord. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of people. Genesis 44 (Genesis 46 - 50)


CREATIVE ACCESS During the Christmas season, the Every Home for Christ team in this nation reached 200 children with the message of Jesus. "May they be the next Christian generation who will grow up to be strong in faith in Christ Jesus," the team says. Please join them in praying that these 200 young people will put their faith in Jesus Genesis 45 (Exodus 1 - 4)


CAPE VERDE Pop. 560,000 Map. 43 The Every Home for Christ team in this nation is working with brothers and sisters from local churches to take the gospel into dangerous mountain areas. Please pray that God will protect them from accidents as they go, and pray that those they meet will be transformed by the message of Jesus they share. Genesis 46 (Exodus 5 - 11)


CREATIVE ACCESS As this nation faces a time of uncertainty, the Every Home for Christ team asks that you pray for peace, faith, and unity in the Christian community. Pray against fear within the Church, especially new believers. And pray for the safety of new believers as they grow in thier walks with God through discipleship. Genesis 47 (Exodus 12 - 15)

GERMANY Pop. 83,800,000 Map. 83 Recently, all the homes in the town of Kirn, in western Germany, received a piece of literature called "The Father's Love Letter." Please join the team in praying that its message will touch many hearts and that many will find eternal life and hope in Jesus. Genesis 48 (Exodus 16 - 18) BARBADOS Pop. 290,000 Map. 207 The Every Home for Christ team in Barbados is partnering with Youth With A Mission to share Jesus in their island nation. Please pray that the Lord will work through Every Home for Christ and YWAM to touch hearts and transform lives in Barbados. Genesis 49 (Exodus 19 - 24) ZIMMBABWE Pop. 14,900,000 Map. 9 Numerous churches in the Gweru region have invited Every Home for Christ to come and train their congregations for outreach. The first training has been conducted, and a Christ Group has already been established. Please pray for believers in Gweru to be bold witnesses for Jesus to their neighbours. Genesis 50 (Exodus 25 - 28)


THE PHILIPPINES Pop. 109,600,000 Map. 169 The Every Home for Christ team in the Philippines is doing outreaches in areas that were recently affected by typhoons. They are sharing food packets and the gospel and praying for those in need. Please pray that many hearts will be touched and people will come to Jesus. Exodus 1 (Exodus 29 - 31)


CREATIVE ACCESS The Every Home for Christ team in this closed nation asks that you join them in praying for more believers to join their work; that God would place a burden on the hearts of believers to share the good news of Jesus. Exodus 2 (Exodus 32 - 34)


KOSOVO Pop. 1,800,000 Map. 72 In the village of Drenas, three women recently accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour! Pray that these new sisters in Christ will grow strong in their faith and become established in a nurturing Christian church where they can be discipled. Exodus 3 (Exodus 35 - 40) MOZAMBIQUE Pop. 31,300,000Map. 8 Civilians are being targeted in attacks occuring in Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique. At least 2,000 people were reported killed, including 50 people who were recently taken to a soccer field and beheaded. Please pray for God to send a miracle of peace to this nation. Exodus 4 (Psalm 90)



UNITED KINGDOM Pop. 67,900,000 Map. 92 Please pray over the 4,500 copies of HOPE magazine that were recently shared in the town of Stafford. Pray for those who are sharing their faith to be filled with confidence, and pray for those who receive the message to put their faith in Jesus Christ. Exodus 5 (Leviticus 1 -7)

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